#and i really hope this hits the spot for everyone else who was having tease!charles + lipstick feels 😏💋
singsweetmelodies ¡ 2 years
piarles + gloss (💄🤭)
oh, phoebe, you are a legend for this. absolutely impeccable taste, as always 😏😘 this one is dedicated to this anon, with my compliments.
Charles feels Pierre's eyes on him the moment he walks into the drivers’ briefing: warm and fond at first, the way Pierre's eyes always find him, but quickly darkening to something smouldering and dangerous once they inevitably drop to his lips.
He smiles around the room, warm and friendly and as innocent as he can, and of course it's a complete accident that he happens to lick his lips just as Pierre makes a little involuntary movement in his direction.
Pierre's eyes narrow, and then he's crossing the room in what feels like less than a second, grabbing Charles by the arm and pulling him back through the door he just came from and into the blessedly empty storeroom beside it.
"What do you think you're doing?" Pierre asks, and his voice is dangerously soft as he closes the door behind them, his eyes laser-focused on Charles lips - specifically, the dark-red gloss to them.
"I'm just trying something new," Charles says, and grins again, tipping his head teasingly to the side as he adds, innocently, "What, don't you like it?"
(send me a ship + a one word prompt and i will write a 5 sentence fic about it)
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jadoue1999 ¡ 3 years
The X-Men and the member they lost - Chapter 7
Summary:  The X-Men are finally back home, but there is much to talk about and a long road to go before everything goes back to normal. If they ever do.
Previous parts: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, 
Chapter 7: Grief and bonding
The X-men stared at the speedster in stunned silence as he stopped in front of them. Wanda was avoiding their gaze, obviously ashamed. She spoke with Charles, the telepath trying to see if she would be a good fit at the school.
“I want you to understand, Ms. Maximoff, that the last time we spoke you seemed very keen on keeping your world. While I understand why you did it, I expect you to find a better way to cope than… this.” He said, motioning to the town around them.
The woman nodded. “Yes, you’re right. It never should have come to this.” She quickly glanced at Peter with glassy eyes, “for what it’s worth, I never meant to bring him here. I was just so sad that my boys would never meet their uncle… I suppose my powers acted without me realizing.”
The wheelchair bound man slowly nodded his head in understatement before agreeing that it was better that she’d go with them. Erik had to agree. He might not have been thrilled about having his son’s captor living with them, but with this world and the lack of mutants; it was certain her future would be bleak. Government officials were already coming in, just waiting for an opening to take the woman away. Being stuck in isolation, unable to use their powers other than the occasional scientists’ visits was something he wished on no one. Plus, he could see how much Peter wanted her by his side. He’d tolerate her presence, for his son.
They marched through the portal, this time it was a lot faster and easier on the mind. Erik felt slightly nauseous, but it went away quickly. He noticed with a smirk how amazed Charles had been at the ease Wanda created an interdimensional portal. The school was overjoyed at seeing everyone back in one piece. The students flocked Peter with greetings and questions. Though it was the professor who took most of the questions. The speedster was apparently still a little confused about what had happened. The students were all wondering who Wanda was. The group settled on saying that she was a powerful mutant who had accidentally lost her way. Erik could see that the professor didn’t want to scare anyone.
Jean, Scott and Ororo suddenly ran to Peter and squeezed him in their arms. They were all laughing in relief, telling him how glad they were to have him back. Peter was... uncharacteristically quiet. He who was always babbling could barely keep up with all the attention. Erik could see him starting to fidget and anxiously looking around. Finally, the crowd of people seemed to be satisfied with the few answers they got and started to leave the group alone. Charles took the other members of the X-men with him, probably to fill them in on what had happened. Wanda stayed by herself, looking disoriented as ever. Hank offered to give her a tour, which she accepted after sharing an anxious glance with Peter. Soon enough, they were gone, leaving father and son together. The metal bender walked over and gently put a hand on his shoulder. He could see how nervous he was. “Hey, are you okay?” The speedster looked at him and nodded, “oh, yeah... just tired. It’s been a while.” Right. He had been in a small town living with four other people for who knows how long. Of course, coming back to a manor full of overexcited children would be overwhelming. “How long was it? For you?” He seemed lost in thoughts for a few seconds before he shook his head. “I’m not exactly sure. I’d say a few days, but it felt longer than that.”
They walked together to an empty room, where they could talk in peace. The sun was just setting, bathing the room in a soft glow. They sat opposite of one another, neither of them talking for nearly a minute.
“So… you’re my dad,” finally spoke up Peter. He chuckled to himself, “you know, I imagined this conversation a thousand time and yet I have no idea what to say right now.”
“Well, I know,” he smiled at his son, “thank you for releasing me from the Pentagon.”
Peter seemed a bit flustered at the sudden recognition, but a wide grin soon adorned his face. “Ah, it was nothing. Ask Charles or Hank, I literally did it for fun.”
Erik smirked in amusement; the speedster really was something. He wasn’t sure what he could tell him. It was no doubt his mother told him about their lineage, so she probably told him how they met. He probably knew most of his life story whereas he didn’t know much about him.
“Tell me about you?” he asked him. “I’ve missed so much of your life; I’d like to know you properly.”
Peter hummed, probably trying to decide what to say. “Uh… What do you know? Just so I have a starting point.”
“Well, thanks to Charles, I know that your real name is Pietro, and that you had a twin, but I don’t know much else.” He knew, of course about the Pentagon break and about En Sabah Nur, but he had left the mansion too quickly to learn anything else about him.
The speedster seemed taken aback by the mention of his true name, but quickly masked his surprise with an awkward grin. “Right… well first off, I don’t really use Pietro. It’s, uh, it’s what Wendy used to call me. She never really accepted to call me Peter other than in public and she’s, uh, she’s been gone for awhile, and I try to not think about it so much. So, I hope you don’t get too offended. I mean, that’s why I never mentioned it to anyone else before, cause I prefer Peter anyway; I’m trying to keep that part of my past in the past and-“
“It’s alright,” said Erik, interrupting his rambling. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll use Peter.”
That seemed to satisfy the young man, who visibly relaxed in his chair before changing the subject. “Thanks. Anyway, I didn’t really do much, just a year ago I still lived in my mother’s basement and stole anything I wanted.” He looked around him before grinning. “You know, the explosion that destroyed the mansion?” Erik nodded, him and Jean had taken quite a few days the rebuild the whole thing. They had both needed a few days of recovery after using their powers for such an extensive and detailed task. “Well, I’m the one that saved everyone from the explosion. They were all saved without any whiplash.“ His face suddenly darkened, “except for Scott’s brother. He was already vaporized by the time I got inside.”
The speedster continued his rambling for a few minutes, Erik nodding along and trying to keep up. He was glad that Peter was finally back to himself. The conversation turned to what had happened in Westview and he simply had to ask.
“Charles told me your mutation gave you protection against telepath.”
“Sure does!” he answered, knocking on his head twice with a smug grin. “No telepath goin’ in there any time soon. My thoughts are sealed.”
He might not have known much about his son, but he was well aware that he was trying to deflect the subject. “Yes… well I wanted to ask because we never got a real explanation. How did you end up with the necklace? How did it even work on you?”
Peter’s fingers unconsciously brushed against his neck as his eyes became distant. “Agnes… she, uh, she had this freaky book that told her how to deal with people like me. She said there had to be a physical object with the spell, so it could keep up with me.”
Erik hummed as he put his hands under his chin, it was a start, but there had to be more. “She didn’t do anything else?”
“Well, the spell was painful. It’s hard to explain, but I was trapped in my worst memories until it found an opening and it could take control of me. Definitely not something I’d recommend.”
Peter kept fidgeting as he recalled the events, so Erik decided to stop asking about it. Perhaps a happier subject would help. “Tell me about the twins, they seemed nice.”
A smile grew on Peter’s lips and Erik knew that he had hit the right spot. The speedster started talking about how amazing they were and how much fun they’d had. He gleamed as he recalled helping the younger speedster with video games and how he had teased them about stealing all their candies. And while he now felt bad about it, the teamwork they had done to deal with Kurt and Raven was something he felt particularly proud about; going as far as to refer to them as ‘mini X-Men in training’. That made them both smiles.
They talked for a very long time; the clock was nearing midnight. Erik could see his son starting to doze off and he let him sleep while he went to grab a book. He hadn’t been in Wanda’s world for long and he himself felt drained, he couldn’t imagine how tired his son must have been. He had been reading for about twenty minutes when a sudden gush of air made him look up to the now empty chair. He heard movements in the kitchen and decided to join him on his midnight snack. Peter was reaching into multiple cupboards, fixing himself what looked to be sugary cereals and various other things. With the quantity of food, he was taking out, he must have been very hungry.
“Are you alright?” Erik asked as the silver blur kept going around the kitchen.
“Sure am!” he answered, not looking at him. “Just needed a quick meal, I did that all the time when I was with Wanda.” He opened the doors to where the various dishes were and turned his head slightly to the side. “Now boys, what I’m about to show you is the ultimate combo-“ The speedster stopped himself before he could finish his sentence. He slowly turned to Erik with pained eyes and looked around.
His son seemed like a shell of himself as he ever so slowly put down what he was holding. His eyes scanned the counter that held too much food, even for him, before he looked back at the man with teary eyes. “I, uh, I have to go.”
Before he could protest, Erik was alone in the kitchen. The food was back to where it had been, but the speedster hadn’t touched the dishes he had just taken out. The metal bender sighed as he realized his son had taken out 3 bowls. There would certainly be a long road ahead before Peter could heal from his grief.
Peter was glad to be back, he truly was. 
He got his team back, his mind back and his father knew about him and accepted him even with his rotten luck concerning family. Nothing had felt better than having his friends jumping on him and telling him how glad they were to have him back between two laughs. Then the overdue discussion he had with his dad had been great. He really couldn’t ask for a better ending. However, his life in Westview had been so unique, so unlike anything he’d ever known before. There wasn’t the fear of being discovered because Wanda had made sure that they could use their powers without people staring. And there was no constant threat, save from Agnes, but they didn’t know at the time. Most of all, he felt complete. The overwhelming grief he had felt ever since Wendy had died wasn’t present because his twin was with him. She had never left in the first place. And he not only had his sister with him, but she was also married. Sure, her choice of husband was strange but who was he to judge? Vision had been pleasant company, even though they hadn’t talked much.
Then... then there were the boys. He had never thought himself as parental figure material. Hell, he was older than most student, but could still fit in better than most. He wasn’t exactly the most mature person. Still, he never thought he’d be a good role model. Then, he got into Wanda’s freaky tv show where he was the cool uncle that messed around with his nephews. He could play with them and do all the mischief his heart desired. He loved them and they loved him. Nothing felt as freeing as running through the crowd at Halloween, stealing candies, smashing pumpkins, and covering everyone in silly string. Then, the twins developed powers. The joy he felt when he saw Tommy suddenly breaking into superspeed mode made every happy moment in his life seem bleak. 
He and Wendy had grown up thinking they were unique, anomalies even. Then, she had died, and Peter thought he was alone. Until Charles, Hank and the claw guy had found him and asked him break out his father. He was happy to find that he wasn’t the only one with powers, he simply wished Wendy could have known as well. Then he moved to the mansion, where there were so many mutants. He felt at home. Yet, he never really was able to make connections with anyone, their world was simply too slow for him. But that wasn’t the case with Tommy. The twin was able to keep up with him and see the world at his pace. When they played games, he didn’t have to go agonizingly slow to give him time to react. When they wanted to go somewhere, they just went there while having a conversation, the child wasn’t frozen or in need to be moved. He just kept up with him. Peter, or Pietro as he had called himself, had loved taking out the soldiers with him, telling him what to do and working with Tommy like he had never done before. Him, Wanda, Vision, and the twins. They had been an unstoppable team and he truly believed that they would be together forever. Until they weren’t. He still remembered the panic he felt when the boys had started to fall apart as Wanda was freeing everyone. His mind had been jumping between his chill persona and the real him breaking through. It wasn’t fun.
He had meant to have a better talk with Wanda, but life at the mansion was always busy. Well, that and the fact that they didn’t really speak when they found themselves together. They felt contempt just sitting in silence and watching a movie together. It was clear neither of them was ready to speak about what they had lost. There was the occasional reference to something Vision or the twins would have liked, but even that was too much sometimes. Instead, they got to know each other. Wanda had been shocked when he told her that his real name was Pietro, and he could just tell that she saw her true brother for a second. One big difference between him and Wanda was that he had lost Wendy at 16, while she had lost her Pietro at 26. Peter hadn’t exactly dealt with her death, but he had learned to cope with the pain. Wanda only had a few years, and the wound was still pretty fresh.
One night a few weeks after they came back, Wanda had suddenly stopped the movie and turned to him. “What did Agatha do to you? When you went for repairs?”
Peter was confused for a second before concluding that the witch had probably used a fake name when she came in the town. “Not much to be honest. She did some freaky magic to suspend me in the air and basically blackmailed me.” He looked at her with a frown. “But you knew that. What did she to do you to make you so worried about me?”
The redhead squeezed the hot cocoa mug she was holding. “She made me revisit everything that made me create Westview. My parent’s death, my brother’s death, Hydra’s experimentation, and my encounter with Vision’s body. And we revisited the night I woke you up and…” She didn’t complete her sentence. Wanda was staring off in the distance as she recalled the intervention. “She threatened to hurt you and the boys if I didn’t cooperate. I also feared she might have done a similar thing to you.”
Peter thought back at the dreaded moment the witch had threatened his nephews and the confusion he felt when she spoke about why she menaced them and not him. “Nah, apparently your magic protected me, so she couldn’t really do anything. The rugrats were the real targets.”
Wanda pressed her lips together in a sad smile and nodded. They both stayed silent for a few seconds before she broke the silence. “I miss them.” Peter turned to the redhead; her eyes were fixed to the liquid in her mug. “Vision and the boys, I still have days where I think they’ll just… be there, you know? I imagine that Tommy and Billy are with you and Vision is about to cross the door and wish me a good morning.”
The speedster agreed with her statement, it was hard to keep going in a school full of mutant children without his mind trying to catch a glimpse of his nephews that never really existed in the first place. 
“You know,” he started with a smile. “I had never met another person with superspeed before Tommy. Felt nice to not be alone, even for a moment.” His grin faded as he stared at his hands, a burning question on his lips. “If you could, would you go back to Westview?”
She closed her eyes in concentration, momentarily lost in thoughts. She shook her head as she turned to him. “In retrospect, no.” she sighed, “but if I could see them again, without hurting anyone, I would.”
Peter hummed at her answer, he could see the logic in her thinking, of course, but he wasn’t sure he could resist the temptation. Even if it hurt people. Good thing he wasn’t the one that got reality bending powers. She continued the movie once more and they absently watched as they thoughts were consumed by memories of their long gone family.
Notes: Thanks for reading!
Next chapter: One of Wanda’s spell takes an unexpected turn!
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tamsin-moon ¡ 4 years
Notes: Bill Williamson x Male Reader Injury and blood mention, nightmares, small panic attack, cursing, excessive drinking mention. Starts tense but ends up fluffy I promise! Bill and reader have been together little over a year. Have been in Horseshoe Overlook a couple weeks now and reader knows Bill is getting close to a breakdown as he’s been bottling up everything he feels about the Blackwater mess. 
The last thing you expected or wanted to hear at 7am as you were coming off your shift of guard duty was Bill shouting, really shouting. “Get the hell away from me!” Being the words that reached your ears and you were breaking into a jog to get to the scene quickly. And indeed it was a scene that was unfolding quickly as you arrived, but what the hell had set it off? You would try to figure it out quickly, but all you could really tell was your man was getting ready to beat on Swanson who was on the ground and obviously drunk again.
