infloresco · 4 months
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@per-oceanum liked for a starter.
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Another long day went by, and Robin was exhausted after hours of reading everything, she came across regarding her search for the Alabasta poneglyph. Not that she minded it, collection of knowledge had always been her primary goal in every group she had joined. Still, there was much more riding on this particular instance as she sat on the leather couch in Sir Crocodile's study. Not much had been found thus far but as the timeline came to a close, and all the players had begun playing their roles, it was not uncommon to cross all the t's, something that, undoubtedly, her boss was trying to accomplish.
Long legs sheathed in smokey color stockings perfectly lay one on top of the other. Eyes trained on the tome in hand that she had borrowed from the many books surrounding her. A form of entertainment as she waited, left to wonder why she was summoned in the first place. She wasn't particularly fond of Crocodile's study, but she had been curious about the well of knowledge littering the walls of the spacious room.
The scent of Tabacco and burned wood with a metallic undertone, no doubt sand on a hot day, filtered through the air and without even looking up at the man that no doubt had entered, Robin released a short sigh, "How peculiar, you reek of something different I cannot quite place… other than your usual natural musk."
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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@per-oceanum asked: Smash or Pass. Robin. [ turning tables- ] Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person. (Still Accepting!)
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"Hmmmmm, I'd have to say Smash. Robin's gorgeous and intelligent and I can think of some interesting ways those powers could be used in the bedroom. So yeah, I'd be down for it."
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seeasunset · 4 months
ㅤ⠀❝Isn't this a curious sight.❞
ㅤ⠀The murmur spilled through the laughter that filled the floor of the casino. Rain Dinners was alive that night, guests cheering over their winnings, groaning over their losses as card games began and ended one after another. The owner of said voice chuckled as he approached, steps slow; languid.
ㅤ⠀Gold gleamed in the artificial light as the hook settled atop the table beside Vasco. Sir Crocodile settled, then; the scent of cloves and undercurrent of sandalwood following.
ㅤ⠀❝Now, to what do I owe the honor of hosting the infamous Captain of the Nauts?❞
The loud chatter of the casino is something Vasco have gotten used to. Not because he went to casinos often, but because most of his life is spent with a lot of chatters around him. From the loud voices exchanging between crew mates to sailors greetings each other in harbors. Even the various of scents didn't seem to take Vasco by surprise. Not with the sweaty bodies of certain people or the expensive colognes and perfumes filling the air (or so people wanted to think it is). It didn't stop Vasco from moving further in. His nose only doing a slight wrinkle at the scents, but nothing more. His gaze never lingered long enough. Not even when he slid into one of the nearest tables. Up until someone came sliding into the seat next to him.
The gleam of the hook caught his eye. Not in the way of interest, but just studying it carefully yet quickly before fixing itself on the stranger's face. Not any stranger.
❝Just a simple visit is all.❞ Words slid out from his mouth in a steady yet calm manner. One that reflected his expression. An expression and tone never once betraying the thoughts behind his mind or the true purpose. ❝And I owe an honor to be in your presence. Honored to have caught your attention.❞
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 4 months
ㅤ⠀❝Bold move to port here.❞
ㅤ⠀The deep rumble of the Warlord’s voice could be heard easily over conversation that spanned across the docks of Nanohana. Near-reptilian gaze sweeps across the ship of the Red Hair Pirates in subtle curiosity. If he actually cared about his position as a Warlord, he’d destroy the vessel, challenge Shanks to a fight, and bury him- and the rest of his crew- in the desert.
ㅤ⠀It was certainly a blessing for the Captain that Crocodile didn’t care that much. 
ㅤ⠀❝What brings you to Alabasta?❞ 
[ via the starter call post. ]
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"I was looking for a beach but I was getting tired of the seas that came with them," he grinned as he looked from the sea to the desert to illustrate his point. He held in his laughter for another beat before throwing his head back. "Dahaha, I'm just kidding, Croc. I never tire of the sea!"
