#.& RUBY 011
trashmouth-richie · 1 year
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eddie x Fem! Reader
honey I’m home masterlist
TW: 18+ hospitals, trauma, crying, etc
A/N: this is a short little chapter. the next one will be longer— thank you for hanging onto this story even though it took me forever to get it started. I have most of the next chapter done so it’ll probably be posted next week.
The blue and red lights are blinking in rapid succession. Painting the curtains in washes of ruby and royal. 
  The sirens should have been loud but Eddie figured it was the blood trickling down his head and into his ear canal that was preventing him from hearing clearly. 
  He fought with the first responders. 
  Fought with the people fussing over him and trying to rush him into an ambulance. 
  He refused to leave you. 
  He didn’t need to be cared for. 
  He didn’t care about anything. 
  Only you.
  Mr. Derry’s loud knock and burst through the door was the exact distraction needed for Eddie to grip the bat in his bloody hand. 
  Rings squeezing tight around blood and the wooden handle, he swung hard. A suddenly athlete in a smokers body. He felt the thuds and friction vibrating in his forearms when the nailed head connected with flesh. But he didn’t stop until there were two crumpled bodies collapsed on the red stained carpet. 
  And when the ambulance crew met him at the door, gurney ready, you were wrapped tight in his arms. A faint pulse echoed like a whisper against your skin. Eddie’s tears streaming down his face and onto yours. 
  His promise pressed delicately to your lips.
  “What have we got?” 
  “According to the patient’s friend, she is twenty-one-year, sir! you need to be looked at, and lived by herself for the past few months..” 
  I’m fine! Jesus— get off me and help her! 
  “…call came in at 2208 from a Mr. William Derry— the neighbor— claiming there were screams coming from across the street of his residence on Cherry Lane. Dispatch didn’t think to respond right away due to the many calls Mr. Derry has submitted to the Police Department.”
  “Sir, I am not telling you again, you need to be checked out!” 
  “Jesus Christ.”
  “When nobody showed up, the neighbor went across the street after hearing more screaming. Patient was held up by her throat by the DOA”
  “Bill has him in truck 011, ID found on the body confirmed he was Chad Cunningham.” 
Eddie is standing before you, looking the same has he did the morning g after Halloween. It’s similar but different. There’s more light in the kitchen, and he is rosy cheeked like a cherub, his movements almost floating like angel wings as he moves the carton of orange juice hp to his lips, small glints of a silver nipple ring peaking out from the cutoff shirt he wore. 
  When he speaks, it’s like a harp is playing, all song and beautiful notes, extending and echoing around the room. 
  “So when do I get this trophy sweetheart?” He says with a grin, “thinking of putting on a shelf in my room,” 
  Your laugh feels like butterflies tickling your stomach, “you can’t be serious.” 
  His head dips as he walks towards you, smile displaying the prettiest teeth, “damn straight, want the whole town to know I had the best costume!”
  “Stolen costume,”
  “Pppffft, I just borrowed it.” the wink he delivers is almost sinful, toothachingly sweet enough to give a dentist a cavity, and you melt on the spot. 
“Miss? Can you tell us your name? Can you tell us anything?” 
  You were either in a hospital or a morgue. You didn’t feel any pain so it very likely could be the worst of the two options. Whatever you were laying on was cold. And when you tried to move you found you couldn’t. 
  Is this death?
  Eyelids heavy and unable to cooperate and make the connection with your brain on flicking open so you could see what was happening. 
  The only thing constant was a buzzing in both ears. A tug along your eyelids and rubber glove fingers on your body. But you were trapped in your mind, unable to speak, to scream, to show any physical movements other than the involuntary rise and fall of your chest and your lungs being filled with oxygen, fed through flexible plastic of the oxygen mask placed on your face. 
  Oblivious to your surroundings. 
  “Severe trauma to both eyes, laceration to the back of the head, severe swelling and possible damage to the larynx, Katerina, what did the CT show?” 
  “CT came back clear, X-Ray showed a break to both zygomatic bones, 5th and 6th ribs and a lacerated spleen…”
  “Look at her nails, poor thing fought for her life,” 
  “they both did.” 
  You found the will to whisper what you needed to tell them. Voice hoarse and barely audible, removing the mask they look in horror back at your words, and  immediately the feeling of warm liquid entering your veins and the blur of sleep covers your body. 
  He visits you again, this time you know it’s a dream. The pink clouds flow behind his head even though you are standing in the living room. But it’s different, blurred on the edges, hazy sweet and refined. How heaven could be described. 
  “I look good in this don’t even lie,” Eddie says with a spin, the white cotton of your robe resembling a mini skirt on his long legs, “but if you want me to take it off all you have to do is ask, I’m a pleaser, baby.”
  He was every version of himself, handsome, gross and menacing. Sweet and caring, eye twinkling, soft voiced: Eddie. The beer taped to his hand like it was all those months ago when you splashed him awake, threatening to kick him out. 
  Delivering his classic one liners that you now knew helped fuel your love for him. 
  “What? Hair of the dog baby, gotta keep drinking to avoid a hangover.”
  And maybe your love for him was always there. 
  Showing up in the background, fluttering bird wings of your heart before you even noticed. 
  Developing into something sweeter, deeper, so heartbreakingly sick it took a disaster and almost the last pulse in your veins for you to be able to admit it. 
Steve had been pacing the cream colored tiles for over thirty minutes. The squeak of his Nikes against the floor were something Eddie was trying hard to focus on instead of worrying about you in the ICU, but so far it wasn’t working.
  The nasal cannula was annoying, he could breathe fine on his own. The stitches in his eyebrow itched and stung with each weave through his skin, pulled taut around the swelling in his face. 
  The shot the nurses had administered to calm him down after screaming and trying to fight his way to you, was making his mind fuzzy— still, Steve’s pacing kept him company. Step step step squeak, step step step hand in hair, followed by an agitated huffing breath.
  A nurse with a long blond ponytail braided down her back opens the polyester curtain with a drag and slips inside the room. A black rubber and steel stethoscope around her neck, before she could introduce herself Steve exploded with fury. 
  “Tell me what the hell is going on in this poor excuse for a hospital, right now!” Steve’s hair shook from its feathered position when he spoke, his demanding voice booming across the tiles. 
  Without missing a beat and clearly dealing with high strung men before she said almost monotonously, “Sir, you need to calm yourself down, this is a h-”
  But Steve’s fire was only fueled by her dismissive tone, his voice never wavering, “No, I will not calm down! The police were made aware of this situation a year ago and nothing was ever done!” 
  The police officer standing outside guarding entry to the room tipped his head in slow, “Mr. Harrington, we hear your complaints but there isn’t anything we can—”
  “Bullshit!” A tear stain cheeked Robin sobbed, her face red and blotchy from hours of crying and rubbing her freckles clean, “Eddie told you what happened yet he’s still cuffed to a bed like a fucking criminal!”
  She broke down again, clinging to Steve’s side like a wounded child, sobbing into the soft cotton of his crewneck sweater. “This is unethical! Unco—”
  “Alright that’s enough hot shot,” Hopper shouts in finality towards Steve, a wrinkle burrowed deep in his forehead accompanied with graying thick eyebrows set in a devastating frown. 
  “Chief,” Wayne interjects, cap wringing in his calloused, wrinkle bared hands, his voice wobbly but steady, runny nose and wet tears cling to his scruffy beard, “my son was protectin’ that girl, you know Eddie…he’d never hurt someone unless his life or someone he cared about was in danger.” 
  Hopper tore his gaze from the one of the richest in the room to the poorest, hanging his head with sorrow, “ ‘m sorry, Wayne— but until Mr. Derry’s statement comes back and Eddie is cleared… the cuffs stay.” 
  Wayne hung his head low, the few wiry hairs on his balding head stuck in all sorts of directions despite his attempt at raking them into submission. 
  “Jim Hopper you should be ashamed of yourself,” Karen Wheeler spoke up now, head held high, claw clip  teetering with each gesturing movement of her head, “you know good and well this boy couldn’t have done that to her! They loved each other!” 
  Since the pacing of Steve’s feet had stopped Eddie’s heart rattled hard in his chest, he clawed at the heart monitors on his chest, tried to bite the IV’s from his arms, caged like a wild animal he let out a broken cry, “ple— please, she needs me.”
  “Mr. Munson,” the nurse with blonde hair replies sternly, “she is in critical condition, we don’t know if or when she will be able to to recover, she is heavily sedated and needs rest, her only visitors will be family at this time.” 
  “Speaking of,” another nurse chirps, young and fresh gilled, entirely too eager to please her superior, “do you know how to get a hold of her family?”
  He shakes his head slow, causing a pounding headache, “I am her family,” Eddie grunts through clenched teeth, pushing himself up on the bed as far as his cuffs would allow, Steve’s hand on his shoulder. “Look around this room! Ted and Karen Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Nancy Byers.. we are all she has,” a single tear falls down his bruised cheek, liquid salt in the cut in his top lip. 
  “Okay sir.. who is responsible for her?” 
  “In regards to what? Financially? You money hungry pricks just don’t let up so you?,” Ted Wheeler finally speaks behind his wife, shock and anger evident on his wrinkled features.
  “Not exactly…”
  “Whatever it is, I will handle it, alright?” Eddie interjects, annoyed with the questions, worried only about you, “I’m responsible for her.”
  “Oh,” the nurse says, perking up slightly, marking a red check mark on her clipboard, smoothing out her uniform, “so you are aware of her condition then.” 
  Light bulbs click for everyone in the room but the curly brown haired metal head. 
  Oh my God
  Holy shit.
  “That she got the shit kicked out of her by that fucking psycho Chad Cunningham?”
  Ma’am can we talk privately in the hall? 
  “…obviously I’m aware! I was there when it happened! That dumb fuck already took my statement!” he said gesturing to Deputy Wallace. 
  “No, Mr. Munson..”
  This isn’t the time for this! Wayne tried to warn the nurse, but it fell on deaf, naive ears.
  “…she’s right around twelve weeks pregnant.” 
  A pin dropping could have been heard from a mile away. The oxygen was sucked from the room. Karen’s hand was clapped around her mouth. Nancy and Robin choked back sobs.  
  Everyone was struck with horror, but not Eddie. 
  His mind playing that beautiful night between you like a movie in his head. The way your skin felt, the way his heart ached with fullness at your shared fervor and passion. 
  The curve of your lips on his skin, kissing him sweet and slow, no noise, just the love making swallowing you both whole. 
  Your soft snores as he counted the popcorn marks in the ceiling, his girl. His entire universe. 
  The tears rolled like a ferocious river down his face, carving a path down his cheeks and under his wobbling chin, wetting the hospital gown he was forced into when he got here. 
  You were alone.
  He didn’t know anything about pregnancy besides the woman usually got sick right? Every emotion that most men feel when finding out they were going to be a dad hit him all at once. 
  But not fear. 
  He imagined you with a big swollen belly, feet too pudgy to fit into shoes, he’d rub them with lotion until you could fall asleep. 
  He’d imagined his arms holding you from behind, your baby wrapped in his arms still in your womb. The relief you might feel from the weight being in his hands. 
  You were experiencing this pain all by yourself. 
  He couldn’t fathom how you were feeling. Scared. Hopeless? He had no idea. And the thought of you being alone had him nauseous. 
  Why didn’t you didn’t tell him?  
  Why didn’t anyone tell him? 
  His fury built and shook as his voiced boom with grief as he screamed at Steve, dark eyes blood shot and red rimmed. 
  “How could you,” he broke, struggling through the words, "why would you not tell me?!” The cuffs around his wrist broke skin as he tried to claw his way out of them, trying to reach at Steve’s shirt demanding to be heard. 
  “Ed— fuck man!” Steve started, mouth gaping at Eddie’s arms dripping with blood from his fresh wounds, “we didn’t know!” 
  Robin speaks now, trying to reach for Eddie’s hand to offer him some comfort, “She didn’t tell us, Eddie—Steve is right, she didn’t say a word to any of us about it.” 
  “Fuck!” Eddie screams, slamming his wrists into the bed sides, “I sh—should h-have..,” the end falls silent as his long legs were pulled to his chin and he buried his head into them. 
  In the minutes it had been since he found out, he was already a shitty fucking dad.
  The pain of what happened to you and him not being able to stop it quick enough was killing him, and now, realizing that you were carrying his child and you were all alone? 
  There weren’t words for the gut wrenching feeling ripping through him. Overwhelming dread, chest tight with panic and pain. The nausea overtaking him. The vomit came fast, splashing allover himself and the bed, landing in thick puddles on Steve’s shoes. He cried harder and sobbed uncontrollably. When his stomach was empty he could only dry heave. 