Cursing under your breath you would see others gathering and a couple moving to intervene, but you were already much closer. Unfortunately your choice of action was not the best as you reached to grab his shoulder, speaking as you did, “Bill, take a breath” being what you said, but the man was taking a swing instead. All you could figure is he must not have seen you approach because in the next instant his fist would be connecting with your jaw and you would go stumbling back. Tripping instead of getting your balance you would land on your left shoulder with a grunt as a jolt of pain coursed through it.
Everything would just go silent and you could feel eyes on you as you pushed yourself to sit back up, your gaze looking up to the powerful man and feeling your heart clench. Not at the fact he had hit you, no that was a stupid move on your part, but at the look on his face. The color had drained from his features and he almost looked as if he had been shot by the pure shock and almost horror on his features. He almost couldn’t believe he had hit you, but as his knuckles throbbed and the color began to bloom on your jaw it was clear.
“Darlin’? I…no…I didn’t mean” He couldn’t get out a full sentence and everyone was just staring at the both of you. He felt sick at what he had done and when Charles moved to help you up he just had to get out of there. Pushing past anyone in his way he was nearly running for Brown Jack and mounting up. He just needed to get out of there, to try to breathe or hit something else, he wasn’t sure yet. How could you forgive him for this? He was certain you wouldn’t and it terrified him even more as he rode off.
Letting Charles pull you to your feet your hand immediately went to rub your throbbing shoulder as you thanked him. Normally landing like that wouldn’t hurt so much, but a still healing gunshot wound was a tender thing. Sure the wound was completely closed since it had occurred in the whole Blackwater mess, but the muscle was still tender and a sudden shock just had it pulsing. “You alright?” you would hear your friend ask and you found yourself just sighing as you got your feet moving towards your own horse, “I’ll live, but I gotta head after him”
You could tell several were surprised at that, Arthur even stopping you with a hand to your good shoulder, “You sure you shouldn’t let him cool off first? He’ll come back” he try to reason, but you were shaking your head. Patting his own shoulder in return before pulling away, “You didn’t see the look on his face, he shouldn’t be alone right now. I know where he went, up on Caliban’s Seat, if we aren’t back by tomorrow morning send a search party” And you were certain that you were right as you and Bill had been up there just a couple days ago on your way back from Valentine. Just taking a moment to yourselves and he had mentioned you should go back there soon, maybe overnight.
Getting to your horse you would pull yourself up into the saddle with a grimace, checking your weapons quick, before you were pushing your horse into a trot. Ignoring anymore calls after you, you were just focusing on Bill and praying that nothing happened before you got to him. You had been worrying about him for weeks now, honestly, he’d been drinking more. Especially at night and waking hungover nearly every morning, the only explanation being he couldn’t sleep otherwise, but he wouldn’t tell you what the problem was.
You had a good guess, though, it was a problem for most of you. Nightmares of Blackwater. While most of you had confided in others, you knew Bill hadn’t. If he was going to, you knew it would be to you and it had yet to happen, so you had slowly been watching him get more and more tense. His temper was shorter, the brawl in the Valentine saloon proved that, and at Sean’s welcome back party you hadn’t seen him without a bottle in his hand even if his other was around you. As much as you hated something like this had happened, you hoped it would actually help in the end.
Your mind focusing back in as you got close to your destination you would feel a bit of relief as you spot Brown Jack grazing near the base of the hill. If you had been wrong where he’d gone, well honestly you probably would have started to panic, but you pushed that thought away as you dismounted. The walk up to the top was a bit steep and you had to be careful, but the view at the top was worth it as you had found out the last time. That was not where you would be looking, no, you were casting your eyes about and feeling your heart clenching again as you spot him sitting at the base of one of the trees.
His head was leaned back against the bark, eyes closed and you could see his chest rising and falling with deep breaths as his hands clenched at his sides He was trying to calm down, really, but his thoughts were spiraling out of control. He had nearly lost you to a bullet, but now he had definitely lost you to his own fist were the most prominent and he did not even notice you approaching or crouching in front of him.
This time you would be a bit smarter, just calling his name for the moment, “Bill? Bill can you hear me darling?” you call twice, the second time louder and you would see him jump. Eyes finding yours as his hand went to his gun for a moment before letting it relax again. You could see the fear in his eyes as he met your own and the tears that were on his cheeks, it broke your heart. “You followed me?” You would barely hear it, but the tone was complete shock, he didn’t think you would have.
Surprised as a small smile came to your lips you would move closer, shifting yourself to sit next to him against the tree and leaning your right shoulder to his, “Course I did, you know how much it scared me you takin’ off like that?” you ask, keeping your tone calm. You knew he thought you were mad, but you were far from that and didn’t miss how just you leaning against him had a little bit of tension leaving him. “You remember you can talk to me right? About anything, especially nightmares.” You say after a moment and hear him suck in a breath.
It was silent for a few minutes, you just watching him from the corner of your eye, seeing he was thinking and trying to figure out what to say. You would be patient, knowing rushing him never helped, and would just idly rub your still aching shoulder without thinking. The action seemed to finally be a tipping point, though, and he would speak quiet as he asked, “Even if they’re about….you?” That would almost surprise you, but after another moment you realized exactly what he kept dreaming about.
“Me getting shot.” You say simply, feeling him tense again before a shudder ran through him. It had you shifting, arm wrapping around him as your other hand came to his bearded cheek. Coaxing him to look at you and leaning in to press your lips to his slowly, grounding the both of you with the gentle action. “Of course you can talk to me about them, any time,” you assure him as you rest your forehead to his, thumb rubbing over his cheekbone. Feeling him nod you let him take his time, of course, letting him lean back and almost shuddering yourself as his hand came up.
It would come to rest just a little to the right of where the scar of your wound actually lay, “I keep dreaming you get shot here….not here” he start, hand sliding just into the top of your slightly unbuttoned shirt to actually rest over the scar. “You’re bleeding bad…yellin’ for me…for anyone, but no matter what I do I can’t get to you” His voice was shaking as he spoke more and the next words were almost choking him, “When I finally do you’re….I wake up soon as I touch you and I just..” The sentence would break off as his strong arms would nearly shoot around you, pulling you tight to him and he buried his face into your chest.
You could feel the tears and how he shook with almost sobs, your arms coming around him in return and rubbing your hands up his back. Resting your head to the top of his own you just tried to keep your breathing even, “It’s alright darlin’, just let it out. I got you and I ain’t letting go. All this bottling it up and using a bottle to try to silence it isn’t good for you. You feel it starting to eat away you just find me, we can come up here or find somewhere else quiet, just the two of us” you murmur against his hair as you hold him tight.
In the end you would have no idea how long you sat like that and just let him get it out, but eventually he would pull back to look at you. His eyes falling to the bruise forming on your jaw and a new, deflated look would come to his eyes. Oddly it would just have you chuckling and you turn your head so he can see it better, “Yeah you laid me out real good, my own damn fault too for startling you” The smile on your face was wider now and you would feel your heart warm some as he chuckled, “Yeah, was meant for Swanson, but you just had to take it instead” he tease back lightly before dragging a sleeve across his face.
“How’d the reverend set you off anyways?” You finally ask after a moment as you both settle back against the tree, his arm slipping around your back to pull you against him again as he shook his head, “Honestly? I don’t think it was really anything, think he was just singing and stepped in front of me. I just…snapped” and you would nod understanding, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before settling your head against his shoulder and closing your eyes, “Just next time you run off, can you wait till I’ve had a nap?”
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fallingfor-fics ¡ 3 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 29: Lucius
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chapter 28
I looked around the shelf a bit to see the back of the Dark man walk passed the aisles to walk out of the front. I jumped back behind the shelf when I saw him look at me, with his beading black eyes. He squinted and raised his brow at me and I turned around waiting to hear him leave. He lingered for a moment more and I turned to him sharply, "Are you attending the Ball?" I spat out quietly. He snapped back to me and eyed me up and down, I stood there awkwardly and pushed some hair from my face. "Yes Albus makes me chaperone." he sighed. It's like talking to me was an inconvenience to him now, I don't know if it's because of the forest, or the mind lessons. But he was suddenly being a normal professor to me, not a friend. No longer treating me like his foolish little teachers pet. I opened my mouth to speak, "Good day Ms. L/n." He said quickly and then turned to leave. "Well i'll see you there, with my date Draco!" I said and he just gave me a look and left the store. I looked over to the man but he had gone into the back.
 I looked at the little girl and she smiled. I walked over to her and set my hands  on the counter. "Do you have any really extravagant dresses that would blow that man away?" I said gesturing to the door Severus had left out of a few moments prior. She looked at me for a moment and smiled, nodding once and jumping off her stool. I furrowed my brows, No way she just understood me. She took me behind a privacy divider, it seemed to expand the store back even more and I followed her to a rack of dresses. "T-thank you?" I said looking at her. She pointed to a spot behind me, and that's when I thought I was done for, scared it really was like the shining and something was behind me. I turned and looked, and relaxed to see it was just a trunk on the floor. I looked back at her and nodded and she walked back to the front. I looked through the rack and found a couple pretty ones, but they didn't fit. I sighed in the dress I was trying on that wouldn't zip up in the back all the way. I looked over to the trunk and kneeled down to open it up. 
I opened it and looked inside to see a few items. I looked up to the top where a mirror was and jumped when I saw a man behind me. I quickly turned around and looked at the tall man that was standing there staring me down. He was of a tall lean build and had blue eyes, and long blonde hair. I had a slight feeling of who this man might be. He slowly walked over to me, his staff knocking on the floors. I just slowly stood up and he took his staff and pushed me back down. I let out a breath and looked up at him. I was hoping this wasn't the man I thought he was, because this was kind of a heated moment, with the silence and the energy this man radiated. And I wasn't totally complaining. "I hope you do not plan on wearing this whorish dress to the ball with my son." He taunted, moving my hair from my shoulder with his staff. I slowly stood up and stared up at him. "Certainly not Mr. Malfoy."
I turned and grabbed a random dress from the trunk and waltzed past him into the dressing room. This room was a bit more secure, it was a door like a stall and it had a lock. "Good." he growled and I heard him walk away. I let out a breath and stripped out of the "Whorish" dress trying on the random one I grabbed. I pulled it on and was able to zip it up with a little sucking in. I looked in the mirror and smiled it was stunning and perfect, what are the chances? I quickly took it off and changed into my clothes. I walked out with my purse and dress and took a look at the tag on the dress. "Fuck." I mumbled It was almost a hundred galleons. I stood there and looked up when I heard a deep scoff. Mr. Malfoy was still here and was shaking his head at my language. "Such a pitiful girl you are, you're certainly lucky you are beautiful." He said walking over to me. I looked up at him, crossing my arms and tilting my head to mock him, "And you’re lucky you’re rich."  I retorted. He raised a brow at me and opened his mouth to speak but I just walked past him to go to the register. I set the dress down in a random spot and went to buy a bracelet I had found when I was pretending I wasn't watching Snape, I would have to find a cheaper dress somewhere else. The little girl somehow checked me out and I put the bracelet in my bag and made sure I had my wand.
 I tried to hurry out, to avoid Mr. Malfoy, and headed down the back of the store. Walking down the path behind it to assure I wouldn't have to run into him again. I let out a breath, the cold air leaving my nose red and cheeks frozen. I looked down at my watch. "Shit I need to meet them in like thirty minutes." I said looking around to see where to turn. I jumped when I heard the vile man's voice once again. "Did you not listen to what I said back there? You're lucky I haven't stopped you from seeing Draco yet!" he quipped, I turned to face him gripping my wand. "Here." he insisted as he held up a paper bag. I took it slowly from him and looked inside, it was the dress. I looked up at him, I gave him a polite smile. Like father like son I guess.  "Thank you Sir, I will repay you." I said nodding politely. He looked me up and down, keeping his head high. "No need, we can discuss it another time." he said, smirking and walking off. "Wait," I stuttered, he turned and looked at me, "Can you take me to the Three Broomsticks? I can't remember how to get there, and I need to meet your son actually." I said standing up straight. He nodded and I walked over to him and followed him down the dim paths. "I won't let you deceive my boy forever." The wealthy man said out of nowhere as we walked. "What are you fussing about?" I said not looking up at him. "I know you are not of pure descent." he said smugly. I stopped and looked up at him. "I don't know what you mean?" I said playing dumb. "I'm not a  fool, my son may be, but I am no fool." he groaned, looking darkly in my eyes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel heat rise to my cheeks. "If you know why are you letting Draco date me?" I said looking at him as we kept walking. He sighed and looked up and then back down at me. Raising a brow smugly, looking me up and down. "Because my dear, You're not bad to look at." He bellowed, winking at me as I stared frozen at him. "You're here, please, do keep my son an honest man." he teased as he walked away leaving me speechless. I shook my head and entered the pub.
I saw the rest of the group sitting in a round booth, Hermione next to Ron, who was next to Ginny, she was next to Harry and there sat my lovely Draco, he looked very uncomfortable next to Harry but I just smiled and walked over. "Hey guys sorry i'm late. But I found my dress!" I said smiling, Draco taking my bags from me and setting them down. "Did you get lost?" Ron said smiling, I rolled my eyes as I sat down next to Draco. "No Ronald, I was talking with someone." I quipped. He just laughed and I looked over to Draco, leaning to whisper in his ear, "I need to talk to you." I said smiling, "Can you guys excuse us, just order two butterbeers and two shots of firewhiskey and then whatever you guys want." I said taking Draco's hand as we slid out of the booth, "wait some of us aren't 'of age'. " Ginny said quietly using finger quotes and I looked to Draco, "Just say you're on the Malfoy tab." he said quietly and they nodded and we walked off. "And no looking at my dress." we walked outside the pub real quick, the cold hair hitting us as we stepped out. "So what's up?" Draco said as we went around the corner behind the building to hide from the wind. "I was late because I ran into your father, and he bought my dress for me." I said looking at him seriously. His face and posture stiffened at the mention of the man and he looked down at me for a moment. "What did he say?" He said suspiciously. I pondered on what to say for a moment, "just that, um I wouldn't need to repay him." I said, shaking my head, not wanting to worry him any more. I knew things were very tense with him and his father so I didn't want to make things worse. "Is that all?" he said, smiling a bit. "Yeah" I chimed brushing some of his hair. "Ok well that's not bad, let's get back inside." He said taking my hand and leading me back into the dimly lit, warm bar. 
We slid back into the booth and he smiled down at me, I looked at him and he pecked me on the lips and I looked down to our drinks that were already here. I looked at Harry who was looking at Draco after we had pulled away from our kiss. I ignored it and grabbed the shot. Everyone else turned from their conversations and followed my gesture, "To good fun on Thursday and holiday break!" Ginny cheered. We all clinked our glasses and drank down the bitter burning liquid. We sat our glasses down, sipping our butterbeers watching as Ron tried to keep his down. "So Y/n what did you say your mom said about the Ball?" Harry coughed still recovering from the alcohol. Draco looked at me, because I'd already told him what had happened with my mother. "She is seeing someone, his name is Charles, and she doesn't like who i'm going to the Yule Ball with," I said grabbing Draco's hand, "And it's 'up to me if I wanna come home for break.' according to her." I said using air quotes. "It's like she doesn't even care if I come home or not." I said sipping my drink. "Well you could always come stay with me, Y/n." Hermione said smiling, I returned the smile and shook my head. "Thanks, but I'm sure I'll end up going home." I said shrugging. "Any chance you'll see your dad?" Ron said and I just looked at him, thinking about it for a moment "Umm definitely not." I said taking another sip.
