Iike a month ago, @stewpidstrawberry posted something about David Kushner's "Daylight" being such a cherik coded song, something I strongly agree on, so I finally got aroung translating this fics I wrote inspired on that song.
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A little deviation
I recently tried to retake my writing rhythm, so I came up with this little scene for an alternate meeting.
His footsteps barely echoed as Erik stepped onto the streets of New York, the first-night lights illuminating the streets as the stars adorned the sky. He already had his goal in mind for years. Since his days in the concentration camps, he had fantasized about doing what he had been able to accomplish in the last few days: to kill all those bastards. Now, however, being so close to finishing Shaw, he decided to wait a few more days to carry out his revenge. Did he want to see Shaw dead? Absolutely, but this particular night, more than violence, he needed a drink.
Walking around the city, he noticed plenty of places to get what he wanted, however, the atmosphere was not his cup of tea. He didn't feel like going into any crummy bar where it was easier to get into a fight than to finish his beer. The night wore on as Erik made his way deeper into the district crawling with drunken students. It was hard to believe that people like these were the ones studying to be the future of their country.
Erik was about to give up on his quest when he heard an unusual cheering in the distance. The noise was coming from a random establishment, also filled with young up-and-comers thirsting for alcohol and bad decisions. As he curiously wandered deeper into the place, the scene didn't change. Students trying not to throw up on the chairs, a couple fighting in the corner, someone sober looking after their friends, and there were even people doing homework in there. The dream.
Without noticing, he sighed gloomily.
Sometimes, in his nightly contemplations, Erik didn't avoid wondering what his life would have been like if he had grown up somewhere else. Would he have gone to school? What kind of student would he have been? What kind of person would he have become?
Maybe he could be one of these young people, free and happy, relaxing in a bar with a bunch of strangers united by the joy of alcohol. A young man like the guy at the center of the bar, a guy who stole the glances of everyone around him as he drank from a very long and peculiar glass. "Xavier has always known how to liven up a party." said someone standing near Erik. "No one would suspect a brainiac like him to be so wild." The mutant looked around, then at the man, and ordered a beer.
As soon as he received his drink, he turned to look back at Xavier, who was taking the last swig from the yard. As he finished, the audience was gleefully celebrating his stunt. "Excellent skills, Xavier" thought Erik mockingly as he smiled. "Thanks, it's not the only thing I know how to do." Right behind him stood the man with the yard. "Charles Xavier." He said as he extended his hand towards Erik, who without much thought, reciprocated the greeting. "Erik Lehnsherr, how did you do that?" The young man smiled at him, "It's not as hard as it looks, it's a matter of breathing and-" Erik interrupted him, "Not that, answering me something I had only thought of." Charles stared at him. "I have my secrets and my talents, for example, another one of my talents is knowing that you have a variation on chromosome 19, most likely the EYCL1 gene, a mutation." Erik froze at that word. Charles noticed that the man had tensed, then continued speaking to explain. "Nothing to be afraid of, I just want to say that you have the most interesting green eyes I've seen." Erik relaxed his posture and decided to take the conversation away from the mutations. "Funny and smart, the girls on your faculty must be drooling over you." Charles laughed as he ordered a beer. "Guys too." Erik just gave him an impressed look.
Charles took a swig of his beer and walked over to Erik. "Exchange folks are my thing, you know?" Erik looked back at him. There was something about his blatant way of flirting that was really working for him. It was either that, or Erik had already spent too much time away from that kind of contact. "A passionate lover of foreign tongues?" the young man smiled at him and leaned close to his ear. "And of their sheets too." Erik was able to get a closer look at Charles' features, from his mesmerizing blue eyes to his wet pink lips. "It's my first day here, still no sheets you want to examine."
Without another word, Charles took Erik by the hand and led him to the on-site restrooms. Erik gladly followed him, he had already decided to have fun tonight, so why not take advantage of it? "Don't worry about a place, you can come with me." The young man said and immediately pulled Erik into an urgent and passionate kiss. Erik reciprocated immediately as he walked, guiding Charles towards the wall. Their lips moved in sync as Charles wrapped his arms around Erik's neck. Erik, not wanting to be left behind with enthusiasm or desire, bit the young man's lips, causing Charles to moan softly.
They were both so focused on the kiss that they didn't hear when someone entered the bathroom. The man gasped and made them both turn around. At the same time Charles decided to use his mutation to make the man forget the scene, Erik closed the metal door using his own. Charles' gaze locked on Erik. "How did you do that?" At that moment Erik broke away from Charles. It was a bad idea for more people to know about him and what he was, especially people as bold and talkative as Charles. "You didn't see anything. I'd better get out of here." As he turned around, he felt a slight, almost imperceptible tingle rise in the back of his neck and spread to the rest of his head. "Don't leave, Erik."
"You too?" he asked the young man, who would not release Erik from his mental presence. Charles nodded. "Telepath since I was nine, I thought I'd gone mad. You?" at the question, he leaned his head back against the cold metal door. "Metallokinesis, I was a worthless lab rat." Silence enveloped them both for seconds that went on forever. That is, at least until Charles spoke again. "The offer to come with me still stands, my sister and I have space available at home." Erik bit his lip. "If you're a telepath, you must already know what I came for." Charles opted to reach over and touch Erik's shoulder. "I know, but consider my offer."
"I will." Immediately, Erik left the place.
The surprise for both of them was that the next day they would meet again, Erik trying to kill Shaw, and Charles trying to save Erik from drowning.
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When one thinks about space and its infinity, we can never help but think about how miraculous it seems to meet someone. Maybe it's a way to romanticize our mundane lives, maybe a way to pass the time, It even seems to be a way to create content for people who love to get lost in countless "What ifs".
The following notes are about two people who with different names, stories, and ways, became what they are now. What they will be at the end of the cycle. Regardless of their situation, their abilities, and their bodies, they are what they are meant to be.
These are the stories of the children of the atom.
(AUs anthology about Charles and Erik being... Charles and Erik) There's a possibility to expand, or you can take this as prompts for a bigger plot, just tag me or this work :)
So after a lot going on in my life, I finally came around translating this compilation. This is an experimental work of sorts. Ive been writing each chapter in spanish with a different theme every time.
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