#phones sheridan
A visual teaser for the next chapter of Ghost of the Sea 😉
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@uniwolfcorn , @teapotteringabout , @skymaiden32 , @knyee , @janetm74 , @the-original-sineater , @amistrio , @thundergeek59 , @riallasheng , @soniabigcheese , @dreamycloud , @mothmannerly , @room-on-broom , @squiddokiddo , @westernstardh
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river-sam2 · 2 years
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How could phones learned Aquaphibian language so fluentry.
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willow-salix · 2 years
Scored a Stingray annual at comic con.
Look at this handsome guy!
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We stan Phones in this house.
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
at least once a week during this b5 spiral i’ll have a realization of something that kicks me in the chest and i start a tumblr post like “do you every think about—” and then i stick it in drafts thinking no, i should write it as a fanfic so i can really share my pain with the group. and then i don’t write that, and think well, at least a better tumblr post, and then i don’t write that either and just stare into the abyss for two to thirty-six hours
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"I'll get you some shoes." Get out your early mistletoe. Its a Piggy back Work in progress. From @teapotteringabout fic the stars were shining brightly 💞
(Image id a coloured sketch of marina and phones from stingray in watercolour. Marina is on phone's back as he's carry her. He's talkingand shes smiling at him. )
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POV: you’re going through John Sheridan’s text messages
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riallasheng · 4 months
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My favorite Stingray character, so of course he's the first one I made a character sheet for ^^
Face-claim is Andy Griffith ^_^
Fun fact, every picture of Andy Griffith was black and white and I colorized it. Not perfect, but I'm really happy and proud of how they all came out
Also cameos from Troy, Fisher, Marina, and Atlanta ^^
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skymaiden32 · 9 months
Mariana Trench
Read on AO3 here
Fandom: Stingray
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn @idontknowreallywhy (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Happy New Year! ^^
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10: Discussions
Titan’s study seemed to be darker than it had ever been before, the King’s mood leaking into the surrounding environment. Trench’s unease was well hidden on his face, but it was still there, and he exchanged a worried look with X20 as Titan sat in front of them with his eyes closed, chin on his clasped hands as he mulled over their failures of the day.
Finally, his eyes opened, and he regarded them both with a disappointed stare. “X20. You should be glad that you removed any and all information about the plan from Lemoy. That is your only saving grace. How could they have escaped, you idiot?” Titan hissed, expecting an answer.
“W-Well, I…” When X20 couldn’t answer, Titan regarded him with a cold look. His attention was on his once arch-enemy in a second.
“And you.” He began. Troy had to hide the shivers that went up his spine. “I gave you a chance to make things right. And yet, even after how she betrayed you when you needed her, you hesitated,” he mentally counted how many times his Captain failed to land the final strike, “five times.” Titan huffed. “That’s five times too many, Tempest.”
X20 blanched at the use of the Captain’s real name, looking over at the human, shame at having forgotten to take out that stupid key forgotten. He watched Troy with concealed sympathy. Troy frowned, but seemed to take it in his stride. “Sire, all I can do is apologise. I thought I was ready to face her in battle, and I wasn’t…”
Titan huffed after a while, standing up. “I understand the land-dwellers were once your friends, but they are now your enemies. I expect you to treat them as such.” He folded his arms behind his back as he circled the two of them. X20 was instantly reminded of a barracuda circling its prey. “If either of you fail me again, you will pay for it. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sire.”
“Yes, O Titan.”
“Good. Now get out of my sight…” Neither of them needed telling twice. They were out of there in a shot.
Atlanta placed her dinner next to where Phones and Fisher were sitting in the cafeteria with a sigh. It had been a week since the Battle of Pacifica, and they’d heard nothing from Titanica. Phones gave her a look as he chewed. He swallowed his mouthful, hoping to strike up a conversation with her. “Hey Atlanta.” He started.
“Hey.” She replied halfheartedly.
“How’s your day been so far?” Atlanta grimaced. “That frantic, huh?”
His friend let out a snort of amusement. “No, not like that. If anything it’s been the opposite.”
Fisher poked at his food. “Quiet, huh?”