We all chatted for hours and finished our drinks, and some food and all stood to leave around 8 o'clock. "By guys" I said, waving to the four Gryfindors, as they split off the other way to their dormitories. "Bye see y'all later!" Ginny said as they walked down the hall. Draco put his arm around me and smiled. I smirked at the sweet gesture. I was getting used to being his girlfriend. He treated me good and protected me. But still the silly feeling in my heart stayed, and continued to leave me dreaming of the dark professor, that was always there in my life. "How was your day?" he said carrying my bags and his in his other hand. "It was wonderful!" I said smiling up at him as we walked to our common room. "Ok well Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning." he said smiling and handing me my bags. "Goodnight." I said nicely and he kissed my cheek quickly and then went into his dormitory. I turned and walked into mine as well. Closing the door softly as I sat my bags down and sat on the bed. I looked at my bedside table, the familiar letter sitting under a notebook, the response from my mother, about how Draco was a bad kid and his family was horrible. I meant to discard of it, but I got distracted. I looked in my trunk at some records I had brought, trying to get inspiration for my solo at the Ball. I was very worried about that too, and I had sort of forgotten about it because of everything that happened. I spent the night trying to find a song, and at some point went to sleep.
Sunday was spent doing more shopping with just the girls and I, looking for jewelry, shoes and shawls. We had a grand time and gossiped the whole day. We even ran into Luna, a Ravenclaw friend of ours and she spent the rest of the day with us. Monday went by quickly. I had some legilimency lessons with Snape and now that he was just being normal Snape and not my kind Severus, I was learning better and faster. Tuesday and Wednesday went just as quick and Thursday was chaotic. There was no school and all the first through third years had left for home. All the girls were walking around getting ready. It was after the Christmas feast and was almost six o'clock. "Ok we have approximately two and a half hours to get ready." Ruth said out loud and we all smiled and got to work. I conjured a couple mirrors for the girls and we all shared makeup. I focused on my makeup and hair, doing nice elegant eye shadow and eyeliner, with long lashes and plump lips. I fixed my hair the way I liked, some falling forward a bit. I put on some earrings and the bracelet I bought and finished my makeup. I screamed inside, I had an hour until my first Yule ball.
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah
23 notes ¡ View notes
Peter Maximoff is completely, utterly, and undoubtedly in love
pairing: Peter Maximoff/fem!bassist!reader
Summary: Peter had no idea a simple mission would change his life forever, He also had no idea how much he liked the bass guitar.
notes: fuck it. a series because I’m in love with peter maximoff
warnings: language, peter is a cute little bitch
        Peter knew the song even before he stepped inside the crowded bar, the bassline immediately ringing a bell in his mind. He smirked before pushing the doors open. 
        “That song,” he said, catching the attention of Hank who was standing close beside him. “It’s one of my favorites; Money by Pink Floyd.” Peter’s attention is turned to the bassist of the band on stage. His mouth goes dry, his eyes widening once the spotlight hits her. She looks ethereal in the stage lights, her eyes closed as her hands pluck the strings of her bass. She’s gorgeous, the look of concentration on her face going straight to Peter’s heart. He’s awestruck, and Hank notices.
        “Peter,” he calls, trying to catch the young man’s eyes. He fails. “Peter,” he calls again, snapping his associate out of his trance. “We’re here to find the mutant and bring them to Charles, we shouldn’t get” he pauses to glance at the bassist, “distracted.” 
        “I’m not distracted, Hank, I’m super professional and always have my eyes on the prize.” he says, the smug sarcasm dripping from his voice. The band switched from Money to Barracuda. He fought the urge to look at the bassist again. Hank sees his restraint and smirks.
        “Peter, if we find the mutant fast enough you might have a chance to meet her.” Hank turns away from the stage to order a drink. “Ya know, Charles said the mutant would be inconspicuous and well-hidden, so keep your eyes peeled.”
        “Uh, Hank,” Peter said, his voice uncertain. “I think I found the mutant.” Hank whips around and sees the bassist floating a foot above ground, her eyes shut in concentration. Her eyes snap open, and the irises are glowing a shimmering silver, someone in the crowd shouts, ‘mutant scum!’ and she lands on the ground. The young woman shares a look with her band mates as the bartender calls the police. The bassist nods, and the guitarist gives a loud strum of her instrument. The bassist’s eyes glow again and she seems to convert the sound to energy, pushing away the few audience members that tried to charge the stage. The band makes a break for the back door, the guitarist turning continuously producing sound that the bassist uses to create a barrier between the now wild crowd. 
        Peter quickly grabs Hank and runs out back, watching as the group jumps into an old van. They’re laughing, like this was a fun endeavor for them. Peter speeds into the back silently, trying desperately to duck behind the seats. Their instruments provide good cover-- at least good enough for now.
       “Holy shit, Y/n, that was insane!” the guitarist laughs. The bassist smiles. 
        “I didn’t even realize I was doing it, but hey, that's a helluva way to end our last performance.” the bassist speaks. Her name is Y/n. A pretty name for a pretty girl. The van is quiet for a minute before someone speaks up.  
        “So, Y/n, a couple cute faces in the crowd, huh?” the drummer teases. 
        “Oh, shut it, Danny, just because you can read minds doesn’t mean you know anything about me.” Y/n snaps playfully, a bashful blush on her face. It’s cute.
        “I might not know much, but you were thinkin’ pretty loud back there. Hey, I’m not judging, he was pretty cute. His hair was weird, but he was cute.” Danny smirks. 
        “Looks like you got some competition, Y/n” the guitarist retorts jokingly.
        “I’d never make a move, Cassie,” Danny says cooly, “He’s not my type, and Y/n called mental dibs on the silver cutie. Plus, he was totally into you too, his jaw practically dropped when he saw you.”
        “He was probably looking at Cassie,” Y/n defends, the blush lingering on her face.
        “I hope not,” Cassie sighs, “I’m tired of explaining my sexuality to people; asexual and aromantic, it’s not hard to understand.”
        “His thoughts were deafening, he was definitely checking out Y/n, but don’t worry. He wasn’t being creepy like the other guys usually are.” Danny smiles. “The guy with the weird hair was completely smitten, I think.”
        ‘Are they talking about me?’ Peter thinks. ‘My hair isn’t weird.’
        “It is,” Danny says suddenly. “It’s also weird that you’ve been hiding this whole time. C’mon out man, we won’t bite.” Peter slowly sits up, his head peeking out from behind the seats. No one seems shocked, besides the singer, who’s driving.
        “You’re like us, right?” Cassie asks. “A mutant?” 
        “Yeah,” Peter says hesitantly. “I, uh, came with a friend. We were looking for her,” he points at Y/n, “we didn’t know you were all mutants.” 
        “Charlie isn’t,” Y/n says, gesturing to the driver. “They’re just a killer vocalist.” Her voice is like music to Peter’s ears, her movements fluid and graceful and wonderful and Peter realizes that Danny was right. He was completely smitten with a beautiful stranger. Peter glances up and realizes that Danny was smirking at him before looking at Y/n once again.
        “Where’s your hot friend?” Danny asks, and Peter realizes he left Hank at the bar. Alone. 
        “Oh god,” Peter laughs slightly, “I left him at the bar. He’s… not very conspicuous.” 
        “You’re telling me,” Danny guffaws, “I almost lost control of my sticks once I saw him.” 
        “That’s not the only stick you lost control of,” Y/n mumbles and the van bursts out in thunderous laughter; including Peter. Y/n is oddly proud; she thinks his laugh is cute. Once the laughter died down, the bassist spoke again. “Why were you looking for me? I didn’t break any laws, did I?” Danny scoffs. “I didn’t break any more laws, did I?” 
        “No,” Peter says. He can’t believe he’s actually talking to her. And she’s talking back to him. And he feels like he’s going to pass out. “There’s a school in New York full of mutants. The headmaster got some info on you; he thought you’d be a valuable student to have. We came to ask if you’d be interested, but since all of you are mutants, all of you can come.” 
        Y/n glances at Danny. 
        “He’s telling the truth,” the drummer says. 
        “I’m in.” Y/n agrees without so much as a question. The band looks shocked. “Oh come on, where else would I go? We can’t live in this shithole forever, and just knowing that there’s a place where we’d be safe and accepted is enough for me.” Peter’s heart basically fucking explodes in his chest and he silently thanks the cosmic forces that she agreed. Danny hesitates before speaking. 
        “I’m in too. Y/n and I have been best friends since 4th grade, I’m not ditching you now. Plus, I have a bet to win” Danny smirks at Y/n before turning to Cassie. 
       “I don’t know…” she trails off, and Y/n silently begs her. Her eyes plead silently and Peter has a moment to study her features closely. She has a nose piercing and a plethora of ear piercings, her hair had streaks of wild colors in it and her eyeliner was smudged. One thought ran through his head constantly: she’s amazing. “Alright, let's do it!” Cassie agrees. Before anyone has a chance to ask Charlie, they speak up.
        “I can’t.” The van is silent. “You all know it. I just… won’t belong. Even if I wanted to go, I wouldn’t be able to.” Danny nods knowingly. 
        “You have a family to tend to, it wouldn’t be fair to steal you away--” Y/n shoots him a look. “-- again” The group laughs again, and the mood lightens. Suddenly, Y/n speaks up.
        “Hey Silver, what’s the school’s policy on small animals?” Danny and Cassie’s faces flash with realization, and the three of them shout in unison, “SEYMOUR THE SECOND!” 
        “Who?” Peter asks, completely confused. 
        “The light of my life, my pride and joy, my soulmate, my one true love...” Y/n rambles, and Peter’s heart drops with every word. She’s not single. “... my pet ferret.” oh. 
        “I’m sure Charles would make an exception for… Seymour.” Peter says hesitantly. “If not, I can always hide him for you”
        “Really? You’re the best, silver!” Y/n playfully punches him on the shoulder and Peter practically dies on the spot. 
        “Uh, what’s your name?” Cassie asks suddenly, and the gang realizes they’d been addressing him as ‘silver’ the entire time. “I’m assuming your name isn’t your hair color.”
        Peter chuckles, “No, my name is Peter, Peter Maximoff. My friend back at the bar is named Hank. Hank McCoy.”
        “Hank McCoy, hot damn, isn’t that a name.” Danny jokes. Y/n giggles at his antics, and the sound alone makes his heart skip.
        “So, you’re a telepath, you can manipulate sound, what about you?” Peter inquires, looking towards Cassie.
        “I can see the future.” Cassie says nonchalantly.
        “And you, Silver? What can you do?” Y/n asks, scooting a little closer to him.
        “Uh, I’m, uh, fast.” Peter smiles at the young woman's face lights up.
        “Oh god, here we go,” Danny groans despite the smile on his face.
        “You have super speed?” Y/n exclaims, her eyes scanning him up and down. “Do you have heat resistance? You probably also have some form of super strength, right? Depending on what you can do you could also have the ability to manipulate gravity and inertia, oh my god you’re so cool!” 
        At this point, everyone noticed the way Peter’s face flushed and the way his pupils dilated and the way his cheeky grin only grew when Y/n would gush over his mutation. Danny couldn’t help but smile at Y/n’s thoughts, her mind buzzing with admiration for the silver boy who snuck onto their van.
        The vehicle rolls to a stop and Charlie barely has enough time to unlock the van before Hank bursts in, grabbing Peter by the collar and pulling him out. Hank was blue again, and completely enraged. 
        “Are you insane!?” Hank shouts at the boy, now on the ground. “She could have killed you! Charles said the mutant was unpredictable and dangerous, you can’t just--” Peter cuts him off.
        “She’s not dangerous. She’s strong, sure, but not dangerous. If she wanted to kill me she would have, and so would Danny and Cassie and, hell, even Charlie.” Y/n climbed out the van and walked over to Hank, sticking out her hand.
        “Y/n L/n,” she grins, “that’s Danny Rodriguez and Cassie Mann, behind them is Charlie S’venstob.” Hank hesitates before shaking her hand, glancing over at the van full of young adults. Danny winks at him.
        “I’m not gonna kill Silver, or you, or anyone else, I can assure you that. He was telling us about a school, a place where mutants are welcome and accepted and embraced. We want in.” Hank turns to Peter, who is once again gazing at Y/n with a love struck film over his eyes. 
        “Well, uh, we were only looking for one mutant, but I’m sure Charles can accommodate three more.” Hank says, his voice unsure.
        “Two more,” Charlie says. “I’m not a mutant, and even if I was, I got a wife and a kid.”
        “Well, then, two more. We should go now, we’re already incredibly off schedule.” Hank says, flustered and confused and tired. The group returns to Charlie, wishing them a teary goodbye. Hank walks over to Peter as they all say farewell.
        “Peter, you just met her, you can’t go too deep too fast.” Hank warns. Peter just smiles a far away smile, his eyes trained on the mutant as she hugs Charlie.
        “Too late.”
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everydaychaotic ¡ 4 years
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. "
Charlie x Reader Fic
a/n: i used a writing prompt here because there were some prompts i found on my phone. they're from creative-writing-prompts on tumblr (?) omg enjoy 💕
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Word on the street is all about this Charlie Dalton. All the girls in your school can't seem to shut up about him, this guy from Wellton who pulled an infamous stunt in front of everybody.
"Have you heard about what happened at Wellton?"
"God, that Charlie has guts."
"He's single right?"
All this gossip annoyed you. Either they applaud his not-so-daring feat, or they suddenly fancy him. Apparently, this boy has become popular here and you never understood why he would do something so stupid.
You're a real stickler for the rules, future mapped out and planned for, and you always had this thing where everything should be in order. Charles Dalton, that jerk, just disrupted the peace and order you have been accustomed to by turning these girls into boy crazy and lovestruck little girls. His name made your blood boil and it made you lose focus. They never seem to get enough of him, and that's probably because there aren't really a lot of options in boarding school.
Wherever you went, his name would always pop up. Whoever you talked to would ask if you knew. You would roll your eyes and tell them they're wasting time on someone who isn't even worth it. This boy was getting into your nerves, and (rumor has it) another girl's knickers.
There came a time you just couldn't take it anymore. Even your best friend was talking about him with a mix of amusement and disappointment. She thought this boy had potential but wasted it on a foolish prank. Both of you shared the same sentiments, although your friend was obviously intrigued.
You had a lot of homework to do, and with everything that was going on, you decided you didn't have time for this. You sigh loudly and throw a pillow at your friend, exasperated. "Hey!" she said as the pillow hit her face. "What was that for?"
You turned to her, annoyed and stressed from all the homework and drama. Your roommate raises an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. "I'm getting tired of this— this boy!" you tell her and she stifles a laugh.
It wasn't funny, and then she replied, "Who knew that the great y/n would lose focus over a boy?" You ignored her and went back to your homework. There was still so much to do with calculus, and you haven't checked on your science project yet. Your French essay is due tomorrow and it isn't near perfect. You didn't let the idea of Charlie Dalton get to you.
Days went by and the chatter started to lessen. You smiled to yourself, everything was slowly going back to normal. Your focus was back, and nothing else seemed to interrupt it. Right now, everything is perfect for you. Back on the right track to be one of the country's most esteemed lawyers.
Everything was almost back to normal, you hardly even thought about him, and no one
had any more stories to tell about the infamous little pick who caught St. Agnes' by storm. One fateful day, he was once again the talk of the town. Rumour has it, he went out with one of the girls from her class. People kept on talking, asking this girl to tell him about Charlie. All of them would pile around her, and ask if he was what they dreamed he would be like.
You thought it was all rubbish. Charles Dalton? You bet he got under her skirt. Your classmate's story about him being the perfect gentleman was too good to be true. There's no such thing as a gentleman, and you believed Charlie was far from that. People see what they want to see, and you thought this girl just let heard what he wanted her to hear. Quite stupid, you thought.
