#pgr higetsu
dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
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Higetsu(male skk) and the two (lovable)idiots
[note: these were based off of screenshots and i'm trying to find the OG pics AAAAAAAA]
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dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
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tsundere shikikan Higetsu can't win against the gigantic puppy 🤡🤡
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dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
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The twin Commandants of Gray Raven squad; Higetsu and Yoko.
Higetsu is the older twin while Yoko is the younger one. They're only about 15 minutes apart in age gap. They're also the same height (163cm), and even used to look so much like each other in the past (especially from the back).
That last part is actually a bit of a sore spot for the two of them, so much so that they unanimously decided to change hairstyles and attempt to redefine themselves (there was also another factor to their decision in this, but that's for another time). However, even though they don't like bringing up their similarities in appearance, they aren't shy of utilizing it in certain situations if they practically could do so.
While Higetsu is TECHNICALLY Gray Raven's Commandant as well, on paper he's known as Strike Hawk's (acting) Commandant. As such, there are times where he goes on missions with the Strike Hawks instead of the Gray Ravens, leaving the commanding to Yoko then.
(It's actually thanks to this connection that Gray Raven and Strike Hawk get acquainted with each other much quicker.)
Higetsu is a heavy sleeper, but is very punctual and wakes up like clockwork; it's a bad habit that he's never gotten to shake off from his days as a student in Faust military academy, wherein even when he pulls an all-nighter and ends up sleeping very late, he still manages to wake up on time.
By contrast, Yoko makes sure she gets proper amounts of sleep and tries to get her brother to kick off the bad habit... although she herself often slips back into the same bad habit as well, it's just that she's managed to repress it for this long.
They both cherish Gray Raven and Strike Hawk greatly (and the feelings are mutual). It's just that, Higetsu isn't good at being open with his feelings and saying what he wants to say without sounding a bit too cold and aloof, whereas Yoko is able to openly express how much she loves and cares about the Constructs.
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Both graduated from Faust with high honors; Higetsu being the number 2 student just behind Langstom Smith(Chrome) and Yoko being in the top 5 of the entire academy.
Higetsu was Selena's penpal before she got stuck on the corrupted space station. When she disappeared, he really wasn't the same after that, resolving to never making another connection with other people outside his twin sister-- up until they graduated and became Commandants; it's thanks to Gray Raven and Strike Hawk that he finally opens up again.
Yoko actually wished to approach Chrome, then Langston, back when they were still students in Faust. The reason being is because she could see he was actually a lonely person who was being forced on by tons of expectations he never asked for. But due to a combination of being busy with schoolwork, a surprisingly bashful side of her, and Langston's own schedule, she never really had the chance to do so. It was one regret she never really forgave herself over, so she decided that, the next time they meet, she's approach him no matter what.
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dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
link to OG post here! (made by @punishing-gray-raven-ocs)
1) How do you feel about being a Commandant? Are you proud of your job? Terrified of failing at your job?
Higetsu: Honestly speaking, it's nothing new compared to what I went through in the past-- just that now I've become an authority figure that has to lead people. ...Truthfully, however, a little unnerving, but it has to be done, and I knew what I was getting into when I decided to become one.
Yoko: Mhhmm... it's tough, I'm not gonna lie. Sometimes I have to make decisions I personally don't like but the situation demands it, and it ends up not sitting right with me. ...That's why an occasional loophole exploitation here and there is fine in spare amounts, ain't it~?
(Higetsu: Who the hell taught you to think like that-- you know what, never mind, I'd be shooting myself in the foot if I finished that sentence. // Yoko: *giggles, does a victory pose*)
2) Why did you become Commandant in the first place? How did you become a Commandant?
Yoko: Brother and I decided to become a Commandant to honor mom's memory. It sounds kinda childish to have that as a reason to take up a career as dangerous as this, but, at least to me (though I'm sure brother shares the same sentiment as I do), mom was everything to us, so we wanted to experience what she did, see the sights she did-- all the good and bad.
Higetsu: "That person", huh... Speaking of which, the relatively-fresh flowers at that grave--... No, it's nothing. In any case, "that person" took us in as her children after finding us in the remnants of our old home, bringing us back to Babylonia, to her home and husband. Well, things went as you can see, no?
