kanimal · 6 years
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her body feels like it’s freezing,  her hands tugging on the blanket tightly around her as he finishes getting ready for the day.  this is how it goes every morning.  maybe it would be easier if she had to go to work at the same time as him,  but her two hour later start leaves too much time for her to lay in this empty and all too big bed without him.   every day,  it’s getting harder to pretend that she’s fine  -----   to him or to herself.  saying goodbye to him feels so daunting,  tears always instantly finding their way to her eyes the moment she hears the door close.  they feel like they’re coming sooner this time,   but she’s doing everything she can to hold them back until he leaves.  he’s so proud to leave for work every day;  the last thing she wants is to hold him back from that.  but this feeling in her head  /  in her heart,  it’s so desperate for him to stay.  she doesn’t have to look at the clock to know he’s almost finished his morning routine,  having counted it all down in her head  -----  so when she hears him walking towards the bed,  her body tenses,  her heart pounding against her chest.  before he’s able to kiss her goodbye,  she speaks instead.   ❝  don’t go. ❞  words are spoken every day  ----  sometimes with a playful grin,  sometimes with a teasing pout.  today,  it doesn’t hold the same lightness.  it’s weak,  her voice cracking,  words barely audible.    ❝  i miss you, ❞    she whispers.  it holds more weight than it sounds.  the more he’s out of their home,  the harder this all gets for her  ------  the more paralyzing it feels.   ❝  don’t leave.  ❞  don’t leave her. 
        🦎჻  * @perfectevil
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wanlidas-archive · 6 years
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❝   i am not afraid.  ❞
    ✖︎   ╱ @perfectevil​
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venomclaws · 6 years
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she’s comfortable as she lays in his arms,         but she has made a point not to let herself get too comfortable.           it’s getting late,         and she knows better than to make sleepovers a ROUTINE.          with her history,        she can’t.       there’s a reason she doesn’t share a dorm with anyone and a reason she has made a point to get out of his frat house before she was bound there by night       -----            she doesn’t know what could happen to her or to HIM in her sleep,            and that’s not something she wants him to find out about too late.              they’re getting closer every day,           and the weight of this secret of hers is weighing heavily on her,           she just doesn’t know how to say it.           will he be too cautious,         will he realize she’s too much to handle,         so much that she’s simply not worth it?             she has always felt as if she’s on a fragile line with him,        constantly waiting for him to turn around and leave her in the dust,       and it’s why she hasn’t told him the DARK parts of herself.             but she has let herself slip too many times recently;        she can’t keep going on like this.            she doesn’t know how to act anyway    -----       THEY’RE TOGETHER,         yet they’re not        (       they haven’t discussed labels,        and it doesn’t seem to matter,          but what does that mean for them anyway?       )          is it even okay that she spends the night?          or is this all in her head?            she doesn’t want to burden him by accidentally becoming his roommate just as much as she doesn’t want to WORRY him with what might happen if she has a nightmare.             she takes a deep breath as she unravels herself from his grasp underneath the covers,          though she doesn’t expose herself.            arms reach down to find her clothes on the floor,          grabbing her underwear to slip on before grabbing the closest shirt she can find         (    his.    )         once it’s on her body,         she finally sits up,           turning back to him and offering a small smile.           ❝   i should get back to my room,   ❞           she whispers .         ❝   it’s late,         and   -----    i’m sure you want to get some sleep too.         i think you’re about to fall asleep on me.      ❞             and she doesn’t want to invite herself to stay,          nor does she want to tell him why she shouldn’t stay to begin with.         she just wants to end the night peacefully,        avoiding whatever BAD can come from staying any longer.             ❝    you don’t have to walk me.     ❞          she says quickly.         she’s still wondering where the LINE is supposed to be drawn with all of this.         she doesn’t want to expect things from him;             she doesn’t want to treat this like they’re boyfriend and girlfriend        (      even if that’s exactly what they are.      )          ❝    stay.         you look peaceful like this.       i can text you when i’m back.    ❞    
🦎 .・°・.❪ @perfectevil  ❫    
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daisyslain · 7 years
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everyone has their own idea of what really happened here.     and everyone wants to be RIGHT about their own story,    because no one wants to believe they live in a town full of mysteries that they don’t quite understand.       that’s what she’s gathered so far with the way people are talking now that she’s back.     everyone talks about it as if their story is the truth,    and she can’t do anything to stop the talk   -----    she can’t PROVE the real truth because she can’t admit she’s part of it.       surely people have to wonder about her    -----    it was HER FRIENDS who died,    and though her name was saved from all reports,     she can’t stop the paranoia.      she gulps hard,    eyes nervously looking back at his.      ❝   about   -----     me  .   .   .   ?   ❞       small voice nearly cracks,     wearing every bit of worry across her features.        does he know the TRUTH about why she was really sent away?      ❝  what are those ideas?   ❞       words are rushed out,    because she’s too worried about what this really means. 
