#personally i would blow a fuse if i saw forearms or shoulders or ankles of whoever i may have feelings for
teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
‘*buttons up* you’ll get cold’ - I can’t deal with this 😭
But honestly one thing that I can see Chrollo’s darling doing is just calling him out on his endless attempts at seducing her with the barest proof of skin, like why are you doing this in the middle of breakfast? Can’t we have one peaceful meal for once?
this man has had his brain molded after rooting tombs of classical literature, and probably thinks that naked ankles are the epitome of eroticism or something, the sort of guy that would genuinely suffer from an internal turmoil when confronted with a decently exposed shoulder, and since his mind works in this manner he just supposes that his darling’s does too, and that she’ll lose it all for some slightly unbuttoned shirts that he not so discretely attempts to bring into her periphery…
He thinks he's being sly unbuttoning his shirt and letting it fall off a shoulder teasingly, but it's 9 am and you're trying to eat breakfast so put the damn shirt on properly or don't wear it if it's so hard. Honestly, it's very annoying. Chrollo thinks that you're just like him, someone who would blow a fuse if they saw the person they hold feelings for expose an ankle or forearms
He doesn't understand why you only cringe in response. At first, he mistook your scoldings for you being in denial of your attraction towards him, thus your demands that he cover up properly. But when you had blatantly stated that showing skin like that is improper and frankly annoying because it's Chrollo of all people, he realised that he had perhaps misunderstood
This doesn't mean that he will stop. Just that the subtle skin exposure will be more subtle now
Doesn't stop you from telling him to dress properly or not at all. Sometimes Chrollo feels tempted to do the latter
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