#pharmaceutical interview questions and answers
wemahesh · 1 year
Openings for Drug Inspector (55 Posts) in Public Service Commission
The history of Constitution of India reveals that the concept of conducting competitive examination for appointment to certain posts came into consideration way back in the year 1853 and a committee for giving shape to that was constituted under the chairmanship of Lord Macaulay in the year 1854. Later on the Federal Public Service Commission and the State Public Service Commissions were…
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staytinyville · 10 months
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Stay Alive (1)
BTS ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N I am very excited for this story! It has a good amount of world building that I enjoy doing so much! I took inspiration from Stay Alive by Jungkook/Suga in case you guys didn’t know! The beginnings are of course slow but that’s how most stories are to build up the tension. I hopeful for this story and I hope you all like it! Please feel free to ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
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People walk among the same earth constantly. However the thing that sets us apart is the path we all take. Sometimes it's the same, other times it's the opposite. Some of us are meant for higher things while some are meant to suffer until things start to look up for us all. 
In a lifetime sometimes we won’t ever get the chance to see ourselves reach the peak we want. There are struggles we all face that will cause setbacks in the path we are taking. Only the ones who are strong enough to see the road to the end make it out alive. 
There will always be those out there who will achieve their goals in life some way or another. Those are the ones who don’t allow those setbacks to dictate their entire life. And maybe along the way someone will come along to help you grow stronger. Whether it’s one person or a whole group. You will see to the end of your path one way or another. 
“Most often than not you will be working on filing. If we are understaffed on a day, like today, we might send you in to write reports on the medicine we have already administered.” Suho, the lady who was placed as your preceptor, explained to you.
You had a grateful smile on your face, happy to finally get to start working. While it wasn’t the place you had been hoping for, you knew the pay was well for the kind of student debts you had. The pharmaceutical lab was meant to administer different kinds of medicines to the people who would sign up for a trial. They did the test on patients before they were given out to people. 
While you were being placed on the front desk for the most part, you knew you would need to work your way up to the spot you wanted and you were more than happy to reach for it. 
“What kind of medicine do you guys make?” You asked, trying to think about all that you had read on the company's website. 
It didn’t really give much about what they focus on so you found it really odd that they were so wide when it came to the things they were trying to cure. 
“You applied here and don't even know?” Suho frowned, looking at you appalled.
“I tried asking at the interview but they just gave me vague answers.” You explained. “The website doesn't tell you anything either.”
“We are very on top of the things we do here at HYBE.” She began to tell you. “There aren’t many people we trust to be hired onto the team so consider yourself lucky to be apart of it.”
“We make sure that our patients here are taken care of because we are a company that is trying hard to reach their goals. Because of that we are detail oriented when it comes to the patients we accept. Not just anyone can be a patient here.” 
While she did a bit more about the kind of company you were working at, it still didn’t really tell you about what it was you were working for. You didn’t choose to question it, knowing that the paycheck they gave you was a luxury for a lot of people. 
“Here are some of your patients for the day. They have already been given the medicine, it's up to you to check up on them for daily research.” You took the six files the lady handed you, nodding your head. 
You placed them onto the small desk area they had given you before going through them to check on the appointment times and ordering them correctly. The first one on your list should be waiting in the lobby by now so you were quick to take the papers and move along to the waiting room.
“Mrs. Han?” You called, a smile on your face. 
An older woman with a younger one came to a stand, slowly shuffling over to where you waited for them at the door. 
“Hello, Mrs. Han. How are you today?” You asked politely, leading the two women towards the scale. 
“I'm doing great! I'm so excited to share some news about the medicine you gave me.” The older woman exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. 
You hummed, keeping the friendly look as you wrote down her weight on the paper. You told them to follow you to a patient room to speak to her privately. 
“I see it was something for your dementia.” You spoke, moving the laptop in the room closer so you could take down everything the lady would tell you. “Is everything going okay?”
“It's wonderful!” The other lady exclaimed for her mother. At least you assumed it was her daughter from the notes that people already had written for you. Her daughter was the one who was in charge of all Mrs. Han’s things.
“You would not believe it but it's almost as though she's regressed in her illness! Mother was in a terrible state when she was offered this trial medicine. She took it and suddenly it was almost like she went back to before it grew to be terrible.”
You tried to write down what the woman was saying, but you knew there were more questions to ask before concluding the entire meeting. 
“Maybe she can get back to normal if she takes more.” The daughter spoke in a hopeful tone. 
“One step at a time, Mrs. Byun.” You kept the smile on your face so as to not let them think they weren’t going to find the help they needed. “We have to see how long this medicine will last first before giving her more doses.” You explained.
“Also, memory loss is nothing to be overly worried about if it's on occasion. Even I forget something's as well.” You told them. 
If there was one thing you studied, it was medicine. You knew the consequences of taking too much or too little. This company was in the slow movement of developing them so they had to be careful about how they administered their projects. People probably came in thinking they could get more if they worked perfectly the first time. However these kinds of things were tests, not the real deal.
“Of course.” Mrs. Byun nodded in understanding. 
The rest of the visit went by smoothly as you took down all the older woman’s rants and aches about the whole thing. With these kinds of surveys it was really about asking how each patient felt even if it was the smallest of things. You wouldn’t be able to tell if it had to do with the medicine or with something else.
As you told Mrs. Han and her daughter goodbye, scheduling the next appointment, the rest of you patient trickled in one-by-one. 
There was a man who had come in for a bad liver–he was an avid drinker–so the medicine was for corrosion to that organ. While you really tried not to say something about it, you felt annoyed that the man had explained that he still had a drink every once in a while. He was like Mrs. Han, the medicine was doing wonders. 
There was a child who had chickenpox, who’s mother explained that the rash that had taken over her son’s body was slowly dwindling down. Another lady who had come in for amnesia which only said that her memory was returning to before she had gotten into an accident. The others had external injuries like scrapes of their knees or a deep cut that needed stitches. From what you could see they were just given some sort of pain medication. They had expressed that their wounds didn’t hurt and it was actually healing at a fast rate. 
“They really work with a lot of medicine.” You spoke to yourself as you looked over the last file you had. You frowned your eyebrows when you saw the patient was in another level of the building. It was the lower levels, which meant in the basement of sorts. From what you knew that was where the labs were. 
“That's odd.” You tilted your head in confusion but made your way over to the elevators anyway. With your ID card, you pressed onto one of the underground levels, leaning back against the metal wall. When the doors opened, you were met with a lobby that had a couple of different doctors moving about. 
Following the signs, you found the door that led to some of the rooms patients were stationed in. You showed the security guard your ID explaining you were in that level of the building to check up on a patient. He took a look at the file you had in your hand, humming as he opened a door to the back for you. 
Overlooking the file once more to make sure you had the right number, you quietly counted the doors. As you passed by one, you felt a shiver go down your back causing you to halt in your tracks. The number three stared back at you as a weird feeling flowed over your shoulders. It felt like something was brushing up against them, pushing at your form. 
You quickly turned back around making your way to the room next to it. You checked over the file one more time. It didn’t really give you much about the medicine the patient had been given. All it said was that they were someone who was meant to be staying in the building for better observation. There were a couple of papers that you seemed to be missing, you noticed.
Before opening the door, you knocked politely. “Hello?” You softly called as you stuck your head in. 
The only light on was the bedside lamp which illuminated the dark room. You frowned at the aspect of there being no windows that would allow light from outside to come in. As you walked in closer, you let go of the door to have it shut by itself. “Mr. Jeon?”
“Who are you?” You gasped, nearly tripping on your feet from the hard flinch you felt take over. 
You took in the man who was standing behind you, trying to regulate your breathing. He only looked at you with a raised brow, his expression passive. You took up his large form, noticing the blue scrubs he wore were almost tight around his physic. He didn’t wear any shoes–was even foregoing to wear socks. 
“Oh,” You said as your breath returned to your lungs. “My name is (Y/N). Today is my first day so I guess I'll be your new nurse.” You explained to him.
“What are you doing here?” As he took a step closer to you, you subconsciously took one back. “You don't deserve to be here.” His voice went quiet as his eyes turned soft. 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you took in his worried expression, smiling awkwardly as you patted your hands to wipe the sweat forming on them. 
“I needed a job. Got school debt to pay off.” You tried to joke with him. He looked too serious, which made you anxious to touch him for his vitals. “I'm here to do a check up. Would you mind?” You asked, trying to build up the courage to get close to him. 
He didn’t say anything, just poked his cheek with his tongue, moving to the bed. You smiled in thanks, looking around the room to find the equipment needed. You purse your lips when you realize you would need to check his heart rate manually. Finding the padding needed to place around his arm, you made your way over to the man.
He flinched back as your hands moved to touch his arm, causing you to stop. “I’m going to check your heart rate.” You explained, remembering that you were the kind of person to make sure people knew what it was you were going to do. 
As he kept his dark eyes on you, he allowed you to softly touch his scrub sleeve as you moved the fabric up to place the padding in the right area of the arm. You moved your stethoscope from around your neck. “It’s going to be a bit cold.” You whispered. 
