#phineas and ferb catu
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danvillecheese · 8 months
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pftones3482 · 7 months
Agent D: "My host family kids take me on walks."
Agent C: "My host family kids give me head pets."
Perry, holding a virgin Bloody Mary and sporting bags under his eyes that would need to be checked on a plane: "I had to go to space to make sure my kids and their friends didn't either get accidentally blown up by my nemesis, who took them to space in the first place, and/or - AND SLASH OR - get thrown into alien prison by an alien queen who already kidnapped one of my other kids and was using her as a child sweat shop worker to help her manipulate the planet's citizens into obeying her. Also I got hit by multiple meteors doing so and then got zapped back to earth just in time to stop an entire radio tower from potentially crushing all of the kids to death while a massive killer plant rampaged through downtown trying to murder them."
All the other agents: "....are you okay?"
Perry, downing the drink: "Absolutely not."
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guys I think the universe is against her
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we were ROBBED of the full song </3 I understand why they cut it but still 😔
bonuses :
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raining-anonymously · 6 months
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[ID: Lineless drawings of Candace Flynn against a dark background. In the first, she appears to be falling, as her hair is streaming straight up behind her and her skirt is slightly lifted. She is grinning. In the second, she glares upward, brandishing the t-shirt gun. In the third, she is viewed from a low angle, and is smiling with her eyes shut, one hand on her hip and the other thrown out. The fourth depicts her from the back, hanging from the side of a building, hair blowing in the wind. end ID]
i listened to the minute-and-a-half track “candace against the universe” for the entire forty-five minutes it took me to make this. and then fifteen minutes after that.
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t00obsessed · 9 months
Anyone else worried for how the new PnF seasons’ animation and art is gonna look?
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summerbelongs2you · 1 year
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this felt appropriate
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candycatstuffs · 8 months
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abanjoplayingplatypus · 2 months
Drew a decent drawing of Isabella for the first time since i was probably like 12
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And another speedpaint
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leather-blr · 9 months
somebody who’s more up to date on what’s stated to be retconned or whatever help me out, because i’ve been rewatching phineas and ferb (again) and just finished rewatching the finale (last day of summer) and it got me thinking about all the timeline implications and what’ll happen in the next two seasons. because i’ve also seen all of milo murphy’s law and this is breaking my brain
i much would PREFER if the pnf finale stayed canon because i really love it (destroying a time loop for the end of a formulaic sitcom also including a lot of status quo changes is pretty genius) and also i hate what mml does to doofenshmirtz’s story for a lot of reasons
but it kind of donned on me once doof vowed not to be evil in last day of summer how much this confuses everything. like milo murphy’s law happened after the phineas and ferb summer (right?) and he was still evil then until the season one finale. not mention doof mentions he invented a time machine to put in the bathroom in the finale, which messes up the whole him not knowing how to invent time travel yet thing in milo murphy’s law
i also get confused about how candace against the universe fits into the timeline, because that came out way after the finale, and then candace has the development about not wanting to bust her brothers anymore, i’m assuming that happens in the middle of that summer pnf takes place in since doof is still evil. but i guess i can kind of wrap my head around that being some alternate universe “what if” scenario deal, and it is a kickass movie (or maybe she just relapsed… which… fine)
i also couldnt see them changing the status quo so much in the next two seasons that candace isn’t compelled to bust her brothers plus doofenshmirtz not being evil, even though i’d hope they would
even then, if they did do that or went with the mml timeline, wouldn’t that be confusing for pnf exclusive watchers (who would probably be watching on disney+ like me when the new seasons drop and would have almost definitely seen the s4 finale) be confused on why everything doesn’t line up??? is the mml timeline non-existent now since it’s cancelled / a different show???? has this ever been addressed. i don’t know. somebody help me my autistic brain can’t stop game-theorying about this cartoon sitcom for babies.
i probably messed something up since there’s hundreds of episodes of this show but i trust myself to be somewhat accurate in my assessment as that guy who’s seen all of pnf 3 times and watches it everyday
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This raises an interesting dilemma. Do I include "Chop Away at My Heart" in the running for best Phineas and Ferb song? It is in CATU, and it's in the album for it too. On the other hand, I also plan on a MML song tournament in the future.
Personally, I feel it isn't truly a Phineas and Ferb song, only a song that appears in Phineas and Ferb. But what do you think?
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danvillecheese · 1 year
do you ever just. remember that we're literally getting 40 new episodes of a show that ended in 2015. like that’s an actual thing that's happening
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pftones3482 · 1 year
Ok now that the excitement is out of the way.
Phineas and Ferb got a proper, good ending. It had a nice follow up movie. If anything, we could have just had a single mini series revolving around Perry and Stacy, because that was the only plot point in the show that never got wrapped up.
Phineas and Ferb didn't need a series renewal. There are many other shows (looking SPECIFICALLY at The Owl House, btw) that deserved a renewal more. Please keep that in mind as we stay tuned for release dates
And tbh it wouldn't hurt to pressure Dan and Disney on social media and let them know we want more queer and poc rep, as well as expanding on the rep we already HAVE. Explore Isabella's and Baljeet's and Stacy's families more (without the weird stereotypes), make characters canonly queer (I mean this seriously guys, I do not mean perryshmirtz )(trans Doof is ✨right there✨), explore Buford and Isabella living with single parents, anything. I know ultimately it's up to Disney, but if Dan won't even try for it, then the renewal was worthless.
The world has grown in the 8 years since we were left in the backyard. Why should the show remain stagnant and the same as it always was?
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phineasfuckingflynn · 20 days
u ever get sooooo angry about how bullshit aya was
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ferbracket · 4 months
Candace Competition
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Phineas and Ferb-Buster. ''Teamwork. Teamwork! Stacy? I know what we're gonna do today.''
The sound a feebla oot makes when they explode. ''It's just, in our language, ''Candace...'' is the noise someone makes when they explode from the waist up.''
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min0uet · 5 months
have you guys ever wanted to hear how good Us Against the Universe is in japanese. well now you can because i spent like half an hour recording this to sync it with the video. and it has subtitles
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