3) How do your Constructs feel about your leadership skills? Are they comfortable with you? Do they fear you?
Higetsu: There's no issues at the moment with either Strike Hawk or Gray Raven. After all, if there was any problem, either Chrome or Lucia would've told me. ...Leading isn't my strongest skill, though, and sometimes they worry me. Actually, scratch that, not sometimes, FREQUENTLY. Haaaahh.
Yoko: Hrmm~... honestly, I'm not entirely too confident with my leadership skills, and the others often say that I'm a bit too lenient when it comes to dealing with Gray Raven, but... they're still people, you know? I don't want them to get hurt too much, but they don't seem to value their own lives as much as I'd wish they do...
4) Do you think the war against the Corrupted will ever come to an end?
Yoko: It will certainly come, I know it. As long as everyone continues to fight for a future, a future where we can all live in peace, then I believe that this war will come to an end. Be it in our lifetime, or the next generation.
Higetsu: ... Honestly speaking, I'm not as optimistic as Yoko. This war has been going on for a century at this point, and we are still barely scratching the surface of our objectives; that and it would seem like a bunch of rats managed to infiltrate the higher-ups. ...In any case, while I do think that the odds are stacked against us, it doesn't mean I don't believe that, one day, this entire hell will come to an end.
5) Are you in love with anyone? What drew you to them?
Higetsu: ....No comment.
Yoko: Brother~~!! It's no fun if you don't answer a harmless question like this~~!! Or do you want me to talk about your ex-penpal--
Higetsu: I evoke my right to remain silent, and DON'T YOU DARE- LIKE I KEEP SAYING, WE WERE ONLY FRIENDS-- Don't make me not let you come to the Oasis with me next time.
Yoko: Hrrmph...! Fiiine~. In any case, I'll answer here right now. I--
Higetsu: It's Lee. We all know it, you're way too obvious in your affections for him.
Yoko: Ehehe... E-Ehem--! I-In any case~~ the things I like about Lee, gosh, there's so many I might not be able to tell everything (and it would take too long)--!
Higetsu: Then just list off the top 3 things you like about him (to shorten the exposition).
Yoko: Hmmm, top 3 things about Lee, huh.... well, for starters, I like his caring nature; it's not that obvious at first glance, but he really does care about the people around him, so much so that while he may gripe and verbally snark at others, in the end he chooses to do good by them and will protect them. Secondly, I like his focus and determination; he's a man of his word, and he doesn't make promises lightly, seeing them as something that must be upheld in sincerity-- ehe, his face whenever he's working on his tools and machinery is something I can't ever not look at. Thirdly, I like him; he's equally easily flustered and annoyed by a lot of things, but at the same time, he's also very serious and earnest in what he sets out to do; he's not honest with himself, but his actions speak for itself. ....That got long, didn't it?
Higetsu: Very much so.
Yoko: Ehe~.
6) If you had to choose between saving your squad, or saving yourself to make sure you would fight on in their honor, which would you choose?
Yoko: Both. I would save myself and my squad. I won't accept any other option; rather, if there's no other option, then I WILL force that third option in!
Higetsu: Logically speaking, both of my squads would tell me to survive and live another day, and I would agree with that. ...However, such a thing doesn't sit well with me. Even if there's only the tiniest sliver of a possibility that I could save them, no matter how reckless or dangerous it may be, then I'd save the Strike Hawks and Gray Ravens.
7) You have to make a difficult choice that will affect your squad and another squad. Which squad do you prioritize? Why?
Higetsu: We can't always save people from out of our reach, so it's best to protect the ones closest to you.
Yoko: But if there's a chance that we could help them, then--
Higetsu: ...I know. ...In the end, it's your choice to do what you think is right, Yoko.
Yoko: ...Yeah. I get it. Brother wants to protect me, Gray Raven, and Strike Hawk, even at the cost of other's lives.... that's why I wish to save the others too.
8) Who is your least favorite Construct/person to be around? Why?
Higetsu: Nanami.
Yoko: EEEHHH!??! Why?! Nanami's fun to be around!!
Higetsu: Shall I list off the reasons?
Yoko: ....Ok you have a point, but she's not at all that bad--!!
