#perth and chimon are very talented
sunshinechay · 1 year
The flashbacks in this episode were…something. I’m going to likely be that person who goes against popular opinion and say that I actually liked the use of the flashbacks. Were there too many? Absolutely! However, I do appreciate what they were trying to be. A way of visually showing Kang contexualizing his feelings for Sailom as they happened. Most of the time, when a character in a drama realizes that they like another, there is that montage of romantic moments of the two characters growing closer to each other. The big difference is that while there is usually only one, this time, the editors seem to air on the side of being too heavy handed with the metaphor.
Kang spends the episode conflicted about his feelings about Pimfah, about Sailom and about Pimfah’s feelings about Sailom. Love triangles are tricky things to do and I liked this one. I even liked how quickly it started and got resolved. Going too deeply, and spending too much time lingering in, Pimfah’s feelings for Sailom would have slowed the show down in a way that wouldn’t have worked (and yes I do agree that the show needs a bit of a slow down). It also risks turning Pimfah into a character she isn’t. She isn’t meant to be a jealous girlfriend nor a competitor for Kang. She is her own character with her own storyline (*looks at Pimfah and the student teacher* Harold they’re lesbians). She also serves as a narrative device to help Kang and Sailom get close (Guy also serves this function within the episode). Kang needed to see her feelings for Sailom in order to confront his own about her and Sailom.
Each flashback serves this function. Every time something happened, it would be accompanied by a flashback and more often than not, a pensive look from Kang (a part of me would very like to know exactly how many times Perth got “now I need to stare thoughtfully into the middle distance” as an instruction). Kang had to rethink and recontextualize just about every interaction he’s had with Sailom since being forced to be tutored by him. Kang does not have much in the way of emotional intelligence (which is the result of many factors both within and outside of Kang’s control) so he doesn’t, can’t, figure it out quickly. Kang himself has said that it has been told to him since he was young. He has to grow up, find a nice woman, get married and have children to carry on the family name. He doesn’t believe he can deviate from that path. That it’s the only path that will make his father proud, that will make his father pay attention to him and love him. It’s the only path that will make him feel worthy of something he should be getting already, his father’s love.
Which also brings to a thought I’ve been having since the beginning. I don’t know how many other people have thought this, but I don’t think Kang has ever actually liked Pimfah. They get along fine and are friends, but I don’t think Kang has ever actually had anything in the way of romantic feelings for her. I think he just decided on her because she was a safe choice. She is his friend, one he knows he gets on with, she seems to like him well enough and also, she is the daughter of one of his father’s business associates. There is no way his father would disprove of her. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Kang’s father has mentioned something about Pimfah in the past or Kang and Pimfah’s fathers wouldn’t have tried to get them together a few years down the line.
Kang has buried how he really feels so far down. He has to take the time to truly dig it up and come to terms with it and I honestly don’t even think he really did that before he kissed Sailom. He figured it out sure, but he hasn’t come to terms with it. He just knows that if he doesn’t act now, he’ll lose Sailom to someone else, whether that is Pimfah or Guy or someone else. It also hasn’t escaped my notice that both of the possibly “love rivals” Kang has had have been characters that are a part of the shows secondary ships, which I also absolutely think is intentional.
The flashbacks are a narratively and visual tool to help the audience go on that journey with Kang. There were too many of them sure, but even that works in this situation, because it shows that Kang isn’t just going off of instinct. He is re-examining his feelings, even if he always jumps to the wrong conclusion in the end, but hey denial will do that to you. This show does have its issues and I think a lot of them do stem from the philosophy of “airing on the side of too heavy handed for it’s own good” in its use of tropes and pacing but in this particular case, even if they were kind of annoying by the end, I think it still worked.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 5 months
Before this week's GMMTV announcements, I thought it was a good time to review my bingo card from Part 1, and do some manifesting for what we haven't gotten yet.
What I got right on my bingo card from Part 1 (which in hindsight, I did better than I realized based on announcements):
- Enemies to lovers, Pond in a comedic role, and if you squint, sort of AouBoom as leads because it's an ensemble cast - all covered by We Are.
- BL series with new actors - a safe bet, yes, still counts, Only Boo (which is actually turning out quite cute).
- Workplace romance - The Trainee
- GemFourth in something cute & innocent - My Love Mix-Up
- Paranormal romance & Gawin in a new lead role with a new partner - My Golden Blood, now to be joined by The Vampire Project for the paranormal part
- I'm also pretty sure I picked ViewJune as a side couple before they were confirmed as one for 23.5, so I'm gonna take credit for that as well.