In all honesty, what brought him there wasn't really anything significant or special - though he had heard plenty of unsavory rumors about the man before him. Of course, they were all wanted men, so unsavory rumors came with the territory.
The other man didn't seem keen on them staying there, but despite the jokes they did need to stock up on supplies and his crew were long overdue for a break.
"You guys got anything good to drink around here?"
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aamaranthiine · 26 days
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The collection slowly grows.. Haha! One of two stunning commissions from the talented Iirych, paid for by yours truly. And of course this one is dedicated to my friend Kanon (@per-oceanum) and their rendition of Sir Crocodile. Dont mind these two, having a bit of a lovers spat. This is a paid commission, do not save or repost this anywhere else. Likes are permitted. Reblogs are at my own and Kanon's discretion.
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ravarui · 4 months
ㅤ⠀Drawing enough attention in Rain Dinners can mean one of two things: getting thrown out, or getting dragged within the personal office of Sir Crocodile, where one would be lucky to see the light of day again. A sigh tinged with smoke plumed into the air as the owner of the casino was pulled from his office by his essential guard dog; a group of pirates causing mischief and mayhem. 
ㅤ⠀His first warning should have been the obnoxious laughter coming from his bar. Languid steps eased across the wood floor, the subtle shifting sound of sand causing patrons to quickly back away, returning their attentions to whatever game they’d gambled upon rather than the unfolding drama. Red hair swam into view; Crocodile could spot the first mate to the left, the gunner to the right. Spread out across the casino floor.
ㅤ⠀❝Should have known you’d have no sense of manners in a place of business, Red Haired Shanks.❞ [ via the starter call post. ]
An unexpected meeting @per-oceanum
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The change in the atmosphere was the first thing that alerted him. People seemed suddenly more on edge and he saw the bartender getting slightly pale at whoever was approaching. Shanks was sitting with his back to them, but he had a good idea on who exactly was the reason for the reactions of the others.
The voice confirms his suspicions and he turns on his barstool, his trademark wide smile in place. "Place of business? I thought this was a casino! A place to gamble and not to make business deals." His eyes dance with amusement as he looks up at the warlord. Shanks wasn't here to cause unnecessary trouble. The crew and him had simply needed and wanted a break. And what better place to spend it then at the famous Rain Dinners?
And sure, they were a little bit rowdy, but nothing unusual. For them at least. Crocodiles presence however hinted at the fact that not everyone seemed to share the sentiment. "You want a drink?" Still grinning he offered the man his still unopened bottle of sake. "Or what does the big boss himself want from little old me, hm?"
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mingos · 2 months
 @per-oceanum said: It wasn’t every day that “royalty” strolled its way into his Casino. Royalty, being a relatively loose term used to describe the pink, befeathered giant of a man who had strolled in casually, as if he were the owner of this establishment and not Crocodile himself. Annoyance already causing a tension headache to throb at his temples, Crocodile made his way down the stairs, watching the way patrons cowered away from the infamous pirate. ㅤ⠀Donquixote Doflamingo, the Captain of the Donquioxte Pirates, notorious for cruelty and his… Flamboyant love of pink.  ㅤ⠀❝To what,❞ Crocodile began, the drawl of his words clear over the soft murmurs that settled into the background, ❝do I owe the… Pleasure of this visit?❞
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    ❝ you didn't get my letter? ❞
 doflamingo brought a palm to his sternum in a gesture of hurt surprise, played off as sometihng performative & joking but both of them knew it wasn't. per crocodile's 'feedback' last time the younger warlord asked him this question, he was sure to make not only the letter but even the envelope extra conspicuous this time around too, fastening it with a wax seal adorned with his jolly roger and spritzing it with a favored sunflower cologne of his.
he couldn't risk another scenario where it 'accidentally' found its way into the trash! because certainly, it was an accident, right?