  Wayne moved across the tiled floor in quick steps, careful not to slip in the wayward puke in his path. Sitting down hard and with purpose next to Eddie. This wasn’t his first rodeo of seeing Eddie in this turmoil. But never as a grown man. 
  He tried his hardest to hold back the tears he swore he’d never let fall in front of his boy, but gravity won the fight when Eddie pulled him into a bone crushing hug, his sobs snuffed by the canvas of his work jacket. 
It was a full 12 hours before Mr. Derry’s statement was released. Tough old bird, he couldn’t be coerced even with the gentle threat from the Cunningham’s came down hard breathing down his neck. 
  Surely not their son? Their angel?
  But the proof was there. An eye witness statement and a severely beaten woman, the record from years past and the statement from both Steve and Robin on what happened last year at your apartment, stood its ground. 
  Eddie was cleared as a free man, self defense in the eyes of the law. The second his cuffs were off he was throwing his boots onto his gripper socked feet, and untangling himself from wires and needles. 
  Steve and Wayne had both taken off work to help Eddie pick up his medication and make him go home and rest. When he tried to protest, Wayne gave Eddie a look that could pierce steel, the kind of look saying no bullshit, and begrudgingly he followed the men out to Steve’s Mercedes. 
  Nancy and Karen stayed behind at the hospital, filling your room with heavily perfumed flowers. Hushed whispers between the mother and daughter as they prayed and hoped that you would make it out of this horrific nightmare. 
  The doctors would only speak to Eddie. Letting him aware that your condition was improving but they would not be able to lift the sedation just yet. A day passed then another. Eddie slept in the hospital grade recliner in your room each night. Singing you sweet lulls of your favorite song. Promising you the world if you would just open your eyes. 
  He was weak himself. Fighting the urge to break down in front of anyone again with each hour that passed. 
4 days led to 5 and the nurses and doctors whispered behind their clipboards. On the 6th day they decided to lift the sedation to see how your body would tolerate pain. 
  Eddie never left. 
  Machines beeped and ticked. Tubes and wires connecting from you drip with fluid and monitoring systems. The white walls and outdated curtains of the hospital shine a yellowed glow into your room, bringing with it a warmth to your cotton thread blanket and warming the skin on your arms. A welcomed feeling compared to the cold needles of the IV poking into your skin delivering flows of medicine and liquids to keep you hydrated and your pain manageable. 
  Foiled balloons printed with get well wishes bounce and sway with the kick on from the vent. 
  One of your hands is unexpectedly warmer than the other. A rough drag across the knobs of your knuckles is a familiar feeling, and you smell him before you even open your eyes to acknowledge that it’s him. 
  The clinging smell of cigarettes on a freshly washed shirt and the spice of deodorant force their way into your nose. It’s a different shampoo than the one you’re used to catching on him. More manly. All sandalwood and musk a hint of citrus. And at first you think he’s someone else… maybe Steve picked up smoking heavily again?
  But when a tuned hum reverberates low against your hand followed by a pair of lips kissing gently around the IV and tape poked and laid against your skin, you know for certain it’s the man you’ve been dreaming about. 
  The one you cried for. 
  The one who visited your sleeping mind and told you everything was going to be okay.
  His name falls from your lips like choked frozen honey, thick in your mouth and on a dry tongue. 
  It was the most beautiful noise he had ever heard. 
  His girl. His whole world. Awake.
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astarab1aze · 3 hours
➥ Sunset Flash
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
001 Faceclaim. Ichigo Kurosaki [ Bleach ] 002. Voice Claim. Johnny Yong Bosch
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
003 Name. Yuuya Kei [ a play on the word 'yūyake', meaning 'sunset' ] 004 Alias. Yuu, Legendary Swordsman of the Black Isle, Blade of the South 005 Sex. Male 006 Gender. Male 007 Age. 542 008 Birth Date. July 7th [ Cancer / Hexbreaker ] 009 Blood Type. Sub-type HDO- 010 Race. Half Magma Dragon, half Wildling ; Shattered Isle by nationality. 011 Marital Status. Single [ Multiship ] 012 Orientation. Biromantic Demisexual 013 Residence. He has a semi-permanent home on the Black Isle, a mysterious hidden island in the Shattered Isles said to be the home of the Southern Drakes ; A cottage made of dragon glass, black sand, and volcanic rock.
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
014 Physical Description. Yuuya stands at a plain 5'10", but is otherwise lean, muscular, and built for a fight. His hair is a shaggy but vibrant sunset orange and can be altered at-will, usually thick with some amount of volcanic ash that he naturally produces. It feels a bit strange under the fingertips, like faux suede. His eyes are hazel-orange, like a cloudless sunset in the desert, angular and keen. There are some patches of non-iridescent red, orange, and black scales all over his body, particularly on his arms and legs, and on occasion, he may have a single bone-white horn. His body is littered with scars, though perhaps not as severely as others, and he's a story for each and every one of them, even the smallest and least noteworthy ones. He tends to wear Yuureian garb - that is, black hakama and a tattered black haori, given the time he spent there training under Satra. He may or may not wear shoes, usually Yuureian sandals. His fingers are clawed, fingertips and palms more like this in texture but more fine. He does also have a tail, ridged, spiked, and layered with scale plating of the same color as the rest, though it isn't terribly thick and he tends to hide it when it suits him, like his horn(s).
015 Equipment. He will always have his sword, Safyra, with him no matter the circumstances and he's very uncompromising about this; As well as various metals in the form of shavings or dust, crushed dragon bone, singing stones, an infinite pocket pouch full of rubies, topazes, and magical treasures fit for his hoard, 016 Occupation. He's a wandering fighter first and foremost, interested only in the thrill of battle and becoming stronger through it. 017 Job Performance. Lazy as sin and hard to convince at first, but there is no more terrifying a swordsman...
018 Parents. His mother, Safyra of the Xanthean Wildlings, who died of natural causes in her 40s, and father, Dragon Demiurge Vulkaris, current leading sire to southern drakes ; He is 74th in line for the Demiurge position. 019 Siblings. Many, none he knows by name.
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
020 Likes. Dragon glass, volcanic rock, obsidian, blackstone, metals of all kinds, ash baths, ruby, topaz, magical trinkets, weapons, and armors, avulisk eggs, beholder flesh, fire lilies, dragon's breath, fighting, training, war drums, stuffing his face, money, tinkering, challenges and competitions, traveling, exploring, etc. 021 Dislikes. Cowardice, dishonorability, trickery, lack of action, having to sleep, big words, larger pure-blooded dragons, vegetables, rot smell, frankenleeches, pointless theatrics, blue, undeserved arrogance, lack of understanding, widows, canaemery, gryphons, chimeras, summertime heat, etc. 022 Positive Traits. Resilient. Determined. Somewhat principled. Honorable. Loyal. Sincere. Serious. Brave. Earnest. Hopeful. 023 Negative Traits. Prideful. Arrogant. Greedy. Volatile. Somewhat lazy. Dense. Singleminded. Hot-tempered. Desperate. Reckless. Hardheaded. 024 Goals. To amass as much power as possible, particularly in the area of swordplay and his magic. 025 Desires. To at last earn his father's approval and pride, to do his mother's memory justice. 026 Alignment. Chaotic Neutral...good?
027 Personality. Yuuya is something of a complete idiot - rather, he's incredibly singleminded, simple, and dense. He's not going to pick up on any complicated emotions and he's not exactly going to be tactful in stressful social situations, especially if there isn't any single combat involved. He is so devoted to his cause - amassing power, earning his father's affection - he will occasionally derail conversations, prattle on about old battle stories, challenge folks to a match in passing, or always engaged in some form of fight without many exceptions. He loves the heat of battle, throwing down with the best of the best and growing stronger for it or inspiring others to become stronger as well. He is, however, in part, truly doing it for the purposes of earning the Demiurge's love, his favor, not because he hopes to take Vulkaris' place, but because he is lost and alone without his mother. He's honestly sort of a big kid in many respects, just in need something or someone constant, someone strong enough to keep up with him - be it in mind, body, or spirit.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Affinity, Talent, etc.
029 Affinity. Earth & Fire - masterful manipulation and sourcing with certain elements depending on the circumstances. 030 Shapeshifting. Innate Dragon Shape, natural anthromorphic presentation, and human form - he is capable of changing into multiple forms to best suit his environment, as most dragons are ; Despite his mixed blood, he was luckey enough to have been born with full-blooded capabilities. 031 Utility. Telekinesis, barriers, curses, Silence, Dispel, alteration, charms, enchantments, seals, alchemy, beast communication, summoning. 032 Specialization. Magma & Metal-based magic - not unheard of for an individual to possess, though his particularly brands are both uniquely fine-tuned to his body, and such elements will react to his will as he enacts it. 033 Graduate School. Not applicable, however he did study swordplay under Satra Shen for some 20 or so years, following the killing of Dessudora. He took his lessons to heart and adopted some aspects of Satra's unique version of the Shikabane Style into his own. 034 Classification. Anthromorphic Dragonkin, 74th Heir to the Demiurge throne.
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
Yuuya was born in an... we'll say, unholy union between Demiurge Vulkaris and the Wildling Safyra of Xanthe. Through no fault of his own, he was loathed by his father, just another heir to vie for the position as Demiurge of the Black Isle produced by yet another Wildling woman - but even as a hatchling, that was never what Yuuya wanted. For the most part, he was raised by Safyra, taught how to somewhat navigate the tricky language barriers between dragons and Wildlings and how to act like a Xanthean Wildling. He grew quickly, from a hatchling to young salamander, and though his mother wasn't particularly nice to him, she was kind to him - encouraging him along in her ways toward achieving all the little and big goals he had, even if that meant ravenously eating all day.
But a few years pass in a blink of an eye for a dragon. Some 15-20 years after Yuuya was born, Safyra came down with a fever she ultimately did not survive. Black Isle dragons usually aren't susceptible to sentiment - what is natural is natural, so there is no point in wallowing in the sorrow and grief of it - but Yuuya was different. He depended on her in many ways, needed her guidance, her help, because in the end, he didn't want to be a dragon. He wanted to be a Wildling like his mother. Strong and hardy, built like a stone wall and a champion of many fights, fair and just and kind and- loving. But of course, he was still only a juvenile, a boy, thus these feelings, these wants, were twisted into something else. A vie for power of his own, and the recognition of his father - his love.
Shortly after his mother's death, he pleaded with Vulkaris for- something. Attention, a path to approval, standing, just to be seen as his son. But he was turned away by the drakes at the foot of the mountain, and he took that as his answer. If he didn't have his father's approval, then he wouldn't have the approval of his kin either. So, for some time, he wandered the Black Isle, attempting to survive on his own. Some larger, meaner drakes came upon him and attacked him, and such was a relatively common enough occurrance - until he got sick of it and started fighting back. Alone and alienated, he decided to put all that quiet time to good use and got to work, beginning his journey to becoming a dragonkin mage that would surely win Vulkaris' favor. Training day in and day out, transforming his body, bathing in the lava flows the drakes left unguarded, and he took on every one that tried to break him.
That first fight, however, was when he discovered his love of it. Didn't so much like the killing part, though.
Reinvigorated, feeling invincible, he approached the mountain again, this time wrangling the drakes at the foot without issue. Forcing his way down volcanic tunnels until at last he made his way to Vulkaris' magma chamber, where he...foolishly, challenged him to a fight. The Demiurge obliged, and in a few short moments, the battle was over with Yuuya defeated. This loss was predictably crushing, and to add insult to injury, Vulkari uttered only cruelty in the fledgling's ears, giving him false hopes contingent on success in gaining power and skill - a 'reward' for his attempt.
Ever since, Yuuya's been traveling between the Shattered Isles and the main continent in search of honing his magical skill and combat prowess. It wasn't until he managed to reach Yuurei that he first picked up a sword, and upon hearing rumors of his cousin Dessudora's defeat, he made his way to the man who felled her - Satra Shen, the Panther of the East, whom he studied under in Southern Yuurei for a small handful of decades, steadily incorporating aspects of Satra's wild style into his own. While he didn't quite study or train under too many others, he did go on to learn a little something from each person he fought in the interim, or from the fights themselves, growing and growing as the centuries went by.
He's still...he's still doing that. Like, he hasn't stopped. It's been 500ish years and he's still--
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Intro time!
