#pharma industry updates
American company invests Rs.800 crores in Telangana
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The Telangana government has entered into an MoU with Bristol Meyers, an American pharma company. The agreement was signed by the representatives of the Bristol Mayors organization under the leadership of the Minister of State for IT and Industries KTR. The minister said that 1500 people will get employment opportunities through this company which has come forward with an investment of more than Rs.800 crores. On this occasion, Bristol Mayors explained to the representatives of the organization that the world's largest pharma cluster is being established in Hyderabad.
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batboyblog · 6 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #12
March 29-April 5 2024
President Biden united with Senator Bernie Sanders at the White House to review Democratic efforts to bring down drug prices. President Biden touted his Administration’s capping the price of insulin for seniors at $35 a month and capping the price of  prescription drugs for seniors at $2,000 a year. Biden hopes to expand both to all Americans through legislation next year with a Democratic congress. The President also praised Senator Sanders' efforts as chair of the Senate Health Committee which has lead to major drug manufacturers capping the price of inhalers at $35 a month. “Bernie, you and I have been fighting this for 25 years,” Biden said “Finally, finally we beat Big Pharma. Finally.”
The White House gave an update on its actions around the Francis Scott Key Bridge disaster. The federal government working with state and local governments hope to have enough of the remains of the bridge cleared to partially reopen the Port of Baltimore by the end of the month and have the port working normally by May. The Administration has already released $60 million in emergency money toward rebuilding and promises the federal government will cover the cost. The Department of Labor has released $3.5 million for Dislocated Worker Grants and plans up to $25 million to cover lost wages. The Small Business Administration is offering $2 million in emergency loans to affected small businesses. The Administration is working with business and labor unions to keep workers at work and cover lost wages.
Vice-President Harris and EPA Administrator Michael Regan announced $20 billion to help finance tens of thousands of climate and clean energy projects across the country. The kinds of projects that will be financed through this project include distributed clean power generation and storage, net-zero retrofits of homes and small businesses, and zero-emission transportation. 70% of the funds, $14 billion, will be invested in low-income and disadvantaged communities. The project is part of a public private partnership so for every 1 dollar of federal money, private companies have promised 7 dollars of investment, bring the total to $150 billion for ongoing financing of climate and clean energy projects for years to come.
The Department of Transportation announced $20.5 billion in investments in public transportation. This represents the largest single investment in public transit by the federal government in history. The money will go to improving and expanding subways, light rail, buses, and ferry systems across America. The DoT hopes to use the funds to in particular expand and improve options for public transport for people with disabilities and seniors.
The Departments of Energy and The Treasury announced $4 billion in tax credits for businesses investing in clean energy, critical materials recycling, and Industrial decarbonization. The credits till go toward 100 projects across 35 states. 67% of the credits ($2.7 billion) will go to clean energy, wind, solar, nuclear, clean hydrogen, as well as updates to grids, better batter storage, and investments in electric vehicles. 20% ($800 million) will go to to recycling things like lithium-ion batteries, and 13% ($500 million) to decarbonization in industries like automotive manufacturing, and iron and steel.
The Department of Agriculture announced $1.5 Billion in investments in climate-smart agriculture. USDA plans to support over 180,000 farms representing 225 million acres in the next 5 years move toward more climate friendly agriculture. 40% of the project is reserved for disadvantaged communities, in line with the Biden Administrations standard for climate investment. $100 million has been reserved for projects in Tribal Communities.
The Department of the Interior approved the New England Wind offshore wind project. To be located off Martha’s Vineyard the New England project represents the 8th such off shore wind project approved by the Biden administration. Taken together these projects will generate 10 gigawatts of totally clean energy that can power 4 million homes. The Administration's climate goals call for 30 gigawatts of off shore wind power by 2030. The New England Wind project itself is expected to generate 2,600 megawatts of electricity, enough to power more than 900,000 homes in the New England area.
The Department of the Interior announced $320 Million for tribal water infrastructure. Interior also announced $244 million to deal with legacy pollution from mining in the State of Pennsylvania, as well as $25 million to protect wetlands in Arizona and $19 million to put solar panels over irrigation canals in California, Oregon and Utah. While the Department of Energy announced $27 million for 40 projects by state, local and tribal governments to combat climate change
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
 Throughout her mystifying, skyrocketing political career, Kamala Harris has repeatedly demonstrated her fealty to the pharmaceutical, abortion, and transgender industries, using her position of authority to feed their unquenchable thirst for profit by promoting their manufactured demands for dangerous experimental vaccines, for their monstrous so-called “sex-changing” medical and surgical treatments for young people and kids, and for the devaluing and destruction of human life through abortion.
Harris, along with her newly picked vice-presidential running mate Tim Walz, are dangerous radical extremists, more beholden to lining the pockets of demonic so-called “healthcare” industries than they are to protecting the dignity and flourishing of American lives.
Harris: Fighting for Big Pharma profits, not public health
Harris has promoted the COVID-19 (C19) vaccine from the start and continues to do so as evidenced by an “up to date” vaccination requirement for all who seek employment at her campaign headquarters. 
Harris currently demands that those she employ continually update their C19 vaccination status, despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have admitted since August 2021 that the C19 jab does nothing to stop the transmission of COVID.
“Harris has steadfastly stood by Biden’s federal vaccine mandates, federal mask mandates, as well as lockdowns of businesses, schools, and places of worship all across America during COVID,” noted Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos of the Honest Media Project. “As someone who has spent her entire career trying to please Democratic Party elites and donors, rather than regular people, it is clear that her top priority is propping up powerful companies rather than fighting for better public health.”