One day as you were walking around the courtyard, book in hand, you caught sight of him. The infamous Charlie Dalton, in the flesh. You couldn't deny he was handsome. There was an air of arrogance around him, and a hint of brilliance to which you were so. curious about. He was with a different girl, and he gave a smirk you knew all too well that he was up to no good. He dropped her off at the dorms, and you shook your head in disappointment. You saw this coming, but in the back of your mind you always hoped it wasn't true.
He passed by you, and smiled. His brown hair all messed up, with eyes that always twinkled with mischief and chaos. "Hi," he said to you. You gripped your book tighter and ignored him, walking away. Charlie always liked girls who played hard to get. He found the chase to be rewarding. He turned around, "I didn't catch your name."
You muttered something, and continued to walk towards the dorms. There were footsteps following you, and you tried your best to ignore him as he tried to get your attention. "Did you just say your name? I didn't get it the first time." He caught up to you and went ahead. There he was, facing you: Charlie Dalton of Wellton Academy.
You decided to be blunt and said, "I didn't, and no, I'm not telling you." You sighed, "I was asking you to leave me alone." He wasn't taken aback by this comment, after all, it was part of the chase, and Charlie enjoyed every second of it.
"If you say so," he said sarcastically. He is so infuriating, you thought. You looked him in the eyes and you were inwardly fazed by how beautiful he really was up close. You always hid your emotions well, and you certainly didn't want to break that wall in front of this jerk.
"Did I stutter?" you replied coldly. You took a deep breath and once again told him to leave you alone. He chuckled and told you, mocking defeat, "Whatever you say, sweetheart." He waved at you and went on his way. Charlie was amazed, and decided he was gonna try harder than usual. That meant he absolutely had to, because most of the time they just came onto him.
You thought about this encounter for a considerable amount of time, and sometimes wondered if you were to see him again. You were working on your english homework until someone on the phone asked for you. You hate being interrupted, and it annoyed you to drop whatever you've been doing for something so irrelevant. Begrudgingly, you grab the phone and put it to your ear, rolling your eyes. "Hello?"
"Hello to you too, y/n," the sound of his voice made you mad. You tried to keep it together, your friends were watching. You couldn't lose control now, it would guarantee him victory. You whispered, "You're not supposed to call."
"Well sweetheart I did, now y/n, tell me, what are you doing Saturday night?" You ignored the question and said, "How did you get my name you jerk?" You heard people laughing from the other line, who were teasing Charlie. "I asked for a pretty girl and they led me to you," he slurred. For a moment, you felt flattered, but mostly embarrassed. That was officially the worst line you have ever heard.
"Shut up. Now if you don't have anything important to say, I'm hanging up now." You put down the phone and went back to your schoolwork. You can't afford to have any more distractions, especially a Dalton-shaped distraction.
Almost every night, he would call, and like always you would give the phone back, telling everyone you absolutely had no time for this. This boy was persistent. You tried your best not to lose your temper in front of your friends and classmates. That rarely happened. You're y/n, and he isn't your Waterloo.
The day you've been waiting for came. Charlie stopped calling. You thought he got bored and latched himself onto another pretty thing. You were a bit hurt, to know he was exactly what you thought he was but it worked best that way, and you were starting to feel normal again. He wasn't the talk of the town anymore, and that alone gave you the motivation to do everything on your to-do list.
You went out to the courtyard for a stroll and brought your favorite book along. Your eyes widened when you saw him. Messy brown hair with everything undone. There he was again, and he looked like he was waiting. You continued to walk towards your favorite spot in the courtyard, made yourselg comfortable and started to read. "Hey y/n," Charlie said. At that moment, you wanted your soul to leave your body. You closed your book and looked up, "To what do I owe this unwanted encounter?" There was sarcasm dripping in your voice and Charlie raised an eyebrow in amusement. He ignored your comment and asked, "What are you doing tomorrow night?"
You didn't answer. He sat down next to you and looked at what you were reading. "Shakespeare, huh? You've got good taste," he commented. You smiled a little, and felt better that this boy, even for a moment, stopped pestering you. You were a bit glad you at least had something in common, and relieved he wasn't just a prick. He was a brilliant prick who knew his stuff, and you were somehow attracted by this.
You just sat there in silence for the whole afternoon. You were immersed in your book, and all Charlie did was stare at you. The silence was endearing, and you stopped only to find him sleeping. You swore he became more attractive. This boy is beautiful, and when it hit you, you started to think about everything you worked for only to be disrupted by him. You pat his arm gently, trying to wake him up. It was getting late and you had to catch up on your study group tonight.
He blinked a few times and stood up, offering you his hand. You took it and he smiled, looking away. He earned it, you thought. "My friend Neil's performing tomorrow at Henley Hall, and since you love Shakespeare so much, bet you'd try to take a look at it," he said finally.
Shakespeare was your favorite poet, and it's been so long since you've watched a Shakespearean play. It was a hard offer to consider. If you accepted, you would be going with him, and that would make it seem like a date. "I guess you can call it a date," he drawled.
You pondered over it as he walked you back to the dorms. Annoying as he was, he knew how to get a girl's attention, and you were no exception. You didn't answer him, and told him how you were running late instead. You felt his hand on your shoulder, turned you around, and once again there you were: face to face with Charlie Dalton. This time, you couldn't help but feel flustered, and it was evident. He smirked a little bit, and that alone shifted your mood. One moment he was charming, the next one a jerk. You moved away and muttered a curse under your breath. "Come on, I saw that, y/n," he pointed out. "Admit it, you like me."
Once again he was this conceited bastard. You didn't know which was more annoying: his behavior or the fact you were attracted to this boy. You pursed your lips and tried not to lose your temper. Charlie just stood there, waiting.
"Silence means yes, you know," he smiled. You rolled your eyes, and started to lose the cool façade you had going on. "You know what, Dalton? Do whatever you want."
"You're insufferable, and I can't believe I spent an afternoon with you! You're a jerk, and you're too conceited for your own good," you said with so much frustration. "I'm not someone you just plan to fool around with, and I'm sure there's another girl waiting for you to sweep her off her feet. And just so it's clear, I'm not that girl, and I don't want to be that girl." Charlie just stood there, listening.
"You know it's a shame. You've wasted so much time and energy on me, and it's endearing and flattering, and I'll admit you're quite attractive, but you're so goddamn infuriating! And guess what? I could kiss you right now." You ran your hands through your hair, frustration and annoyance rushing through you. His eyes widened as he heard the last thing you said. You realized it was too late, and it's undeniable. Charlie Dalton was so damn attractive and you can't believe it worked on you.
He put his hands in his pockets, and smiled at his feet. You were a blushing mess, and his smile wasn't helping at all. He pulled you in and finally replied, "You're very welcome to do it."
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amariemelody ¡ 4 years
for meme: friday,saturday, september :)
Aww, thanks, honey! Here we go!
Friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
Oh gosh, this one is putting me on the spot here. But alas, my most indulgent fic has to be Heliotrope, an Assassin’s Creed fic, starring Altair Ibn La-Ahad and a black (Nubian)!Adha...’cause I love that freakin’ Alty and I wanted to pair him with black girl. So I done made up a black girl.
I’ve put it on hold for...goodness, 4 years now because I’m not too sure of the direction and I’ve been taken over by the Marvel fandom, haha. But I’d like to come back to it someday.
saturday: what gets you excited whilst writing?
The feeling of being able to share something with an audience-usually an emotion!
I’ll get scenes & general ideas in my head and then usually think, “Oh, haha this will make other people laugh!” or “Dang, this is breaking my heart so now I gotta go break everyone else’s heart. Can’t suffer alone.”
So when I’m writing, I don’t just feel that I’m putting black on white paper-I’m painting a scene, a setting that I want my audience to be able to see what I see and so feel what I feel (I’ve been told that I’m very, very good at that, if I do say so!), and so what I wanted to convey was successfully conveyed. Also, if my audience sees something even more and/or something different, I love for them to tell me that, too!!
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
I have to pick just one? Well, I don’t get a whole lot, but...every comment I’ve gotten from @the-omniscient-narrator has been platinum. This one in particular on my 1st Harlem Lights fic with SamSteve:
This is quite possibly one of the most unique takes on the soul mark trope ever - no, it truly is. It feels so real, the history of that law, the reincarnation, the insecurity that both of them are feeling. Ugh my heart. You've done such a great job that I read this all in one breath last night on my phone - but I had to come back and leave a review on every chapter because it's ridiculous that you don't have a million kudos and just as many reviews. What a beautiful foundation this chapter is for the rest of this remarkable story.
ETA: your inclusion of all the other Avengers & Fury was seamless and gorgeous! (I also thought they would be the reincarnations of Kyle and Hemsen - but I should've known you'd surprise me)
And this one, also from her on that same fic:
As someone who wrote a thesis on the Harlem Renaissance, this whole chapter was a delight and a half! Black Mecca indeed - Sam's hesitance and his parents' hopeful attitude felt very real. I love Monica for seeing Sam's need for a connection to this new place and giving him so much more. I laughed at the Wilson's horror that Sam left a guest standing outside like that. Oh my beautiful awkward bird.
The description of the crew - their kindness, their exuberance, their banter. Your use of slang, the description of all the sights and sounds were out of this world. Latina Maria Hill :) Sam being just struck by how beautiful all these people are, especially Charles & our sweet James Rhodes Rhodey walking arm in arm with Sam was everything! UGH I just really love your introduction of everyone and how Steve & Sam are so blatant in their crushing that they immediately get teased. The rations joke - I want to quote this whole beautiful thing back to you.
It was the 1st of all her commenting on each chapter of that fic and...wow. I remember when I done did that fic for a holiday gift exchange, I felt that I did not do enough research on the Harlem Renaissance before I rushed to post it, but for her to be another, older black girl say that she did a whole ass college thesis on it and I hit the nail on the head...that was a great breath of relief for me.
It also just...touched my heart that someone cared about my work that much to leave me platinum treats on each chapter. I still tear up thinking about it today. She then encouraged me to write the sequel (a prequel, really, featuring Rhodey & Tony), and flipped out when I did!
As a result of it, we’ve since become friends and even call each other on the phone from time to time. Friendships are beautiful and you never know where they’ll come from!!
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sunnybugz ¡ 6 years
only fools
chapter: i
word count: 2115
authors note: hi losers, welcome to the first chapter of my new fanfic, it’s dianetti because i am dianetti trash. it’s also a highschool au because i am a teenager and do not know how the real word works. hope u like it!!! i will be posting it on ao3 once my account request finally comes back (by the end of this week!!) lets get to it i guess???
11:38 AM, Brooklyn Academy High cafeteria
Rosa sat at their lunch table, eating her sandwich. By their, she meant her the table that had belonged to her and her best friends since ninth grade. Her best friends being Jake Peralta, Amy Santiago, Charles Boyle, and of course, the one and only Gina Linetti. They were all so amazingly different yet fit together so well. Jake was the dark-haired, brown-eyed, absolutely hilarious (and absolutely childish at times) boy sitting at the top right of their table. He was a total idiot a lot of the time, but was amazing at solving puzzles and problems. He also had an intense love for Die Hard and drinks that were the colour blue. Amy, however, was the beautiful, smart and organized Cuban girl sitting across from Rosa. She was so put together all the time, but was also really goofy and cute when not under watch from everyone else. Her favourite things in the world were probably binders, essays, and her boyfriend, Jake. Charles was the brown-haired, clumsy, goofball who sat beside Amy. He was a total dork who was far too obsessed with his friends relationships, but was truly the most kind and caring person any of them have met in their entire life. He loved to cook too, and often brought some weird food that he made the night before for all of them to try (which often ended terribly, but they were thankful for the effort). And then there was Gina Linetti. Gina was gorgeous, with auburn hair and blue eyes, and she was a lot shorter than Rosa. She was silly and sarcastic and treated herself like she was the queen of the world (which she basically was in Rosa’s eyes). She also cared about her friends more than anything in the world (other than maybe her phone).
The group hadn’t always been as close as they were now though. Jake and Gina had been best friends probably since birth, because their families were super close. Charles and Jake became best friends in the third grade after being assigned desk partners and realizing they were an amazing team when it came to cheating on spelling tests. Amy had come along in seventh grade, when she moved to their area and became part of their class. Rosa joined the gang in the middle of grade eight, when she was new at their school and Gina was the only one who would actually come up to her despite her scary exterior. From then on, they had been a power team, and probably one of the closest, drama free friend groups in their entire high school. They supported each other through everything (even in tenth grade when Amy made the idiotic decision to date Teddy Wells, and to get over his enormous crush on her, Jake dated Sophia  Perez. They realized it was stupid and started dating within a few months). It was nice to just have people who genuinely loved Rosa for who she was, even if that person was an angry, bisexual, all-black-wearing, eighteen year old girl.
It was in that moment when Rosa realized she had been spacing out for the past 45 seconds.
“Hello? I know my girlfriend is hot but there’s no need to stare,” Jake teases while throwing a french fry at Rosa’s head. She rolls her eyes and throws it back.
“Yeah, Rosa, I’m totally the one you should be staring at right now, I mean, look at me!” Gina joins in. At this one, unlike Jake’s teasing, Rosa feels her face heat up. If she had been consciously staring, it definitely would have been at Gina. Of course, she would never say that out loud. Nobody could ever know about her top-secret crush on the auburn haired dancer. Except unknown to Rosa, literally everyone knew except for Gina. Jake and Amy had placed a $20 bet on whether Rosa would ask her out by Valentine’s day. Jake thought Rosa totally would, because she’s been obsessed with her since like, eighth grade, but Amy thought that if Rosa still hasn’t made a move after four and a half years, what would all of a sudden compel her to do so? Charles would always ‘accidentally’ make situations where the two of them ended up alone, but instead of ending up with them confessing their undying love for each other and then promptly making out like everyone hoped it would, it would always end with Rosa stumbling over her words when Gina did or said something cute (re: every five seconds). Rosa thought she was an amazing secret keeper, but it turns out Gina was just oblivious to the rest of the world when she wasn’t being mentioned.
Before Rosa could answer, the bell rang. Everyone quickly got up to race to their next class. “Want me to walk you to class?” asked Gina.
“Gina, it’s English. We’re in the same class. We literally sit beside each other.” Rosa said.
“Fine! I guess I’ll walk alone!” Gina said dramatically. Rosa smiled a huge, dorky smile that she didn’t do for anyone other than Gina.
“I never said I wanted that,” Rosa laughed. Gina turned back to her, smiling her cute smile that Rosa saw in her dreams every night without fail.
“Proven again, Gina Linetti is absolutely irresistible to the ladies!”, Gina said far too loudly.
She isn’t wrong, though, Rosa thought.
2:34 PM, Brooklyn Academy High
The rest of the school day goes by quite uneventfully. Everyone is anticipating the end of the day, when casting in the spring musical comes out. Their schools musicals are written every year by an ex-student at their school, Terry Jeffords. They’ve always been love stories, and Jake and Amy have respectively played the lead male and female every year without fail. This year though, that won’t happen. Mainly because it’s a musical about homophobia, and if Jake and Amy were playing lesbians, the school would have a lot of issues to figure out. However, there is a specific someone who also auditioned for the girlfriend of the character Rosa auditioned for. Rosa auditioned to play Lola, the female lead, a lesbian who has recently come out at her Catholic school and is threatened with expulsion, and Gina auditioned for the role of June, Lola’s girlfriend who is yet to come out. However, Rosa doesn’t think she could ever get the part. Gina will almost 100% get June, but there was a bunch of girls going for the part of Lola. Not as many as there usually are for the lead role (most girls weren’t up to playing a lesbian), but still a fair amount.
When 2:40 finally comes, any drama kid races to the auditorium. They all sit in chairs, Rosa snagging a spot between Gina, who has decided to live stream the casting, and Amy, who is holding Jake’s hand tightly. They’re all on the edge of their seats waiting for Director Holt to come in and read the casting list. When he finally walks in at 2:46, the room goes silent.