What seems likely in Part 2:
- Mark Pakin in a lead role. He kind of spilled the beans already, plus it would be fucking dumb to not give him a lead at this point.
- 2 GLs in 2024. Pluto takes one spot, and based on rumors of a particular author posting about the event, another seems likely. (Pluto might also technically qualify as my secret identity romance pick but it remains to be seen).
- FirstKhao romcom. We want it, they want it, it's basic math. Give it!
- Neo paired with someone new and in a non-comedic role. I haven't heard much rumorwise, but I got the impression that Mark may be partnered with someone else. Which I think is good! They worked in Only Friends, but I think it's good to have a roster of flexible BL actors. I know Neo will be in My Golden Blood, so that sorta already counts for a serious role, but I assume he'll get more as well. (Omg, what if he hooks up with Mond as villain boyfies).
Less likely but not impossible:
- Remake of a Korean series. But after mining Japan so successfully, they might want to attempt more (especially if Korea is more flexible with airing rights).
- BL series with actors over 30. Their actors and audience are all getting older, let's bring in some maturity (Yes, of course this is about Papang making out onscreen for my enjoyment, I apologize for nothing).
Not gonna happen and I will be salty about it:
- JoongDunk vampire series. The Vampire Project is right there. Joong as a serial killer is also acceptable. (But of course I will watch them in whatever they get. I would just love for them to not be in university once again.)
- Midnight Museum 2. You give me such beautiful weird chaos and a perfect BL setup for season 2. And we won't get it, because god forbid that Gun ever get to kiss a man who isn't Off. Let him make out with other people, goddammit!!
Not in my card but manifesting all the same:
- Something worthy of Perth. Look, I like Chimon. He is very talented. And I had fun with Dangerous Romance. But I can't deny there was a chemistry problem. I think they can get past it, I really do, but they need the right series, the right coaching - heck, hire Saint to come do a one-on-one class of "how to make out with Perth like you mean it".
- Keep breaking out of the predictable BL settings. They've started to, and they need to keep it up. I'd love a strong sci-fi.
- More trans characters. More gender diversity. More breaking stereotypes.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Hi, tell me what is the shows from the 2023 lineup of GMMTV are you looking forward to the most? Most likely to flop? Unexpected hit?
Hot Tops: How to Train Your Bottom - Toot It or Reboot It - Kid Fury of The Read
Although this lineup was not as diverse as we were led to believe with several reboots and no new lead pairings, according to GMMTV, the queers are winning in 2023, so there will be no flops! Even Cherry Magic because if anything, people will tune in to trash watch it like they did Unforgotten Night. It's going to lack that Japanese vibe that only Japan can do, but I'm excited to see Thailand put a little razzle dazzle on it. Our Skyy 2, Hidden Agenda and A Boss and A Babe also have a guaranteed audience because of every single pairing, JoongDunk and ForceBook, so they'll do well.
The others not listed here will keep the lights on at GMMTV, but won't be bringing the discourse like these:
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The Jungle had a lot of faves in it, but the pilot trailer gave away nothing except it had a lot of faves in it, and more people equals more problems. - Bottom if it doesn't have a plot beyond family drama
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Midnight Museum had the black/white/red color nonsense that I love. I love the way people were standing. I love the aesthetic. I love the fantasy mystery aspect. The men are looking good, and the ladies are looking even better. I see you in that transparent corset mama! - Top for me, but might be mediocre for the overall crowd.
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I was very excited for Last Twilight because I get more of Sea's side profile and Aof's directing, but @oswlld did a fantastic job of outlining why I should be hesitant of the plot since it deals with medical issues and adjusting to a new way of life. Love does not solve health concerns, so although I'm still excited, I'm going to take a seat and respect the room. - People are already looking at it closely, so it better get it right. On the fence.
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PerthChimon hatefucking their way to love in Dangerous Romance is a gift from the gods. Chimon never misses when he acts, and Perth's screen presence is mesmerizing. There was an awkward hug in the pilot trailer, but I was too busy basking in the joy of them screaming they fucking hate each other and aggressively making out, then using the term sugar baby affectionately to care. - This will be mine and everyone's personality when it airs. Top!
