#peppi x jaime
bbms-bb · 1 year
What r the best ships
pretty sure the best ships r depending on the person you ask, so I can guarantee some ppl might not agree w/ me
but i personally think the best ships are:
jaime x peppi (my OTP)
felicity x alex (2nd OTP)
jorge x jazmine
liv x garrett
foster x jensen
and nina x tessa
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echoingvoice · 1 year
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angel-deux-writes · 5 years
‘It’ll mostly be Sansa and Jaime friendship with both Jaime x Brienne and Sansa x Margaery background!’ So like... for me personally
ME TOO, honestly. I love the idea of overly-peppy-to-deal-with-her-trauma Sansa and prickly-refusing-to-engage Jaime being reluctant best friends while Sansa swoons over badass survivor Margaery and Jaime loses his shit over Blue Knight Brienne. 
In case it’s not clear, Jaime and Sansa are Tallahassee and Columbus. Margaery is Wichita. Arya will be Little Rock. And Brienne will be Nevada/Reno from Zombieland 2. Obviously I switch things up a little because Wichita and Little Rock aren’t sisters here, but basically the dynamics are the same!
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thechosenburrito · 3 years
Intro to Love: 2.3 - The End is Near
Word Count: 1,056
Xochi and Sarah start investigating the names on the list
Author’s Note:
I have officially moved into my college dorm for training. It's a tad boring so I may or may not spend this time writing...
Previous Chapter: 2.2 - The Midnight Ghost
Xochi couldn't stop tapping her foot.  And even if she could, she'd just be relentlessly clicking her pen to no end.  She couldn't bring herself to look at Carson who has the misfortune of finding himself next to her that day.  She caught him stealing a few glancing at her, wondering why she looked a sinner in church.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket.  She snuck a peek at a message from Sarah.
s: you're still coming after class right
She quickly texted back.
x: yeah for sure
By the time the professor dismissed the class, after making sure to throw a jab in at students who hadn't shown up to class, Xochi was ready to sprint out of the building.
She had hoped to leave without speaking to Connor.
"Hey, Xoch'!"
She winced a bit before turning around.  Carson was jogging up to her with a bright smile.  She gave a big smile back.
"Hey!" she beamed.
Carson caught up to her and started walking alongside her.
"I did some work on the project last night," he said, pulling out his phone.
"Oh... sorry I didn't really get to work on it last night... I ended up grabbing dinner with a friend and kind of passed out," she replied, squirming a little.
"You busy tonight?  We can work on it some more together," he asked, stopping and putting his phone away.
Xochi shifted her weight a bit.
"Um... tonight?  I don't think so.  I have to finish up a project for another class," she said, desperately fishing for each work in her reply.
"Oh," he said, a bit deflated. "Ok then.  Tomorrow is Tuesday, right?  How about then around like 5?"
His insistence was almost jarring to her, almost a threat, but not quite, like a blade just barely touching the skin.
Xochi pursed her lips.
"Uh... yeah that should work!" she said, quickly trying to turn her almost scowl into a peppy smile.
He perked up a bit.
"Cool!  See you then!" he said, patting her on the back before jogging off.
Xochi's eyebrow raised on its own.
Oddly cheery for a guy on a hit list.
Sarah opened up a box of pizza and handed Xochi a slice on a napkin.
"Sorry.  I ran out of plates," she said, giving Xochi another stack of napkins.
"It's all good," Xochi replied, grabbing some off of the stack.
Sarah grabbed her own slice and put in her mouth crust-side first, letting the rest of the sliced hand out.  She wiped off her fingers and rolled across her side of the room to her desk where she fished around one of her drawers for a folder.  Xochi caught a peek inside the drawers to find an assortment of other brightly colored folders, each with the name of a subject written across the tops in neat thick black lettering.  There was also an organizing tray full of meticulously placed pens and pencils.  She wasn't sure, but Xochi could almost swear she saw papers with red stamps tucked beneath the organizer.  Sarah to extra care to close the draw carefully before rolling back over to Xochi.  She took the pizza out of her mouth and took a bite from the end before passing the folder to Xochi.
"What's this?" she asked, opening up the folder.
Sarah paused for a moment.
"I know... someone... with access to the student database and had them look up the names.  I wrote down info for the ones that go here."
Xochi leafed through the papers.  They had each person's full name, address, physical description, and ability if they had one.
"This is kinda creepy... " she said, continuing to look through the papers.
Sarah shrugged.
Xochi quickly looked through the papers again.  She had only counted 4 names.