“I know you’ve all been waiting for a week and a half since auditions, and I apologize for leaving you all to wonder. However, I now have the casting list, and I’m sure you would all like to hear it.” he says. Yes! Of course they want to hear it!
“I will be reading out the main cast. As you all know, any person not given a main role will be given a role as an extra,” Holt says. Rosa prays that isn’t referring to her. She’s never been an extra, but from the sounds of it, it absolutely sucks. “First off, playing the role of Madam Wringer, the headmistress, will be Sophia Perez,” he reads. First announcement is quite awkward, as this means Jake will most likely have his ex-girlfriend as his co-star.
“The role of Lola’s brother, Henry, will be played by Charles Boyle,”. Yay for Charles! It’s no surprise he got the role, he’s a great actor and is good for both dramatic scenes and comedic relief.
“The role of Lola’s father will be played by none other than Jake Peralta,” reads Director Holt. No surprise there, Jake got the leading male.
“Lola’s mother will be played by Amy Santiago.”. Amy and Jake look at each other with heart eyes. Of course they’re playing a married couple.
“Finally, we’re onto our two leading lady roles. June, the girlfriend will be played by Gina Linetti, and finally, Lola will be played by Rosa Diaz.”
Gina turns to Rosa with her phone. “Babe, we’re girlfriends!”. Rosa freezes for a second before smiling hugely. She tries not to make it obvious the effect that the little pet name has on her, and if Gina notices, she doesn’t say anything.
Rosa is also in shock because she got the female lead! She’s never been the lead, as Amy has always scored the role. Gina ends her live stream with a “Bye, losers!”, and turns back to the group. “I say this calls for celebratory pizza!”. The group cheers, and all feel even happier knowing that they get to go to Sal’s pizza afterwords.
“Our first read through will be tomorrow after school, and we will be rehearsing daily. I expect us to start blocking soon, so you all must practice as often as you can,” Holt says. “I expect no nonsense with this production. You are all experienced actors, and you all know how a play works. Read over your scripts tonight!”. Once they all have their scripts, everyone heads out the door.
“Rosa, how does it feel to get the privilege of playing the love interest of someone as wonderful as me? I’ve never had the experience, please describe in detail.” Gina says, smirking. Rosa shakes her head and smiles.
“It’s wonderful Gina, but I think with the amount of love you have for yourself you wouldn’t have to ask,” Rosa retorts.
“It’s called confidence, bitch! Look it up!” Gina jokes, hitting Rosa lightly on the back of her head.
“Ooh, two lovebirds having a quarrel! Who will win, or will it end in a kiss?” Charles says. The two of them roll their eyes.
“We aren’t lovebirds, Charles! We aren’t even likebirds! We’re just… friendbirds! That’s right, they’re a real thing! You’ve just never heard of them!” Rosa defends.
“Yeah, Charles! Also, Rosa, I truly care about you but if you call me a bird again, I will not hesitate to throw you in front of a bus. I’m clearly a wolf.” Gina says. Rosa rolls her eyes.
“Okay, stop flirting, I want pizza!” Jake complains. Amy lets out a breathy laugh while shaking her head.
“We aren’t flirting!”, Gina and Rosa say in unison.
8:19 PM, Rosa Diaz’s Bedroom
Rosa is looking over her script for the first time, while lying in bed. She’s changed out of her black jeans, navy blue t-shirt, and leather jacket, and now wears flannel pyjama pants and a black tank top. She’s about halfway through the script, when she sees a line that catches her eye.
Rosa re-reads the line about five times to see if it’s right. Lo and behold, the line remains the same. Rosa feels giddy with nerves. She’s going to kiss Gina Linetti. For a play, but that means nothing to her. She doesn’t care what she’s doing it for, as long as she is kissing that girl. Rosa giggles - actually giggles- at the thought. Just then, she gets a text from Jake.
Jake: haha looks like sum1’s wishes are coming tru ;)
Rosa: shut up, jake. i’m totally not into her that way.
(Rosa is definitely into her that way)
Jake: okayyyy sure. explain y u look at her the way u do.
Rosa: how do i look at her?
Jake: like ur in loveeeee
Rosa: ugh, i am NOT in love. she’s just hot, ok??? i'm not one of those lovey-dovey freaks like u and amy
Jake: that’s what i said before i dated amy but ok
Rosa: no, u literally said ‘i would marry amy santiago without hesitation, whether that’s at a huge mansion or in an actual dumpster’
Jake: welp, u got me there.
Rosa rolls her eyes and shuts her phone off. She doesn’t have to tell people about her personal feelings. Emotions were gross, in her opinion. Unless they were emotions about Gina, which were absolutely amazing. However, those were secret feelings. Nobody is supposed to know about that.
That night, Rosa has some very good dreams about Gina Linetti.
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imladris-soldier ¡ 6 years
Lashes (pt 7)
Bill Williamson is a racist asshole. Everyone knows it. They just punch him and go on about their day. When a Lakota woman joins the gang, everyone expects things to go on as normal, slurs and all, and for a time, it does. But her curiosity gets the better of her, and she finds that hatred is something learned - which means it can be unlearned, if given time, care, and patience. And she has plenty of those… the first two, anyway.
Bill Williamson x OC
After the events in Strawberry, Star and Bill started spending a lot of miscellaneous time together around camp. Enough that people started to notice, occasionally going so far as to ask Star about it. She would just shrug and say that they found things to talk about. It wasn't a lie. They'd sit by the lake for hours discussing the pros and cons of catching your own horse versus buying one from a stable. Granted, they never came to any sort of agreement, but they sure did talk.
Bill still had the unfortunate tendency to say problematic things to fellow gang members while drunk, but Star would usually appear from nowhere to smack him upside the head, then explain to him why what he'd said was wrong. He didn't take it super well the first few times, but after a while, he'd even catch himself, ducking before Star could hit him. She would have to hide a smile of pride before having him tell her why it was wrong. Then, the incidents got fewer and farther between. He was still drunk most of the time, but he was significantly more pleasant about it.
Finally, one day, Dutch approached her as she sat at the fire, sitting next to her on the log she occupied. “Good evening, ma'am,” he greeted, smiling.
“Dutch. What can I do for you?”
He leaned close and murmured, “Tell me your secrets.”
“I'm sorry?”
With a chuckle, he pointed at where Bill sat, laughing with John and Javier. “What did you do to that man?”
“Nothing! Well. Nothing that any of you could not have done, if you'd been of a mind to.” Dutch raised an eyebrow and waited for her to elaborate, so she sighed and did so. “All I did was listen to him, I guess. Gave him a safe space to be himself. You lot were too busy making fun of him to notice that it hurt him when you did. Sure, he can be a big, dumb brute sometimes, but he tries.”
Dutch sat on that for a moment, then gave a nod of agreement. “Fair enough.”
“He just wants to please, Dutch. He wants you to be proud of him.”
“And what does he want from you, I wonder?”
Inside, the question felt like lightning in her bones, but outwardly, Star barely reacted. The friendship she'd built with Bill only seemed to be getting better, and she couldn't say that same question hadn't crossed her mind a few times. A part of her was curious to know what would happen if she followed that line of thought to its end, but for now, she was content to let things play out.
When Dutch realized she wasn't going to respond, he stood and said. “Well, whatever you did and however you did it, thank you. One less instigator in the camp is a blessing.”
“Sure thing, boss,” she replied, waving as he went.
The next evening, Star was fishing again, only this time, when Bill approached, he waited for her to strike, then called out, “How goes it?”
She came back to shore, hauling her five fish with a smile. “Not bad. Where have you been?”
“Went into town with Dutch to follow a lead. Got to blow up some moonshiners camp.” He cleared his throat and puffed out his chest a bit. “Got deputized.”
Star's eyes landed on the bronze star on his chest and went wide. “What?!”
He grinned as she examined the pin up close. “That's right. I am a bona fide deputy of the town of Rhodes.”
“Who in the hell looked at you and thought you'd make a good deputy?” she teased.
“Hey!” He bat her hand away, then lifted his jacket to look at the pin himself. “To be fair, the man was blind drunk.” Star laughed which made him beam a bit. “Anyway, that leads me to my point.” He held up a large jug from behind his back. “Got to keep some'a the moonshine. Want some?”
“Oh no,” she replied, walking around him back towards camp. “I learned my lesson about drinking.” Though her voice didn't betray it, blush prickled up the back of her neck. They'd never addressed what happened the night of Sean's party, and she had hoped it was forgotten.
“Come on,” he prodded, following her. “Just one, then.”
She spun to walk backwards and look at him. “Just one?”
“Alright. Just let me drop these fish with Pearson.”
Bill practically giggled as he went to collect glasses from a nearby table, then followed Star until they were sitting in their spot by the lake. She held the glasses as he poured, then they sat back and nursed their very strong drinks.
Star gasped a little on the first sip, and Bill laughed at her. “I think I just burnt the skin off my throat,” she wheezed.
“Lightweight,” he teased, throwing back the whole glass, then pouring himself another.
“Easy! I am not carrying you back up to camp.”
She turned to look at the water, admiring the way the moon began to sparkle on its surface. Bill's eyes barely left her, and she could feel every inch of her skin heat up. “It's not polite to stare.”
“Sorry,” he mumbled, doing that unbearably, adorably awkward thing where he looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. “It's just... ya look... real pretty.”
Star's stomach did flips while she tried to control her reaction. “It's just because it's dark,” she joked.
“Ya don't just look pretty in the dark,” he retorted before realizing what he was saying. When he did, he back-pedaled quickly. “I mean... it's not like I... I ain't in the habit of starin', if that's what you're thinkin'.”
She wasn't even sure what she was thinking. “Well... I guess if you think so all the time, it must be true.”
He downed the rest of his second glass and poured a third. “I been thinkin'. Been thinkin' a lot. 'bout how you came after me. How-how you listen to me. How you told the fellers not to make fun of me no more.”
“And I... I ain't never had nobody look out for me like that before. Not nobody.”
“I'm sorry to hear that,” she replied, turning a sad eye to him.
He shook his head, waving her off. “No. Don't be sorry. I just... want to say... thanks.”
A small smile touched her lips. “You're welcome.”
He nodded, seemingly pleased with himself. “That's all I wanted to say.” With a slight hiccup, he added, “Well, mostly all.”
Knowing full well that she might be getting in over her head, Star asked, “What's the rest?”
“Um... that... that I keep thinkin' 'bout... 'bout that night. The party.”
She cringed slightly. “Do you even remember any of that?”
“Some.” He swirled the drink around in his glass. “I remember holdin' your hand in the woods. I remember kissin' ya.” His eyes landed on her. “I remember you kissin' me.”
Well, she couldn't fault him there. She took a long sip of her drink and sighed. “And?”
“Dunno. Just been thinkin' 'bout it.”
Did she dare admit the truth? It seemed only fair, given he had put his neck out. “Me too.”
He looked up in surprise. “Really?”
“Yep,” she replied with a nod and another small sip. She could already feel the alcohol buzzing around in her system, and she didn't want a repeat of the night in question.
“Well... what do you remember?”
“About as much as you.”
They lapsed into a heavy silence that neither seemed to know how to break. For her part, Star wasn't sure what she wanted. She was attracted to the idea of starting something with him, but some part of her was still holding onto the past. It felt like a betrayal to her people.
“Can we talk about this another time?” she asked abruptly, standing.
Bill stood with her, staggering ever so slightly. “I... sure... I guess.” She handed the glass back to him and started to walk away, but stopped when he called after her. “Star, I'm... I'm sorry. Didn't mean... shit... I dunno what I mean.”
Her heart swelled at his attempt to soothe her. “Don't worry about it, Bill. I just have some things I have to work out first. Once I do... we'll talk about it again.”
“Al... alright. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” She gave him a wave, then made her way to her bedroll.
Charles had been out of the camp for a couple days, but she made a note to find him when he finally came back. There was no one else she could imagine talking this through with, even though he likely would not fully understand. He was playing big brother after all. This sort of thing was supposed to be his worst nightmare.
It took another couple of days for Charles to return, and in the mean time, Star skirted around Bill as best she could. The man tried to go on as if nothing had happened, bless him, but she just couldn't shake the fact that she'd left him hanging, and was still no closer to an answer than before. So, mostly their interactions consisted of brief greetings when passing in camp.
“Yeah, you?”
It was agony. Ridiculous agony.
Finally, Charles rode back into camp with a plethora of pelts that Star barely allowed him to drop off before taking his arm and leading him somewhere more private.
“Where are we going?” he asked, amused.
“Don't know. Over here a bit. Where no one can hear us.”
“Why don't you want anyone to hear us?”
“Just... because.”
When Star was satisfied that they were far enough from camp to be left alone, she slowed and turned to Charles. “I need to ask you something.”
“Ok.” He crossed his arms over his chest and settled in. “Shoot.”
“I... well...” She huffed and rubbed a hand down her face. “Bill... I think... has feelings... for me.” Charles blinked, but did not move. “And I... have... feelings... for him.”
Her brother continued to stare at her, but when she said nothing more, he replied, “That wasn't a question.”
“Isn't it?!” she cried, throwing her hands up. “What do I do?”
“What do you want to do?”
“I... I don't know. I guess I'd like to... to follow through on it.”
“Then what do you need me for?”
“God, Charles,” she complained, fighting the urge to just crumple into the dirt. “You know his history and how it intersects with mine. Is it... a betrayal to my people to entertain this relationship? Am I fraternizing with the enemy here?”
Charles nodded, his thoughtful gaze falling to his feet. “I see why you might think so. But I'm not sure I agree. Since your arrival, all you have done is seek to make him better – even after finding out his past. To change a man's mind about his hatred is not something to toss aside. There is no reason to believe that you would not continue to be a good influence on Bill. Changing him for the better is a service to your people, not an attack.”
Star stared at him. “That's not what I thought you'd say.”
He shrugged. “Objectively, we should all hope to meet someone whom we may improve, and who can improve us in turn. Subjectively... you realize that if he hurts you even once I will have to kill him?”
Bubbly laughter burst from Star, unwilling to be contained. “Now that is much more what I was expecting.”
A small smile brightened Charles' face. “I am honored that you brought this to me.”
“You're the closest thing to family that I have. There is no one else I would trust with it.”
“So you've made your decision, then?”
“How are you going to tell him?”
“I don't know yet. The opportunity will present itself. In the meantime, have you eaten?”
“I'm starving.”
Star spent the rest of the day with Charles, listening to his stories from hunting and random encounters. As the sun began to sink, however, her mind turned to the task at hand.
Bill had given her a pretty wide berth that day, so it took her a while to track him down. When she did, pain tugged at her heart. He was sitting in their spot by the lake, alone, drinking a bottle of whiskey. Thankfully, he wasn't chugging it, but he'd put a pretty decent dent in it, and who knew how many he'd had before that one.
She made her way down to him and sat next to him on the log he'd chosen. He immediately jumped out of his skin and sloshed whiskey out of the bottle. “JESUS CHRIST!” he yelped. “Where the hell did you come from?!”
Star couldn't help but laugh as she reached out to steady him. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to.”
“Gotta warn a feller before you sneak outta the darkness,” he chided, wiping some of the stray whiskey from his pants.
“I'm sorry,” she said again, unable to shake the grin that had taken hold of her face. “I forget how quiet I can be. Especially when I'm nervous.”
“Ain't no reason to be nervous,” he replied quietly. “It's just me.”
“I know.” She let out a deep breath slowly, slipping her feet out of her moccasins and wiggling her toes in the sand. “I, um... I thought we could continue the conversation we were having the other night. If you want.”
He blinked, slightly taken off guard, but replied, “I... yeah! Sure.”
From there, they fell into silence. It went on long enough that Bill murmured, “Who's supposed to start?”
