bazhowletts · 7 months
baz 📲 pete.
Baz: Heard someone talking about you at the gym
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reggiellewellyn · 26 days
reggie 📱 peter.
Reggie: You know, you could make a real killing if you were spinning those decks in Ibiza Reggie: Have you ever considered 👀 @peterbasara
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borawinters · 1 year
❤️- For a secret crush
"I don't have crushes, secret or otherwise. I'm an adult. If you want a list of who here I'd fuck, that's easier answered. Cherry because I already know she's a good fuck, Tilly for old time's sake a slash a sorry-I-snaked-your-house-out-from-under-you-and-sold-it, Romy as a divorce celebration, Juliet or Joey because hate sex is the best kind and then on a purely on a looks based basis. Bradley, Pete, Mikayla, Lalita, Camille, Imani, Astrid, Madison, Collette."
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"Give me five, I could probably list off another dozen."
@cherryxkoch / @tillycai / @juliet-harkness / @joey-madani / @rominacortez / @bradley-banner / @peterbasara / @kaylatullz / @xlalitax / @ithinkitscami / @xoimani / @astridhansleyy / @madiiscn / @collettexjimenez
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
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cricketcampbell · 10 months
👀 + name three people you would hate to live with
"Rhys, because then Lorelai would, like, never come visit, and that would make me sad. As much as I love her, Echo, because she seems like the type that would make me get up at like...five in the morning for a run. And Peter, because my bagels, and probably any bread item, would never be safe from his sticky little fingers. Extra bonus answer, because I'm, like, actually currently living with her and hating it: my roommate Chloe."
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@rhyswilson (ft. @lorelailewis) / @ecchs / @peterbasara
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lorelailewis · 1 year
lorelai: my brother in christ
lorelai: who did you piss off this time?
lorelai: and why are they putting you on blast on a bathroom stall at the club? @peterbasara
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vanessagable · 9 days
send me   “eavesdrop”   and my muse will describe your muse like they’re talking to a third party.
@greengideon // @edietello // @peterbasara // @macaulaymontgomery // @shilohsharma // @scottienolan // @billieconway
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aurorabayrpg · 11 days
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the following have ended their hiatus and have 48 hours to make 3 ic posts or contact the main or will be unfollowed:
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silascody · 21 days
💀 + peter
💀 an urgent text.
SILAS 📲: Need u to give me an alibi for sumn
texting starters // @peterbasara
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bazhowletts · 9 months
closed for: @peterbasara
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"What the fuck are you wearing?"
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bazhowletts · 11 months
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Full Name: Baz Howlett.
Nicknames: Baz.
Age: 39.
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male.
Birth place: Aurora Bay.
How long have they been in town?: His whole life / various leaves of absence but he always ends up back one way or another.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Housing: Fisher's Cove.
Occupation:  Front Desk @ Titanium Gym.
tw crime, drugs, death // @aurorabayaesthetic
tearaway teen yup yup yup
only child to perpetual disappointment pipeline
fell into a bad crowd with very little prompting in high school and got involved in some dodgy dealings
shit stirrer since birth
not a violent guy (unless pushed) but he got a little too big for his boots when money started rolling in and pissed off the wrong people in increasingly more creative ways
was with his best friend when he was ended up being killed over a drug dispute that got out of hand and escalated from an argument to a shooting
took off when he heard sirens
still wonders if he could have done something more that night to actually save him - kind of shut down for a long time over that and has done absolutely fuck all to process it really
hasn't told many people about that incident or his actions in the aftermath despite both being there when it occurred and being one of the coffin bearers at andrew's funeral
joyriding since before he could even drive properly (or legally), was the fastest fucker around when it came to stripping cars for parts which is why when he ended up going straight becoming a mechanic was about the only thing he could think to do that didn’t make him want to die of boredom 
broke his mothers heart tbh his dad always likes to remind him that that's what killed her (more aptly it was illness, but it do be getting in on him) 
very much uncomfortable with everything about himself and his life and i don’t think he’s felt genuine joy in years 
suffers from a terminal case of seeming out of place and disinterested 
after working as a mechanic ran its course for him he tried his hand at being a mailman
that lasted all of a year and a half before he was let go after suspicion of mail tampering and not delivering to people he has petty vendetta's against
absolutely justly let go but he'll never acknowledge that
currently working the front desk at titanium and finds amusement in telling gym bros they're looking tiny and questioning the nutritional value of protein aloud
if he cares then he cares but he’s just not the best at making that translate 
a ghoul!