  ✿  ╱ @perfectevil
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howlgrief-aa · 7 years
           ❝      you know,       theo's so  boring.      ❞         you take a seat beside him,       as your head  leans  against your hand.        you don't think it's  actually  boring but he  should  know already that you  LOVE  being a pain in the ass.       besides  :   it's  fun.            ❝      besides,      i'm giving you a  choice  here !      BIRTHWORT OR BUGFACE ?         the first is more  creative  but whatever you're feeling.      pick one.      ❞  
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                            @perfectevil​    ╱    liked.
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doomdays-a · 5 years
tracy is still a human being after her resurrection but like ….   in some ways,  she isn’t a real human being.    she was rewired,  in part by what the dread doctors did to her genetics and in a bigger part by what being dead for a month did to her.    i’ve used this quote for tracy for years now but it’s still one of the most accurate representations of her story:
you don’t get to die and be reborn the same. you come back, but you come back wrong. this is the price you pay for resurrection.
in 5b,  she doesn’t have the thought process a human being should have.   she doesn’t have the emotions a human being should have.    when she was resurrected,    the monster side of her heavily outweighed the human side of her.   i write about this a lot,    but she sees her human self as a weaker version of herself,   and she insists that that girl died when the dread doctors deemed her a failure,    and that that girl is still dead.     she is not that girl anymore.    and in some ways,   she really is right.    there may be a very few select parts of her mind that are still tied to who she was before she died,    but the majority of her is completely new.
she didn’t just “do a 180″ when she was brought back to life.   one girl died,  another girl   (  a monster  )  was risen.     the monster that she started to become in 5a wasn’t her,   and she wasn’t in control of her own actions AT ALL in 5a.    the dread doctors were controlling her.    when she was awake,   she was scared and terrified and unaware of her own actions.    when she was asleep,    the monster in her took over and killed her father,  her psychiatrist,  and attempted to kill natalie  —–    scott’s pack discovered that she was killing the people who were trying to help her,    but frankly,   i think they’re wrong.     she was killing the people who were insisting they were helping but only damaging her mental health more.  and keeping her from being something more powerful than they were letting her be.    they were in her way and refused to see her for what she truly was   (  her father thought her night terrors were  ‘ just dreams,  ‘  and natalie thought they were just  ‘  common anxiety.   ‘  )    these people belittled her,   underestimated her,   and that monster refused to let them get away with it.
in 5b,   she is no longer two separate parts.   before her death,   she was 1) a weak girl and 2) a monster.  but she shed herself of the former when she was brought back to life,    because she was given a second chance at living,  and she was brought back in a way that made her feel needed.    she has always had a desire to feel necessary and to have some sort of purpose but she never had anything to put that into.   her father made it clear he didn’t need her;   he spent most of his nights away from home just to avoid her.  she didn’t have any friends.   she didn’t have anyone.   and she wasn’t good at school nor did she apply herself anywhere else   —–   she felt like a waste of space.   theo looked at her,   deemed her worthy,    gave her a purpose,  and she clung to that.
