shoujo-dump · 9 months
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Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite Shippai shita
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kahixxi · 1 year
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My fav psychological manga:
20th Century Boys (Naoki Urasawa) I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder Mastermind and Failed (Pepu, Sou Inaida) Death Note (Takeshi Obata, Tsugumi Ohba) Haru's Curse (Asuka Konishi) March Comes in Like a Lion (Chika Umino) I sold my life for ten thousand yen per year. (Shouichi Taguchi, Sugaru Miaki) Monster (Naoki Urasawa) Goodnight Punpun (Inio Asano) A Girl on the Shore (Inio Asano)
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otomes-world · 6 months
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Wow. Just wow.
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domacipitomec · 2 years
saša > alex (lexa)
jožin (joža) > pepa
jenda > honza
díky, že jste přišli na mou TEDovou přednášku
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songedunenuitdete · 1 year
Snow White & Alice T10 de Pepu
☃️J'ai lu le dernier tome de Snow White & Alice de Pepu - @pikaedition 🎄Je reste mitigée, mais je ne regrette pas d’avoir insisté avec ce manga. Ce dixième tome clôt donc Snow White & Alice avec beaucoup de panache.
Mon avis : Nous voilà donc au dernier tome de cette histoire. Je ne vais pas vous le cacher, je suis bien contente qu’elle se termine. Bon, j’avoue que j’avais hâte de comprendre et de connaitre la finalité de tout ça. Finalement, c’est le tome où il y a le plus de rebondissements et dans lequel on comprend enfin le sens caché du royaume de Mirror ! Je ne vais pas tout vous révéler, je vais…
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ystrike1 · 2 years
Shiro Ari - By Pepu (8/10)
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If you'd like to read something a little different give this one a chance. Around ten years ago reincarnation isekai wasn't the trend. Before that "Alice in Wonderland style" stories were all the rage. Some works in this genre are nonsensical, but plenty contain yandere characters. Also the Alice in Wonderland setting is unique in the right authors hands.
Shiro Ari has a very pretty, but slightly dated, art style. Everybody is toothpick skinny in this. The hair styles and background art are all good. Some of the panel work is also very pretty.
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I consider this the main couple. This is Snow White and The Mirror, which belongs to her narcissistic mother. The Mirror lived a boring life before Snow White was born. It is not human. It does not have a human concept of beauty, but it likes Snow White. Genuinely, as a person. He thinks she's wonderful and stupid for trusting and loving people.
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Poor Snow White has been betrayed countless times. She loves her abusive mother still, and The Mirror cannot stand it anymore. He wants to kill his master and give Snow White a happier life. By the way he saw her future. He knows the evil queen will poison her own daughter. He also knows Snow White will be saved by a prince, but that's not enough for him. He wants Snow White to stand her ground, and choose her own future. He can't let a prince save her.
He's too jealous to let that happen.
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He has seen most of her life. He's her only friend. Snow White is kinda a pathetic pushover. She wants to be loved, but her mother is a narcissist and a queen. Everybody knows Snow White is very beautiful, but they call her creepy because the queen tells them to. She has been bullied by everyone who has ever approached her, because they want the queens favor. Snow White wants normal connections and friends. All she has is The Mirror, who seems to be growing more insane by the day.
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The Mirror's master calls for him. The queen begs for compliments, like she does every day. We get a pretty great monologue from The Mirror. He is a tool who doesn't even understand why humans care about beauty. The queen is his owner, so he put up with her nonsense for a while. He doesn't think anyone is beautiful.
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Then he thinks of Snow White. If anyone is beautiful it's her. She hasn't given up on happiness, even though she's trapped in a world controlled by a narcissist. Her beauty is not giving up. That's why he can't wait. He can't let kissing a prince be the end. He pisses off the queen, and he throws Snow White inside his mirror.
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Snow White does not belong in Wonderland. Her arrival messes up an ongoing war. The Mirror, the god and land itself, put her there because it is his will. The Mirror says she may return home if she "Makes Alice King". Alice is male in this setting, and he's a douche. He thinks Snow White is a spy sent by the White Rabbit. He calls her a bitch, but they eventually become friends. For a long time I thought he'd be the love interest, but no (he kinda is??). The Mirror loves Snow White the most, and he loves her unconditionally. He loves her enough to disrupt the world that is technically part of him....The Mirror kind of feels like an Eldritch being. It is very cool. Anyway The Mirror visits Snow White throughout her journey. He tells her to assert herself and make friends. She does. She slowly and painfully earns her first friends.