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haggishlyhagging · 9 months
Today, the postmodern, beauty industry and media backlash against women's liberation have converged with transgenderism. Transgenderism takes the feminist critique of gender as a method of maintaining power relations between the sexes, and distorts it into an argument that biological sex in general, and females in particular, do not exist except as linguistic constructs and modes of social performance. This argument somehow gives men the right to claim this apparently non-existent, otherwise unreal femaleness, as their own identity or game to play. Ideologically, transgenderism is a prime example of a postmodern, patriarchal ideology that flourished as gender studies pillaged from women's studies departments before moving into mainstream media, pop culture and law.
Contrary to popular belief, transgenderism does not represent good intentions to "include" the marginalised, gone wrong. Nor is it strictly an academic invention. It represents what Lerner calls a "countermove," a set of old and fundamental patriarchal positions and gaslighting tactics elaborately and absurdly intensified Patriarchal power structures have always relied on myths of male motherhood to justify themselves—God, the creator of the universe, is generally assumed to be male; Adam bore Eve miraculously from his rib; Zeus delivered Athena from his head; Jesus was more the son of God, his father, than of Mary, who is idealised not for mothering the boy, but for surrendering to his father's will with the line, "do unto me according to thy word."
The mantra "transwomen are women" encapsulates all the traditional myths and behaviours of patriarchy—the violation and myths of male motherhood that justify it; the game playing, gaslighting and magician's tricks; the propaganda, dualistic privileging of mind over body, and the simultaneous sexualisation and stigmatisation of female and lesbian sexuality. It updates this package to suit the political economy and technology for our era—one that is secular and postmodern, while it reveres consumerism and Big Pharma. Transgender ideology borrows too much from religion to be considered original—it is patriarchal ideology in a concentrated, neoliberalised form.
-Renée Gerlich, “On Twenty-First Century Patriarchy, and the Place of Women's Hearts in Women's Movement” in Spinning And Weaving: Radical Feminism for the 21st Century
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lazyyogi · 8 months
hi lazyyogi. i value your insights so much and am interested in how you've come to be in this space and the development of your persons.
particularly, how did you come into your medical practice? and do you feel that your spirituality at all influences your profession as a doctor/surgeon & vice versa?
also, how do you feel about the relationship and differences between holistic eastern practices and conventional western medicine? i'm in health care/pharmaceuticals myself in the west but i feel as though western medicine, as great as many aspects of it are and it has achieved much, clutches onto superficial "band-aid" treatments and management of disease states and doesn't often look into patient care with a deeper, holistic lens. it gives me cognitive dissonance sometimes, to be honest. is there anything that helps you deal with this point of conflict or has it ever come to mind?
Hello my friend. Thank you for your kind words and thoughtful questions.
I should probably write an updated bio for this blog at some point.
Long story short (so I can spend more time addressing your other question), I came to spirituality after my father died the year before I graduated high school. Faced with the reality of death and impermanence, I began seeking insight and understanding. This led me to meditation and meditation led me from there.
I came to medicine because I had spent my time in college majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing. I graduated during the economic crisis in 2011 and interned in the film industry but never really found a place for myself. At that time I sincerely considered leaving society and becoming a monk of sorts. But essentially I felt that it would be more helpful overall to stay in society and find ways to contribute. So I went back to school and became a doctor.
Regarding western medicine and other forms of medical practice, holistic or otherwise, I am open to anything that will benefit my patients. Western medicine is constantly changing, updated by new evidence-based findings and also new medical innovations.
In some areas, western medicine is highly advanced and life-altering. In other areas, it struggles to make sense of things let alone be of help to patients. Psychiatry is one such field that comes to mind that really has a hard time providing effective treatment for their patients and often feels like band-aid approaches.
Right now I am working on putting together a research study to examine the effect of a yogic pranayama breathing technique on relieving symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis. This is a condition that is typically treated initially with intranasal corticosteroids and saline sprays/irrigations. People often think that the only way research gets done is if it is sponsored by Big Pharma and that no one does other research into alternative/complimentary forms of medicine because there is no profit to be made. The truth is that all it takes is someone in the medical field with a bit of interest.
If we want alternative or complimentary medicine to become more widely accepted by the western medical community, all it takes is some evidence-based research studies. The fact is that everyone wants to have better outcomes for their patients, always. And while a famous doctor can say one thing and another famous doctor can say another, it is only through evidence-based research that we can really scrutinize how helpful something may be.
And even then, there are plenty of ways a study may misinterpret data, draw erroneous conclusions, or be in other ways flawed. This is why a lot of time is devoted to educating medical students and resident physicians on how to read research studies critically and be capable of identifying such biases and flaws. The added benefit is knowing how to avoid the same mistakes in your own research studies.
When you mention that people often don't look more deeply into patient care, utilizing a holistic lens, you are speaking to a fundamental problem in medicine today: time. The kind of doctor who would be best positioned to have such a holistic approach is your primary care provider. And yet there are not nearly enough primary care physicians out there and the ones we have are over-burdened with patient volume.
Specialists and surgeons tend overall to be more problem-focused in their specificity but it is also true that it is important to understand those specifics within the larger, holistic context. The way I approach that with my patients is to make sure that by the end of our encounter they feel heard, that we have identified the problems for which I am capable of addressing for them, and that they understand the plan that we have mutually agreed would suit them most appropriately.
Lastly, a struggle that many healthcare providers know but the general public may not is that we are often working with patients who are not fully invested in their own health. And so while we might recommend lifestyle changes and non-pharmacologic treatments, there is little follow through with things like dietary changes, weight loss, smoking cessation, etc.
A simple example from my own field is acid reflux. In most cases, acid reflux can be completely eliminated with certain lifestyle changes (don't eat within 3 hours of going to bed) and dietary modification (an apple a day may be making things worse, actually). We provide this information and yet 99/100 patients prefer a medication instead.