Hello! This is @chalky-chalkerson-thereal speaking, and this is my THREEEE au called The Abduction and Torture of Innocent Souls! :D (TAaToIS) Basically an au where Chocolate Bar wipes the minds of his contestants and runs chemical experiments on them, causing them to transform (🐺🐺 /j)
Based on @/dicediceking’s lab rats au! go check it out it’s awesome
001 ‘Chalky’: Mind reading
002 ‘Broomer’: Flight
003 ‘Clay’: Hearing the voices of the dead
004 ‘Moonstone’: Projecting thoughts
005 ‘Diary’: ‘Spider’ powers (Spinning webs, walking on walls, eight limbs)
006 ‘Feather’: Floating
007 ‘Mango’: Quietness
008 ‘Nail’: Invisibility
009 ‘SharkBearBerry’: Can mute others
010 ‘Muffin’: Multiplying
011 ‘English Muffin’: Powerless
012 ‘Click’: Alien
013 ‘Gumball Machine’: Makes inanimate objects appear at her will
014 ‘Poison’: Good agility, or, balance
015 ‘Tub of Lard’: Size morphing
016 ‘Headset’: Can make intricate sounds
017 ‘Latte’: Power absorption
018 ‘Smartie’: Pyrokinesis
Ask them anything, they’re here to listen. You can also ask Chocolate Bar, his wife (Snow Cone), and his son (Ice Cream Sandwich) stuff.
Ice Cream Sandwich is around four years old in this au, btw^^
-Nothing sexual/suggestive IN ANY WAY. Mod is a minor, it makes him uncomfortable.
-Don’t be the following: Racist, homophobic, transphobic, zoos, pedos, ableist, or anything similar. Being this will result in an immediate block :3
-Magical anons are okay C:
-Mod is in school so be patient
-I said this earlier, but the mod is @chalky-chalkerson-thereal
-Some of the Innocent Souls are characters that Chalky (the mod) are a Fictionkin of (Chalky, Broomer, Tub of Lard, SharkBearBerry, Latte, and Click), and he sometimes bases their actions of his personality in real life, and most of it doesn’t correspond to canon. Please mind this when asking.
-Their minds were erased of everything (The contest, Moonstone’s crush on Diary, Broomer and Chalky dating, the Broomer boys, the whole knowledge of Chocolate Bar before, ect) so Chalky will probably just make them have no clue what you’re talking about if you mention one of these things.
-They were abducted right after THREEEE Two, so anything beyond that is not canon in this au.
-OOC is ‘Ruby’s Rambling’
-skibidi toilet
so yes. ask away! :D
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shadeops21 · 1 year
Ruby Team
9th Fighter Squadron, 2nd Air Division of the Royal Valean Air Force.
While the unit's name predated her transfer into the squadron, it is certain that the impact that Flight Lieutenant Ruby Rose had during the unit's involvement during the Second Great War has etched both her name and her unit's into the history book.
It was observed through the latter stages of the war that her mere presence in an airspace or over a battlefield directly affected the morale of all involved, either for the good or bad.
"That jet; we called it the Burning Rose, for the flames it left behind were akin to falling petals." - Separatist Atlesian POW
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(Rafale M of the RVAF's 9th FS, serial 0148-011, dubbed "Crescent Rose")
Originally based out of Beacon AFB, located just outside of Vale's capital district, the 9th FS specialized in precision ground attack and tactical strike operations. Trained for interdiction, tactical bombing, precision and maritime strike, as well as the capability to self-escort to and from a target area, these pilots were renowned for their accuracy and tenacity.
However as the Second Great War progressed, Ruby Team found themselves at the spearhead of offensive and defensive operations across the theater of war. Ruby Team were also only one of the few from a handful of squadrons across both the Royal Valean Air Force and Royal Valean Navy's Maritime Air Arm to escape the fall of Vale to friendly territories.
"I swear, you could hear the confidence of the troops skyrocket when those four were seen overhead. You could be on your last magazine, but hearing those four sets of engines made you feel you could take on an entire armoured column." - Valean Army 'Hunter' operator.
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(Rafale M of the 9th FS, flown by FLTLT Weiss 'Ice Queen' Schnee. Ruby Team's #2)
Few actually know of the four pilots of Ruby Team beyond their names, ranks, and posting at the time of the Second Great War. Part of that was attributed to the loss of records as a result of the Fall of Vale, but anecdotal stories from allies and onlookers alike show that whilst not aloof the members of Ruby Team did tend to stay out of the limelight and out of view whenever they were on the ground between missions.
One common trait was clear though, remaining consistent regardless of whoever was interviewed about their encounters with the Burning Rose:
She inspired others with little more than a smile and a 'follow me'.
"If you were on the same [frequency] as them, you wouldn't have known it. They were at the level where merely a few words needed to be exchanged before each pilot moved to act. It was as if they had telepathy or something. And to watch them fly was just awe-inspiring." - Senior Lieutenant Wukong, 10th Fighter Squadron of the Mistral Aerospace Forces
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(Rafale M 0240-009, "Gambol Shroud". Flown by Ruby Team element leader, FLGOFF Belladonna)
Many theorised over the factors and reasons why Ruby Team performed as well as they did during the course of the war. They weren't the only squadron to have considerable impact on the war and it's progress, with many successful operations attributed to other units that formed up the Remnant Strategic Allied Forces (RSAF).
One key attribute that some have indicated may have been a factor was their composition of pilots: a young Valean prodigy born from renowned ace pilots; the daughter and prospective heiress of one of the largest mega-corporations on Remnant; a reformed activist looking to right wrongs done in the past; and a free-spirited yet loyal daredevil who never gave up even in the worst of odds.
"Ruby Team saved our lives, both personally and collectively. When things were at their darkest, they were the ones who said 'Fuck that, we aren't dying here. Let's go.' And I think that was what did it for everyone, once you cut out all the other bullshit." - FLTLT Arc, "Juniper" Team flight lead, 11th Fighter Squadron, 2nd Air Division, RVAF.
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(Rafale M 0122-009, flown by Ruby Team #4, FLGOFF Xiao Long.)
Regardless of the anecdotes, the stories, and the varying pieces of news reporting from all sides of the conflict, it is undeniable that if it weren't for the efforts of Ruby Team, there may very well not be a Remnant left to live on.
Yet, despite their impact, once the fires were extinguished and cities were rebuilt, nary a trace of the The Four Beacons could be found. I personally would not blame them; they've more than earned their peace and quiet.
I just hope that their rest is not disturbed by another conflict.
Excerpts taken from "The Beacons, The Rose, and the Second Great War - An Account of the War from the tip of the spear", written by Oscar Pine.
Yeah, back on my crossover bullshit. Working on a whole series of skins of different aircraft and squadrons as "what if's" - Namely, what if RWBY was set in a world like Ace Combat.
Squadrons tend to follow matching paint schemes, and I also didn't want to give Ruby and her team a uber-distinctive and unoriginal livery like full black and red or something like that. I've kinda pulled inspiration from different Ace Combat titles and liveries of primary and secondary characters. It may not be visible on the renders above, but each aircraft has a personal touch, apart from the character's respective emblems located behind the cockpit:
Ruby: cursive "Crescent Rose" in red written below the cockpit in front of the right intake.
Weiss: a red arrowhead/dagger shape representative of her scar.
Blake: has the two lines seen on Gambol Shroud running along the spine of her aircraft from nosecone to tailfin
Yang: pin-up girl silhouette with the words "Ember Celica" flanking on either side, lower left nose in front of the intake.
I have an entire word doc with an order of battle drafted up, assigning each team of students and hunters to squadrons from specific air forces. I may post this up later if there's significant interest...
Anyway, thanks for getting to this point. Long post and different from the usual programming. Still fun to do this though!
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captainpetebradshaw · 8 months
Movie Diary 2023
Now that the new year is in full swing I finally have the time to go over my personal stats :D I've watched 145 movies this year (excluding rewatches) which is just 4 movies shy of my high of 149 movies from 2017 but I didn't even try that hard lol
Shoutout to the roosmav discord with which I've watched many Tom Cruise and Miles Teller movies and which definitely was part of the high number this year - love you guys!
Full list under the cut, my favorites are bold:
001 Legend
002 Emily the Criminal
003 The Banshees of Inisherin
004 The Swimmers
005 Cyrano
006 Thank You for Your Service
007 The Last Samurai
008 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
009 Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
010 Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
011 National Theatre Live: No Man's Land
012 Strange World
013 21 & Over
014 All Quiet on the Western Front
015 National Theatre Live: Prima Facie
016 Teen Wolf: The Movie
017 Puss in Boots
018 Elivs
019 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
020 Rock of Ages
021 Causeway
022 The Quiet Girl
023 National Theatre Live: All About Eve
024 Triangle of Sadness
025 Minority Report
026 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
027 American Made
028 The Fabelmans
029 Fire of Love
030 The Fabelmans
031 EO
032 Get a Job
033 Cocktail
034 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
035 Batman Begins
036 Knock at the Cabin
037 Taps
038 Spiderhead
039 A Few Good Men
040 The Whale
041 Apocalypse Now (The Final Cut)
042 Women Talking
043 Miss Americana
044 Devotion
045 Operation Fortune: Ruse due Guerre
046 Tetris
047 Field of Dreams
048 Knight and Day
049 Missing
050 Shazam! Fury of the Gods
051 Days of Thunder
052 65
053 After Yang
054 Suzume
055 Serial (Bad) Weddings 3
056 Vanilla Sky
057 Cocaine Bear
058 Ghosted
059 Eyes Wide Shut
060 Amsterdam
061 Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
062 Renfield
063 New Gods: Yang Jian
064 I Am What I Am
065 Man on Wire
066 Independence Day
067 The Super Mario Bros. Movie
068 The Firm
069 Polite Society
070 Air
071 The Blue Caftan
072 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
073 Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy
074 Joyland
075 Anything's Possible
076 Murder on the Orient Express
077 Kinky Boots
078 Mission: Impossible II
079 Schwimmen
080 Firebird
081 Mission: Impossible III
082 4th Man Out
083 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
084 Bulldog
085 Cruel Intentions
086 John Wick: Chapter 4
087 Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
088 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
089 Extraction 2
090 Nimona
091 Deep Sea
092 Barbie
093 Die Concorde - Absturz einer Legende
094 The Flash
095 Jumbo (2020)
096 Only the Brave
097 Joy Ride
098 Kill Boksoon
099 Oppenheimer
100 The 355
101 Legend (1985)
102 The Monkey King (2023)
103 Elemental
104 Wham!
105 Heart of Stone
106 Saint Omer
107 Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate
108 Past Lives
109 Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken
110 A Million Miles Away
111 Theater Camp
112 Bottoms
113 They Cloned Tyrone
114 Asteroid City
115 Saw
116 Race to the Summit
117 The Last Voyage of the Demeter
118 No One Will Save You
119 Brightburn
120 The Skin I Live In
121 M3GAN
122 Event Horizon
123 Bones and All
124 When Evil Lurks
125 Gran Turismo
126 Knuckle Girl
127 Tom Cruise: The Last Movie Star
128 The Last Black Man in San Francisco
129 The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
130 Blue Beetle
131 The Creator
132 Napoleon
133 Mark Rothko - La peinture vous regarde
134 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
135 Linoleum
136 Wish
137 Quiz Lady
138 Pain Hustlers
139 Leo
140 Big
141 No Dogs or Italians Allowed
142 Violent NIght
143 Trading Places
144 Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire
145 Journey to the West (2021)
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lovelyylorelaii · 8 months
requesting rules and information
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hello all and welcome to my requesting rules and guidelines post! i wanted to put this information out there in a place that was easy to access and all up-to-date to make for a fun and safe space for everyone to enjoy!
as mentioned in my about me post, i am a uni student and so there may be periods of inactivity or when my requests are closed for longer than usual, but please do not be alarmed i will be returning and your posts will be answered. so with that in mind it would be very much apprciated if you could not spam my ask box with the same request over and over again, or chasing up a request; if it has been requested it will be on my list and i will get to it so long as it does not ask something of me which i have stated i will not be writing. HOWEVER if i am active and your request did not ask me to write anything i stated in my boundaries post that i would not write and it has been a while since you sent it in there is a chance that it may have gotten lost so it is okay if you send me a message or request it again!
if requests are closed i would appreciate it if you would refrain from sending any requests in as i will not see them and they may get lost if too many are sent in when i am away. this would also make it difficult for me to get on top of posting again when i return from my breaks! when requests are open or closed will be noted in my biography!!
below are the characters and fandoms i write for, however, if there is someone not listed below you can request for them as chances are i will have heard of them but may not be the biggest fan of the show/movie/book but i will do my best and otherwise i will let you know! if a character below is crossed out then it just means i am taking a break from writing for thme for now, just to keep things interesting and so i am not always writing for the same person so, check back often as this may change!