As you moved on with the check up, you watched the numbers on the dial move carefully counting to yourself. When you finished getting what you needed, you quickly let go of the air and moved the padding off his arm. As you did that, your eyes seemed to blur over the ink the man had. 
Your fingers gently squeezed his bicep, softly moving down the length of his arm. Your gaze drifted over each color and picture the man had, trying to figure out where one picture ended and the next started. As your fingers glided over his pulse on his wrists, the man involuntarily shivered at the touch. 
“Sorry.” You quickly pulled back, looking back up at him. “Your tattoos are really nice. I've never seen so many.” You bashfully smiled at him. 
He only looked at you curiously, his big eyes taking in your facial expressions. It made you feel flustered as he looked at you so deeply, causing you to lick your lips and look away. 
“You have a very strong heart. Very good blood flow.” You told him, turning away to write down his vitals. He slowly got off the bed and moved closer to you. 
“It doesn't say which medicine you've been taking which is really weird.” You frowned, looking over all the papers that you were given. There were some things missing but you assumed the high ups were looking over it. 
“You're different.” You jumped at the voice that spoke directly behind you. Turning around you tilted your head up at the man.
“How so?” You asked.
“You're nice.” The boy squinted his eyes at you, like he was trying to figure you out.
“Are the others not?” You frowned.
“Not the ones who come down here.” He told you.
You tried to quickly cover up your upset expression, looking up at the doe-eyed man with a smile. “Well I hope I'm able to come down here again.” You took up the paper you had written on. There wasn’t much explanation on what you had to ask him so you chose to go back up and see if you could figure out what else to do.
“Have a good day, Mr. Jeon.” You smiled brightly, waving from the door.
Jungkook tilted his head to the side as a warmth spread through his chest from your words. Not a day had gone by that he wasn't thinking about the dreaded place as though it was a sentence in hell. He had never met someone like you; someone who spoke to him as though he too was a person.
It made him light headed to think about the way your words affected him. He couldn't think of the last time someone had ever uttered those kinds of words to him. It had been so long-alone thinking this was what life was going to be like for the rest of his life. But suddenly things changed in the blink of an eye.
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Series Masterlist
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bihanarms · 1 year
Short one-shot in English (sorry in advance for any mistakes, I'm French) featuring Luis x Fem!Reader!!
Warning: Some mild smut at the end :p
It takes place while Luis is working at Lab 6, secretly developing Nemesis with his colleagues.
You're supposed to be a journalist coming to interview Umbrella and their pharmaceutical advancements, but the truth is that you're there to extract information about their true motives and try to expose the truth about Umbrella to the world. Unfortunately for you, it's Luis who you have in front of you :p Feel free to correct me or let me know if anything doesn't sound right.
OS: Luis x Fem!Reader : Not So Dangerous Curiosity
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11:57 a.m.
A deep breath was taken, as a trembling hand reached into a overused notebook from a bag, followed by another hand searching for a black pen. "Fuck, where is that damn thing?"
(Name) finally felt what seemed like a pen under her fingers after hunting through every corner of her handbag, and immediately pulled it out. "Well, a pencil will do," she said to herself.
She took another deep breath as she saw her colleague approaching in the distance, cigarette in hand. The scent of mint mixed with tobacco wafted into (Name)'s nose as she immediately took the cigarette away from her cameraman's fingers. "You could’ve juste ask…" sighed the young man as he took out a camera from his bag.
(Name) pretended not to hear him as she looked at her watch for the twentieth time in a few minutes.
12:00 p.m.
"Are you ready?" she asked.
A nod and a hand gesture to indicate the camera now resting on the young man right shoulder were his response.
"Don't forget, I'm the one who speaks," were (Name)'s last words before being interrupted by the creaking of a door. "Are you here for the interview?" asked the man in a white coat who had just opened the door.
From head to toe, (Name)'s gaze traveled over the man standing right in front of her. Medium-length brown hair, stubble, tall and slender... a well-defined face, a rather charming smil-
"Ai, Señorita, por favor, I just asked you a question," snapped the man in the coat, bringing (Name) back to reality with a snap of his fingers.
"Luis Sera, encantado," he mocked, "Are you here for the report on our latest advances in the pharmaceutical field? 
Her heart started beating fast as she realized that she had lost herself in her thoughts and had been caught staring at the man named Luis a bit too intensely. She straightened up, trying to regain her composure and seriousness so as not to lose her credibility, and raised her eyes to meet those of the researcher.
Blue or gray eyes? Maybe both? Well, it was an enchanting colo-
"(Name), please " came a sharp voice from behind the young woman.
A smirk was heard from the person still standing in the partially open door.
Fuck..,for the second time, she had lost herself in his gaze and had forgotten all her professionalism in a matter of seconds.
"We're ready, sorry for the delayed response, we're just intimidated by Umbrella's reputation. It's just the stress talking," (Name) tried to recover, gradually regaining her confidence. No matter who was in front of her, and no matter what he looked like, (Name) had a very important objective today.
Take Umbrella Down.
Luis Sera opened the door wide and gestured for the two reporters to enter his laboratory.
"So, this is stress, huh?" These words were spoken low enough for the cameraman not to hear, but said at the right moment for (Name) to understand them as she passed by the handsome researcher.
(Name) stood in front of the imposing facilities of laboratory number 6, immediately struck by the high-tech aspect of the place. The room was filled with machines whose names she could hardly imagine, tables filled with paper documents inscribed with diagrams that she barely understood. Samples were also stored on all sides. But the answers she was looking for about what Umbrella really was, or at least the paper evidence, seemed to be nowhere in sight.
Quick, she signaled to her camera-friend to turn it on, gripped her notebook tightly in her hands, and put on a confident air, leaving no trace of how she had behaved towards this man before entering the building.
"Zoom in on his face," she said firmly.
"I'm going straight to the point, Mr. Sera. There are rumors spreading about the company you work for," she said.
Luis' face tensed as he heard her first words,
"It is said that you are actually busy manufacturing secret bio-organic weapons to create new human species like super soldiers-"
The Umbrella researcher suddenly ordered security to remove the cameraman from the room as he found himself face to face with the young woman who had just lowered her microphone.
"Did I say something I shouldn't have?" (Name) said provocatively.
Luis took a few steps towards her, bringing his face close to hers, now just a few inches apart. As (Name) was not intimidated, she kept control of the situation, not moving her face an inch. she was determined to extract any useful reaction from the researcher.
"It's funny how I thought you were here for a report on our latest pharmaceutical advances," he said sharply.
"Maybe you had trouble reading our email," (Name) mocked, raising back her microphone right in front of her interlocutor's mouth. "I'm still waiting for your answer, Dr. Sera"
"You see, mi hermosa," Luis began, placing his finger on the microphone to reposition it, "I thought I was going to have a nice, interesting interview with a beautiful journalist that I could have taken to a hotel for the night if she had wanted to. But you just ruined the mood of the day, I'm afraid."
Her thoughts raced in her head as (Name) tried to find a coherent way to respond to the man who was just millimeters away from her face. She could feel her blood rushing in her veins as her face slightly flushed. She would have loved to spend the night in a hotel with him as he had suggested, and let him take care of her. Luis was exactly her type of man under normal circumstances. But today unfortunately, she had to try her best to achieve her professional goals, and had no choice but to ruin the mood, as he put it.
Seconds passed and the ticking of the needle on (Name)'s watch grew louder, as a small voice in her head told her that maybe she could try to combine pleasure and professionalism in this story.
As she slid her hand up Luis' leg delicately, (Name) stood on her tiptoes and began whispering in his ear.
"If you don't want to answer now, then maybe, just maybe," her hand moved up to Luis' belt buckle, playing with it as if to give him a hint of what she was going to propose, "I could give you what you wanted initially, before I 'ruined the mood', in exchange for some innocent information. No one would know who leaked it, handsome."
A wave of heat was felt below Luis' belt as he couldn't help but imagine the different positions in which he could have taken (Name) right now. Deep down, he couldn't deny the effect that these words had on him.
Without warning, he grabbed the young woman in front of him by the neck, eliciting a moan from (Name), who couldn't help but smile at the man’s action.
A brief silence hung in the air for a few seconds as Luis closed the gap between his lips and (name)'s, almost brushing them. A shiver ran down our journalist's spine as a tempest of emotions surged within her: excitement, passion, apprehension.
Their gazes locked once again, and their breaths grew more intense as his free hand slowly slid down (name)'s belly, making its way between her underwear and jeans, stopping just where he could feel her wet core.
« Don’t stop there. » breathed (Name) heavily.
The sensations were overwhelming, as time seemed to stand still for a few moments. Their hearts were pounding, their breaths were short, and only (name)'s hands trembled slightly, while the atmosphere crackled with palpable tension.
Unable to resist any longer, she tried to bring her lips closer, ready to dance with the man’s tongue.
"You wish," Luis said finally, pulling his face back just in time to barely avoid her kiss.
"Now get out of here and never set foot in this lab again, neither you or your cameraman boyfriend," he continued firmly, releasing (name)'s neck suddenly and turning his back on her, trying to hide the obvious bulge that had formed in his pants.
"You haven't heard the last of me, handsome " (name) retorted sharply, after picking up her bag from the floor and turning towards the exit.
