#people who follow me for TLT content …..enjoy
bloglop · 6 months
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Bonjour I drew my friend and mine’s sonas for her birthday :)
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civetside · 7 months
i love your art and OCs but thank you for all the fan content! cant wait til i read Locked Tomb and finally understand it! (genuine) (this shit is hilarious)(im sure it will be more unhinged in retrospect)(originally followed for overwatch but im not complaining)
OH my god thank you so much!! lmao,i can't BELIEVE the amount of people who tell me they dont know what tlt is but enjoy my comics cuz like, i promise you other then the modern AU stuff i at least TRY to keep my goofs semi in character and a lot of my ideas are based on stuff that happen in the books so a lot of the jokes do need that bit of context, but im glad that they seem to be funnyish without it as well haha im happy to hear you liked my work enough to stick around!
and here is where i will put my formal apology to people who followed me for overwatch stuff only for me to hard flip into TLT and never look back, i could write a small book about my problems with OW and how much blizzard dropped the ball over and over again with it, i did TRY to keep making OW stuff and TLT stuff at the same time but maaan making overwatch fanart just feels like making content for a franchise that doesn't deserve my attention anymore, i do feel really lame having to say that cuz i do still love so much about it and brig is for sure still in my top 3 fictional crushes lol but GOD is it so hard trying to care about OW after all the shit that has happened to it last year alone, i still follow the news and play the game sometimes with my sister and i hope things improve but after them laying off all those talented artists i'm not holding my breath about it
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thesamestarlight · 9 months
ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE (aka spoiler-tagging update)
we are very very close to a big big day for pjo!!!! you know what that means!!! updates on spoiler tagging!! (plus some non-pjo stuff at the end!)
from here on out:
i will tag all tv show content with 'pjotv'
once i've seen the first two episodes, i will begin tagging all references to anything that has not been in trailers with 'pjotv spoilers'. haven't decided yet how long i'll tag spoilers, but i'll definitely make an announcement before i stop.
once the first episode of the show is released, i'm thinking about tagging all pjo/hoo spoilers beyond however far the show has caught up to as 'pjo book spoilers' for people who are watching the show and haven't read the books (e.g. for posts discussing later books and whatnot). i do already and plan to continue tagging discussion of specific books with the acronym for the title (tlt, som, ttc, botl, tlo, tlh, son, moa, hoh, boo, cotg; plus pjo for the first series and hoo for the second series; toa if i ever post anything trials of apollo, but i've only read book one, so that's mostly moot), but some things are more general, like character arcs. would anyone who follows me be interested in a broader pjo book spoilers tag like this? if so, lmk--drop me a reply here, a dm, an anon ask, whatever :)
in the future, assuming more seasons, i'll probably come up with special tags for pjotv s2 and pjotv s2 spoilers and whatnot, but for now we're going to keep it more general.
in non-show-related news, i finally read cotg yesterday!! haven't gone interacting with content on that yet, but i probably will soon, so i'll be tagging that with 'cotg spoilers' (along with cotg and pjo)
for people who don't want to see any percy jackson stuff at all (though i really do encourage you to give the show a try!!), i tag everything related to the show, the books, the spin-off series, the musical ('tlt musical'), you name it, with 'riordanverse'
i finally finished miraculous ladybug season 5! i haven't seen the paris special or the movie yet though. when things i post/reblog come from specific episodes, i'll try to tag 'ml [name of episode]', but my memory is pretty shaky and it's easy to get things mixed up, so i'll make sure to generally tag 'ml s5 spoilers' and maybe also 'ml spoilers'.
ummm other things i've read/watched lately:
read the hunger games prequel and saw the movie! enjoyed both! haven't posted about it much but if i do i'll tag it 'tbosas' and probably also 'tbosas spoilers', along with 'thg'
read they both die at the end. don't anticipate a lot of posting on that, but if i do, i'll tag it 'tbdate'
been watching gravity falls! most of the way through season one. probably won't look at anything for fear of spoilers til i'm done done, but i'll tag it 'gf'
in general i try to be thorough in my tagging! i usually tag things with at least the acronym for the fandom/main media source. always feel free to lmk if you'd like me to tag for something specific, especially when it comes to spoilers, and stay safe out there!! <3
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I've noticed something very interesting about the structure of The Locked Tomb series recently, in that it is a series that is immeasurably more than the sum of its parts. Not that that's an uncommon thing for serialized media, it's literally the point of the format to tell a deeper story as a whole than is told in any one installment, but I think tlt is a particularly extreme example.
