#phoenix liveblogs tv
tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "An Inside Man"
The beginning of my endless stressed paranoia about Thrawn, also obvious reveal is obvious.
I expect this recap to be pretty breezy, I've already liveblogged this episode once.
Hoo boy I cannot tell you the amount of tension there was before this episode. The TV adverts were packaging the footage from both this and "Visions And Voices" together in order to hype up the midseason closer, before the show went on break for the winter.
So you know, the hype was real.
Let's get into it.
[EDIT: Oh screw you, Tumblr, that was a whole forty minutes of work that you just ate, this is ridiculous.]
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Right, so that's not subtle at all.
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In addition to leaning heavily into the "Axis-occupied territory in WWII" aesthetic, the smog around Capital City is so much thicker, practically a new ozone layer, ammonia yellow in color. That is not sunset that is the city lights bouncing off the cloud of pollution wafting through their streets.
I haven't mentioned it before but Taylor Gray sometimes has this way of pronouncing the word "my" that gives Ezra just a little bit more of a "folksy" drawl, fitting for an Outer Rim farming planet. I do love how you can kind of "geolocate" where different characters come from by how they talk. High British or Imperial British accent? Core World. Southern American drawl? Outer Rim.
Now imagine Pryce with an accent like Ezra's and remember that every time she speaks she's totally faking her Core World accent. XD
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Looks a bit like downtown LA, frankly. Minus the skyscrapers.
Yeah no, still love this shot Ezra pulls off while balancing precariously on the speeder engine. Such skill. Much badass.
The Kanan-Ezra tag team against the walker is great too.
Oh! Just noticed the non-fanfare titlecard has a bit of the dark male chorus from Thrawn's theme. Nice.
Something nice to note, the show does multiple chase sequences on this highway and none of them feel identical to each other. They're all uniquely staged.
I rewatched a couple times and the second speeder was actually taken out by debris from the first, bouncing forward and ricocheting off something.
Fitting right in with the WWII theme, internal saboteurs at the Imperial factories is very French Resistance. I honestly didn't expect to see the Sumars again so this was a pleasant surprise. Also a bit sad now, considering what happens.
*whispers* They paralleled Mr. Sumar's first conversation with Ezra.
This attack on Lothal's factories has been in the planning for a while now, since Season Two at least I think. Even though we were driven off Lothal, it's never been far from mind, and we've been constantly trying to get back there to liberate it. To Phoenix Cell and the Alliance it's a matter of strategy, of crippling or slowing down the Empire's war machine, but for the Spectres, for Ezra, it's personal, and it's been their focus from the very beginning. (Mostly. Ezra does get sidetracked with his obsession of personally destroying the Sith. More to meta ramble about that later when we get to "Twin Suns".)
Ha ha I remember when we all thought that the "new type of weapon" being referenced here was the Death Star. And personally, as I've said before, I still think Lothal was heavily involved in the Death Star's construction, that process was spread out across multiple Outer Rim worlds, resources and materials gathered from all over the place to keep it secret.
But once they introduced Thrawn they kind of had to give him a personal connection to Lothal, too. His rivalry with Hera wouldn't have cut it, that can play out anywhere, in any theater. (Hera's own stake in Lothal is also tenuous, generic, halfway between Ezra's personal drive and the Alliance's practical strategic considerations.) His being there at Pryce's bequest to help quell the Rebellion there offers no personal incentive outside of serving the Empire. But putting him in charge of the TIE Defender's development is perfect, in-character and easy to fit into what had already been established about Lothal, that it was a primary location where new TIEs were being produced.
Recall that Thrawn is not opposed to the Empire's tyrannical authoritarianism but he does think it's often ineffective. Advocating for the development of superior starfighters is right up his alley. If Thrawn had had his way or Palpatine had listened to him more, the resources, materials, and labor pooled into the showy but money-guzzling Death Star would have gone instead to bolstering the Empire's naval superiority, into better faster starfighters, more Inderdictors, and more capital ships like the Super Star Destroyers. Things to counteract the Alliance's flashbang hit and run tactics.
And the Rebellion probably would have lost.
So yeah, giving Thrawn a pet project specialized TIE fighter to be developed and constructed on Lothal was the perfect narrative decision.
...I went way off into the weeds there didn't l? Lol. Where was I?
Right, infiltrating the factory.
Love when Mr. Sumar asks Ezra if has any manufacturing experience and when he admits no, Ryder laughs and says he'll fit right in. Commie-style forced labor gang-pressing yaaaaaay!
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Once again, the imagery is very deliberate and not at all subtle.
Ezra grew up on Lothal and he doesn't know who Pryce is on sight. This bitch been shirking her planetary governing duties for literal years, busy trying to be "hip and in with the cool kids" as it were, the perfect Imperial suck-up and sycophant.
A large part of Thrawn's effectiveness as a villain in Rebels is that you never quite know just how much he knows at any given time. Was his coming to the factories to inspect them just an unlucky coincidence or did he know Kanan and Ezra were going to be there? Is he just Dangerously Genre Savvy? How does he keep turning up in places right when the Rebels have made their move? It stressed me the crap out when I was originally watching, gave me hella Paranoia Fuel, and made his presence in every scene just that much more uncomfortable.
