#phantoms&fireflies aj
dearcauti0n · 2 months
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Some better designs of these gods for animal jam.
I find them all really pretty.
Anyways lore drop ⬇️
Obviously you can see some sides in this, and they're both for different views on animals:
"These animals were meant to live." - Zios
"These animals were meant to survive." -Endress
What Zios is saying is that, animals, were meant to grow, civilize, create, and protect. Technically animals are lucky to have a mind and speech.
While Endress is saying that animals were meant to always connect with their wild selves. Learn to hunt, thrive, survive, and die. A cycle that'll continue.
If I ever get a chance, I'll explain more of this and such in more art!
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xhajimehaywirex · 4 months
princes reference :] !!
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i procrastinated on this for like two weeks due to the animal jam classic grind holding me by the neck but he is finally done… he is real…
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jambusaur · 2 years
Hello! I play aj classic with my younger brother and we’ve recently gotten more into play wild. Do you have any tips on how to do things? Bc we just learned about fireflys and it feels like there’s other things we’re missing out on. Like how to get alpha items. Thank you !
i’m so glad you and your younger brother enjoy aj!! it’s so nice to see people play with their family and friends :)
the best thing i can show you is the ajpw wiki! it has loads of info, and you can kind of just click around and search to learn new stuff! here’s the link:
but as for specific stuff, here’s a list of stuff that most newer ajpw players might not know about that i can think of right now:
the number one thing i want you to know is that you don’t have to pay to get a membership! you probably already know this if you follow my blog, but just check my pinned post for more info :)
the phantom dimension! you can buy portals in the sapphire shop for 100 saps, or you could use the one i have in my den for free! the phantom dimension is honestly really fun, and you can get some cool stuff from there! i was thinking of making a guide for it in the future, lemme know if i should!
golden shovels! at all times, there’s at least one golden shovel digging spot on the ajpw map. click on it, and you get a little treasure finding minigame! you can find fossils, crafting crystals, gems, sapphires, normal treasure chests, and alpha treasure chests! both normal and alpha treasure chests can be placed in your den, and then you can exit the den furniture menu, then click on the chest, and bam, you get stuff!
alpha items! alpha items can be obtained in a lot of different ways! i can’t really list all of the ways, but some main ones are: alpha treasure chests, longer pet expeditions, and fireflies!
pet expeditions! after leveling up your pet in a pet station (i have one in my den that you can use!), you can send your pets on pet expeditions in crystal sands! after waiting a bit, your pets will bring you back some stuff!
packs! packs are super fun ways to play on teams with your friends on ajpw! you can only be in one pack at a time, but when you’re in a pack, you can get daily pack treasure chests in the pack hideouts (only for members unfortunately tho). pack runs are also really fun! they’re like timed gathering games, and you can win prizes! and members can open the treasure chests in pack runs too.
the shop explorer! in coral canyon, the shop explorer is right where you spawn in. in it, you can search up an item and see who has listed it in the shop explorer for the lowest price. it’s also good for determining how low you should price your own items!
that’s all i can think of right now, but i’ll reblog this post if i think of any more later!
thank you so much for reaching out to me! and i hope you and your brother continue to enjoy aj together!! :)
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dearcauti0n · 2 months
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Anyways here's a short story dump, mostly how Star and Fang became pals and how Juno was first brought
"Long ago, when fossils used to live and roam, there came our first alphas known in history. Fang; who represented the falling and rising Sun of the sky for Zios. He was quick, bold, and sturdy. His powers were made from action. Then there was Star; who represented the Night's fall and silence of the willows for Endress. She was strong, quiet, and stealthy. Her powers were made from voice. These two were known for their gods and differences. They were sworn to never meet or reconcile. That was their purpose. Overtime, one of the alpha's recognized the other's talent. It was Fang who fell first. He couldn't figure out why he felt so much care and warmth for his enemy. He grew soft and Star took notice. She could've taken down Fang if she wanted to for how weak he got. Endress would have been pleased with it. But instead she didn't. She decided to play along with Fang's kindness and speeches. Over the steady nights, Fang and Star grew close. They shared stories about their lives and what they wish to see in the future for their homes. They bonded over each thing one or the other brought up. As they spoke, the more they recognized they weren't as different as they thought they might be. However, their gods were not impressed by their actions. Zios was the first to find a way to break one from the other. As for Endress, he suggested an idea for the two to Zios. He spoke truth about how the two could form enough of a weapon against those wretched phantoms. How they could stop them once and for all if given the chance. Zios, was quick to agree with Endress' wishes. And with that, Star and Fang worked together, bringing their homes together for peace and protection. They formed new lands, titling their new home as Baloosh. Star and Fang were finally happy. But their story didn't end there. On a cold, misty night, the two were awoken by Lady Mira herself. A gift she brought them. She spoke softly of it, calling the gift of light and fate. Something new that could grow great. When the goddess left, Star and Fang decided on its name. They called their gift...
