#personally i get a kick out of gatekeeping one of the top most popular tv series of all time
aminta · 6 months
you are a breaking bad fan for the memes. i am a breaking bad because its my fundamental belief system. we are not the same
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daleisgreat · 5 years
Man vs. Snake: The Long and Twisted Tale of Nibbler
I am a huge fan of the classic 2007 documentary, King of Kong, that saw two arcade players vying for the all-time Donkey Kong high score. Last year I was visiting a bunch of friends at a retro gaming convention and while hanging out after the con, one of them suggested to throw on today’s entry, 2015’s Man vs. Snake: The Long and Twisted Tale of Nibbler (trailer) on in the background. I had no idea what it was and immediately focused all attention upon it once I realized it focused on the same premise of two old-school arcade players chasing down the top score for another 80’s arcade game, Nibbler. It is not from the same directorial crew of King of Kong, but is shot in a similar style and shares a few supporting cast interviewees from King of Kong such as videogame high-score gatekeeper Walter Day and the controversial Billy Mitchell. Being a huge fan of King of Kong I was stunned Man vs. Snake went three years going off my radar. I listen to several videogame podcasts and keep up with the gaming press online and on social media seemingly daily and somehow this one slipped by me for three years. Upon getting minutes into the documentary I was doubly stunned that I had never once heard of or seen footage before of the 1982 arcade game, Nibbler this documentary is centering its high score chase on. The two creators of Nibbler, Joseph Ulowetz & John Jaugilas, are interviewed and explained how the game essentially came and went with middling sales and no real lasting power in the arcade scene at the time. If you are in my age range in your 30s you likely first experienced a variant of Nibbler more commonly known as Snake in the late 90s on either flash-based gaming websites, TI graphic calculators or simple black-and-green Nokia cell phones of that timeframe. I never recalled once seeing this in arcades and much-appreciated the history lesson. The two creators are only shown briefly in several excerpts, but they have an uncut 15 minute interview in the bonus material worth seeing because both of them go in-depth about how Nibbler came to be, crazy office stories and revealing the reason behind some of its gameplay secrets.
The two high score-chasers Man vs. Snake is centered around is Tim McVey (no, not the one you are thinking of) and Dwayne Richard. The documentary kicks off with exquisite animation sequences reminiscent of the style in Bob’s Burgers detailing how McVey originally posted the first official billion point game in Nibbler and procured the world record. Billy Mitchell is interviewed here elucidating the story because he is a real-life friend of Tim’s and witnessed him post that original record score. McVey was dethroned not too long later by an Italian, Enrico Zanetti, who is also interviewed and has his own unique tale on how his record stood for over 25 years. The animation featured in the opening and in a handful of other sporadic scenes throughout the film is incredibly impressive and is a worthy substitute for a lack of TV footage from that time. Flash forward to the late 2000s and the doc does a great job at detailing the impetus for what drove Tim and Dwayne to start competing against each other to set a new world record. A standout scene is showing clips and recapping how Dwayne & Tim compete against each other at MAGfest one year and the highs and lows of that public event. Later the focus switches to Dwayne & Tim’s own personal livestream attempts to try and break the world record and the stress of being filmed throughout the whole ordeal. McVey is featured more prominently throughout along with his wife and the film reeled me in for the agony of defeat as Tim went through all kinds of failed attempts due to several different type of circumstances. Both McVey and Richard have their feel good moments, and like King of Kong their successes did not go without controversy. Walter Day is the ever-present authoritative figure throughout with his trademark referee shirt just like we remember him from King of Kong. For fans of that documentary, you may recall it shares a couple glimpses of Walter’s unique personal life, and just some forewarning that Man vs. Snake dives a little deeper into Day’s lifestyle in a couple of scenes and it goes places I did not expect.
