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pokesweets · 7 years
Cookbook 2....
I havent been posting anymore because im struggling to find new data.
I was hoping i could soon post again with a bunch of additions but this’ll do:
001. Brownisaur (Bulbasaur) 002. Chocosaur (Ivysaur) 003. Fudgasaur (Venusaur) +mega cherry 004. Strawander (Charmander) 005. Straweleon (Charmeleon) 006. Strawizard (Charizard) +mega s.berry (+banana type) 007. Squirpie (Squirtle) 008. Tartortle (Wartortle) 009. Piestoise (Blastoise) +mega apple 010. Panzeal (Pansage) 011. Simizeal (Simisage) 012. Panspritz (Pansear) 013. Simispritz (Simisear) 014. Pancott (Panpour) 015. Simicott (Simipour) 016. Starberry (starly) 017.____ (staravia) 018._____(staraptor) 019. Rattatart (Rattata) 020. Raticake (Raticate) 021. Spearnana (Spearow) 022. Fearnana (Fearow) 023. Migum (Ekans) 024. Goman (Arbok) 025. Popsichu (Pikachu) 026. Raicicle (Raichu) 027. Shrewberry (Sandshrew) 028. Slashberry (Sandslash) 029. Angerian (NidoranF) 030. Angerina (Nidorina) 031. Angequeen (Nidoqueen) 032. Deviran (NidoranM) 033. Devino (Nidorino) 034. Deviking (Nidoking) 035. Cupfairy (Clefairy) 036. Cupfable (Clefable) 037. Vulpie (Vulpix) 038. Pietales (Ninetales) 039. Creampuff (Jigglypuff) 040. Creamtuff (Wigglytuff) 041. Sherbat (Noibat) 042. Shervern (Noivern) 043. Oddfin (Oddish) 044. Muffloom (Gloom) 045. Vilefin (Vileplume) 046. Cupras (Paras) 047. Paracake (Parasect) 048. Cottonat (Venonat) 049. Cottomoth (Venomoth) 050. Diggum (Diglett) 051. Dugdrop (Dugtrio) 052. Meowffin (Mewoth) 053. Cupcat (Persian) 054. Pieduck (Psyduck) 055. Golpie (Golduck) 056. 057. 058. 059. 060. 061. 062. 063. Chabra (Abra) 064. Chadabra (Kadabra) 065. Alakabake (Alakazam) 066. Chefchop (Machop) 067. Chefchoke (Machoke) 068. Chefchamp (Machamp) 069. Bellnut (Bellsprout) 070. Weepeanut (Weepinbell) 071. Victreenut (Victreebel) 072. Icefish (Frillish) 073. Cweamicent (Jellicent) 074. Berrydude (Geodude) 075. Berryler (Graveler) 076. Berryem (Golem) 077. 078. 079. Canesal (sneasal) 080. Weacane (weavile) 081. Strawink (shinx) 082. Strawxio (luxio) 083. Strawray (luxray) 084. Puffduo (Doduo) 085. Puffdrio (Dodrio) 086. Phangum (Phantump) 087. Gumminant (Trevenant) 088. 089. 090. 091. 092. Gascream (Gastly) 093. Hauntice (Haunter) 094. Creamgar (Gengar) 095. Emolpie (Emolga) 096. Flanzee (Drowzee) 097. Hyplfan (Hypno) 098. Lolliby (Krabby) 099. Suckler (Kingler) 100. Caratorb (Voltorb) 101. Caratrode (Electrode) 102. Exemel (Exeggcute) 103. Exeramel (Exeggutor) 104. Cupop (Cubone) 105. Lolliwak (Marowak) + mega pop 106. 107. 108. 109. Cherring (koffing) 110. Cherrzing(weezing) 111. Creamhorn (Rhyhorn) 112. Creamdon (Rhydon) 113. 114. 115. Kangascake (kangaskan)
116. 117. 118. Cookeen (Goldeen) 119. Seakie (Seaking) 120. Carobyu (staryu) 121. Carobmie (starmie) 122. Berrier (mr. Mime) 123. Lipsynx (jynx) 124. Rootic (Joltik) 125. Rootantula (Galvantula) 126. 127. 128. 129. Gumble (dwebble)
