starryeyxdmckinnon · 3 years
Who: @peterpxttigrew​
Where: Summer Solstice Ball, East India House
“Well don’t you scrub up nice-” Marlene teasing lightly a soft smile on the edge of her features as she caught sight of one of her best friends. “Very handsome and dapper Pettigrew- the sorcerers won’t know what hit them.” She grinned, offering him a cheeky wink before brushing a small speck of dirt off his shoulder lightly. “I hope you’re ready to abuse the free drinks bar, because I don’t know about you, but if I don’t make a mockery of myself at this party to gather disapproving looks from ‘the elite’ then what was the point of coming.”
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suchadorcas · 3 years
✩•̩̩͙*˚*˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩ @peterpxttigrew​ ✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*˚*•̩̩͙✩
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Having lost Marlene, Mary and Lily to the crowds, Doe found herself on her own. He already knew of her problems, knew of her mindset and he already knew she was looking a friend. “Heya! Peter!” She called out, before wandering over to him, trying not to spill her glass. “How’s tonight for yas? Aren’t you just looking dashing!!” She giggled to herself.
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hausofmacnair · 3 years
location: the hopping pot
It was near closing time. Honestly, closing was probably one of Amiria’s favourite tasks. She just found it quite satisfying for some reason. Ahead of time, the woman slowly started making her way around the place to inform people. “Hey mister,” Amiria was walking back to the bar now, approaching one stranger who was sat alone. “Just so you know, we’re taking last orders now,” She offered him a warm smile before slipping back behind the bar. “Can I get you anything?” | @peterpxttigrew 
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jamspctter · 3 years
Who: Peter @peterpxttigrew​ Where: flat; right after event
James had been freaking out the minute he left Clarice's place. He wasn't the kind of man to do this, especially with an older woman. And the words that came from Dumbledore wasn't any help either-- he knew he should have been less drunk and more attentive at the party, but he also wanted a normal outing. He continuously ran his fingers through his hair trying to look somewhat presentable even though he was wearing last nights clothes. Just incase he got into his flat and the others weren’t still fast asleep nursing the same hangover he had. James had meant to tiptoe straight into his room only to get sidetracked by starting a coffee -- the cure all for his hangover. It wasn't until he realized he wasn't alone from the sound of movement that he regretted the choice of making coffee. Clenching his jaw he turned to look at who it was hoping it was just another girl doing the same thing he had just done only to see Peter. Putting a forced fake smile on his face he nervously chuckled. “Hey mate.”
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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A great man in his pride. Confronting murderous men. Casts derision upon. Supersession of breath; He knows death to the bone Man has created death. - W.B Yates
tw: injury, blood
Placards raised in the air, the voices of Wizarding Britain united in their response to hate and discrimination. CHARITY BURBAGE | @charityxburbagex​ took the podium and with a heavy heart said:
“How can we as a society sit and watch this happen without doing something? What does that make us? It makes us complacent. The hate crimes are rising. Do people notice? Or are they just too scared to intervene for their own safety? Do they care?”