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dearcauti0n · 2 months
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Haven't really been able to draw so take some art I did a while ago dipped in color and lore !
This is more on the background of Baloosh and everything around it way back then.
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dearcauti0n · 3 months
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Young Greely moments
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dearcauti0n · 5 months
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I usually give stories to stuff I make from other stuff but this one won't have one just YET
I just wanted to express the idea of it.
But here is like, a few ideas for this concept
-The Alpine Giants are existing creatures but also just a simple myth for others
- Armies + civilization based on these legends
- They represent Spring and Winter (probably is other two seasons but y'know, they don't exist as an item from what I saw 💔)
- Are they enemies? Friends? Something out of it
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dearcauti0n · 3 months
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Somewhat of a decent design I think! Idk I love it. Adore it even.
I'm drawing more sprites/other stuff for her so I can give her more of a character and role fitting.
She is inspired off of many things so lemme list it below:
- Sea slugs (bunny)
- Sky: COTL - Sky Creature: Elder
- Dragons
- Python
- alien/creature (mostly from the Tomorrow War [movie])
- purple
- Nimona: 2023 Film
- biscuits
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dearcauti0n · 3 months
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I like to think her full title for some is " Lady Mira " instead of just " Mira ". Idk it feels nicer like that
This is inspired off a tapestry for the new den in AJPW, that was a bundle but y'know. I'm not gonna buy the bundle and have a den I don't really care for as much. So I just bought the tapestry! (I love tapestries in AJ . I have a lot.)
Here's a recreation in progress! (This is the 7th one I tried doing. It's hard )
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And here's the tapestry itself!
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Another reason why I got this tapestry is because I noticed Mira's eyes were open and they were pitch black. I found that out of place but interesting
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dearcauti0n · 2 months
Zios & Mira :: Guardians of the sky // gods themselves of Jamaa
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OKAY, they took forever.
Just Mira nudging Zios, I thought it would be cute
Zios is a bit under done but it works.
And probably up next I'll be drawing a mini comic / story book for how phantoms became the enemy and other differences between other existing gods (like Endress)
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dearcauti0n · 4 months
Zios and Endress !!!
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I beg for mercy
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dearcauti0n · 3 months
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I'm trying to get some art out but the art block is killing me
No real context just take awesome characters
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dearcauti0n · 4 months
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Miracle and Greely moments before disaster>>>>>
This adopted family is such a coping thing for me
Like OMG look at that stupid ass face
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dearcauti0n · 6 months
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Zios the Sky Father ( Guardian Spirit )
Mira the Sky Mother (Guardian Spirit)
Saphire the Void Mother (Darkening Spirit, pure gentle)
Azrael the Death Messenger (Grim Reaper, soul carrier, guide of path)
Ender Hybrid the Atmosphere Father (Or known as the eclipse, rare sight, once ever so often. Darkness lurk.)
These are the spirits/gods/goddesses (however you wanna put it) of Jamaa and across! (Well Zios and Mira is just Jamaa)
Won't explain much but will say this :
Saphire became corrupt, took over animal peace, and captured Zios. Which made Mira angry and certain.
So Mira attacked with a lot of might with Saphire
When Saphire was slained, she dragged both Mira and Zios down into the phantom realm, it sealed shut!
Luckily they have alphas right
Azzy and Eclipse guy are two characters barely seen
1. Azzy is a guy that's usually invisible to the ones that are alive and well, will only be seen once the animal or phantom is near their last moments to take them away
2. Eclipse Guy just a guy that appears rarely like any eclipse would, cases evil every time he visits but thankfully we HAD Mira and Zios
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dearcauti0n · 6 months
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Inactive alphas half designs!
Planning on doing more , probably not probably yes
If you have suggestions for more go ahead and drop them and I may doodl them at some point ‼️
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dearcauti0n · 6 months
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Puppy Greely
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