as the monster she is in 5b,  she doesn’t have a clear understanding of what’s right and what’s wrong and who knows best.    her mind is very,   very twisted.    i’ve said this for years now but there is no saving tracy.    so many characters have tried to ‘ save ‘ her and to bring her into the comfort of better people than theo,  but it isn’t an option.    and i know that frustrates people but you have to understand where her mind is.    there is no way for it to “click” for her.    her mind was literally rewired when she died,    and the darkness of death had such a tight hold on her that there’s no coming back from it.      that’s why i don’t write her as canon divergent  —-   even if theo hadn’t been weakened,  hadn’t had the opportunity to take her power,    she wouldn’t have survived this way.    there’s no way she could.     she wasn’t a person anymore.
theo is the only thing / person that can matter to her,    and not because she’s some lovesick,  obsessed,  childish girl that the fandom likes to make her out to be  —–   but because her mind is wired to believe that he is what she needs,    on such a bigger scale than it appears.    she,  who has sought all her life for a purpose in life,   finally has one.    and it’s not just being theo’s sidekick,    it’s being someone who is strong and capable of getting things done.    that’s why she no longer hesitates to act on things like she did before her death,    why she isn’t afraid to run into fire  ( literally  ) to do something she assumes is going to further theo’s goal.     it isn’t about THEO,   it’s about what he represents   —-   a purpose,  real guidance,   something to live for,   a home.     it’s the idea of theo that she needs.     he’s the master to her kanima,  and i don’t think she ever would have had a chance to fully grasp that concept,    but she had a tie to him immediately.      i see people ooc and ic talk about tracy like she was just a girl with a crush,    but that’s not true and i don’t think other characters would see her that way either.    she didn’t look at him like she was infatuated;   she looked at him like she admired him,   like he was her role model,   because he was.    she respected him.     she can no longer fully comprehend the emotions of a human mind that justify what a crush is because she can’t understand it.     she didn’t want theo as her ‘ boyfriend ‘ because why the fuck would someone care about that after being dead for a month and immediately coming back to a world where her monster side mattered more than her human side,  that felt pointless to her?    she wanted him as her leader.     she respected him as her leader.  
their relationship wasn’t about romance,    and it wasn’t about her having a hopeless crush on him.     that ‘ romance ‘ they shared between them wasn’t at all any of her concern.   she didn’t need it and she absolutely would never have sought it out herself.     she wasn’t hopelessly in love with him nor did she follow him around with puppy dog eyes.   she wasn’t obsessed with making him her boyfriend.     she RESPECTED him.    she saw him as a person in the position of power,   and her newly rewired brain made her believe that he had authority over everything.    because of her lack of guidance   (  and ever chance she tried i.e. with her father,  her psychiatrist,   and natalie brutally leading her astray )   she believed that theo was something she could hold onto and believe in.     the ‘ romance ‘ was just a bonus that neither of them needed.   theo,  because we know that he can’t have those genuine feelings,  and tracy,  because she was perfectly content being his best beta and helping him achieve anything he needed   (  even if it meant dying for him.  )   i say  ‘ romance ‘ in quotes because that’s not an accurate depiction of what they had.    they had a connection,   one that didn’t need to be shared with anything sexual or intimate,  but it was brought there as a way to show their respect for each other.    i know that most people can’t get over their hatred for tracy because they think she was just a dumb obsessed girl so they refuse to believe that she mattered to theo,    but she did.     not in the romantic sense,   and no he couldn’t emotionally care for her or anyone,    but she was the closest he would ever get   (  it’s something @PERFECTEVIL and i discuss all the time,  i don’t mean to hijack a theo hc but  —-  i’m tired of tracy being ran over with disrespect so i have to delve into that too.   )    their connection was in the mind,  not necessarily the heart.   she loved him,    but not in a romantic sense   —-   that romance they shared was purely HIS idea,   her following,    because she respected and cared for him so much that she was happy to follow his lead and believed that was right.    she loved being with him in that sense,    but it wasn’t necessary to either of them.   everything felt right with him.    she finally had a place to belong.   that’s what theo gave her.    it might not have been healthy for her on a broader sense,   but in her mind,   he was exactly what she needed.
