#pet transport uk
exec-pets · 12 days
Exec Pets: Premier Pet Transport via Road for Safe
Exec Pets specializes in expert pet transport via road, offering a premium service tailored to ensure the safety and well-being of your cherished companions. Our dedicated team prioritizes the comfort of your pets throughout the journey, providing a smooth and stress-free experience for both pets and owners alike. With our state-of-the-art vehicles and experienced drivers, pet transport via road becomes a seamless process, giving you peace of mind knowing your pets are in good hands.
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resort4pets · 1 year
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A pet taxi service provides transportation for pets to and from various locations, such as veterinary appointments, groomers, daycare facilities, and even airports. It offers a convenient and safe alternative to pet owners who may not have the means or time to transport their pets themselves.> resort4pets.co.uk
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queer-crip-grows · 10 months
If you are involved in climate activism and if you work in town planning and purchasing, or anything similar, I am begging you to please, *please* start thinking about disabled folk, elderly folk and parents with young kids when you are talking about walking and biking to places.
Cycles are absolutely inherently more pedestrian-friendly than cars, but they are still perfectly capable of injuring or even killing pedestrians, particularly frailer people, small people, and pets.
A lot of pedestrians, especially elderly and disabled people, have developed this instinctive terror of cycles and cyclists purely because poor planning so often shoves cycles into pedestrian spaces that aren’t actually even that ideal for pedestrians, and people who already have difficulties - elderly and disabled people, dog walkers, parents of small children - in those spaces start accumulating experiences of injury or even a succession of near-misses, which are perfectly capable of producing trauma even if physical injury is avoided.
And that only plays into the hands of polluters and governments who are in their pockets as well as increasing the marginalisation of already-marginalised people.
I can’t blame cyclists who are too afraid to ride cycles on the roads along with motor traffic. It’s terrifying and incredibly unsafe. Cycle paths, Cycle lanes, and other specific spaces for cyclists are absolutely essential, with as little need to share space with motor traffic *or* pedestrians as possible. Even in wide city boulevards, laid-out cycle paths and spaces are essential. They literally only need paint! And let electric scooters back on them in the UK too.
If you are providing any form of public rentable cycles, please, *please* accommodate elderly, frailer and disabled people too. We tend to be the ones who are in the most need of alternatives to get places, but traditional bikes are inaccessible to frailer people and most people with balance and fatigue issues. Please buy a selection of bikes, including adult-size tricycles, scooters with seats, and bikes with seats and tow options for small children. Parents exist, and are mostly desperately in need of transport as they have small humans with short legs and limited energy, and most prams and buggies are incompatible with traditional cycles.
We know so damn well how right-wing governments and corporations benefit from setting us against each other, and how adept they are at using marginalised people to distract the majority of exploited workers from the larger issues said governments are doing poorly or not tackling at all.
Disabled and elderly people, and parents of small children, are very vulnerable to climate change and the issues it causes. We are not the enemies of the climate movement; but we equally need to be *included* in it and *accommodated* by it.
If you are only looking for solutions that work for abled, healthy young adults, you are, frankly, not doing your job effectively. Listen to disabled people, older people, and parents. If you are doing large-scale planning work, invite us into the planning process *early*, not at the end when any changes will seem too burdensome and expensive to make, and, honestly, pay us for our time and expertise.
Oh, and if you make or sell bikes or electric bikes, sell more accessible options like adult trikes and ones with child seats and towing options too, please. And don’t charge enormously more for them than standard bikes. Financing options would be good too. Most disabled people can’t afford to run a car, and your bikes are often more expensive than that, if you offer them at all.
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nyanspirals · 1 month
What would be your take on pirate England? Like those fics where America gets transported back in time to meet England at his pirating best, and those are usually UKUS focused but man. I kinda wanna see that whole formula but USUK and you are Uke England Jesus so I value your opinion on this.
short answer: he's a bratty power bottom
long answer: i think something people should understand about my england characterization is that i DO think hes intimidating and powerful and Scary under the right circumstances. i just think hes also like. pathetic. lol. you can play him perfectly if you know him well enough. its easy to look right through his facade of being someone Intimidating and Respect-worthy if you can like. read him
pirate arthur is no different. i think pirate england was the equivalent to his rebel teen phase lol ... and probably the most dangerous he ever was during his lifetime. he was power crazy and also so fucking paranoid about everything all the time considering he was surrounded by pirates whose respect he had to keep if he didnt want his crew to turn on him + he was like. in the top of the world. arguably the most powerful empire at the time and all of europe wanted to take him down. so god complex mixed with unbearable paranoia is a recipe for disaster with this guy. PERSONALLY i headcanon arthur was an evil egomaniac sadist as a pirate and that despite the fact he was a 5'3ft twink and also secretly a "woman" (yay to historical transphobia) he was still more than capable of making people respect him. because like. he was first of all very good at fighting. and second of all willing to cut your hands off without even flinching if necessary.
so like. if alfred was to somehow get transported back so he could meet his mom as a rebellious sadistic teen pirate captain i think arthur would FIRST OF ALL tie him up and point a sword to his throat. then decide hes a cute pet and keep him around as his personal ride when hes bored iykwim. pirate arthur is, at least to me, the most dominant version of him. you COULD in theory make him submit if you force him into it but he will be an insufferable brat the entire time and also seething with rage at the fact hes being disrespected like that. you could still do it though!!!