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I don't think I can call this a harem. Shiro Ari is a story about learning to love yourself and trust people. Snow White teaches Alice that being tough isn't enough. You'll end up alone that way. Most of the other characters are total mad lads that only care about war, or pranks, or grudges. A couple of characters fall for Snow White, but it's weird. The people of Wonderland tend to obsess over things. The Mirror world is a cruel place. Most people don't even have "names". Snow White's name makes her worthy of obsession. I think Alice is a great love interest. He kisses Alice several times. They flirt. They seem like the endgame couple, but the ending did not shock me. I knew The Mirror would return to be with Snow White.
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How did I know that? Glad you asked. Shiro Ari is kinda dark. It flirts with alot of abuse and the nature of abusive relationships. This is the White Rabbit. He's in love with a young woman named Dormouse. He trapped her in the woods with him so he could bully her forever. He never showed her affection. He liked her crying face. Alice saved her and became her friend. Then she found a better life outside of his abuse. This is basically why Alice is not King. Alice stole the woman who the White Rabbit loves, and now the Rabbit constantly gets in his way. It's uh... really fucked up. The White Rabbit sees Dormouse smile with her friends. He realizes that was the expression he really wanted to see, but it's way too late. Dormouse, obviously, hates him. This 100% abusive relationship is what kicked off the kingship battle in Wonderland. Alice is the rightful king. If he didn't save Dormouse he'd have his throne. Alice is a nice guy under all of his war trauma, and Snow white brings that out of him.
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In the end Snow White and Alice defeat the Red King (who is also obsessed with Alice). The Mirror returns after Alice kisses Snow White. She throws herself into The Mirrors arms. She tells him she feels like she has grown as a person. She doesn't miss her evil mother as much. She likes her friends, and she'll accept everything about him.
(He totally murdered her mom by the way)
The Mirror is more Eldritch god than man. The ending is kinda open-ish. Snow White actually marries Alice, but The Mirror created Alice. Yes it gets weirder. The Mirror created Wonderland for Snow White. Technically all of her friends are like...uh...part of him. Which explains why so many characters are madly in love with her.
When the Red King was defeated Alice forced himself into the real world, and his hair turned white like her hair. Their other friends follow.
The Mirror literally created a world that will shower Snow White with love.
(Alice and Snow White are a couple. The Mirror is a god that created her husband and he will not leave her side for the rest of her life. They are all ok with this. The end.)
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yanderefan-kimi · 1 year
Kurobe Makoto and the path of cruelty
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Heeey yall this isn't something I normally do but I thought I'd finally live up to my username and start talking about some yandere characters! I was recently rereading this series in anticipation for it resuming soon when this panel (the second image) caught my eyes again, so I decided to rant a bit about this, so here goes *cracks knuckles*
Just a small disclaimer: I'm not an art history major or anything like that, I literally just googled this painting and read the wikipedia article because it fascinated me
Okay so let's start with a VERY brief description of this series, since I don't believe it has been officially translated yet so I don't know how many people have heard of it:
This is デスゲーム漫画の黒幕殺人鬼の妹に転生して失敗した (which basically translates to "I Reincarnated As The Mastermind's Little Sister from a Death Game Manga and Failed") which was originally a web novel by Inaida Sou and was adapted to manga form by Pepu.
I won't go too deeply into the details because I think it's the sort of story that's more fun to read yourself, but the basic premise is that Kurobe Mai, the protagonist, has reincarnated into one of her favorite manga series... which was unfortunate, since it happens to be a Death Game series and she happens to be the first victim. Her older step-brother, Makoto, is a psychopath and the mastermind behind said Death Game in the manga. With a year until the start of the manga, Mai's determined to stop her brother, but her actions cause him to develop an abnormal obsession with her...
In chapter 13, the two stop by an art museum that was showing a medical science exhibit (split into three sections: Exploring the Body, Disease and Death, & Love and Life.) They're both looking around until Makoto comes to a stop at this painting in the 2nd section of the exhibit and stares at it silently for a while. That is, William Hogarth's: The Reward of Cruelty - which is his final work in his Four Stages of Cruelty series (warning if you want to look this up, the paintings are a bit gruesome and unpleasant, on purpose.)
The Four Stages depicts the story of the fictional character Nero as he walks down the path of cruelty. In the First Stage, he's torturing a dog as a child. In the Second Stage, he goes on to beat his horse as an adult. In Cruelty in Perfection, he moves on to theft and murder. Finally, in The Reward of Cruelty, Nero has been hung for his crimes and his corpse publicly mutilated by surgeons.
These paintings were much different from Hogarth's other works because he wanted to shock and deter his audience. He was dismayed over the casual acts of cruelty he witnessed and wanted to warn others that the inevitable end of the path of cruelty was death as retribution.
I thought it was interesting how Makoto chose this specific painting to stare at. Sure, he was fascinated by the macabre, but I think it was likely because he realized that he was walking that path of cruelty himself.