her thought process is no longer cohesive with what it had been before she died,   and while in some ways,  theo might have encouraged her ruination,    death itself did most of the work.     characters call her crazy,  out of her mind,  confused,  manipulated,  etc. all the time but you have to understand it’s not entirely coming from theo.    yes,   he definitely manipulated her.   yes, their relationship is extremely toxic  —-  but in the animal world that they’re living in,   that they’re committing their life to above acting as humans,    it’s realistic for them.   it makes sense for them.     characters looking on the outside in should absolutely be afraid of what they’ve created together  /  what they’re capable of together,   and they should absolutely feel sorry for tracy and want her out of there because that girl who died didn’t deserve this.    but also understand that her mind,  being rewired as it is,    doesn’t agree.   she won’t ever agree.   you can’t pull her out of this thought process.    everything in her head is BACKWARDS.    
a few examples:
on ‘ being saved ‘  :   pulling her away from theo will never be seen as something that is saving her.      she is already living with the belief that theo already saved her.    she looks back on her experiences pre-death with people like scott and saw him as trying to keep her from being what she was truly meant to be rather than saving her.    on the outside,    he was trying to save her.     but she can never see it that way because of her preference to her monster side,    and her belief that being a monster is more important than being a human.    theo saved her,   not just because he brought her back to life,    but because he gave her a new reason of living  ( by showing her strength and purpose,   even if it was for the wrong thing.  )
scott’s pack vs. theo’s pack  :     she doesn’t see scott as the good guys,   not just because she is on theo’s side,    but because her mind is so twisted and genuinely believes that what scott’s plans are are what’s going to ruin the world and what theo’s plans are are what’s going to be RIGHT in the world.   it’s entirely backwards,    but it’s not just some cocky / confident attitude she has towards her own pack,  it’s a genuine belief.    what she sees from theo is someone who understands the supernatural world from being a part of it all his life,   someone who knows what’s coming and what he’s going to do with it.    what she sees from scott is someone who thinks he’s going to ‘ save ‘ it by keeping those monsters from being monsters,   like they did with her.     she doesn’t know how to comprehend  ‘ doing good ‘  because in a world where the beast exists,   she doesn’t think being / doing good is going to get anyone anywhere.    a lot of that is influenced by theo because he wants her to believe that his side is the right side,    but given her own experiences with the dread doctors and the beast,   she just doesn’t believe that anyone could know better than theo,   who has lived this all her life.
on packs  :   the previous still applies,   but more than that,   she doesn’t see a pack as a cohesive team working together.     in some ways,   she sees it as a competition,   and she sees it as a service solely towards their alpha and not each other.   she helps the pack when it’s asked of her,   but in most cases,   she prefers only ensuring theo’s safety and doesn’t care for the others.     corey and hayden especially,   she sees as worthless solely because of their in-and-out behavior as they lead towards people of the other pack + different mindsets that collide with theo’s.   and as for josh,   she can stand him to an extent,  but only up to the point he refuses to do what theo says.    once he does that,   he becomes a waste of space in her eyes.    he no longer has a purpose.   what he is useful for,  he refuses to use,   so she doesn’t understand why he should survive.        she can’t comprehend genuinely caring for them because she can see the way they’re all pulling away from alpha,   and for her,   her mind is connected to theo,    so she can’t fathom pulling away from him.    because she believes once she does,   she will have no reason for living either,    and she will be a waste of space.    because right now,   the pack is all that matters to her.    and by pack,    she means theo.     so when liam tries to kill his alpha,    when malia betrays her alpha,    etc.,   she literally can’t fathom why scott wouldn’t kill them.     she just assumes that’s how a pack works,    because it’s what she feels with theo and though he isn’t a  ‘  real alpha ‘  in that sense,    she bases all of that on her own experience.     to her,   beta = someone who protects their alpha.   alpha = someone who makes all decisions.     she will never be able to comprehend scott’s pack because of her lack of experience and understanding with how packs genuinely work.
