#personalised satin pyjamas
toxicsquad · 9 months
Christmas special: Some gift ideas
Hello, Athe here!
I've been thinking a lot about some small gifts that I think would be perfect for the characters. Sort of like Christmas ideas for small budgets. I've tried to find some visual references and give some context for those who don't know the characters that well. It would be interesting to see what you guys would come up with, especially, for your own OCs… I'm going to leave a blank template below for anyone who wants to add some more or create their own OC version. We will reblog all your suggestions, you can also leave them in our ask which is always open. Happy holidays!
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Protective console case or gaming case: You can't go wrong with anything related to video games, especially if it's something with a cute aesthetic. Arael can't resist that kind of thing.
Ice cream maker: No more endless queues in the canteen. Arael will be able to make his own personalised ice cream with one of these machines.
Kigurumi: A warm pyjama to spend their hours in front of the computer playing or in your company.
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Fire extinguisher: It goes without saying why it's a good idea for Zihel to have a fire extinguisher on hand.
Some new clothes: The truth is that his clothes are outdated and quite torn. You would do him a favour by buying him something even if he won't thank you directly. Besides, he will accept any style you want to put on him without putting up too much of a fuss.
Survival kit: Zihel has always been interested in everything related to hunting and survival. He'll surely appreciate a kit with everything he needs for an adventurous weekend (or another kind of weekend…).
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Original teapot or tea set: Kyeran really enjoys drinking hot tea, so he would love a tea set. If you take the opportunity to give it a personalised touch in keeping with his style of decoration, you will make him very happy.
Portable hammock: You never know when you'll want to rest during a desert trek. A portable hammock can be ideal for him, but also for you to share a romantic moment.
Emotional support dolls: Anything you've made by hand will be highly valued, but these cute little dolls with motivational phrases will lift anyone's spirits.
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Portable charger: Don't ever catch Joe without a charge on one of her many devices. Without them Joe could go crazy and you will probably be her target.
Pyjamas or satin pillowcase: Inexpensive options to recreate a luxurious experience. Either is a good choice. Joe loves to feel pampered.
Massage oil: It's likely that with this you can both participate.
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Handmade candles: Since Opal discovered that he has a good sense of smell, he has also found that the smells of scented candles relax him a lot. It is easy for him to get stressed or irritable, but candles help him to calm his nerves.
Watchmaking tools: Opal has started a new trade and is comfortable repairing and making wind-up watches. But he often loses his tools or they break. A new kit is always welcome.
Work apron: Another thing he has recently discovered is that he enjoys working with the soil and could do with a work apron to keep all his gardening tools in.
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Poker cards with famous musicians: He likes to play card games, especially if gambling is involved. If you buy him some personalised cards like these, you can be sure he'll always have them with him.
Special edition vinyls: Any music fan would love something like this. You can't go wrong with an original edition of one of your favourite bands.
Skull-shaped ice bucket or whiskey set: There are quite a few objects in this shape in Ariel's house. We thought he might like something to do with alcohol.
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Pizza oven: Akane is a ramen and pizza fanatic. This time, we thought it might be nice to have a mini oven so that her pizzas are always perfect.
Car bin: Everyone knows that Akane loves driving, but not so much tidiness and cleanliness. Help her to keep it all tidy with this mini-trash bin for the car.
Exercise dice: She loves sport. We suggest you give her something more original than a pair of trainers or a bottle of water with a dice to help him choose her daily exercises.
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Ultrasonic cleaner: Anyone who owns glasses will understand Hasi's problems with keeping his glasses clean. You'd be doing him a big favour by buying him a little machine like this.
Writers' Socks: Although he wouldn't usually wear colourful, flashy clothes, socks are perfect for letting his imagination run wild. Especially if they are about a subject that interests you as much as books do.
Diorama bookmarks: Another Christmas classic are bookmarks, but I have found some that recreate mythical scenes from classic books. They are available for many works and can be a perfect complement to special editions of books.
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Pencil holder: I couldn't resist making this little inside joke. A little reminder won't hurt either.
Snack advent calendar: Why ask for one gift when you can have 24? He would love any advent calendar, but a snack calendar seems appropriate for him.
Projector: With a small projector he can watch films and series in his sorority room or invite you to join him.
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Fingerprint padlock: A secure padlock for a person who hides a lot of secrets. Maske loves tech gadgets and keeping their privacy safe.
Cup warmer: For someone who drinks a lot of coffee and has insomnia, this cup warmer will keep your cups at the perfect temperature.