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stevenbasic · 5 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 376: Back Together, p2 (Third Round of New Hires)
“Y-you've interviewed all these people, gone through all their resumes?” he asked, sidled up next to Melissa. This was his Office Manager/Girlfriend and the young woman who - along with her hive of worker bees - was handling so much of the practice’s expansion for him. “You must have been busy…”
Dr J, geriatrician and former owner of the medical practice the two of them now sat in while finishing up a dinner of take-out Thai food, was suddenly not feeling quite as confident as he had throughout the day. Melissa had been showing him the new women that they’d hired, girls who were set to work in the two new wings of the building. 
Far Horizons was about to become a full-on health-care complex, complements of funding by Evolution Pharmaceuticals and his ex-wife Sheryl. It all opened for business on Monday, after some early ceremonies and a news piece that was supposed to air at the end of the week. Rather than feeling excitement for the growth of his (former)  business he was instead starting to squirm. His mouth filled with something that tasted like dread. 
“Yep, We've been very busy!” she chirped, pulling up the application and pictures of another girl on the tablet. This one was someone who’d be working behind the desk in the (it still made him shudder) Regression Clinic. In truth, the interviews Melissa had with these girls had been brief, quick introductions more than anything, and they were done over the computer. The girls were mostly all still out in California or Mexico or wherever. 
Dr. J tried to relax about the whole thing, but it was hard. It was all just so crazy, and was quickly becoming a reality. “So the, uh, 50’s housewife look is really coming back, huh?” he pondered aloud, looking at the dress on a pretty young brunette and having a strong recollection of a recent dream. The flashback made him temporarily dizzy. He was becoming confused. For one thing, these images weren’t the amateur selfies that the new girls on his current staff had sent him, back in the last couple waves of hiring. These seemed more professional, and he daresay more clinically crafted to highlight the women’s, umm, best features.
These girls are all insanely gorgeous, he marveled. Like the staff he now had surrounding him day-to-day, it was nearly unbelievable. What the actual fuck - where are they growing these people?!? “It’s kinda, uh, ‘Stepford Wife’-ish,” he commented, unsure she would get the reference.
“You know…I just ordered a few new dresses myself,” Melissa replied as Jay stared at the tablet, no longer paying enough attention to her. She could feel it. She could tell as he went through the tablet preloaded by Evolution with 'applications' that he was feeling more nervous and agitated. Maybe the effects of Katarina’s milk were wearing off, or maybe this was just too upsetting for him. She understood, it could be overwhelming, tripling your staff and facing the prospect of being surrounded by more than three times the women in the office every single day. It was a lot, and she could tell he had some questions.
“So, what’s up with the, uh ‘subject number’ on all of them?” he began in a mumble, “Or this blacked-out space on all of them?”
Melissa paused; she knew she had to have answers. She didn’t want to lie if she didn’t have to, but more importantly she didn’t want to upset him. “The Col-…uh, Evolution actually helped out, found us a lot of girls, doing most of the hiring and human resources for now, until we have our own girl for it - she’s this one here, with the red hair!” She showed him a particularly bosomy picture, hoping to distract him.
“And what does ‘program’ mean? And what’s ‘Coronado’?”
“Oh uh I dunno?” She hated having to lie to him. “Maybe they have some sort of, like, employment…outreach?…program? In…Coronado?” oooOooo I just want to blast him with perfumes, make him believe me! But I promised myself I wouldn’t do that as much. Unless he…unless he wanted me to do it. Ooo nnnnhh that’d be…..oooo…
“So…how many of these new people are there?”
“Including the men?”
He’d forgotten about those. The guys they were hiring, for maintenance, groundskeeping, some gruntwork data entry. The ones they were keeping housed in the basement.  “Uh, no, just the uh-“
“The girls?" she said with a knowing giggle. 
He nodded, grunted his assent: “uh, yeah.”
"Well, at first, It looks like we’ll have about sixty new girls,” Melissa replied, knowing it was a bit more than that, “some on our payroll, some on Evolution’s, but I’ll be managing them all.” The prospect made her warm and wet between the thighs. “And I think eventually we’ll need more.” 
He shivered, and his voice cracked. “a-And how many do we have now? Already working?”
“Thirty. Including me.”
“Jesus.” The scale of it was staggering to him. The scale, and the fact that they’d been able to grow so quickly, filling all these positions in so short a time. “Wow, why? What’s so attractive about these jobs? It can’t be just the pay,” he asked. The pay is ridiculous, though. I don’t know how it’s all feasible. 
“Oh getting girls for these applications was easy!” Melissa replied, “And all of them were hired before your video came out. Now? After this weekend? That video made us very popular! Soooo many people want jobs here now! Girls willing to move from all over! Just to work for us! The applications just keep coming in! Even now!”
“T-that’s insane…” 
“Why is it so crazy? We now have streams of you and your-”
‘Harem’, she wants to say ‘harem’. 
“…staff, all over the internet. Girls just want to be part of it.”
“It makes no sense!” he exclaimed, then paused. His voice dropped as he descended into thought. “The world is…twisted.”
“Oh, sweetie, it’s really not,” she purred, closing the space between them as she leaned in towards him. She’d already begun releasing pheromones subconsciously: 0001.55.6009.xx, 0001.55.6388.dd, and, though she’d promised herself she wouldn’t, 0001.55.6022.cd. “Honey, It makes perfect sense. The world is just…changing. Girls want what they want, and it’s different than before. You have to know that you being so perfectly vulni will bring in girls wanting to join us. They want to join us and grow into something better.”
Dr. J sighed, pondering his place in all this.
“We've been swimming in candidates” Melissa commented, her voice a near-whisper, secretly having begun to shiver herself. All this talk of growing, gathering more girls around herself was getting her excited. She recognized the feeling and it was continuing to make her warm up between her powerful thighs. I want another hundred of them, a thousand. Millions…
“S-swimming..?” Dr. J stammered the fear creeping into his voice.
And now you’re drowning in them. Melissa smiled. She knew it wasn’t just seeing Jay’s shrunken flagellations on livestream that was attracting all the outside attention, from both men and women. Her own influence was growing. They were watching her and her girls, and the world was starting to gravitate toward them. Toward HER. Randi had said something to her recently about it, and it struck her: ‘They’re all, all your followers, all these viewers, starting to see you as something more than themselves, something more perfect, and they like it’. The memory excited Melissa even more, and set her mind reeling. 
“Wanna see some more girls?” Melissa offered, pulling herself from her thoughts and smushing herself into him even closer. She slid her chair until it was practically on top of his. “They’re all so pretty, don’t you think?” Again on her tablet she started swiping through girls, applications, photos, a blur of beautiful girls, attractive women, each one another member of her little beehive. “All our new roommates…” 
“r-roommates?” he stammered, as she’d settled on a particularly athletic looking brunette. Jesus this one could kick my ass. Look at those arms.
“Well, more like housemates.” Melissa corrected. She could tell that he was growing even more nervous, less relaxed by the minute. His thoughts? She could taste them almost as clearly as she did her Tom Yum Goong: they’re all so beautiful, and there are so many of them.
“They’re all going to be living together in the barr-...the dorms and apartments upstairs,” she continued, “those new spaces are pretty much ready to go.” She reached out, pushed an errant lock of hair from his forehead. She could sense his pulse quickening, and saw his eyes flit to her big chest. Where all this talk of new girls - a huger hive of honeybees - made him uneasy, it was thrilling to her. Every new face seemed to make Melissa feel bigger.  And, these days, I like being big. 
“We put a rush on the new girls’ suites since they all need a place. Most are coming from so far away. Mine and the current girls’ won’t be ready for another little bit.”
“And I’ll be staying-”
“With me.”
I can’t wait to put you in your room.
Suddenly he looked even more nervous, especially as he thought  about moving in with her. Maybe it was too much? 
Jay couldn't comprehend what he was feeling in all honesty as he felt himself shift away from her. “uh…could we, like, maybe do this another time?” he asked abruptly, “Maybe just, I dunno, we could talk about something else? Do something else together?”
She knew him well enough by now to know what his little plea meant. She needed to change course with him and protect his weak male ego. You can be so fragile. “Oh,  so you want to spend time just with me?” she asked with a girlish giggle, tucking her tablet under her arm...
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“Well, yeah…” 
She sensed he was getting more agitated. Was Katarina’s milk wearing off, or was this all just too much for him now? She knew that she could just calm him down with some of her body’s own perfumes, and did allow a little more 0001.55.6022.cd to ebb off her skin. Despite it, she still felt him wanting to back away some more. As he retreated she caught his eyes  roaming her chest again in a quick furtive pass. He just couldn't help it. I know what the poor thing needs, even if he doesn’t know it himself. 
“Whoa whoa whoa mister,” Melissa laughed, reaching out her strong  arm toward his remarkably thin shoulder, “You’re not going anywhere." She felt him squirm underneath her grip as he tried to get away; it was like restraining a small puppy. “No you are not.”  She took a moment to turn off her tablet and place it on the table. Then, she sat up nice and straight. “C’mere,” she directed him, “Come sit on my lap.”
He gave her a look she didn’t necessarily like. He was having thoughts, getting a bit too fussy for her liking. She knew she needed to exert her will a bit. He needed to calm down. 