on survival  :    her own doesn’t matter.    it matters enough in a way that she wants to keep living because she believes her purpose in survival is to protect her alpha.    when theo kills her,    she isn’t upset that she’s dying.    she’s upset that she’s leaving the world and is no longer going to be there to help theo.    but as long as her powers can provide him with the tools he needs to do this on her own,    and as long as his intentions are to achieve his goals,     she’s going to be okay with it.    her survival means nothing if she can’t achieve the one thing she assumes she was brought back to life for.    she’s not living for herself anymore.    she’s living for what she believes is a higher power that is necessary to this world,    and that brings her a purpose she has severely lacked all her life.
it may be extremely difficult for your muse to interact with tracy after her she dies and comes back to life,   but it’s supposed to be.     your muse is supposed to be frustrated with her.     your muse,   if they insist they want to save her,    is supposed to feel stuck and confused on how they can manage that because it’s impossible.     tracy is stubborn,  but more than that,    her mind doesn’t work the same way that most people expect her mind to work because when she died,    that human side of her died too.     those human thoughts,   emotions,   and mentality are hardly part of her anymore.    she’s someone  /  something new,    something that can’t be broken through,     and it’s wrong.    she came back wrong.    that’s why she wouldn’t survive,   even if theo had never killed her.     he didn’t just bring her back to life,   but he was her life.   she was so wrapped up in what she could do for her master  /  her alpha that she had entirely lost herself and who she had been before   —–    but that’s what she WANTED,    because she hated that girl.   when she was weak,  unstable,   passive,    and a nobody,     she hated herself.     theo showed her that she could be more than that,    so she clung to it.    
she’s not a rational human being anymore and she refuses to be the person who was walked all over all her life    (   excluding theo,   whom she genuinely believes is the higher power she needs to believe in for her life to feel worth living.   )   so interacting with her after her resurrection is going to be frustrating,   it’s going to feel like it’s not going anywhere,   but understand that that’s how it’s supposed to feel.    if you try to tell her theo isn’t worth it,   it will be like talking to a brick wall,    because theo isn’t just a person to her.    he’s hope for herself that she can be more than she was,   and he is something for her to believe in and hold onto.     she’s connected to him and given her lack of trust in anyone else,    that can’t be broken.     but do not mistaken her connection to him as her being a lovesick puppy,    because you’re far off.
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satankissed-blog · 6 years
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NAME :     Zachary / Zach NICKNAME :     Too fucking many AGE :     22 CURRENTLY   READING :   Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty FAVORITE   COLOR :   Black, White, Blue(s), and Red FAVORITE   FLOWER :  I absolutely love roses and orchids NUMBER   OF   MUSES :     I have a lot, but just one that’s active THEIR   URLS :   well, Vanessa’s url is Satankissed as you all know. But I’ve had a lot of urls over my rp career for all of my canons and ocs  FAVORITE   MUSE   OF   YOURS :   Hm, it’s definitely a hard tie between Vanessa and Hayden since I tend to flip flop between them a lot.  NUMBER   OF   FOLLOWERS :    71 atm NUMBER   OF   DRAFTS   ATM :    just 1 NUMBER   OF   STARTERS :   I owe a lot but i’m getting through them all! LAST   MOVIE   YOU   SAW :    Hm, the last movie I watched was Office Space! It’s a really interesting and funny look into the monotony of 1990′s office life.  
