#personal itty bitty mini rant
fumpkin-punkin · 1 year
if I had a nickel for every time I got so aggressively heart eyes over a sassy, tech/robot-obsessed, quote-unquote evil man with killer dance moves, I'd have two nickels. probably. don't look at the secret stash of nickels under the floorboards no one invited you stop looking at my nickels
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sansy-fresh · 6 years
It’s time for the Semi-Annual “Fresh is Never Leaving This Fandom!” fic idea tour! In which under the cut I’m going to talk about fics I’m currently working on and how much longer I expect them to be, as well as long fics I have ideas for and how lengthy I expect them to be in the long run. There’s gonna be probably spoilers so look away if you don’t wanna see them! Also this is really long so be prepared for that.
I’m also going to be discussing some of the mini series that people have funded recently, so there’s that lol
Anyways, ranting and rambling under the cut!! This is more or less a way to keep excited about some of my ideas and get some of you hyped as well ^^ (And also a way to assure anyone wondering “hey, fresh has been here for a while, are they ever leaving?” that the answer is no, apparently not)
Current Fics
Okay so I have around 5 long fics, 1 series, and 1 mini series I’m currently working on. They are as follows:
A Silver Chain: A fic about vampire Honey and polyruses with the other Paps being hunters. Is well on its way but needs re-done in a few places so its currently on hiatus.
Little Fangs: A fic about Dadby and older bro Papyrus with babybones and Badster. Is not even close to halfway done, depending on how far I end up going with the narrative. Might end up being one of the longest fics I write.
Moral Compass: A fic about assumed bad brothers and possible Blackcherry goodness. Is basically 3/4ths done at this point, isn’t meant to be a super long one. Was pretty much completely funded by @1readervb so shout out to them for being a super cool peep.
Hold Myself Together: A fic about Bad Bro Red and how Fell gets a better life. Just started, but based on how long the first iteration of this story was, I’d say this one will be a little longer than C&S ended up being. 
Garish: A fic about a Reader who ends up with the Swell bros as roommates. Might end up being both Reader/Swell bros and Reader/Fell bros, but I haven’t decided. Just started, might be a long one.
Bitter White Memory: A series about how Fell and Stretch get together based on an attempt to keep the Edgelord feeling safe. Only has two parts so far so nowhere near done. I’ve just been too busy to write the next part lol whoopsies
Cherries in Snow: A funded mini series about abused Red falling into Undertale, with Kustard and a little tiny helping of Cherryblossom. One chapter so far, but there should only be about five so it won’t take super long.
There’s also two more mini series that have been funded, but one I only have part of the info on and the other I have no info on, so they haven’t been started yet. (One of them is about Omega Paps in a A/B/O world so that’ll be fun ;;;))
Fics I want to Continue/Rewrite
This is a list I didn’t know I was adding until I was in the middle of making this post. There are a few fics I’ve started and then pretty much abandoned, or that I left behind because I no longer wanted to write them. They are:
The Reset Conundrum: A fic that I wrote a long time ago and never finished about Papyrus and Sans going through the Resets and various endings together, with a happy ending of course. It was a popular one, but I never finished it because I got bored with the idea. I was thinking about it recently and kind of wanted to revisit the idea. Its on this list because I might just do it.
The Ole Razzle Dazzle: A fic I started and then revamped as a fic about Razz and Slim and how they react to a pacifist Chara moving through the Underground. Kinda looking forward to this one, not going to lie.
Sparks and Wires: A fic that I started because of my love for the game D:BH and its androids. About Android Honey and his owner Fell, and how they fall in love. Basically self indulgent Spicyhoney lol
Long Fic Ideas
So just about once every other week I get a new fic idea, and if I like them enough (and can actually imagine myself writing them) I write them down in a doc. Now I’m going to talk about them all in as much detail as I have so ya’ll get comfy this is gonna be a long’n. (These are not up for adoption they are things I plan to write myself.)
The Great: A fic idea @badgertablet came up with and I helped round out. Ambassador Paps with a side of Polyruses and lots of angsty pining and hurt/comfort. Is going to be a longer fic, since there’s a lot of background stuff and quite a bit to set up. I’m really really looking forward to this one though, is going to be a gift for Badg (but shoosh no one tell them).
Family Portrait: A fic idea for Middle Bro Gaster with Paps and Sans. Basically going from Sans’ birth to Gaster falling into the Core to the kid saving everyone and Sans pulling Gaster back out of the Void. Is going to be super long, so probably won’t get to this one for a while lol
Scattered Pieces: A fic idea for a character getting bitties that helps their life out. Lots of angst and hurt/comfort, as each bitty has its own backstory of woe. One I’ve had planned for a while but haven’t been able to sit down a write.