Like, gtn is the only book in the series that works at all as a standalone story. In most series, if you skip a book, you'll be confused about specifics and backstories and what have you, but you'll probably be able to follow along and get the gist of the theming, even if you miss some details and subtleties.
With this series, though, the subsequent books (especially HtN but also NtN) are essentially incomprehensible if you've skipped the previous books. They don't follow a predictable trajectory from the previous books that can be back-extrapolated from their stand alone contents. Like, genuinely try to imagine what you would think the previous books must have been about if you just read Nona. Imagine what you'd think the themes were. It's completely out of wack.
This is because each new book in the series isn't just a continuation of the previous books - it is in dialogue with the previous books. Each new book is a commentary on what came before, a reinterpretation that forces you to rethink or even reread the previous books with a different perspective that draws more layers of meaning to the surface. It makes the series feel like a knot that you're slowly unpicking - each new thread that is revealed to you changes how you perceive the weave of the previous threads.
I fucking love this. It makes the series incredibly rereadable, and it rewards spending a lot of time contemplating and theorizing about what you've read, which is excellent because the books are written in such a way that they invite you to ask questions without giving you answers. It make you feel ecstatic when you achieve a new level of understanding of a story you had thought you already understood.
There's a drawback to this, though, in that it makes the first read-through of a new book in the series the worst read-through. Again, HtN is infamous for this, verging on incomprehensible on a first pass but bristling with rich meaning and evocative prose on a second, but it's a trait that applies to all three books released so far. On a first read, lacking the context of the later series, GtN's story feels straightforward, sometimes juvenile, full of relatively simple but evocative characters, and burdened with what seems to be needlessly obtuse and obscure worldbuilding that only exists to slow down the reader's attempts to solve the murder mystery and to act as a backdrop to be cut through by Gideon's harshly modern and irreverent quips. (Sidenote, but as much as that is a thing that a lot of the fandom really enjoys, I know a few people who found that choice extremely jarring and unpleasant. It is a polarizing structural choice, it just doesn't seem like it because people who don't like it don't often stick with the series long enough to get invested in the deeper themes and plot of the series).
NtN too follows this format, although we don't yet have the added context of it's sequel, so a lot of what it has to say remains maddeningly out of reach. It certainly enriches rereads of the previous books, though; a lot of people have gone into great detail about how Nona's perspective on Kiriona reframes our perception of Gideon as a narrator. And John's accounting of the end of the world and the Resurrection adds so many more layers to all the interactions we witness in HtN.
It's just a very unique way to build a story, to start with something fairly simple and self-contained and then spend the next two books layering more and more meaning on those events. For me, it's not the characters (much as I love them) but the structure of the series that keeps me so fucking obsessed with these books.
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seventhstar · 3 years
Hi. I've been following you since the yoi days, and it's been a wild ride! I just want to thank you for introducing me to The Locked Tomb. I finally finished reading both books, and I loved them so much! I want to be part of the fandom now! It's motivated me to start reading books again when I couldn't for a long time. It's motivated me to want to cosplay again when I haven't since before the pandemic. And now I'm wondering: do you have any tlt blogs or fics to rec? Thanks again!
oh i'm so glad to have enticed someone else to read tlt! Funny story: a friend of mine (ironically also someone i met back in yoi fandom) had been trying to get me to read these books for, like, literal years. And then I casually mentioned to her that if I had a physical copy of a book at my bedside, that book got automatically bumped up to the top of my TBR, so she bought both books for me. They were in my mailbox like two days later and I have not known peace since.
here are some fic recs: the sea and its waters by darlingofdots GtN AU where Gideon wears her two-hander and Abigail Pent immediately notices she's carrying a haunted fucking sword
recognize them by their fruits a post HtN character study ft. Ianthe and John Gaius. They're both horrible people. Your Necro Questions Answered by Magichorse a fluffy, comedic post-canon fic where harrow and gideon have an advice column.
as for blogs, here are some people who are posting good tlt content:
@mayasaura @ac-ld @tyradentarius @saltwaterconfessions
Also, if you are looking for book recs and enjoyed TLT, I would recommend: The Unspoken Name by A. K. Larkwood The Unbroken by C. L. Clark This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart The City We Became by N. K. Jemisin
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What are your favorite blogs? You reblog from so many different ones so I was jw ha ha (LOVE ff&ss btw!!! Please keep writing!)