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Like right here, with this scene where they linger just long enough on Thrawn observing the disguised Ezra to make you nervous, and the feeling lingers even though he steps away, because you almost think he picks Sumar out of the line-up because Ezra's there, targeting him for execution (basically) in order to flush Ezra out.
Also, btw, love the menacing cellos that accompany Thrawn's footsteps into frame.
The absolute slow dread and dramatic irony of this whole scene. D: It just builds and builds and then explodes (literally and figuratively), Thrawn's theme coming in full strength to emphasize the horror of the moment.
See, Thrawn's not above Make An Example Of Them when he thinks it's effective. (See also having Rukh behead that one officer in Legends canon.)
Lyste, you really should start questioning when Imperial astromech droids act crazy randomly around you lol.
It's a smidge distractingly fortuitous that there's always a convenient Scout Trooper around for Ezra to steal the armor off of.
This scene between Pryce, Kallus, and Thrawn is like some kind soothing British ASMR, everyone's voices are just so calm and smooth.
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Ooof, Thrawn's rare displays of emotion are always a big deal, I flinched just from this tiny flash of anger.
Something else effective about Thrawn's presence is just how much more competent other Imperials start acting when he's around. Not officers like Lyste or Konstantine but the low-level grunts always seem more keen to cop on to things, just a bit smarter and more ruthless, when Thrawn's in an episode, like he brings them up to more rigorous standards of performance just by being there.
Probably why Pryce immediately falls apart and makes stupid impulsive decisions as soon as he's more than thirty feet away from her lol.
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So there's Sabine's wall graffiti, already pulled off the building, I think that painting is from TCW, there's Ezra cadet picture, the mosaic from the Syndulla house, and a bunch of ancient Loth-cave scribblings.
I suspect Thrawn grabbed the retaining wall for the starbird (incidentally getting the Loth-cat drawing he'd later use to identify Sabine's work on Ezra's helmet in "Through Imperial Eyes"), and the cave paintings, obviously, because ancient Lothal culture.
Once again, Thrawn's deductions are razor sharp, but not OP. He's noticed the Phoenix cell has a particular attachment to Lothal, thus they will inevitably try to return to it.
Slowed down and replayed Kallus revealing himself a couple times just to look at this fight, Kanan starts by elbowing Kallus straight in the collar. Kallus reflexively throws a punch which gets pushed aside by Ezra. Kallus almost kitten bats the two of them before Kanan pins him to the wall.
Still LOVE how utterly flabbergasted Kanan and Ezra are at the reveal and how much grief they continue to give him after it lol.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: Kallus gives his very slight double-take at Kanan when Kanan pulls off his helmet, like he's surprised to see the scarring across his eyes.
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Living for how much Ezra just casually bullies Kallus here. <3
"Or perhaps... an expected one." Lol nope, I can safely assure you, Thrawn, they did NOT expect Kallus to be Fulcrum.
Case in point about Thrawn's mere presence making everyone else more competent, the AT-AT pilots immediately question the AT-DP's presence.
This was really clever, having Ezra drive the chicken walker behind the AT-AT and use it for cover. I may have mentioned but it bears repeating.
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Back when the show was airing and people were speculating about eventual defeats for Thrawn I think I was one of the very small number of people rooting for Marida Sumar to get to shoot him in the face.
Still want that AU.
TIE Defenders be no joke, people. They are fast, agile, shielded, and they have hyperdrives. They would have shredded the best the Alliance had.
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Still love Zeb's chagrined grimace in the background there.
Ngl, once again, the ambiguity of "Just how much does Thrawn know?" is scarily effective. Thrawn's addressing Kallus seems deliberately calculated, like he's making some kind of subtle threat.
And whew!
After the shaky quality of the last episode this return to form is quite a relief. The tension is tightly wound and palpable throughout, and there's a genuine sense of danger. Thrawn is placidly competent. We suffer an actual loss. Everything is pretty much excellent this episode, even without the benefit of seeing Kallus's turn we believe it.
Love rewatching this one. <3
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I’m watching the ace attorney live action movie so you’re gonna have to hear my unhinged thoughts. Liveblog under the cut
God they made the whole spirit channeling sequence look horrifying. I heard that the movie was directed by a horror director and I can definitely see it. Also I love the detail that Mia and Maya were there it just makes it that much sadder. And the implication that Gregory intentionally lied to protect Miles ooof.
Love the parallels between Miles’s and Phoenix’s trials with miles being calm and collected and Phoenix being a hot mess. Also the Dee Vasquez cameo and the turnabout samurai reference. Also the trash confetti lol
I love that Von Karma randomly has a horse skull. Also the foreshadowing of him rubbing his shoulder.
Ooh I like getting to see Mia investigate dl6
Steel samurai jumpscare + Phoenix and Larry friendship
Phoenix why on earth would you pick up the murder weapon with your bare hands. Also Gumshoe!