130. Gumballer (crustle) 131. Lempras (Lapras) + mega pie 132. Puditto (ditto) 133. Bananaby (Vullaby) 134. Bananabuzz (Mandibuzz) 135. 136. 137. 138. Mintanyte (Omanyte) 139. Mintastar (Omastar) 140. Lemeod (Kabuto) 141. Odmelon (Kabutops) 142. Marshlax (munchlax) 143. Smorelax (Snorlax) 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. Licorita (Chikorita) 153. Leaforice (Bayleef) 154. Liganium (Meganium) 155. 156. 157. 158. Nanadile (Totodile) 159. Crocnana (Croconaw) 160. Nanagatr (Feraligatr) 161. Mintret (Sentret) 162. Furmint (Furret) 163. Sherzel (Buizel) 164. Bertzel (Floatzel) 165. 166. 167. Spinacake (Spinarak) 168. Ariacake (Ariados) 169. 170. 171. 172. Banvy (Snivy) 173. Servana (Servine) 174. Banperior (Serperior) 175. 176. 178. 179. Chocowool (Mareep) 180. Chocofluff (Flaaffy) 181. Candaros (Ampharos) 182. Cottibebe (flabebe) 183. Cottiette (floriette) 184. Cottiges (florges) 185. 186. 187. Grapig (tepig) 188. Igrape (pignite) 189. Wineboar (emboar) 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. Gligrape (Gligar) 200. Gliscrape (Gliscor) 201. 202. Popbuffett (Wobuffett) 203. Tartafarig (Girafarig) 204. 205. 206. 207. Candix (Onix) 208. Candilix (Steelix) 209. Lickchef (Lickitung) 210. Berochef (Lickilicky) 211. Qwillapple (qwilfish) 212. 213. Pinekle (Shuckle) 214. Canesel (Sneasel) 215. Weacane (Weavile) 216. Gummiursa (Teddiursa) 217. Gummaring (Ursaring) 218. Duslug (Slugma) 219. Slugnut (Magcargo) 220. 221. 222. Candila (Corsola) 223. Gumchoo ( gubchoo) 224. Gumtic (beartic) 225. 226. 227. Parfit (litwick) 228. Parfure (lampent) 229. Parfelure (chandelure) 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. Smicing (smeargle) 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. Chocotank (Miltank) 242. 243. Rocanrola (roggenrola) 244. Candore (boldore) 245. Gigalick (gigalith) 246. Oshacone (oshawott) 247. Dewice ( dewott) 248. Samurcone (samurott) 249. Lemokie (froakie) 250. Lemodier (frogadier) 251. Leminja (greninja) 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Mudpie (Mudkip) 259. Customp (Marshtomp) 260. Swamptart (Swampert) 261. 262. 263. Cookiegoon (zigzagoon) 264. Cookinoone(linoone) 265. Cupvee a (Eevee) 266. Cherreon (flareon) fire candy a 267. Lemeon (jolteon) bolt candy a 268. Vapeareon (vaporeon) water candy a 269. Beigeon (sylveon) leaf candy a(for some reason) 270. Cupvee b (the other eevee) 271. Plumbreon (umbreon) fire candy b 272. Grapeon (espeon) bolt candy b 273. Chocoleon (leafeon) water candy b 274. Vanilleon (glaceon) leaf candy b (cuz leaf doesnt give leafeon……wut?) 275. 276. Peepow (Taillow) 277. Swellpeep (Swellow) 278. Candipass (nosepass) 279. 280. Malts (Ralts) 281. Kirlicake (Kirlia) 282. Velvevior (Gardevior) 283. 284. 285. Marmish (Shroomish) 286. Smorloom (Breloom) 287. Peepling (Fletchling) 288. Peepinder (Fletchinder) 289. Talonpeep (Talonflame) 290. 291. 292. 