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a-hackneyed-premise · 3 months
Everything's going wrong, and I really feel like I'm about to lose it.
Firstly, we're stuck in a maisonette with rising damp and mould, and the freeholders are doing precisely NOTHING about it all.
This has caused major respiratory conditions for all three of us. The worst of the damp and mould is in my disabled son's bedroom - this is what it currently looks like in there
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The wallpaper and plaster have fallen away, the wall itself is actually wet, I'm cleaning mould up every day. We've had to throw away toys, bedding, books, and clothes of his that have been destroyed by mould.
We can't move, because we own the flat and no one will buy it with this problem, and we can't fix it ourselves, because its a structural issue that is the responsibility of the freeholder, and they have done nothing but ignore our pleas for the last 2 and a half years.
Ok, ready for the rollercoaster that's making me lose it? Strap in.
Now, as my son is disabled, and we're a relatively low income family, we were able to apply to the family fund for a holiday, something we've not been able to afford to do for YEARS.
This Friday, we're due to fly out to the south of France for a week. The FF awarded us £500 towards the holiday, but we had to pay the rest out of our savings, costing us just about £1200, and depleting our savings to nothing. We figured it'd be worth it - the holiday park we're going to sounds utterly perfect for him, with lots of nature, wildlife, and secure facilities with easy access. Something we simply wouldn't have even considered without the FF's help. Yes, it was still expensive, but the memories would be utterly priceless.
A couple of week's ago my car's engine light came on. Honestly something I'd probably be ignoring right now normally, but my husband was due to take his driving test in it this week before we fly out, and we are pretty sure that you can't take it in a car with the engine light showing. We managed to get it seen, and it requires around £800 worth of repairs. I cannot function without a car - it's absolutely vital for transporting my son and keeping him safe.
As I mentioned before, we've all had respiratory problems linked to the mould. My poor son seems to have a permanent frog in his throat. I've been diagnosed with asthma following a cough that I've had now since last November. A few weeks ago, my husband developed a similar nasty cough. And last week that cough suddenly got worse. He was vomiting due to the cough, in pain from head to toe, shivering and shaking.
Yesterday it was so bad, we called NHS 111, and they were so worried, they sent out an ambulance.
He's been admitted to hospital with pneumonia caused by the damp and mould. He can't take his driving test (obviously) and we are most likely going to lose out on our holiday.
I'm self employed but been unable to work much due to illness, but I'm going to have to put that aside.
So, I'm begging you, please help out a struggling artist, mother to a disabled child, and wife to a terribly ill husband. If I can book in a few pet portraits, I'll be able to cover our mortgage this month, and hopefully recover some of our lost holiday money, as well as keep my car on the road.
Here are some examples of my work.
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Mostly I work in coloured pencil on pastelmat, although occasionally I can also do drafting film (if the subject allows for it) Commissions are £140 for an A4 piece and that will include postage to anywhere in mainland UK - outside of the mainland, of course I'll have to charge extra for postage.
I appreciate these aren't cheap, but a lot of work goes into them. If you could please reblog to get this seen, I would appreciate it so so much.
I am in the process of setting up a website for these, but feel free to contact me here in the meantime.
Thank you so much for taking time to read, and reblogs to signal boost are hugely appreciated
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mygainyear2024 · 3 months
I will call this day 0 otherwise I’ll confuse myself, so 1 April in Europe can be Day 1, except I fell asleep while trying to edit this last night, so I will confuse myself posting it on 1 April!
I feel very well equipped for this solo trip and future ones. I bought Keely’s old iPhone. This is the first phone I’ve owned! I’ve just had the work one, fearing I’d lose a second one! I have a portable mobile phone charger that appears to work well, AirTags attached to 3 items (as I did leave my new Apple Mac on a seat at the gate at Brisbane Airport last year)! I researched neck supports, and it was quite effective, and given the weather looked a bit rubbish in the Algarve on the advice of friends I raced out to MacPac and got a vest and I also invested in a Travelon cross body anti theft bag.
Today is a travel day. Brisbane to Dubai to Lisbon. Interestingly both Emirates Lounges were so quiet, as was Dubai airport mid morning. Is this cozzie lives? I asked a staff member in Dubai if it was due to Ramadan and he said no.
I met the lovely Tracey from seat 31D during the first flight. We were both up the back drinking cups of tea and stretching. She lives in Australia, originally from the UK, travelling back to Bristol to see her dying 62 year old sister 😢 She had an interesting story about terrible bosses, sea changes to Port Macquarie from Sydney and now due to her partner’s redundancy, three weeks after he achieved residency sponsorship from his employer, they are having several sea changes around Brisbane house and pet sitting while their place in Port Macquarie is listed on airbnb.
It gave me an idea about options for when I return as the beautiful 21 year old Anna, from the UK, has just signed the lease to rent my room for 3 months from 14th May 🤩 She’s studying forensic science and has a project at UQ. I have a feeling her and Rose are going to enjoy each others’ company.