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I'm upset that MilkLove can't play adults in 23.5, but I always support the girls, the gays, and the goths, so I'll be there with every other person who has wanted this for past two years. I also think there will be some color scheming going on between Milk's beanies and Love's headbands, and I will be eating it up. - We bullied GMMTV into this. Top!
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OffGun are like Kelly Clarkson. They are great at their job, and their performances never disappoint. We expect them to be good, therefore, even if Cooking Crush is meh, they will still do better than the rest. They are also playing adults. - Top!
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If Double Savage airs AFTER Dangerous Romance, I think it will be a hit. The crowd will be thirsty for Perth, and this gives enough time between seeing Ohm in 10 Years Ticket and maybe Wednesday Club for people to want to see these two battle it out on a beach with guns in their hands but love in their hearts. - Depends on timing. On the fence.
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Jojo, the director, said that Only Friends will be Britney Spears' "Toxic" level toxic, so I'm eagerly awaiting the FMVs of this show featuring 2WEI's "Toxic" remake. This pilot trailer has the highest amount of views (Dangerous Romance is second by less than five thousand). The people are excited that we will be well fed on this feast for the eyes. Poly is the answer, but since I know GMMTV will not serve us that, I'm just excited that we get to see the bro ho friend rotation in action with such fantastic talent. - The one top to rule them all!
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bengiyo · 2 years
Never Let Me Go Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
I can't believe we have new shows from Jojo two days in a row. Who ever thought we'd be here?? (I did, in 2012) Very excited about this one, but desperately hoping that Pond comes through for us this time.
I do like a slow-moving shot to open a show. I am prepared to feel moody.
Don't know if Neung is queer yet, but if he already is then I will have thoughts about gay boys and their moms.
Glad the father isn't actually negligent. Neung wasn't giving off a long-suffering air. It's nice to know that he feels like a beloved son.
This feels like a lot of weight to put on a young person, but Neung is coming of age and so I respect the dad trying to prepare his son for coming duties.
This rainy alleyway scene is giving Batman.
As others have pointed out already, this pendant is so huge. We get the metaphor, but goddamn.
Phuwin gives a strong performance here. I'm glad the sound editors toned down the sonic presence of his scream, though. I felt it was too loud in the trailer.
Every time I see Perth I'm like, "Welcome back, baby boy."
I've been complaining about the use of Dutch angles in GAP, but I think they're appropriate here. Neung's world is tilted by the loss of his dad, who clearly loved him (he literally named his son "Only One").
Love the use of this red outfit to announce that Tanya will take over as CEO.
I'm so glad Nat is in this show and linked with Perth. They're going to be fun to watch.
Glad this show is using Phuwin's multilingual talent.
Pond looks good in this so far. The school uniforms did not serve his frame well.
I like how workmanlike Jojo can be about exposition. Sometimes it's more efficient to have a character detail their limitations and worldview quickly so the audience knows their starting line. We can figure out the reasons as we go along.
Love that conversation with the bodyguard/chamberlain outside school. The shifts in your relationships as you come of age is always hard.
We never had anyone this famously wealthy at any school I went to.
Chimon remains excellent at building onscreen chemistry with literally anyone so well.
I will be very disappointed when we learn that Chanon was somehow involved in Pipop's death. Both Neungdia and Tanya assert that they feel like he's family. For Chanon, though, it probably isn't his reality. This is going to get messy and I'm here for it.
Almost gagged when I saw Apo and Mile in a product ad at the start of part 2.
Not to be too distracted by the gun, but what is in this notebook that Neung keeps in the same drawer as the gun?
Also noticed the retro style speaker, and the painting of a piano full of butterflies.
At least Neung has some trigger safety.
I'm so proud of the hair and makeup team so far. They have not missed once. Phuwin looks amazing sitting in the pool.
Fantastic choice to show Palm's commute. After seeing the wealth of Neung's life, the signs of poverty and frustrated hit hard.
Ball is life (and apparently a gambling opportunity to cause problems later).
I will never, ever tire of boys pulling each other into hiding spaces and getting too close to each other's faces. Mutuals, feel free to do this to me.
Nat is so good. I am so invested in this beef between Tanya and Kit, and am so curious about the family history that led to the exclusion of Pipong's brother.
The Gifted has forever ruined the arm grab for me in these dramas. It only ever reads as hugely manipulative.
What does Neung know about these family troubles? He didn't seem surprised about the tension when he walked in, and looked to Tanya for guidance on whether to hug Kit back.
Is Palm choosing to not wear a tie, or does he not have one? I'm not surprised he wears the uniform loosely after working as a fisherman.