TAGGED   BY   :  the lovely @mcssivedeal TAGGING   :   @epochic , @gothamcartel , @worldsaver , @abouttiime , @ladead , @perfectevil , any one else who wants to have a go at it!
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wailng-blog · 7 years
@perfectevil replied to your post: wow  can  u  believe   hayden   romero  is  an ...
theo vc: debatable
uhM fight me 
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wintersdead · 7 years
@perfectevil !! sc :
A GIRL IS DEATH but she is not alone. called here so often by the cries of the dead- the cursed town.  ‘  do you know why the white rabbit carries a watch?  ’
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kanimal · 6 years
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❝  DON’T COME IN HERE!  ❞   words are shouted quickly as soon as she hears him come into the door  -----   of his own apartment,  where she had come when she had the afternoon off,  hoping to do something special for him by the time he got home.  but baking cookies wasn’t as simple as she hoped it would be ----  instead,  it had created a mess all over the kitchen,  on her clothes,  on her face.  the apartment didn’t smell of something sweet;  it stunk of something burnt.  she had intended to clean it all up before he got home,  to throw out the brownies and pretend it never happened at all,  but she didn’t have enough time then,  nor does she have enough now as she hears him coming closer.  ❝  ----  i didn’t do it,  ❞  she insists,  a weak,  innocent smile on her lips as she waits for him to enter the room.
       ╱ @perfectevil
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wanlidas-archive · 6 years
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he should be the one who could have been there for her all these years.  he should be the one she could have so easily leaned on.  out of everyone else,  he was the one who understood what she was going through the best  -----  he knew where her heart was at all that time,  he knew she never believed that brandon was the one to hurt anyone.  he knew that she loved kevin,  that she so desperately wanted to believe there was good in him despite  all of their bad baggage.  the reality of who kevin was shattered them both,  she thought  -----  but one of them handled it so much better,  so much stronger.  and she had been grateful for that,  yet she couldn’t be around it.  it killed her to think about theo,  to even look at him,  everything about him now surrounded by this heavy weight.  she cared so deeply about theo and yet she couldn’t even be around him,  and she hated herself for that.  when he called,  she knew she couldn’t say no.  she couldn’t avoid him any longer.  it had been nearly 20 years,  the wounds now closed yet still stinging.  it was time to face this dark past.  moving back to the kitchen table,  she set two glasses of tea down,  sliding one over for him.   taking a seat,  she clears her throat,  one hand moving to push her hair out of her face,  then moving to adjust her glasses.  ❝  i’m glad you called, ❞  she admits,  taking a drink of her tea in an attempt to soothe her nerves.   ❝  really,  theo.  i’m sorry we haven’t kept in touch.   it’s just been  -------  ❞  there’s no word to describe it,  and she’s sure that’s obvious.  ❝  you know.  ❞  she takes a deep breath,  hands clutching her cup of tea,  trying to maintain some sort of calmness.  ❝  it is good to see you. ❞
       ╱ @perfectevil
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venomclaws · 6 years
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it’s the first party she has been to since the night she and theo fought,       and things are DIFFERENT now.      as she walks through the party in search of him,      she isn’t moving as slow and carefully as she normally would be       (     usually,      trying to stay out of the way of everyone else,      doing her best to avoid any conversations that aren’t with theo.     )        but she carries herself with more confidence this time.      she knows her place with theo now;       she doesn’t have to question it or be hesitant about the subject.    when she spots him,     she doesn’t wait for him to come to her.      she remembers what he told her,     about how she can always break through the conversation to get his attention.      after their last few days together,      being around him feels like floating on air,     and she’s taking advantage of it.      she doesn’t look to the other people he’s talking to,      eyes only focused on him.      there’s a bounce to her steps as she moves up to him,      one hand on his shoulder and the other shielding his ear as she whispers behind it.        ❝   hey you.        get a drink with me?   ❞      she asks,    pulling back and smiling,      though the grin turns shy as she looks back at those he was just talking to.      