I’d like to consider exploring house sitting locally and build up my references ahead of some potential overseas options💡 Any offers? Preferably modern, well appointed, comfortable, no pets and no gardening 😂
Now onboard the 7.51 hour flight to Lisbon. The lovely Calisa (flight attendant) came to my seat and welcomed just me back on board 😂 She said “let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your flight more comfortable”. I was too slow to say “upgrade me?” or “can you remove the crying babies and toddlers” This flight is very full.
Back to Netflix while I have access to my daughter’s account to download stuff. Just finished season 3 of Dead to Me, about to watch the last episodes of One Day. And started season 3 of Emily in Paris.
Usually I’d navigate public transport straight up but decided to order an Uber to the hotel and it worked really well. Felipe, the driver, was very surprised at how bright I was after all the travel.
I’m staying at Masa Hotel & Spa (it has a free gym which was great to use to shake off hours of sitting), near the airport (luckily flight didn’t start until around 6am) for 2 nights before heading to “home” in the Algarve for the rest of the month.
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nudne · 2 years
ummm so the MET office has issued a red weather warning for extreme heat over monday and tuesday (source, source, source), so for those in the uk, particularly england wales and the south of scotland, please stay safe over the next couple of days. don't go outside more than you have to, especially around noon when it gets the hottest, and try not to take public transport since it's going to be affected by the heat as well.
if you have to go to work (as most people will have to) make sure to:
put on plenty of sunscreen (aim for SPF 50), and have a bottle of it with you
stay hydrated. carry a bottle or even two bottles of water with you and drink often
having a spray bottle of water is also a good idea since you can use it to cool down quickly, and it's handy in the event of heat exhaustion
wear light and loose layers if you can
try to stay in the shade, or use an umbrella to block out the sun (it might look silly but at least you won't faint)
know the signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion, and know how to prevent it. it's important to note that if you have heat exhaustion, it's not serious of you can cool down in 30 minutes. if it turns into heatstroke, you need to dial 999.
children under 5, older people over 60, disabled people and pregnant women can often be more affected by extreme heat, so keep an eye out for anyone that looks to be struggling. if in doubt, check in on the person and dial 111 if they're visibly not ok
if you don't have AC indoors, here are some things you can do to cool your flat/room down:
keep all blinds closed, especially on the sunny side!
get a fan (you can buy one pretty cheap off amazon or argos, and poundland etc have them sometimes) and put a bowl of ice or ice water under/in front of it. the fan will spread the cool air around
open your windows tonight to cool your place down as much as you can, but close the windows that get the most sun exposure in the morning
this is now a time to pay extra attention to the homeless people in your community, since they often don't have to resources to stay safe in extreme heat. the best way to help if often just giving them money, so they can go inside a mcdonald's or other cafe/restaurant with AC to get a drink and cool down. if you don't have much money to spare, offer cold bottles of water and sunscreen.
lastly, if you have pets, here are some ways to help them cool down:
have bowls of water available in every room and in the garden, so they can access water easily anywhere they are
have some tiles or a cooling mat (available on amazon or pets at home) so they can lie on it if they get too hot
if you live in a multi-room house, have one room that's dark and cold (with a cooling mat, food and water, plus litterboxes if needed) that they can spend the hottest part of the day in
if you have outdoor cats or dogs that need to be walked, try to plan ahead and don't let/take them outside between 12 and 2pm (or whatever the hottest part of the day is where you are, best to doublecheck)
dogs can cool down by swimming in a lake or pool if you have one closeby, or even some cold water in the bath, or hose them down in the garden
cats can be cooled down by stroking them lightly with a damp cold towel or spraying lightly with cold water, just don't get them too wet
more tips and info can be found by googling as well :)
i'm sure there's more i could say here, but the bottom line is: make sure to stay cool and hydrated, don't go outside more than necessary, know the signs of heat exhaustion and stroke, and help others if they are struggling. we all need to take care of eachother!
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exec-pets · 14 days
Reliable Pet Transport Within UK by Exec Pets
Ensure your furry friend's safe and comfortable journey with Exec Pets' professional pet transport within UK. Our dedicated team offers top-notch service, ensuring your pet's well-being throughout their travel. Whether it's a relocation or a holiday, trust Exec Pets to provide a seamless and stress-free transport experience for your beloved companion.
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Kindly must read out or share thoughts on my new blog, Thankyou!
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Make a P.G. Wodehouse world OC!!