A Concerted Effort: A fic idea where Fell and Stretch have a one night stand and Fell ends up pregnant. The two of them don’t get along super well most of the time so its not like he can tell him, right?? Another old idea I just haven’t started yet lol.
Itty Bitty Teenie Weenie: A fic idea where a different character gets some specialty bitties, ones that need a bit more help than others. In the same universe as Scattered Pieces, probably going to be written after that one.
Segregation: A fic idea that @nurse-gaster came up with that I adopted. Bledgeup in a world where Fell monsters and Tale monsters live on different sides of the fence, a literal fence in this case. Going to be a gift for Nurse when I start writing it lol.
Recovery: A fic idea where a personal character of mine fosters special needs bitties and ends up with one for himself. Is part of a two fic series. 
Caramelized Apples: A fic idea where my Caramel version of Slim ends up pregnant. I haven’t decided how yet, but its hurt/comfort and fluff, so no hard angst here!
Edgy but Smiling: A fic idea where an anxious Reader ends up with a Sansy and an Edgy who just want a good home. 
You Got Me All Fired Up: A fic idea with Sans/Dante (my UF Grillby). I don’t know I just really like Sans and Fellby together and I want to write a slowburn.
Harried and Torn: A fic idea about Spicykustardpuff with lots of angst and hurt/comfort and maybe some fluff along the way. A slowburn because I’m a masochist.
Nice To Eat’cha: A fic idea based on the Asian side of the fandom’s art of Farmer Sans/HT Sans. Won’t be farmer Sans, but it will be a slowburn of Sans and Butch learning how to not judge each other for their own sins.
Seen in Glorious Splendor: A fic idea I had earlier today actually. King Fell, with possible Edgepuff or Polyruses, I haven’t decided yet. My own take on how Fell takes over as King of the Underground from Asgore.
There are a lot of iterations of Skelebros/Reader I want to write, so I’m just throwing a blanket over them called “Eventually”. Them being namely Swap Bros/Reader, Tale Bros/Reader, a reverse harem in my style, HT Bros/Reader, and something just Papyrus/Reader (which Papyrus you ask? all.)
And my Magnum Opus, Safe House, will be the last fic I write for this fandom. So when I start posting that, you’ll know we’re nearing the end.
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quirktwerp · 6 years
mini rant & ramble from yours truly
question: did anyone else in elementary school (mainly from 2nd to 4th grade) play that lowkey fucked up version of would you rather? it was similar but definitely not the same.
it'd usually be questions pertaining around choosing between two people in a pretty fucked up scenario. for example: "if you could only save one person, would you save Person A or Person B?"
or: "who do you like more? Person A or Person B?"
and then people would usually try to cop out to not blatantly hurt their friends' feelings and be like "lol can i just kill myself"
we're basically comparing our affections between the people we chose to make time for and like?? that's so shitty??
and also, like,,, of course there'd be that handful of people who were like "fuck it, i'll be honest, i'd save [insert chosen option]/i like [insert chosen option]" like it was lowkey not that big of a deal which like?? sure, okay, assert how much you like that person, and totally tear the other's heart into wee itty bitty pieces
maybe at the time it didn't bother us much, or it didn't seem to bother us much, but like,,, what happens to the kids that didn't get chosen? where are they now? maybe it was a one time thing, or maybe it was a RECURRING thing.
either way, that fucking sucks, to be told that you're at least second pick
my least favourite scenario would be like,, putting two close/good/best friends of the questioned as their options
like,, idk. i have so much harboured guilt from that fucking game
and we were just kids! the kids at my school weren't heavy for sentiment, reasons for their choices kind of flippant and dangling down to who usually shared their snacks during lunch
what if we were to play that game now, at the ages we are presently? that's nine to seven years of building up or discovering or demolishing relationships. sure, i'm sixteen, but i have so many people who i am ride or die for?? sure, i'm definitely still naive from time to time, but i'm definitely at a point where it doesn't fucking matter who's giving me gushers at lunch time
and i could hurt so many more people now,, especially our generation?? i'm so??
if i was still playing elementary school games like that, i'd have so little friends. bcos, sure, some may get it, but others?? it's so fucked up to pin two people somebody loves against each other like that
idk. anyway. i've been thinking ab this a lot, if you couldn't tell lol
mainly bcos i've been asking myself these questions, standing two people I adore dearly as two options and setting up scenarios and choosing who'd i think i'd choose if it were to all come to fruition
and i like my choices. i stand by them wholeheartedly.
it just sucks so much ass to know how harmful to people those choices are. it generally feels shitty
but i think the difference now is that i'm not broadcasting these choices to a group of friends who'd totally respect me being like "uhh, yea, lance, he's been giving me gushers at lunch everyday and he makes me laugh sometimes"
idk,, i think it's good for me to know where i'm at, but it still feels shitty
i just wanted to put my thoughts somewhere
thanks for reading
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