+ funny, confident, indepedent.
- abrasive, disinterested, petty.
ocean crest apartment anti even though he doesn't even live there anymore, can’t stand the ruckus that’s always being caused and has several lifelong enemies in the form of long-term residents who he's beefed with
drives a shitty car, especially for someone so formerly into cars, but he's spent too much time under the hood of other people's cars to care much about that
pathological liar. no real reason for it, it just gives him a giggle
thinks grace and frankie is the greatest show ever made 
known harasser of local politicians
thinks taxes are optional
voted most likely to tell you to get off his lawn
ex-husband of @kaylatullz
employee of @ecchs
friend of @clint-bennet
friend of @peterbasara
cousin of @tabithaxking
sometimes mechanic to / goblin co-kings with @marsmoran
friend of @calinxsava
went on a vday blind date with @the-nelson-quinn
ocean crest residents -- any of the folks he's got absurd beefs with. can range from nonsense to legit, let's goooo!
ex-gf from high school -- someone who knew him before andrew's death and saw that massive shift in him after it that's carried through to this day. pre-plotting required.
people who's cars he's worked on/will take a look at cheap -- from back in the day when he was a mechanic. hasn't much of an interest these days but will do nixers if it's into the hand
ride or dies / friends -- u know u know.
past exes/flings/fwb -- lets get messy.
neighbours @ fisher's cove -- can be positive or negative vibes
just all of it 
connections wise he’s pretty much an open book right now, but some baseline ideas that can be springboarded off are:
a best friend / ride or dies / close friends / childhood friends / pseudo-siblings / friends / drunk friends / new friends / former roommate / people he met on his travels (hasn't been outside of america but anywhere within can be plotted).
flirtationship / friends with benefits / one time hook ups / tinder matches / unrequited crush (can be either way) / exes from high school / exes on good terms.
enemies / former (best) friends / exes on bad terms / frenemies / rivals / negative influence / tbh he's an acquired taste so most antagonistic connects would work for him.
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cricketcampbell · 11 months
for: @peterbasara
where: sharky's patio
"You should definitely let me hit that."
It's only after the words tumble from her lips and hit her own ears that Cricket pauses.
"Not that as in--" She gestured vaguely towards his brightly colored pants (which admittedly weren't not doing it for her), before shaking her head. "That. I meant the vape. That that. Except, ew, please tell me it's not menthol flavored."
It was blue razz or bust, as far as she was concerned. Or maybe pear; that way she could at least stay on theme.
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cricketcampbell · 11 months
lust, love, xxx
LUST: Who does your muse find attractive?
"I think I have a crisis every morning I wake up and see Lorelai in our apartment and remember that I live with her. Like is she the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life? Maybe! Does it kind of make me hate her and rethink our leasing agreement? A little! And I can't even escape into the hallway to try and rebuild some of my self-esteem because look, there's Maura, or Travis, or Uly or Finn--oh, and apparently my Tejas Cantina ghost now haunts the apartments, too. The good--and maybe bad thing, actually--is that at least I'd probably never have to set my distance range on Tinder past, like, a mile. But if I was throwing a wider net, Bradley Banner obvs makes the list. She is the list, really. And maybe the guy who owns Oasis. And that DJ who stole my bagels. Still never accepted my Venmo request...and somehow that makes him hotter."
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@lorelailewis / @maura-cortes / @trcvis / @ulyflynn / @finnbrooks / @rockyramirez / @bradley-banner / @bradley-banner / @borawinters / @peterbasara
LOVE: Does your muse have a “special someone”?
"On a Thursday? Please...but ask again Sunday morning after Sharky's. But not, like...too early."
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XXX: What’s the raunchiest thing your muse has ever done?
"You know what they say...what happens in London stays in London. And also a story time on my Tik Tok (@chefcrickett)."
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aurorabayrpg · 2 months
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the following have 24 hours to post the minimum of 3 ic posts or to contact the main, or their faceclaims will be reopened:
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bazhowletts · 5 months
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to?
"DJ Dipshit?"
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"Could be swayed." @peterbasara
Send a space thing for questions
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aurorabayrpg · 9 months
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the following have 24 hours to post the minimum of 3 ic posts or their faceclaims will be reopened:
**please remember! this is our last holiday activity check. we will now be resuming our normal weekly checks**
due to inactivity, please unfollow:
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aurorabayrpg · 1 year
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the following have 24 hours to meet our activity requirements or to contact the main or their faceclaims will be reopened:
the following have completed their hiatus and have 24 hours to meet activity requirements:
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