  🦎.・°・. ❪  @perfectevil​  ❫  
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daisyslain · 7 years
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❝   thanks   .   .   .       for seeing me.       i didn’t know who else to call.   ❞         most of her friends are DEAD,      and even if brandon is still alive,       she knows he won’t come back here.      all that’s left for her is miguel,     who she’s NERVOUS to face again;     kevin,     who she’s too scared to see just yet;     and theo,     who seemed like the only person she wanted to talk to right now.     the past few months had been hell for her;     she was isolated,    alone,     and trapped in her own mind left wondering what her life was supposed to be like after all of this happened     (   all the while,    giving birth to a child SHE WOULD LOVE if she was allowed.    )           ❝    i know we haven’t talked in a few months.     i’m sorry i didn’t call,    but   ----     my parents didn’t want me to talk to anyone.   ❞         she looks away,    because there’s more to that than just HIDING who she is as daisy,     but it’s more than she can say to him.      ❝    things are different here,     aren’t they?     they have to be,    i guess.   ❞       DEFEAT in her voice,    eyes averting to look at her hands clasped together.      she wants to avoid the next question,     she’s SCARED of the answer,     but she has to ask anyway.       ❝   ----   how has he been?      have you seen him?   ❞      and though she’s referring to kevin,   immediately her mind goes somewhere else:     HAS ANYONE SEEN BRANDON?
  ✿  ╱ @perfectevil
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howlgrief-aa · 7 years
drops my url here :/
My Opinion on;
character in general  :  fun fact is that i actually loved theo while a lot of people hated him at That time and honestly most of the times i don't get to have main characters as my faves,      but that's what happened with theo.      like!!!!!!    he's so complex and his story is really interesting and his character development is like my fave and i didn't think they'd be able to do that with what he's done already but they did it so nicely and I HOPE ONE DAY HIS TAG WILL BE FREE OF THIS HELL.       anyways....... how they play them  :  i've said it before and i'll say it again!!!!!!     you def get theo and i love how you get him so much and how your characterization is so amazing and honestly whenever you write ANYTHING i cry bc it's like the Most beautiful don't get me started!!!!!!!      did i already say you're writing is beautiful?       well i'll say it again.the mun  :  listen we didn't talk much but kaz is beautiful and amazing and talented and a light in my trash life like!!!!!!!       you're so sweet and i hope you know i would lay down my life for you :/.     I LOVE YOU. 
Do I:
rp with them  :  yes but not enough :/want to rp with them  :  i want MORE :/ 
What is my;
overall opinion  :  a beautiful presence in my life and anybody who thinks otherwise can go away :/.      also another fun fact?      i once watched teen wolf with a friend who saw it for the first time and then we came at season five and we saw theo and then i just said 'shut up you dramatic manipulative bitch' and idk why hsjljfa ....... not one of my finest moments.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
*    @perfectevil    /    bitch positivity!    :    accepting.  
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satankissed-blog · 6 years
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   “ WHAT  are  you  doing  here? “   She  DEMANDS  of  the  stranger  in  her  moon-lit  garden,  her  form  illuminated  by  the  light  coming  from  the  open  french  doors.  The  place  in  which  she  called  home  had  become  something  of  a  LEGEND  to  the  locals.  They  saw  it  as  a  house  of  HORRORS,  haunted  by  vengeful  spirits.  To  an  extent,  they  were  RIGHT.  She  steps  down  from  her  perch  upon  the  terrace  to  get  a  better  look  at  her  INVADER,  moving  through  the  pale  moonlight  with  the  grace  of  a  jungle  cat.   “ This  is  PRIVATE  PROPERTY “   she  says,  her  tone  icy   “ I suggest  you  LEAVE  before  you  are  hurt “           
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kanimal · 6 years
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❝   you disappeared last night.  that .  .  .  sucked.  you just split and left me there.  i waited for two hours.  ❞    
     🦎 *  ╱  @perfectevil
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