“I said.  On. my. Lap. ”
He stayed frozen in place. Was she going to have to release more pheromones? 
“Dear? This is not me asking you. On my lap, NOW.”
Her voice. Something had changed in her voice. It’s not that it was, well, loud - though she had increased its volume - but it had made the windows rattle. It carried with it authority, a terrible, acute authority that made him feel small.
And it made him listen. 
He half stood, turned, and brought himself towards her. On her little breakroom chair she spread her thighs a bit, letting him in to sit. She urged him to hop up onto her right leg and smiled as he sat. 
“That’s it. You said you want my attention?” she purred, enjoying the weight of his little body on her lap, “Well, now you have it.” Snaking her perfectly toned left leg around him, Melissa carefully locked him into place as she gave him a comforting smile and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. 
He tried to move, but his legs may as well have been shackled by steel. His skin prickled in a blend of fear and excitement as he became once again intimately familiar with the phenomenal strength of  her body. Her formidable thighs held him tight while, at the same time, he felt the soft, comforting mass of her right breast pressing into his side. But even surrounded by the soft feminine weight of Melissa’s body, he was still agitated. 
Oh, my fussy little boy.
At first, Melissa was amused by the feeling of his futile half-struggles against her. Then, those feeling changed, She was not only reminded her just how weak he was, but the sensation, the thought of her being so much stronger than him made her feel powerful. Aroused. Hot. She felt herself now getting wetter with each passing second. Tiny thrills fluttered her increasingly superhuman heart as she felt him struggle against her. with all his adorable, meager little might. 
Gotta control yourself, Missy. Deep breaths, in and out, just like you’ve learned. You can't…you can’t…
She felt her breathing pick up, in pace.
…you can't what? You can't enjoy yourself? You can't be yourself around your boyfriend?
A simple but very reckless question began to form in her mind: ‘Why?’ Why can't I just be myself?
She smiled.
“What do we have here?” she began again, unable to keep the husky arousal out of her chuckle, “A poor little bunny, struggling to escape my trap?”
“haha I, uh…”
Though he was sitting on her thigh, his head was still lower than hers. She looked down into his face and read his eyes, his expressions, his emotions and thoughts. She somehow knew what he was thinking, how he’d noticed things seemed physically weird today. Like, didn’t his shoes - new since yesterday - fit better this morning?
“What’s wrong?” she asked, though knowing exactly what was now bothering him. He was feeling so physically inferior, especially now that she was enveloping him in herself. It made her tingle again. She knew he was comparing them: comparing their heights, their sizes, and just how small he was pushed up against her chest. I am, she silently answered his thoughts, I am so much bigger than you. 
“I’m…I’m just a little nervous about all these new people, because…because…” he offered. He knew he didn’t even have to explain what made him so anxious about them, that she could already guess his next unspoken words: it’s because they’re…strangers. 
“Oh, sweetie, give them some time,” she purred, consoling him with a voice she knew he liked, “they’ll become family too. Just like all my other friends have.”
His next thoughts were plain as day to her too: Yeah but why do I feel like, with all these new women around, I’m going to seem even smaller? And then, as he squirmed a bit in her embrace: Why am I suddenly craving milk? he thought, Should I…ask for it?
“I’ll get you some milk later,” she answered, making him gasp. She giggled, and knew she had to reassure him. “I heard your tummy rumble,” she explained. I hear Katarina left some in the fridge. “I’ll get you some, when we’re done here, and then we’ll play at home.” You’re fun to play with when you’re so relaxed
The poor thing was confused again. 
“You are staying with me again tonight, right?” she asked.
He fidgeted anew. “I was, I’m…actually thinking of staying at my place?”
“Nope,” she answered, “They’re still fixing it up. It’s not ready yet.”
”huh okay,” he replied, completely unaware that he’d just agreed to come home with her again. “But I thought it was just cleaning, patching a few holes in the walls, fixing some cabinet doors?” he enjoined, “And do we know who did it yet?” His eyes glanced down the top of her blouse.
Hm yeah that’s right. ”uh, no,” Melissa answered. I have to ask about that. I’m sure the girls have reviewed the security footage.
“okay, but maybe I can stay on the cot in my office?”
This little man is being a little difficult. We still don’t know who’s ransacked his room, and he thinks he can stay here all by himself?  Maybe he needs to be shown who’s in charge a little more convincingly. 
“Here, stand up,” she instructed, removing her large left leg from where it lay over his thighs.and hips. She took him under the armpits and hoisted him from her lap...
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“Wh-what are you doing?” he asked, as she stood him between her legs and leaned in towards him.
She didn't answer. She didn't need to. In just a moment she had the drawstring of his scrubs untied, and had stripped his pants and briefs off him. He was hard. 
Of course. He’s always hard for me. But he’s worried. We’re at the office, in the breakroom. He’s thinking ‘what if…’
“I promise you we’re alone,” she assured him. The windows didn’t have any shades, they were basically on the ground level. But whatever.
She looked down and saw that he wasn’t tall enough to reach what she wanted him to, so she reached down toward his bare, bony hips and lifted him up with her hands, bringing her legs together and him down to kneel on her lap nearly eye-to-eye, his hips at the level of her chest. 
“I noticed you’ve been looking at my chest all night,” she said, her voice now dripping serious with barely contained arousal, sounding deeper, “Why don’t we bring you in for a little visit?”
With that, Melissa used her two hands to part the button-gap of her yellow silk blouse, between the second and third button. She’d opened up a slit, a window of an entry for him, right at the level of his huge, solid, nine-and-a-half inches of dick.
“Slide it in,” she said, and immediately he groaned. She smiled.  She could  almost see the blood rushing from his brain into the second most amazing thing about him, her most valuable ally, that incredible cock of his. It guided him to comply, and with both feeble-looking hands (yes, he needed both hands, both hands, to have the strength to control his own erection) he pushed it down and slid it in-
NNNNnnnnghhhh!!! ohmygodohmygod….
- into the opening between the buttons of her blouse, into the warm, dark passage which led in between her breasts and deep into her cleavage. He felt every millimeter of movement: the cool smooth satin of her shirt sliding around his shaft, and the soft kiss of her breasts as he began to part her softness. He slid into the velvety cave and felt like he was being embraced by heaven itself. Her breasts were held aloft, tautly pressed together by the support of her bra, but he had no trouble sliding in between them. Though he was so big, so long, her cleavage was deep enough to take him in, straight on in full, to the root. It was like they were made for each other, his cock and her tits. His sac pressed against the cool fabric of her blouse.
“Ooooooooooo…” Melissa cooed, looking deep into his eyes as they rolled back in his head, “How does that feel?” she used her arms to gently press her massive breasts together, squashing herself around him even more firmly, as she  wrapped her hands around his little butt and began to push, in and out, her chest into him. His weak body had started to shake and quiver in her embrace, and it was only with her help and encouragement that he was able to begin to pump.
“There we go, there we go,” she purred, helping him move his meager hips in and out, in and out, slowly, sliding in through her slick satin shirt, her smooth skin, and then out of the warm grip of her dark, hidden cleavage. She was going to gift him with a clothed titfuck that she knew would melt his little male-mind. Men are so funny.
His words were nearly gone, but he managed some clumsy form of praise. “Mmm….mmm…oh my god…M-Melissa….oh my god…”
“Shhh, honey, shhhh….it’s okay,” she cooed, now gently rocking her chest forward, her shoulders back in time with each pump, to guide him through a rhythm, to help him along. “You just enjoy it baby, you just enjoy it in there.”
Now his voice had totally failed him, and he fell to grunts. It had been all day - all day! - since he’d climaxed, since he’d come. His body had grown used to orgasming several times a day, if not more, over and over. Whether at his own hand or hers, he’d become accustomed to it, he basically needed it. The milk had helped to distract,  had given him focus, had allowed him to forget his needs until now. But, here now, he was suddenly pent-up beyond belief and ready to blow.
“C’mon, honey, c’mon…go ahead,” Melissa encouraged him, as she felt his scrawny frame start to shiver differently, tense up. He was close, and she knew he had a whole day’s worth to share. A whole day of blissful orgasms, and they were all going to come out in just one moment. She watched, was happy. In and out, in and out of her clothed chest he thrust, thrust, thrust. Trust, trust. He trusted her. She felt it in him, she did. He let himself be like this, he let himself be weak around her. He let himself be enveloped by her, be surrounded by her, be consumed by her, and she loved it. She loved holding him, engulfing and cocooning him and she wanted to do it more more more. If she could pull him fully in there, into her blouse, in between her tits she would. She would trap him, and keep him there. Encapsulate him, insulate him, enwomb him.  “I hope this brings you lots of pleasure…” 
Fuck my chest little man. 
“Oh goddddd….” he finally groaned, finally finding his voice, finally surrendering, his love into the unseen depths of her warm chest. Under her shirt, beneath her blouse, into the satiny confines of her top and bra and skin he let loose a load that drained him, drained his stress, drained his day away. She let him go, she let him empty himself into her, and felt his warm life bubble and goop and stickily slicken his shaft as he continued to thrust and thrust and thrust in his trust of her. She would hold him, she would support him, she would keep him and let him die his little death here, kneeling on her lap and emptying his mess into her top. A whole day’s worth, a trove of his treasure.