The childhood flashback my heart 🥹🥹
Damn they really emphasize how grim the three day trial system is. Also von karma in the gallery is a nice touch
I know that the projector dropping was supposed to be dramatic but it was so over the top it made me laugh
What the fuck did they do to my boi red white. They made him emo😭😭. Also making him a reporter instead of a ceo is an interesting choice but clearly they wanted to simplify the case so the could focus on dl6
I love that dystopian future projector ™️ is apparently controlled by dramatic finger snaps and desk slams
And now he has a megaphone because reasons.
Phoenix screaming and tossing papers everywhere seems very in character
The project also comes with trumpet effects and virtual and real confetti good to know. Also maya sitting there deadpan with the confetti is way funnier than it should be
How did they manage to make the blue badger more terrifying
Damn Maya braking down and yelling at white was heart wrenching. Let Maya be angry 2k16
Ooh Phoenix and Maya deciding to investigate dl6 for Mia’s sake is the good shit.
The evidence room? The weapon a piece of evidence? Interesting. Wonder why they changed it since the circumstances of dl6 are so vital to the aa universe. Maybe they wanted to add suspense for longtime fans?
Also damn that cut to yogi and edgeworth
Of course the blue badger has a matching umbrella also him holding it for gumshoe lol
Also what is going on with Maya’s scarf
Lotta’s bedazzled camera. Love hippie lotta
Von karma and Phoenix awkwardly shaking hands
Edgeworth’s face when lotta said she wanted to be a witness
Nessie… well it is gourd lake… Gourdy!!!
What’s going on with Redd white lol. Why is he so edgy
“My cravat does not flutter” everyone collapses in shock
I appreciate that the high tech projects can be used as projectiles
Did yogi keep Polly in a fucking locker
The fucking tv in the flashback
How did they make dl6 even more convoluted
Phoenix talking very slowly to draw out the verdict is once again very in character
The empty husk of the blue badger inexplicably showing up to stop the verdict is the scariest thing I’ve seen in a long time
Polly shitting on the floor and demanding food while Phoenix tries to question her
The look on his face when Polly climbs on him
Damn I feel so bad for Yogi he didn’t deserve all that
Also the scene where he burned off his fingerprints was brutal
Also him training Polly the bird to say I love you so he could pretend his wife was still there was heartbreaking
Love Maya dramatically playing piano in the background
Phoenix shitting himself at Mia’s appearance
Von karmas motives make a lot less sense without the penalty
Larry crouching in anticipation lol
Paper stack ex machina
God damn that’s convoluted
Man is there anything that the future projected can’t do. Now it has bullet analyzing lasers
Also the gun firing because it bounced of yogis back is so stupid and so fucking funny
What the fuck is going on with those camera cuts with Von karma’s breakdown
Larry playing with the confetti is cute
I love the detail of the poor workers that have to sweep up the confetti
Phoenix wanting to take on yogis defense is really sweet and such a good characterization choice
Music swells on the worlds most homosexual handshake
Them yelling at Larry lol
Mayas suitcase is cute :)
Gay eye contact
Jamming ninja and engarde cameo at the very end
And one final objection to round us out
Overall I enjoyed it it was a fun time. Definitely super over the top but it’s ace attorney so it comes with the name. There was some things I didn’t like like the changing of the circumstances of dl6 and the lack of development with phoenix and Maya’s friendship but overall it was enjoyable
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
I love Clark just floating next to his dad on a ladder, helping him paint the barn
it's made a million times better by the fact he's in a tshirt and jeans, not his supersuit.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
Clark accidentally forgot to put his glasses back on after swapping back out of his supersuit, and his little gesture of realization is adorable
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
the tables turned, and Emily is the one doing the teaching, telling Adam and Murph some stuff they didn't know about female anatomy. At one point, Adam suggested calling in an expert, like he often does. Emily did this:
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“How’s this for an expert?”
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
Lois: How'd you catch him?
Clark, realizing he can't just say he threw a tire at the guy with enough force and accuracy to trap him in it from at least fifty feet away: He got, uh. Tired.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
Perry White, having just been yoinked off the sidewalk at a very high speed by Superman, currently in his arms several feet above the ground: Superman, did you just save me from something?
Supes: Uh-huh.
Perry: Do I want to know what it was?
Supes: ... Nah.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
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I really like the addition of satchels/canteens/whatever those are in the new red blood cells’ uniforms.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
IDK yet who/what this cell is yet but their outfit is very nice
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
I'm rewatching Milo Murphy's Law, and really enjoying the brief comedic cutaways.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
episode was an allegory for gun violence, but replace guns with bunnies
bun dealer, wiggling his butt in the air: We have the right to bare buns!
Yakko: Not here. This is a children's show.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
Yakko: Dot, I appoint you minister of girly things that I don't understand.
Dot: That covers a lot of ground.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
I also think that it’s interesting how most of the people in this show have the regular five fingers, while Ford has six... and the twins have four.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
did. did they recast Jimmy?
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
okay, I've run out of animaniacs 2020 episodes
now to start on the older ones
though I should probably go to bed after one or two
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
I think... it’s not 100% sure who the “they” was referring to... but I’m pretty sure...
Dendrite just called a Macrophage “they”.
That’s right!
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This lovely cell is nonbinary!
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