293. Slownana (slowpoke) 294. Slowbagel (slowbro) 295. Donaught (slowking) 296. Gingett (golett) 297. Golingurk (golurk) 298. 299. 300. Skittart (Skitty) 301. Delcandy (Delcatty) 302. Candeye (Sableye) 303. Mawana (Mawile) 304. 305. 306. 307. Mediblue (Meditite) 308. Mediberry (Medicham) 309. Polyorange (porygon) 310. Polyblue (porygon 2) 311. Razle (plusle) 312._______(probably minun) 313. Chocobud/Rosebud (Budew) 314. Appelia (Roselia) 315. Roseolate/Chocorade (Roserade) 316. Applin (Gulpin) 317. Swalapple (Swalot) 318. Skitto (Skiddo) 319. Gogoart (Gogoat) 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Tortoal (Torkoal) 325. 326. 327. Cookbun (spinda) 328. Trapple (trapinch) 329. Slicava (vibrava) 330. Orchidon (flygon) 331. Woocherry (Woobat) 332. Cherrbat (Swoobat) 333. 334. 335. Flangoose (Zangoose) 336. Sevipop (Seviper) 337. Cherrp- yes 2 r’s) (cherubi) 338. Cherrysun (cherrim) 339. Slugnana (shellos) 340. Bananos (gastrodon) 341. 342. 343. Chocomite (bergmite) 344. Chocolugg (avalugg) 345. 346. 347. Limeshroom (foongus) 348. Shroompie (amoongus) 349. ——– (Febass) 350. Alluretic (Milotic) 351. Candform (Castform) 352. 353. Cornet (Shuppet) 354. Pumpkinette (Banette) + mega pumpkin 355. Riolish (riolu) 356. Licario (lucario) 357. Tropinana (Tropius) 358. Velvekin (Fennekin) 359. Velvexien (Braixen) 360. Velvephox (Delphox) 361. Snocone (Snorunt) 361. Glaceream (Glalie) 362. 363. Puddeal (spheal) 364. Puddleo (sealeo) 365. Flamberein (walrein) 366. 367. 368. 369. Heartisk (luvdisk) 370. 371. Gelly (goomy) 372. Gellroo (sliggoo) 373. Gelldra (goodra) 374. Chocolite (Vanillite) 375. Chocolish (Vanillish) 376. Chocoluxe (Vanilluxe) 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386.
Thank you for the additions!
-- Mod Rafe
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kouhei11591159 · 7 years
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kho phangum LOVE
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pokesweets · 7 years
2th cookbook list
Searched on several places and this is what i got so far:
001. Brownisaur (Bulbasaur) 002. Chocosaur (Ivysaur) 003. Fudgasaur (Venusaur) +mega cherry 004. Strawander (Charmander) 005. Straweleon (Charmeleon) 006. Strawizard (Charizard) +mega s.berry 007. Squirpie (Squirtle) 008. Tartortle (Wartortle) 009. Piestoise (Blastoise) +mega apple
010. Panzeal (Pansage) 011. Simizeal (Simisage) 012. Panspritz (Pansear) 013. Simispritz (Simisear) 014. Pancott (Panpour) 015. Simicott (Simipour) 016. Starberry (starly) 017.____ (staravia) 018._____(staraptor) 019. Rattatart (Rattata) 020. Raticake (Raticate) 021. Spearnana (Spearow) 022. Fearnana (Fearow) 023. Migum (Ekans) 024. Goman (Arbok) 025. Popsichu (Pikachu) 026. Riacicle (Raichu) 027. Shrewberry (Sandshrew) 028. Slashberry (Sandslash) 029. Angerian (NidoranF) 030. Angerina (Nidorina) 031. Angequeen (Nidoqueen) 032. Deviran (NidoranM) 033. Devino (Nidorino) 034. Deviking (Nidoking) 035. Cupfairy (Clefairy) 036. Cupfable (Clefable) 037. Vulpie (Vulpix) 038. Pietales (Ninetales) 039. Creampuff (Jigglypuff) 040. Creamtuff (Wigglytuff) 041. Sherbat (Noibat) 042. Shervern (Noivern) 043. Oddfin (Oddish) 044. Muffloom (Gloom) 045. Vilefin (Vileplume) 046. Cupras (Paras) 047. Paracake (Parasect) 048. Cottonat (Venonat) 049. Cottomoth (Venomoth) 050. Diggum (Diglett) 051. Dugdrop (Dugtrio) 052. Meowffin (Mewoth) 053. Cupcat (Persian) 054. Pieduck (Psyduck) 055. Golpie (Golduck) 056. 