“Good baby, good boy,” she allowed herself, the feelings of love and care and affection for him now overwhelming everything else. She hugged his hips to her big bosom, held his smaller body to her larger one. He’d had his hands on her shoulders, and now he let his arms drape behind her. He collapsed, his head falling to rest on hers.
“Melissa, I love you,” he murmured, mouth full of her thick, dark hair.
“I love you too, sweetie…I love you too...” she said, and felt him fall asleep.
lots of thanks to ElephantPorn for the AI images in the animation, and to RiF for editing in the copy
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antaxzantax · 8 months
Umbrella Pharmaceuticals - Chapter 22
Dr Ward repositioned the metal frames of his glasses. The two of them had gathered in an office lavishly decorated with heavy volumes of various disciplines such as psychology, sociology and anthropology. The boy was pleased when he spotted the name of his great-grandfather, Arthur Ashford, on one of them. Dr Ward held out the thick book, entitled On the Control of the Social Mass, an equally groundbreaking and controversial essay on the mechanisms that enable the perpetuation of the statu quo. Dr Ward revered Arthur Ashford as his main academic point of reference. In his honour, and as the greatest milestone of his career, he ran for and was elected rector of the preparatory school that the noble scholar founded for his offspring. A school to which his six-year-old great-grandson, whom he interviewed to assess his aptitude and character, and then some. The Stewarts referred to it by the euphemism "distinguishing". To "distinguish" a Stewart was to educate them in a certain way of being and a certain way of thinking. This time, the Stewart to be distinguished was Earl Ashford's heir apparent, Alfred, a slim-bodied boy with androgynous features, generally quiet, though anxious and impatient; gifted, but not to the level of genius of his twin sister; very suspicious and naïve.
If Alexia had been born an ordinary person, she would have shared a chair with her older brother. If Alfred had been born an extraordinary person, Lord Ashford would not have turned to Dr Ward to educate his son. On the contrary, he would have shared a chair with his younger sister to be personally educated by Lord Ashford. On this fact, Alfred lamented that Alexia was not with him. Dr Ward asked him why and he said that he felt good to have her with him. He had read about the supposed psychic connections between twin siblings, but Alfred and Alexia were not identical twins and his yearn for his sister seemed to stem from an ordinary childish desire for play. In any case, he reviewed his notes and went on with the interview. It was time to evaluate the child's conception of human society.
“Alfred, why don't we talk a little about our society?” He lit his pipe without bothering to keep a safe distance from the interviewee.
The boy began to tickle the tweed on the sleeves of his jacket, not knowing what to say.
“In our society there are rich people and poor people; people with a lot of money and people with little. Why do you think poor people exist?”
“Poor people are stupid," Alfred said bluntly.
“And why are they stupid?” continued Dr Ward with a laugh.
“Uhm... They have no education.”
“School education or family education?”
“Both. My family says they don't know how to behave.”
“All right.” Smoked. “What place does your family have in our society?”
“We're the best.” Alfred smiled proudly.
“Why are you the best?”
“We are special. We are smart. We work hard.”
“Has your father or any other member of your family ever told you about the origin of your fortune?”
“My great-great-grandmother Veronica had a lot of business.”
“What kind of business?”
“Factories. Land in Asia.”
“Aha. Have they told you about those businesses?”
“A little bit.”
“Like what?”
“That she employed a lot of poor people. Many families from the North[1].”
“Did you know that children used to work in factories back then?”
“Yes. I read about it in the history books.”
“What do you think about it?”
Alfred turned his attention to the statuette of a horse. He had stopped scratching the tweed and Dr Ward couldn't tell whether the boy was uncomfortable with the question or thinking about the answer.
“They are children like me, but they are poor. They work for us.”
Dr Ward noted the comment. Lord Ashford had asked for an earl to match, and he would produce what had been agreed.
Obedience brings discipline.
Discipline brings unity.
Unity brings power.
And power brings life.
The audience applauded. Having done his job, James Marcus retired to his office. Miller turned to the congregation of students waiting in the centre of the main hall.
“Dr Marcus' first lecture has been scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.”
The crowd dispersed. Miller looked around for the pair of minors.
“You guys. Come over here.”
The two minors approached him at the same time. He could not identify either of them.
“Can you remind me of your names? So I can put you on the list of residents," he lied.
“William Birkin.” A blond-haired, acne-ridden teenager appeared, neatly combed and apparently well-dressed. This was supposed to be the fifteen-year-old they had hired at Harvard.
“Albert Wesker.” Another blond teenager with smooth skin and a stoic attitude. He wore jeans and a red bomber jacket like James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause. He had been hired at Columbia [2] after leaving West Point[3] without graduate.
“You were seventeen, weren't you?” Miller turned to Albert Wesker.
“When do you turn eighteen?”
“August ninth.”
Miller mentally recorded the date.
“Do you like your bedroom?” Miller had put them in the same room so as not to mix them with the older ones.
“Yes. Not bad," said Birkin, with his hands behind his back.
“Yes," Wesker replied dryly.
“Good. In that case, I'll leave you to it.”
Miller hurried off to his office. William Birkin and Albert Wesker were left alone in the lobby.
The bedroom lacked any decoration and the furnishings were restricted to the basics. A curtained double window ensured privacy. The wooden slats under her feet did not creak and her mattresses rested on a solid wooden frame that looked decent. A couple of simple wardrobes for storing clothes and a couple of desks with chairs. Nothing else. To the left, by the door, Wesker slept. On the right, on the long back wall facing the entrance, Birkin.
They agreed to nothing. As soon as they entered, Wesker threw his backpack on the bed, marking his territory. Birkin was more careful, leaving the suitcase next to the headboard of his own. Wesker made him nervous. From the looks of him, he looked like a tough guy, and he didn't like that at all. Wesker looked like the bullies who fucked him up until he was twelve, when his college entrance got him off the hook. He had learned to distance himself as much as possible from those cretins and to retreat into himself to minimise the damage. For this reason, he focused on getting his desk and cupboard in order, ignoring the other boy's presence. But the other boy was not ignoring him. He felt its sibylline blue eyes on the back of his head, watching him.
Birkin nervously swallowed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Wesker pull a small metal object out of his backpack and tuck it under the mattress, probably thinking Birkin hadn't noticed, and lay down on the bed. Birkin finished and sat down in his desk chair to do whatever it was.
“Where are you from?” Wesker spoke suddenly behind him.
“Baltimore.” He turned around. “I'm from Baltimore. And you?”
“New York.”
Birkin swallowed again. His reclining posture lessened the sense of menace, but did not encourage him to let his guard down.
“Where in New York? State or city?”
“City. Brooklyn.”
“Ah. I've never been there.”
Quiet. Birkin began to rock the stiff metal chair, and Wesker lay back, staring at the ceiling.
“And what are you doing here?” Birkin ventured to satisfy his curiosity about his roommate's profile.
“Same as you," he replied.
Birkin wiped the sweat from his hands on his trousers. He recognised his stupidity.
“Where did you study?” he rephrased.
“Oh. On a scholarship?”
“I came from Harvard. A bachelor's degree in microbiology.”
“How old are you?” Wesker cut him off.
Wesker turned around, and now he was the one with his back to her. He didn't understand the move. Was that supposed to be a good sign or a bad sign? He hadn't hit him yet, though.
[1] North of England. In this case, from Yorkshire to Northumberland. [2] Columbia University, New York. [3] United States Military Academy (USMA) (West Point).
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lunaraydue · 1 year
Intro 📌
Hi! I'm Luna Raydue, an indie VN game dev, voice actress, and VTuber! This tumblr is mostly going to be used to talk about my game dev stuff, both released games and projects in the works. Feel free to ask questions about anything I've worked on!
⭐Itch ⭐Twitch ⭐Twitter (mainly for vtubing) ⭐Tube (Will upload vods here eventually)
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📺 Cultivating Happiness (1k words, 3 endings)
As you watch TV, an odd commercial comes on, and it really speaks to you. Like, directly.
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🔍Who Killed Bigfoot? [Demo Version] (4.5k words, point-and-click mystery)
When Lucy Leads started her new job as an accountant for EVO Pharmaceuticals, she wasn't sure what to expect-- but it definitely wasn't murder. At her first-ever office Halloween party, someone is found dead in a bigfoot costume, and no one is allowed to leave the office. Although detective work isn't in her job description, Lucy steps up to investigate the case. With a killer among her coworkers, can she find the truth before anyone else gets hurt?
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🍄Decompose With Me (1k words, 3 endings)
You wake up in the woods with no memory of how you got there. A cute girl stands above you. Is she there to help, or does she want something else…?
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🌹Sunshine & Roses (20k words, kinetic novel)
Sam Williams is 50 and stagnant. When he decides to try some gardening to rebel against the monotony of his life, a chance encounter with the owner of the local gardening center shakes up more than he expected. Heath Rhodes is older than Sam but so full of life-- he should be everything that makes Sam feel bad about himself, but Heath's unabashed joy and kindness draw him in. As their relationship blossoms and Sam is contacted by his estranged daughter Daisy, he must learn how to nurture both his new plants and new relationships. It's not all sunshine and roses, but spring is in the air, and the tenderly grown flowers smell sweet. A sweet, mature queer romance between older men, with themes of identity, nurturing the important things in life, and never being too old to change.