In the shadows plans were being hatched to bring such a beautiful movement to its knees. EDWARD TONKS | @badgepuff​ took to the podium and was met with brown paint as he spoke of his struggles, doused from head to toe as CAIUS BURKE | @burkehs​, RABASTAN LESTRANGE | @youngestxlestrange​ and BELLATRIX BLACK | @wickedbellax​ snickered in delight. Elsewhere SEVERUS SNAPE | @half-a-prince​ engaged in a duel with JAMES POTTER | @jamspctter​ only for CLAUDETTE DELACOUR | @claudettedelacour​ to get them to lower their wands, showing those with sometimes the best of intentions can give themselves over to chaos when prompted. With people distracted to the small goings on engineered, Caius, ERIK BORGIN @beautifulxbcrgin​​ and GIDEON PREWETT | @gidprewett​ slipped away to the abandoned red telephone box at the side of The Ministry of Magic and descended into the world below to steal the prophecy REGINA ROWLE | @regina-rowle​ could not stop talking about. Reaching The Department of Mysteries it was in his hand, the words uttering a faint whisper in his ear before Caius was caught off guard. MARY MACDONALD | @macmary​ kicked off the duel and a battle between them and the young Death Eaters began, aided by SIRIUS BLACK | @padfoot-chaos​ and PETER PETTIGREW | @peterpxttigrew​​ who triumphed in taking the prophecy. Though Mary left with a pumpkin instead of a head they were much better off than their opponents, who had been left unconscious from a painful stinging jinx and in the case of Erik Borgin with leeks for fingers. Bellatrix’ s plans had been foiled, but no matter she had a second up her sleeve. Across the city in a luxury apartment a change had occurred, Regina’s eyes fluttered open and she looked upon the world with her vampire eyes, instead of seeing the beautiful figure of DAHLIA BLACKWOOD | @dahliablackwood​ who she had ventured home with the previous evening. Bellatrix stood staring over her, armed with blackmail and a plan which needed executing, should her job in the Ministry and her marriage prospects prevail. The protest began to dissipate as night fell, people filing home or towards the pubs for a few glasses of butterbeer before calling it a night. BENJY FENWICK stayed behind, picking up a few discarded placards which had been left in the street. Walkman on, he was distracted by the sounds of Thriller as a shadowy figure came up from behind him, pulling him into an alleyway as he screamed in terror. Regina Rowle knew that the venom in her bite would stop him struggling soon as she tasted the intoxicating blood running through his veins she would now always be in search of. CORNELIUS CRABBE was first on the scene, catching sight of a woman who ran from the scene as his wand illuminated Benjy, unconscious and bleeding as he lie amongst the placards. Screaming for help it soon arrived, as ALICIA AVERY-JONES and ALASTOR MOODY | @alastxrmoody​​ followed closely behind with FRANK LONGBOTTOM | @frank-orion​ and REMUS LUPIN | @luhpxns​ who took in the scene with horror, prompting more questions than answers.
What did a vampire have to gain by attacking him and would Benjy even make it through the night to tell the tale of his attacker who may have delivered his end? And that concludes our third event! We wanted to say thank you to all our members as we know this was a particularly busy period for a lot of us but we’re glad the event really went off with a bang and those who were around enjoyed it. We decided to end the event with a plot drop that summed up what those may have missed, for many characters the march ended normally, with the attack detailed in The Daily Prophet the following day for all characters to react to. Acceptances begin again on Monday and the release of bio’s will resume on Tuesday. If you have any questions, our ask is always open and you’re welcome to shoot us a message on discord. - The Mod Squad x
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alectocxrrow · 3 years
Where;  Balcony, East India House
When: Late
Who: Alecto and @peterpxttigrew​
Alecto had had a pretty decent night. She’d gotten some dances in, had a few drinks, and was generally just having fun. She was feeling a little hot though, so she’d stepped out onto the balcony. It hadn’t been that bad of an evening really. Sure, she’d had to dodge some people that really were not good enough to be at these kind of affairs. But otherwise, it had been pretty decent. She frowned, hearing footsteps behind her. She really hoped it was someone she knew, or someone worth speaking too. Alecto didn’t think she had it in her to pretend to be nice again.
Turning her head, her features softened into a smile as she realised who it was. “Peter. Hi!”
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andromedhs · 3 years
where: the leaky cauldron, diagon alley    what: @peterpxttigrew works in one of the pubs in Wizarding London and overhears conversation between @andromedhs, @regulus7, @blondsblack and @alexandra-rosier which doesn’t align with their thinking. Concerned, @peterpxttigrew brings them up on it and gives them the chance to change their views before they are promptly thrown out into the street after a heated argument between them.
“Merlin, I knew it was going to be busy today but the street is something else.” Andromeda said, eyes wide as she walked into The Leaky Cauldron which was relatively empty. At their last family meeting which had been at the pub, Narcissa had expressed interest in not frequently the establishment, but with their path to Knockturn Alley blocked, The Leaky Cauldron would have to do. The day had already ran away with Andromeda, mixing all kinds of strange feelings within her she knew she was going to have to keep to herself. Andromeda did believe in equality and not limiting others based on status, but she was Black. The Black family had to remain above it all and ensure the views of the house outweighed the views of the individual. As he gaze fell on of Regulus, sitting happily at the bar, Andromeda felt a sense of calm wash over her at seeing him. Although she believed firmly in equality, she loved her family and the idea of being cut off from them filled her with such dread it in some way eased the guilt which constantly burned within her. “Regulus!” Andromeda called, sliding onto the bar stool next to him. “How are you, lovely to see you in one piece!”