 ❝ aw. well, i'll be sure to shoot the messenger, then. i'm on vacation, that's all. you know me, i'd never pass up an opportunity to visit, croc. ❞
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sillygum · 3 months
@per-oceanum . (X)
"No, no old man" Luffy shakes his head and lifts up his hand to demonstrate. " Like the hand grows over the hook jus one night. A hand that looks like a hook, with fingers n stuff." In his rambling he's stretched his hand and wrist into the shape, the tip now his pinky and fingers arching around to form the body of the hook. " Mm, kinda like a crab." He chuckles to himself before eyes slide back to Crocodile. "Couldn't ya just use yer devil fruit to make a hand? Buuuuut the hook's pretty cool too, way flashier."
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"I think I'd want a hook too."
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per-oceanum · 4 months
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ㅤ⠀ㅤ⠀❝𝘔𝘺ㅤ⠀ 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳ㅤ⠀ 𝘤𝘢𝘯 ㅤ⠀𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 ㅤ⠀𝘢𝘯𝘥 ㅤ⠀𝘸𝘪𝘱𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵 ㅤ⠀𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴.❞
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ㅤ⠀[ #per-oceanum ]. Semi active Sir Crocodile from ONE PIECE. Crossover & OC friendly. [ M D N I. ] READ THE CARRD BEFORE INTERACTING. Please LIKE or REBLOG if you want to interact and/or be mutuals!
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aranea-princeps · 3 months
What if I made a timeline that explains how all of my muses across here, @naviculariis , & @per-oceanum are connected. . . Wouldn't that be neat. . .
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rivalsunraveled · 3 months
LAST SONG :: whatever song closes out Newsies
FAVORITE COLOR :: orange -gestures around blog-
SPICY / SAVORY / SWEET :: i like combos, like things that are spicy and sweet at the same time
RELATIONSHIP STATUS :: single -fingerguns and waggles eyebrows- ladies
CURRENT OBSESSION :: Warframe, One Piece, and Yu-Gi-Oh
TAGGED BY :: @nvrbeenkissed
TAGGING :: @taliaromanova @saiakv @yeonban @astralysies @per-oceanum @exghul @yoakkemae @kaizokugaris
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gumpistol · 3 months
@per-oceanum / [ continued. ]
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    he didn't mean to say that out loud, the observation slipping through lips without even realizing it. oh well. the straw hat is squatted next to the former warlord, dilated pupils fixed on the open wound. but his wide gaze darts away from its brief fixation and to the man's face as the irritated tone cuts through. luffy's eyebrows crease into an equally annoyed scowl. his hand finally drops from his face, and an unknown fleck of something is flicked away from the surface of his fingertip. 
    ❝ yeah, yeah — whatever, meanie. ❞ despite aggravation in his tone, luffy tries to help anyway, almost immediately reaching to untie the yellow sash fixed around his waist. as he fumbles with the knot, the tip of his tongue starts to barely stick from the corner of his mouth. now he's focused.
    ❝ ehe, when did you get so weak? ❞ the young captain comments bluntly and without care again as the piece of cloth is finally freed. his expression has already softened once more, to one of casual amusement. the sash is haphazardly balled up in his grasp, then he shifts to face the wounded arm. but luffy pauses, bringing his attention back to crocodile's face with a piercing and intense stare. 
   ❝ must be because you're old. ❞ without warning, the yellow cloth is pressed firmly against the gash. 
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ikkaku-of-heart · 3 months
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@per-oceanum asked: 📎 For every 📎 I get in my ask box, I'll post a thread that I want to do. (Still Accepting!)
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So, an interesting thought for a thread with Crocodile I just came up with, thinking about him in Alabasta and why he wanted the poneglyph. Ikkaku's one hell of an inventor and has made a lot of weapons, both for her crew and the Polar Tang. So what if he wanted her to design or build him a weapon? Something he could use to further some plan, or even just to have on hand should he need it for a future occasion. It could happen during the timeskip because there's so much potential there or it could be post-Wano because I'm hella canon-divergent there and could easily have the Hearts running into the Cross Guild.