Why? Just for fun. I also like to imagine the possibilities for an rpg set in the world of his stories (with its characteristic plots and logic)
Here are some questions to get you started, pick and choose which ones to create characters. I recognize only certain stock types of characters appear in the actual Wodehouse stories but this is set up to both play to that and allow you to go outside it,
- First/personal,
- Middle name(s),
- Surname(s),
- Initials,
- Nickname(s), include origins, who uses what name, and your character’s thoughts on them if any,
- Titles, if any current or to-inherit,
Whole name written out,
- Nom de guerre (silly names taken on as cover in any court proceedings, mayhem),
- Nom de plume, if any,
(Name age in whatever year you’re saying it is)
Relationship to gender/sexism relevant to 1900-1930 social sensibilities in the UK, include feelings on this, if any,
Ethnic background and cultural affiliations,
Racial classification relevant to 1900-1930 social sensibilities in the UK, include feelings on this, if any,
Citizenship(s), if any,
Description of class status and background relevant to 1900-1930 social sensibilities in the UK, include feelings on this, if any,
Sexual orientation, (include if homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, or asexual and also degree of self-knowledge of it and feelings on it if any),
Ability/disability, mental and physical health, include attitude towards self in these areas and treatment by others if applicable,
Language(s) spoken/written, wholly or partially,
Dialect, accent, usual register (tone, formality, etc), use of slang if any, habits or quirks in speech, description of voice,
If your character were asked to give a speech to school boys or school girls, how would it go, would you need notes, have it memorized, or speak extemporaneously, and, generally, what would be said,
School(s) attended, if any,
Achievements, notable experiences, best and worst subjects, reputation, sports or other affiliations at school, if any,
Occupation(s) and hobbies, if any,
Associated employer(s), if any,
Associated servant(s) or employee(s), if any,
Social clubs and frequent haunts, if any,
Description of social circle(s),
Dwelling(s), if any,
Owned businesses, investments, liquid capital, potential inheritance and its sources, if any,
Debts, how much, how incurred, to whom, if any,
Mode(s) of transport,
Pet(s) if any, names of them, who cares for them and how,
Temperament (summary),
Political affiliations, if any,
Would your character be willing to stand as a candidate in an election? How would that go?
Opinion on Sir Roderick and his Black Shorts, if in a story with them, if any opinion,
Opinion on the Bolshevik cell, the Red Dawn led by the Rowbothams, if in a story with them, if any opinion,
Philosophical affiliations, if any,
Spiritual/religious beliefs, affiliations, or lack thereof,
Does your character have a Code like the Code of the Woosters? What, variably, is included if so?
What would someone use to blackmail you? How well would it work?
Tastes in food and drink, include if allergic or vegetarian, or a teetotaler, and why,
Narrative description of appearance,
Tastes in fashion, usual dress,
Tastes in hairstyles, opinions on facial hair,
Tastes in literature, art, music,
Tastes in furnishings, prized possessions, if any,
Travel experience, if any,
What are you doing at the village fair,
Interested in gambling or syndicates, against, or neutral/uninterested?
Family history summary with noted ancestors, if any,
Close relations, include summary of each relation’s name, titles if any, tie to your character, occupation(s), dwelling(s), and if they get along, are alive and in touch or otherwise,
Friends and associates, include a similar summary of each, and how each gets along with your character,
Romantic entanglements, past and present, if any, be sure to include any outstanding misunderstandings and if your character is aware of them or not,
Enemies, hatreds, fears and dangers, if any,
Current habits, preferred schedule, pace of life,
Goals, aspirations, plans for the future, if any,
Subjective Ratings for sense of,
- Joie de vivre,
- Noblesse oblige,
- Sang-froid,
- je ne sais quoi,
- soupiness,
- dippiness, tendency to recite poetry,
- scripture knowledge,
- luck or skill betting on horses,
- skill at ‘hunt the slipper’,
Anything else?
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survey--s · 1 year
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How often do you eat your favourite food? I have pizza about once a week and steak every few months.
Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport? (including planes) Yeah, a few times.
What room of the house are you in right now? I’m in the living room.
What was the last tv show you watched? The Simpsons.
Have you been using Apple Music? I tried it a few times, but it didn’t really appeal to me.
Do you pay rent for the place you live? How often? No, we have a mortgage which we pay monthly.
How do you feel at this particular moment? Anything on your mind? Sore. I pulled a muscle in my neck at work the other day and it still bloody hurts lol. Everytime I move my head I can feel it pulling.
Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday to? Who’d you go with? Uh, I forget the name but it was somewhere in the Peak District and I went with my husband and the dog.
Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? I work outdoors lol, so no. I do play Spotify in the car between jobs though.
List all the colours you’re currently wearing. Black, grey, cream and white.
What’s your favourite type of donut? It depends on my mood - I love those cinnammon sugar ones you get at fairs and stuff though.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? Lately it’s been peanut butter and bananas on toast.
Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Do you light them often? Not in the bedroom but I have a wax burner downstairs and have it lit whenever I’m home and awake. Currently the scent is Posh Honey Truffles.
When was the last time you went out for dinner? My mum and I went out for lunch a couple of weeks ago.
Have you seen all the Hunger Games films as of current? I saw the first two.
What was the last thing you said to someone else in person? I can’t remember.
Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely? Windows at the moment.
How many times do you call someone on the phone a week? Maybe 2-3 times.
Have you cooked anything today? What was it? I guess. I had toast for breakfast and a donut for lunch lol. Dinner was from-frozen roast potatoes with gravy. 
Do you have a lot of cousins? What are their names? I do but I’m not going to list all their names as some of them are pretty unusual and it would be too identifying.
What does your shampoo smell like? Shampoo, lol. It doesn’t really have a particular scent.
What about the body wash or soap you’re using at the moment? Acai berries. Have you ever had an exotic or unusual pet? No, just cats and a dog.