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🪰To Swat a Fly (1k words, 3 endings)
For four years, the Red Valley County in Arizona was haunted by a shadowy serial killer with mysterious methods of murder. Even three years after her arrest, the "Red Valley Reaper" Mel Atkinson has refused to speak a word to the press-- until today. You've managed to get yourself an exclusive interview with the high-profile prisoner. The question is-- can you ask the right questions and make it out with the truth?
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🎭UNDERSTUDY (30k words, 3 linear routes, 2 endings)
Isabelle Stern is a theater major at a small but renowned arts college, and she knows she's the best actress there. For her senior production, she has her heart set on playing Lady Macbeth in the Shakespearean classic-- but to her shock, a sophomore beats her for the role, relegating her to an understudy. A dark desire for revenge grows in Isabelle's heart, and when a mysterious theater ghost offers her a chance to change her fate, she can't help but take it. But can she get what she wants without bloodying her hands?
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🧛Twice Bitten [Demo Version] (9.5k words, point-and-click mystery)
Malakai Catshall is an ordinary inspector assigned to investigate the strange murder of a young woman found drained of blood. The case takes an unexpected turn when he himself is attacked in pursuit of evidence and wakes up changed. Vivek DeValentis, a detective from the classified Special Crimes Investigation Unit, has saved Malakai's life-- at an unlikely cost. Thrust into a secretive society of immortal vampires who live in the city's neon shadows, Malakai has to rethink everything he thought he knew to answer three questions: Who killed the woman in the alleyway? Who attacked him? And what, exactly, is happening to his body?
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hawkeyedflame · 2 years
Do you have any resources for the carnivore diet?
i do but i'm in the process of compiling them for someone irl so i'll cross post here when i feel satisfied with it. i know a couple people have asked me in the last couple days, but it's a slow process because i'm a pretty busy person and the holidays make everything crazy. also a lot of it is podcasts with various doctors and researchers who are still trying to get the full picture because it's been very difficult for anyone to get the funding to put out real studies since it's such a ~radical~ concept in the face of the standard western diet. and that definitely doesn't have anything to do with medical and pharmaceutical establishments profiting off of our continued ill health
if you're up for surfing around yourself and hearing from both doctors and long-time carnivores, i can recommend Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Anthony Chaffee, Dr. Elizabeth Bright, Dr. Judy Cho, Youtubers Kelly Hogan, Laura Spath, and Mikhaila Peterson, paleoanthropologist Dr. Bill Schindler, psychiatrist Dr. Chris Palmer, cancer biologist Dr. Thomas Seyfried, and probably others that aren't coming to mind right this second. all of them appear in interviews on YouTube, host their own podcasts and/or have published books. some of these people are very focused on the carnivore diet itself, while others like Dr. Palmer and Dr. Seyfried are heavily focused on metabolic disorders and how ketogenic diets (of which carnivore is the ultimate one) can be used to treat and cure them. some of these people are also more stringent about the diet than others-- it would be incumbent upon you to determine where you feel people are being too dogmatic. i think it's good to listen to the whole spectrum of opinions and then decide for yourself which parts you want to take and which you want to leave.
if you have any specific questions about the diet or my experience with it so far, feel free to ask and i'll do my best to answer.
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poweroverflowing · 2 years
Darkness Descends - End of Arena Drabble (702 words)
The backdrop of the world cracks, breaks, and fades away. Like a glass orb shattering around him, pieces of this realm fly into Odin before clattering into nothingness. It is gone. All of it. After a hard-fought gauntlet, The Band of The Crow is free. For Julius and Andrei this is probably a relief, but newfound freedom poses more questions than answers for Odin. Just where is he? Is this the academy his cousin had mentioned back in the book? He’s unsure. And though there are a number of people around him--some he even recognizes--that he could probably ask, the wounds from a series of battles finally catch up to him. Is Julius alright? Would Andrei believe that he’s real now? These questions burden the wondrous mind of ‘Oberon Dark’ but will have to wait for later to be answered.
A flood of pain pours down on him, reminding Odin Dark of all the gashes and bruises he’d gained in that last fight. A pair of golems--light and dark--and their accompanying core. Who would’ve guessed such a foe could reduce him to this state? A light cough is all he can manage for now, before medical staff are lifting him by the arms to carry him away.
Time passes, and Odin is tended to by medical staff. The armor he donned while inside the book was never present in reality, making removal of his clothing easier on the infirmary. They checked him for wounds, applied white magic where they could, and pharmaceuticals where they could not. 
As they remove his gloves to check for blisters or sprains, however, they find something of exceptional importance: The Brand of the Exalt. Its mark is burned into the back of his left hand--his sword hand--and serves as the natural counterpart to the right-bodied mark of the Fell Dragon. The practitioners wave it off as just another oddity from a foreign land, but it takes everything Dark has to suppress the gasp he wants to let out at its sight. That didn’t exist in the story book, right? He thinks back on it, and distinctly remembers the crystal he was given to return to his homeland. That had always been securely in his pocket, so the Brand shouldn’t have existed with it--Wait.
The crystal.
When his treatment concludes and he is told to wait for but a brief moment in the infirmary, Odin’s hands dart across his body. He feels Missiletainn on its hilt, some legendary charms (useless trinkets) clipped to his hip, but no crystal. It’s gone. It must have shattered with the fairytale world when he was let out. This could only mean one thing: he isn’t in Nohr anymore. The powers he was given by the now-sleeping dragon must have vanished too, leaving Odin to have to re-learn everything about magic.
He’s not given much of a chance to think about this, though, before a man pushes through the infirmary doors to ask him some questions. 
The interview is over (he thinks) and Odin is once again left to his own devices. Did he say something wrong? The man walked off without another word, so he definitely wasn’t interested in one of Dark’s long-winded stories...
But when he returns, it’s not to kick Odin out or send him away. It’s with a sheet of paper. More specifically, a contract. One that, when signed, would bind Odin to a teaching position in the Golden Deer house. All it needs is his signature, which he hesitates before giving them.
Owain Dark.
“In providing you with my secret identity, I trust that you shall maintain a shadowy veil of secrecy. Not even the most virtuous of souls should know that Owain is the true title of mine. To all at this academy, I shall be known as Oberon Dark--no--Professor Oberon Dark!”
And there you have it. The grand old tale of how Owain acquired his third name: Professor Oberon. He’ll go on to be one of the more verbose and outspoken of the academy’s teachers, and though his lectures are often difficult to decipher, there is an undeniable wisdom hidden within each and every one.
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rekrootingagency · 2 years
5 Best Pharmaceutical Recruitment Strategies of All Time 
The USA has always been a pioneer in medical research and development. The country spends approximately $ 60 billion annually on the R &D of the pharmaceutical industry. It dominates the market both in terms of consumption and development. The pharmaceutical industry in the US market is expected to grow more rapidly with every passing year. According to the latest update by STAT news, the USA will spend up to $ 600 billion on prescribed drugs by the year 2023.  
Hence, with this expanding pharmaceutical industry, its staffing strategies are also evolving. So, the role of solid hiring strategies for the top medical recruitment agencies is irreplaceable today. The premium healthcare specialist staffing solutions can build a strong team of pharma talents with an effective recruitment strategy. This blog will discuss some of such exceptional pharmaceutical recruitment strategies that can take any pharma business to the next level! 
The experts who follow the healthcare staffing trends consistently vouch for these pharma recruitment strategies. So, if you are hiring pharma talents, you will surely benefit from this blog. Read on to explore! 
1. Go for Temp-to-Perm
Finding a qualified candidate is one thing. But finding one that fits well within your team is an entirely different aspect! Above that, it’s pretty complex to make this determination on paper. Mostly, the only way to ensure the talents you are hiring can 100% become an integral part of your team is to try before you buy.
So, start employing this strategy to hire the best pharma talents today! This strategy is much more effective than any random healthcare recruitment software. Hiring talent as a temp will allow you to have some time to assess whether they have a long-term future in your organization. Moreover, you will also be able to make your hiring decisions faster. 
Above that, a temp-to-perm strategy is also beneficial when you don’t have clear long-term plans. You are not collapsing into a substantial fixed cost at the initial stage by leveraging the temp option. 
2. Do an Extensive Research
Great recruitment strategies for the pharmaceutical industry require extensive research. You should aim to do an in-depth analysis by dividing your strategy into different steps: 
3. Research about the USPs  
Do extensive research on any certification, licensing, or any other specific skill set requirement which is in demand in the market now. And then, you can use them as filters for improving your chances of getting more potent candidates for interviews. 
4. Self-Evaluation
Have a clear look at your present employee status and be honest about what is working and what is not! Often, it is tempting to blame candidates if you need to build an outstanding team. But the real reason is mostly a poor organizational strategy. So, you must first work on it to ensure you create the best ambience to retain great talents. 
5. Explore the Pool
“Fish where the fish are” – Did you hear about the phrase? This applies to finding talents in the pharmaceutical industry as well. You should identify and evaluate different online locations where job-seekers in the pharmaceutical world prefer to see more work. 
