#perhaps i'm projecting onto fictional d&d characters again.
poemsonmars · 1 year
and it always comes back
to your willingness
to destroy yourself
for the slightest chance
that someone might
care enough to stop you.
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setsugekka · 11 months
X (just kidding :P)
E [project D]
you're sweet you're always willing to take part in my silliness 🥲
X (just kidding :P)
i know you think you're funny for this one......i'm gonna answer it anyway because not everyone is as familiar with my work as you are. HONGJOONG MUST SUFFER FICTIONALLY BY MY HAND. ANYWAY.
character i identify with........also hongjoong usually lmao i typically put a lot of myself into his characterizations 🙄🙄🙄
E [project D]
a sequel to project d huh...i mean, so so many people asked for one but it's not something i ever even thought about or considered at all lmao. i guess it would have to follow him joining project d and the mc joining him along with that, and i guess problems that could entail. maybe another rival driver that starts coming on hard and fast to the mc or something, or maybe one that does the same with hongjoong and her navigating that 🤔
i don't know, the less car races i have to write the better though KHKJFH
Taking a sip from your glass, you continue on with the thought. "You asked me if he put me up to this. Why?"
Hongjoong shrugs, but answers the question plainly. "Because Seonghwa is from Nezher, and I have no way of knowing what that means for you in relation to him thus far."
His nonchalance in saying as much takes you aback just a bit, though the man had been clear initially about the need for abject sincerity throughout this meeting. You press forward.
"Then you know," you say, ample surprise evident in your voice. "He's dangerous with this power, you know."
"I've known since we met so many years ago. Wooyoung caught as much immediately. I know that foundationally, what you're wondering is why I allow him to stick around, but the answer isn't anything profound, nothing that may bring you any peace," Hongjoong says, leaning forward to cradle his chin into his palm as he looks upon you. "Men from Nezher are not inherently evil. I have a Cydonian man among my crew, as well, so you should know well enough that I am willing to put aside immediate judgments and allow for people to create their own future alongside me. Seonghwa pledged himself to me so many years ago, and I accepted as much. It's really as simple as that."
"And it has nothing to do with any intimacy shared between the two of you."
You don't say it as a question, and Hongjoong doesn't take it as much. Instead, he smiles, pressing himself back against his chair once again.
"So, you two have grown close."
"Don't change the subject."
"The two are deeply intertwined, though. I'm sure you can see as much," he replies firmly, perhaps some displeasure found in his tone at your knowing such a thing about him and not of his own divulgence. "Seonghwa and I sharing a bed in the past is far less of consequence than the other information expressed from you. If you wish to hear me say that much of the reason that I've insisted in keeping him close by my side is because I carry love for him, then I am very capable of admitting it. He has been with me for a very long time, it's only natural for that to be the case—"
Hongjoong finishes his glass of wine, setting it onto the table in front of you. It serves as a reminder that you've barely touched your own.
"But there's little, good reason for the two of you to have gotten close. Close enough for Seonghwa to tell you such things. It's ideal that we've gone into this evening with intention of being fully open and honest with each other, now isn't it?"
It feels a bit as though the man in front of you is partaking in a game that you don't remember having signed up for. Still, he is correct in his assessment, part of you disgruntled by how much information you've given him without intending to do as much.
"So, ultimately, the question is this," Hongjoong then starts again, eyes never leaving your own as he speaks. "Why is it that Seonghwa believes to have control, in spite of not having any of it, at all?"
SURPISE RUINED KING BLURB. but i love her so.
i write in order! start to finish, i've never written anything out of order tbh, too afraid i'm going to lose the nuance and vibes of the progression of something if i do 😭
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