I don't blame Neung for bailing on a father's day event.
Chanon definitely assigned Palm as a bodyguard. I think Tanya is aware of it.
Who is this taxi driver and why is he willingly contributing to truancy?
So we finally know what building these windows have been in. I have seen them in The Gifted and War of Y.
Neung isn't dumb, and I'm glad he's aware of what's going on.
Every time they say they trust Chanon, he gets uncomfortable. Is that guilt?
Oh ho, we're going to start seeing more of Perth next week.
I had a great time with this first episode, and like that both of Jojo's shows feel so distinct from each other right now. I completely forgot that Phuwin is playing Ice in The Warp Effect. Hoping to see Pond blossom as this character comes out of his reserve.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
I wonder what ggmtv puts in their artists drinks because recently there are so many talented people emerging and rightfully getting more attention. (I'm thinking First/Khaotung and Gemini/Forth especially) and so many people who seem to be able to build chemistry with just about anyone (e.g Ohm, Chimon, First and Khaotung) Is there anyone who has captured your eyes recently?
you're right and you should say it anon!!!!!!!
the gmmtv folks be doing some good deeds lately lol. GeminiFourth are definitely a nice surprise and needless to say pairing FK was the move of the century lmao. they've been pushing a lot of their long-time artists and giving them more challenging roles which is 👌🏻👌🏻. Because as much as I like seeing new faces, considering how they're setting higher standards with their productions lately, playing it safe with their veteran actors is ultimately the better choice.
that being said and to answer your question, I'm very intrigued by perth and chimon at the moment lol their acting in NLMG is superb and I find their characters very interesting. I'm curious about their story and I'm even more curious about dangerous romance as I think they're an intriguing pair and notoriously, I'm all for new pairings lol.
besides that I'm lowkey obsessed with the warp effect cast lol; none of them are breakout artist or anything but I can't help but be in awe lol. especially New, Fah and Fluke are doing so well in their roles and they fit into the story effortlessly. plus it’s nice to see New back at gmmtv after being outsourced for the past 2 years lol. 
moreover I love how they're putting my boy pawin in literally everything at the moment because he deserves it lol but I think it's time to give him another main role. I was hoping for something bigger for him in the 2023 lineup but sadly not. but either way I think he's fantastic and I'm rooting for him 🥺 lol.
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dramalets · 1 year
2023 Watch List pt2
Other list was getting annoyingly long for my liking so part two it is.
Not Me - I am not the biggest lover of Off's acting. A darling but, to me, not anywhere near as good as others at GMMTV. So I went into this with a lower expectation than some. I was incredibly pleasantly surprised. Essentially a story about a rough around the edges little anti-establishment found family, this drama had a lot to say and really managed to execute those messages without feeling preachy about it. Fantastic cast all round and I fell head first for DanYok. 4/5
Never Let Me Go (series and Our Skyy) - Umm. I feel like I felt like I knew what this was trying to do but that it got a bit lost at times. The script is kind of muddled. As ever JoJo pulls amazing performances out of a very young pup cast and its really those performances that make a confused script work. The cinematography is also stunning. Pond, for me, again suffers a little from a general stiffness, he gives some great emotion in this but, for me, has a lot of growing to do as an actor. It says something when I felt more strongly for Perth and Chimon who're barely in this. 3/5
The Warp Effect - Literally never seen anything as wholly sex positive and fun as this. The whole cast works amazingly and seeing kinks represented in a way where they weren't jokes was beautiful. Also, accurate female orgasm faces. Deserves a five for that alone. But seriously, don't skip this one. Queer, feminist and sex positive this deserves all the flowers. 5/5
The Jungle - This is stupid. I know it, you know it. Everyone who watched it knows it. But damn it was fun. Essentially a group of fuckboys, that routinely fight other fuckboys for treating girls badly, accidentally catch feelings for some cool women. Everything is nice too look at and the acting is great (especially Nanon, ohmygod) so honestly, strong rec. 3.5/5
Vice Versa (series and Our Skyy) - I get why people didn't warm too this, the ppl is honestly the worst I've ever seen and the concept is a little bizarre, but it just had something I really liked. JimmySea are an incredibly comfy feeling pairing, it's soothing to watch them together even when the script is a little daft and the ppl ridiculous. I'm rarely strongly moved by dramas but the scene where Puen is saying his goodbyes too Tun's parents just had me gone. Also just Jimmy in general does some beautiful, emotional work throughout. (Which makes the ppl issue even more annoying for me. They're too good to have to do stupid scenes about choco pie and lays potato chips.) 4/5