Any movies you’ve seen recently that you’d recommend to me? Uhh, I haven’t seen any new movies recently.
Why did you last go see a doctor? To get a sick note from work. That was years ago though.
What was the last thing you bought online? Dog food. Where do you usually park your car? Somwhere on the front street - we do have a driveway out the back but the back street is in really bad condition and I hate driving down there as I always seem to end up with a puncture lol.
Does your mail get delivered to your house or do you have to collect it? It gets delivered directly to us.
Are you more logical or creative? Logical, I think.
Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you? Sometimes, yeah.
What is your dream job? Do you think that’s attainable for you? Working with big cats and no, not unless I go back to school which I can’t really be bothered to do lol. I love what I do though.
When was the last time you looked at Facebook, Twitter or etc.? About two questions ago as I had a notification pop up.
Have you ever been on a train? Where did you go? Sure, hundreds of times - trains are just a normal way to get around in the UK.
How many times a year do you go on vacation? At the moment, zero - I take time off six times a year but we never really go anywhere as it’s so expensive at the moment.
Can you curl your tongue or do anything else cool with it? Yeah, I can curl it.
What was the last job interview you went to? The interview for my previous job.
Do you ever just feel like you need to be alone for some reason? At least once a day, otherwise I end up getting really stressed.
When was the last time you wore something totally inappropriate for the weather? Does this happen often? Today lol. It doesn’t happen often but it went from 4 degrees yesterday to 15 degrees today and I was WAY too warm lol.
The last time you went out of the house, where were you going and what did you do? I was at work all day - I had nine dogs to walk then came home, fed the animals, had a bath and I’ve just been messing about online ever since.
When was the last time someone cancelled plans on you? Were you annoyed? I don’t remember the last time that happened.
Do you have a friend that has a tendency to “dump” you whenever they get a new partner? No, I am not friends with teenagers.
Would you ever want to go on vacation with just one of your parents? Sure, that was totally normal for me growing up. I’m going away for the weekend with my mum in October actually.
In summer, do you prefer to wear dresses or shorts and tops? I prefer dresses but they’re not very practical for my job lol.
Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? Sure, mostly I just ignore it.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? Yeah, I’ve tried soy, oat and almond milk before.
If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? Ariel, duh. How many cans of soda would you say you drink in a week, if any at all? 7-10 cans a week on average.
When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? No, I’m pretty much always downstairs in the living room.
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? When I was a teenager, maybe. How much stuff do you take with you when you go on vacation for a week? Too much, lol.
How old is your oldest living relative? Uh, I have a step-grandma who’s in her nineties.
Could you willingly live on a vegan diet? No. I’d give up meat but there’s no way I’d willingly give up cheese and butter.
If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, are you sad that there’ll never be another book or movie? No.
If you’re an only child, do you wish you had siblings? If you have siblings, do you get along? I did want an older brother when I was a kid, but as an adult, I’m quite happy to be an only child.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? Uh, about two years.
What happened last time you got drunk? It was on our wedding night - we had lots of cocktails, got fish and chips, sat in the hot tub and had sex lol.
When’s the last time you straightened your hair? About three months ago.
Do you bite your toe nails? No.
Last thing you said out loud? Toby, are you baking biscuits?
Last time you laughed your head off? I can’t remember.
What do you want right this second? Food LOL I need to go and get something in a minute.
How are you sitting? With my knees curled to my side.
Your mood? Hungry.
Did you sleep alone last night? Nope. I share my bed with my husband and the dog.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? Yeah, for sure.
Do you find piercings attractive? It depends on the person and the piercings.
What were you doing last night at midnight? Sleeping.
Will you have sexual intercourse within the next two weeks? Maybe.
How many cigarettes have you smoked today? None.
Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? Yeah, for sure.
Do you like potato chips? Yeah, probably too much.
Do you give out second chances way too easily? Nah.
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oceannkawaii · 2 years
Character Description
Character’s full name: Percival Payne
Reason or meaning of name: "pierce the sky"
Character’s nickname: Percy, Perc, Payne
Reason for nickname: short versions of his first name and he also just goes by his last name.
Birth date: 6/28/99
Physical appearance
Age: 23
How old does he/she appear: 20
Weight: 120
Height: 5'9"
Body build: skinny
Shape of face: round
Eye color: blue/grey
Glasses or contacts: glasses & contacts
Skin tone: pale
Distinguishing marks: a good bit of tattoos on their arms and legs
Predominant features: they always have colored hair
Hair color: always changing. Natural is dirty brown/brown
Type of hair: thick and wavy/curly
Hairstyle: shoulder length hair
Overall attractiveness: they are hard on themselves so they'd say they're a 4.