While there are many ways in which both the medical field and its practitioners need to improve, there are challenges from the patient side of things that are also beyond our control. And while I understand a lot of the distrust of the medical field for various reasons, it's not infrequently problematic. Some of the sickest patients I see--appearing with very late stage cancers or suffering catastrophic strokes--are the one's who "don't like going to the doctor." As if everyone else just loves going to the doctor. Although I will say the more elderly patients are often grateful for the social interaction; I try to take more time with them when possible.
In the end, I want to be capable of helping my patients to the best of my ability. And I want my patients to leave our encounter feeling supported and encouraged. The medical field is indeed a mess (one we would be worse off without, in my opinion) and I hope that over the course of my career I may be able to find a few ways to tidy things up and make a few lives better.
Much love!
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mediaevalmusereads · 1 month
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American Breakdown: Our Ailing Nation, My Body's Revolt, and the Nineteenth Century Woman Who Brought Me Back to Life. By Jennifer Lunden. Harper Collins, 2023.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: memoir, history of medicine, history of science
Series: N/A
Summary: A Silent Spring for the human body, this wide-ranging, genre-crossing literary mystery interweaves the author’s quest to understand the source of her own condition with her telling of the story of the chronically ill 19th-century diarist Alice James—ultimately uncovering the many hidden health hazards of life in America. When Jennifer Lunden became chronically ill after moving from Canada to Maine, her case was a medical mystery. Just 21, unable to hold a book or stand for a shower, she lost her job and consigned herself to her bed. The doctor she went to for help told her she was “just depressed.” After suffering from this enigmatic illness for five years, she discovered an unlikely source of hope and a biography of Alice James, the bright, witty, and often bedridden sibling of brothers Henry James, the novelist, and William James, the father of psychology. Alice suffered from a life-shattering illness known as neurasthenia, now often dismissed as a “fashionable illness.” In this meticulously researched and illuminating debut, Lunden interweaves her own experience with Alice’s, exploring the history of medicine and the effects of the industrial revolution and late-stage capitalism to tell a riveting story of how we are a nation struggling—and failing—to be healthy. Although science—and the politics behind its funding—has in many ways let Lunden and millions like her down, in the end science offers a revelation that will change how readers think about the ecosystems of their bodies, their communities, the country, and the planet.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: descriptions of chronic fatigue and dismissal by doctors, allusions to suicidal ideation, feelings of child abandonment, animal testing
During disability pride month, I saw this book on a reading list and became intrigued. I'm normally not a huge enthusiast about books on the medical system, but this one had a tie-in to the 19th century, so I was willing to give it a shot.
Overall, I found Lunden's book incredibly thought-provoking. Not only does it offer a personal meditation on chronic illness, but it also critically examines everything from the history of synthetic chemicals to environmental pollution to Big Pharma and our overburdened medical system under capitalism. I like the way Lunden treats these topics as all inter-related, mirroring her ultimate argument that the body is a complex series of inter-related systems, not unlike an ecosystem.
I appreciated Lunden's ability to explain complex systems in a straightforward manner, and though I usually feel lost when talking about medicine and pharmaceuticals, Lunden was careful not to lose me. I also found the tie-ins to the story of Alice James very compelling, and the trajectory from James to Lunden helped put Lunden's experiences in a wider context.
I do think, however, that some aspects of this book didn't quite land as intended. For one, Lunden inserts a discussion about the heroine's journey and how it can be used to interpret health and medical care. While I understand what she was trying to do, I don't necessarily think the masculine-feminine models as they pertain to (frankly, outdated) folklore studies are useful as anything other than a theoretical framework. Again, I understand what Lunden was trying to do, but I think her point could have been better made without Campbell.
I also think some references may need updating, if possible. I noticed a lot of studies from the early 2000s, and while I understand data might not be available for 2023-2024, it does mean that sometimes Lunden is relying on 20 year old material. Maybe the data hasn't changed, but I have no way to know that.
TL;DR: Despite some minor shortcomings, American Breakdown is an illuminating examination of how healthcare, illness, and synthetic chemicals become distorted under capitalism. This book views a number of things as interrelated, so I would recommend this book if you're interested in how bodies (and social systems) are more like webs than a collection of distinct entities.
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aayusd30 · 2 months
Web Design Agency in Vashi
Pinacle Web India provides one of the best website designing services in Vashi. We provide quality websites in a shorter time frame with no bargains for quality.
Your website is like the front door to your shop. So making a good first impression on your potential customers is essential.
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At Pinacle Web India, a web development company, we are a passionate bunch of web designers who love turning ideas into reality. Whether you are starting from scratch, giving your old website a new look, or want something dynamic, we’ve got you covered.
Being a website designing company, we understand the value a good website can add to a business. Here are a few reasons you should give us a chance:
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alicehaven · 7 months
The Collaboration of Clinical Data Management and Biostatistics in Evidence-Based Medicine 
In the realm of clinical research, the seamless collaboration between clinical data management (CDM) and biostatistics is paramount for ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of study outcomes. This dynamic partnership plays a pivotal role in transforming raw data into meaningful insights that drive evidence-based medical decisions. In this blog post, we delve into the essential interactions between CDM and biostatistics, highlighting their respective contributions and synergies in the clinical research landscape.
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Data Collection and Database Design:
CDM professionals are responsible for designing robust data collection tools and establishing comprehensive data management plans.
Biostatisticians collaborate closely to ensure that data collection instruments capture relevant variables with precision, enabling accurate statistical analysis.
Joint efforts streamline the development of databases that adhere to regulatory standards and facilitate efficient data entry, validation, and cleaning processes.
Data Quality Assurance:
CDM specialists implement quality control measures to identify and address data discrepancies, inconsistencies, and errors.
Biostatisticians contribute expertise in data validation and verification, conducting thorough checks to maintain data integrity.