Higetsu: True, but the amount of headaches she causes us is just... haaaah.
Yoko: Ah, you're starting to sound like Watanabe. Is Brother becoming an uncle now? (laughs)
Higetsu: ...I'm leaving.
Yoko: Wait I was just kidding-- brother-- BROTHER--!!! (We're not even finished with answering the questions yet~!!)
Higetsu: Just kidding.
Yoko: Really--!! (pout)
Higetsu: (amused chuckle) What about you, Yoko?
Yoko: Eh? Me? Hmm.... I suppose... it would have to be Gabriel. It's a first that I'm saying this but, I really do hate him.
Higetsu: ... Don't worry, I can say the same thing.
9) What other Commandants would you like to meet? (a clear invitation for you to involve any of my Commandants lol, because I'm always up for interacting with others)
Yoko: I'm always happy to meet other Commandants~. It's always nice to meet your colleagues whenever, especially during off-work hours.
Higetsu: Except Vanessa though. I'd rather not deal with her again.
Yoko: Ehehe... Brother, you're making a scary face right now~. In any case, I've always wanted to meet Qiu, Ash, Xiao, Kyrie, and Noir!
Higetsu: Aaaah, them. They're interesting people, not gonna lie.
10) What will you do once the war is over? Will you miss leading your squad, or will you be happy that the war is over?
Higetsu: What will I do after the war is over? ...I haven't actually put any thought into what I would do after this is all over. What about you, Yoko?
Yoko: Hmmm... honestly, I wanna join the Association of Arts, specifically the Archaeological team! Because, you know, by then, there would be no more worry of the Punishing attacking, and we could finally be able to recover in peace the remnants of the Golden Age. I want to see it all-- what other stuff left have we not unearthed from the sands of time, what potential wonders are there left from the past. ...And of course, I wanna settle down with Lee someday too, ehe.
Higetsu: I see. You've really thought about this through, huh.
Yoko: Only a little, and just fairly recently. ...Not gonna lie, I'm gonna end up missing these days; where we're all together, even through pain and suffering, because there are still a lot of good moments to cherish.
Higetsu: But it doesn't mean that you have to cut off your connections, now does it. So long as you still value them wholeheartedly and sincerely, those bonds you hold close to you will never die out.
Yoko: Aaawww, brother, you're being finally honest~! (pokes)
Higetsu: ....Shut it. (pout)
Yoko: What about you, brother? What're you gonna do after the war ends?
Higetsu: Like I said, I don't know, since I haven't thought of it yet. ...But, I suppose quietly settling down somewhere would be nice.
Yoko: Oh, right, speaking of which-- didn't Watanabe extend an offer for us to join the Oasis? ...Don't tell me, brother is thinking--
Higetsu: No, I am not.
Yoko: But you ARE thinking about it, yes?
Higetsu: ....
Yoko: Hehe~. To be fair, the Oasis isn't so bad. The people there are really nice and warm. They really do seem to be people just trying to live and get by, helping and supporting each other.
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dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
shoutout to @punishing-gray-raven-ocs for this ask game~!!
original post is here
god, this became much longer since i now i have 5 PGR OCs, ahahaah :'DDDD
1) Are you excited about Autumn starting? Why or why not?
Yoko: Of course~! After all, who wouldn't be excited to either sleep an extra hour in or just be around the people you love, all cozy indoors~.
Higetsu: Looks like things will become noisy again, but I don't mind it. After all, it's fine to have fun every once in a while.
Artemisia: I personally do not mind it. What comes and goes, will come and go. Such is the seasons, after all.
Pollux: Halloween~! Hot cocoa with 'mallows~! Food~! Hehe, so many things to choose from, wonder what I'll prepare for Castor~. Maybe if I ask Teacher for an extra day off, she wouldn't mind.
Castor: Uncertain. Castor has no opinions regarding the changing of seasons. It is simply a natural order of the world.
2) If you are excited about Autumn, what is your favorite Autumn activity?
Yoko: Seasonal activities aren't complete without any festivals~!! You name it, I'm gonna try out everything! Halloween is definitely a part of the fun~.
Higetsu: I'm already expecting both Yoko and Kamui to drag me into any and all celebrations they can join and come across, so scratch sleeping an entire day off from my list.