057. 058. 059. 060. 061. 062. 063. Chabra (Abra) 064. Chadabra (Kadabra) 065. Alakabake (Alakazam) 066. Chefchop (Machop) 067. Chefchoke (Machoke) 068. Chefchamp (Machamp) 069. Bellnut (Bellsprout) 070. Weepeanut (Weepinbell) 071. Victreenut (Victreebel) 072. Icefish (Frillish) 073. Cweamicent (Jellicent) 074. Berrydude (Geodude) 075. Berryler (Graveler) 076. Berryem (Golem) 077. 078. 079. Canesal (sneasal) 080. Weacane (weavile) 081. Strawink (shinx) 082. Strawxio (luxio) 083. Strawray (luxray) 084. Puffduo (Doduo) 085. Puffdrio (Dodrio) 086. Phangum (Phantump) 087. Gumminant (Trevenant) 088. 089. 090. 091. 092. Gascream (Gastly) 093. Hauntice (Haunter) 094. Creamgar (Gengar) 095. Emolpie (Emolga) 096. Flanzee (Drowzee) 097. Hyplfan (Hypno) 098. Lolliby (Krabby) 099. Suckler (Kingler) 100. Caratorb (Voltorb) 101. Caratrode (Electrode) 102. Exemel (Exeggcute) 103. Exeramel (Exeggutor) 104. Cupop (Cubone) 105. Lolliwak (Marowak) 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. Creamhorn (Rhyhorn) 112. Creamdon (Rhydon) 113. 114. 115. Kangascake (kangaskan)
116. 117. 118. Cookeen (Goldeen) 119. Seakie (Seaking) 120. Carobyu (staryu) 121. Carobmie (starmie) 122. Berrier (mr. Mime) 123. Lipsynx (jynx) 124. Rootic (Joltik) 125. Rootantula (Galvantula) 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. Lempras (Lapras) 132. Puditto (ditto) 133. Bananaby (Vullaby) 134. Bananabuzz (Mandibuzz) 135. 136. 137. 138. Mintanyte (Omanyte) 139. Mintastar (Omastar) 140. Lemeod (Kabuto) 141. Odmelon (Kabutops) 142. Marshlax (munchlax) 143. Smorelax (Snorlax) 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. Licorita (Chikorita) 153. Leaforice (Bayleef) 154. Liganium (Meganium) 155. 156. 157. 158. Nanadile (Totodile) 159. Crocnana (Croconaw) 160. Nanagatr (Feraligatr) 161. Mintret (Sentret) 162. Furmint (Furret) 163. Sherzel (Buizel) 164. Bertzel (Floatzel) 165. 166. 167. Spinacake (Spinarak) 168. Ariacake (Ariados) 169. 170. 171. 172. Banvy (Snivy) 173. Servana (Servine) 174. Banperior (Serperior) 175. 176. 178. 179. Chocowool (Mareep) 180. Chocofluff (Flaaffy) 181. Candaros (Ampharos) 182. Cottibebe (flabebe) 183. Cottiette (floriette) 184. Cottiges (florges) 185. 186. 187. Grapig (tepig) 188. Igrape (pignite) 189. Wineboar (emboar) 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. Gligrape (Gligar) 200. Gliscrape (Gliscor) 201. 202. Popbuffett (Wobuffett) 203. Tartafarig (Girafarig) 204. 205. 206. 207. Candix (Onix) 208. Candilix (Steelix) 209. Lickchef (Lickitung) 210. Berochef (Lickilicky) 211. 