rare-apples · 2 years
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They're shkrunkily
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unknown-jewel · 1 month
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pon-ink · 3 years
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The Bridlewood Library, part 5/??
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highcurrent · 5 years
     // @petaltrail​  |  Cupid Shuffle
     Okay... Not gonna lie, he’s been feeling a bit off since this festival-type thing started. Maybe he shouldn’t have indulged in so many of those special sweets when they first came out-- but the damage is already done, no need to dwell on it! Especially since there’s a much more pressing matter at hand... Finding a Valentine’s gift for Ruby that’ll top any gift to ever be given!! ... But while this would already be a super-serious mission for him, Neptune seems to be... way more into it than usual-- going the extra mile to make sure there’s absolutely no chance she’ll spot him shopping at the mall for the perfect gift.
     ... Well-- in his mind it’s an extra mile.
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          “Stealth mode, don’t fail me now...“
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ribellaione · 5 years
     “ If I have to see one more over-dramatic declaration of love, I’m going to be sick. “
  words are spoken with a hint of annoyance, eyes rolling as the faunus crosses her arms across her chest. really, it was astounding how many people thought confessing they loved someone in a bookstore over the story of romeo & juliet was a good idea. it really wasn’t. had some of them even read that book? it didn’t have the happy ending so many assumed it did. one hand waves away some of the smoke from the incense burning on the counter, nose wrinkling upwards.
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          “ Can’t they stick to a card? Or just say it plainly? “
@petaltrail​ -- cupid shuffle s.c.
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gunchucks · 5 years
         hands at the wheel, focus entirely on the road -- the rainbow road in front of him, sun was no doubt enjoying himself. with nothing but his red shells and off-brand monkey character in view, he easily cruises in first place. his competition was so laughable that he nearly forgets that this was supposed to be a double date. blake, ruby and neptune take the wheels besides him in a completely honorable, and fair game of dario cart. -- except it wasn’t. 
         luckily for the monkey faunus, an extra appendage, in this case, his tail, served more use than a simple cup holder. to distract ruby, who currently takes second place, the sneaky tail targets her sides -- tickling her to break her focus. all this done without even glancing away from his own screen.
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         ❛ -- better keep your eyes on the road, blake, or else you’ll end up like neptune in last. ❜ / blackredsunsea is a go !! @petaltrail​​​ > @highcurrent​​​ > @ribellaione​​
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mysterthree · 5 years
          @petaltrail​. // sc.
Mitsuba hadn’t, um.
Mitsuba hadn’t realized that powers could be brought back here. And maybe he should’ve! Maybe he should’ve. But -- but -- to his credit, it wasn’t like anyone that he knew was given anything more than the bare minimum, so without anything to change his mind, why would he know that people could get stronger?
He’d probably have been a lot more concerned about things if he knew.
Needless to say. What this was getting to. The whole point of this was--
--well he hadn’t expected someone to have definitely, completely, what was absolutely unmistakably some kinda giant scythe.
Mitsuba really had to get his fight or flight response in line, because any time it went too quickly to flight -- which was, well, most of the time... -- he found himself very suddenly transformed to his Mystery form, his scarf swooping around to shield himself.
“I’m not looking to fight!”
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He’d get cut in half -- he’d get cut in half!! That was a whole scythe!
“I don’t have anything worth taking! I-I can probably direct you to someone who does, though!”
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domesticflight · 5 years
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realvived · 5 years
  “ Ruby--! ”
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  Penny’s already broken into a sprint by the time she calls for her friend. She stumbles in her footing and she almost wishes she could speed up this process instead of having to waste time to get to her destination, but...
  ( It’s a strange shift, going from new power imbued in her back to feeling so... so...? )
  She slows down as she gets closer, eventually falling into a jog before pushing her forehead into Ruby’s shoulder. Arms wrap tight around her waist and she doesn’t talk, merely keeping her friend in place so she can take a minute to calm down in the warmth and darkness of a familiar person.