Artemisia: In the past I used to bake seasonal pies to share with my friends and family whenever Autumn arrived...... haaah. It's been so long. Apologies, don't mind my answer.
Pollux: Castor and I used to roast chestnuts whenever we could, hehe~. Even to this day, I can still remember the smell of the last chestnuts we roasted as humans. Ah, of course, I'm pretty confident in my pumpkin carving skills-- you'll regret doubting my abilities, haha~!
Castor: No comment. Castor has no preferences for any activities. ... However... it might be nice to... attend an Autumnal festival along with brother, Teacher, and everyone........ no, it is nothing. Do forget about it.
3) How would you like to enjoy Autumn once the war is over?
Yoko: Of course, I'd invite everyone to a slumber party back at home. There's a lot of guest rooms that we haven't used in a long time, so everyone can either share a room or have their own~! ... Ah, but I'd probably have to ask dad, er, father about that.
Higetsu: After the war Autumn celebrations, huh.... haven't really thought about that. ... Maybe, I'll sleep an entire day away? Then plan out a relatively small get-together between Gray Raven and Strike Hawk.
Artemisia: ..... I have no plans yet. But... it would be nice to just spend the day with the kids(Pollux and Castor), taking them on an outdoor trip, or even just a peaceful stroll and shopping spree in the stores
Pollux: Mhrrmmm.... Argh, too many things to decide on~!! I'm decide then!!! But I'll definitely make sure Castor survives until then, so we can experience an Autumn where he can live a peaceful life again.
Castor: I....... Castor is.... uncertain. After the war... Castor has never thought about what to do after the war. What does Teacher and brother have to say about this? ....Is that so? Then I will follow their guidance.
4) Do you enjoy Pumpkin Spice-scented foods and/or products?
Yoko: Hehe, yeah~. Ah, I'm not a glutton though! Even I can't eat too much without hurting my stomach, uuuh.
Higetsu: Just to an alright amount. I'm not so crazy over such things that I'd eat them almost constantly you know.
Artemisia: Hm, perhaps just a little. It's fine to enjoy such delicacies every once in a while.
Pollux: ALL OF IT~!! Ahaha, sorry sorry~. But the more the merrier, right, right? Plus, that means there's all the more I can pretend I can't to eat anymore so I can give to both Castor and Teacher~.
Castor: No comment. It is simply a matter of which is the most appealing to my taste and smell regulations, that is all.
5) Are you going to decorate your dorm for Autumn or Halloween?
Yoko: Naturally~! Gray Raven will celebrate Autumn, and I'm already planning out our Halloween decor layouts with Lucia, Liv, and Lee.
Higetsu: Kamui already begged me and Chrome earlier if Strike Hawk could also decor the base with seasonal decorations. I didn't mind it, and though Chrome needed just a bit more pleading, he was fine with it so long as everyone cleaned up the place once the season is ending.
Artemisia: I've already given Pollux and Castor permission to decorate the base as they see fit. I trust that they won't go too overboard.
Pollux: That's such an obvious question with an obvious answer~. Of course we will! Teacher's already given us the go-ahead to decorate the Aegis squad, and we already have the decor ready~. Castor and I'll begin right after this interview.
Castor: Affirmative. Brother wished to celebrate the Autumn season and Halloween, thus we are to put up decorations in our base soon.
6) Hot cocoa or pumpkin spice latte. Which one would you pick, and why?
Yoko: It's gotta be pumpkin spice latte! Hehe, the foam one reason, but the taste is the best part! I hear people say it's too sweet for them, but personally I think it's fine? Mhm, well, everyone's preferences are different after all, so I don't judge~.
Higetsu: Hot cocoa, although pumpkin spice latte is alright too. It's nothing much really, I just prefer the taste of cocoa over the latte.
Artemisia: I have no preferences for either. If anyone were to offer me one of the two, then I'd take the one they're willing to give away.
Pollux: Both! Because Castor likes both, I can just buy either of the two and we can just have one of each. Hehe, don't tell Castor this, but I can tell that he enjoys having hot cocoa with 'mallows, so I often sneakily put in at least a few of them in his drink when I can~.