⟡criminal minds
ෆ aaron hotchner
ෆ derek morgan
ෆ emily prentiss
ෆ jennifer 'jj' jareau
ෆ penelope garcia
ෆ spencer reid
⟡gilmore girls
ෆ dave rygalski
ෆ dean forester
ෆ jess mariano
ෆ lane kim
ෆ logan huntzberger
ෆ lorelai gilmore
ෆ louise grant
ෆ luke danes
ෆ madeline lynn
ෆ paris geller
ෆ rory gilmore
ෆ tristan dugray
⟡hunger games
ෆ coriolanus snow
ෆ finnick odair
ෆ gale hawthorne
ෆ haymitch abernathy
ෆ johanna mason
ෆ katniss everdeen
ෆ lucy gray baird
ෆ peeta mellark
ෆ sejuanus plinth
ෆ bruce banner
ෆ druig
ෆ james 'bucky' barnes
ෆ loki
ෆ makkari
ෆ natasha romanoff
ෆ peter parker (tom holland/andrew garfield)
ෆ pietro maximoff
ෆ sam wilson
ෆ steve rogers
ෆ steven strange
ෆ thor
ෆ tony stark
ෆ wanda maximoff
ෆ yelena belova
ෆ jj maybank
ෆ john b routledge
ෆ kiara carrera
ෆ pope hayward
ෆ rafe cameron
ෆ sarah cameron
ෆ billy loomis
ෆ ethan landry
ෆ kirby reed
ෆ samantha carpenter
ෆ sidney prescott
ෆ stu macher
ෆ tara carpenter
ෆ tatum riley
ෆ carl gallagher
ෆ debbie gallagher
ෆ fiona gallagher
ෆ ian gallagher
ෆ kevin ball
ෆ lip gallagher
ෆ mandy milkovich
ෆ mickey milkovich
ෆ svetlana yevgenivna
ෆ veronica fisher
⟡stranger things
ෆ billy hargrove
ෆ dustin henderson
ෆ eddie munson
ෆ jane hopper/011/jane ives
ෆ jonathan byers
ෆ lucas sinclair
ෆ max mayfield
ෆ mike wheeler
ෆ nancy wheeler
ෆ robin buckley
ෆ steve harrington
ෆ will byers
ෆ adam milligan (michael!adam included)
ෆ bela talbot
ෆ castiel
ෆ charlie bradbury
ෆ crowley
ෆ dean winchester (moc!, michael!, demon! included)
ෆ gabriel
ෆ garth fitzgerald iv
ෆ jack klein
ෆ jody mills
ෆ john winchester
ෆ jo harvelle
ෆ lucifer
ෆ meg masters
ෆ rowena macleod
ෆ ruby
ෆ sam winchester (meg!, gadreel!, demon blood! included)
⟡teen wolf
ෆ alison argent
ෆ derek hale
ෆ isaac lahey
ෆ jackson whittemore
ෆ kira yukimura
ෆ lydia martin
ෆ malia tate/hale
ෆ peter hale
ෆ scott mcall
ෆ stiles stilinski
ෆ theo raeken
⟡the summer i turned pretty
ෆ belly conklin
ෆ cam cameron
ෆ conrad fisher
ෆ jeremiah fisher
ෆ steven conklin
ෆ taylor jewel
⟡vampire diaries
ෆ bonnie bennett
ෆ caroline forbes
ෆ damon salvatore
ෆ elena gilbert
ෆ elijah mikaelson
ෆ hayley marshall
ෆ katherine pierce
ෆ niklaus mikaelson
ෆ rebekah mikaelson
ෆ stefan salvatore
ෆ tyler lockwood
0 notes
moirtre · 10 months
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‎ ‎ ⋆⠀⠀&.⠀⠀٬⠀⠀(⠀⠀RUBY RED.⠀⠀)⠀...⠀is the sixth full album (lp) by south korean girl group, letalis. the album was released in both digital and physical form by south korean entertainment company, apricus culture on december 1, 2023.
the album was supported by performances of the title track, "RED" and two additional promotional singles, "CANDY CHERRY APPLE" and "HONEYSLICK". as the group's first whole group release since the 2021 full album, PERSEPHONE, the album received both critical praise and public support. the group promoted the album and its singles for a total of seven weeks through music show performances, two digital concerts, seven fanmeetings, and several variety show appearances. the album's title track received a total of 14 wins over the course of promotions.
critically, RUBY RED, performed exceptionally well receiving an average 9/10 rating across both domestic and international reception. members melanie, emmy, naryun, heri, and elodie also received praise for their involvement in the release at a level previously unseen for the group's members. stand out tracks on the album included: "BITCHIN'", "IL PREDESTINATO", "HONEYSLICK", and "DEARLY DEVOTED" which received attention outside of the fandom for their production and performance.
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⠀*⠀SECTION ONE⠀:⠀the tracklist.
ʬ.ʬ.⠀001:⠀ ⠀٬⠀⠀ INTRO: PLAISIR
ʬ.ʬ.⠀002:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀ IMPERMANENCE⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀003:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀ CANDY CHERRY APPLE⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀004:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀ RED* ( title )⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀005:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀ INMOTION⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀006:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀ CLIQUE⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀007:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀ BITCHIN'⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀008:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀ IL PREDESTINATO⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀009:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀ INTERLUDE: VELOCITE⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀010:⠀ ⠀٬⠀⠀ HONEYSLICK⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀011:⠀ ⠀٬⠀⠀ EROTICA⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀012:⠀ ⠀٬⠀⠀ 'BOUT YOU
ʬ.ʬ.⠀013:⠀ ⠀٬⠀⠀ DEARLY DEVOTED⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀014:⠀⠀ ٬⠀⠀ ROMANCE!⠀
ʬ.ʬ.⠀015:⠀ ⠀٬⠀⠀ SIX-EIGHT TIME
ʬ.ʬ.⠀016:⠀ ⠀٬⠀⠀ OUTRO: REVE⠀⠀⠀
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⠀*⠀SECTION TWO⠀:⠀the physical album.
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‎ ‎ ⋆⠀⠀&.⠀⠀٬⠀⠀four versions of ruby red were available upon initial release. each version is consecutively more limited to purchase with the two most rare versions only being available or purchase from apricus culture's official store in seoul.
ʬ.ʬ.⠀REVIVAL VERSION: contains one disc, one photobook (featuring 106 photos), one of seven random photocards, one group poster, and one of three random stickers.
ʬ.ʬ.⠀REDEMPTION VERSION: contains one disc, one photobook (featuring 100 photos), two of seven random photocards, one of two random group posters, three stickers, and one group letter.
ʬ.ʬ.⠀RADIANCE VERSION: contains one disc, one photobook (featuring 121 photos), one of seven random photocards, one group poster, and one of three random stickers.
ʬ.ʬ.⠀REMORSE VERSION: contains one disc, one photobook (featuring 136 photos), three of seven random photocards, two group posters, three stickers, one group letter, "special message from letalis" video redemption code, and three group polaroids.
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ㅤ*ㅤSECTION THREEㅤ:ㅤthe styling.
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matchy matchy and they ate down. juniper and emmy had a large hand in the design choices this era and teamed up with a design team based out of seoul's sasada fashion school to bring their vision to life. a mix of red denim, black satin, and all oversized. you could really see individual member's personal style choices within the comeback outfits. 10/10.
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⠀*⠀SECTION FOUR⠀:⠀the notes.
the girls are back!
streets were saying they were in the dungeon, fans were getting restless, they had to deliver. and they did! truly their best album and it shows in everything from the music to the performances to the content.
the album was kind of a surprise drop in a way. there were whispers of the girls all being back in seoul and meeting with producers and writers. but elodie took to twitter and shot down the rumors. (why? chaos.)
this project had been in works for a little over six months in total because the girls really wanted their comeback to be as perfect as possible. apricus gave them a lot of creative control over what the album sounded like, who they wanted to involve in the project, and even the shows they wanted to go on to promote the return.
the era first began with a tweet with the album name on the group's official account taking fans completely by surprise. then a video teaser of the music video dropped, confirming the comeback date and the expected sound and concept for the era.
ot7 finally in one room for the first time in years and it surprisingly went very well. there wasn't a single scandal circulating this era. (streets say apricus bribed the gossip blogs) they were truly focused on living in the moment and making sure their collective vision came true.
they may not have beat the "letalis hates each other" allegations but they shifted the narrative so major win for vitalis!
went viral for their mr removed videos (which may have been planted by apricus) and their encore stages. their stable vocals kind of took everyone by surprise considering they hadn't performed on stage together since 2021.
the title track tradition continued with naryun creating the choreography for "RED", elodie and heri writing the lyrics, and heri producing.
the first era with their new makeup artist, noemi and social media manager, nathaniel. both were highly involved and very visibly accessible to fans. noemi held rounds of q&a's as well as behind the scenes clips on her social media throughout the album promotions. nathaniel really played into the challenge the group decided on for the era, involving members of other popular groups and international public figures.
melanie went ginger, emmy lost her bangs, the world stopped.
they each were very active on the group's official pages posting get ready with me's and short vlogs. halfway through promotions, they started a series where each girl talked about their favorite part of the project and their hopes for the holiday season. she was cute!
overall just an era of really good vibes and wins for everyone involved!
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ribellaione · 5 years
     “ If I have to see one more over-dramatic declaration of love, I’m going to be sick. “
  words are spoken with a hint of annoyance, eyes rolling as the faunus crosses her arms across her chest. really, it was astounding how many people thought confessing they loved someone in a bookstore over the story of romeo & juliet was a good idea. it really wasn’t. had some of them even read that book? it didn’t have the happy ending so many assumed it did. one hand waves away some of the smoke from the incense burning on the counter, nose wrinkling upwards.
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          “ Can’t they stick to a card? Or just say it plainly? “
@petaltrail​ -- cupid shuffle s.c.
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atlvntida · 5 years
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       《    desi acaves’ tags   》
0 notes
weekshoes · 3 years
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❤ Scarpin ♡ Tudo LINDOOOOOO... ♡ 👠 Scarpin salto alto 10cm, em verniz: Nude, Animal print, Preto, Branco, Animal Print Ruby, Animal print Camel. 💻 ACESSE NOSSO SITE: www.storeweekshoes.com.br (link na bio) 📱WHATS (011) 94933-2516 LOJA FÍSICA em São Paulo - SP (011) 4508-0100 #weekshoes #wk #saltoalto #shoes #calçados #scarpins #animalprint #sapatosdesalto #verao2022 #dicasdelook #vestidos #vestidosdefestas  #modafeminina #moda #mulher #lookdodia #modafesta #modaevangelica (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZFM4HDJzWU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hellreads · 4 years
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navigation for all the recs I received, let’s all indulge in these stories!
stories that are no longer available here or any other platform are removed from the list.
[ 🍒 ] indicates that i’ve already read the recommended story.
[ 💌 ] indicates that the recommendation was a love letter ~ where readers share their favorite authors and favorite masterpiece from them.