Look for patterns like what most pharmaceutical candidates expect from a company and their careers, what you can do to make yourself look attractive to high-performing candidates, and so on. And once you find the answers to these questions, include them in your working strategy! 
6. Find the Effective Channels
Are you leveraging potent ways to reach the most proactive performers? Ensure you watch different websites, offline channels, networks, etc., to figure out the best ways to attract an audience of potential candidates. 
7. Know How to Establish the Best Culture and Brand
Understand what message your brand has for others, potential candidates specifically. After identifying it, flaunt it more while crafting your recruitment strategies. Try to research more and determine what you can do to portray your business as the best workplace. 
The clearer your answers are to the above queries that belong to different categories, the stronger you can craft the backbone of your pharmaceutical hiring strategy. 
8. Do Your Calculations
It is always recommended to stay clear about the numbers. Otherwise, it will be challenging to connect the pharmaceutical hiring process to the bottom line. How fast you are hiring is one of many metrics. The more you are clear about different aspects of the hiring process and their impact on your company, the more you will be in a better position to take your decisions. 
Make sure you have a list of the following things when it comes to pharmaceutical hiring: 
Target cost for each hire 
Time required to fill each role
Percentage of candidates hired by source channel 
Retention Rate 
Offer acceptance rate 
Open vacancies vs filled positions 
Mix of genders 
Don’t overlook it even if you can estimate easily. It’s because guessing won’t be enough to help you with the same base for decision-making and improved ROI as factual data. Hence, ensure you do your mathematics properly while hiring pharmaceutical talents! 
9. Opt for Social Recruiting Methods
Social recruitment is gaining much attention in the pharmaceutical industry because job boards and traditional ads are no longer effective. Engage with pharmaceutical talents via social media and present them with your opportunities. It will be like chatting with a friend and talking to them for a referral. 
According to the latest statistics, 77% of pharma recruiters find social channels better than job boards for hiring the best talents. It helps build good relationships with candidates rather than just promoting your needs on job boards. The most significant benefit of doing this is that you can start to sell the candidates on your culture more potent than ever before. So, the right prospects will already be pre-sold to you. 
The biggest companies have attained tremendous success with LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter ads. Try to find out the social channels your prospective pharma candidates prefer and stay active on those platforms. 
Over to You
And here we come to an end! These solid recruitment strategies will help you succeed in your search for potential pharma candidates. Have you leveraged any of these strategies before? Tell us about your thoughts!
88% of pharma recruitment experts vouch for the above strategies. But is there anything else that worked for you? Please let us know in the comment section below.
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wellnessweb · 4 hours
Competitive Analysis in the Analgesics Market Size
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The Analgesics Market was estimated at USD 40.80 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach at USD 63.57 billion by 2031, and develop at a CAGR of 5.7% over the forecast period 2024-2031.The global analgesics market continues to evolve with advancements in pharmaceutical research and development, catering to a diverse spectrum of pain management needs worldwide. As populations age and chronic pain conditions become more prevalent, the demand for effective analgesic solutions grows. Innovations in drug delivery systems, such as transdermal patches and sustained-release formulations, offer patients convenient and long-lasting relief options. Additionally, the market sees ongoing exploration into novel compounds that promise enhanced efficacy with fewer side effects, aiming to improve patient outcomes and quality of life.
Get Sample Of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/1290
Market Scope & Overview
The authentic market data supports critical decision-making for growth and profitability as well as performance monitoring. By concentrating on markets, materials, capacities, technologies, and the shifting make-up of the global Analgesics Market , the market research report provides information on trends and developments. New vendors entering the market are having a hard time competing with the overseas suppliers due to their higher quality, dependability, and technological advancements.
In this market research report, the most recent research provides a thorough overview and in-depth market analysis. The competition in the Analgesics Market  grows along with sector expansion and technological innovation. For a wide range of end users, a huge number of regional and local producers also offer specialized application goods.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Drug type
Compound medication
By Route of Administration
By Application
Surgical and Trauma
Pain due to Burns
By Distribution Channel
Hospital pharmacies
Retail pharmacies
Online pharmacies
COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Analysis
In order to give clients accurate information to address market challenges during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, several industry experts and delegates are interviewed for a report on the Analgesics Market  during the primary and secondary research phases. The market dynamics during the forecast period are examined in-depth, along with observations of significant changes over time, in this market research analysis.
Regional Outlook
In addition to observations, the Analgesics Market research report also includes a quick scan of potential competitors and a competition analysis. The study report includes analyses of the regional business environment, market dynamics and drivers, opportunities and challenges, risk and entry barriers, and production and distribution networks in addition to Porter's five forces analysis.
Competitive Analysis
A quantitative evaluation of the market's condition by registration, organizational setup, and geographic regions makes up the primary research report. The focus of Analgesics Market research should be on current developments, future prospects, and market trends globally. The study looks into the potential for local growth and offers a thorough analysis of a number of industries.
Key Questions Answered in the Analgesics Market  Report
Which regional market will offer the most lucrative opportunities in the coming years?
What marketing tactics can businesses in developed regions use to gain a competitive edge?
What marketing strategy affects a company's market share the most?
The Analgesics Market  research report looks at the economic situation of the target industry as well as showing that there is a robust market and inclusive demand.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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foodpsychpod · 12 days
#324: Weight-Loss-Industry Influence in "Obesity" Research with Alexis Conason
Eating-disorders psychologist Alexis Conason joins us to discuss her background in “obesity” research, how she came to question the conventional weight paradigm and move to a weight-neutral approach, the industry influence behind the American Medical Association’s decision to classify obesity as a disease in 2013, the mental-health effects of bariatric surgery, how to talk about pharmaceutical-industry influence in ways that don’t give rise to conspiracy theories or make it seem like we’re impugning the entire medical establishment, and more. Then, in the paywalled portion of the interview, we discuss how social media makes it hard to have nuanced conversations about wellness and diet culture, the discourse around GLP-1 drugs, and the trouble with the research underlying weight-loss recommendations.
This is a cross-post from our other podcast, Rethinking Wellness. Paid subscribers can hear the full interview, and the first half is available to all listeners. Upgrade to paid for the whole thing!
ALEXIS CONASON, PSY.D., CEDS-S, is a clinical psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist-supervisor in private practice in New York City. Her group practice, Conason Psychological Services, specializes in the treatment of binge eating disorder, disordered eating, body image concerns, and psychological issues related to bariatric weight loss surgery. She is the founder of The Anti-Diet Plan, a weight-inclusive online mindful eating program designed to help people stop dieting, eat more attuned with their body, and live more peaceful and pleasurable lives. She is the author of The Diet Free Revolution: 10 Steps to Free Yourself from the Diet Cycle with Mindful Eating and Radical Self-Acceptance (June 2021, North Atlantic Books), available wherever books are sold. Dr. Conason is a fierce advocate for helping people recognize and question the societal norms that encourage feeling not good enough about themselves so they can stop fixating on shrinking their bodies and reclaim the space that they deserve in the world. You can find her on social media @theantidietplan.
Check out Christy’s three books, Anti-Diet, The Wellness Trap, and The Emotional Eating, Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating & Body Image Workbook for a deeper dive into the topics covered on the pod.
If you’re ready to break free from diet culture and make peace with food, come check out Christy's Intuitive Eating Fundamentals online course.
For more critical thinking and compassionate skepticism about wellness and diet culture, check out Christy’s Rethinking Wellness podcast! You can also sign up to get it in your inbox every week at rethinkingwellness.substack.com.
Ask a question about diet and wellness culture, disordered-eating recovery, and the anti-diet approach for a chance to have it answered on Rethinking Wellness. You can also subscribe to the Food Psych Weekly newsletter to check out previous answers!
Check out this episode!
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wemahesh · 1 year
According USP Chapter 621 : Adjustment of Mobile Phase
Adjustment of Mobile Phase Adjustment in composition of the mobile phase Adjustment ph of the aqueous component of the mobile phase Adjustment in concentration of salts in the buffer component of a mobile phase Adjustment in composition of the mobile phase Minor compound of the mobile phase can be adjusted by +- 30 % Relative Change in any component cannot exceed +- 10 absolute -Example of…
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packaginginsight · 1 month
Global Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottle Market Growth, Trends, and Challenges Analysis Report 2024-2031
Global Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottle Market Scope & Overview
The Global Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottle Market report includes market insights, product specifics, company profiles, specifications, production locations, revenue, and contact details. This study provides historical market analysis as well as market forecasts by country, region, and sub segment. It contains data on the market's volume of sales, price, revenue, gross margin, trends, historical growth, and projections for the future. It provides comprehensive analysis of all segments, classifications, and geographies as well as in-depth information in every field.
The data in this study can be used by companies, investors, stakeholders, suppliers, service providers, and distributors to assess the Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottles market. In order to better understand the state of the market at the moment, trends in international business and marketing are looked into. To present a complete picture of the anticipated market size, the worldwide market analyses and investigates consumption, value, year-over-year growth, and development plans for the upcoming years. To increase the statistics' level of accuracy, they were also verified using reliable sources. Further estimations were based on interviews and the advice of seasoned market research experts.