Continuous communication between CDM and biostatistics teams fosters proactive identification and resolution of data quality issues, enhancing the reliability of study findings.
Statistical Analysis Planning:
Biostatisticians from Biostatistics Services collaborate with CDM professionals to formulate robust statistical analysis plans (SAPs) tailored to study objectives and design.
CDM experts provide insights into data structure, collection processes, and potential biases, informing statistical modeling approaches and hypotheses testing strategies.
The synergy between CDM and biostatistics ensures that analytical methodologies align with data characteristics, maximizing the validity and interpretability of study results.
Data Interpretation and Reporting:
Biostatisticians play a pivotal role in analyzing study data, interpreting statistical findings, and deriving meaningful conclusions.
CDM specialists assist in contextualizing statistical results within the broader clinical framework, elucidating the implications for patient care and treatment strategies.
Collaborative review and refinement of study reports and publications ensure accurate representation of data insights and statistical significance.
Regulatory Compliance and Audits:
CDM professionals and biostatisticians collaborate to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards governing data management and statistical analysis.
Joint efforts facilitate preparation for regulatory inspections and audits, with comprehensive documentation and audit trails supporting data integrity and traceability.
Continuous monitoring and adherence to regulatory updates and guidelines mitigate risks and enhance the credibility of clinical research outcomes.
The intricate interplay between clinical data management services and biostatistics underscores the importance of collaborative synergy in advancing evidence-based medicine. By leveraging their respective expertise and working in tandem throughout the research lifecycle, CDM and biostatistics teams synergize efforts to uphold data quality, integrity, and regulatory compliance. Clinical data management services, such as those provided by Global Pharma Tek, play a crucial role in designing robust data collection tools, establishing comprehensive data management plans, and implementing quality control measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of study data. This harmonious partnership not only drives scientific discovery and innovation but also contributes to improved patient outcomes and healthcare decision-making.
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johnhmcintosh · 9 months
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As the intensity of the Great SHIFT into an era of Peace and Light expands, enormous ‘stress’ has filled the lives of most of humanity. This can be witnessed by the equally expanded ‘dysfunction’ of what most would call ‘normal’, and a feeling for many of ‘losing their minds’. This is to be expected when an era [the recent patriarchy] collapses and a NEW one emerges from the ashes. However, this is a huge blessing for humanity.
REMEMBER … we are speaking about a Grand Dream that most call ‘reality’. Nevertheless, NONE of it ‘is’ real. However, the concept that the day-to-day experience is a dream - no different than a night-time dream but with a kind of continuity, is very difficult for most to accept. Nonetheless, that is precisely what is unfolding for those still imprisoned in the mind – [most of humanity].
While the mind may rebel at some of what follows, here are a few things that ARE currently happening as the old dream winds down and a ‘Happy Dream’ expands:
-massive ‘empirical evidence’ proliferates that the death-jab [a bio-weapon designed to reduce the world population by the Deep State [DS] One-World-Order elites], has eliminated tens of millions and injured billions worldwide,
-fiat currency [money created out of thin air for the last 100 years by the Fed (not Federal but DS)] has been almost entirely replaced by ‘asset-backed’ currency, thereby destroying the foundational infrastructure of the DS. This can be recognized by the massive bank failures that have and are still occurring around the world. This is due (in part) to non-compliance with such NEW global financial requirements such as Basel 3,
-Direct Energy Weapons have recently been used across the planet to destroy entire towns [example – West Maui], as part of the last-ditch attempt to bring down the world-Alliance that is dismantling the DS,
-the massive ongoing arrests of pedophile pockets that blanket the planet and the destruction of thousands of miles of underground tunnels that have processed millions of children a year for decades in this regard … are beginning to hit the corrupt mainstream media [MSM] and trickle down to the ‘shocked’ sleeping masses. These arrests include many high profile names in the entertainment industry and in high political positions,
-A complete ramp-up of the global financial systems through the Quantum Financial System [QFS] and a Global Financial Reset to gold back currencies … is unfolding at this moment. This is accompanied by Nesara/Gesara, which is [currently in the background] revolutionizing the playing field so that ‘everyone’ will enjoy life with ALL the basics provided for and opportunities that have not been imagined becoming available for everyone to live life Abundantly,
-the roll-out of unbelievable medical technologies such as MED BEDS that will ‘completely eliminate’ the manipulative Big Pharma/Medical Establishment stranglehold on health care … is imminent,
-this extraordinary SHIFT in the way the world will function in Peace and Light has been agreed upon by 209 countries [the entire world] as is ‘so-far partially evidenced’ by the massive expansion of the BRICS membership. Much more evidence will become obvious to ALL in the coming months … which will completely ‘expose’ the day-today lies of the MSM,
Losing one’s mind is absolutely necessary for genuine FREEDOM to come upon each one who is now imprisoned in the belief of limitation. It is the mind that generates the ‘illusion’ that most call reality. The mind itself is the outcome of thought, which in turn emanates from the primal belief in separation … the first illusion [what some call the ‘fall of man’ (consciousness)]. This will be replaced by Heart-centered ‘thinking’.
At this turning [The Great SHIFT] of an era, as is now occurring, the belief systems that have dominated [mostly patriarchal in this ending era], are rapidly collapsing as the NEW emerges. This current EXPANDING era is a period of relative ‘balance’ … what the mind would/will call ‘peace’. Be assured that no matter how the world APPEARS at the moment, humanity is fast approaching the most glorious phase it has experienced in thousands of years … [still a dream – but a very Happy Dream].
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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Role of miRNAs in Neurodegeneration Diseases
Bidisha Roy, Department of Biological Sciences, Rutgers University shared her views with Pharma Focus Asia.