Star laughed a bit and shrugged. “I don't know. Maybe me since it was me who ended it.” She paused and took a steadying breath. “I've spent most of the time I've known you not knowing whether or not I was supposed to be your friend. Everything about you screamed enemy, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to you than you let on. I was right. You're more complicated than you seem. Which is both good and bad. But I guess the point of all this is to say: I really like you. In a way I did not anticipate, and it scares me a little. But being around you makes me happy, so... I'd like to be around you as much as possible.”
Bill nodded to himself a bit. “I ain't never been one for fancy words and all... but I ain't never known no one like you before. You... you really make me think. Even when I don't wanna. Which is both good and bad.” He nudged her slightly with his elbow. “I-I-I like... who I am... with you. So I wanna stay with you... all the time.”
Warmth flooded Star's body, but she couldn't resist adding, “Well, that's a bit impractical.”
The look he gave her was stone cold 'done with your bullshit', and she burst into laughter. Completely maintaining his straight face, he admonished, “Now, is that any way to respond to a man barin' his soul? Christ.”
Star just giggled and leaned her head sideways against his shoulder. Her left hand slid down the underside of his arm until their palms were touching, then she wiggled her fingers between his and held. He stared at that particular phenomena for a moment, then took another swig from the whiskey bottle before offering it to her. She accepted and knocked back a swallow. They sat together, passing the bottle, until it was empty.
When it was, Bill got brave enough to ask, “Does... does Charles know?”
Star smiled. “Yeah.”
“Is he...”
“Don't you worry about Charles. I'll keep him straight. Just... consider yourself on probation for now.”
“Right.” He waited a beat. “Does anyone else know?”
“Dutch had suspicions, but I haven't told anyone. Why?”
“I don't know,” he sighed, deflating a bit. “It's just... they're gonna tease me. 'Bout all of it. The way I treated ya.”
“You'd think they'd just be happy for you.”
“Well... maybe. Mary-Beth will be. Always got her head in some romance book or another. Won't never hear the end of it from her.”
“A girl has to have her escape mechanisms, especially in a world of men.”
Bill turned his head to look at Star as best he could given her position on his shoulder. “What's yours?”
“Hunting. Why do you think I run away to hunt so much?”
“Well... well I always thought... it was me.”
“Can't say it wasn't sometimes, but I've been running to the woods since long before we met. It's quiet there. Things make sense – have a natural order. I understand my role in the world when I hunt. Otherwise, I just feel... adrift. My home was taken from me – the life I knew reduced to a shadow of its former self. I wasn't lying to Dutch about seeking purpose.”
Bill's grip on her hand tightened slightly and his eyes went to the lake. “After I got kicked out of the army... I was lost too. I was stickin' up folk on the highway just out west of the mountains. Drinkin' like a fish. Then one day, feller comes along, and I try to rob him. He just looks at me and laughs. Now I... I nearly killed him. I was just... so angry. But he... he cheered me up... and he gave me purpose.” He ran his thumb over the back of her hand. “That man was Dutch van der Linde.” His gaze returned to her. “You trust him. He'll lead ya right.”
She looked up at him. “Maybe he already did.”
Bill's jaw worked as if he were chewing the words before saying them, then he ended up abandoning them altogether in favor of a desperate kiss. Star inhaled her surprise sharply through her nose, then picked her head up off his shoulder to meet him. He released her hand to slide that arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Her right arm went around his shoulders as counterbalance.
They spent a couple moments locked together in a shared curiosity, though the emotions that prompted the embrace were never lost. Bill's hold on her suggested that he was afraid she'd disappear, and her hold on him was an attempt to assure him that she wouldn't.
When the necessity of breathing forced them apart, they remained nose to nose, and Star nudged his with hers lightly. “I'm glad I'm going to remember this one better than the others.”
“Because I meant that one. Really meant it.”
“Me too,” he replied, stealing another one
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santiagoswagger ¡ 7 years
fic: i feel a change comin’ on
Also on AO3
Jake sighed as he stared at the street beyond his dusty windshield. Running a hand through his already mussed hair, he reclined further back in his faux leather seat. His back cracked with relief at the movement; he’d been sitting still for so long in this tiny box of a car. He had endured this stakeout for four hours already, which would normally be fine, but he was beginning to run out of the sour candies he’d brought with him. He’d been feeling extra snacky tonight. His back cracking was the most interesting thing to happen in the last hour at least. His car companion visibly winced at the sound of the crack ringing through the air, cutting through smirk wide on his face, even as his bleary eyes struggled to focus on her in the dim lighting.
“Does that turn you on, Santiago?” She rolled her eyes in response, just the reaction he had been hoping for. “I can do it again…with other body parts too.” His eyebrows wiggled up and down suggestively as he stared her down. Amy was having none of it; she’d heard better, even from him. The stakeout was taking a lot out of both of them. It had been a last-minute assignment from the Captain and they’d both had to give up Saturday night plans. Jake had whined about it for the first hour they’d been sequestered in the car. Time had trickled by slowly and she was reaching the end of her Peralta patience quota for the day.
“I will never understand why women willingly choose to go out with you,” she said with disdain, her eyes darting from the windshield back to him. “You have the maturity of a golden retriever puppy.”
Jake gasped, his eyes twinkling with delight. He only teased her because he knew she’d give it right back to him. He had never met a worthier adversary than Amy Santiago, even if he did think she was a giant nerd. “That hurts, Santiago!” She rolled her eyes again. “But the joke’s on you because golden retrievers are the best dogs – everyone agrees! Besides, the ladies love Jake.” Amy chose to ignore him, grabbing a pair of binoculars from her bag in the backseat so she could keep her hands busy. The perp they were looking for, a high-level Russian drug dealer, was supposed to be hiding out in the nondescript apartment building Jake and Amy were now parked in front of. She trained her binoculars on some of the building’s lit windows, hoping to spot their guy so this godforsaken stakeout could come to a close and she could get home to her sweatpants and a bottle of red wine.
Jake took the opportunity to stare at her surreptitiously from the corner of his eye, something he had gotten pretty good at in his years on the force. He had the hardest time reading Amy and it frustrated him to no end; he wasn’t sure if it was because it made him question his skills as a detective or if he truly wanted to know what was going on in Santiago’s brain for another reason entirely. He wasn’t sure which was worse.
Since Amy had joined the team at the 99th precinct six months ago, she and Jake had struck up a friendly rivalry. Their first meeting had been pleasant enough and Jake had been excited to get some new blood on the force, and Charles’ weird and awkward ‘wedding bells’ comment aside, Jake knew from the personnel file he’d stolen from McGinley’s desk before her arrival that Amy was smart and had maintained a great arrest record at her last precinct. All of his hopes for a new partner in crime were dashed, however, when Amy looked through the files crowding his desk that first day and found a new lead on Jake’s coldest case. That new lead led to an arrest by the end of the week, something that had eluded Jake for the past two years. Rosa hadn’t failed to point that fact out when they went to Shaw’s to celebrate Amy’s success, Jake would even say she’d done it gleefully. A fire had begun to burn within Jake, his sense of competition igniting for revenge. The next day, he sat down at his desk across from Amy’s and proposed a bet: the first detective to find a new lead on a cold case by the end of the week had to do the other’s paperwork for a month. Amy had agreed readily, her left eyebrow raised in challenge. Jake had won that bet, delighted when Amy threw a pen at him out of shock and anger at the loss.
Thus, a great rivalry was born. The bets hadn’t stopped since. Jake kind of hoped they never did.
Jake was lost in thought, scanning the area around the car for signs of their perp. He reached for his thermos to take a sip of coffee. He was mid-swallow when Amy cleared her throat. “Speaking of ladies…” Jake nearly spit out his coffee, swallowing quickly and trying to ignore the burning in his throat as he turned to look at his partner. She was still staring out of her binoculars at the apartment building, her face unreadable. Jake and Amy never talked about their personal lives, especially at work. They knew a bit about each other’s families, of course, and she would occasionally mention a detail about a date when they were all out at the bar, but Amy was a true professional and refused to talk about sex with her coworkers. Jake had made it his mission to get her to talk about it with him ever since their first stakeout. “Didn’t you have a date last night? With that girl from the bar?”
Her tone was casual but Jake detected something else there. It sounded like she was being careful with her words. “Yeah, Jessica. The nurse.”
Amy whipped her head over in his direction at the word ‘nurse’, a playful gleam in her eye Jake had become all too familiar with. Her ponytail swung in time with her head and she lowered her binoculars to her lap. The perp could wait. “A nurse? Isn’t that every straight white guy’s biggest wet dream? Did you finally get to play doctor, Peralta?” There was that tone again. It was teasing, but there was a new aggression in her voice Jake wasn’t used to hearing. He was, however, delighted that she had used the phrase ‘wet dream.’
Jake laughed awkwardly, unsure of how to navigate this topic with his partner. They were friends, or at least friendly, and friends talked about their relationships. He couldn’t help but feel like they were quietly crossing an invisible threshold. “Eh, it was just dinner. She got pretty drunk and I had to put her in a cab at 9 pm. We didn’t even make it to dessert. I don’t think there’ll be a second date.”
Amy laughed out loud. She wasn’t totally surprised the date had been a dud: Jake was pretty open about his dating life, and she saw the women he flirted with at Shaw’s when the squad went out for drinks every Friday. For a guy who loved a challenge at work, he seemed to have no patience for them in his personal life. Not that she was interested in his personal life. Obviously. “I don’t think I’ve ever met a Jessica that could hold her liquor. That was your first mistake, Peralta. My brother Anton dated a girl named Jessica once. She only had two glasses of punch at the Santiago New Year’s Eve party before she started doing the world’s worst McConaughey impression. My abuela was not amused.”
Jake’s eyes bugged out as he laughed along with her. He loved adding more personal details to his armory – it was more ammunition to tease her with. “One, we are definitely going to talk more about the Santiago New Year’s Eve party soon.” Amy smirked in response. “Two, are you jealous, Santiago?”
Amy sputtered with her whole body, her binoculars flying to the floor of the passenger seat with the convulsion. “What? No! Why would I be jealous of Jessica?”
Jake leaned back in his seat, hands above his head like he was lounging in a pool chair and not in his musty car by the docks in Brooklyn. “Oh, Santiago. I get it. You’re probably wondering what it would be like to date the best detective in the NYPD.” He fixed her with his trademark Peralta smolder. “If you’re thinking it would blow your mind, you’re right.”
Amy snorted loudly. “I can’t date myself, Peralta.” He gasped, clutching his hand to his heart through his stakeout hoodie. “Besides, I can get dates of my own. I had one last night too, in fact.”
Well, this was a surprise to Jake. He liked to think of Amy as a nun; a nerdy, doily-obsessed nun. The sensible, neutral-colored pantsuits she wore to work every day certainly helped fuel this image. He hesitated a moment before responding: “Oh, did you? Santiago, it doesn’t count if other people can’t see him.” He defaulted to bantering with her to cover his momentary lapse. It wasn’t that Jake didn’t think Amy was desirable to men, even he knew she was attractive. It had to be shock that she was volunteering this information willingly (at work, no less!) that had thrown Jake off. Luckily for him, she didn’t seem to pick up on his pause, indignant over his accusation that her date had been an invisible friend.
She scrunched up her face in annoyance and rolled her eyes. “Ugh, shut up, Peralta! He’s a real person.” She crossed her arms and huffed. Her patience quota was really running low. They were approaching hour five of the stakeout with no perp in sight and her legs were starting to cramp from sitting stiffly in Jake’s disgusting car for so long. “I’m very capable of getting real dates with real men.” She bent down to pick up her forgotten binoculars from the floor, pointing them back at the apartment building. She was determined not to give Jake the satisfaction of looking at him. “Maybe you’re the jealous one.”
Her words filled the air between them, hitting Jake like a pile of bricks. Jake, jealous of other men, over Amy Santiago? Nerdy, rule-following, pantsuit-wearing, grammar Nazi, annoying Amy Santiago?  The Amy Santiago that drove him nuts and solved his cases? That Amy Santiago?
Nope. She was straight-up insane.
As Jake opened his mouth in indignation to tell her exactly that, Amy spotted movement in one of the lit windows of the apartment building. “Peralta, I found our guy!”
They moved quickly into action, their legs desperate to escape the confines of the car. Within ten minutes, the perp had been collared and read his rights, and the relief team arrived to take him to the precinct to be processed so Amy and Jake could go home. As Jake handed the dealer over to his fellow officers, Amy came up behind him. She looked almost contrite and her arms were hanging awkwardly at her sides, like she didn’t know what to do with them. “You know I was just kidding about you being jealous, right? And I don’t think all girls named Jessica are lightweights – I’m sure she’s a great girl.”
Wisps from Amy’s ponytail had come loose from their confines during the arrest and she pushed them back behind her ear, Jake’s eyes following the movements of her hands. Amy never apologized to him and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. “You’re a good guy, Jake. Any girl would be lucky to go out with you.” She smiled at him, and he returned it.
“Thanks, Santiago. You’re a good guy too.” She laughed and the tension that had seemed to linger between them before dissipated at the sound. As they walked back to Jake’s car so he could take her to her own ride, he was struck with the sudden realization that she had never called him by his first name before.  
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rreader ¡ 7 years
Radiant Beauty
Pairing: Gaston x Reader Fandom: Disney ; BatB (2017) Warnings: smut Requested by: @missmewtwo
Summary: Gaston easily gets jealous. You show him, that there is no reason for him to be.
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY ANGEL!!!!!! I honestly hope you have a fantastic day and that this is a nice present!!! <333 thanks for all your support, it means the world to me!
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Weddings truly were something wonderful.
A day filled with so much happiness.
And then there was also the food and the dresses. Because you loved those two things just as much as the wedding itself.
And in a small village, such as the one you were living in, everyone was invited to a wedding. Everyone was there to celebrate the love of two people.
You got there a bit later than everyone else, mainly because you had promised to bake a cake for the happy couple and had burnt the first one.
And when you walked up to the table where everyone had placed the food on, you didn’t even realize how many eyes were on you.
No one could blame them, though.
You wore an ankle-length, auburn dress, with flowers embroidery, as well as a corset, but one that was relatively low-cut, so the dress did not only complement your figure, but also your breasts. It wasn’t so that they could be falling out any second, but it looked really good that way.
Summed up, you looked stunning.
And everyone at the wedding seemed to think so.
Especially one man, who stood at the back and smiled at you, while you were trying to find the perfect spot for the cake.
His smile faltered mere moments later, though, when another man approached you.
“Good evening, (Y/N).”
You looked up, some strands of hair that you didn’t include in the bun falling into your face and you quickly pushed them behind your ear.
“Charles, hello!” you gave him a tender smile.
“You look radiant today,” he smiled back at you.
“Only today, then?” A moment of silence when he didn’t know what to say to that. You laughed and placed your hand on his arm. “I’m just teasing you.”
He let out a breath of relief and joined in with the laughter, rubbing the back of his neck, a little insecure.
Your conversation was cut off only a second later, when the priest announced that the ceremony was about to begin, so everyone got to their seats and you quickly bid your farewells to Charles. He expressed that he was hoping to have a chance to talk to you later that evening again, but you simply smiled at him, not promising anything.
The ceremony was held out in the open field and only a few chairs were there to sit on.
Those were reserved for family and the elder people of the village, so you stood way, WAY in the back.
And when you felt someone breathing against your neck you smiled, knowing who it was without having to turn around.
“Hello there, beautiful,” you felt his hands on your waist and he pulled you towards him.
You giggled a little and put your hands over his.
“This is a wedding, Gaston. Stop it.”
He took a quick look around.
“No one’s back here except for us,” he leaned down and pressed a kiss behind your ear. “How about we sneak away for a few moments?”