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macmary · 3 years
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      it was a grand,   mounting symphony of emotions.   a rather discordant one perhaps...   due to the conflicting nature of them.   excitement that set their teeth on edge soon turned to fear the very next minute as mary continued to grapple with the complete surprise that moody’s letter had been.   an assignment from dumbledore himself...   with peter  &  sirius no less,   to retrieve a prophecy from the ministry before blood purist tweedle dee and tweedle dum did.   it was the feeling that the work they were doing was important,   and more tangible than ever that filled the wix with eagerness and exhilaration,   whilst a sensible,   more rational side of their brain argued over what would happen if something were to go wrong.   if they just couldn’t stomach it when faced with the reality.   when face to face with wizards like larkin again.   spotting their friends just a way away from them in the atrium,   it’s with a pensive sigh that they swallow their fears,    soft brown eyes moving to sweep the surrounding area and doing so as casually as could be.   mary was on particularly high alert given the circumstances but impatient to begin,   acutely aware that time was of the essence with this mission.   turning to padfoot  &  wormtail however,   the wix poses a question,   playful smirk and wiggle of their brows masquerading any legitimate trepidation that remained,   ❛   so,   boys...   are  we  ready  to  nab  this  prophecy?   ❜
      closed  starter  for  peter  &  sirius  /  @peterpxttigrew​  &  @padfoot-chaos​
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luhpxns · 3 years
where: the fountain of fair fortune, diagon alley  with: @padfoot-chaos, @peterpxttigrew​, @jamspctter​
“Now then lads.” Remus began slamming his beer down on the table after drinking a considerable amount. “We were all at the ball, how did we all get on? What’s the drama, what’s the gossip?” His cheeky smile spread from ear to ear as he looked amongst his friends, taking in the faces of Sirius, James and Peter who were sitting amongst the table. “As the chairperson of this meeting, which I have just decided, I think we should turn to the most badly behaved member of this team...” Pausing for dramatic affect he looked around them once more before turning to Sirius who was sitting directly beside him. “Padfoot. Any fights, flirtation, frame and of your cousins? The ones your friends weren’t flirting with anyway.” He added with a laugh, turning to Peter and raising his eyebrows at him comedically. 
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regulus7 · 3 years
Where:  Crystal Pavillion - Main Ballroom Who: @peterpxttigrew​
The Ball was going wonderfully, despite any concerns Regulus might have, and he was smiling as he stepped away from his latest dance partner and made his way over to the wall on the edge of the Ball Room. So far, everything was peaceful, and he had hopes that the night would pass without drama, as opposed to the last Ball. Pausing, he pulled out his wand to readjust his tie to perfection, never one to let his image slip. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a nearby and somewhat familiar figure. One of the boys that his brother used to spend time with at Hogwarts. It took him a while for the name to come to him. Pettigrew: Half blood. He realised seconds later the name had taken him too long to recall and it would no be rude to not acknowledge the man. 
“You are… one of Sirius’ friends. Pettigrew, right?” He asked.
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starryeyxdmckinnon · 3 years
Who: @peterpxttigrew​
Where: Lily and Marlene’s apartment
“You and Potter might as well go out without me tonight. I think I’d rather linger in my own misery.” Marlene muttered dramatically, words lased with sarcasm as she gave a general shake of her head in Peter’s direction. Typically gossip would not have been the thing that threw Marlene’s mind into a spin, atleast not when it was about her. She’d pass it off with a charming smile, wink at anyone that dared stare and call it at day. Because granted a small part of her had to admit that she revealed in the attention it brought. What was it her mother always said? It was better to be talked about than not at all; even if it wasn’t necessarily for the best reasons. But this was different. It weighed over Marlene like an unwanted shadow and reflected the very fears she harbored in her chest. Stolen glances at the ball had made her feel like she was hexed with the kiss of death itself, a part of her was starting to think what if they were right? Not to mind her conversation with James to top it off, it hadn’t exactly been the night she’d hoped it would be, to which Pettigrew had almost gotten the brunt of her insecurities being blabbed in his direction. Thankfully in Marlene’s case, the pair had been interrupted before she’d even had the chance to ask him if there was something wrong with her, if all she’d ever be was someone’s second best, someone’s play thing, someone’s.. nothing. Instead they grew deeper in her heart under a lock and key as she tip a sip of the black coffee in her hand. “I’m guessing you saw what she put? Rita?” Marlene asked, drawing her eyes up from the mug in her hand to one of her best friends. 