Physical disabilities: they have a slight bad knee
Usual fashion of dress: whatever is comfy
Favorite outfit: hoodie and sweats
Jewelry or accessories: they like to wear wristbands and hats/beanies
Good personality traits: extremely open heart, giving, compassionate
Bad personality traits: defensive, work obsessive, a bit too cocky
Mood character is most often in: energetic
Sense of humor: all over the place
Character’s greatest joy in life: making the people they care about smile
Character’s greatest fear: being alone
Why?: abandonment issues
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: death of a loved one
Character is most at ease when: at home with a good book
Most ill at ease when: under a lot of stress
Enraged when: people talk bad about the ones they care about
Depressed or sad when: honestly depends on the day
Life philosophy: treat others how you want to be treated
Character’s soft spot: people that have been dealt shit hands in life
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: sometimes
Greatest strength: want to be there for others
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: how easily they can be set off
Drives and motivations: want to always personally improve
Hometown: Duncanville, TX
Type of childhood: good childhood
Pets: 3 dogs
Most important childhood memory: First concert in 8th grade
Why: they were front row and it was a borderline spiritual experience for them
Childhood hero: John Wayne
Dream job: actor
Education: high school
Religion: christian
Finances: comfortable
Current location: Texas
Currently living with: alone
Pets: 3 dogs
Religion: Christian
Occupation: lighting and sent producer for WWE
Finances: comfortable
Mother: Alive
Relationship with her: decent
Father: alive
Relationship with him: strong
Siblings: 4
Relationship with them: strong
Spouse: none
Relationship with him/her: n/a
Children: none
Relationship with them: n/a
Other important family members: grandparents but they aren't alive
Color: dark purple
Least favorite color: yellow
Music: any type
Food: sushi
Literature: psychological horror
Form of entertainment: concerts
Expressions: "and then there's that"
Mode of transportation: car
Most prized possession: rare painting they found being thrown out
Hobbies: anything artsy
Plays a musical instrument? Yes. Uke, guitar, piano (kind of), and violin/fiddle
Plays a sport?: yes. They were on swim team and high school and still swim and compete when they can
How he/she would spend a rainy day: reading on the porch with a cup of coffee
Spending habits: they're pretty controlled with their money but do tend to want to spoil people
Smokes: yes. Vape and devils lettuce
Drinks: socially
Other drugs: no
What does he/she do too much of?: Smokes too much weed probably
What does he/she do too little of?: taking care of themselves
Extremely skilled at: anything to do with music or video production
Extremely unskilled at: anything extremely physical
Nervous tics: head scratching and leg bouncing
Usual body posture: if they fit, they'll sit.
Mannerisms: uses hands and body to talk a lot, very expressive, talks passionately
Peculiarities: will hyperfixate on certain topics, will just start dancing in place if they feel awkward
Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert but an extrovert around friends
Daredevil or cautious?: more on the cautious side but can be a dare devil
Logical or emotional?: emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: organized chaos
Prefers working or relaxing?: work I relaxing to them
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: unsure a lot of the times
Animal lover?: absolute animal lover
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Very self conscious of they're physical appearance and abilities except when it comes to their work
One word the character would use to describe self: Driven
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: huge heart
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: being quick to get defensive.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: eyes and hair
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: everything else
How does the character think others perceive him/her: they think most people like them at the very least
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: always wants to see the best in people
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: sometimss
Person character most hates: n/a
Best friend(s): n/a
Love interest(s): n/a
Person character goes to for advice: n/a
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: n/a
Person character feels shy or awkward around: n/a
Person character openly admires: n/a
Person character secretly admires: n/a
Most important person in character’s life: Siblings
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sztupy · 2 years
Low-fat milk 34.0% Butter 27.1% Pasta and couscous 24.4% Olive oil 23.6% Margarine and other vegetable fats 22.5% Jams, marmalades and honey 21.2% Sauces, condiments, salt, spices and culinary herbs 21.2% Cheese and curd 17.9% Ready-made meals 16.0% Potatoes 15.7% Eggs 14.6% Yoghurt 14.2% Pork 13.2% Edible ices and ice-cream 12.9% Fish 12.8% Bread 11.0% Pizza and quiche 9.9% Fruit 8.5% Rice 6.7% Sugar 5.1%
Mineral or spring waters 22.0% Fruit and vegetable juices 14.8% Coffee 12.0% Tea 10.2% Soft drinks 7.7% Beer 3.2% Spirits 3.1% Wine 2.5%
Electricity, gas and other fuels
Liquid fuels 114.1% Gas 95.7% Electricity 54.0% Solid fuels 26.9%
Clothing and shoes
Clothing accessories 7.7% Garments for men 7.4% Garments for infants and children 7.4% Footwear for infants and children 7.3% Garments for women 6.4% Footwear for women 5.5% Footwear for men 3.9%
Household items and furniture
Garden furniture 21.1% Heaters and air conditioners 18.2% Irons 14.8% Refrigerators, freezers and fridge-freezers 13.2% Glassware and chinaware 12.8% Cookers 8.5% Bed linen 8.1% Lighting equipment 7.9% Carpets and rugs 4.9%
Secondhand cars 8.6% New cars 7.3% Bicycles 6.1% Motorcycles 2.3%
Passenger transport
By air 37.1% By train 9.8% By underground and tram 5.1% By bus and coach 3.8% By sea and inland waterway 3.0%
Hospitality and recreation
Holiday centres, camping sites and youth hostels 25.5% Cinemas, theatres and concerts 14.0% Fast food and takeaway food services 10.3% Restaurants and cafes 7.5% Canteens 6.3% Museums, libraries and zoos 5.0%
Other recreational items
Garden products 15.1% Products for pets 13.7% Sport equipment 11.7% Veterinary and other services for pets 9.1% Equipment for sport 8.6% Plants and flowers 6.6%
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turtlethon · 2 years
“Planet of the Turtleoids” (part 1)
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Season 5, Episode 3 First US Airdate: August 31, 1991 First UK Airdate: March 4, 1992
An alien visitor transports the Turtles to the far-off world of Shell-Ri-La.