⇢ [ recs from the box google spreadsheet ] ⇢ [ back to main navigation ]
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[ #102 ] ⇢ With Us Trilogy by monodreamin [ lovers/poly!au ]
[ #100 ] ⇢ Thou Shall Not Steal by xherxx [ ot7 | spy/mafia!au ]
[ #095 ] ⇢ Pink Lemonade by himbojk [ ksj+jjk | milf/trophy wife!au ]
[ #094 ] ⇢ Nefarious by smileysuh [ kth+jjk | yandere!au ]
[ #093 ] ⇢ Destructive Interference by vyduan [ ksj + kth | i2l/f2l/e2l!au ]
[ #089 ] ⇢ Lillies of the Valley by girlmeetsliv3 [ ot7 | a/b/o/yandere!au ]
[ #083 ] ⇢ Never Ever After by peachpersona [ ao3 | ot7 | fairytale/yandere!au]
[ #079 ] ⇢ Something Like Love by koobear [ kth x jjk + knj x pjm | a/b/o!au ]
[ #078 + #099 ] ⇢ Poison Apple by jooniyah [ myg + kth | moneylender/yandere!au ] 🍒
[ #074 ] ⇢ I Love You Too by smileyoongle [ kth + jjk | lovers!au ] 🍒
[ #073 ] ⇢ Winter Court Series by koyamuses [ kth + jjk | royalty/faerie!au ]
[ #069 ] ⇢ Numinous by jooniescupcakes + ddaenqu [ ot7 | yandere!au ]
[ #067 ] ⇢ Tuqburni by solastia [ myg + pjm | poly!au ]
[ #066 ] ⇢ Versigny’s Vampire AU’s [ multiple members | vampire!au ]
[ #060 ] ⇢ Red Mistletoe by yoonia [ rapline | lovers!au ]
[ #052 ] ⇢ Break The Ice by minflix [ pjm + jjk | hockey!au ]
[ #043 ] ⇢ Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun Collaboration [ ot7 | halloween/horror!au ] ● ⇢ Demon Ritual Series by sopewriters [ ot7 | demon!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ The Service Series by jimlingss [ ot7 | love service!au ] ● ⇢ Tape I: Sunset Masquerade by jincherie [ jhs | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape II: Dusk Rendezvous by jincherie [ pjm + kth | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape III: Starlight Tryst (I) by jincherie [ ksj + jjk | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape III: Starlight Tryst (II) by jincherie [ rapline | superhero/superpower!au ]
[ #041 ] ⇢ Crazy Rich Asians by hobiwonder [ ksj + pjm +myg +jhs | rich kids!au ]
[ #040 ] ⇢ The Hills by minflix [ myg + jhs | ski-trip!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Three's a Crowd by minnpd [ jhs + knj | cuckolding!au ] 🍒
[ #040 + #052 ] ⇢ Euphoria by 94hixtape [ pjm + jjk | college!au ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Our Birthday Girl by joonie-beanie [ knj + kth | poly!au ]
[ #038 + #042 ] ⇢ Baby, Baby by hobiwonder [ pjm + kth | surrogacy!au ]
[ #035 ] ⇢ Stealing the Bite by wildernessuntothemselves [ kth + jjk | supernatural/love triangle!au ] 🍒
[ #033 ] ⇢ Three Squeezes by nomnomsik [ myg + jhs | poly!au ] 💌
[ #025 ] ⇢ Artificially Inclined by lemonjoonah [ maknaeline | android/assassin!au] 💌 🍒
[ #024 ] ⇢ Hopping Into Love by hobiorbit [ pjm + jjk + jhs | hybrid!au ] 💌
[ #016 ] ⇢ Equilibrium by tayegi [ pjm + jjk | poly/lovers!au ] 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ Call Me Mistress by dark-muse-iris [ ot7 | prostitution!au ]
[ #004 ] ⇢ Physcom by teawithkpop [ ot7 | sexworker!au ]  🍒 ● ⇢ Moth to Flame by bang-to-the-tan [ ot7 | vampire!au ] 🍒
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[ #100 ] ⇢ Prohibidio by personasintro [ brother’s best friend!au ]                                      ● ⇢ Hooked by joopiterjoon [ strangers to fwb to?!au ]
[ #070 ] ⇢ Fragmented Glass by mochismilesbrighterthanthesun [ e2l!au ]
[ #048 ] ⇢ Inked by 1997jk [ soulmate!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Thou Shall Not Harm by personawife [ mafia/e2l!au ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Oh, Baby by joonie-beanie [ mafia!au ] ● ⇢ Daisies and Dinosaurs by dark-muse-iris [ library/single parent!au ]
[ #035 + #067 + #084 ] ⇢ Sandcastles by solastia [ unhealthy open relationship!au ]
[ #029 ] ⇢ Partners by btssmutgalore [ college!au ] 💌
[ #023 ] ⇢ Bloom by hobidreams [ assassin!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #021 ] ⇢ Alias by foreignfingers [ non-idol!au ] 💌 🍒 ● ⇢ Sorry Bae by gukslut [ lovers!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #020 ] ⇢ Love Bytes by stutterfly [ f2l!au ] 💌
[ #011 ] ⇢ Underground King by sugaxjpg [ boxer!au ] 🍒
[ #005 ] ⇢ The Moment Pleasantly Frightful by yoongink [ devil!au ] 🍒
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[ #084 ] ⇢ Can’t Keep Lying by 1rosex [ lovers!au ]
[ #065 ] ⇢ MOAM Bonus#5: The Request by floralseokjin [ fuckboy!au ]
[ #064 ] ⇢ Cake by yeyeniejjung [ ao3 | cannibal/killer!au ] 🍒
[ #058 ] ⇢ Quietus by kingsuckin [ zombie!au ] ● ⇢ A Painter's Folly by taehauntsme [ dorian gray!au ] ● ⇢ Stay for a While by vanaera [ college!au ] ● ⇢ Edge of Tomorrow by thedefinitionofbts [ sci-fi!au ] ● ⇢ Tenderness by shookykookie [ android/dystopian!au ] ● ⇢ Expensive Gifts by bxebxee [ fake dating!au ] ● ⇢ Restoration by prolixitae [ exes!au ] ● ⇢ Melancholy by kosmosgguks [ premonition!au ] ● ⇢ Seven Tears by minstrophywife [ selkie!au ] ● ⇢ Strawberry Roses by peekaboongi [ cupid!au ] ● ⇢ 4AM Pining by dimplemono [ bakery/co-workers!au ] ● ⇢ Pasta La Vista by honeymoonjin [ food critic/restaurant!au ] ● ⇢ Whipped by syubits [ bakery!au ]
[ #045 ] ⇢ Let Me Be Yours by glassbangtan [ s2l!au ] ● ⇢ Creek Hill Apartments by btssmutgalore [ fuckbuddy!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Partition by taeken-my-heart [ exes!au ] 🍒
[ #039 ] ⇢ Currents by yeoldontknow [ arranged marriage!au ] 🍒
[ #037 ] ⇢ 2,561 Days by gossamie [ married/divorce!au ] 🍒
[ #018 + #043 ] ⇢ The Devil Wears Armani by floralseokjin [ devil!au ] 🍒
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[ #100 ] ⇢ Third Wheeling by untaemedqueen [ s2l!au ]
[ #086 ] ⇢ Beloved by bang-tan-bitches [ historical/daechwita/yandere!au ] 🍒
[ #062 ] ⇢ Pink Bird Houses by 54daysormore [ single parent/nanny!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ A Brief Story in Time by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ No Trick, Just Treats by minnpd [ halloween/parents!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ What You Did Last Summer by winetae [ trophy wife!au ] 🍒
[ #040 ] ⇢ Please Be Naked by floralseokjin [ rebound!au ] 🍒
[ #037 ] ⇢ Twelve Minutes in Tokyo by gossamie [ lovers!au ]
[ #034 ] ⇢ Suit & Tie by jungshookz [ CEO!au ] 💌 ● ⇢  Baby, You Can Drive My Car by jungshookz [ mechanic!au ] 💌
[ #022 ] ⇢ Penguins, Concussions, and Swear Words by dinoyoongi [ sports!au ] 💌
[ #017 ] ⇢ Punch Drunk by joonbird [ boxer!au ] 💌
[ #013 ] ⇢ The Things I Said When I Loved You by gossamie [ lovers/exes!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #010 ] ⇢ In Pari Delicto by fringesofsanity [ ao3 | first time!au ]
[ #009 ] ⇢ Conveniently by baeseoul [ single dad!au ]
[ #008 ] ⇢ Love Language by gukslut [ lovers!au ]
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[ #100 ] ⇢ The Serendipity of Things by oh-so-scenarios [ soulmate/mafia/doctor!au ]    ● ⇢ Love Me, Love Me Not by eiichiru [ fuckbuddy!au ]
[ #080 ] ⇢ Arranged by obiwrites [ ao3 | arranged marriage!au ]
[ #079 ] ⇢ Candyman by mintedmango [ ao3 | yandere!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ Down the Three Seasons Path by cutaepatootie [ fantasy!au ]
[ #053 ] ⇢ Now or Never by cutaepatootie [ racer!au ] 🍒
[ #043 ] ⇢ Burn in Hell (she said) by floralseokjin [ devil!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Run Little Rabbit Trilogy by readyplayerhobi [ werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Rewrite the Stars by abunnystale [ ao3 | werewolf!au ]
[ #026 + #046 ] ⇢ Lost and Found by fortunexkookie [ peter pan!au ] 💌 🍒
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[ #099 ] ⇢ Gingerbread Hearts by primarybts [ hansel and gretel!au ]
[ #084 ] ⇢ Come Home to Me Darling by roses-ruby [ married/cheating!au ] 🍒
[ #076 ] ⇢ Violent Delights by girlmeetsliv3 [ gang!au ] 🍒
[ #063 ] ⇢ Love at First Touch by bagelwrites [ ao3 | soulmate!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ Touched by a Fallen Star by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #056 ] ⇢ I Can’t Be More Honest Than This by lollarissa [ ao3 | arranged marriage!au]
[ #052 ] ⇢ Good Boy by btssmutgalore [ sub!au ] ● ⇢  Heartbreak Insurance by jimlingss [ love service!au ] ● ⇢ Shutter & Shiver by pac-mang [ camboy!au ] ● ⇢ Me, You, and This Thing We Have Between Us by boymeetsweevil [ pregnancy!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Spice It Up! by aiimaginesbts [ married/sub!au ] ● ⇢ Power Play by dovechim [ pornstar/e2l!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Dark Side of the Moon by dovechim [ werewolf!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Faded Love by jamaisjoons [ married!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ Tell Me Lies by jimlingss [ soap opera!au ] ● ⇢ A Kiss of Poison by jimlingss [ royalty!au ]
[ #007 ] ⇢ Cygini by bibbykins [ yandere/dancer!au ]
[ #006 ] ⇢ Otherworldly by sinning-on-a-sunday [ coraline!au ] 🍒
[ #002 ] ⇢ Two Worlds by i-see-you-now-you-see-me [ fae!au ]
[ #001 ] ⇢ Neighbors by jkeuphoriadreamland [ neighbors/stalker!au ] 🍒
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[ #096 + #097 ] ⇢ Maybe I Do by jiminssthetic [ arranged marriage/ceo!au ]
[ #090 ] ⇢ Cut by deepdarkdelights [ actress/yandere!au ] 
[ #090 + #100 ] ⇢ Manager-nim by na-yiii [ actress/manager/yandere!au ]
[ #085 ] ⇢ Heal Me, Kill Me by baepsaesbae [ vampire!au ]
[ #084 ] ⇢ Cheater by personasintro [ cheating!au ]
[ #069 ] ⇢ Gold by jooniescupcakes [ lovers?au ] 🍒
[ #061 ] ⇢ In Search of the Aurora Borealis by cutaepatootie [ fantasy!au ]
[ #048 ] ⇢ Umbra by kimvvantae [ hybrid/royal/fantasy!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Carnal Cupidity by kittae [ werewolf!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ Papillon by readyplayerhobi [ f2l/pregnancy!au]
[ #039 ] ⇢ Lighthouse by lattesalt [ wattpad ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Pulse by rohobi [ medical!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Ravenous by junqkook [ werewolf!au ]
[ #010 ] ⇢ Reminiscence by fringesofsanity [ ao3 | rendezvous!au ] 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ I Can Be Your Addiction by yuudetama [ fwb!au ]                                             ● ⇢ L’Appel Du Vide by infireation [ killer!au ] 🍒
[ #007 ] ⇢ Embroidery by bibbykins [ soft yandere/CEO!au ]
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[ #100 ] ⇢ A Little Closer by cutechim [ rival gang!au ]                                                       ● ⇢ The Dark Prince by jkeuphoriadreamland [ royalty/yandere/curse!au ]                       ● ⇢ Private by baepop [ love triangle!au ]
[ #098 ] ⇢ Into The Forest by taehyungssss [ royal/faerie/forbidden love!au ]                     ● ⇢ Your Little Games by thebeebi [ historical!au ]                                                           ● ⇢ Rewind by vanillagguk [ supernatural/reincarnation!au ]
[ #096 ] ⇢ Please Love Me by ahundredtimesover [ arranged marriage/ceo!au ]
[ #095 ] ⇢ Young Alpha by aroseforyoongi [ werewolf/f2l/supernatural/soulmates!au ]       ● ⇢ Holidating by yeojaa [ i2l!au ]
[ #092 ] ⇢ Jackrabbit by jamaisjoons [ university/hybrid!au ]
[ #091 ] ⇢ Driving Me Wild by joonkookiemonster [ demon/roommates!au ]
[ #088 + #092 ] The Weeb Jungkook Collection by jinharem [ college/weeb!au] 🍒
[ #087 ] ⇢ Netflix and Chill by 1kook
[ #084 ] ⇢ Insecurity by jiminelli [ lovers!au ]
[ #082 ] ⇢ Aurora by mintseesaw [ historical/secret affair!au ] 🍒
[ #077 ] ⇢ Rattled by gukslut [ single parent/e2l/f2l!au ]
