#phillilp hamilton x reader
Fandom: Hamilton
Character: Phillip Hamilton
Warnings: Character death, angst, family problems, violence
Summary: You and Eliza plan on visiting Phillip for the first time in a while... while in the market, an armed robbery puts a stop to your plans.
Word Count: 2360
“Y/N, how do you feel about going to visit him today? I’m sure the flowers could use replacing… and it’d probably do us some good to get out of the house some.”
           You glanced up from your book and were met with the concerned eyes of Eliza, Phillip’s mother. You sighed, but otherwise put on a soft smile. You really didn’t want to go, honestly. Then again, you would absolutely have to, no matter what. You couldn’t say no to the woman; she wouldn’t accept it. But at the same time, you knew that she was right. It had been forever since you’d visited, though you were sure you had good reason for not showing up. You just couldn’t bring yourself to. It hurt to see it – his grave, that is. It brought up too many memories, both good and bad.
           “Eliza, I’m in the middle of a book!” You whined, holding the book in the air for her to see. Eliza, however, wasn’t going to be taking any excuses.
           “And I want to visit my son, Y/N. But we both know that I wouldn’t be able to go alone… and Alexander…” she glanced out your bedroom door and down the hall, where she could see his office door. It was closed – and locked – like usual. He rarely left his office, except for when dinner was ready or for church or something along the lines of that.
           It broke your heart, honestly, knowing how distant Alexander had been since his son’s death. You had – obviously – been taking things fairly hard after the loss of your husband, but you knew that Eliza had it worse. Alexander’s distance from the rest of his family had cause a small rift in their marriage. Eliza hadn’t just lost her son; she had practically lost her husband, too. Because of this, you and Eliza had soon found comfort in each other, and very soon after Phillip’s funeral, she asked you to move in with them. At first you had refused; you didn’t want to impose. But then you began visiting each other every day, and you slowly realized that it would be much better for you to be with Phillip’s family than to be alone. To this day, you’re still happy that you had made that decision.
           “Please, Y/N, I’d like to see the grave.”
           You bit your lip and then sighed in defeat. “Y-Yeah, Eliza. Let’s go.”
           About a half hour later, you and Eliza were at the market to pick up flowers for Phillip’s grave. Unfortunately, you had decided to go to the flower shop closest to the gravesite, which happened to be in a sketchy side of town. You and Eliza had just finished paying for the flowers when you suddenly heard a scream from outside. Quickly, the two of you raced outside to figure out what was going on.
           Mistake number one.
           Once the two of you had poked your heads out the door, you were both shoved back inside, as a rather large man burst through the door, a gun in one hand and struggling woman in his grip. She screamed and kicked and flailed, but to no avail. Her captor was much too strong. Your heart began to race, but your first instinct was to get Eliza to safety. Praying that the man hadn’t seen her yet, you grabbed her and ran to the other side of the store. You managed to dodge behind other bookshelves and found a place where she would be perfectly hidden. She tried whispering something to you, but you shushed her quickly. Then, before the man could notice you were gone, you hurried back up front with the rest of the customers and the owners.
           Mistake number two.
           When you made it back, you heard the man yelling at everyone to get down to the ground. You all lowered yourselves, your hands up in the air to show that none of you had weapons. The man threw the woman he had with him to the ground, and you immediately rushed to her side. The moment you were able to see her face, you were shocked as to who it was. Theodosia, Aaron Burr’s daughter and your husband’s best friend. Well, when he was alive, that is.
           “Are you alright?” You asked her quietly, gently helping her up into a sitting position. The woman’s bright green eyes were wide, swirling with fear. She quickly shushed you and warned you to stay away from her.
           “He’ll get angry,” she said quietly, “Act like you don’t know me, Y/N. Please.”
           “Where is the money?” The man demanded, suddenly stepping in front of the small shop’s owner.
The woman shivered in fear. “We- we don’t have much. Please, sir, I have children… it’s the only thing we have-“
The man cocked his gun and aimed it at the store owner. “Let me rephrase this, bitch. I don’t care if your fucking family goes hungry. Where. Is. The. Money.”
“It- It’s over there, just- just under the counter. Pl-please, don’t shoot me. Please.”
Satisfied with the clerk’s answer, the man circled the counter and found the stash of money from before. As he thumbed through the money and counted it, you used the chance to talk to Theodosia. Unbeknown to you, Eliza had also taken note of her chance and managed to slip out of the shop, effectively escaping to safety.
“Theo, who is that? How do you know him?”
Theodosia nodded and bit her lip in worry. “He’s my… well, he’s my fiancé. But Y/N, I don’t know what’s happened to him. He’s never acted this way… he told me we were going to the market, and he was fine. Then I was talking to the carriage driver and he just… he pulled me out of the wagon and he was so rough and so angry. I don’t…”
The man suddenly growled looked back toward his hostages. “There isn’t as much here as I think there should be. Where is it, bitch?” He aimed the gun at the woman once more.
“There is no more,” she cried, “that’s all we have! I swear!”
Theodosia bit her nail as she anxiously watched the scene unfold. She glanced between the two customers there, and then toward the isle you had hidden Eliza in. Then, she broke. “Matthew, please, they’ve done nothing wrong. Please, stop this.” She begged.
The man – Matthew – circled the counter once more and glared at Theodosia. “Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what to do?” He screamed. Theo visibly flinched at the man’s tone. “You think you’re in charge, bitch?”
You were taken back by the way Matthew was speaking to Theodosia, his “fiancé”. Wasn’t he supposed to love her? What was going on, here? You glared at the man and, suddenly feeling a burst of bravery, you decided to defend your friend.
“Leave her alone! She didn’t try to order you around, she was trying to ask you something politely.”