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Ever since he was young, he found everyone and everything to be dull and uninteresting. He never struggled at anything, could easily read others, and couldn't empathize with anyone. The only thing that excited him was death. So he started torturing and killing insects, but like all addictions, it was never enough. Soon enough he started desiring for bigger, harder targets. Like a cat, or a dog... or a human.
Makoto realizes that his desire for death and pain was far from normal, but he also felt no desire to change himself. I wonder if he was staring at that painting like he was looking at his inevitable end. Throughout the series, he's been devising various schemes to get Mai's attention (as well as juggling between wanting to kiss her and kill her), but she always strives to surprise him, so what if he fails? What if he succeeds? Was there nothing awaiting the end of his journey other than his early death?
After he's been staring at the painting for a while, Mai comes up behind Makoto and asks if he's finding the exhibit interesting and if he's feeling better. He hugs her, saying that he's fine, and the two go home without ever stepping into the third section (Love and Life.) Now, he's been getting more and more touchy-feely towards Mai with each chapter, but I felt like this hug was a bit... softer. Like he wanted some reassurance that he wasn't at that final stage of cruelty, that he hasn't gotten his "reward" yet.
Anyways, I'm just really fascinated by this scene since it was pretty much glossed over in the web novel, so it was something that Pepu-sensei decided to add in for a reason. Now we're at the gushing part of the post cuz I really think Pepu-sensei is incredibly skilled at panel/scene composition in manga and it's fun to analyze specific scenes and guess the reasoning behind them. (I am vaguely referencing the center spread from the first chapter, which I might talk about later but it's really great, trust me)
Basically, I really love this series (PLUS Inaida-sensei is one of my fav authors and I love Pepu-sensei's art sm) and I really can't wait to see where it goes. It has a good following so we're actually gonna get a whole extra volume and I'm so excited to see what new arc they're gonna throw at us!! And and I'm super excited to see how some scenes in the finale are gonna play out and I should probably stop gushing or I will never finish this post lol.
(if you like yandere, I highly suggest this series!! Plus this is the only series with Kurobe Mai so... 👀)
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karladustcloud · 10 months
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Art so pretty (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)
I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder Mastermind and Failed , デスゲーム漫画の黒幕殺人鬼の妹に転生して失敗した BY Inaida sou, Pepu
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shipcestuous-two · 6 months
I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder Mastermind and Failed
One day, Mai remembers that her perfect stepbrother is a character in a death game manga, and that one year later he will hold a death game involving all of his classmates, killing his sister in the process. Mai plans a variety of surprises for her stepbrother every day based on what he said in the manga, "Nothing unexpected happened, so I was bored," but as the days go by, he begins to show abnormal signs... Only I know what my brother's really like. Pepu's comicalization of Inada Sou's popular web novel!
Is this canon?
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
All those "my first fanfic" messages reminded me of when I was writing House of Anubis fanfics (NinaxFabian, specifically) in my 12 y/o. And I had to write it in code because my bullies discovered another one and that was another excuse to make fun of me.
The code was very simple. I added +2 to consonants and -1 to vowels (e.g. Nina = Pepu) (I'm Spanish, so my alphabet has the Ñ)
Well, during a free hour, a bully came up to me and took the notebook out of my hands. I was calm because of the code. Then she went to the group of bullies and came back with another bully, she gave me back the notebook and said "you write things that are very difficult to understand". You didn't have to rack your brains to decipher the code either, but they made it clear that they weren't very smart
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m1shapanda · 1 year
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these are pages from shiro ari! the artist, pepu, is really phenomenal at composition. i love the ways she plays with panelling. she's also amazing at shadows, clothing wrinkles, varying line thicknesses to convey moods, funny chibis, and expressions!
omg i love her compositions holy shit that first panel looks phenomenal wtf wtf i'm losing it i need to do composition studies esp since I SUCK AT COMPOSITION
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livefromnyitssn · 2 years
there is pepu on the walls
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duchesscutlery · 2 years
two pepi (pepus)
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auky5vz · 5 days
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songedunenuitdete · 2 years
Snow White & Alice T07 et T08 de Pepu
🔥AVIS MANGAS🔥J'ai lu Snow White & Alice T07 et T08 de Pepu / @pikaedition ⭐Deux tomes haletants aux multiples rebondissements qui ont su me tenir en haleine du début �� la fin !
