spacemanrhys · 12 years
The Philbuscus Theory- Chapter 2 (Only a sneak peek)
Almost as soon as Dan and Phil sat down in our apartment, Sean and Gabe arrived too. Sean smiled warmly at Dan and Phil but Gabe just stared at them then said "Who are the emo kids?". I sighed, wondering why my friends could be so tactless sometimes. Dan glared at him but Phil just sniggered a little. Jack turned around from making coffee (He believed it was a custom for having any guests over) and saw where Dan was sitting. "That's my spot" he commented, raising his eyebrows at Dan. I facepalmed "Jack, just sit next to him." I said, trying not to raise my voice. He knitted his eyebrows "You know I can't do that, Toby." he argued. "Oh,for-" I was cut off by Dan getting up and shoving Jack, shouting "What the hell is your problem?!"
Shorly after that, I heard a crash and turned round to see Jack on the floor in a pile of glass and blood that used to be our table, and Dan standing over him, red, glaring and with both hands balled into fists.
SORRY! I didn't mean to make Dan so violent, but something had to happen!
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carousellofprogress · 12 years
Chapter 12: Complications
William wandered through the halls of his hotel. "Toby!" he called. "Toby, where are you? Toby!"
He was lost. What was he doing there, such a young child? Why was he even eligible to participate? And why was he so, so alone? "Toby!" he called, running through the halls, down the stairs, faster, faster. "Toby!"
He turned a corner and slammed into a storage room door. Holding his throbbing head, he slid down the wall and drew his knees to his chest. Maybe if he was lucky, he could stay here forever.
Toby smiled at Olga, tilting his head down ever so slightly to look into her eyes. A smile crept onto his lips -- he couldn't help it, she was beautiful. Maybe even hothothothothot. With her hands around his neck and his hands around her waist, time seemed to slow. It was one of the last times they'd be together, just the two of them, with no suspicion or hurt or anger. Just them two, vulnerably locking eyes.
"O-Olga," he stammered. Why was he so nervous? This never happened to him. "You look beautiful tonight."
She smiled at him, swaying her curls from side to side. "You look pretty handsome yourself. I'm gonna miss seeing you like this."
He winced. He didn't want to imagine Olga in the arena, ever. "I'll protect you, no matter what." he whispered. Olga nodded ever so slightly.
Their faces were mere inches apart. All he had to do was tip forward a bit, three inches, two inches now, one tiny insignificant inch...
"Hey, Toby!" shouted a low english voice.
Flustered, Olga and Toby broke away from each other. He could see that Olga's face was flushed, but he avoided her eyes. "Phil? What is it?"
Phil Lester, a youtuber known under the name amazingphil, ran over to Toby. "So glad I found you. William of kids react is missing. We can't have the ceremonies without him."
Toby sighed. "Oh no, I was supposed to watch out for him." he shook his head. "Lead the way, where's his room?"
Phil walked forward briskly and Toby ran to keep up. He took one last glance back at Olga, resenting himself and Phil and everything. But Olga was already looking away, talking with some other guy in her beautiful red and white gown.
Will heard footsteps approaching, but he didn't want to be found. He sunk further into the shadows, curling into a ball, becoming invisible. All he wanted was Toby.
Footsteps passed by, and voices. "William!"
He sprang up from his hiding spot and ran towards the voice. Sure enough, Toby Turner was standing there, shocked and flushed and oddly formal-looking in his suit. There was probably a tobuscus shirt inside anyway. Toby's face broke into a smile as he saw his mini-buscus approaching. Will hugged him, never wanting to let go again.
"I couldn't find you, buscus."
"You were missing a party, buddy!" Toby pried William off his leg, still a bit resentful. "Let's go back!"
A tall guy with light skin, a black fringe, and bright blue eyes walked over. "Oh, Toby, you found him! Hey Will!"
"That's Phil." said Toby, smiling at the taller boy. Will remained silent behind Toby.
"Let's get on over to the ceremonies now, how about it?" Phil said.
"Yeah, how about it?" Toby grabbed William's hand and dragged him along a bit too fast. It didn't matter though. He needed to get back and finish that kiss.
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twiranux · 12 years
The Tale of Philbuscus [Short Story]
There once were two YouTubers that lived nowhere near each other.
They barely even knew each other, as a matter of fact.
Until one day...
"Phil, are you sure you'll be fine? I mean-"
"I'll be fine, Dan, stop worrying. I mean, I'll only be in California for a few weeks."
Dan frowns, and sighs.
"Fine. But if I hear that any earthquakes, fires, or Hollywood terrorist attacks killed you, I'm not going to attend your funeral," Dan responds.