"Hey we're missing some," she said, holding up the folder.
Sarah grabbed another slice of pizza.
"Yeah, I noticed.  Everyone goes here except for three people:  Emmaline Stanley, Etude Cygne, and Jaime Alvarez," she said.
"Hang on... Emmaline Stanely... I've heard that name before..." Xochi quickly looked it up on her phone.
"Yep!  I knew it!" she exclaimed, scrolling through the article. "That girl Emmaline Stanely was in the new right after the day of the Strike."
She sat up a bit.
"She was struck but wasn't taken to the hospital.  Her family was so grateful that she lived that her church did a special service for her that Sunday.  That's when she figured out she was given powers.  She grew these huge angel wings and started flying around the church!" Xochi said, almost too excited.
"Woah that sucks."
"I don't know," Xochi said.  "I think it'd be kinda cool to have angel wings."
Sarah raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, until you wanna get in a car, walk through a door, or generally hide the fact that you have a power that makes you a social outcast."
Xochi gave a small frown.
"You're right.  I guess it'd only be cool for the first minute."
Sarah grabbed a slice of pizza, put it on a napkin, and passed it to Xochi.
"Alright, so she's a chick with angel wings.  What put her in the news then?  And why didn't I ever hear about it?" she asked, grabbing another slice.
"There was a lot of stuff going on at the time,.  it probably just got buried," Xochi said, taking a bite.
"Anyways, she sorta let the power go to her head.  She called herself 'Messiah' and believed she was the savior reborn or something along those lines.
"Those are some bold claims,"
"It gets worse.  She started trying to 'ascend' people by picking them up, flying up almost into the clouds, and then letting them go."
Sarah almost choked on her pizza.
"Holy shit!"
Xochi shook her head.
"She believed that if they fell, they were unworthy to be saved and made it her life's mission to eventually test everyone."
"She sounds like a nightmare.  You know, I've heard a lot of codenames or hero names or whatever in my life and I've never heard 'Messiah'," Sarah said, reaching for the folder.
Xochi passed it back to her.
"It's probably because she goes by another name now: Heretic."
Sarah shook her head.
"That already sounds bad.  Whoever is looking for her isn't up to any good."
Next Chapter: 2.4 - Take me to Your Leader
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So proud of myself for making this <3
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bbms-bb · 5 months
"Dear Diary..." - JEALOUSY AU - PEPPI'S POV - PART 1/3
minor TW: implied ED
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Lets see if tumblr doesnt take this down like tiktok did └(^o^)┘
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bbms-bb · 4 months
Nov 6
me, tess, and nina hung out today. i felt happy, i havent felt that in a while. maybe i dont need mei or jaime. i can just hang out with my art club friends. i still feel that pit in my stomach. they asked me if i was okay. should i tell them?
oct 15 - 102
now (nov 6) - 92
Nov 9
i gave in and told them what was happening with mei and jaime. i dont wanna be here anymore. whats the point of living if you suffer even at this age?
they better not tell anyone.
Nov 11
okay.. maybe i wasnt so clear the last entry.. i told tessa, nina, and felicity about the situation, our conversation went something like this:
P: and i feel like its my fault.
T: what.. how is this your fault?
N: i knew something was off about that girl.
F: im so sorry.. if it makes you feel better ill beat her up tommorow!-
P: no! i mean- no, just, please dont tell her..
T: why not? she's like and evil witch who's slowly poisoning your life!
N: Jaime too, i get its unintentional but he hasn't even bothered to at the least talk to peppi, even less wonder how its affecting her!
P: i dont want to do anything about it because their still just friends, but even if they were more than that, it would feel wrong because i care about mei and jaime!
T: caring about jaime is reasonable, but why do you still care about mei?, youve known her for less that 3 months and you trust her already?
the rest of the conversation was alright when i changed the subject
once they left i was wondering why is still care about mei. i had bigger things to worry about. do i?
Nov 18
okay so i shouldve put this down at the start but i couldnt write it down without crying.
this sounds pathetic but i dont think i trust my diary even though its an INANIMATE OBJECT.
god what is wrong with me.
ive never told anyone about this, only my mom knows.
it happened when i was in my mom's hometown in mexico for the summer, i went to go run some errands or my mom, since it was a small and safe town (or so i thought) it was common to see little kids walking around alone, i was ten at the time, so i guess i was one of those kids, i was headed to the grocery store when i was pulled into an alley by a middle aged man, i tried to scream but her covered my mouth. he started running his hands through my body, he was unbvttoning my jeans when my mom's friend, doña petra, who had a store infront of the alley ran in and knocked him out with a broom, then called the cops, she walked me home and told my mom what happened. i never walked out alone in mexico again.
thats it.