You bit your lip.
This was so inappropriate, that it was also really exciting.
“What has brought this on, so suddenly?”
“Maybe I’ve just missed you.”
“Mhm.. and you’re sure this isn’t because of the other men that are looking at me today, hoping to start a conversation with me? Hoping that I’ll go home with them tonight? And knowing that you’re the only one I’ll actually do that with?”
He grinned and was incredibly thankful that you had decided to put your hair up today. He left a small lovebite on your shoulder.
“So.. is that a yes to sneaking away?”
“Be patient, my love. As soon as they’ve made their vows,” you interlinked your hands with his and leaned against his firm chest.
And when Charles turned around in the middle of the ceremony to look at you, Gaston only hugged you tighter against his chest, a proud smirk on his face, as he stared directly into his eyes.
Charles blushed and quickly averted his eyes, which only made Gaston’s grin widen.
And as you had promised Gaston, you grabbed his hands as soon as you’ve congratulated both bride and groom and pulled him away from the wedding and towards his house.
Since you weren’t married yet, you were still living with your family. But he had his own place, so that made everything a lot easier.
When you closed the door behind you, you turned around and smiled sweetly at him.
He returned the same, fond smile and leaned down to pick you up, arms under your butt and carrying you towards the bed.
You laughed and buried your head in the crock of his neck.
“Don’t ruin the dress this time!”
“Would I ever?” he softly placed you on the covers and laid next to you, then he placed a small kiss on your lips.
One small kiss turned into many and sooner rather than later, his hands were fumbling to open up your corset.
His clothes only took him about a minute to get rid off, yet when it came down to your dresses, it always felt like ages.
And, of course, he wouldn’t let you help him, so you just laid there, hand running through his hair and giggling a bit.
Once you were completely naked, he proudly grinned at you.
“No one undresses like Gaston,” that was the moment you broke out in laughter and pulled him between your legs, otherwise this wouldn’t start for another hour and he would keep complimenting himself.
When you wouldn’t stop laughing, he simply kissed you passionately, arms going around your body and turning you so you were both lying on your sides.
Your left leg went over his hip and one of his hands wandered down to your butt.
His plan worked. You had stopped laughing completely now and instead started moaning, once he entered you, a content smile still gracing your face. All he could do was smile back at you and wonder..
How is it possible for ME to have someone like YOU by my side?
His hand that was previously on your butt, softly went up to your knee pit, his fingertips leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. He gently pulled your knee a little higher so he’d hit the spot that would make you see stars in mere minutes.
He did not stop kissing you for even a moment. Passionate and meaningful kisses. 
The only time you two parted, was when you needed some air to fill your lungs again.
But even then, your faces were barely apart, nose against nose, hot breath clashing against the mouth of the other, while low moans escaped both of your throats, his hips pushing into yours, over and over again. You could already feel your walls tighten around him.
“Mine,” he whispered against your mouth, so low, that you could barely hear it.
You didn’t know whether he was saying it to you or to himself.
But you smiled nonetheless and tenderly stroked over his cheekbone with your thumb.
“Yours,” you replied, a happy smile on his face.
And a second later, when he buried his face in your neck, you could feel him speed up his movements and fill you a second later.
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Too Young, Too Soon
@kepnerssavery wanted fluff!! and all of you who kept me…motivated? :P I’m kidding! Love you girls! Oh and @averysanatomy for answering all my annoying medical questions (sorry!) 
He woke up when the sunlight hit his face, making it slightly uncomfortable for him to continue sleeping. He grumbled, turning his face away from the sun, but peeked at the alarm to check the time just in case. He knew his new job meant waking up with the sunrise, so chances were he had to get up, even if he didn’t want to. He saw the digital alarm on the floor next to him flash 7.00 am. He groaned once more, knowing full well that the alarm would ring any second. He pushed his arm out, and turned off the alarm. He hated waking up to it anyway, but his beautiful wife was convinced that it neither of them would get out of bed in time if it wasn’t there. He didn’t want to, but he had to admit she was right.
Speaking of her, she lay beside him, one arm thrown around his waist, her body turned around to face his. She was pressed up against him, and he sighed at the feeling of her pressed up against his chest, and the way her legs clung on to his. He stroked her back with the arm that she was laying on top of, and she squirmed a bit, pushing on to his body further, although she continued to remain asleep.
He smiled. He was starting to sweat because it was a really hot morning and his wife made no move on releasing him. Not that he wanted to. He’d rather be pressed up against her right now, and feel like he was stuffed inside a furnace, than move away from her. But he had to, because they both had their first shift in about 1.5 hours. They were starting their internship at Mercy West Hospital, and they were both excited. They’d spend a good month since they’d done their interviews, patiently hoping and praying that they’d get into the same programme. It definitely made things easier.
“Sweetheart, wake up.” He nudged her softly, his free hand tickling her hipbone. She mumbled something to his chest.
“What?” He asked, placing his fingers on her chin and lifting it up to face him. She kept her eyes close, but a sleepy voice answered him back.
“Don’t want to.”
He chuckled, as she settled herself against him to fall back asleep.
“Well, you really don’t have a choice there.”
“Why?” She mumbled petulantly.
“Well, for starters, I think it’s a waste of your 4 years in med school. Also, because there’s this contract you signed with Mercy West that says you have to come to work today. But, mostly because I might have to kick you out of the apartment if you don’t pay your rent.” He teased.
“Shut up.” She laughed, the sounds getting muffled by his skin, as she swatted his chest.
“Come on, sleepy pants.” He nudges her once more, and she shifts slightly away from him. He takes the opportunity to softly roll her off the bed and she falls on the floor with a thump and a gasp.
“Did you just push me off the bed ?” April asks, her eyes wide and a mixture of anger and amusement in her eyes.
“Our bed is like an inch off the floor.” He rolls his eyes at her exaggeration.
He laughs, and she shakes her head, biting her lips so as to not give him the satisfaction. It’s true they’ve been here for about a week now. Their new apartment. It felt great being able to live together, having a place of their own, that they bought from their own money. Sure, it was a studio apartment. One tiny bedroom, an even smaller bathroom and a barely there living room. But it was theirs. And it was perfect for the two of them. Although, they really ought to buy a bed, he thought, looking around at the almost fully unfurnished room.
She slowly got up, and walked up to the chair he’d owned since medical college, that he’d made a decision to bring with him. It was old and ratty but he’d reminded a blushing April how it held a lot of good memories. She picked up his Harvard sweater, and popped it on, walking into the bathroom. He chuckled wondering why she kept stealing his sweater, when hers was just next to it.  
He left the bedroom, walking into the kitchen area, which was really a barely there pantry. He pulled coffee beans from the shopping bag they permanently kept on the floor and made a mental note that a fridge was long due. They wouldn’t be getting anything done for the next two days, because of the dreaded 48 hour intern shift, but he would make sure to do all this in the weekend. She had done much of the work, trying to make the place look as hospitable as possible, but he’d been slacking on the one job he had, to purchase furniture. All he had to do was drive her to an IKEA really. But he kept trying to convince her that there were better things to do with their time. It wasn’t entirely his fault, she was easily manipulated.
He puts the machine on brew, and leaves the room. She had insisted he get a coffee machine, chastising him for throwing away his money on lattes when he was perfectly capable of making one at home. He wanted to tell her it’s unlikely he’d go broke for buying coffee, but gave in. He does that a lot with her. Not that he minds one bit.
He walks into the bathroom and finds her standing in front of the mirror, her hair in a messy bun, those weird eye patches she loves under her eyes, brushing her teeth. He gazes lovingly at her reflection, and walks up to her, sliding one arm across her waist and finds his brush on the counter with toothpaste already on it.
“Ready for today?” He asks, as she spits, and looks at him in the mirror.
“That’s the spirit.” He jokes.
“It’s not my fault you’re so charismatic and have great social skills. I am terrified of meeting new people. I make horrible first impressions!” She whines, and starts to remove her clothes to get into the shower.
“What? You made an amazing first impression on me!” He jokes, following her into the shower.
“Um, you hated me the first day. You thought I was really annoying.” She points out, and sticks her tongue out at him.
“And you thought I was an asshole.” He tells her, pouring some shampoo into his hands, and rubbing it on her head.
“Yeah I did. You were a major dick.” She laughs, humming when his hands massage through her hair.
“Well, I make up for it by having a major d-” But he doesn’t get to finish his sentence because she playfully pushes him back, chastising him for his attempt at a double innuendo.
They dry up eventually, and leave the apartment in a mess of nerves on April’s side and a lot of yelling at him for losing his keys and making
“You’re both late. I don’t like it when people are late on their first day.”
They did eventually turn up to the hospital running inside. He had wanted to pull her back for a good luck kiss, but he’d be lucky if she didn’t punch him good luck. He shrugs his shoulders, because frankly they’re only 10 minutes late. He hears April apologizing profusely for their absence, making sure to only include herself in that apology. She makes up a story about the fuse going off, and having to call the landlord in, attempts a feeble joke and stumbles her way through the rest of the lie, that she, including everyone else knows is a terrible lie.
“What episode of Friends is your excuse based off of?” Their resident, with the rather unfortunate name of Dr.Lindsay Lindsay,  asks him.
“The episode where Ross gets stuck in traffic.” He remarks, and they all laugh, earning him an eye roll from his wife who disapproves of his ability to get off of things too easy.
“Alright, come on. Let’s move.” They all file behind her in a pack, and he moves his arm towards April, who swats him away and gives him a pointed look.
They’d decided early on that they weren’t telling anyone about them. They weren’t necessarily denying it either, but unless they were explicitly asked, they would keep mum. It was way easier than the plethora of questions that got shot at them whenever someone found out they were married interns. A phenomena vastly discouraged in the medical world. So, they both preferred keeping at least some things personal for as long as they could.  
He smirks at her and follows behind their resident, while she runs forward to catch up with the front of the pack. He smiles and shakes his head, ever impressed with her ability to be constantly enthusiastic, even with all her nerves.
“Hey man, I’m Charles. Charles Percy.” Jackson looks to his left and spots a big, burly, looking man talking to him.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Jackson.” He purposefully avoids his last name, because it raises some questions about his lineage he has no intention of answering. It wasn’t anything he was proud of, anyway.
“This is a bummer, huh. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m super excited to be here, but the 48 hour shift is going to be a bitch.” Charles says, and Jackson laughs in agreement.
“You know a good tip?” Jackson tells him, and the man shakes his head, prompting him to go on, “It’s to stay as far away from your resident as possible. They’re not going to give you anything good for your first two days. They’ll give you all the horrible cases, like colonoscopies that they had to deal with as an intern. The 48 hour shift is basically revenge.”
Charles keeps his eyes wide, and drops his voice a few octaves, “How do you know this?”
“I’m… observant.” He remarks, vaguely.
“Well, thanks man.” He smiles and Jackson nods his head. He liked this Charles guy, he was pretty sure they’d along just fine.
He looks up ahead to see April befriending the small, pixie haired girl. He watches as she talks animatedly with this girl, her voice that high pitch it got when she was excited, waving her red notebook in front of her face. She looked adorable, and if they weren’t at a hospital right now, he knew just what he had in mind for her.
“Alright, let’s get started.”
Their residents starts her rounds, going from bed to bed, describing symptoms and asking them to make the best guess as to what exactly could be wrong with the patient. It ends up, however, mostly being a competition between him and April. He always loves seeing her competitive side because she gets wildly passionate and fierce, and there’s something about that that turns him on.
“Adenovirus infection”
“Bacterial meningitis”
“Chronic Kidney Disease”
She grunts quietly, and gives him a death stare when he beats her to the answer, and falls back to surreptitiously stick her tongue out at him, when she gets it before he does. He notices some eyebrows raised  from their fellow interns, all stumbling to beat them to the answer but none as fast as them.
But when they come to the last case, and he knows this is the one the resident saves to figure out which intern will scrub into a surgery, he keeps quiet. He’s seen this exact case before when he was 16 and hanging around hospitals because the house got too lonely sometimes. It was epidermolysis bullosa, an extreme rare skin disease. He knows these things because of his family, and even though April kept telling him he needs to stop feeling guilty about the advantages he got from them, it wasn’t the case yet. Also, April deserved this more. She’d spent the entire month since the interview reading journals day and night, prepping for these rounds. He knew she’d get it.
“Epidermolysis bullosa!” She said, her voice triumphant.
“Correct, Doctor?” The resident smiled her way, even though Jackson could see a hint of resentment. It wasn’t the first time people were jealous of how smart his wife was.
“Av-Kepner!” She smiled awkwardly, hoping the almost mistake went unnoticed. The whole, Dr.Kepner, officially, Mrs.Avery otherwise, tends to mess with her.  
“Dr.Kepner, you’ll be observing patients post ops with me, while the rest of you are stuck with colonoscopies.” They all groan, and he regrets it just a little bit, but then she walks up to him and flashes him her smile and he knows he’d be stuck with those for a month just to see that.
“You let me win.” She tells him, and he clears his throat and denies it, because he didn’t think she’d catch on.
“It’s alright.” She tells him after he tries to mumble out a justification, “I’ll forgive you this time, because… colonoscopies.”
He looks around to see if anyone is watching, and lightly smacks her behind, and watches as she tries her hardest not to squeal.
“I better get some sugar for that.” He smirks at her, and she rolls her eyes, but he knows he’s definitely getting some love when they go home.
The day stretches on, it’s a blur of activity and dullness, although there is an exhilaration of the knowledge that this is the first step to the careers they’ve been building for years now.  
They don’t meet each other too much. They’re busy with the simple, yet daunting tasks of your first day at an internship. Add to that the impending long stretch of hours, and it was enough to drive most people out of surgical on day 1. He’s already witnessed 2 of the interns drop off, and now there’s only 5 of them left. It’s intense, this life.
They only see each other once when they run into get a blood test retrieved and she looks around suspiciously before quickly pecking him on the cheek, and running off. He grins, and he feels a little bit more energized than he did.    
He finds her in the ER, flipping through some charts, along with Tyler, the other member of their now 5 man, and woman,  residential group. He attempts to walk up to her, to catch a few seconds with her, before their resident drags him off to another unpleasant task. He stops short, however, when he hears their conversation.
“Can’t wait until we’re done with this. It’s been 10 hours and my body already feels like it’s going to fall apart.” Tyler says, and April smiles politely towards him.
“It’s only going to get harder from here.” She laughs, and he laughs along with her.
Jackson’s never really been the jealous type. This is mostly because he trusted April so much, that he knew no matter how many offers she may get, she’ll never feel any inclination to take anyone up on it. Still, he was human after all, and not privy to small bursts of jealousy every now and again. This guy’s eyes were roaming over her body, and he kept flicking his gaze down to her ass. He wasn’t a fan of men looking at women like that, period, but of course, definitely not his wife.
“So, uh, I might need to get some booze the moment I get out of here. Wanna come with?” He asks, and Jackson rolls his eyes.
“You mean, all the residents or?” April asks, her face noting confusion.
“Oh, eh, no I meant… just us. Like, could I buy a drink after-”
Jackson chuckles slightly, noting how flustered his wife was every time she figured out someone was hitting on her.  He never intervened, always let her handle things, unless some bastard didn’t know the meaning of the word “no.”
“Um, Tyler, I appreciate the offer,” She blushes, and he knows it’s not because she’s even slightly interested, but because she hates being put in situations like this, “But, I’m married.”
“Oh. Uh, you are? I didn’t see the-the ring.” He says, coughing slightly. The guy looked so embarrassed, Jackson felt bad for him.
“Yeah, well, I left it at home. Didn’t want to lose it.” She comments, shrugging her shoulders.
“You know you could pin it to your top? Or put it on a necklace?” Tyler offers, and April beams at him.