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camille-rowle · 3 years
Where: Diagon Alley, the Leaky Cauldron
{ status: closed starter for @peterpxttigrew }
Just getting off the floo with Rita Camille was fuming, she had a meeting with the Minister for Magic first thing tomorrow morning and wanted to wear the earrings that dear old Millicent knew her son had bought for her so as to not snub the woman. The only problem was that she had lent them to Rita to rendezvous with a certain Gryffindor and she had stupidly left them at his place. Rita, now out of town had left Camille with only one option, go there and get them herself. 
Walking with purpose in to the Leaky Cauldron she set eyes on him immediately, an attractive boy she could see his appeal, although to Camille he looked far too much like a boy and far too little like a man to take her fancy. Walking towards the bar she leaned over close to him and spoke with intent “you have something of mine and I need them back.” 
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@peterpxttigrew​ @half-a-prince​
rodolphus ground his teeth together, irritated at where the night had ended up. the man had enough on his plate with the amount of cases he was in leading and of course, the minister of magic’s son had to get murdered. rod had been hoping to get home early and now it was going to be a long night. his and andromeda’s work was going to be cut out for them – an uphill battle. 
rod stood in front of severus snape and peter pettigrew in a room down the hall from the atrium. the silver table gleamed and one could easily see their reflection. the two younger men were seated and he hadn’t picked up anything off of them as of yet. he hadn’t detected an ounce of innocence nor that of a guilty party. but he was going to pick them apart with the time they had together. a notebook lay open on a small table in the corner, flipped open to a page with a quill prepared to record the words spoken in the 10x14 room. crossing his arms and keeping eye contact, he began. “everything you say here will be recorded. you’re under oath and if you stray from the truth, you will be prosecuted. if you cooperate, there will be no problems. are we clear?” rod cleared his throat, continuing. “peter will answer first, followed by severus. where were you around 23:50 to midnight?” 
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jamspctter · 3 years
Where: The Crystal Pavilion - Entrance  Who: Peter Pettigrew @peterpxttigrew​
James latched his arm with his friends, smiling fondly at the other. He wasn’t entirely sure where they got the idea to go together but it was something James wasn’t complaining about. “You look amazing Wormtail,” he winked, dramatically opening the door as they approached the entrance. James wanted nothing more than to show him the time of his life, as he would anyone else he would’ve taken as a date. “Now my handsome date, would you like a drink or a dance? Or maybe some way too fancy finger foods?”
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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DEAR SIRIUS, PETER & MARY || @padfoot-chaos, @peterpxttigrew & @macmary
We have received word from Gideon Prewett || @gidprewett that Caius Burke || @burkehs​ and Erik Borgin || @burkehs of Borgin and Burke’s have plans to break into the Ministry and are in the process of stealing a prophecy for The Dark Lord.
 It is of upmost importance that you do not let that happen. 
Get to the Ministry as quick as you can and retrieve the prophecy. Do not let them know why you are retrieving the prophecy but make sure you leave with it in your hands. We need to know what The Dark Lord is planning and that prophecy may be the key to being one step ahead of him. 
We can’t risk alerting the Ministry to what we are doing. Keep as quiet as you can and stick together, you’ll have Gideon if things get too difficult but it is important you do not blow his cover unless absolutely necessary. 
Stay safe. Much is at stake. 
A. Moody
You have received a letter from Alastor Moody. Please start a thread entering The Ministry and locating the prophecy. Once you have found the prophecy and the group attempting to steal it please post a link into the completed thread channel and await further instructions. - The Mods
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oh-evans · 3 years
location: the leaky cauldron
closed for @peterpxttigrew​
“I thought you supposed to get off an hour ago,” Lily’s words carried a bit of a slur at this point. “Our tickets are probably shot.” Peter was the only friend she could convince to venture into Muggle London and see the new Star Trek film with her, but she’d had so much to drink while waiting she couldn’t care less about Khan and whatever he was feeling wrathful about. "Guess we won't be going where no man has gone before," she giggled (always thinking she was far funnier than she really was).  
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