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444namesplus · 1 month
Achu Afi Ainpukten Akei Akekkikchunta Akim Aknengmiachuo Akushe Ammapai Amtinlei Anchantan Angchaun Anginsu Anhuku Anka Anmunan Anpa Anponpa Asainan Atin Atle Atlun Atneipa Awa Chakan Chaklio Chaonkapato Chapan Chappina Chapu Chasin Chauchupang Chion Chitakui Chungka Chupenu Chupimkanou Chwon Epun Eta Etung Faipa Feotu Fufa Hupa Ikatitmitpu Ikpouchisio Imkopi Impen Inesu Ingakeng Inpa Ipo Ita Itangonlei Itonpikailan Kaiko Kaini Kaium Kakiota Kanpu Kanteiku Kantulek Kaopito Kapa Kasunpo Kateo Kati Keipkului Keita Kekung Kenteshik Kepik Kepo Ketiannopi Kia Kianla Kichuki Kichunpi Kieian Kinoti Kioan Kiotu Kipentun Kipichu Kipo Kisai Kitope Kiun Kochaken Koit Konanlung Konenunna Koukmu Kua Kuchak Kui Kuichimuiu Kuinguikwonka Kuipa Kuitakake Kuka Kukanpa Kukekampuiu Kukkunta Kume Kumnin Kumoi Kumukei Kunpunpe Kuntapai Kuopo Kupa Kupinu Kushupa Kuta Kutape Lakeisai Laon Laopa Laotiki Lapakukopa Lapmiloian Latangpunlai Latka Lekapa Leko Lemta Leopa Likankan Linanpuno Liti Lungliusao Lunnao Luse Mankile Mentiu Mimniana Mioti Muke Munpai Nakua Nangopunata Nangti Naoung Nappe Natao Nentan Netati Neung Ngaipa Niam Nipa Nipiun Niu Noupa Nuipio Nuiung Nukolu Nukungta Nukupu Numin Nunna Nuoala Nupa Nupi Okanpapo Omni Ongchi Ongtita Onpen Oto Pachan Pachun Pae Paiet Paikei Paipa Paiponing Paitan Paki Pakue Pale Panchocha Pangipip Pangpa Pangpon Panguntankai Panpa Pansutunonpu Panta Papai Papatutaia Papekuitan Papin Pata Patopakaitu Patun Pelaipiu Pena Penapiuto Penla Penlan Pepa Pepatakuopat Pepu Pepupu Peuke Peunkukiut Piamte Piangpin Piapun Pichai Pien Piketi Pikkang Piktipupongpi Pinko Piosaum Pipukiu Pipungpuna Pipuo Pitenpantapa Pitu Pituo Pitupupan Pitutonpiu Piu Piuen Piuka Piukonimpam Piun Poiomin Poka Poktuto Pongpat Ponte Popa Popo Popon Popuo Potetaka Pouokiotepak Puampachun Puchi Puchitase Puichuntiopiu Puikut Puinei Puino Puipanti Puipo Puit Puka Pukio Pukku Pukokumeipu Puku Pumacho Punai Punape Pungpa Pungsa Punta Punun Pupa Pupapupu Pupeka Pupen Pupian Pupupu Pushuiti Puta Putap Puteun Putio Putitao Putu Putuikanku Saiu Sannaku Seiche Sekuopo Seoputu Seppaku Shetum Shioung Shipuku Sholi Shupe Siotipe Sipe Siukopupatop Siukoukao Sottanpe Suikumpumki Suolo Supapaitum Sutu Tachantei Taengatoipi Taengpata Taiku Taipakechum Taipeiappa Taipun Taiti Takae Takatunoppo Takin Takpa Talakpi Talapaoke Tanantei Tanei Taninmu Tankam Tanpipe Tansi Taokuka Taoliu Taon Taopaiukpu Tapa Tape Tapei Tapoto Tata Tati Tatituo Tatu Tatui Tatun Tatunpa Taun Tean Teanka Tein Teipu Teipun Teka Tekangchu Tekpia Tekuienpi Temilolikai Tenchang Tenchasa Tenma Teota Tepa Tepe Teppe Tepui Tesailio Teshunpa Tetaoke Tetaunan Teu Tian Tianu Tiapo Tihiannui Tikalou Tiki Tili Tilontapai Tilu Timpupian Tina Tinpoishiotui Tintui Tiokimashenpui Tipa Tipao Tipiche Tipikiotam Tipim Tipio Tipou Tiukik Tiuku Tiupan Tochi Toingietunta Toli Topapi Topumpa Tounetom Tuan Tucha Tuko Tukpen Tukuo Tungpa Tuntan Tuntu Tuokatu Tuokukan Tuotonpi Tupa Tupan Tupanapichi Tupinoitan Tupoao Tupu Tushanta Tusu Tutawu Two Ua Uka Ukaopiu Ukwa Umnapluo Umongtu Una Unao Ungki Ungpaopu Ungpon Unkenpunpiu Unnu Unpa Unpo Unta Upanaiun Upkake Upu Usape Utkuntukio Watun Wiula Wouta Yanchi Yangnukenku Youanlantoui Yuipata
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