[ #075 ] ⇢ Silver Blades by jooniyah [ royalty/yandere!au ]
[ #072 ] ⇢ The Alpha’s Purity by suqakoo [ hybrid/e2l!au ]
[ #071 ] ⇢ Prince of Nothing by girlmeetsliv3 [ royalty!au ] 🍒
[ #065 ] ⇢ Down a Peg by btsracket [ pegging!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ The Blue Princess and Her Red Rose by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #057 ] ⇢ Oh There’s A Name for Boys Like You by lollarissa [ ao3 | TATBILB!au ]
[ #055 ] ⇢ I Can’t Go Back to Where I Used to Be by lollarissa [ ao3 | royalty!au ]
[ #054 ] ⇢ Wanted by jincherie [ soulmate/space/alien!au ]
[ #051 ] ⇢ Distractions by 1kook [ gamer!au ] ● ⇢ Late Fee by 1kook [ f2l!au ]
[ #050 ] ⇢ Bubbles and Cuddles by strawbxxymilk [ lovers!au ] ● ⇢ Blue Raspberry by strawbxxymilk [ college!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Keeping A Secret by kpopfanfictrash [ new relationship!au ] ● ⇢ Dotti by jungcock [ office!au ]
[ #044 ] ⇢ Hunter by avveh [ ao3 | assassin!au ] ● ⇢ Perverted Bunny Mask by btsinned [ assassin/killer!au ]
[ #043 ] ⇢ Howlin' For You by fortunexkookie [ werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Nochu Unsolved by minflix [ cryptid hunting!au ] ● ⇢ Stuffed Pumpkin by floralseokjin [ halloween!au ] ● ⇢ Vampires Suck by sopewriters [ vampire/werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Rigor Mortis by readyplayerhobi [ police/zombie!au ] 🍒
[ #040 ] ⇢ Lust and Errors by imaginesthisbts [ step-siblings/fuckbuddy!au ] 🍒
[ #038 ] ⇢ Escape by jjkfire [ company rivals!au ] ● ⇢ Sweet Saccharine by jjkfire [ sugar daddy!au ] ● ⇢ Drug Wars by plumblackjeon [ mafia!au ]
[ #038 + #049 ] ⇢ I Won't Stop You by imsarabum [ vampire!au ]
[ #037 ] ⇢ Like Stars in A Constellation by taegills [ reverse meeting!au ] ● ⇢ Before I Forget You by gossamie [ lovers!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Tooth and Claw by johobi [ werewolf!au ]
[ #032 ] ⇢ Microwave Misadventures by bymoonchild [ college/roommates/e2l!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ Sugarplum Elegy by bymoonchild [ college/fwb/singer/i2l!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #031 ] ⇢ Baby, My Baby by pjmims [ parents!au ] 💌
[ #029 ] ⇢ New Rules by tayegi [ college/fratboy!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #028 ] ⇢ Content by pinecovewoods [ ao3 | roommates/youtuber!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ The School Dance by pinecovewoods [ ao3 | high-school!au ] 💌
[ #027 ] ⇢ Since Day One by gukgalore [ f2l!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ Switch Lanes by gukgalore 💌 🍒
[ #026 ] ⇢ Falling Skies by fortunexkookie [ e2f2l!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #026 + #046 ] ⇢ The Turing Test by fortunexkookie [ android!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #016 ] ⇢ Tinder 2.0 by tayegi ● ⇢ Mamihlapinatapai by tayegi
[ #014 ] ⇢ Tell Me No Lies by jeongi [ CEO/robbers!au ] 💌
[ #012 + #019 ] ⇢ Chasing Butterflies by ddaenggtan [ college/coffee shop!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ Blue Orchids by inktae [ hanahaki!au ] ● ⇢ I Hate You, I Love You by jungblue [ bff!au ] ● ⇢ Gravity Check by gimmesumsuga [ instructor!au ] ● ⇢ Vaunt by yminie [ frat!au ] ● ⇢ Instant Gratification by dovechim [ fuckboy!au ] ● ⇢ Baby Boy by craft-rose
[ #003 + #030 ] ⇢ Animal by cutaepatootie [ boxer!au ] 🍒
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93 notes · View notes
ooffoonoo · 3 years
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Favourite Female Characters
From top left to right
001. Konan - Naruto 002. Nico Robin - One Piece 003. Kimial Diehl - Soul Eater 004. Annie Leonhardt - Attack on Titan 005. Tsuyu Asui - Boku No Hero Academia 006. Fran Bow Degenhardt - Fran Bow 007. Merido of DunBroch - Brave 008. Toph Beifong - Avatar The Last Airbender 009. Garnet - Steven Universe 010. Sera - Dragon Age 011. Eto Yoshimura - Tokyo Ghoul 012. Jade West - Victorious 013. Flavia - Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald 014. Sucy Manbavaran -Little Witch Academia 015. Painwheel - Skull Girls 016. Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter 017. Yanfei - Genshin Impact 018. Alice Kingsleigh - Alice in Wonderland 019. Amaterasu/Shiranui - Okami 020. Yuri - Doki Doki Literature Club 021. Agnetha - Zelda Twilight Princess 022. Marceline - Adventure Time 023. Edna - Edna the Breakout 024. Wendy Corduroy - Gravity Falls 025. Ashley Spinelli - Recess 026. Tina Belcher - Bobs Burgers 027. Gruftine/Gothetta - School For Little Vampires 028. Anne Shirley-Cuthbert - Anne of Green Gables 029. Tsunade Senju - Naruto 030. Turunga Leela - Futurama 031. Beth Harmond - Queens Gambit 032. Tiabeanie Grunkwitz - Disenchantment 033. Coraline Jones - Coraline 034. Audrey Ramirez - Atlantis The Lost Empire 035. Dolly - Ratched 036. Colette Tatou - Ratatouille 037. Captain Amelia - Treasure Planet 038. Momo Yaoyorozu - Boku No Hero Academia 039. Yoruka Hanzawa - Magical Girl Apocalypse 040. Abbey Bominable - Monster High 041. Grell Sutcliffe - Black Butler 042. Rosalina - Mario Galaxy 043. Ellie Phimister - Deadpool 044. Eska - Legend of Korra 045. Padparadscha - Steven Universe 046. Knives Chau - Scott Pilgrim 047. Valentine - Skull Girls 048. Hitch Dreyse - Attack on Titan 049. Smellerbee - Avatar The Last Airbender 050. Miss Peregrine - Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children 051. Himiko Toga - Boku No Hero Academia 052. Cassie Ainsworth - Skins UK 053. Mora - Disenchantment 054. Shakuyaku - One Piece 055. Big Boo/Carrie Black - Orange Is The New Black 056. Ino Yamanaka - Naruto 057. Madeline Hatter - Ever After High 058. Loona - Helluva Boss 059. Grace Marks - Alias Grace 060. Jessie - Pokemon 061. Musa - Winx Club 062. Rachel Amber - Life is Strange 063. Perona - One Piece 064. Doll - Bloodborne 065. Jinafire Long - Monster High 066. Lagertha - Vikings 067. Hornet - Hollow Knight 068. Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez - Little Misfortune 069. Liz Thompson - Soul Eater 070. Terri MacGregor - Degrassi The Next Generation 071. Temari - Naruto 072. Raven Queen - Ever After High 073. Natalie - Harvest Moon 074. Olive Elephanta - Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children 075. Pieck Finger - Attack on Titan 076. Patty Thompson - Soul Eater 077. Amethyst - Steven Universe 078. Brienne of Tarth - Game of Thrones 079. Ishilly - One Piece 080. Toni - Deponia 081. Bentham - One Piece 082. Riju - Breath Of The Wild 083. Octavia - Helluva Boss 084. Louise Belcher - Bobs Burgers 085. Ember McLain - Danny Phantom 086. Morrigan - Dragon Age 087. Mina Ashido - Boku No Hero Academia 088. Angelina Durless/Madam Red - Black Butler 089. Dayanara Diaz - Orange Is The New Black 090. Raven - Teen Titans 091. Narcissa Malfoy - Harry Potter 092. Galina Reznikov/Red - Orange Is The New Black 093. Itsuka Kendo - Boku No Hero Academia 094. Diana Barry - Anne of Green Gables 095. Peridot -Steven Universe 096. Emporio Ivankov - One Piece 097. Amaya - Dragon Prince 098. Sam Puckett - iCarly 099. Mai - Avatar The Last Airbender 100. Ursula - Kikis Delivery Service
17 notes · View notes
misstrashchan · 4 years
Since @im-the-king-of-the-ocean did a post about what TMA fear entities the RWBY characters are aligned/avatars of, I’ve been itching to do one myself because as a result of overlapping hyper fixations I think about this A LOT
The basic concept is that avatars in TMA become what they fear most or embrace a fear they have developed the most complex relationship with that plays into their motivations and drive as a character. What negative impulses they have to constantly fight themselves on, the shape of the monster that lives in their heart.
To quote the RWBY song Fear, “But our greatest fear will be realised, if we fall and lose ourselves to fear, we’ll become what we’ve feared all our lives” yeah that’s a very loose definition of what becoming an avatar is.
Since MAG s5 has proven that you can be an avatar of more than one fear, (Like Martin serving both the Eye and the Lonely) some of the RWBY characters might have more than one, but I’ll try to limit it to two to avoid getting complicated, but at the end of the day it’s all fear soup, we might categorise them according to Robert Smirke’s 14, but they all bleed into one another, like Gerard’s colour analogy in 111:
I always think it helps to imagine them like colours. The edges bleed together, and you can talk about little differences: “oh, that’s indigo, that’s more lilac”, but they’re both purple. I mean, I guess there are technically infinite colours, but you group them together into a few big ones. A lot of it’s kind of arbitrary. I mean, why are navy blue and sky blue both called blue, when pink’s an entirely different colour from red? Y’know? I don’t know, that’s just how it works.
And like colours, some of these powers, they feed into or balance each other. Some really clash, and you just can’t put them together. I mean, you could see them all as just one thing, I guess, but it would be pretty much meaningless, y’know, like… like trying to describe a… shirt by talking about the concept of colour.
O-Of course, with these things it’s not a simple spectrum, y’know, it’s more like –
An infinite amorphous blob of terror bleeding out in every direction at once.
Now you’re getting it.
Like colours, but if colours hated me. Got it. 
Ruby Rose: The End. The fear of death itself, uncaring and unstoppable. Man this was hard to think about but I have a lot of Big Feelings about this one. Initially I really, really wanted to give Ruby the Eye simply because “can laser beam monsters with their eyeballs once they become powerful enough” and there is a fascinating overlap in how the Beholding powers and Silver Eyes function in the same way, (especially in how Cinder being exposed to the Silver Eyes fills her with an overpowering fear and reopens old wounds from trauma that have never properly healed; which is VERY similar in the psychological affect Jon’s has on his victims when he Beholds them) they’re both direct enemies/opposites to the Dark that expose their enemies/victims true nature and destroying them in the process at times. Only one feeds on fear and the trauma of others while the other feeds off of hope and love (Gerard says there’s no such thing as an avatar of hope and love, clearly he’s never heard of Ruby). 
But nope! The fear and nature of the Beholding just doesn’t really match with Ruby at all. She isn’t driven by a need of knowledge, nor does she fear being watched, followed or having her secrets exposed. The End though? Death itself? Ruby outright states that’s her biggest fear in volume 5 to Oscar “It doesn’t matter if you’re standing in Salem’s way or not. She’ll kill anyone. And that, scares me most of all” to me Ruby’s fear of death itself is projected onto Salem here, I think. It’s uncaring, unstoppable, it doesn’t discriminate, and it could come for the people she cares about at any time. What matters though is the context she says this is in explaining her motives to Oscar. Her whole life has been shaped by her inability to process death, her relationship with grief, all starting with the tragic and abrupt death of her mother Summer as a child. She’s also surrounded by a lot of death motif too, the hooded cape, mostly wearing black, the giant grim reaper scythe. She’s the End. 
