E faremo sogni grandi, ma senza realizzarli.
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C'è qualcosa tra te e peruccidercicivuolepiuveleno?
stiamo assieme da più di due anni.
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I'm really tired of this shit.
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Do you really care about how I feel?
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Guardi per terra e non sai, che è lì che vorrei scomparire.
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I love you, don't you mind?
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e cerco risposte a domande che non ho
mi guardo allo specchio e non mi riconosco.
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I can't be interested in what twenty-year-old people are interested in just because I'm twenty.
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"I do... want someone, need someone. You were right."
"And when I'm with you, I feel like I'm a better person. I feel happier, less... alone. Less lonely. But it's not as simple as that is it? Being with someone?"
"Isn't it?"
"No...I mean, I don't know...I mean... I don't think so. Can't we just sit like this, for a bit?"
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You're playing with my feelings.
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Sei bella.
non è vero.
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I need someone to kiss me on the forehead and who tells me he believes in me and that I can make anything I want to do in this life.
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“50: vorresti sposarti? se tu non volessi ma fosse importante per la persona che hai accanto, lo faresti?”
non so ancora bene in che modo, cioè se con una cerimonia o con un semplice rito civile ma il matrimonio è un legame per me molto forte, quindi se un giorno avrò la fortuna di trovare la persona giusta sì, vorrei sposarmi
se io non volessi ma fosse importante per la persona che ho accanto lo farei solo se con questa persona ci vedessi veramente un futuro
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I'm so tired of people who don't know what they want.
By my side I want a person who is sure to want me, I want a person who, if he wants to kiss me, just does it; a person who, if he wants to see me, just does it.
I don't want a person who hides behind my mistakes to blame me for anything.
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“60: ti dà fastidio se le persone ti toccano mentre ti stanno parlando?”
soprattutto se è gente con cui non ho confidenza
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you can't imagine how much I'd like to hold your hand right now.
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