Cupids last wish - Ummm. This isn’t terrible but it’s also not that great. It just is. The script is so muddled that sometimes I thought I’d missed an episode, I hadn’t it’s just a confused script, and if the leads weren’t talented it wouldn’t really work at all. The period part is art but overall the representation of women in this is questionable at best and downright bad and cringe at worst. Watch for EarthMix and go watch Jan in Warp Effect where she’s allowed to be great and all the women are fully realised characters. 3.5/5
History 3: Trapped - This isn’t perfect, there’s some weird continuity stuff and things that didn’t feel fleshed out, but it’s A LOT of fun and the cast is fun. I really enjoyed the main pair and their back and forth was a lot of fun to watch. 3/5
Hidden Agenda - This wanted to be so many things that it just wasn’t. Joke was barely given a personality beyond ‘I love Zo’ and Zo was at times annoying but mostly just boring. Aou&Boom’s side characters were compelling and their relationship felt healthy and fully realised. I really can’t say the same for Joke & Zo. You’re scarcely shown any reason that they like one another and Joke just floats around looking mournful like he’s got trapped wind. Not one I’ll revisit. 2/5
My tooth your love - Ehhhh. First few episodes are nice. Dentist is a walking red flag who deserves to be told to fuck off and,as cute as the the wee baby gay side character is, I didn’t really appreciate the side romance between the 18 year old and the grown man that takes on a pseudo care giver role for him. (I know that’s a me dislike and he’s of age so it’s legal but, for me, it’s ick.) 2/5
Laws of Attraction - Every now and then a show comes along that shouldn't really work but 100% does and this is that show. Most everyone in this is a soap actor, you can tell, but that only adds to the beautiful camp absurdity of the thing. Charn is a deliciously villainous 'life is for profit' lawyer and Tinn is a soft, cosy, Labrador of a human. The untimely, heart breaking death of Tinn's niece brings the pair together to solve the mystery of how she died. There are lots of things you have to overlook with this but the central puzzles are good and intriguing and everyone's acting is good. (Watch this on dramacool if you're not in the states. The YouTube subs are absolute balls.) 4/5
My School President (series and Our Skyy) - I am older but I fall into the category of adult who was terrible at being a teen and, therefore, solidly enjoys good teen content and this is definitely that. Fourth & Gem do an excellent job as our leads and this show just serves you a consistent slice of fluffy delight. Their respective friend groups are also excellent and the Our Skyy concept gave me solidly genuine amusement. 4/5
Cutie Pie - Call me a hater but I'm just not a fan of Nu's 'brat' and Zee's 'brat tamer' dynamic. I think they're both probably better than this is but their fans LOVE that dynamic so I don't think they'll be escaping it anytime soon. This was just a bloated mess. 2/5
Love in the air - I am not a mame fan. I think she's a shit tier fanfic writer who needs some serious therapy. But when that women achieves casting excellence her shtick becomes pulpy and addictive. Everything about the plot is red flag central but you cant keep your eyes off. Personally I rated the FortPeat pairing higher than the BossNouel one but both had their charms. (I fast forward the gang rape scene because jesus fuck mame why.) 3/5
Wedding Plan - This was a thing that I watched. Boring, badly paced and didn't even get good spicy scenes because it was a partnership with GMMTV. Snooze fest. Unless you're a person who thinks Mame is actually a good writer, you won't get much from this. 1/5
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talkingbl · 1 year
I Put 34 GMMTV Actor Names Into A Random Pairing Generator...here are the results.
and my thoughts on each. S/o to the internet for this idea.
Key: Yes No Interesting
Off-Louis. No
I cannot picture this pair at all, sorry.
Nanon-Ford. Interesting
This one is interesting. Ford has potential and the Our Skyy 2 trailer & clips proves that Nanon can retain chemistry with just about anyone, regardless of the circumstances ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Tay-Thor. Interesting
For some reason, I can see it. I can't explain it, but Thor's acting energy matches Tay's so well. I can kind of see it for them in a modern-style romantic comedy.
Mark-Mix. Yes
How have I not thought of this!!! Visuals: ✨SCRUMPTIOUS✨, Talent: ✨EXISTENT✨, Chemistry: ✨SCORCHING✨! (Well, that last one is more of a guess) but I can 100% see them in a continuation story of Jedi-Rose-style storyline that we saw in The Warp Effect. GMMTV, pay me for this one.