This article highlights the relevance of studying brain-enriched miRNAs, the mechanisms underlying their regulation of target gene expression, their dysregulation leading to progressive neurodegeneration, and their potential for biomarker marker and therapeutic intervention. This article has been written to emphasize ways for the effective diagnosis and prevention of these neurodegenerative disorders in the near future.
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Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Huntington’s disease (HD), and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are a group of age-related progressive disorders initiated by the neuronal loss that eventually leads to cognitive and movement disorders. These diseases are thought to be caused by alterations to protein-coding genes. Non-coding RNAs participate in translational regulation and comprise 95 per cent of total human cellular RNAs.
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Read More: https://www.pharmafocusasia.com/research-development/role-mirnas-neurodegeneration
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democracyatwrk · 1 year
NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS:  Despite the multiple setbacks we have experienced over the last several months in our efforts to continue producing and releasing Economic Update here on YouTube, we are very excited to announce the return of Economic Update to YouTube as of today. Over the next few days/weeks we will be releasing episodes of EU we were unable to share with our community of subscribers throughout the summer.  
You can find out more about why we were unable to deliver EU to you here on YouTube by going to our website: https://www.democracyatwork.info and signing up for our newsletter that is scheduled to resume weekly distribution next week.  Remember to check back here regularly as we continue to resume delivering the content and work we enjoy sharing with you and the rest of the world.  Thanks as always for your attention & support,  
The d@w Team  
[ S13 E34] Profit & Inequality: Two Driving Forces of Capitalism 
Updates on economists favoring rent control, leading global capitalists resent/resist US's China-bashing, urgent drug shortages in US and a public pharma industry. Major discussion of causes of rising US economic inequality since 1960s and its socially explosive political effects.  Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff is a @democracyatwrk  production. We make it a point to provide the show free of ads and rely on viewer support to continue doing so. You can support our work by joining our Patreon community:  https://www.patreon.com/democracyatwork  Every donation counts and helps us spread Prof. Wolff's message to a larger audience.
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shemmymaru · 11 months
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Yall I'm beginning to think this ADHD medication shortage is actually manufactured by the pharmacy's that make them. I don't quite know why, but this article: https://time.com/6272668/adderall-shortage-update/
and the tons of other bullshit Big Pharma's done in the past is enough to make me think the shortage isn't legit. Why didn't they use all the allotted amphetamine supply? 2020, 2021, 2022, lines up with COVID but if they had ingredients leftover why is there a supply chain issue?
I mean, they definitely have the leg room to lie without getting caught
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This article talks about a big way of solving this problem would be if there were more transparency in the manufacturing of drugs in the U.S.
Like, why is it that our medications are manufactured in such an unregulated way that nobody even knows how much they're actually making at any given time. Seeing as the U.S. pharmaceutical companies are For Profit I have no doubt they have record of that shit somewhere to see where they can be scrounging up more money. So it doesn't make sense that they aren't selling that leftover supply unless it benefits them in some way...
There's no proof but I'm thinking they're either selling the leftover ingredients under the table for a larger profit than the medications themselves run them, or they're trying to hold supply to jack up the prices of our medications. Y'know, like the diamond industry and how diamonds aren't actually that rare? There's just one company that owns like 70% of all diamond shares and they only release a few each year to hike up prices and demand.
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I really don't want to have to wait over a year for my medication to be back in regular supply again. This shit is shady as fuck.
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theartistpro · 1 year
Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow
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 Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow
Seiko College of Pharmacy is Known for  the best pharmacy college in Lucknow. It offers top-notch education and creates benchmarks in academic excellence and holistic grooming to help students meet the challenges of their future careers. The college is equipped with a strong faculty that supports and encourage students to reach their full potential, helping them achieve their aspirations. With a pleasant environment, Seiko College of Pharmacy not only focuses on academics but also promotes student participation in sports events, seminars, and various other activities. In this Blog , we will explore the numerous reasons why Seiko College of Pharmacy is the best pharmacy college in Lucknow.
1. Academic Excellence
A. Quality Education
Seiko College of Pharmacy believes that educational excellence helps develop understanding, reasoning, and thinking skills. In This college you will get high-quality education through well-structured courses, which are designed to help students with the necessary skills and knowledge to grow in the pharmaceutical industry.
B. Experienced Faculty
In This college teachers are experienced and dedicated faculty that plays a basic role in providing a helpful learning environment for students. The faculty's expertise and commitment to grow student talent ensure that each student receives individual attention and guidance to learn there subjects and understand everything.
C. Innovative Teaching Methods
In This college Teacher teaches through innovative teaching methodos that helps students to learn faster than basic method and it increases active learning and promote critical thinking. These methods include interactive lectures, practical sessions, case study discussions, workshops, and seminars, which enable students to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
2. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
A. Modern Laboratories
Seiko College of Pharmacy has big and modern Experimental Lab that is fully equipped with the latest technology and equipment. These laboratories is very important in Medical field to learn practical knowledge to students and develop essential skills required in this industry.
B. Spacious Classrooms
Seiko college of Pharmacy has big and spacious classrooms that provides a comfortable learning environment for students. Each classroom is equipped with modern teaching gadgets , such as projectors, audio-visual systems, and whiteboards, which enhance the learning experience.
C. Library and Information Center
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a amazing library and there is a wide collection of books. that helps in learning and researches of students and faculty members. In This Library you will get quiet environment for you to study and conduct research.
3. Holistic Grooming and Personality Development
A. Extracurricular Activities
Seiko College of Pharmacy always encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, cultural Games, and various clubs to ensure their overall development. Extracurricular activities help students develop leadership skills, teamwork.
Workshops and Seminars
The college organises workshops and seminars on various topics related to the pharmaceutical industry to keep students updated on the latest trends and developments. These events provide students with opportunities to interact with industry experts, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their professional skills.