212. 213. Pineckle (Shuckle) 214. Canesel (Sneasel) 215. Weacane (Weavile) 216. Gummiursa (Teddiursa) 217. Gummaring (Ursaring) 218. Duslug (Slugma) 219. Slugnut (Magcargo) 220. 221. 222. Candila (Corsola) 223. Gumchoo ( gubchoo) 224. Gumtic (beartic) 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. Chocotank (Miltank) 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. Oshacone (oshawott) 247. Dewice ( dewott) 248. Samurcone (samurott) 249. Lemokie (froakie) 250. Lemodier (frogadier) 251. Leminja (greninja) 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Mudpie (Mudkip) 259. Customp (Marshtomp) 260. Swamptart (Swampert) 261. 262. 263. Cookiegoon (zigzagoon) 264. Cookinoone(linoone) 265. Cupvee a (Eevee) 266. Cherreon (flareon) fire candy a 267. Lemeon (jolteon) bolt candy a 268. Vapeareon (vaporeon) water candy a 269. Beigeon (sylveon) leaf candy a(for some reason) 270. Cupvee b (the other eevee) 271. Plumbreon (umbreon) fire candy b 272. Grapeon (espeon) bolt candy b 273. Chocoleon (leafeon) water candy b 274. Vanilleon (glaceon) leaf candy b (cuz leaf doesnt give leafeon……wut?) 275. 276. Peepow (Taillow) 277. Swellpeep (Swellow) 278. Candipass (nosepass) 279. 280. Malts (Ralts) 281. Kirlicake (Kirlia) 282. Velvevior (Gardevior) 283. 284. 285. Marmish (Shroomish) 286. Smorloom (Breloom) 287. Peepling (Fletchling) 288. Peepinder (Fletchinder) 289. Talonpeep (Talonflame) 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. Donaught (slowking) 296. Gingett (golett) 297. Golingurk (golurk) 298. 299. 300. Skittart (Skitty) 301. Delcandy (Delcatty) 302. Candeye (Sableye) 303. Mawana (Mawile) 304. 305. 306. 307. Mediblue (Meditite) 308. Mediberry (Medicham) 309. Polyorange (porygon) 310. Polyblue (porygon 2) 311. Razle (plusle) 312._______(probably minun)7 313. Chocobud/Rosebud (Budew) 314. Appelia (Roselia) 315. Roseolate/Chocorade (Roserade) 316. Applin (Gulpin) 317. Swalapple (Swalot) 318. Skitto (Skiddo) 319. Gogoart (Gogoat) 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Tortoal (Torkoal) 325. 326. 327. Cookbun (spinda) 328. 329. 330. 331. Woocherry (Woobat) 332. Cherrbat (Swoobat) 333. 334. 335. Flangoose (Zangoose) 336. Sevipop (Seviper) 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. Chocomite (bergmite) 344. Chocolugg (avalugg) 345. 346. 347. Limeshroom (foongus) 348. Shroompie (amoongus) 349. ——– (Febass) 350. Alluretic (Milotic) 351. Candform (Castform) 352. 353. Cornet (Shuppet) 354. Pumpkinette (Banette) 355. 356. 357. Tropinana (Tropius) 358. Velvekin (Fennekin) 359. Velvexien (Braixen) 360. Velvephox (Delphox) 361. Snocone (Snorunt) 361. Glaceream (Glalie) 362. 363. Puddeal (spheal) 364. Puddleo (sealeo) 365. Flamberein (walrein) 366. 367. 368. 369. Heartisk (luvdisk) 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. Chocolite (Vanillite) 375. Chocolish (Vanillish) 376. Chocoluxe (Vanilluxe) 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386.