Nov 22
i just realized what a mess im becoming. i havent taken the time to get ready, and i would, i just never have the motivation to. everyones been asking me if i was okay, even jaime, he was the last person id expect to ask if i was okay! whats wrong with meeee..
Nov 26
im so tired of everything, im almost failing most of my classes.
tessa and mei got into an argument about me after tess sent a text to mei instead of me.
it went like this:
t: i still cant forgive mei for what she did, you still want jaime right? ive got a plan to destroy mei.
m: who is this?
t: tessa, is this not peppi?
m: penelope is so dead.
nov 27
mei told me this at school.
m: okay listen here you little sh*t, if you dont stay away from jaime im going to make your life hell.
p: i thought you knew i liked jaime.
m: does it look like i care? i never cared about your feelings! you were the only obstacle keeping me away from dating jaime. those nasty rumors about you? that was me! now that he's practically head over heels for me, its gonna be ba breeze getting rid of you! especially now that i have evidence that YOUR the bad guy here! oh, btw im jaime's girlfriend now, just thought i should let you know! byee!!
oh sh*t.
Dec 3
its heather day! since heather is one of me and jaime's favorite songs, we celebrate heather day every year! we exchange sweaters and jokingly talk about people we were jealous about (classmates, celeberties, fictional characters, etc..) while we eat ice cream. i skipped out on the ice cream since i didnt want to gain weight (lost 4 pounds since nov 6 :DD) it was still really fun though! i wanted to talk about how jealous i was of mei, i was jealous of her hair, her clear skin, her flat stomach and hourglass wait, her straight teeth, and that she had jaime, and i didnt. as soon as i thought of mei, jaime started talking about how he had canceled plans with mei to be here, i was preparing myself to hear more about mei until he told me how much he'd missed hanging out with me.
did i hear that right?
i woke up feeling a bit better than i usually do, i checked my phone to see around 25 dms? something big mustve happened, i usually only wake up with around 3 or 4, at the most 5. first i checked the "girlfriends <3" groupchat, which had 4 messages.
one from akilah
A: penelope, why would you do that to mei?!
three from jensen
J: peppi pls tell me mei is just joking.
J: you guys were best friends!
J: peppi?
two from nic
N: why would you do that to mei?!
N: never speak to me again.
one from leticia
L: jaime was so happy with her, why?!
two from jack
J: W move mei had it coming
J: #jaimexpeppiforlife
two from jazmine
J: your a nice person, but what you did to mei was too far!
J: say one more thing to her that isnt sunshine and rainbows and ill make sure you never see the light of day again.
two from olivia
O: mess with her again and your gonna regret it
O: slvt.
and 8 from jaime
J: i hope you fall in a hole and die
J: i knew you were trying to hurt mei.
J: idek what to say anymore.
J: i wish we never met.
J: dont EVER talk to me or mei again.
J: our friendship is done.
i was already crying when mei sent me a message
M: have fun at school today f**kface <3!
today isnt gonna be pretty.
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bbms-bb · 5 months
wake up babbey new bbms AU
I'm working on this au, I've finished all three parts of the story and decided to let the readers decide the ending! The AU is called Jealousy and the characters involved are peppi, jaime, and mei (from the time capsule short story).
the story is written in peppi's pov in a diary format.
After I post the third part of the story, I will post snippets of the story based off the option the readers choose.
Cant wait to post it :D
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bbms-bb · 1 year
WHEN R U ASKING OUT PEPPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to jaime >:)
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5 likes and ill do it :(
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bbms-bb · 1 year
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sneak peek at the next chapter of my berrybrook oneshots
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echoingvoice · 1 year
jaime, if you met highschool ver. peppi, how would you derscribe what you think she would look like in 1 word?
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A/N Sorry if i drew Jaime bad, i honestly kinda forgot i had an ask blog :))))
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bbms-bb · 1 year
Hey peppiiiiii
Do u have a crush on anyone?
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bbms-bb · 1 year
me and derek are twinning w our drawings, this you jamie?
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istg im going to commit roblox reset button -jaime
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bbms-bb · 1 year
PEPPIII thoughts on Jamie??
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bbms-bb · 1 year
2 jaime
what r ur thoughts on peppi that may or may not be fully romantic or not idk
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GUYS DEREK IS LYING!!!11!!!!!1!!!!
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