Industrial Visits and Internships
Seiko College of Pharmacy arranges regular industrial visits and internships for students to gain practical exposure to the pharmaceutical industry. These experiences help students understand the industry's workings, develop professional networks, and make informed career choices.
4. Research and Development
A. Research Facilities
The college offers advanced research facilities for students and faculty members, encouraging them to pursue research in various fields of pharmacy. The research infrastructure includes well-equipped labs, sophisticated instruments, and support from experienced research guides.
B. Collaborative Research Projects
Seiko College of Pharmacy actively collaborates with various national and international research institutions and industries to undertake joint research projects. These collaborations provide students with opportunities to work on cutting-edge research projects and gain valuable insights into the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry.
C. Research Publications and Conferences
The college encourages students and faculty members to publish their research findings in reputed national and international journals. Students are also encouraged to present their research work at conferences and symposiums, enhancing their academic profile and exposing them to the global research community.
5. Placement and Career Guidance
Placement Cell
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a dedicated placement cell that offers comprehensive placement assistance to students. The placement cell organizes campus recruitment drives, inviting top pharmaceutical companies to recruit students for various job roles. The cell also conducts training programs to enhance the employability skills of students.
B. Career Counseling
The college provides career counseling services to help students make informed decisions about their career paths. Experienced counselors offer guidance on various career options in the pharmaceutical industry, higher education opportunities, and competitive examinations.
C. Alumni Network
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a strong alumni network that plays a crucial role in the placement process. Alumni working in reputed pharmaceutical companies often return to the college to share their experiences, offer industry insights, and provide job opportunities for current students.
6. Scholarships and Financial Aid
A. Merit-Based Scholarships
Seiko College of Pharmacy offers merit-based scholarships to deserving students, providing financial assistance and motivation for academic excellence. These scholarships help reduce the financial burden on students and enable them to focus on their studies.
B. Need-Based Financial Aid
The college also provides need-based financial aid to economically disadvantaged students, ensuring that no deserving student is denied an opportunity to pursue quality education due to financial constraints.
7. Student Support Services
A. Mentorship Program
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a mentorship program that assigns faculty members to mentor small groups of students. This program ensures that each student receives personalized attention and guidance to overcome academic and personal challenges.
8. International Exposure
A. Student Exchange Programs
Seiko College of Pharmacy offers student exchange programs in collaboration with international partner institutions, providing students with opportunities to study abroad and gain global exposure. These programs help students broaden their horizons, enhance their cultural understanding, and improve their career prospects.
B. International Conferences and Workshops
The college organizes and participates in international conferences and workshops, enabling students and faculty members to interact with the global academic and research community. These events provide valuable networking opportunities and exposure to the latest trends and developments in the pharmaceutical industry.
9. Industry-Academia Partnership
A. Curriculum Development
Seiko College of Pharmacy maintains strong ties with the pharmaceutical industry, which plays a vital role in shaping the college's curriculum. Industry experts provide valuable inputs to ensure that the curriculum is up-to-date and relevant, equipping students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the industry.
B. Guest Lectures and Workshops
The college regularly invites industry professionals to conduct guest lectures and workshops, providing students with insights into the practical aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. These interactions help students understand industry expectations and prepare them for their future careers.
10. Community Outreach
A. Health Camps and Awareness Programs
Seiko College of Pharmacy organizes health camps and awareness programs in collaboration with local communities, NGOs, and government agencies. These initiatives provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world situations, promoting community health and well-being.
B. Social Responsibility
The college encourages students to participate in various social responsibility initiatives, such as blood donation camps, environmental conservation drives, and educational programs for underprivileged children. These activities help students develop a sense of social responsibility and contribute to the betterment of society.
lets call it a day the conclusion, Seiko College of Pharmacy stands out as the best pharmacy college in Lucknow due to its commitment to academic excellence and placements.
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seikocope · 1 year
Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow
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 Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow
Seiko College of Pharmacy is Known for  the best pharmacy college in Lucknow. It offers top-notch education and creates benchmarks in academic excellence and holistic grooming to help students meet the challenges of their future careers. The college is equipped with a strong faculty that supports and encourage students to reach their full potential, helping them achieve their aspirations. With a pleasant environment, Seiko College of Pharmacy not only focuses on academics but also promotes student participation in sports events, seminars, and various other activities. In this Blog , we will explore the numerous reasons why Seiko College of Pharmacy is the best pharmacy college in Lucknow.
1. Academic Excellence
A. Quality Education
Seiko College of Pharmacy believes that educational excellence helps develop understanding, reasoning, and thinking skills. In This college you will get high-quality education through well-structured courses, which are designed to help students with the necessary skills and knowledge to grow in the pharmaceutical industry.
B. Experienced Faculty
In This college teachers are experienced and dedicated faculty that plays a basic role in providing a helpful learning environment for students. The faculty's expertise and commitment to grow student talent ensure that each student receives individual attention and guidance to learn there subjects and understand everything.
C. Innovative Teaching Methods
In This college Teacher teaches through innovative teaching methodos that helps students to learn faster than basic method and it increases active learning and promote critical thinking. These methods include interactive lectures, practical sessions, case study discussions, workshops, and seminars, which enable students to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
2. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
A. Modern Laboratories
Seiko College of Pharmacy has big and modern Experimental Lab that is fully equipped with the latest technology and equipment. These laboratories is very important in Medical field to learn practical knowledge to students and develop essential skills required in this industry.
B. Spacious Classrooms
Seiko college of Pharmacy has big and spacious classrooms that provides a comfortable learning environment for students. Each classroom is equipped with modern teaching gadgets , such as projectors, audio-visual systems, and whiteboards, which enhance the learning experience.