Also worth noting is that the DVD has both a censored and uncensored version available. I watched the uncensored version and what stood out from that is a couple of interview subjects being unfiltered at times and a couple graphic blister scenes due to playing Nibbler nonstop for over a day. For other extra features there are a total of 50 minutes of bonus scenes and that is where you can find the aforementioned interview with the two creators of the game. Other recommended cutting room floor scenes are more in-depth recaps of a couple of McVey’s failed attempts that did not get highlighted in the feature and a interview with another arcade score-chaser, Rick Carter, on his memories of trying to dethrone the Nibbler world record. There is also an audio commentary with directors Andrew Seklir and Tim Kinzy which is worth checking out because they have nonstop insight and facts on tracking down interview subjects, acquiring archival footage and discovering which interviewees they have fond and/or disdainful memories of throughout the production process. Man vs. Snake reminded a lot of why I loved King of Kong. I would rank it a notch or two under King of Kong because Man vs. Snake does not have the convenient hero/villain dynamic of Wiebe and Mitchell as McVey and Richard are both affable and positive figures to root for throughout. It also does not helps that King of Kong is based on one of the most popular arcade games of that era while Man vs. Snake focuses on one that I had no idea existed until I saw the film. Do not let that sway you from avoiding Man vs. Snake because it is still a vastly fascinating and entertaining documentary worth going out of your way to see. Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed Deck the Halls Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hercules: Reborn Hitman Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Marine 3-6 Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Take Me Home Tonight TMNT The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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jeremystrele · 6 years
Yumi Stynes + Family
Yumi Stynes + Family
Emma Eldridge
Yumi Stynes with her children ‘Man Baby'(2), Mercy (4), and Dee Dee (14) (not pictured here Anouk (16)). Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
Mercy and Dee Dee in their Sydney home. Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
Yumi and ‘Man Baby’ whose name she has chosen not to release publically. Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
‘As for parenting in public or private, I don’t know anyone who isn’t just doing their best,’ says Yumi. Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
Yumi with her eldest daughters at a local cafe. Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
Yumi, Australia’s most masterful multi-tasker! Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
The family never incidentally watches TV – ‘it’s either on because we’re watching something and engaged with it, or it’s off’. Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
Yumi mentions her older two children thrill their younger siblings just by existing… aww! Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
‘I think the kids learn a lot by observing how I treat my own mother,’ tells Yumi. ‘She is an imperfect and wonderful human being, and I love her thoroughly.’ Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
Yumi’s chief hope for her children us that their laughter muscles be well exercised! Photo – Katherine Millard for The Design Files.
I recently read an article that quizzed Dr. Michele Borba (author of UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me-World) on how to teach children empathy; number three on her list was creating a ‘family mantra’ (I texted my husband to workshop this and he unsurprisingly did not respond).
It may not extend to her family, but the mantra of media-slashie Yumi Stynes is definitely ‘zero f*cks’.
Today we talk with the straight-shooting mum of four about multi-tasking, podcasting, making the most of maternity leave, and more.
You’ve said you had never wanted to become a Mum but experienced an incredible biological impulse to get pregnant at age 25, and that your first-born Anouk saved your life. Three kids on, you present, podcast and write in amongst managing your family’s mental load – Yumi, are you Australia’s most masterful multi-tasker? Apart from having an incredibly supportive partner, how do you do it? Have you kept your pledge to do less at home? Is it even possible to give up gatekeeping?
Thank you for that flattering question, ha! A couple of truths I’d like to underline – yes, my partner is a ridiculously competent and enthusiastic participant in parenting and its accompanying daily domestic drudgery. My life would not be possible without this help. I do multi-task like a juggling octopus, but I think most parents do – we keep the balls in the air, because we have to.
For the most part I’ve kept my pledge to do less at home… but to be honest, most of that ‘less’ involves hands-on caring for the children. I still do all the cooking and management of our social calendars, but my partner does most of the bedtime reading, bathing and other stuff he loves to do but I find quite boring. Quitting gatekeeping of domestic chores is easier when you realise you actually have zero fucks left to give.
Every parent has survived at least one incident of shaming, but my postmistress telling me off for bottle feeding in no way compares with the public outcry you experienced after ‘Paddington Bear’ (it was summer in Sydney and Yumi brought then-baby Mercy along to the premiere in a nappy). Why do you think it is that mothers tend to tear each other down instead of boosting each other up – when we’re all in the same bonkers boat? What would you say about parenting in the public eye to those so quick to judge?
I’m not sure if it was other mothers having a go at me, it felt more like a bunch of people who found me annoying and thought it was a fair opportunity to give me a kicking. I was shocked and tipped off-balance when it happened as I’d been on maternity leave of sorts for a year and was not in fight mode – I was definitely not match-fit. On reflection, the whole thing was a giant heap of bullshit; I can’t believe anyone wasted their energy arguing about whether it was right to bring a baby out wearing nothing but a nappy on a hot day. Those people can just fuck off.
As for parenting in public or private, I don’t know anyone who isn’t just doing their best. Judgement happens, but I think all you can do is brush it off your shoulder – like the insignificant fluff it is. 
I’m a big fan of Ladies We Need To Talk (it’s my must-listen along with The New Normal for all things Mum), and have found myself increasingly turning to podcasts (not sure if this can be attributed to the pursuit of quality over quantity content, or being time poor). How does the experience of working on the series compare with your current and past presenting, and have you any other favourite podcasts you’d like to share?
 Working on Ladies We Need To Talk.has been an unbelievable experience, and we’re only halfway through season two! Allow me to answer your question in three parts. 
