countryshitposts · 5 years
Las Islas Filipinas
*comes back writing this after... three months?*
pretend you never saw me :)
4- Spain gets horny af
Sugbu thinks that Spain is fascinating. He was just very charming in his own right, but she can feel herself being brought to the hands of the goddess of love, her kind eyes hiding a mask of cruelty inside of her. Sugbu can feel herself being carefully balanced out by the kind goddess, being judged and whimsically being written on how her love will end. She accompanies Spain all around the barangay, trying to make him keep up with her words. He writes down everything she says in a sheet of paper.
Before she says anything else one of her messengers runs up to her, out of breath. “Datu Sugbu, Bohol and his forces just arrived!”
Sugbu’s eyes grow wide, and she looks at Spain before excusing herself. She has to convince Bohol that Spain was not a threat – yet – and he was only here for trade. Her steps were nimble against the golden sand, hot under her feet but she pays no mind to it; she has become used over the years.
She, unfortunately, cannot remember who she was before becoming a big shot rajahnate, trading with many a kingdoms in her reach. Sugbu knows and remembers she used to be a child; a child with a loving mother and father, whose faces are obscure in her memories. When she has reached the age of adulthood, her mortality leaving her and making her stone-sculpted, she had immediately thought that she was blessed by Bathala to live forever; true, it was both a blessing and a curse. Sugbu had tried to remember what her life was when she did not find this land, to nurture it, to nourish it, to lead it and its people. Her brain cannot even remember the name her parents gave her, nor her memories, nothing at all, the sea simply drowning them to the depths until she can only remember where she’s from.
Sugbu finds Bohol, with their children beside him looking ready to battle the foreigner. Bohol then looks at her with a frown, and Sugbu shakes her head,
“He is not an enemy”, she tells Bohol, who looks towards his troops warily, then back at Sugbu with a raised brow. “He just says he wishes to trade- nothing more, nothing less.”
Bohol shrugs, as he commands his army to settle down. He looks back at Sugbu again, coconut brown eyes turning to a grass green before settling to rich brown, “Tell me if he proves to be a threat to you, I shall take care of our children in the meantime.”
Sugbu nods, knowing that the children will be safe with Bohol. “Alright, mahal ko kayong tatlo.” She leaves and goes back to her home, panting as she reaches Spain. He and his men were conversing, only having eaten a single morsel of the food she has prepared for them. She furrows her brows- no one has ever denied her food before, deeming it to be extremely delicious to the point they are in their third plates. She shrugs; perhaps these foreigners are experiencing some kind of cultural shock.
While she was busily thinking to herself, Spain has crept up behind Sugbu, intent on memorizing her, her body, and how useful she can be to him. Sugbu was quite beautiful and eye-catching; her dark hair covering most of her back, roughly unkept yet glossy, her dark brown eyes so rich and fulfilling, yet her revealing clothing – if he dares consider that clothing – the paint that is littered around her body like she is a vandalized object, and the way she moves are barbaric.
But yet, she was pretty, like an orient pearl he had picked up from the seas.
He snakes his arms across her waist, making her gasp and jump as she looks back towards Spain, who was chuckling intently.
She is a glimmering pearl; if only she hadn’t vandalized herself and put on more conserving clothes for her own sake.
Spain rolls his eyes; ah well, that is done is done.
“Ano po gusto niyo?”, she asks in that mess of a language, and España could not help but groan at how they still could not communicate properly. He really needs to teach her the beautiful and enchanting language of Spanish.
And convert them to Christianity.
He takes the risk as he hugs her small figure, loving the way she complies to all his touches. He wants to feel her.
“Mi amor, why don’t you rest for a while?”, he says in his most charming voice, seducing the woman to him and then tearing her apart.
She shakes her head; so stubborn. “I cannot, I have people to look after.”
Spain sighs as he involuntarily lets her go, but his eyes stray after her, his hunger for her body churning inside him, like a demon trying to possess his pious body, giving him horrible and unjustifiable thoughts. He smiles to himself, ordering his men to communicate with the barbarians, and learn of their culture, habits and of their language.
Reino de España will stop at nothing to get that insufferable woman to bow underneath him, to feel her dominance shrink until he is surely the king.
And she’ll give him the heir he wants and needs.
He touches his rosary, praying and thanking the God from above for showing him this captivating place, the woman who shall give him what he wants, and he shall repay the great deity by simply converting all these barbarians to Christianity.
mahal ko kayong tatlo- i love you three
ano po gusto ninyo- what do you want
mi amor- my love
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