“Too quiet…” Atlanta agreed, picking up her fork as Marina sat opposite the human trio. “Especially after what happened in Pacifica.” She sighed. “I don’t like how uneventful things have been.”
Fisher shrugged. “Well, they lost, which I doubt was the plan. Bet they weren’t banking on Marina being so hardcore.” The young Lieutenant gave the mermaid a grin, and she blushed a light green at the praise. “They’re gonna have to adjust for it.”
“I suppose…” Atlanta smiled softly in Fisher’s direction. He had a point. Marina’s hand signals caught her eye. “What’s up Mari?”
The mermaid made a series of gestures, asking for a time to talk to Commander Shore.
“Of course I can get Dad to talk to you. He’d never say no to you… But,” Atlanta raised an eyebrow, “what is this about?”
Marina made more hand signals. Phones eyes widened.
“It’s about your fight with Troy?” Marina nodded at the question. Phones hummed. “Okay. The Commander will wanna hear it, and so will we.”
The knock on the door was a surprise, his mask slipped on in a flash, even though he knew it could only really be one person. “Come in.” Sure enough, in stepped X20, carrying a brown paper bag in with him. “What brings you here, X20? Shouldn’t you be out gathering information in Marineville?” Troy took off the mask mid-sentence, eyebrow raised at his subordinate. If Titan ever found out the surface agent was here and not in the field-
“I returned here to report to his majesty about my mission’s progress in person. I’ve got a few marine hours before I’m due to leave Titanica.” X20 admitted in that nasally voice of his. Surprisingly, it didn’t annoy the former WASP as much as it used to. “Thought you might want some company while you’re working. I believe your kind call it ‘socialising’...” The surface agent frowned slightly, sceptical. Making friends had never been the Titanican way, so it didn’t come as naturally to X20 as it did Troy, but he was determined to make this work. He’d been so lonely even before serving Titan, and humans had always praised the benefits of calling someone a friend. Maybe, just maybe, he’d be able to experience that for once.
Troy hummed. “We do.” He looked at the overwhelming stack of reports he had to deal with. Having someone to talk to had always made work fly by for him. He missed that. He missed it a lot… “What harm could it do?” At his superior’s invitation, X20 sat down, pulling out a couple of items out of the bag. Troy’s eyes widened. “Where did you get these?”
X20 placed them in front of the Captain. “I heard they were your favourites back on the surface, before you joined us.” The soft drinks seemed to shine in the fading light of the office. Above the waves, X20 knew the sun was setting, signalling the end of the day. It wouldn’t be the end of it for King Titan’s right and left-hand men, however. “You must be pretty sick of seawater and algae by now. I’ve also heard getting gifts for someone is the best way to start a friendship, but I’m not sure what to do now…” The agent admitted.
Troy offered him a genuine smile, something he felt he hadn’t done in a long time. “Now…” Troy started, more than happy to give X20 some guidance here. “Now we talk about what we like, what we don’t like. We share funny stories from our past and what we want to do in the future. We-” He cut himself off as the images of Atlanta, and then Phones, flashed through his mind. Before X20 could say anything about his sudden silence, he pushed the thought of his former friend and girlfriend to the side. “We talk about fears and uncertainties. We get to really know the people we’re with, as if they’re our blood family.”
“I see.” X20 grinned in understanding. “So, where should we start?”
Troy rubbed his chin in thought. “Well, you already know what my favourite drink is,” he gestured to the cans on his desk, “so, what would you say your favourite is?”
In the end, they ended up talking for a couple of hours, only stopping when an aquaphibian interrupted them to find X20. Their time was up. It was time for the surface agent to return to his mission on the surface. Troy sighed when everyone was out of earshot, his thoughts drifting once more towards Atlanta. It had been surprisingly easy to talk to X20, but it had been even easier to talk to her. 
Throughout years of building up their relationship, of sharing everything, they’d finally gotten to a point where Troy couldn’t have imagined a life without her. He’d even gotten a ring for her to offer her. To ask her to spend the rest of her life with him. But Titan had taken him in before he could ask, and his love for her was called into question. Did he even still love her anymore? 