Aaahhhh!! Thank you thank you! It’s still so weird to me when people say they love my writing, lol, but there will be lots more to come!! 
Oh man, this is such a loaded question anon, you don’t even know - my list of favorite blogs is so long, and I have lots of different ones, and I don’t know how to narrow it down? The categories of blogs are going to be kind of weird, and some will have descriptions and some won’t so just get ready (also be advised that they are in no particular order and that they are not in order of how much I love them because that would be unfair as I love them all in varying amounts for different and many reasons) :
The Squadre - first and foremost, for reasons I talk about often, I love @highlady-casandra @miladyaelin and @shortie-stories so so so much!! If you check my sassacas tag, you’ll see a lot of love for these ladies - the first two of which are wonderful SJM blogs if you’re about that life :)
@frankiefasthands - is one of my oldest and best friends in “real life” (we’ve now known each other for like 11 years, which is kind of insane?) and her blog is always cool, though most of my reblogs from her go to my personal blog, @they-did-the-do
The Hannahs - so these guys are all together because they’re all named Hannah, but that’s pretty much the only similarity between the three of them lol@propshophannah is the SJMaas Hannah, and an amazing writer, and a great person, and really wonderful all around and I love her and her blog so so much - probably my favorite SJM blog, if I had to pick one. But also, if you need life advice, or have a sex ed question that you’re really uncomfortable asking anyone else, she’s probably already answered it, or will happily answer it if you send her an ask, because she’s just the best, and just really positive, oh man, just so wonderful@ignitesthestars (also known as New Zealand Hannah, lol) is also a really great Hannah - her blog is also really wonderful, really happy, really feminist, just generally a good place, always makes me smile :) She’s got AMAZING fic, always my go-to recommendation for people if you’re looking for tgt or soc or pjo fic (or star wars fic, but I’m not personally on that train, but Hannah’s basically the conductor, so), and I just love her so much honestly - her fic is breathtaking, she’s honestly a queen, I lack the words to express it, but oh man she’s great@ananbeth is another FANTASTIC Hannah, and I love her very very much. She’s a fantastic writer, and she’s the reason I’m into Skam (which I recommend to everyone so much, and one of my fave pjo writers, and I just appreciate her a lot. She’s also co-author of the Wimbledon AU (one of my favorite fics of all time), the coming soon “call me percy” AU (which I’m already super invested in), and the coming not as soon Devil Wears Prada AU (which I’m also super excited for). She’s half of an amazing dynamic duo that I adore so much.
The Sophiis - they’re actually the same person, but I follow two of her blogs and love them both for different reasons, so I’m tagging both and highly recommend both; she is also the other half to the above Hannah’s dynamic duo@blackjacktheboss is Sophii’s pjo blog and is honestly a blessing tbh - she’s the queen of AUs and headcanons, and I have literally scrolled through her tags for hours I love her so much omg, she’s captain of the S.S. Tratie and her Ichor Group AU is what I live for and any time her and Hannah play tag, or generally @ each other or write anything, I just cry (any time Sophii writes with anyone, honestly, except Dan, because their angst stresses me out so much - actually that makes me cry too? so yeah any time she writes with anyone I cry)@furbyhater is Sophii’s other blog and it’s basically all sorts of wonderful happy things that make me laugh, and is the reason I caught up to Jane the Virgin, but again most of this is reblogged to my personal blog because it’s not very book-ish, but either way I recommend because it will much joy and happiness to your blogThe rest of the PJO fam - so I have this ridiculous like crack headcanon about these guys, and I love them all a lot, and basically they’re my faves and it’s best when you follow all of their blogs and cry over all of their perfectness@son-of-rome is the self-proclaimed lord of angst but he’s secretly a huge softie ssshhhhh and any time he’s involved with anything it’s bound to give you a small heart attack, whether it be because it’s so beautiful, or incredibly sweet retaliation fluff, or heart-wrenching angst, it’s always great, plus he’s generally hilarious and brilliant so basically I love Dan a lot and him and The Wife are the otp 5ever and anyone who ships him with any of the rest of the squad is automatically