C. Library and Information Center
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a amazing library and there is a wide collection of books. that helps in learning and researches of students and faculty members. In This Library you will get quiet environment for you to study and conduct research.
3. Holistic Grooming and Personality Development
A. Extracurricular Activities
Seiko College of Pharmacy always encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, cultural Games, and various clubs to ensure their overall development. Extracurricular activities help students develop leadership skills, teamwork.
Workshops and Seminars
The college organises workshops and seminars on various topics related to the pharmaceutical industry to keep students updated on the latest trends and developments. These events provide students with opportunities to interact with industry experts, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their professional skills.
Industrial Visits and Internships
Seiko College of Pharmacy arranges regular industrial visits and internships for students to gain practical exposure to the pharmaceutical industry. These experiences help students understand the industry's workings, develop professional networks, and make informed career choices.
4. Research and Development
A. Research Facilities
The college offers advanced research facilities for students and faculty members, encouraging them to pursue research in various fields of pharmacy. The research infrastructure includes well-equipped labs, sophisticated instruments, and support from experienced research guides.
B. Collaborative Research Projects
Seiko College of Pharmacy actively collaborates with various national and international research institutions and industries to undertake joint research projects. These collaborations provide students with opportunities to work on cutting-edge research projects and gain valuable insights into the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry.
C. Research Publications and Conferences
The college encourages students and faculty members to publish their research findings in reputed national and international journals. Students are also encouraged to present their research work at conferences and symposiums, enhancing their academic profile and exposing them to the global research community.
5. Placement and Career Guidance
Placement Cell
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a dedicated placement cell that offers comprehensive placement assistance to students. The placement cell organizes campus recruitment drives, inviting top pharmaceutical companies to recruit students for various job roles. The cell also conducts training programs to enhance the employability skills of students.
B. Career Counseling
The college provides career counseling services to help students make informed decisions about their career paths. Experienced counselors offer guidance on various career options in the pharmaceutical industry, higher education opportunities, and competitive examinations.
C. Alumni Network
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a strong alumni network that plays a crucial role in the placement process. Alumni working in reputed pharmaceutical companies often return to the college to share their experiences, offer industry insights, and provide job opportunities for current students.
6. Scholarships and Financial Aid
A. Merit-Based Scholarships
Seiko College of Pharmacy offers merit-based scholarships to deserving students, providing financial assistance and motivation for academic excellence. These scholarships help reduce the financial burden on students and enable them to focus on their studies.
B. Need-Based Financial Aid
The college also provides need-based financial aid to economically disadvantaged students, ensuring that no deserving student is denied an opportunity to pursue quality education due to financial constraints.
7. Student Support Services
A. Mentorship Program
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a mentorship program that assigns faculty members to mentor small groups of students. This program ensures that each student receives personalized attention and guidance to overcome academic and personal challenges.
8. International Exposure
A. Student Exchange Programs
Seiko College of Pharmacy offers student exchange programs in collaboration with international partner institutions, providing students with opportunities to study abroad and gain global exposure. These programs help students broaden their horizons, enhance their cultural understanding, and improve their career prospects.
B. International Conferences and Workshops
The college organizes and participates in international conferences and workshops, enabling students and faculty members to interact with the global academic and research community. These events provide valuable networking opportunities and exposure to the latest trends and developments in the pharmaceutical industry.
9. Industry-Academia Partnership
A. Curriculum Development
Seiko College of Pharmacy maintains strong ties with the pharmaceutical industry, which plays a vital role in shaping the college's curriculum. Industry experts provide valuable inputs to ensure that the curriculum is up-to-date and relevant, equipping students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the industry.
B. Guest Lectures and Workshops
The college regularly invites industry professionals to conduct guest lectures and workshops, providing students with insights into the practical aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. These interactions help students understand industry expectations and prepare them for their future careers.
10. Community Outreach
A. Health Camps and Awareness Programs
Seiko College of Pharmacy organizes health camps and awareness programs in collaboration with local communities, NGOs, and government agencies. These initiatives provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world situations, promoting community health and well-being.
B. Social Responsibility
The college encourages students to participate in various social responsibility initiatives, such as blood donation camps, environmental conservation drives, and educational programs for underprivileged children. These activities help students develop a sense of social responsibility and contribute to the betterment of society.
lets call it a day the conclusion, Seiko College of Pharmacy stands out as the best pharmacy college in Lucknow due to its commitment to academic excellence and placements.
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rekrootingagency · 2 years
5 Best Pharmaceutical Recruitment Strategies of All Time 
The USA has always been a pioneer in medical research and development. The country spends approximately $ 60 billion annually on the R &D of the pharmaceutical industry. It dominates the market both in terms of consumption and development. The pharmaceutical industry in the US market is expected to grow more rapidly with every passing year. According to the latest update by STAT news, the USA will spend up to $ 600 billion on prescribed drugs by the year 2023.  
Hence, with this expanding pharmaceutical industry, its staffing strategies are also evolving. So, the role of solid hiring strategies for the top medical recruitment agencies is irreplaceable today. The premium healthcare specialist staffing solutions can build a strong team of pharma talents with an effective recruitment strategy. This blog will discuss some of such exceptional pharmaceutical recruitment strategies that can take any pharma business to the next level! 
The experts who follow the healthcare staffing trends consistently vouch for these pharma recruitment strategies. So, if you are hiring pharma talents, you will surely benefit from this blog. Read on to explore! 
1. Go for Temp-to-Perm
Finding a qualified candidate is one thing. But finding one that fits well within your team is an entirely different aspect! Above that, it’s pretty complex to make this determination on paper. Mostly, the only way to ensure the talents you are hiring can 100% become an integral part of your team is to try before you buy.
So, start employing this strategy to hire the best pharma talents today! This strategy is much more effective than any random healthcare recruitment software. Hiring talent as a temp will allow you to have some time to assess whether they have a long-term future in your organization. Moreover, you will also be able to make your hiring decisions faster. 