There was no way he’d give himself back to the WASPs. But was there a way to convince the woman he loved to join the Titanican cause? He shook his head almost as soon as the thought appeared. Atlanta’s feelings for him were strong, once upon a time, but her love for her father was most definitely stronger at the moment.
Defeated, he took one last look at the ocean out of the window, the vast waters beyond the city now completely black. He stood up, sliding his mask back on. He had a few checks to make before calling it a night.
Commander Shore was the first to speak. “Troy was hesitating?” The control room was silent upon Marina’s reveal. From the outside, it would’ve looked as if he just kept missing his mark, but the mermaid knew him too well than to believe that. “You’re certain?” Marina nodded, determined. 
“I knew it…” Phones muttered. “I knew there’d be a way to get through to him!”
Fisher grinned. “Yeah, he’d never want to hurt us, no matter what side he’s on.”
“Hold on.” Shore held up his hands, signalling a time-out. “I already know what you’re thinking, and it’s out of the question.” Phones froze. “You’re not going to Titanica to try and convince Troy to come home.” Shore frowned, offering the Lieutenant a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry. But it’s too dangerous.”
“But Commander,” Fisher began, “this may be our best chance. If Troy’s having doubts, he’s more likely to listen to us.”
The Commander sighed. “I’m well aware. But the Titanican attack on Pacifica was costly, even if we did win. Too many crews are gravely wounded.” His previously sharp gaze drooped as his mind drifted to the officers who had lost their lives that day. His companions were similarly subdued. “Or worse…” He locked eyes with Phones, who looked back at him sadly. “We’re weakened while they’re recovering. Stingray will remain on standby until then. That’s-”
“Sir, please don’t say it.” Fisher cut him off hurriedly. 
“That’s an order.” Everyone gave him a look. “Oh, don’t give me that.” He subtly rolled his eyes. He swore up and down he didn’t just have one child sometimes. “You all know I’m right. Now, you all better get to bed. It’s late.”
“Commander!” The frantic voice of one of the cadets floated through the doors. “News from Patrol Vessel Number 33!” Everyone looked at the young woman, curious. “They have captured a Titanican vessel just a few miles west of the beach. And they have a prisoner.”
Commander Shore raised an eyebrow. “I can tell there’s something particularly special about this prisoner…” He smirked when the cadet nodded. “Well, speak up soldier! Who’s the lone soul who’ll have to deal with WASP interrogation first thing tomorrow?”
“It’s Surface Agent X20, sir…”
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uniwolfcorn · 1 year
🎉Happy Anderson Day, Everyone!~🎉
As a way to celebrate, I made my favorite characters from each Gerry Anderson show I've watched into Bluey dogs with a picrew!~
Mike Mercury (Supercar)
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Dr. Venus (Fireball XL5)
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Phones Lee Sheridan (Stingray)
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Alan Tracy (Thunderbirds)
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Lieutenant Green/Seymour Griffiths (Captain Scarlet. There isn't any green fur, so I had to improvise)
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Joe McCain (Joe 90)
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Father Urwin (Secret Service)
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Tiger Ninestein (Terrahawks. Btw don't judge me I like him okay XD)
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Sam Scott (Firestorm)
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💕Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality, @alexthefly, @etrnlvoid, @n-chu4ever, @teapotteringabout, @mothmannerly, @avengedbiologist, @tikatu, @katblu42, @gumnut-logic, @the-original-sineater, @greywake, @llamawrites, @knyee, @heckincuddlies, @twistedoliver, @jacksonstarkiller, @skymaiden32, @willow-salix, @dreamycloud, @ak47stylegirl, @weathergirl8, @godsliltippy, @mrmustachious, @squiddokiddo, @thunderbirbthor, @gaviiadastra, @psychoseal, @chenria, @tsarinatorment, @janetm74, @louthestarspeaker, @malignedangel, @crunchyluigi💕
Thank you to all Thunderfam/Anderfam for all the amazing, creative content you all share❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷💖🖤🤎🩶🤍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌟
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ashes-in-a-jar · 6 months
The Sheridan Tapes episode 80
Russel!!! Happy to see he's okay despite Jerry bring uhhh, forgetful. Oh man his obliviousness and then all of his notes and recordings bring creepy apocalypse poems gave that sweet horror vibe of this whole situation.