"Take that back, or I'll haunt you forever," Phil says.
"You'll haunt me either way because you care, so ha!"
Phil looks at Dan, and frowns. Dan sneers, and Phil replies: "You're right."
"Well, good luck over there. Bring back some cool stuff, please? "
Phil nods, as he zips up all of his luggage.
At the airport....
"Well, this is goodbye," Phil tells Dan.
"I know. Well, we'll keep in touch, yes? You have everything you need? " Dan asks.
"Yep! I'm all set! ...I'll miss you, Dan."
"I'll miss you too. But don't worry about me. Have fun over there in California."
Dan then drives off, and Phil find his was to his gate.
In a half hour, Phil is already in the air.
'I wonder if I know anyone in this plane...' Phil thinks. 'Oh well. There's pretty much nothing to do for the next 24 hours but sleep and play Pokemon or something.'
Phil yawns, and decides to sleep.
Phil later wakes up, 15 hours later, and jumped back 5 hours, time-wise.
He decides to look outside the window.
'Ooh! I'm in America! Well, now what? I slept for how long?'
So Phil played Pokemon.
'Why can't planes fly any faster? I should have taken that lava lamp llama instead of this...' Phil thinks. 'This experience would be funner and faster if Dan was here...'
Once the plane landed, Phil rushed out of the plane, and made his way to the main area of the airport.
'Okay...well, now what?'
"Hey!" a voice yells.
Phil turns around, to see a familiar figure.
"I've seen you around YouTube before. What are you doing here?" he asks.
"Well, I was sent here... To work on a video," Phil answers. "And you are...?"
"Toby Turner." He then gestures for a hand shake.
"Phil Lester." Phil and Toby go through a regular handshake.
"A video, huh? Oh, yes! You're working with me for something. So nice to meet you! Now...- hahaha~!"
Toby randomly starts laughing.
'Um...okay? What's going on?' Phil thinks.
"Okay...Okay, okay! I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just that... I didn't really expect you to actually travel to here, from the UK," Toby says.
"Well, the things I do sometimes to help friends out," Phil replies.
Toby smiles, and responds: "I'm glad one of your friends told you about me. Come on, let's get you settled to your hotel..."
Toby then takes a hold of Phil's hand, and they walk to wherever the hotel was.
'This is weird, why is he holding my hand? I mean, sure, it's soft, but...' Phil thinks.
'I should probably stop creeping Phil out. Toby, take it slow, man. Not everyone understands "love at first sight". Plus, I didn't even fully introduce myself! I'm jumping far too ahead,' Toby thinks to himself.
Toby stops walking, lets go of Phil's hand, and continues walking.
'This is weird...I like it...What am I saying?' Phil thinks.
Phil follows Toby, as Toby starts to slowly question himself.
'Why this quick? I knew him for years! And only now love is hitting me! Doesn't he have Dan? I mean...what about the Audience? And their fans? WHY AM I RUSHING THROUGH ALL OF THIS?! GAH THE POSSIBILITIES. WHY AM I FEELING LIKE THIS?' Toby questions.
Soon, the two enter the hotel and Phil checks in. The two enter the hotel room, and Phil starts to unpack.
Toby decides to awkwardly sit on one of the chairs.
Phil glances at Toby, noticing the sad look on his face. 
"What's wrong?" Phil asks. "My...feelings..." Toby murmurs. "Oh. Well, I can try to help...What seems to be the problem?" Phil then gestures to Toby to sit next to him on the bed. Toby sits down next to Phil, and sighs. "Have you ever experienced...love at first sight?" Toby wonders. "I think so... To be quite honest, I think I experienced it three times... But one of them didn't work out, and the other time, he didn't realise it as quickly as I thought," Phil explains. "...And the third time?" Toby asks. Phil gazes into Toby's eyes, and in an instant, Toby understands. "Um...Yeah..." Phil then starts to blush. "Well...If...Would Dan be okay with it?" Toby murmurs. "He probably would. I mean, he's the bestest friend I could have, and he's find with whatever I do," Phil replies. '...My...This is just...I lost my ability to just describe what I'm feeling...' Toby thinks. Phil lays down on the bed, and says: "I'm going to bed, since I didn't get enough sleep on the plane. I can unpack the rest later." Toby lays down next to Phil. "I'm so glad you traveled here, Phil. I...-" "No, no need to thank me. I should thank you for giving me a room in a hotel. And thanks for understanding the concept of "Love at first sight". This day can't get any better." Toby slowly pulls Phil closer for a hug. "You're welcome... Can it get better? I'm pretty satisfied with today, unless you can prove me wrong otherwise," Toby suggests. Phil then kisses Toby on the forehead. "There. It's not much, but...I want to go to bed now," Phil points out. "Okay, okay. Sweet dreams, Phil," Toby says. "Sweet dreams, Toby. Oh, and one last thing. I think I know about you as much as you know about me. From what I know about you and from what happened today, we'll have a great time. Thanks again for being brave and ask me to go here..." "Yeah, whatever." Toby and Phil's fingers intertwine as the two fall into a deep sleep.