Neo-Krist. No
I sort of see it but, sadly, I'm not sure I can conceive of a suitable plot to match their skills. And even though I've only seen Krist in one series, I feel like the chemistry wouldn't play off the screen very well.
Earth-Pond. No
Beautiful visuals but probably negative chemistry. While Earth has more partnerships to study when it comes to chemistry, Pond only has demonstrated chemistry with Phuwin and he struggles to even maintain that the moment he opens his mouth.
Podd-Gawin. This one is cheating, we already know they work.
Gemini-Chimon. No
To be quite frank, I don't think Gemini can match Chimon's energy. While their acting skill is at a somewhat similar level, I don't think Gemini can pull off the type of characters I expect Chimon to be acting alongside at this point (like, for example, a young office worker/intern).
Joss-New. Lmao Yes
This has the potential to be the most entertaining BL of all time. Up there with Unforgotten Night, even
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Drake-Dunk. What in the fresh hell is this?
Listen, I see Dunk. View him even. But to ask him to pull this chemistry up by its bootstraps is doing too damn much. Not only can I not see the chemistry, but even the visuals don't match well. Plus, who gon act?
Joong-Fourth. No (and yes it's for the reasons you're thinking)
The biggest problem with this pairing is the implication of the visual. IMO Joong looks like Fourth's uncle to me. And while they don't *really* look alike, they do, you know?
Bright-Khaotung. Khaotung, I am so sorry to you.
If Bright couldn't match Win's acting skill, how can he match Khao's?
Perth-Gun. Interesting
While I'd watch it just to see two very talented actors play off of one another, I almost feel like they'd be brought down by chemistry? Hear me out here: Gun does not easily create romantic chemistry with his acting partners. Even where there are strong romantic undertones to a plot his character is in, it almost completely dissipates under Gun's strong presence. I'm thinking very clearly of TodBlack here. We were 100% meant to ship that but Gun made it so hard lol. He had much more chemistry with Mond as Gram (as White and Black) than he had with Sing as Tod. Hell, some storylines complicate his chemistry with Off. That said, if it's a Not Me-style plot, I'd watch it.
First-Satang. VERY Interesting
I haven't seen Satang in much but he gives vibes of being able to create chemistry with anyone a la Nanon and, ironically, First. And we all know what to expect from First at this point. They'll give us what Marc Pahun and Pawin were supposed to give in MGAYG.
Winny-Win. Interesting
While both of them could use acting classes, their looks complement each other and they have the vibes to pull off a $2 Copy A Bangkok-airing-on-AIS Play BL plot.
Ohm (Pawat)-Singto. Been there, done that.
Fluke (Pusit)-Phuwin. I'll have to pass
I like them both in other pairings but together they'd kind of put me off. I'd need a proof of concept or something first.
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Okay, in making my way through the GMMTV2023 trailers, here's what I've seen so far:
We have that super angsty FirstKhao thing with quasi polyamory but it's actually mostly cheating and I will cry a lot. I cannot wait. I'm so glad Neo is getting to be serious and to lead.
There's the JoongDunk thing that looks adorable with just the right amount of angst, and Louis and AJ are Dunk's best friends, which is great-- wish they had bigger parts, but I'm glad they're there!
The Perth Chimon thing looks angsty af, but I'm so freaking happy to have Perth back I can't even be mad that it looks like the same school from LBC and I will absolutely be crying about AePete as well as whatever is actually happening in the show simultaneously.
And! We get double Perth, because he and Ohm are in a thing where they're brothers, and also trying to kill each other, and they are both so freaking talented I am absolutely overjoyed to see them in a thing together.
Alas, I haven't stumbled on an OhmNanon trailer yet, which makes me sad, but Nanon is in a thing with Off (and a bunch of other people but my brain is going very fast RN, sorry) that looks Very Hetero, but they look sexy-- even though they don't look at each other sexily -- and they punch people, and they cry, and they're so talented it will probably be excellent.
Speaking of Off: WE GET NEW OFFGUN! And it looks adorable, and we get more Neo!
There is a Jimmy Sea show that looks sweet and sad and very good, and like it'll make us all cry. Their chemistry is so good.
That's all I've got so far, what are y'all looking forward to?