Maria's description of the manuscript sounds like the house of leaves book, good luck deciphering that lol
Hearing Anna's dad in the beginning was interesting, I don't remember if we hear from him again...
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river-sam2 · 9 months
Christmas of Aquanauts.
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-Marineville, mid-December.
Troy Tempest the Captain of Stingray, ex-Captain Bradley Holden and ex-WASP oceanographer Gordon Tracy were drank in the corner of the Pub.
“You should be very grateful to Phones.”
Brad, who was drunk and a bit preachy, turned his attention to Troy.
Troy shrugged and looked Gordon as he asked help him.
“Certainly, it's probably thanks to him that those lovely ladies didn’t get mad at you.”
Gordon smiled mischievously.
“Come on , you guys are sooo merciless for me.”
Troy gestured as he surrendered to them, and reached for the fried fish.
“Haha, I gonna get water.”
Gordon got off the chair.
“Hey, I still not drank so much.”
Brad laughed cheerfully.
-Meanwhile in the control tower…
“achoo…hey, anybody taking about me?”
Phones sneezed, and Sub-Lieutenant Fisher who was playing chess by himself, jumped his shoulders in shock.
“Bless you.”
“I hope that person is not Titan.”
Fisher said, and he looked back to chess board.
“Yeah…I don‘t wanna see they found a rockabilly band and held the countdown concert in here.”
Phones sighed.
“Christmas is almost here.”
Gordon smiled happily.
They got off the pub and walking to Residential area. As they approached there, Christmas lights were decorated everywhere.
“By the way, does Spectrum also celebrate Christmas?”
Nobody knows Brad joined Spectrum, except few people including Troy and Gordon.
“Nah…our boss is very strict man. I will work that day, and hope I could eat Christmas cake.”
-Actually, Colonel White got angry because of troublesome guys in his organization including Brad aka Captain grey. But this is another story-
“Gordon, will you spent Christmas holiday with your families?”
Troy asked.
“Yes, I‘m looking forward to our family get together.”
“That‘s good! I hope you will enjoy. ”
“Thank you.”
“I hope The Aquaphibians will enjoying Christmas under the sea and we will spent peacefully this holiday.”
When Troy said that, Brad and Gordon smiled, because they remembered Troy‘s episode about he and Barry Byrne.
-Spectrum Control Center.
“Oh….I wish I could join them...”
ex-WASP Seymour Griffiths as Lieutenant Green sighed in front of the computer.
“Anything fun?”
Captain Magenta came into the room just a little faster, it looks like he is an impatient man.
“Hi! Captain grey went our old workplace and he drank with friends after his job.”
“That’s too bad. However, I will in trouble if both of you get out of here, because you guys are relatively sane in this organization…”
The impatient Irishman scanned his ID, logged into the control room computer, and set up various apps 1.5 times faster than he could speak.
“You forgot Captain Ochre.”
Magenta opened his eyes and shook his head, as if to tell Green not to say that stupid thing.
“What's so sane about the craziest Guy in this organization? and I should educate him with Captain Scarlet‘s Opening Sequence.”
“What are you talking about?”
“No, forget it.”
Magenta looks cursing about Ochre, but Green smiled and took over the business because in fact, he understood Magenta trusts him and Ochre.
“You are going to off-duty aren‘t you.”
“So you should go to the dining hall and you will found something you like.”
Magenta grinned.
“Ohhh, I wonder what's there…Bye, Captain.”
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Troy, cupping Phones’ face: I’d kill for you.
Phones: …
Troy: Please ask me to kill for you…
Phones: No, Troy…
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"I'll get you some shoes." Get out your early mistletoe. Its a Piggy back Work in progress. From @teapotteringabout fic the stars were shining brightly 💞
(Image id a coloured sketch of marina and phones from stingray in watercolour. Marina is on phone's back as he's carry her. He's talkingand shes smiling at him. )
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leaving-fragments · 2 years
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ah yes, my 3 top posts showing my ult biases 🥰
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