Castor: .............both. I... Castor is uncertain. The flavor of the beverages simply taste exquisite. That is all. ....but hot cocoa with marshmallows dipped in... I am uncertain as to why, but my chest is heating up at the thought of it.
7) If you're a Commandant, are you throwing any Autumn or Halloween related activities for your squad?
Yoko: Naturally! Lucia, Liv, and Lee all deserve to have have fun and enjoy the season too! They keep pushing themselves to do a lot, and I wanted to give them even just a bit of fun before going back to work.
Higetsu: ....So what if I am. Everyone at Strike Hawk has been working hard, so is it such a surprising thing that I want them to also take a time-off and enjoy themselves? ... Don't you dare tell them though.
Artemisia: Certainly. Although it's been a long time since I threw any Halloween or Autumn-related parties, even a simple celebration of the seasons would suffice. ... But if those two want a grander celebration, then, I suppose I could ask "that person" for a favor or two.
8) What would be the perfect Autumn-themed date for you?
Yoko: Hmmm, there's so many choices for that~.... but spending the day inside the cozy indoors with Lee doesn't seem like a bad idea either... hehe~. But it would also be nice to go out and have a picnic with everyone, just having fun.
Higetsu: Making jack-o'-lanterns, having a horror movie marathon night, going shopping for Halloween costumes and other related stuff, making seasonal pies and donuts.... What? I'm only saying these because Kamui's a huge bubble of energy, so he most certainly would wanna do a lot of things for a "date". ...It's not that I wouldn't enjoy it either though.
Artemisia: A date? No comment. I have no time for such things. Besides... I'm not qualified for such normal and mundane peaceful activities.
Pollux: Bzzzt-!! Nobody will be taking anyone on a date here~! Ah, but an outing with Castor and Teacher word be nice though. I wanna see those two happy, since they're... bah, nevermind. You heard nothing~.
Castor: Negative. A date is an event one goes with a lover, is it not? Then Castor is unable to go to one. ....Hm? You can go on a date with either friends and/or family instead? Is that so. ... Then, perhaps going to a carnival would be nice with brother and Teacher would be nice...
9) Do you enjoy rainy weather, or does it make you gloomy?
Yoko: Well, so long as it's just a light rain or a heavy rain that doesn't last long. The best part of the rain is afterwards, provided the weather didn't disrupt the surroundings too much, aha~.
Higetsu: I don't have any particular feelings towards the rainy weather to be honest. ...Except for the fact that it makes me feel a bit drowsy, damnit.
Artemisia: The rain, huh.... the weather has given me both joyous and grieving moments. I don't hate it, but I don't like it either.
Pollux: I hate the rain. ...Shut up, I won't elaborate why. Move on to the next question before I tear your throat out.
Castor: I.... I don't have fond memories of the rain. But if a mission requires to trudge through even rain, then so be it.
10) Cuddling up next to your favorite partner, on a rainy afternoon, while watching your favorite movies. Would you enjoy this activity? Why or why not?
Yoko: Ehehe~. Is it that obvious I'd enjoy experiencing that with Lee? Honestly, anything I get to experience with Lee would become a good memory, because it means that we're still together, by each other's side then.
Higetsu: Yes. Ah, wait, no I didn't mean to answer that so quickly-- oi, what's with that smirk on your face!? Quit it, you--!! And don't you dare tell Kamui anything I've said here!!!
Artemisia: That sounds like a lovely scenario, I'm sure everyone would enjoy for that to happen. ...That is why I must work harder for that future, for everyone's sake. ...Hm? What about me then, you ask? .... It matters not. So long as I can preserve the happiness of others and their loved ones... then I can get through anything.
Pollux: Something so mundane and tranquil as that.... heh. Not everyone's deserving of that~. But, it would really be something if Castor were to ever finally experience something like that, Teacher too. 'S why I want them to find even the smallest bit of happiness in this crappy world. ....Oi, cut out that footage afterwards and don't share it, else I'll kill you. Heh, am I joking or not~ that's the question~.
Castor: Negative. This scenario requires a lover for this to occur. As Castor has none, then Castor cannot answer this question. ...Hm? Then choose someone close to you instead? A fine alternative. .... would it be alright if I answered a group? Specifically.... the Gray Ravens, Strike Hawks, brother, and Teacher....
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