The fifth season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles gets properly underway with “Planet of the Turtleoids”. This double-length adventure first aired on CBS in prime-time on August 31, before being split into two standard episodes for broadcast on Saturday mornings later on. In the UK, this outing was first broadcast in March 1992 on The Movie Channel as a special event, and remained in rotation alongside other kid-friendly matinee fair for much of the rest of the decade. To keep things manageable, today I’ll cover the first half of the special, with part 2 appearing on Thursday.
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Wandering around at night in search of pizza, the Turtles witness the improbable sight of a sumo wrestler pulling off the doors of a pet shop. After following him inside, the team demand to know who he is and what he’s up to. The intruder introduces himself in Grimlock-style caveman talk as Tattoo, before adding that he’s looking for his home. The Turtles struggle to handle this new enemy until he manages to restrain himself, becoming wrapped up in a live power cable. After getting electrocuted, Tattoo changes form, turning into a normal-looking hamster that wanders into a nearby cage.
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Speculating that all of this must have been Shredder’s doing, the Turtles begin to ponder if the shop, Howard’s Pets, could also have been their own home prior to their mutations. Donatello remarks that he sometimes thinks they would have been better off had they stayed in their original forms.
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In the Technodrome – which isn’t in Dimension X anymore because things are airing out of sequence again – Shredder and Krang try to make contact with their new recruit Tattoo, only to receive no response. They set up the Scheme of the Day, establishing that they need new mutants to break into a museum so that they can steal rubies that will power their new heat ray. This will allow them to break their headquarters out of the rocky bed it’s currently stuck in.
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Krang is in his bubble walker for no particular reason as he prepares a new batch of mutagen. Due to the importance of this mission, he intends to travel with Shredder, Rocksteady and Bebop to the zoo, where the quartet will select a suitable group of animals.
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The Turtles return to the Lair, with Donatello still ruminating about the idea that they might have been better off if they remained in the pet shop. Leonardo tries to reason with him, pointing out that life in a cage would be worse, but Donnie counters that “this Lair is our cage!” Splinter steps in, pointing out how much good the Turtles have done in the world. Donatello remains unconvinced, wishing that there was a place where the team would be accepted and able to live freely.
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Shredder, Krang and The Boys arrive at the zoo in a transport module, something that we haven’t seen in Turtlethon for a while. It turns out that Bebop managed to bring the module up in a monkey house, and so the group quickly have to flee to a nearby veterinary compound. Shreds orders his henchmen to seek out two powerful animals to use in their experiment.
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At a yoghurt shop / diner, Vernon is seen ordering a root beer float – the hardest drink permittable given TMNT’s target demographic. As he drowns his sorrows, April appears on a nearby TV, reporting on the recent pet shop break-in. Vernon grouses to anyone within earshot about how he should be in April’s position, before storming off without paying.
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Outside, Vernon is approached by a small green individual in a trenchcoat, who suggests that he seems to know a lot about the local inhabitants. He removes his hat to reveal he’s actually a Turtle-like alien called Kerma, leading to Vernon fleeing in terror.
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Bebop and Rocksteady bring in a lion and gorilla to be mutated, before becoming distracted by a nearby area where a bull wanders around next to a small cage containing a mole. It dawns on The Boys that this is the same zoo where they came from. This doesn’t make a whole lot of sense unless we take it as a given that Rocksteady and Bebop, who were originally humans, somehow absorbed the memories of the creatures they were mutated from. Okay, sure, why not I suppose...
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Kerma also finds himself in the zoo, and attempts to make conversation with the lion and gorilla. He frees them from their restraints using a remote control-like ray device. After failing to get any kind of useful information from the two animals, he heads off once more. The bull and mole then enter the scene, knocking the roof-mounted mutation device and subsequently getting doused in the familiar green ooze.
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Shredder, Krang and The Boys return to find the two new mutants in the room, and piece together what must have happened. Interestingly, Krang speculates that the duo must have mutated into humanoid form due to their proximity to Bebop and Rocksteady, even though we never saw them actually make contact with the animals; there’s an attempt being made here to have all of this work within the show’s established “Rules of Mutation”, but it doesn’t entirely pan out. Digging into a trunk full of clothing that he brought along for the occasion, Shredder begins flinging items at the two mutants and orders them to suit up.
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Returning to Channel 6, Vernon meets up with April, trying to convince her that the small visitor he encountered must have been “one of those four weirdo friends of yours”. He adds that the mystery Turtle wanted to know all about human beings, prompting Irma to point out that quizzing Vernon of all people about that subject makes no sense as “you gotta be one to know about them”.