Thanks for the additions!
-- Mod Rafe
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pokesweets · 8 years
Sweet 2th Cookbook (Potential Spoilers)
I am currently trying to figure out what order the Pokesweets appear in the Sweet 2th Cookbook this is what I have been able to put together thus far:
001. Brownisaur (Bulbasaur) 002. Chocosaur (Ivysaur) 003. Fudgesaur (Venusaur) 004. Strawander (Charmander) 005. Straweleon (Charmeleon) 006. Strawizard (Charizard) 007. Squirpie (Squirtle) 008. Tartortle (Wartortle) 009. Piestoise (Blastoise) 010. Panzeal (Pansage) 011. Simizeal (Simisage) 012. Panspritz (Pansear) 013. Simispritz (Simisear) 014. Pancott (Panpour) 015. Simicott (Simipour) 016. 017. 018. 019. Rattatart (Rattata) 020. Raticake (Raticate) 021. Spearnana (Spearow) 022. Fearnana (Fearow) 023. Migum (Ekans) 024. Goman (Arbok) 025. Popsichu (Pikachu) 026. Riacicle (Raichu) 027. Shrewberry (Sandshrew) 028. Slashberry (Sandslash) 029. Angerian (NidoranF) 030. Angerina (Nidorina) 031. Angequeen (Nidoqueen) 032. Deviran (NidoranM) 033. Devino (Nidorino) 034. Deviking (Nidoking) 035. Cupfairy (Clefairy) 036. Cupfable (Clefable) 037. Vulpie (Vulpix) 038. Pietales (Ninetales) 039. Creampuff (Jigglypuff) 040. Creamtuff (Wigglytuff) 041. Sherbat (Noibat) 042. Shervern (Noivern) 043. Oddfin (Oddish) 044. Muffloom (Gloom) 045. Vilefin (Vileplume) 046. Cupras (Paras) 047. Paracake (Parasect) 048. Cottonat (Venonat) 049. Cottomoth (Venomoth) 050. Diggum (Diglett) 051. Dugdrop (Dugtrio) 052. Meowffin (Mewoth) 053. Cupcat (Persian) 054. Pieduck (Psyduck) 055. Golpie (Golduck) 056. 057. 058. 059. 060. 061. 062. 063. Chabra (Abra) 064. Chadabra (Kadabra) 065. Alakabake (Alakazam) 066. Chefchop (Machop) 067. Chefchoke (Machoke) 068. Chefchamp (Machamp) 069. Bellnut (Bellsprout) 070. Weepeanut (Weepinbell) 071. Victreenut (Victreebel) 072. Icefish (Frillish) 073. Cweamicent (Jellicent) 074. Berrydude (Geodude) 075. Berryler (Graveler) 076. Berryem (Golem) 077. 078. 079. Slownana (Slowpoke) 080. Slowbagel (Slowbro) 081. 082. 083. 084. Puffduo (Doduo) 085. Puffdrio (Dodrio) 086. Phangum (Phantump) 087. Gumminant (Trevenant) 088. 089. 090. 091. 092. Gascream (Gastly) 093. Hauntice (Haunter) 094. Creamgar (Gengar) 095. Emolpie (Emolga) 096. Flanzee (Drowzee) 097. Hyplfan (Hypno) 098. Lolliby (Krabby) 099. Suckler (Kingler) 100. Caratorb (Voltorb) 101. Caratrode (Electrode) 102. Exemel (Exeggcute) 103. Exeramel (Exeggutor) 104. Cupop (Cubone) 105. Lolliwak (Marowak) 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. Creamhorn (Rhyhorn) 112. Creamdon (Rhydon) 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. Cookeen (Goldeen) 119. Seakie (Seaking) 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. Rootic (Joltik) 125. Rootantula (Galvantula) 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. Lempras (Lapras) 132. 133. Bananaby (Vullaby) 134. Bananabuzz (Mandibuzz) 135. 136. 137. 138. Mintanyte (Omanyte) 139. Mintastar (Omastar) 140. Lemeod (Kabuto) 141. Odmelon (Kabutops) 142. 143. Smorelax (Snorlax) 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. Licorita (Chikorita) 153. Leaforice (Bayleef) 154. Liganium (Meganium) 155. 