Of course, her being an Avatar of the End means having to imagine the worst version of Ruby, one that is fully consumed by that fear. Avatars of the End are not malicious or destructive in nature but instead are… very apathetic. They don’t need to seek out victims to feed off of, nor do they have a ritual, because the End comes for all. And that fits with what Ruby would be like if that fear fully consumed her. It’s more or less established in vol6 during the apathy arc when she tries so hard to fight against their influence and how horrified she is when everyone around her falls prey to it. Giving up, not caring, accepting the inevitable demise of everyone and yourself? Ruby was terrified of that. And when looking at the vol8 opening where we see Ruby being dragged down by what looks like the arms of the apathy? She fights the hardest against it because it’s what she’s most afraid of, but because of her inability to process her grief properly is ultimately what will make her the most vulnerable to it when she’s pushed to her limit. All Salem needs to do to break Ruby is to remind her of Summer’s death. Not even what actually happened to her or how she died, just the death itself. Hell, the first time we see Ruby in the Red trailer, she’s at her mother’s grave, the first verse in Red like Roses that’s about Ruby “Red like Roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest” in which we come to understand that the “Red like roses” lyrics in both part one and two of the song is referring to Summer’s abrupt death which Ruby apparently dreams about, which brings to mind Oliver Banks, our most prominent Avatar of the End, whose first statement to The Magnus Institute in 011 (underneath the fake alias of “Antonio Blake”) is concerning how he started dreaming about the deaths of others, which he didn’t begin to take seriously- until it was his father that he saw in his dream. Upon which Oliver realised how terrifying death really was and that fear began to consume him. 
Okay I’ve probably gone off long enough about this but yeah. Ruby is the End. I mean, she also just got a song in the v7 soundtrack called Until the End 
Weiss Schnee: The Lonely. The fear of isolation, of being completely cut off and alone or disconnected from the rest of society. I don’t really have to go too deeply into this one. It’s pretty cut and dry. “The loneliest of all”? And the Schnees basically are the Lukas family. Actually thinking about it the Lukas’ are actually somewhat better? They were the only ones in the whole of TMA that understood to raise a child to be an heir/avatar of their fear they needed room to reject it or actively choose it, even if that had an 80% success rate. Both are still awful though. (Damn, I can’t believe Jaques is an actively worse parent than an eldritch fear avatar)
When Weiss comes back to Atlas in v4 she’s more aware of her loneliness than ever, feels more aware of how she and atlas high society as a whole is disconnected from the rest of the world and its struggles. Whitley commenting on her being in her room for months implies she’s purposefully been isolating herself during this time as well, in order to avoid her family members “A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change” (sidenote; the fact that whenever Whitley shows up it always catches Weiss off guard, like she didn’t even notice his presence until he wanted her too. That’s. That’s a BIG Lonely thing. Given Peter’s siblings eventually ran away and he was the only heir I can imagine Peter being what Whitley would end up like if no one intervenes)
I’d say they might also be an possibility of the Stranger due to her struggling to find her own identity and inability to recognise oneself, but that can be an aspect of the Lonely too, as we see when Martin is in a house that is a domain of the Lonely in s5, and is unable to recognise himself in the mirror or recall who he is.
What I do have to say about this is it’s pretty interesting considering at this point in the show Weiss’ relationship with loneliness is actually somewhat healthy and something she can use to relate to and help others. She understands other people’s loneliness, that Blake in v5 needed space and in time she’d come back, and Weiss would be ready to be there for her when she did. And she also understands Yang’s loneliness in the same volume and that she needed someone there to support her.
“But you’re right. I don’t know loneliness like you do. I have my own version. And I bet  Blake has her own version too.” 
Speaking of Blake…
 Blake Belladonna: The Stranger, I Do Not Know You. The fear that you cannot trust the perception of yourself or of others. The creeping sense that something isn’t right. I considered the Spiral, but the Stranger and the Spiral overlap more than any other two entities so I’m just gonna go with the Stranger. Especially with her semblance being a metaphor for disassociation, a coping mechanism for the abuse and gaslighting from her relationship with Adam being kind of the biggest thing here, since the Stranger and Spiral deal with that a lot. She literally creates false copies of herself, shadow clones which she uses to feint, distract and evade. As well as statues/mannequins when dust is involved, which the Stranger is known for manifesting. Her fighting style centres around misdirection, stealth and fooling people’s senses. She also used to be part of the White Fang, known within Sienna and Adam’s faction to wear the masks of monsters, appearing anonymous. And she literally disguises her identity as a Faunus in order to escape the White Fang and enroll at Beacon. Blake at first was hesitant to trust and rely on the others in the earlier volumes, to let her guard down, and when she finally did, the worst happened and her fears were proven right. In s2 Jonathan becomes more paranoid due to being marked and in close daily proximity to the Stranger (as Not-Sasha), much like how Blake in v2 becomes far more paranoid and less trusting of her team. She also does seek knowledge or answers even at the cost of her wellbeing, which is an Eye thing, but Blake’s desire for knowledge and answers isn’t really consistent or important enough with her character and motives beyond vol2 for me personally to consider her an Avatar of it, but I do think she is Eye aligned. 
Yang Xiao Long- The Eye. The Ceaseless Watcher, It Knows You, as well as The Hunt. For the Eye, the first time we see Yang is her trying to find information on her mother, and we see Raven in bird form at the beginning too, as she has followed Yang her whole life, never actually interacting or doing anything for her, just… watching her. We learn in vol2 that her search for answers surrounding her mother has been a part of her entire life, almost overwhelmingly so to the point where in her childhood she and Ruby nearly lost their lives to the Grimm when she decided to journey to a shack in the woods she thought would lead to clues in finding her mother. She is adamant because of that experience to never let her need for the truth and answers control her, but it is a need that is always there. When she finally meets Raven, she’s encouraged to “start questioning everything she knows” which, she does. Questioning and knowledge is a big part of Yang’s character, even now. She’s the one who questions Ozpin the most, as well as Raven herself, and in the recent volumes is the one who challenges and questions Ruby’s leadership the most. There’s also a moment in vol7 of her drawing parallels between herself and Robyn and relating to her when she says “I won’t stop until I find out the truth” Her being the one to take the relic of knowledge is hugely significant in this too, especially given the context that she acquires it right after confronting her mother, getting the answers she’s searched for her whole life, holding an artefact possessing infinite knowledge, and she sinks to her knees and cries because there is no sense of closure, that anything is better because of her knowing who and what her mother is, and that her choosing this path might have cost her ever having a relationship with Raven (which is more Raven’s fault of course, and Yang knows that, but that’s not how she’s feeling at that exact moment). 
For the Hunt, this one’s a bit simpler. The thrill seeker aspect to Yang’s character and motives in becoming a huntress and enjoying the chase and fighting in of itself. There’s another element in that as most Avatars of the Hunt start out as monster hunters who then develop the need to hunt and kill monsters, and gradually what qualifies as “monster” starts to blur more and more as they become consumed by the need and thrill of the chase and hunt itself. I bring this up because in vol3 Blake draws parallels between Yang and Adam after she is disqualified for attacking and injuring Mercury, worries with how familiar this all feels and that Yang might turn out the same as him (and just for the record Adam is a full blown Avatar of the Hunt, and the Slaughter too most like) 
 “I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn’t in an instant, it was gradual. Little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. At first they were accidents, then it was self-defence. Before long, even I began to think he was right. This is all just… very familiar.” What Blake describes is… kind of similar to Basira’s relationship with Daisy with how Daisy, an Avatar of the Hunt, would justify to Basira and explain away how the violence and murders she committed as being for the greater good. 
Also just one more, because I have to
 Pyrrha Nikos: WebwebWEBWEB. Hoo boi Pyrrha is the Webbiest of Web Avatars as they come. Her whole character’s themes surrounding destiny, control and agency, feeling like her whole life had been decided for her, the fact she’d been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities meant she was supposed to be a huntress, the fact her talent as a world champion meant she was placed on a pedestal without her realising, becoming separate from the people who placed her there in the first place, that Ozpin and his inner circle tell her she has been chosen as the next Fall Maiden, but the method in which she must become so might result in the loss of her identity, that though they ultimately leave the choice to her do pressure and manipulate her into it. The idea of destiny being a predetermined fate you can’t escape is Pyrrha’s greatest fear, and rejects that idea in that she will not let her life be manipulated but will be the one to take control it instead, which is manifested in her having a semblance that she uses to subtly control and manipulate her surroundings. As Cinder puts it, “People assume she’s fated for victory when really she’s really taken fate into her own hands”.  
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krmzi · 4 years
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                                LISTEN NOW ON SPOTIFY
001. red right hand (nick cave & the bad seeds): you'll see her in your nightmares, you'll see him in your dreams, she'll appear out of nowhere but she ain't what she seems...
     002. red lips (sky ferreira): red Lips, you're ten a penny, cheap shot, spreading your legs for the boys, watch out...
003. old number seven (the devil makes three): thank you jack daniel's old number seven, tennessee whiskey got me drinking in heaven...
      004. mayores (becky g): a mí me gustan mayores, de esos que llaman señores, de los que te abren la puerta y te mandan flores...
005. diamonds & gasoline (turnpike troubadours): had a lover, she felt as good as trees and you can ask her if its pleasing, you can ask the wind to blow...
     006. hands on you (ashley monroe): i wish I would've pushed you against the wall, lock the door and bathroom stall, windows and the screen, iwish you would've laid your hands on me...
007. sweet dreams, TN (the last shadow puppets): and as you're shrinking figure blows a kiss, icatch and smash it on my lips, darling I can't seem to quit...
     008. blood red (the maine): you should have warned me you were blood red, it came without warning, now I'm wounded, you're so ruthless darling...
009. red wine, mistakes & mythology (jack johnson): now who is the king of the sky? jupiter says oh me, oh my, oh why? his name always changing, i've been through some strangeness...
     010. ruby tuesday (the rolling stones): goodbye ruby tuesday, who could hang a name on you? when you change with every new day...
011. new girl (finneas): you wanna play with fire? stick and poke tattoo? you wanna play, my new girl? i wanna play with you...
     012. lisztomania (phoenix): so sentimental, not sentimental no, romantic not discussing it. darling I'm down and lonely, when were the fortunate only?
013. ruby (kaiser chiefs): could it be that you're joking with me and you don't really see you with me?
     014. 34+35 (ariana grande): so what you doing tonight? better say: doin' you right. watching movies, but we ain't seein' a thing tonight, i don't wanna keep you up...
015. my walden (nightwish): weaving my wings from many-colored yarns flying higher into the wild, weaving my world into tapestry of life, its fire golden in my walden..
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cardest · 3 years
New Jersey playlist
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It's a place between heaven & hell. No need for a map, just follow the smell. A place full of filthy air and dark despair. A place called New Jersey. If this New Jersey playlist won't save the Garden State, nothing will. Hit play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC192SSgXShuxLj6wA3Kcaolf 
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Toxie approves of this playlist!!