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Back at the zoo, the mutants are now sporting their full attire. The furry grey one reveals that “the other moles call me Dirtbag” - again, we probably shouldn’t dwell for too long on how that works – and the bull, who speaks in a near Foghorn Leghorn-like accent, goes by the name Groundchuck. Shredder orders the two to break into the Museum of Excessive Opulence and steal the rubies they need to get the heat ray up and running. The newbies don’t take well to being ordered around, declaring that they’d rather “rip this place apart”. Groundchuck then spears Shredder, leading to Bebop and Rocksteady stepping in. The Boys are quickly defeated, however, with Groundchuck and Dirtbag wandering off to explore the city.
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The Turtles journey to Channel 6 to meet up with April. During their trip they notice a golden skyscraper that seems to have been erected overnight. In the office, the team are as confused as everyone else upon hearing Vernon’s tale of meeting a three-foot tall Turtle in a trenchcoat, and decide to head back out onto the streets to investigate. Almost immediately, our heroes run into Groundchuck and Dirtbag, who deny having any connection to Shredder.
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After Groundchuck’s horn attack propels Donatello into the air, the Turtle finds himself looking up at Kerma, who uses his handheld ray device to take him hostage. The visitor goes on to also capture Leonardo and Dirtbag mid-tussle. April is alerted by Irma to the battle unfolding in front of the Channel 6 building, and rushes off to film the action.
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Michaelangelo and Raphael are able to hurl Groundchuck into a nearby china shop, but are baffled after wandering inside to find no-one there. Before long, all three mutants are also captured by Kerma, who drags the assembled group back to his ship, the mysterious golden skyscraper. The building quickly takes off.
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Having retrieved her mini-camera, April arrives at the doors of Channel 6 ready to film the battle in progress. Instead, she finds all the participants have inexplicably vanished, and strolls off trying to make sense of what just happened.
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On board the ship, Leonardo is able to use a small dagger to disrupt the energy restraints holding him captive, and goes on to free the other Turtles. They confront Kerma, who reluctantly begins explaining that he travelled to Earth as he requires the assistance of the planet’s inhabitants for help with a problem on his own world. It becomes clear to the Turtles that Kerma doesn’t have a handle on what typical humans look like, with the small alien revealing that he captured them because they “seemed to have such honest faces”.
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Back on Earth, a familiar scene unfolds as Bebop and Rocksteady, who have been ordered by Shredder to find Dirtbag and Groundchuck, instead wind up taking April hostage. When April tries to radio the Turtles for help, Rocksteady nabs the Turtlecom and begins taunting his old enemies. The Boys are perplexed, however, when it seems that the Turtles can no longer be reached.
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While the Turtles go to great lengths to explain to Kerma what regular humans look like, Bebop and Rocksteady return to the zoo with April, outlining to Krang and Shredder what happened. Shreds begins to entertain the possibility that Groundchuck and Dirtbag were successful in finishing off his hated enemies. Figuring that no-one is left to stop them, the villains return to the Technodrome with April to begin working on a new plan.
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Kerma introduces the Turtles to his home world of Shell-Ri-La, where a city made entirely of gold is housed underneath a giant protective dome. Donatello is thrilled to see his vision of a world where turtles live freely brought to life. When Raphael points out that a perfect society wouldn’t need to be shielded by a dome, Kerma enigmatically quips that this is due to their “little problem”, which the Turtles will learn of soon enough.
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Shredder has now abandoned his ruby robbery project, moving on to Scheme of the Day 2. This time he intends to “use the city’s resources for the most gigantic construction job in history”. When Krang enquires as to who is going to carry out this construction, Shreds suggests the Foot Soldiers can do it. Krang points out that the robots aren’t intelligent enough to handle such an undertaking, but Shredder has thought of this too. He plans to build an invincible and “super intelligent” robot to lead them. (Need I point out that they tried this already in a recent episode, and it didn’t go particularly well?) A still-captive April quips that she has a feeling this will be a long episode. Take heart, as we’re almost at the halfway point.
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Our heroes are guided through Shell-Ri-La by Kerma, alongside the still-restrained Dirtbag and Groundchuck. The small alien demonstrates one of their enormous alchemy machines, which are used to convert lead into gold. The reflective light, Kerma explains, provides food-like energy to the inhabitants to the planet. Dirtbag and Groundchuck use a spinning blade from the machine to free themselves, leading the Turtles to spring into action, but the mutant mole is able to quickly dig a tunnel that allows both him and his cohort to escape.
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In the Technodrome, Shredder reveals that his new robot will have a skin of adamantium, “the strongest metal in the universe”. Supplies of the metal run out during construction, however, and so Krang suggests using ordinary steel to cover the remaining spot instead. Shredder protests, but is told to quit being a baby about things. April overhears this and is about to escape – to where I don’t know, unless she plans on stealing a transport module – when the new robot, Chrome Dome, is activated. The giant warrior quickly pins down the reporter with an array of finger-mounted darts before grabbing her.
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Kerma is about to introduce the Turtles to the High Council of Shell-Ri-La when a siren blares. This heralds the arrival of the “small problem” hinted at earlier: a giant, screeching two-headed dragon wielding laser guns. How will the green teens handle this? Find out next time in the concluding part of “Planet of the Turtleoids”!
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