156. 157. 158. Nanadile (Totodile) 159. Crocnana (Croconaw) 160. Nanagatr (Feraligatr) 161. Mintret (Sentret) 162. Furmint (Furret) 163. Sherzel (Buizel) 164. Bertzel (Floatzel) 165. 166. 167. Spinacake (Spinarak) 168. Ariacake (Ariados) 169. 170. 171. 172. Banvy (Snivy) 173. Servana (Servine) 174. Banperior (Serperior) 175. 176. 178. 179. Chocowool (Mareep) 180. Chocofluff (Flaaffy) 181. Candaros (Ampharos) 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. Gligrape (Gligar) 200. Gliscrape (Gliscor) 201. 202. Popbuffett (Wobuffett) 203. Tartafarig (Girafarig) 204. 205. 206. 207. Candix (Onix) 208. Candilix (Steelix) 209. Lickchef (Lickitung) 210. Berochef (Lickilicky) 211. 212. 213. Pineckle (Shuckle) 214. Canesel (Sneasel) 215. Weacane (Weavile) 216. Gummiursa (Teddiursa) 217. Gummaring (Ursaring) 218. Duslug (Slugma) 219. Slugnut (Magcargo) 220. 221. 222. Candila (Corsola) 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. Chocotank (Miltank) 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Mudpie (Mudkip) 259. Customp (Marshtomp) 260. Swamptart (Swampert) 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. Cupvee a (Eevee) 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. Peepow (Taillow) 277. Swellpeep (Swellow) 278. 279. 280. Malts (Ralts) 281. Kirlicake (Kirlia) 282. Velvevior (Gardevior) 283. 284. 285. Marmish (Shroomish) 286. Smorloom (Breloom) 287. Peepling (Fletchling) 288. Peepinder (Fletchinder) 289. Talonpeep (Talonflame) 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. Skittart (Skitty) 301. Delcandy (Delcatty) 302. Candeye (Sableye) 303. Mawana (Mawile) 304. 305. 306. 307. Mediblue (Meditite) 308. Mediberry (Medicham) 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. Chocobud (Budew) 314. Appelia (Roselia) 315. Roseolate (Roserade) 316. Applin (Gulpin) 317. Swalapple (Swalot) 318. Skitto (Skiddo) 319. Gogoart (Gogoat) 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Tortoal (Torkoal) 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. Woocherry (Woobat) 332. Cherrbat (Swoobat) 333. 334. 335. Flangoose (Zangoose) 336. Sevipop (Seviper) 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. ——– (Febass) 350. Alluretic (Milotic) 351. Candform (Castform) 352. 353. Cornet (Shuppet) 354. Pumpkinette (Banette) 355. 356. 357. Tropinana (Tropius) 358. Velvekin (Fennekin) 359. Velvexien (Braixen) 360. Velvephox (Delphox) 361. Snocone (Snorunt) 361. Glaceream (Glalie) 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. Chocolite (Vanillite) 375. Chocolish (Vanillish) 376. Chocoluxe (Vanilluxe) 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. If anyone can provide me with the dex number of some of the other Pokesweets I would very much appreciate it.
Oh! Thank you very much for this! I haven’t been able to find the time to play through the second game myself and get more Pokesweets, so if anyone can contribute, that’d be great for this blog as well!!
-- Mod Rafe
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kouhei11591159 · 7 years
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