001 Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back - Jays Rap 002 The Time - Cool 003 The Night Flight Orchestra - American High 004 Kool & The Gang - Open Sesame 005 Bon Jovi -  Born To Be My Baby 006 Monster Magnet - Supercruel 007 The Dillinger Escape Plan -  When Good Dogs Do Bad Things 008 Misfits -  Green Hell 009 Over Kill - Welcome to the Garden State 010 Skid Row - The Threat 011 X-Cops Welcome to New Jersey 012 Clutch - Pulaski Skyway 013 Lee Fields & The Expressions - Special Night 014 Bruce Springsteen - Badlands 015 Weird Al Yankovic - Ill Sue Ya 016 Nona Hendryx - Run for Cover 017 Freddy Cannon - Palisades Park 018 Operation Ivy - Hoboken 019 Twisted Sister - The Kids Are Back 020 Ruby The Hatchet - Vast Acid 021 The Drifters - Under the Boardwalk 022 Symphony X - Premonition 023 Screaming Females - Something Ugly 024 Calendar - Monster From The Black Toms 025 Nat Adderley - St. M 026 Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) 027 Evoken - The Fear After 028 Misfits -  Earth a.D. 029 Bon Jovi -  Burning for love 030 Ella Fitzgerald - The Jersey Bounce 031 Dillinger Escape Plan - Sugar Coated Sour 032 WEEN - Frank 033 Monster Magnet -  Slut Machine 034 Overkill - Feel The Fire 035 Ice-T - New Jack Hustler 036 Incantation - Unholy Massacre 037 Franke & The Knockouts - Sweetheart 038 Sugarhill Gang - Rapper's Delight 039 Looking Glass - Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) 040 Seven Witches  - Fever In the City 041 Michael Jackson - Got To Be There 042 Instant Funk - I Got My Mind Made Up 043 The Phil Bernardi Band - I Like Jersey Best 044 The Moments - Look At Me (I'm In Love) 045 Bobby Rydell - Wildwood Days 046 Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive 047 BON JOVI -  In And Out Of Love 048 The Misfits -  From Hell They Came 049 Jason Lindner - New Jersey Ballad 050 Toxic Avenger theme song 051 Monster Magnet - Black Balloon 052 Voltaire - Bomb New Jersey 053 Revenant - Prophecy Of A Dying World 054 Cyclone Static - Runaway 055 Old Wounds - Stripes 056 Aqua Teen Hunger Adult Swim theme song 057 Overkill - Never Say Never 058 Love Among Freaks- Clerks 059 Toothgrinder - Diamonds For Gold 060 The Toxic Crusaders Intro 061 KATE PIERSON - Throw Down The Roses 062 Dillinger Escape Plan - Sunshine the Werewolf 063 WEEN - Tick 064 Twisted Sister - What You Don't Know (Sure Can Hurt You) 065 Smart Remarks - Reverse Velocity 066 Bon Jovi -  Let It Rock 067 Skid Row - Can't Stand the Heartache 068 Misfits - Vivid Red 069 McCoy Tyner - Vision 070 Over Kill - World of Hurt 071 Monster Magnet -  Mindfucker 072 Oblivious - Mob Justice 073 Pride and Glory - Losin' Your Mind 074 dEUS - Theme From Turnpike (from In A Bar, Under The Sea) 075 Mishka Shubaly - New Jersey Valentine's Day Orphan Blues 076 Danzig - Am I Demon 077 Tom Waits - Jersey Girl 078 Coheed And Cambria - Devil In Jersey City 079 Player Hater - Smb 080 Donald Byrd - Elijah 081 Bon Jovi -  Bad Medicine 082 El Drugstore - Samaritrophia 083 Gothic Slam - Who Died and Made You God 084 DÄLEK - Guaranteed Struggle 085 Trixter - One In A Million 086 The Break Lights - Why Don't You Call Me 087 Wayne Shorter - Schizophrenia 088 Skid Row - My Enemy 089 Samhain - Black Dream 090 Bayht Lahm - To Serve Your Bottom Line (Oligarchs Fuck Off!) 091 Whitney Houston - Thinking About You 092 Fit For An Autopsy - Your Pain Is Mine 093 Black Label Society - Fire It Up 094 Monster Magnet - Dopes To Infinity 095 Herbie Hancock - I Have A Dream 096 The Dillinger Escape Plan -  When I Lost My Bet 097 Over Kill - Necroshine 098 Alice Donut - New Jersey Exit 099 Toxic Avenger Musical - Who Will Save New Jersey 100 Misfits - Static Age 101 MilesDavis - The Theme 102 Pattis Smith - Pissing In a River 103 Whiplash - Snake Pit 104 Evoken - Omniscient 105 God Forbid - Antihero 106 OLD - Corpse Full Of Gunk 107 Nudeswirl  - F sharp 108 Sugarhill Gang- Rapper's Reprise (Jam-Jam) 109 Danzig - Snakes Of Christ 110 Bruce Springsteen - Growin' Up 111 Doyle -  Cemeterysexxx 333 Twisted Sister - I wanna rock 666 Bon Jovi -  Homebound Train
Play the songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC192SSgXShuxLj6wA3Kcaolf
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 011: I Am
Note: This runs parallel to the Checkmate arc, (Stray to Black and White)
* * *
RWBY were walking through Vale, "Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!"
"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss." Ruby said to her, "It's kind of weirding me out..." she mumbled.
"A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!"
"You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring." Yang depressingly said.
"Quiet you!" Weiss admonished her they approached the docks.
"Remind me again," Yang voiced, "why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?"
"Ugh," Ruby exclaimed, "they smell like fish!", causing Blake to roll her eyes.
"I've heard," Weiss said to her, "that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as a representativeof Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom!"
"She wants to spy on them," Blake added, "so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." This caused Weiss to scoff.
"You can't prove that!"
Ruby stopped as, looking down the street, she saw a dust shop with broken windows, a police line, and police officers. "Whoa!" she exclaimed, and walked up to the tape to talk to one of the officers, "What happened here?"
"Robbery." the first detective said to her, "Second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle." At this, Blake looked away with disgust while Yang sighed.
"That's terrible."
"They left all the money again." the second detective added.
"Huh?" Ruby asked.
"Yeah," the first Detective asked, "just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?"
"I don't know, an army?" the second one asked.
"You thinking the White Fang?" the first detective asked.
"Yeah," the second one replied, "I'm thinking we don't get paid enough."
"Hmph! The White Fang." Weiss exclaimed, crossing her arms and pointing her nose in the air, "What an awful bunch of degenerates!"
"What's your problem?" Blake asked.
"My problem?" Weiss asked, "I simply don't care for the criminally insane."
"The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths." Blake stated "They're a collection of misguided Faunus."
"Misguided?" Weiss asked, "They want to wipe Humanity off the face of the planet!"
"So then they're very misguided." Blake exclaimed, "Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!"
"Hmm... Blake's got a point." Ruby interjected, "Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago... Maybe it was him."
"That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum." Weiss exclaimed, "Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal."
"That's... not necessarily true..." Yang voiced. 'oh, come on, Ice Queen.' she pleaded internally.
"Hey, stop that Faunus!" a man shouted.
RWBY rushed over to the boat, and Weiss sighed. "Stuff like this must make it tough to be a Faunus..."
"There are... far worse things..." Blake stated. "Have you seen how Humans treat... them?"
"Seeing this?," Weiss asked, "are you at all surprised?" and Blake looked down dejectedly.
* * *
Jaune knocked on RWBY's door, and got no reply.
"Maybe they are in town." Pyrrha said from behind him, and he shrugged.
* * *
JNPR opened their door and looked out as they heard shouting coming from RWBY's room.
"Uh... maybe we should just..." Jaune voiced, as he stepped back into their dorm room and closed the door.
* * *
They heard someone storm out of RWBY's room, and JNPR just looked at each other nervously.
* * *
Weiss tried to stand at attention as she looked out into the moonlight, and sighed. More than one secret hangs by a thread.
* * *
Jaune knocked on RWBY's door. Ruby opened the door, and saw NPR's heads sticking out of their room. "You guys alright?" Jaune asked, and Ruby sadly looked down.
"Weiss and Blake... had a bit of a..."
"Blowup." Yang said from inside the room.
"What about?" Jaune asked, and again, Ruby looked down, nervously. "Can I come in?.."
* * *
Jaune stood in the middle of RWBY's room, looking about. Yang was sitting on her bed, Weiss was laying on hers. "Okay, so... it turns out... Blake is with the White Fang..."
"The what?" Jaune asked.
"How could you possibly not know about those ruffians?" Weiss asked, "Those terrorists?" Jaune simply blunk at her in reply. "HOW COULD YOU?!.."
"EASY!" Yang shouted, and Weiss looked at the bed hanging above her. "The White Fang were a Faunus protest group... but something changed, and now they are starting all the fights."
"Do you have any idea what the White Fang have done to me?!" Weiss exclaimed. "To my family?!"
"But you..." Jaune said. He stopped as she looked at him starkly. "I think we need to talk." Weiss sadly nodded.
* * *
Jaune carefully worked his antlers into JNPR's dorm room. "Could we have the room?" he asked, and Nora stood up and saluted.
"We'll see you in the cafeteria." Pyrrha said with glee.
* * *
Jaune sat on his bed and gestured to Nora's. Weiss moved over and elegantly sat on Nora's bed, eyes still downcast. "Why... how does the White Fang have something against you?"
"Perhaps?.." Weiss nervously asked, "my father's... questionable... business choices..."
"But you are..." Jaune tried to say, but Weiss' look of anguish caused him to trail off.
"You swore you would not tell anyone about that." Weiss admonished him.
"I know... I mean... unless they already know about it... and you know about it... I mean..." he tried to say. "Are you saying... your family... discriminates against..." he then trailed off, gesturing to Weiss.
"Yes... well... they are... nothing but brutes and rapscallions..."
"And how does that work?" Jaune asked her.
"It... does not..." Weiss nervously replied, "If I do not have complete and utter control over my emotions, the colours of my plummage show themself..." She was nearly hyperventilating.
"You're safe here." Jaune stated, "I already know.
With this Weiss' breathing started to even out, and her plummage flushed dark blue... though... with hints of light...
"How can your father... do that to you?.." Jaune asked. "Make you deny such an important part of yourself."
"Quite simply, it seems." Weiss nervously, tersely, tensely replied, and then finally seemed to ease a bit, "Our entire lives we have been... heavily encouraged... to be good little scions of the house of Schnee... and nothing else..."
"I didn't know that Atlas had great houses?" Jaune asked.
"In truth, it does not." Weiss replied, "But that does not stop my father from having a talk with General Ironwood whenever he needs to. If you do not know, General Ironwood has two seats on the Atlas council. We do not have noble families, but we have families richer than nobles ever were, who effectively control the course of the kingdom from the shadows. The thing Father is most afraid of... is our house... falling..."
"And what do you want?" Jaune asked, and Weiss' eyes grew wide with shock. "Are you just going to let your father make you feel ashamed for existing? Seriously, if your father can't accept your for being a Faunus, why?.. just why?.."
"And just what, pray tell, do you expect me to do?" Weiss asked him.
"I don't know, accept that you are the beautiful Faunus I know you are?" Jaune asked. Weiss' dark blues largely turned to light. Her depression seemed to turn to hope. "You'll certainly have our support."
"And my family?.." Weiss asked, and Jaune simply shrugged.
"If they can't accept you?.." he said, and once again Weiss looked down.
* * *
"Look Weiss," Ruby quickly said, "it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute..."
Weiss simply ignored her, pushing her way past as she approached Blake, seated after her ordeal.
"Weiss," Blake quickly said to her, "I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the-"
"Stop!" Weiss exclaimed, "Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you? - Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided..." Yang, Sun, and Ruby look on, worried. "I don't care."
"You don't care?" a surprised Blake asked.
"You said you are not one of them anymore," Weiss said to her, "right?"
"No, I-I haven't been since I was younger..." Blake tried to say, but Weiss quickly cut her off.
"Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some..." she said, and looked at Sun, "Someone else."
Blake looked between a grinning Ruby and Yang and wiped a tear from her eye, "Of course."
The four were having a wonderful moment until Ruby had to scream, "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"
Weiss pointed at Sun, "I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!"
Ruby looked around, "Hey, wait a minute... Where's Penny?"
Weiss breathed in deeply a few times before speaking. "There is something I must say to you."
Ruby, Blake, Yang and Sun all gathered around. Weiss used her glyph to launch Sun backwards, "Not you!"
Sun just shrugged in reply.
* * *
Ruby, Blake, and Yang all sat on their bed. Weiss stood in the centre, breathing deeply. "I guess I will just come out and say it... though you are all sworn to secrecy." Ruby, Blake, and Yang all nodded. "I... am a Faunus..."
Ruby's tail wagged eagerly.
"You're a WHAT?!" Blake exclaimed, and Weiss dropped her head.
"Blake!" Ruby admonished, and Blake looked down nervously.
"S... sorry..." Blake voiced, "But how does that make any sense?.."
"My father..." Weiss voiced, "is not exactly... a gentleman..."
"So?," Yang asked, "Dad's an asshole, but how this make you change colour?"
Blake glared at Yang through the bottom of her bed.
"If you must know?," Weiss asked, "I suppose, when stressed, your hair stands on it's end?"
"Uh, yeah?" Yang asked.
"For me," Weiss continued, "my plummage has colours..."
"Whatage?" Ruby asked.
"Her feathers." Blake stated, "Feathers?!"
"My plummage is light enough to be invisible." Weiss continued, "You are familiar with raven as a colour, correct?"
"Yeah?" Yang asked.
"It's through light refraction that gives it a blue hue." Weiss stated. "My feathers do the same. The higher the angle, the greater the refraction."
"So?" Ruby asked, "the more stressed out you are, the more blue you become?" and Weiss nodded.
"So, why the change of heart?" Yang asked, and Weiss developed a light blue hue, clutching her heart.
"Do I need a reason?" she asked.
"We - are - a - team!" Ruby exclaimed, and Blake shyly smiled and nodded.
"Unless anyone else has a deep confession they'd like to make?" Yang asked.
"I do... kind of... have a bit of a thing..." Ruby said, "for Jaune..."
"Good you can finally admit it." Yang stated, and Weiss' light blues darkened.
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