savagewolffury · 5 years
@phantomflirt​ liked your post
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Swoops in to adopt a new lil bro. Who cares if he doesn’t have a Persona verse, just use his crossover verse and everything will be fine!
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murcidea · 5 years
008 / 015. If you haven’t already gotten these.
008. What is their favorite fairy tale? 
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Aesop's fable, Belling the Cat. It's actually something that I cant say is his favorite in the sense that he likes the message but rather it gave him a very big realization in his youth.
People always say that something should be done about bad things but many won't step up and do anything as the world makes it very hard to stand up to many things. 
Its why he sits back and lets bad things happen. He doesn't think many people have the power that can really change the world in a way that matters. 
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?
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Fist for sure. He likes the feeling of violence in his hands. Hes got a lot of pent up rage that hes dying to let the fuck out on a regular. 
Hes also a liddle masochistic so getting into a fight is pretty sexy.
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electricea-a · 5 years
Bringing them a drink.
Unspoken Fluff Starters - Accepting.
Bringing them a drink.
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“Well, that’s it for me,” 
He closes his textbook with a lazy thud and sets down his pencil with a satisfying yawn.  He’d finished most of his homework and he could probably do the rest later but for now, he simply had no motivation left to continue with homework.
…Plus, he couldn’t help but perk up at the undeniable smell of Cafe Leblanc’s coffee.  Even though he wasn’t much of a coffee drinker himself, he couldn’t deny that the Leblanc brew was really something special.
“You make this, yourself…?” He takes the mug from his friend with a grateful nod.  “Don’t tell Boss I said this, but I think you might be catching up to his skills.  You’re getting better and better at this,” He notes, his tone only half joking.
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milquetoastboy · 7 years
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a casino boy for @phantomflirt <3 <3 
[ process video here ]
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fierybud · 7 years
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Commission for @phantomflirt. Thank you so much again! ✨
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thedetectiveofinaba · 7 years
Seduction style
In honour of the V-day 
Your Seduction Style: The Coquette
You are a pro at playing the age old game of hard to get. Your flirting style runs hot and cold, giving just enough to keep them chasing you. Independent and self-sufficient, you don’t need any one person to make you complete. And that independence is exactly what makes people pursue you.
“Umm… This online test could explain why people say they are attracted to me but… playing hard to get? It doesn’t make any sense.”
Tagged by: @aheartdesiringfreedom, @beats-by-yosuke and @egocentricjester (thanks fam! ^^)
Tagging: @littlemissidol, @phantomflirt, @sheepedinrage, @empressofexecution and @psychoticlcve
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himekawamaki · 7 years
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“Give me the bitterest and blackest coffee you have.”
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coffcedad-blog · 7 years
‘!!’ otousan pls
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It’s raining. The kid’s come in sans umbrella.
He sighs, and plops a towel on his head. It’s just been washed, so it’ll be ok for him to rub his hair dry, before he catches a cold.
Ever since Akira came into his life... He’d had his doubts. Sojiro had thought his heart would be occupied by only Futaba but... The kid was a hard worker. And frankly, he was kind. And mature. And...
Really great.
Was he REALLY a delinquent?
He would have seen traces of behavior in him if he was. Maybe he was just really good at hiding it?
... Who was he kidding.
He’s a good kid. And god dammit, he’s actually managed to burrow into his heart and lodge himself there. No one but a chosen few could be considered as such ad not be deemed annoying parasites.
He’s got lunch and coffee ready, just as Akira is pulling out his books to study.
No words need to be said. 
If things could continue on like this, though.... Sojiro would be happy. 
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milquetoastboy · 7 years
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Finally getting to drawing requests!! 💕💕 first one up is for @phantomflirt!!
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xheister · 7 years
@chaosblessed replied to your post://I don’t think you all realize how much I love...
//that includes hypnos too uvu
@milquetoastboy replied to your post://I don’t think you all realize how much I love...
//pls just give them all to me. i need.
@phantomflirt replied to your post://I don’t think you all realize how much I love...
//gathers yours up and just keeps him forever.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 7 years
❝I haven’t been shot in the head nearly enough times to make that sound like a good idea.❞ [ its like this line was made for akira jk jk ]
SENTENCE STARTERS | MASS EFFECT I (adding the link later!)
“…admittedly, that sounded extremely harsh and not a good idea. I see your point.” The team had now a brainstorming session for the possible tactics in ambushing the Shadows and some already voiced ideas were abandoned. One of those ideas had been hers and she was now trying to come up with a more sneaky one.
The wording of that comment made Naoto think a little, then take the comment literally. “Wait, Leader, are you referring that you’ve been shot in the head?”
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Your Yusuke literally is too beautiful for any words I can string together and — I love him. I love him. I love him. I love him. I love him. I love him. I love him. I love hiiiiiim.
*Sobbing* This is the most beautiful, amazing, and soft compliment ever?? I also love your akira?? I love your stuff. You are A+ content.. 
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coffcedad-blog · 7 years
A crime boy lays his head on the counter. He tired.
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he’s gonna put down a cup of coffee for him... and just pats the other’s head before going about his business.
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waxingmoonboy-blog · 7 years
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions.
They won nationals the year before Kamoshida took over the volleyball clubs.  One of the first things Kamoshida did was try to get rid of the trophies from the track and volleyball clubs, but Mishima actually managed to sneak that one home.  He hasn’t returned it, because it was thought lost in Kamoshida’s attempts to destroy the clubs, and he hasn’t had the courage to just bring it back himself.
But it does make him feel a bit better.
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milquetoastboy · 7 years
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@phantomflirt 💕'd for a doodle!! He's checking himself out jsyk
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pannthxr · 7 years
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ann’s beauty && she’s grace. She’ll throw fire in your face~? ✨
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