wrong sorry I don’t make the rules@percyyoulittleshit is a precious marshmallow and I adore her and Mari is the #1 fan and biggest source for all things tlt musical and if you (like me) are still sobbing over the fact that you didn’t get to see it, then Mari will 100% feel those feels too, and generally she’s just really precious and makes my days better, so 10/10 would recommend Mari’s blog@bananannabeth is  a ray of sunshine and happiness and all good things basically except for when she writes soul crushing angst to fuel dan’s anger but we don’t talk about that and is responsible for some of my fave fics - including the famous percabeth FWB fic, and one of my favorite renditions of everyone’s fave skater!percy AU, and Ashlee’s generally a precious flower so highly recommend!! (She’s also where a lot of my hp content comes from lol)@greenconverses is just ... I’m not sure how to put Jess into words, but she’s the reason I started reading fanfic in the first place, and is honestly super important to me, and she’s a brilliant writer, and generally super cool, and anything she writes is basically magic, so I love her a lot and everyone should check her outAs far as other generally cool pjo blogs go (this is getting super long so this is just gonna be a list sorry :/) - @riptidescap @shanlightyear @suchastart @burdge @lesbabeths @demidorks @cindersart @rongasm @romanitas @flyingcrowbar and so many others are so so so so wonderful!!!! And I know I’m forgetting some because there’s so many but oh man, honestly great people this fandom is surging with talent and love and it crushes my soulThe SJM fam - lol this list has been trimmed down recently - there was a lot of discourse recently, and a lot of mean things were said about a lot of people, so I saw bad sides of a lot of mean people, and so yeah, not the longest list in the world, but I digressFor super wonderful content: @azrielsiphons, @rowan-buzzard-whitethorn, @paperbacktrash, @elidexlorcan, @lu-cien, @salvaterre, @nightcourthighlordrhysand, @highfaedaily, @deathgoddessnesta and  so many more that again I cannot think of off of the top of my head are really genuinely wonderful blogs and really genuinely wonderful people that I recommend so so so much!!!!For super wonderful art: @witchlingsandwyverns, @meabhd, @meabhdbutsexii (lol and just general hilariosity), @charliebowater, @jessdoodlesthings, @projectnelm and soooo many more - this fandom is rampant with super talented artists!! Lots of people make super sick edits, too, but I can’t think of them off of the top of my head and I’m sorry, these are the ones I have notifications turned on for, so I can see immediately if new art is posted, because I’m a loser lolFor general people I appreciate a lot: @rowanismybae, @fictionalcharactersaremyreality, @snaps7, @the-north-star, @throneofstars, and a few others that I’m probably forgetting (and totally apologize for) are super sweet and super cool
The authors - I follow a lot of authors on here, and that’s always really cool! Some good  ones include @sabaatahir @vaveyard @stdennard and @lbardugo, as well as @worldofsarahjmaas which is not actually run by Sarah but is where all new Sarah info comes from. Sarah and Sooz also started a super amazing cool not published anywhere else story together at @thestarkillerscycle, which is super duper good, though not finished, but I still recommend itSPEAKING OF LEIGH BARDUGO!!! - I get notifications for exactly 4 Leigh Bardugo blogs (including Leigh herself, and the previously mentioned Hannah) not because I don’t love her books (I do, lots and lots) but because her fandom generally aggravates me lol so I like casually scrolling past them on my dash, but I don’t want to be notified every time they post. The two big blogs I obsessively check are @zoyalina and @savagekaz both of whom are really on top of edits and fics and such, and Cassie in particular is really strongly invested in tgt, so if you’re about the Leigh Bardugo life, her blog is 100% the place to be. She has also just started reading PJO, so a lot of wonderful edits are coming from her on that end, and it’s absolutely magical.
Okay I think that’s all I can think of off of the top of my head without scrolling through notes and my blog and who I’m following? I’m actually really impressed with myself for remembering this many lol. If I’ve forgotten anyone, I’m so so so sorry!!!!!!! But yeah, here’s a mostly comprehensive list of my faves :) I’m sorry this got incredibly long and is poorly organized to the max :/ Hope it’s helpful? I’m not even checking for typos, so I’m sorry if you’ve reached the end and are deeply offended by any of them - enjoy, lol
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