  “ A... Are you okay...? ”
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kingfishersluck · 5 years
Ruby had been the one to send out the distress signal, and had gotten abruptly cut off. She was wanted, and she was a huntress, but she was still just a kid. Shoulders slumped slightly in relief that she seemed okay - not that she was unable to take care of herself, but...
He had been the one member of the Ace Ops off base at that moment. And while he wasn’t necessarily on her side, but he also didn’t want to see her or her friends hurt. Arrest was a more peaceful solution, even if not everyone saw it that way.
But he had no power here, and (for the moment, at least) he wasn’t going to push the issue. And the same introduction:
“No worries, not here to arrest you or anything.” Hand up, placating gesture.
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“Kind of saying that a lot the past day or so.”
Easygoing, joking. Really, taking down all three of them would be risky, and pointless. James wasn’t here, this wasn’t Atlas. 
“Still, glad to see you’re fine. I imagine all that training came in handy.”
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headmastering · 5 years
@petaltrail (I hear you like books too huh)
    With whatever odd disastrous event of the month having concluded, Ozpin can finally start readjusting to life on the island again. Preparations have already been made to move back into his home, and now? Now he just sort of wants to keep an extremely low profile. What better way to do that than just reading a book? That’s the thought process bringing him to browse a bookstore anyway.
   He just doesn’t expect to run into a familiar face.
   Surprise and guilt intermingle in the wizard’s gut as soon as he moves to leave the aisle and spots her at the end of it. There’s fear too, a small voice that tells him nothing good could come of this meeting, but didn’t he give up on running from this a while ago?
   ‘Then be better.’
   “Miss Rose,” He finally greets, after a bracing sigh. Somehow he even manages a small smile too. “Good to see you’re well.” Or at least Oz hopes she’s well. She deserves a break from the weight of the world on her shoulders.
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redreaping · 5 years
#you try drawing muscles under sleeves ok how about that
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     two words: get gud
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unknown-jewel · 2 years
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If I had a nickel for every time I shipped an MLP pairing that involved a stubborn, old-fashioned earth pony and a pop star, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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heartcog · 5 years
“ i barely did anything. “
a straight forward, out of nowhere statement. oscar’s gaze seems different compared to past encounters, a harder glint in his eyes, one hand clenched firmly into a fist while the other curls and presses itself against his head. some would interpret it as confusion, others would perhaps say anger, but the most accurate way to describe it would be... melancholic, resigned. “ you know that. “ he tacks on the accusation with a certain ire, hazel eyes looking down at his hands. ( their hands? ) 
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a slow, purposeful inhale gives pause to the conversation, the sigh that the boy exhales seeming to belong to that of someone centuries older than him. “ so... please. “ he starts slowly, the frown growing all the more prevalent across cherubic features. it doesn’t suit him-- it doesn’t, but he’s been doing it more often than any of his other, hasn’t he?
“ don’t lie to me just to make me feel better. “
( @petaltrail​. )
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highcurrent · 5 years
     // @petaltrail​  |  Signal
     He knew it-- he knew this was gonna happen! Being stuck on an island meant this was just inevitable!! Neptune has no idea how it happened, but here he is-- stuck in the aftermath of some huge tidal wave that wiped out the city! Granted, this city looks... nothing like the one he’s been stuck in the past few months... but he can’t even reach that conclusion yet, still trying to find any place safe from water!
     But no matter where he looked, it became clear that traces of water were everywhere-- some streets were even knee deep with rushing water, no way is he gonna make it through there... His attention is soon caught off by some noise in the distance-- what sounds like a metal weapon hitting the concrete. Since he’s practically defenseless out here, his only choice is to hide... So his best bet is to take cover behind one of the abandoned, flooded cars near the blocked off road.
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          “Ah, man... I really don’t need this right now...”
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ribellaione · 5 years
petaltrail said: spare pistachio blake... spare pistachio...
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   just hands over the whole bag
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