Spice collection: It's no secret that Maske likes to cook, so they have a lot of utensils, so the smartest thing I could think of is to give them some kind of exotic spice kit so they can innovate in their kitchen and get out of their comfort zone a bit.
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Gothic picnic basket: A perfect basket for two to have a romantic meal in the forest with Opal.
Couples' keepsake wheel: Important dates and memories can be engraved on it. A romantic and personalised gift.
Sewing scissors: A nice pair of scissors is a must in the sewing basket of a seamstress.
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¡Hola, aquí Athe!
He estado pensando mucho en algunos pequeños regalos que creo que serían perfectos para los personajes. Algo así como ideas de navidad para presupuestos pequeños. He intentado buscar algunas referencias visuales y darle algo de contexto para aquellos que no conozcan tan bien a los personajes. Sería interesante ver qué es lo que se os ocurriría a vosotros, especialmente, sobre vuestros propios OCs... Voy a dejar abajo una plantilla en blanco para aquel que le apetezca añadir alguno más o crear su versión OC. Rebloguearemos todas vuestras propuestas, también podéis dejarlas en nuestro ask que siempre está abierto. ¡Felices fiestas!
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Carcasa protectora para consola o funda para juegos: No se puede fallar con cualquier cosa relacionada con videojuegos, especialmente, si es algo con una estética cuqui. Arael no se puede resistir a esa clase de cosas.
Heladera: Se acabaron las colas interminables en el comedor. Arael podrá hacer sus propios helados personalizados con una máquina de éstas.
Kigurumi: Un pijama calentito para pasar sus horas delante del ordenador jugando o en tu compañía.
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Extintor: Sobra decir por qué es buena idea que Zihel tenga un extintor a mano.
Algo de ropa nueva: Lo cierto es que su ropa está anticuada y bastante rota. Le harías un favor comprándole algo aunque no vaya agradecértelo directamente. Además, aceptará cualquier estilo que quieras ponerle sin poner demasiadas pegas.
Kit de supervivencia: A Zihel siempre le ha llamado la atención todo lo relacionado con la caza y la supervivencia. Seguro agradecerá un kit con todo lo necesario para un finde de aventuras (o un finde otro tipo...).
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Tetera o juego de té original: Kyeran disfruta mucho de tomar un té calentito, así que un juego de té le encantaría. Si aprovechas para que tenga algún toque personalizado a su estilo de decoración le harás muy feliz.
Hamaca portable: Nunca se sabe cuando vas a querer descansar durante una ruta por el desierto. Una hamaca portátil puede ser ideal para él, pero también para que compartáis un momento romántico.
Muñecos de soporte emocional: Cualquier cosa que hayas hecho a mano la valorará muchísimo, pero estos tiernos muñequitos con frases motivacionales levantan el ánimo a cualquiera.
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Cargador portátil: Que nunca le pille a Joe sin carga en alguno de sus muchos dispositivos. Sin ellos Joe podría volverse loca y, seguramente, su diana seas tú.
Pijama o funda de almohada de satén: Opciones económicas para recrear una experiencia lujosa. Cualquiera de las dos es una buena opción. A Joe le encanta sentirse consentida.
Aceite para masajes: Es probable que con esto podáis participar los dos.
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Velas hechas a mano: Desde que Opal descubrió que tiene buen olfato, también se ha dado cuenta que los olores de las velas aromáticas le relajan mucho. Es fácil que se estrese o esté irritado pero las velas le ayudan a calmar sus nervios.
Herramientas de relojería: Opal ha comenzado un nuevo oficio y se siente cómodo reparando y fabricando relojes de cuerda. Pero a menudo pierde sus herramientas o se rompen. Un nuevo kit siempre será bienvenido.
Delantal de trabajo: Otra cosa que ha descubierto recientemente, es que le agrada mucho trabajar con la tierra y no le vendría mal un delantal de trabajo donde guardar todas sus herramientas de jardinería.
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Cartas de póker con músicos famosos: Le gusta jugar a juegos de cartas, sobre todo, si hay apuestas de por medio. Si le compras unas cartas personalizadas como éstas, te aseguramos que siempre las llevará encima.
Vinilos de edición especial: Cualquier fanático de la música le gustaría algo así. No se puede fallar con una edición original de una de sus bandas favoritas.
Cubitera o set de whiskey en forma de calavera: No son pocos los objetos con esta forma en su casa. Hemos pensado que le podría agradar algo relacionado con el alcohol.
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Horno de pizza: Akane es una fanática del ramen y las pizzas. Esta vez, se nos ha ocurrido que podría estar bien un mini horno para que sus pizzas queden siempre perfectas.