Get a Sample Report https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/4244
Market Segmentation
The research study and evaluation of a wide range of factors, including the region's political, social, technological, environmental, and economic conditions that affect regional growth resulted in the Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottles report. Analysts examined manufacturer, production, and sales data for each region. The revenue and volume breakdown by region for the projected time is examined in this section. These evaluations will help the reader decide the worth of a potential investment in a particular field.
Competitive Outlook
The key producers in the Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottles industry are discussed in this section of the research. It aids the reader in understanding the collaboration and market competition tactics that businesses are developing. The comprehensive study takes a closer look at the world market. The reader is able to determine the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing their global revenue, global pricing, and global output over the forecast period.
Report Conclusion
To find out more information on the Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottles market, request an analyst briefing. Our knowledge will enable you to choose a market wisely and support the expansion of your business.
Key Questions Answered in thePharmaceutical Plastic BottlesMarket Report
How large is the potential for growth in developing economies in the coming years?
What strategies do players use the most frequently to grow their market share?
What is the market's overall picture, including its risks and opportunities?
What is the dominant sector and category in the sales, revenue, and market share analysis of the target market?
About Us:
SNS Insider is one of the leading Market Size research and consulting agencies that dominates the Market Size research industry globally. Our company's aim is to give clients the knowledge they require in order to function in changing circumstances. In order to give you current, accurate Market Size data, consumer insights, and opinions so that you can make decisions with confidence, we employ a variety of techniques, including surveys, video talks, and focus groups around the world.
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jobinterviewgig · 3 months
Chemist Interview Questions and Answers 2024
Ready to launch your chemistry career? This guide equips you with the key questions for various industry roles: Production, Safety, Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC), Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), and Research & Development (R&D).
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ilmkidunya · 6 months
Latest Jobs in Karachi 2024
Welcome to the ultimate guide to the Latest Jobs in Karachi 2024! In this comprehensive article, we aim to provide you with an exhaustive overview of the current job landscape in Karachi, offering valuable insights and details on the most sought-after opportunities in the city.
Exploring Diverse Job Sectors
Information Technology
Karachi, being the bustling economic hub of Pakistan, is witnessing a surge in job opportunities in the Information Technology (IT) sector. Cutting-edge technology companies are on the lookout for skilled professionals, ranging from software developers to cybersecurity experts. Stay ahead of the curve by exploring exciting positions in this rapidly evolving field.
Finance and Banking
The financial sector in Karachi continues to thrive, offering a plethora of roles in banking, finance, and investment. Uncover the latest vacancies in renowned banks and financial institutions, where your financial acumen can shine. Leverage your expertise to secure a rewarding position in the heart of Pakistan's financial district.
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
With a growing population, the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries are expanding, creating numerous job opportunities for medical professionals, researchers, and administrative staff. Discover the diverse array of roles available in hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical companies that contribute to the well-being of the community.
Job Search Strategies
Online Job Portals
In the digital age, online job portals play a pivotal role in connecting job seekers with employers. Explore platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Rozee.pk to discover the latest job listings, connect with recruiters, and enhance your professional network. Craft a compelling online profile to grab the attention of potential employers.
Networking Events
Networking remains a powerful tool in the job search process. Attend industry-specific events, seminars, and workshops to meet professionals in your field of interest. Building meaningful connections can open doors to unadvertised job opportunities and provide valuable insights into the job market.
Skill Development for Career Advancement
In the competitive job market of Karachi, continuous skill development is crucial for career advancement. Consider enrolling in workshops, online courses, and certifications to stay abreast of industry trends. Sharpening your skills not only enhances your employability but also positions you as a standout candidate in the eyes of employers.
Job Interview Tips
Securing an interview is just the first step; excelling in the interview is equally important. Here are some tips to ace your job interview:
Research the Company
Demonstrate your genuine interest in the company by researching its history, values, and recent achievements. This knowledge will set you apart and showcase your commitment to becoming an integral part of the organization.
Practice Common Interview Questions
Anticipate and rehearse responses to common interview questions. Confidence in your answers will make a lasting impression on the interviewer, highlighting your preparedness and suitability for the position.
Dress Professionally
First impressions matter. Dressing professionally not only reflects your respect for the opportunity but also conveys your understanding of the industry's standards.
In conclusion, navigating the job market in Karachi requires a strategic approach, leveraging both online resources and interpersonal skills. Stay proactive, continually enhance your skills, and approach each job application and interview with unwavering confidence.
Q1: How can I stay updated on the latest job opportunities in Karachi?
Ans: To stay updated on the latest job opportunities in Karachi, utilize online job portals like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Rozee.pk. These platforms regularly update their listings, allowing you to explore diverse job sectors and connect with potential employers.
Q2: What are the key sectors offering jobs in Karachi?
Ans: Karachi boasts a thriving job market with key sectors including Information Technology (IT), Finance and Banking, and Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals. Explore opportunities in these sectors to find roles that align with your skills and career aspirations.
Q3: How important is networking in the job search process?
Ans: Networking is crucial in the competitive job market of Karachi. Attend industry-specific events, seminars, and workshops to build connections with professionals in your field. Networking opens doors to unadvertised job opportunities and provides valuable insights into the job market.
Q4: What strategies can I employ for skill development?
Ans: Continuous skill development is essential for career advancement. Enroll in workshops, online courses, and certifications to stay abreast of industry trends. Sharpening your skills enhances your employability and positions you as a standout candidate.
Q5: How can I excel in a job interview?
Ans: To excel in a job interview, research the company thoroughly, practice common interview questions, and dress professionally. Demonstrating genuine interest, preparedness, and professionalism will leave a lasting impression on the interviewer.
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salvinak · 9 months
Collagen Market in India - Size, Share & Analysis
Market Scope & Overview
The research report discusses important market strategies, long-term goals, market share expansion, and leading companies' product portfolios. The Collagen Market research covers a wide range of issues, including potential customers, sales and competitive environment studies, planned product releases, existing and new technological breakthroughs, revenue and trade regulatory evaluations, and more.
The research's aim is to provide participants with an opportunity to understand the most recent trends, current market conditions, and market-related technology. Furthermore, it assists venture capitalists in better understanding organizations and making sound decisions. In the global Collagenindustry, there are emerging and rapidly developing market segments, geographic regions, market drivers, obstacles, and opportunities.
Get a Free Sample Report of Collagen Market: - https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/1286
Market Segmentation:
By Source
Marine & poultry
By Form
By Product Type
Hydrolyzed collagen
Native collagen
By Application
Nutritional products
Dietary supplements
Sports nutrition
Food & beverages
Snacks, Soups, and Sauces
Dairy products
Meat & poultry products
Confectionery products
Other food & beverages
Cosmetics & personal care products
Key Players:
The key players are Gelita AG, Darling Ingredients, Junca Gelatines S.L, Lapi Gelatine, Vital Proteins, Crescent Biotech, Nitta Gelatin, Inc, Weishardt, Nippi Inc., Vinh Hoan Corporation, Gelnex, Ewald-Gelatine, Collagen Solutions, and other players.
Market Segmentation Analysis
The research analyses the target market utilizing a variety of approaches and technology. The research report's market estimations and predictions are based on thorough secondary research, primary interviews, and expert assessments from inside the sector. Its goal is to examine the current size and potential future growth of the global Collagenmarket across key segments such as application and representatives.
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Impact on Collagen Market
The market research report reveals how the war between Russia and Ukraine has affected markets in many parts of the world. It also advises market participants on how to develop effective solutions to mitigate the detrimental consequences of such contradictory circumstances.
Regional Outlook
The research covers a broader range of issues, as well as an examination of the events and conditions that are most likely to have a long-term influence. These components, also known as market dynamics, encompass the forces, limits, options, and problems that determine how those components are perceived. The Collagenmarket research report's primary regions are North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa.
Competitive Analysis
The section on competition analysis in the global market research report looks at a few prominent players in the Collagenindustry. Supply-chain analysis, market expansion plans, a PEST analysis, a Porter's Five Forces analysis, and market-like scenarios are also covered in the research report.
Major Questions Answered in Collagen Market Report
What should the market's entry strategy, cost-cutting measures, and distribution plans be?
How has the conflict between Russia and Ukraine affected the intended market?
What are the global industry’s’ expected production values, outputs, and capabilities?
Grasp the existing status and prospective futures of the industry necessitates an understanding of the facts provided in the Collagenmarket research report.
1. Introduction 2. Research Methodology
3. Market Dynamics 4. Impact Analysis 5. Value Chain Analysis
6. Porter’s 5 forces model
7. PEST Analysis
8. Collagen Market Segmentation, by Source 9. Collagen Market Segmentation, by Form 10. Collagen Market Segmentation, by Product 11. Collagen Market Segmentation, by Application 12. Regional Analysis 13 Company Profile 14. Competitive Landscape 15. USE Cases and Best Practices
16. Conclusion
About Us:
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are not merely a research organization. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
Contact Us:
Akash Anand – Head of Business Development & Strategy
Phone: +1-415-230-0044 (US) | +91-7798602273 (IND)
Website: https://www.snsinsider.com
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