#phoebe you are a GODDESS because i wanted to write something about charles + lipstick ever since i saw that edit
singsweetmelodies · 2 years
piarles + gloss (💄🤭)
oh, phoebe, you are a legend for this. absolutely impeccable taste, as always 😏😘 this one is dedicated to this anon, with my compliments.
Charles feels Pierre's eyes on him the moment he walks into the drivers’ briefing: warm and fond at first, the way Pierre's eyes always find him, but quickly darkening to something smouldering and dangerous once they inevitably drop to his lips.
He smiles around the room, warm and friendly and as innocent as he can, and of course it's a complete accident that he happens to lick his lips just as Pierre makes a little involuntary movement in his direction.
Pierre's eyes narrow, and then he's crossing the room in what feels like less than a second, grabbing Charles by the arm and pulling him back through the door he just came from and into the blessedly empty storeroom beside it.
"What do you think you're doing?" Pierre asks, and his voice is dangerously soft as he closes the door behind them, his eyes laser-focused on Charles lips - specifically, the dark-red gloss to them.
"I'm just trying something new," Charles says, and grins again, tipping his head teasingly to the side as he adds, innocently, "What, don't you like it?"
(send me a ship + a one word prompt and i will write a 5 sentence fic about it)
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nayeliq1 · 4 years
Well, I wasn't reeaaally tagged but @wildlingoftarth said anyone who wants to and I'm just so bored. (Seriously, feel free to tag me for anything, I just want something to do.)
Top three ships
1. Brienne of Tarth × Jaime Lannister
OBVIOUSLY. No matter how much I love the others, this will always be THE OTP. Too much perfection, basically.
Staying within Game of Thrones, I also kinda like the thought of Tyrion and Sansa. Perhaps I just think these two could finally do with a break and some happiness.
2. Fleabag × The Priest.
I mean...it's the Priest. Any further explanation needed? I don't think so.
3. Charles Carson × Elsie Hughes
Mrs Hughes. The accent. The eye-rolls. The kind yet somehow terrifyingly calm way she keeps everything and everyone at Downton Abbey under control (even Carson). Fabulous.
Also, does it count to ship Violet and Isobel as the best damn friendship in television history? Because YES.
Lipstick or chapstick
Chapstick. Works better for daily stuff. I like wearing lipstick if the occasion comes along, but it's rather rarely. I'd like to wear it more, perhaps I will in another ten years or so -I just turned 21 today, actually (or rather yesterday, regarding that it's 2am)- and I'm sure there are women my age wearing it on a daily basis but on me who looks like a sixteen-year-old it just doesn't seem right.
Last song
What Is This Feeling? from "Wicked", the original version with Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth.
Last movie
Solo - A Star Wars Story 
Not a huuge Star Wars fan (more Star Trek, tbh), but Emilia Clarke and Phoebe Waller-Bridge?? Hell yeah?!?
Last book I finished was The Children Act by Ian McEwan. So brilliant. And fantastic adaption to film as well.
Have been stuck in the first part of the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon for a while..
And I should REALLY finish Asoiaf but I just can't motivate myself to pick up A Dance with Dragons right now.
Then (yes, I do A LOT of parallel reading) there is, as always, a Jane Austen novel. I sort of have one of them by my side constantly. Currently my fav, Sense and Sensibility.
Aaand fanfic, of course. Lots and lots of fanfic. Every day.
Three random things that make me happy
1. That time when you just start trying to fall asleep knowing that you don't have ANYTHING to do the next day
2. Content about my OTPs or Emma Thompson. Honestly, anything related to Emma. Seeing her, reading about her or hearing her voice immediately puts a smile on my face. Guess I could say she's basically my favourite person on the planet. Or maybe one of two because we all know there's the ethereal goddess Gwen out there.
3. The time after having just finished a writing flow when you feel that sort of peaceful tranquillity of freeing your thoughts and fixing them as words on paper. Best feeling ever. Ever.
Well, I don't really know anyone so I'm just gonna stick to it and say whoever wants to!
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