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objectumbeasts · 16 days
This is an objectum and posic focused side bloggg- we are a system so there will be many people posting here 👍👍
We will not be solely a sfw blog, and will tag the nsfw, if you don't want to see it then feel free to block that tag and related tags or go to a different blog
We as a whole have some crushes on various things, including a BUUUUNCH of Minecraft blocks, weapons, and objects!!! We are a Minecraft lover <3. We also love CAROUSELS!!!! OWVEKFHFKDB they're a fave they're so pretty,,,, but YEAH lol :3. You'll see a lot of the stuff we like on here :3.
Flag in our header
Mr. Goodtimes WithScar ;; hx/boom/blood/vex - neutral terms – oti — @mr-goodtimes × is in a poly relationship with other alters in our system and has a crush on a couple theme park rides as well as some mobility aids :3!!! ×× [📜] Scar
Beau Beatrix ;; it/he/goop/per/cos/they - neu and masc terms – oti — @beatrixlebeau × is in a relationship with its vacpack from his source !!! They are married :3 ×× [🪐] Beau
Scott Smajor ;; he/wave/teal/reef/fog/fin/rain/shell/shx/she/🫧/♥️💛💚 - any terms – oti — @theoceanswife × is dating the ocean!! They like ships too :D!! Pirate ass sailing ships, wtv those are called, Scott would know but I'm not wave so ×× [🪸] Scott
Eric Cartman ;; he/it/ae/they/bone/burn/mrrp/slash/yearn/crunch/yippee - any terms – iwcare — @ericmfcartman × poly and dating his object partner Vod <3 ×× [🟥] Eric
Eddie Munson ;; he/it/vamp/bite/fang/flap/🎸 - masc terms – oti — @theofficialmasterofpuppets × poly and in love with his guitar from his source :D!!! ×× [🦇] Munson
Flowey Flower ;; it/they/he/prick/bleed - neutral terms - iwc × classic tech lover, in love with the piece of tech it had in its source ×× [🌻] Flowey
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Minecraftum related posts
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Sculkceptum related posts
💻.. tech
Techum related posts
🌊.. the ocean
Oceanum related posts
⚓.. ships
Posts related to our love of nautical ships
🦽.. mobility aids
Posts related to our love of mobility aids
basic dni criteria
"rad" anything
^^ that includes gross ass transid mfs, trans ids will never be trans and you will never be your ids <3
endogenic, willowgenic, non traumagenic, non disordered (ect ect they're all the same) "systems"
pro contact, complex contact, neutral contact paras
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naviculariis · 2 months
Plans for this weekend:
•Replies, starters, fill the queue back up on here + finally get to things on @per-oceanum bc croc muse is back at long last.
•Finish the Malekai & Mihawk history piece in which mihawk mcfucks up
•torment y'all
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aamaranthiine · 3 months
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( @per-oceanum asked 'why remain' and amalthea answers... )
Her statement lilts with some indiscernible emotion, tinged with envy even but not enough to warrant too great a pause. She leans on the wheel of Rain Maker, comfortable and easy for how she steers the vessel through the dangerous seas of the Grand Line. There's the faint downward curl of her mouth into a grimace, pained at the reminder of Fire Fist and Whitebeard's respective deaths. A violent, bloody fanfare for the New Era that had been waiting to bloom for decades now. Time she had spent watching the world ebb and flow in the currents of chaos.
For a few moments Thea does not look directly at Elio but she can feel the settling of his eyes on her. Can sense the subtle shiver of his emotions trickling over her skin like granules of sand. "I was watching, Buggy certainly has his own brand of discord about him." A shift of the wheel under her hands before an abrupt bristle in her posture. Shoulders tense and wine-dark eyes glinting like cold cut gemstones.
"I had plenty of chances to run, to vanish. Any moment where your eyes were not on me, I could have left and you would have never been able to find me again. And yet here I am, though maybe I should toss you overboard for doubting me." It wasnt a serious threat, probably, but she is offended.
"We have our differences but you have, for the most part, been fair to me. Kind even, at times." Now she softens and relaxes against the wheel again, "Being immortal does not mean I am without loyalty or attachment, it just makes those things more painful and complicated than normal."
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