(there's also a face blindness themed romance that looks kind of cute, but idk if I can deal with the faceless people effect, it's creepy. I cannot for the life of me remember who's in it, and a "girl gets plastic surgery because she's bullied, hot guy played by Win is like 'why'd you do that, being pretty is lame'" show that conceptually pisses me off, but I'm glad Win is working, even if I'm surprised it's not with Bright considering how popular they are together-- but then again they don't necessarily seen to love that, so 🤷🏼‍♀️)
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ao3feed-badbuddy · 5 months
(Ohm Nanon Mafia AU) Melting Ice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RjBIcsp by Bossbaby2911 Hotelier and Leader of the Triad, Ohm Pawat is a cold and calculating man. The only love he feels in his heart is for his family and nothing beyond that. They say that his heart is like ice, but it is not his fault that the world has made him like this at a very young age. On the other hand, we have Nanon Korapat, a lonely, abused and yet talented boy, looking only for some peace in his miserable life. Nanon wants nothing but his independence and may be...a warm meal. Due to a misunderstanding, these worlds are about to collide and all we have to see is that is Nanon the key to melting Ohm's icy heart? Stay tuned. Words: 9438, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Fandoms: แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน | Bad Buddy: the Series (TV) RPF, แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน | Bad Buddy: the Series (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee, Nanon Korapat Kirdpan, Earth Pirapat Watthanasetsiri, Mix Sahaphap Wongratch, Perth Tanapon Sukhumpantanasan, Drake, Chimon Wachirawit Ruangwiwat Relationships: Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee/Nanon Korapat Kirdpan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe-Mafia, mob boss Ohm Pawat, Idiots in Love, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Protective Ohm Pawat, Protective Nanon Korapat, Dad Earth Pirapat, Slow Burn read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RjBIcsp
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sunshinechay · 1 year
I’m gonna give Chimon the benefit of the doubt. I can buy that the first kiss was a shock and initially awkward. The next kiss(es) has to be better though or atleast open your fucking mouth. He’s worked with Perth long enough that there really isn’t any excuse at this point. If we continue to get a half committed performance from Chimon that will bring down my overall personal grade of the show. It’s already been sliding because they’ve been rushing development. Moving from one plot point to the next at 100mph. The realism and believability of the main couple is the most important thing that I look for in a bl. If I’m not sold on that then it brings down my enjoyment level of a show.
That’s absolutely fair! I’m in a similar boat myself. It’s definitely not the best in terms of execution and the show is made worse for it, but I’m still enjoying it enough to want to keep going. So far Kang and Sailom still feel believable to me (if only because they’re both 17/18 and very clearly have no experience with romance at all) and the next few episodes are going to test that in terms of their romantic relationship and I look forward to it. Kang is quickly becoming a character I enjoy watching, especially because of the way in which his family and his history are teased without everything being revealed. I am also still enjoying Sailom and his angst and his want for better for himself. I’m even here for Guy and Nawa (they’re not the enemies to lovers we were expecting, but they are the enemies to lovers we seem to be getting and I’m okay with that) and Pimfah and the student teacher (who’s name I can never seem to remember and I feel bad about that fact but it’s also my fault because every time her face appears onscreen I think of Maggie and NLMG and yeah…)
I’m a fiction writer by interest so I’m usually here for the story telling and development. Believably is definitely a big on for me as well, but I usually try to reserve my judgement until the end. If I enjoy the ride, I’ll usually score it higher, even if the show doesn’t altogether make sense/is coherent. However, I completely understand why you may not feel the same, everyone looks for different things when they go into a show. If at the end of the show, it’s just a bad now, well I guess that will be egg on my face and I’m okay with that.
My approach to any BL is to go into it with tentative optimism, varying levels of excitement and low expectations. It is very rare that my expectations are high going into a BL. The only one I can think of right now that I had high expectations going in is I Feel You Linger In The Air, which is meeting and exceeding my expectations every week. I didn’t even have high expectations for Only Friends and that show is very good as many of us knew it would be.
I do hope the show gets better and the pacing and the kisses get better, but I guess we won’t know until we get there. Still I’m on this ride until the end and I’m glad you’re going to join me Anon. It’s gonna be a wild ride either way but for now, we can only hope the ride is worth it.
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bengiyo · 2 years
Never Let Me Go Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last time we were together, we established that Thai BL is going to turn to ballroom dance as a romantic tool for the foreseeable future. Palm clearly has feelings for Nuengdiao, and that played out best during the pool scene when Pond got cheeky.