Basura para el coche: Todo el mundo sabe que Akane ama conducir, pero no tanto el orden, ni la limpieza. Ayúdala a que lo mantenga todo recogido con esta mini-papelera para el coche.
Dado de ejercicio: Le encanta el deporte. Te proponemos darle algo más original que unas zapatillas o una botella de agua con un dado que le ayude a elegir sus ejercicios diarios.
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Limpiador ultrasónico: Todos los que tienen gafas comprenderán bien los problemas de Hasi para mantener sus gafas limpias. Le harías un gran favor comprándole una pequeña máquina como estas.
Calcetines de Escritores: Aunque por lo general no usaría prendas coloridas, ni muy llamativas, los calcetines son perfectos para dejarse llevar por la imaginación. Sobre todo, si son de un tema que le interesa tanto como lo son los libros.
Marcapáginas en forma de diorama: Otro clásico navideño son los marcapáginas, pero he encontrado unos que recrean escenas míticas de libros clásicos. Los hay de muchas obras y pueden ser un complemento perfecto para ediciones especiales de libros.
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Portalápices: No me he podido resistir a hacer esta pequeña broma interna. Un pequeño recordatorio tampoco le vendrá mal.
Calendario de adviento de snacks: Para que pedir un regalo cuando puedes tener 24... Cualquier calendario de adviento le gustaría, pero uno de snaks parece apropiado para él.
Proyector: Con un pequeño proyector podrá ver películas y series en su cuarto de la hermandad o invitarte a acompañarle.
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Candado con huella dactilar: Un candado seguro, para una persona que oculta muchos secretos. A Maske le encantan los gadget tecnológicos y tener su intimidad a buen recaudo.
Portavasos calentador: Para alguien que toma mucho café y tiene insomnio este calentador mantendrá sus tazas a la temperatura perfecta.
Colección de especias: No es ningún secreto que a Maske le gusta cocinar, por eso tiene gran cantidad de utensilios, por eso, lo más inteligente que se me ha ocurrido es regalarle algún tipo de kit de especias exóticas para que innove en su cocina y salga un poco de su zona de confort.
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Cesta de picnic gótica: Una cesta perfecta para dos, con la que poder tener una comida romántica en el bosque acompañada de Opal.
Rueda de recuerdos para parejas: Se pueden grabar fechas importantes y recuerdos en ella. Un regalo romántico y personalizado.
Tijeras de costura: Unas bonitas tijeras nunca sobran en el cesto de arreglos de una costurera.
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mylifeaselis21 · 11 months
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sb-boutique21 · 2 years
Satin Anchor & Snake robe
#embroidery #RT #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypage #satin #night #nightwear #bath #photo #satinfabric #fashionstyle #shopmycloset #online #onlineshopping #fyp #fypシ #fypシ❤️💞❤️
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mylifeaselis21 · 1 year
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mylifeaselis21 · 1 year
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mylifeaselis21 · 1 year
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axdorablex · 4 years
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Personalised PJ Satin Sets
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Buy Comfortable Dress for Home
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Don’t like to wear tight corset at home or a day off and want to wear some loose clothes but look good.  So, we bring for you Personalized Dressing Gown. Its many uses like you can wear it when you half dressed, and you just awake and wear to something on night dress because in night dress it really awkward to come out from the room and roaming in a home its look good while you stand on balcony in morning time after waking up from the bed, while preparing breakfast enjoy meal with your family and of, course while do other household chores its very comfortable dress at that time, mostly after Corona there is beginning work from home is  also still continue so, people always like to have in night dress all of the day. Instead living in night dress, you can buy for yourself dressing gown personalized it will be better than your night dress.  Because its another name is morning gown and housecoat.
You can save more of time choosing to wear it like to think what to need to wear today or going in a party so you can wear it and do make your hair do and makeup. Later, complete all the chores and partially ready you wear your party outfit and complete ready yourself. At the time of spa, you can wear it its very comfortable dress during skin care and men can wear it during their shave.
Instead of this there are so many things you can do by wearing it like cook in kitchen without aparine, watering plants, evening and morning walk in your patio or outside of the space of your home. Most benefit is Dressing Gown Personalized available for both seasons summers and winters so, you can enjoy freedom from tight corset and so many sweater too. Its good for them who don’t like wear so much clothes in winter and  like to live free on the day off.
You can wear it with pyjama and of course wear without anything underneath completely your choice.
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mylifeaselis21 · 1 year
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