#pfizer fraud
americanmysticom · 2 years
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Sudden Death + Turbo Cancer: Canadian Doctors Speak Out
“When parts of your body become gangrenous, you have to cut it out”
download mp4; https://icedrive.net/s/DZFzv8x8Z7xuaN37fi5gkvDXP36F
See Also
Pfizer's History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as 'Human Guinea Pigs'
How did Pfizer manage to rebrand itself as the savior of humanity?
One of the most significant cultural transformations of the last two years has been the newfound glorification of the pharmaceutical industry.
An industry plagued by decades of fraud, corruption, and criminality managed to quickly rebrand itself as the savior of humanity during the covid-19 crisis.
But nothing inherently changed. Big Pharma still values shareholders’ profits more than people’s lives.
The regulatory agencies still operate as revolving doors to the pharmaceutical giants they are said to regulate.
Big Pharma still dominates lobbying efforts in Washington DC and spends billions each year advertising pharmaceutical products.
Millions will die; https://rumble.com/v1acoaa-up-to-100-million-will-die-from-cv19-vax-by-2028-dr-david-martin.html download mp4; https://icedrive.net/s/XvAxN8ht469Bfai7kyAfQXbC8xjb
see also: https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/
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hourback · 5 months
Anthony Fauci is directly responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic that ruined my life, as well as many others.
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chawsl · 1 year
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just 1% vax #adverse effects reported,#medical professionals afraid to reveal cos of criminal #cartel
#US 58%#physicians didn't take shots,#DoD ran CoV #fraud world
#Pfizer escaped vax fraud cos #govt was co-conspirator
+10,000% in #cancer due to CoV vax
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defenderoftheearth · 1 year
La Criminelle Arnaque du COVID 19:Des nouvelles du procès contre Pfizer intenté par A. McCarthy et P. Najadi ...et diverses infos protégées sur le scandale covid
Pascal Najadi   Pascal Najadi : « Notre procès, Ana McCarthy et moi, à la Cour suprême de l’État de New York, Manhattan, contre Pfizer Inc. est le seul au monde qui va de l’avant. Comme vous le savez peut-être, même les nations ne peuvent pas poursuivre Pfizer Inc. parce qu’elles ont signé des accords d’immunité. Cependant, Ana McCarthy et moi avons réussi à le faire… »   EN RAPPEL VACCINS…
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jugosocial · 2 years
PfizerGate es el mayor fraude y genocidio de la historia
PfizerGate es el mayor fraude y genocidio de la historia
PFIZERGATE, ¿El gran fraude y genocidio del siglo y de la historia? La Comisión Europea de la mano de “Ursula Von Der Pfizer” no quiere dar transparencia a los contratos billonarios de vacunas pese a que PFIZER-BIONTECH han reconocido que nunca fueron testadas y no se conocen sus efectos secundarios. Y los dormidos siguen creyendo la mentiras de los gobiernos, respaldados por los medios de…
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apricitystudies · 7 months
crimes of the elite: a deep dive
voted on here. (other editions) bold = favourite
corporate harms
behind the smiles at amazon
the long, dark shadow of bhopal (bhopal gas disaster)
how lobbying blocked european safety checks for dangerous medical implants
7-eleven revealed
who controls the world's food supply?
the true cost of tuna: marine observers dying at sea
how a big pharma company stalled a potentially lifesaving vaccine in pursuit of bigger profits
24 years after, some victims not compensated and still can't live normal lives (pfizer's nigeria vaccine trials)
the corporate crime of the century
uber broke laws, duped police and secretly lobbied governments, leak reveals (the uber files)
the baby killer (nestle infant formula scandal)
2 paths of bayer drug in 80's: riskier one steered overseas (hiv-risk contaminated blood product scandal)
global banks defy u.s. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists (fincen files)
the ultra-rich
eliminalia: a reputation laundromat for criminals
the fall of the god of cars (international fugitive carlos ghosn)
a u.s. billionaire took over a tropical island pension fund. then hundreds of millions of dollars allegedly went missing (cyprus confidential)
how the wealthiest avoid income tax (the irs files)
the haves and the have-yachts
madoff and his models (madoff ponzi scheme)
the imposter (blockchain terminal fraud)
the ultra-rich: (allegedly) stolen antiquities
crime of the centuries
stolen treasure traders
a hunt for cambodia's looted heritage leads to top museums (pandora papers)
an art crime for the ages
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
A reader asked me recently what can be done on the legal front against Pfizer and Moderna regarding their genocidal shots that were deceptively marketed as “vaccines” even though they are gene therapies.
First, any meaningful action by the government, the only entity with the power to make them pay, would require an executive branch that respects the rule of law and works on behalf of its people — which obviously doesn’t exist and certainly won’t for as long as the Democrats hold power.