Nuengdiao confirmed that Phum was the one bullying him, and I had thoughts about Phum's tenuous position near wealth, considering the expense of this school. When confronted, Phum made the mistake of putting hands on Nuengdiao and got his entire ass handed to him for it, as Palm went ballistic.
Meanwhile, Chopper continues to have an absolutely embarrassing crush on Ben, who I absolutely do NOT trust. Still, Perth and Chimon are fantastic.
Mutual suspension and probation is probably the best any school administration can do at this point. At least Phum's dad is well enough to come and advocate for his son?
Perth is so phenomenally charming, and plays well with Phuwin. If something happens to sour their dynamic I am going to start biting.
Maggie is very determined, but I don't blame her.
How Phuwin gets his eyes to sparkle when he's being mischievous I will never know, but I like it.
Gosh, it's going to hurt if the relationship between Nueng and Chopper sours. The ease of their familial dynamic tinged with their naivete about their parents set off a deep melancholy in me.
Also, Chopper asking about Ben only to turn around forlornly and practice shooting feels so ominous.
I actually like Maggie. I hope I don't have to add her to the list of Girls Who Don't Deserve This.
Pond is at his best in this show with Phuwin when he's being cheeky.
Ah yes. Let's project our feelings into this school essay about an impossible love, and then stand too close together and flirt.
Oh, Chimon is left-handed. I don't think I noticed that before.
Oh, Chopper, how I adore you. I have also projected my feelings into the advice I've given to my secret crushes. You can feel the heartache when Ben says he likes Nuengdiao.
Goddammit I need to know what happened between Ben and Chopper "on that day" right now! Chimon and Perth are so good and I am invested!
Palm is back at school. I hope we haven't seen the last of Pawin.
The cast for this show is really talented. I don't trust Ben, but I admire what Chimon is doing so much that I want him to not be suspect.
You know, I really like this kiss between Ben and Nuengdiao. It feels very high school and tentative. Ben is clearly more into it, and Nuengdiao seems mostly curious and hopeful. Also, no one saw it for some immediate drama. How refreshing.
🤡 Nevermind. Of course Palm saw it. 🤡
Palm out here like, "Harvey Dent. Can we trust him?"
Oof, I felt the frustration between them in this scene. Palm wants something he knows he shouldn't have, and can't even be jealous about it.
Phuwin does a great job with this tub scene. Finally an effective use of flashbacks.
Chimon is overwhelmingly talented. So glad Phuwin can match his energy in these scenes.
Wind him up (get him drunk) and watch him go (embarrass himself and Palm).
Phuwin changing his voice to sound drunk is super effective.
Damn, they are in fights in back to back episodes.
What a harrowing end to the episode.
Next week looks intense!
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talkingbl · 6 months
The mechanics of how certain Gmmtv cps work is fascinating to me.
Pond Phuwin are living mostly off their looks at this point not acting talent. Their acting and the half baked plot is why NLMG didn’t work for me overall. Perth and Chimon are better actors but they have no romantic chemistry and that became clear in Dangerous Romance.
PondPhuwin don’t deserve a better show so I’m fine with them getting stale projects like We Are The Series. In fact it’s a positive that it’s an ensemble show.
But I’m curious what the other cps are offered in Gmmtv 2024 part 2 line up. That’s an indication to me on how the company views them.
Anon, what do you mean with the last sentence: "That’s an indication to me on how the company views them"?
But I agree with your first point. GMMTV pairs are definitely promoted (and subsequently given work) in proportion to the their visuals rather than talent (and obviously ability to generate revenue). We saw it with BrightWin, and we're seeing it now with other pairs.
Taking away the talent conversation for a second, it is annoying that GMMTV keeps pushing the same few pairs with NO variety. JoongDunk, ForceBook, OffGun, etc. will have a new BL every year damn near, but EarthMix, for example have long gaps. Then you have some talent that never gets casted in a lead role in a BL before they leave (like Fluke Pusit).
But there are some anomalies like Gun, First, and (from what I've seen), Fourth, who are all very talented and relatively well-promoted. It took some years for it to happen with First, but since he's been in an established pair, I feel like his pair and his talent is now being pushed. And now we have newcomers like Inn Sarin who was really good in The Miracle of Teddy Bear, and more established actors like Tay reviving their ships and improving with every new release. So, this gives me hope that maybe the tide can turn with GMMTV 2024 part 2.
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