First of all, when I started working on Ladies I was really struck with how ethical and diligent the team were. We approach every new topic with a very keen sense of responsibility to our listeners – to research thoroughly and speak truthfully. I love that so much.
Then there is the audience, who are so enthusiastic every time a new episode drops, and who clamour to share it with their friends. I’ve never had something I’ve worked on be so shared through word-of-mouth. It’s insane.
And then there’s my own personal experience, acquiring actual life-changing knowledge with each episode. I started out Season One thinking I knew everything and was this totally empowered woman, but I’ve still so much to learn. I feel different, I am different, because of this podcast.
The podcasts I love tend to be music-related, like Song Exploder and Switch on Pop – there’s nothing more delightful to me than nerdy dissection of popular music. This year, I’ve deeply loved a podcast about research into Isis called Caliphate; I also listen to my own radio show, The 3pm Pick-up, on podcast because I like to make sure I don’t sound like an asshole!
Growing up you wanted to be a chef but were put off by the industry’s aggressive energy – what was it that inspired you to finally pursue a culinary path with the Zero F*cks Cookbook, conjured while on maternity leave? Can you also share your go-to weeknight recipe from the book, and tell us a bit about the sequel due this summer – plus the non-food related publication you’re currently working on?
 Yeah, I wanted to be a chef when I was a kid. My sisters tell me I loved squelching things together – that visceral blobbing of wet and dry ingredients, and the magic of adding heat. I never became a chef, but my oldest child is 16, so I’ve been cooking for a family for nearly two decades.
I mentioned maternity leave before, but when you freelance and take time off to have a baby, there’s not necessarily a job waiting for you when you’re ready to start back. I’d had a chunk of time off after my third kid and was desperate to get out amongst it, but I had to make my own opportunities. Making easy, health food was so native to me, the book wrote itself – like when musicians wake up with a perfect pop song written in their heads! Taking the cookbook to market was a joy because it was all so clear to me; rejection meant nothing because the idea was bullet-proof.
I knew Zero F*cks would be a hit because I am the exact kind of person who needs such a book: I am busy, I love food, I cook. I started writing the follow-up before the first one had even been printed, so I was ready to pull the trigger on that quick smart. The Zero F*cks Sequel should be out in time for Christmas and it’s bigger, funnier and swearier than the first.
As for the non-food project I’m working on, it’s still a bit top secret. It’s more in the vein of the work I do on Ladies, and I’m so excited about it that I get blinding surges of pleasure whenever I think about it!
How do your days start and end with Anouk, Dee Dee, Mercy and ‘Man Baby’? You’ve said you work hard on being honest, but do you have any other tips and traditions for raising four kids – particularly ones a generation apart?
My days start when I wake up at 6.30am, after which I pretty much run from the time the babies wake until around 11pm, when my partner and I lie side-by-side in bed, shell shocked and staring into our phones.
Raising four kids is total madness but it almost balances itself out with the great big gap. There’s 10 years between the first batch of kids (Anouk and Dee Dee) and the second (Mercy and Manbaby). The older ones thrill their younger siblings just by existing – they don’t have to do anything, they’re just hero-worshipped and magnificent and heavenly goddesses. The younger ones are bonkers and poo their pants and run around doing irrational shit like trying to stab each other with spoons, and somewhere among it all they’re learning to be decent humans with a basic sense of respect and humour.
One of the things we do is eat together every evening. We never have incidental TV watching – it’s either on because we’re watching something and engaged with it, or it’s off.  And finally, I think the kids learn a lot by observing how I treat my own mother. She is an imperfect and wonderful human being, and I love her thoroughly. I very much hope that they will view me similarly when I’m an old lady.
Moving across time, what kind of adults might you like your foursome to grow into? How would you like them to remember you to their own families?
I don’t really mind what my children become so long as their laughter muscle is well exercised! I hope they have fun and treat their bodies like some people treat their cars (lots of attention and maintenance) and treat their friends and families as their greatest treasures.
  Activity or outing
I have four kids who will swim in any body of water no matter what the weather or water temperature, so the best kind of family outing usually involves a swim with a little esky full of apples and cheese and crackers and homemade snacks. When the babies are grumpy, or the teens are crackling with what I call ‘that static energy,’ a good long swim usually soothes their souls and calms them down.
Dinner destination
This is such a wank, but I love to go out for a vegan degustation meal. You feel pampered and at the end, you don’t feel disgusting.
Book, film, or show
The TV show Atlanta is the greatest show of the last five years and I’m not interested in hearing arguments to the contrary.
Place to travel
Japan. My mother is Japanese and we have been travelling to Japan since I was little. The reasons Japan is so great are obvious and numerous – the food, the culture, the nature, the snow – but I also love it because I only ever want to visit. I’m quite happy right here.
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