Above that, a temp-to-perm strategy is also beneficial when you don’t have clear long-term plans. You are not collapsing into a substantial fixed cost at the initial stage by leveraging the temp option. 
2. Do an Extensive Research
Great recruitment strategies for the pharmaceutical industry require extensive research. You should aim to do an in-depth analysis by dividing your strategy into different steps: 
3. Research about the USPs  
Do extensive research on any certification, licensing, or any other specific skill set requirement which is in demand in the market now. And then, you can use them as filters for improving your chances of getting more potent candidates for interviews. 
4. Self-Evaluation
Have a clear look at your present employee status and be honest about what is working and what is not! Often, it is tempting to blame candidates if you need to build an outstanding team. But the real reason is mostly a poor organizational strategy. So, you must first work on it to ensure you create the best ambience to retain great talents. 
5. Explore the Pool
“Fish where the fish are” – Did you hear about the phrase? This applies to finding talents in the pharmaceutical industry as well. You should identify and evaluate different online locations where job-seekers in the pharmaceutical world prefer to see more work. 
Look for patterns like what most pharmaceutical candidates expect from a company and their careers, what you can do to make yourself look attractive to high-performing candidates, and so on. And once you find the answers to these questions, include them in your working strategy! 
6. Find the Effective Channels
Are you leveraging potent ways to reach the most proactive performers? Ensure you watch different websites, offline channels, networks, etc., to figure out the best ways to attract an audience of potential candidates. 
7. Know How to Establish the Best Culture and Brand
Understand what message your brand has for others, potential candidates specifically. After identifying it, flaunt it more while crafting your recruitment strategies. Try to research more and determine what you can do to portray your business as the best workplace. 
The clearer your answers are to the above queries that belong to different categories, the stronger you can craft the backbone of your pharmaceutical hiring strategy. 
8. Do Your Calculations
It is always recommended to stay clear about the numbers. Otherwise, it will be challenging to connect the pharmaceutical hiring process to the bottom line. How fast you are hiring is one of many metrics. The more you are clear about different aspects of the hiring process and their impact on your company, the more you will be in a better position to take your decisions. 
Make sure you have a list of the following things when it comes to pharmaceutical hiring: 
Target cost for each hire 
Time required to fill each role
Percentage of candidates hired by source channel 
Retention Rate 
Offer acceptance rate 
Open vacancies vs filled positions 
Mix of genders 
Don’t overlook it even if you can estimate easily. It’s because guessing won’t be enough to help you with the same base for decision-making and improved ROI as factual data. Hence, ensure you do your mathematics properly while hiring pharmaceutical talents! 
9. Opt for Social Recruiting Methods
Social recruitment is gaining much attention in the pharmaceutical industry because job boards and traditional ads are no longer effective. Engage with pharmaceutical talents via social media and present them with your opportunities. It will be like chatting with a friend and talking to them for a referral. 
According to the latest statistics, 77% of pharma recruiters find social channels better than job boards for hiring the best talents. It helps build good relationships with candidates rather than just promoting your needs on job boards. The most significant benefit of doing this is that you can start to sell the candidates on your culture more potent than ever before. So, the right prospects will already be pre-sold to you. 
The biggest companies have attained tremendous success with LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter ads. Try to find out the social channels your prospective pharma candidates prefer and stay active on those platforms. 
Over to You
And here we come to an end! These solid recruitment strategies will help you succeed in your search for potential pharma candidates. Have you leveraged any of these strategies before? Tell us about your thoughts!
88% of pharma recruitment experts vouch for the above strategies. But is there anything else that worked for you? Please let us know in the comment section below.
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sudheervanguri · 1 day
MSN Laboratories, a leading name in the pharmaceutical industry, is hosting a walk-in interview for the Production Department on 20th and 21st September 2024. invite freshers and experienced candidates with a background in chemistry to explore career opportunities at Kardanur facility. Job Openings Overview Company: MSN Laboratories Position: API Production Department Experience Required: 0 to 7 years (freshers are welcome) Qualification: BSc in Chemistry Job Location: MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Unit-2, Kardanur, Patancheru Production Department Job Details 1. API Production Department - Freshers & Experienced Welcome Position Overview: Location: MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Unit-2, Kardanur, Patancheru Qualification: BSc in Chemistry (2022, 2023, and 2024 graduates are eligible for fresher positions) Experience: Freshers are welcome. For experienced candidates, 0-7 years of pharma industry experience is required. Experience in handling reactors, centrifuges, and dryers is a plus. Key Responsibilities: Operation of API production equipment, including reactors, centrifuges, and dryers. Ensuring adherence to safety and quality standards in production. Monitoring and maintaining process parameters as per production requirements. Collaborating with the quality and safety teams to ensure smooth production operations. Benefits of Working at MSN Laboratories Monthly Unit Incentives: Enjoy additional performance-based incentives. Night Shift Allowance: Extra compensation for night shift work. Free Transportation: Complimentary transport services to and from the job location. Subsidized Canteen: Affordable, high-quality meals available on-site. [caption id="attachment_56319" align="aligncenter" width="930"] MSN Walk-in Interview for Production Department (Freshers Also Welcome)[/caption] Walk-in Interview Details The walk-in interview for the Production Department will take place on the following dates: Date: 20th & 21st September 2024 (Friday & Saturday) Time: 09:30 AM to 4:30 PM Location: MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Unit-2, Kardanur, Patancheru Contact Person: Mani Shankar (9154894756) Candidates are requested to bring the following documents to the interview: Updated resume Photocopy of educational certificates Latest increment letter Last three months’ pay slips Last six months’ bank statements Passport size photographs Aadhar card copy
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