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spacemanrhys · 12 years
Ok, I've decided to post a chapter of a fanfic today.
Which one should I write? New Ambuspie? New Philbuscus Theory? Or should I start a new fanfic and post a chapter of that? You guys can decide.
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spacemanrhys · 12 years
The PhilBuscus Theory- Chapter 1 (PhilBuscus/The Big Bang Theory Crossover)
 I'm posting this even though I slept all day. How determined am I? Not very, but the world HAD to see this crossover, so I still wrote it and I am now posting it. In this crossover;
Toby- Leonard
Jack- Sheldon
Dan- Penny's best friend who lives with her.
Phil- Penny 
Sean- Howard
Gabe- Raj
I got the characteristics kinda wrong but I DON'T CAAAAARE. Enjoy!
" Jack! Jack, What the HELL did you do NOW??" I yelled at him, as I stared at a tank of Axolotls. He wandered into the living room and looked at me with that annoying "Why-aren't-you-smart-enough-to-answer-your-own-questions" look that he gave me so often. "Toby, I feel that because you are lonely and will probably never get a girlfriend, we should have some pets" he said tactlessly. He NEVER said anything TACTFULLY of course. "But why AXOLOTLS?" I asked him, trying to ignore the crude remark about my relaionship problems. He gave me the same look he gave me a few minutes ago, causing me to roll my eyes and glare at him the best I could with my glasses on. "Axolotls are a rare and fascinating species, Toby. If we have a pet I want to be able to study the pet." he answered simply. I rolled my eyes again but I was thankful that he hadn't started ranting about it. " Hey Jack, it's almost lunch time. Do you wanna go out and get some Chinese Food or something?" I asked. He looked at his watch (Typical, not listening to me) and then nodded. I got my jacket, he got his, then we headed downstairs to go and get our lunch.
When we came back up the stairs, Jack was still argueing with me over whether his Tangerine Chicken was actually Orange Chicken, and I was trying to remember why he was my friend. We reached the landing outside our apartment and as Jack fished the keys out, I heard a noise behind us. I turned around. The door of the apartment across the hall from us was open, and two teenage boys were messing around, trying to unpack. One of them suddenly noticed me. He had straight black hair in what I think Sean would call "An Emo Flap" and he had bright blue eyes. He had a worried expression on his face but he smiled at me warmly. "Um...hi. I'm Phil, this is Dan." he said, pointing to the other boy. Dan looked round to us and came to stand beside Phil " Hi. Nice to meet you" He said. They both had English accents. Dan had warm brown eyes, brown hair in another "Emo Flap" and he was lightly tanned. I suddenly realised how rude we were being. " Nice to meet you too. I'm Toby, and that's Jack" I said, gesturing to Jack, who looked so confused I had to stop myself from laughing at him. " Toby, why are you looking at that black-haired teenage boy so often?" asked Jack (again, Tactless.) ,making me blush. I couldn't really help looking at him. He just looked really INTERESTING. Jack had made it sound like I was gay."Shut it, Jack!" I said, looking daggers at him. I turned back to Phil and Dan "Uh...are you guys hungry? because we got chinese food. We're gonna be neighbours so it wouldn't hurt to know each other better, right?" I asked. Phil smiled gratefully then Dan nodded. "Yeah. You guys are pretty funny. It would be awesome if we could be friends" said Dan. Jack opened the door and we went into the apartment followed by Dan and Phil. Well, they're pretty normal, I thought. Jack is going to be a bit of a shock to them.
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spacemanrhys · 12 years
Right...ok, so clearly....
I'm trying to write a Philbuscus fanfic to post later on, but I want it to be copyright in some way. *gasps* I JUST HAD THE BEST IDEA.... THIS PHILBUSCUS FANFIC IS GOING TO HAVE CHAPTERS. LOTS OF CHAPTERS. ^_^ I will write it now and post it later. Hopefully you'll get a nice surprise when you read it.
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bradmajorsasshole · 12 years
My life has been taken over by my new OTP.
Philbuscus all the way, biches.
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