Second, any meaningful action by the government or private entities requires a judiciary that’s also honest and beholden to the rule of law, which would allow fraud lawsuits to proceed unmolested.
If those prerequisites are met, the crux of the matter becomes proving whether Pfizer lied in its clinical trials to push the shots through the emergency use authorization (EUA) process — which it certainly did.
Such lawsuits exist, but they have not met with success so far, one having been summarily dismissed by a federal court before any litigation could occur.
Via Children’s Health Defense (emphasis added):
“For the second time, a federal court in Texas has dismissed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging Pfizer and two of its contractors manipulated data and committed other acts of fraud during clinical trials for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 2020. In his Aug. 9 ruling, District Judge Michael J. Truncale sided with the U.S. government, ruling the government had demonstrated “good cause” to intervene and dismiss the case. He wrote: “The Government’s desire to dismiss the case — because of its doubt as to the case’s merits, differing assessment of the Pfizer vaccine data, desire to avoid discovery and litigation obligations, and belief that it should not have to expend resources in a case that is contrary to its public health policy — constitutes good cause to intervene.”… According to the lawsuit, the three companies “deliberately withheld crucial information from the United States that calls the safety and efficacy of their vaccine into question,” thus defrauding the federal government, which purchased the vaccines. The FCA allows the government or a party suing on its behalf to attempt to recover money for false claims made by parties to secure payment from the government.”
          Related: Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaxx Trial Fraud
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1americanconservative · 7 months
MASSIVE WIN FOR TRUMP IN PA! Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes won their legal case in Pennsylvania with co-Defendant
and can now say there WAS ELECTION FRAUD in 2020.
This is big and may reverse not just #J6 and show the intelligence agencies at fault but actually also show Pfizer and all those who failed to sign oaths of office at fault for Pfizer damage and lack of clinical efficacy docuements.
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vbadabeep · 1 month
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lemondeabicyclette · 2 months
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Pfizer a déclaré ce qui suit devant le tribunal :
« Veuillez rejeter cette affaire, monsieur le juge, nous n’avons pas fraudé le gouvernement, nous avons commis la fraude ordonnée par le gouvernement. »
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
What will rise from the ashes?
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defenderoftheearth · 2 years
La Gigantesque Arnaque du COVID 19:De nouvelles notes de service révèlent un accord secret entre les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni pour dissimuler les effets secondaires du vaccin COVID
« Pourquoi sommes-nous enfermés dans un accord secret pour garder secrètes les informations sur les événements indésirables dans le contexte des vaccins ? », a demandé Fitton.   Le président de Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, a déclaré que des documents récents obtenus par le groupe de surveillance montrent que les États-Unis étaient impliqués dans un accord secret avec le Royaume-Uni pour garder…
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contemplatingoutlander · 10 months
The complaint charged that despite Pfizer’s representations that its COVID-19 vaccine was 95% effective, more Americans died from the virus in 2021 — after the vaccine became available — than died in 2020. Paxton alleged that the true effectiveness of the vaccine amounted to a mere 0.85%.
This is a frivolous lawsuit based on Paxton cherry picking data and using it in dishonest ways.
The Pfizer vaccine has proven its effectiveness in real world analyses. For instance, both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were proven effective in this study of "136,532 individuals in the Mayo Clinic health system (Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin)" based on COVID infection, hospitalization, and ICU admission rates, beginning a week after the 2nd vaccine shot.
The real-world vaccine effectiveness of preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection was 86.1% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 82.4%–89.1%) for BNT162b2 and 93.3% (95% CI: 85.7%–97.4%) for mRNA-1273. BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 were 88.8% (95% CI: 75.5%–95.7%) and 86.0% (95% CI: 71.6%–93.9%) effective in preventing COVID-19-associated hospitalization. Both vaccines were 100% effective (95% CIBNT162b2: 51.4%–100%; 95% CImRNA-1273: 43.3%–100%) in preventing COVID-19-associated ICU admission. [color emphasis added]
Or as one person (acumenata) in the above Law & Crime article's comments section wrote:
The short answer [about why Paxton is suing Pfizer] is because he sucks at math, sucks at logic, and didn't read his state's own 2021 reports: Texas has seen nearly 9,000 COVID-19 deaths since February. All but 43 were unvaccinated people. https://www.texastribune.or... Unvaccinated Texans make up vast majority of COVID-19 cases and deaths this year, new state data shows https://www.texastribune.or... Texas must contend with outsized death toll from COVID-19 and anti-vaccine attitudes https://kinder.rice.edu/urb... [color emphasis added]
Aside from all of this, why is Ken Paxton still allowed to serve as Texas Attorney General? Why has he not yet been tried for his two felony fraud charges? Why is he allowed to file one frivolous lawsuit after another based on right-wing disinformation?
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didanawisgi · 2 years
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