“And who the hell are you?” He inquired, his gun suddenly turning on you. “Why are you so close to my wife? Get away from her.” You didn’t move, and instead placed your arm around Theodosia protectively.  “I said get away from her, dammit!”
“You’re screaming at my friend for absolutely nothing,” you challenged, “I’m not going to move.”
He growled and began to walk toward you, but he was stopped in his tracks by the sound of screaming outside the door.
“Come out with your hands up,” a man yelled, “We can talk things out, but we currently have the building surrounded.”
Without warning, the man grabbed you with one arm. You let out a scream of fear and immediately began to struggle to free yourself. That is, until you felt the cold metal of a gun touching your temple. Almost immediately, you froze. The intruder then led you through the door. His grip on you tightened as soon as he caught sight of multiple armed members of the militia. Not far behind them stood Eliza. The woman’s face paled as soon as she saw you in the man’s arms.
“Put the guns down, gentlemen,” the man ordered, his head gesturing to the gun pointed at your temple. “I don’t think we want to make this situation… messy.”
The militia glanced toward each other and unanimously lowered their guns, but not by much. “Let the girl go,” one man, likely the leader, ordered. “She’s no part of this.”
Another man stepped forward. “What do you want?”
Matthew paused for a moment. “One grand.” He decided. Then, he shoved the gun closer to your hear. You gulped in fear, your mind racing as you tried finding an escape route. “One grand, or this meddlesome bit-”
You abruptly interrupted the man and leapt forward. Catching him off guard, you elbowed him in his gut and managed to free yourself. Before the man could reach out and pull you back, you ran toward the safety of the militia.
Mistake number three.
You hadn’t thought it through. You were halfway to the militia when you heard Eliza’s screams. Just as you turned back to see what was happening, you heard the unmistakable sound of a gunshot. You stopped running, your eyes wide in shock. Your body felt numb, and time seemed to slow dramatically. You heard more gunshots, and then the ‘thump’ of a body hitting the ground behind you. Your mouth felt unbearably dry. You glanced up toward Eliza, who was bolting toward you, shoving militia members out of the way. Her mouth was wide in a silent scream, eyes almost as wide as yours. Slowly, you glanced down to your abdomen to see red covering your lavender colored dress.            “What?” You whispered in shock.
Just before Eliza reached you, you began to feel pain exploding in your abdomen. You cradled your stomach as you fell to the ground, crying out in agony. Tears formed in the corner of you E/C eyes. You… had you been shot? Had you actually been shot?
Eliza dropped to her knees by your side. She grabbed your wrist, and began yelling for a doctor. She was shaking – nearly as bad as you were. She ripped the hem of her dress and pressed it onto your stomach in an attempt to help stop the bleeding, but she somehow knew that it wouldn’t work.
You were crying now. Tears fell down your paling cheeks and mixed with blood and the dirt road below you.
“Is… is that my blood?” You whispered. “Am I… oh, God, Eliza, am I going to die?”
“No,” Eliza placed her hand on your cheek and used her thumb to wipe your tears, “you’re going to be just fine, you hear me? Y/N, everything is going to be okay.”
You choked back a sob and groaned as a new wave of pain burst throughout your body from the gunshot wound. Your chest rose and fell with much difficulty. “I- I can’t breathe, Eliza, I can’t breathe.” You cried. “It hurts.” Eliza shushed you, and told you to save your strength.
In that moment, you could practically see it all. You saw yourself lying on the ground, broken and bleeding. Sobbing, shaking. You saw Eliza as she struggled to comfort you, though she desperately needed comfort herself. You even saw one of the militia who had bolted from the scene to find a doctor, but you knew they wouldn’t get there in time. In that moment, you knew – you just knew that you were going to die.
Just like him.
Just like Phillip.
The pain was so intense that your body was going between being numb and being on fire. Your mind drifted to your late husband. How ironic, you realized, that you were destined to die in a way so similar to your husband. You were on your way to see him. You were so close to his grave. To him. In a twisted way, you were still going to visit him. Permanently, it seemed.
Was this what he felt?
“Y/N, keep your eyes open. Please. Help is on the way, just hang on.”
“Eliza, I’m… I…” You could hardly bring yourself to speak at this point. You were so tired. You felt as though you hadn’t slept a day in your life. Your eyes slowly began to close, and you struggled to keep them open. “Phillip.” You gasped, seeing his familiar figure standing behind his mother.
He was dead. Phillip Hamilton was dead, but he wasn’t. He was right there, standing in front of you, giving you a heartbreaking smile.
“Y/N… You’re…Damn it, I told you to take your time.”
You tried apologizing, but barely had the strength to. Phillip shook his head, gently shushing you. He knelt down on your other side, one hand burying itself in your hair, and the other one holding onto your hands tightly. You hissed in pain as Eliza ripped another piece of fabric from the hem of her dress to cover the wound on your dress. She threw the bloody one behind her. Your body suddenly felt much heavier than before, and you began to gasp for air.
“Y/N! No, honey, it’ll be alright. Come on, count with me? One, two, three…” Eliza’s voice grew distant, and you focused your eyes on Phillip.
“It’s almost over, love,” he whispered, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. You visibly relaxed at his touch. When Eliza noticed, she began muttering to herself in a panic and begging you to stay with her. “Just close your eyes, darling. We’ll be together again, and this agony will be over, I promised. Nothing will hurt you again.”
Finally, your eyes began closing almost of their own will. Your chest became still, unmoving. Your head rolled gently to the side, into Eliza’s hand.
“No, no, no. Y/N, please. God, don’t… don’t take her…”
Eliza brought two fingers to your neck and then froze as terror ripped through her. You were gone.
Eliza screamed, feeling as though she had been the one that had been shot.
She had lost another child.
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