“Yes! That’s a great idea. Thanks, Tyler.” She says, clearly contemplating how she couldn’t think of this on her own.
Jackson grins, and starts to walk towards April and a very dejected looking Tyler, before Reed walks up to him and informs him that they were assigned scut duty for the next hour or so. He groans, but follows her.
It’s about 3 hours later than he has some time to see April, when he walks down a rather isolated looking hallway and finds her tucked into a corner, attacking a salad.
“Hey Dr.Kepner.” He calls out to her, and she grins up at him, clearly thrilled to see him.
“I can’t believe that’s what I’m going to be called from now on,” She says, shaking her head.
“Well, I’m pretty sure you’re going to be called other names besides that from time to time, particularly in the bedroom.” He winks at her, indicating that his thoughts weren’t at all innocent.
“Jackson!” She pushes him roughly as he slides down the wall next to her, “You’re the worst.”  
“You’re mean, I prefer Mrs.Jackson Avery, can she come back now?” He teases her attitude, placing her legs over his, pulling her closer to him by her waist.
“She’ll be back when we go home.” She says, and he loves how she can act completely innocent to everyone else, but be an absolute tease around him.
“I look forward to this.” He says, pecking her on the lips, and holding her there for a second longer.
She feeds him bites of her salad, and chastises him when she realizes he’s bought fries for his lunch, although she spends a good amount of time, eating all his fries.
“Um, Jackson, I have to tell you something.” She says, and the hesitance in her voice let’s him know exactly what she wants to talk about. Tyler.
“What is it, babe?” He asks.
“Um, so I was in charge of checking on some charts, with… Tyler-”
“The guy who you’re sure is called Tyler because he looks exactly like Tyler Perry?” He interjects, causing April to laugh loudly.
“Oh my god, he does, doesn’t he?” She says, still laughing incredulously.
“Gave me so crazy A Madea Christmas flashbacks,” He pulls on a curl that’s fallen out of the high bun she’s pulled her in, “Go on.”
“Okay, so… when we were there, charting… he asked me to go have drink with him? As in-as in a date?” She looks at him, almost guiltily. Leave it to April to feel bad about getting hit on, “I said no, obviously. I told him I was married.”
“I know you did, baby. I trust you.” He smiles warmly at her, and she kisses him.
“I mean, I wish you’d wear the ring though, because part of the reason I spent so much money on it was to be a very clear to guys who hit on you, that you were taken.” He tells her, running his nose along her cheeks, and placing kisses now and again. She giggles at the feeling, but soon the frown lines settle on her face.
“How much did you spend on it, anyway?” She asks.
“Uh-” He hadn’t meant to let that part slip. He was pretty sure she’d stab him with the plastic fork if he told her it was close to $50K.
“Wait, he’s your husband?”
They both whip their heads in the direction of the voice, and find Tyler, glancing between the two of them, looking stunned.
“You’re married?”
They look behind Tyler to see Reed and Charles looking equally astonished.
“Um, yes we are married.” He nods, giving into the fact that they’re apparent attempt at keeping their private lives to themselves, was a fail.
“Wow, Red, and I thought you were a virgin.” Charles pipes in, sitting opposite them, legs stretched out.
April stutters gibberish, her eyes falling to the ground, a steady blush on creeping up on her neck.
“Charlie, shut up,” Reed hits him over the head, before sitting down next to him, “I apologize for my idiot of a friend. He’s clearly forgotten social norms after all those colonoscopies.”
“Do you blame me? I’ve seen enough asses to last me a lifetime.” Charles says, biting into his burger.
“Can we not talk about asses while we’re eating?” Jackson asks, screwing up his face.
“I just can’t believe you guys are married!” Tyler exclaims again, and Jackson feels bad for the guy. He really seems to have taken a liking towards his wife. Sucks to be him.
“Well, we are. Have been for about 4 years now.” He tells them, smiling down at her. He’s always filled with pride when he talks about their marriage.
“I can’t imagine marrying so young, though,” Reed remarks, and then shrugs her shoulders, “Then again, I can’t imagine getting married ever, so there’s that.”
“Don’t you guys miss the single life? The freedom, the ability to date other people, the carelessness?” Charles asks.
“Yeah, I mean, how do you know this is the person you want to spend forever with when you’re 23!” Tyler tries, once more.
They’re both used to these questions by now. When Jackson, had met a petite redhead on his first day of med school, and gone on to find her tirelessly annoying, while she found him to be an egoistical jerk, even then, he’d known he’d never want another woman the way he wanted her. It was hard to explain to anyone outside of their relationship why it only took them a week to get over their initial impressions of one another and less than one year to decide that they wanted use their winter break to elope and get married. Why they both risked their families complete disapproval to get hitched so young. It was hard to explain to someone who’d never been in love they way they were, that sometimes, you meet someone, and you just know.
“You just know.” They say in unison, and giggle.
“Ew, you two are disgusting.” Reed comments, although she says it in a way that makes him realize it’s her way of giving a compliment.
“So you don’t miss being single… at all?” Tyler inquires, and Jackson is ready to beat his ass this time.
“No, Tyler,” April smiles politely at him, even though Jackson can tell even she’s on her last nerve, “I can’t imagine not being married to this guy.”
She pets him lovingly on the cheek.
“Dating is the worst. You’re confused, and trying your best, and hoping you like someone enough to want to give them the time of the day. I hate that. I get to go home with my wife, chill on the couch watching Netflix in old sweats and still know she loves me. It’s the best, man.” He says, and watches Charles contemplate this.
“Plus, I’ve never been into meaningless sex.” Jackson shrugs.
“You don’t miss it, at all?” Charles asks, and April looks up at him curiously.
“Yeah ask that in front of his wife, wise ass.” Reed rolls her eyes.
He ignores all of them, and stares at April, “It’s sad, dull and you almost always regret it in the morning.”
“He’s got a point!” Reed chimes in.
“Well I see we’ve got ourselves a little congregation here. Off to work, all of you. Lunch break is done,” They all mumble protests and quickly get up, “Dr.Kepner since you’ve impressed Dr.Logan today during your individual rounds with me, he wants you to scrub in on my appendectomy. Nothing fancy, just some suctioning.”
He doesn’t appreciate her monotone, but is wildly happy for April that she gets to scrub in. He can feel the excitement radiating from her.
“Okay, go scrub in, I’ll join you momentarily. Rest of you, off to the ER.” They all scramble off, and he sees everyone congratulating April, although they’re all clearly envious.  
“Dr.Avery! Hold up for a second will you?” Dr.Lindsay says with a smile, and he waits back. He wanted congratulate April but he didn’t think that was happening. “You didn’t tell me you were Harper Avery’s grandson.”
He hated the way she was grinning at him. He could smell ass kissing from a mile away. He wanted to tell her that there really is no point sucking up to him because he was on the outs with his family anyway. Sure, he was still a board member and had access to his funds that he never touched, except to buy April the ring he wanted. But, he wasn’t in his grandfather’s good graces. The reason he was still next in line to the foundation seat was merely because his family would rather have him take over the foundation, than let it venture outside the Avery name.  
“I didn’t think it would be important.” He says, trying to keep the annoyance from his voice. She was still his superior.
“It is very important, Dr.Ave-Jackson,” She earns an eyebrow raise from him for her switch to his first name. She’s trying to establish a closer connection, he can tell. “I mean, I wouldn’t have put you on the colonoscopies and taken… Kepner on rounds if I knew.”
He tries his hardest not to frown at her. He hears the dislike she empahsizes on his wife’s name and he’s not a fan of anyone who chooses to treat his wife any less than she deserves.
“Well, Dr.Kepner is far more capable than I am, so I’m pretty sure you made the right choice there.” He shoots her the best fake smile he’s curated since he was a teenager forced to sit in on board meetings, and walks off.
Unfortunately, she decides to follow.
“You know, Jackson, I am actually participating in a new medical trial with Dr.Gashner, our renowned urologist. I’m sure your mother’s worked with him. She’s an astounding-”
Jackson wanted to push her into an empty room, and lock her in as she continued to ramble on about his mother. It was endearing when April did it, because she wasn’t looking to gain by idolizing his mother to him. The first time she’d done it, she hadn’t even known Catherine Avery was his mother. It had been about 3 months into their relationship, when he’d had to let the secret slip. She’d merely been recommending he read his mother’s journals, deeming them to be ‘brilliant.’
“Yeah, she’s great.” Jackson responded, having completely blocked her out and offering vague responses until now.
“Jackson, do you think you could rearrange this supply closet?” She asks, smiling gracefully at him.
“I thought you wanted us at the ER?” He says, although arranging the supply closet seems like a vacation from getting puked on every 5 seconds.
“Oh, well, the others have got that under control,” She says, opening the door for him.
Jackson’s not too sure about that but he was sure he was going to get assigned the stomach flus with Percy, so he shrugs his acquiescence. He didn’t want to smell like vomit, if he could help it. Mostly because he had every intent to take a nap with April once he’s done with this.
He steps in and goes towards the first shelf, picking up packets of gauze in his hand.
“Is there a particular list I could use for reference or-” He turns around to hopefully catch Dr.Lindsay before she’s left.
Well, he certainly didn’t have to have worried about her leaving. His shock causes him to drop the gauze from his hand, as his eyes quickly divert away from the image before him. Dr.Lindsay has managed to completely strip off all her clothes, leaving her in only her underwear, standing before him, wearing a smirk.
He was still reeling in, “Um, Dr.Lindsay what-”
“Sh, Jackson, it’s okay. You know, I knew I wanted to screw you senseless from the moment I saw you, but then to figure out you’re an Avery. That’s a double bonus, right there.” She says, voice low, walking towards him. He quickly dodges out of her touch when she reaches for him, side stepping around her.
“Yeah, uh-listen, I’m really not interested. At all.” He hopes he’s clear enough because there is so much truth to that statement. He could look at a woman, and completely platonically deem her attractive, even after his marriage. It was normal, and well within human nature. April got all hot and bothered every time she watched Magic Mike. But finding someone attractive and being attracted to them was wholly different. His wife was the only woman in the world, he found attractive and attracted to.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll make sure you won’t get in trouble.” She practically purrs and he feels so incredibly uncomfortable, and worse, violated.
“No, it’s not that,” He laughs nervously, once more ducking as she claws at him. He wishes April would come in and fight this woman off for him, but also is happy she isn’t here to witness this, because he didn’t want her to misinterpret the situation.
“Then what is it?” She asks, her hands on her hips. Her lips curl from a frown to a grin in mere seconds, “Should I get more naked?”
She tugs at a bra strap and he realizes there is so much in this situation he can be polite about before snapping. Superior or not, he didn’t have to deal with this.
“Lindsay, please stop!” He’s stern when he wants to be and he’s heard from April that he can get frightening when he’s angry, “Could you put some clothes on?”
He could tell she was surprised you tone of disdain, but the surprise led her to slowly redress while he turned his back on her. After a while, he turned back.
“Look, um, I’m married. I have a wife.” He clarifies for good measure.
“I know.” She shrugs, pulling on her lab coat.
“You know?” He’s baffled she’d do this even after knowing his relationship status.
“I read your file. How else do you think I know you’re Harper Avery’s grandson?”
“I-You did this even after you knew I was someone’s husband? That is just-” He shakes his head in disgust.
“To Dr.Kepner of all people.” She scoffs, and he narrows his eyes, “What do you even see in her?”
“Well, for starters, she would never do what you’re doing right now.” He crosses his arms in front of him.  
“Oh spare me the moral conscience. Look, I can make yours, and hers, intern years some of the best or worst years of your lives. Your choice.” She leans against the door, clearly attempting to be intimidating. He almost laughs to himself, because this is what he’s been trained for his entire life. Don’t let people take advantage of you, don’t let them intimidate you. You’re an Avery.
“See, I don’t think that’s true,” Calm, cool, collected. It’s scarier than yelling, “This right here, is sexual harassment. Why don’t I pop by the HR department today and fill in some paperwork, hm? Oh and while I’m making my way to HR, maybe I should pop by the Chief’s office and let him know that my resident just offered to trade sex for surgeries.”
“No, Dr.Lindsay, it’s your time to listen. If you ever mistreat my wife because of this incident, I will make sure that you come nowhere near a Harper Avery for the rest of your life. Understand?”
She looked back at him wide eyed, mouth open, but after a second gathering her thoughts, nodded solemnly. He nodded back once, and made his way towards the door. He held the knob in his hand, and turned his body back towards her.
“You’re an intelligent and attractive woman, Dr.Lindsay. Have some class.”
He walked straight out of the supply closet, happy he’d gotten that out of the way. He knew she wouldn’t be trouble. No one in the medical community would dare have an Avery in their bad side. He walked straight to the ER, to help Charles.
2 hours later, he’s gotten a break from an agitated Dr.Lindsay, and he finds an on call room hoping to catch some sleep.  
On his third try he finds an on call room that’s not locked and stumbles in, surprised to find his wife curled up on the bed. She was probably feeling the high, and he knew how much she loved to share every little detail.
“So, badass surgeon, how was-” He doesn’t finish the sentence because he notices that not only is she curled up in the bed, but that her body sporadically moves up and down, small sounds resembling sobs falling from her lips.
“Baby, hey, what’s wrong?” He walks up quickly to her, grabbing hold of her and pulling her into his lap. She rests her face on his neck and cries loudly.
She tells him that someone had misdiagnosed appendectomy, and the patient had already been septic by the time he’d arrived at the ER that morning. All in all, it hasn’t been a successful surgery, to the say the least.  It was her first day, her first surgery, and her first patient death. It was too many firsts to take in all at once.
“He was married, Jackson. Just-just 32. He was someone’s husband.” She shakes with the intensity of her tears, and he holds her closer rocking her. He can tell this one must hit closer to home for her.
“I know, sweetheart, I know. It’s always hard. The first one is always hard.” He rubs her back.
“I’m such an emotional wreck. I just-maybe I’m not cut out for this. I don’t know how I can deal with all this grief.” She wipes her eyes and stares into his.
“You will, in due time. My mom used to cry for some patients. It’s surprising, I know. The great Catherine Avery, crying over a patient. It didn’t happen all the time, but there were rare times, when she’d get very emotionally attached to a patient she can’t save. It’s tough, even on the toughest women I know, like my mom… and you. You don’t have to be stoic to be a good doctor, April. You can be emotional, as long as you don’t let it consume you.” He tells her, and feels her nodding against his shoulders, where she’d kept her head jack down.
“You need to wait it out. Wanna know why?” He asks her.
“Because you haven’t experienced the thrill of saving your first life, yet. I hear it’s a pretty darn amazing feeling.” He says, and she smiles, kissing him softly.
“Thank you,” She smiles and her tears turn to giggles when he bites her nose, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They don’t get a chance the fall asleep until later, and when they do it’s on a gurney in the middle of the hallway. The rest of the little over 24 hours go fast, their bone tired by the time it’s done.
He carries her to their apartment because she’s fallen asleep in the cab. She struggles to stay awake as he strips her of her clothes and pulls her into the shower with him, and is completely asleep when he slathers her body in soap. He smiles lazily at her, as he she holds up her arms, eyes still shut, for him to pull one of his shirts over.
She falls back down to the bed, and when he’s done redressing, he crawls up the bed towards her. She holds her arms out to accommodate him, and he keeps his head on her chest, an arm and leg tossed over her body. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, and sleepily runs a hand over his head.
He can hear the steady thrum of her heartbeat, and the magic her fingers are doing to his scalp is lulling him to a deep sleep.
“We’re doctors now.” She mumbles, and he moves his head slowly against her body in agreement.
“It feels strange.” He admits, “It feels… right.”
There’s a beat, and he’s falling deep into the land of darkness, when he faintly hears her voice, “We feel right.”
He sure as hell wasn’t going to disagree.
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