#phonon rambles
biastechnologist · 1 year
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50pp1ng w37 c47
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uten4 · 8 months
Rambling about the UNI2 character pages
It seems like these bios follow the arcade mode timelines to some extent, because Hyde, Orie, Gordeau, Vatista, and Seth's bios all mention that they were the one to defeat Hilda, when that can't possibly all be true, right.
Interested to see what Hyde will say about not being around Linne anymore.
OH MY GOD???? WALDSTEIN ABANDONED LINNE? This is very unexpected but I think I love it. Wald got several moments focusing on his own relationships in the first game, but I still think his association with Linne held back his character being able to shine on its own. Waldstein fans feel free to fight me if you disagree.
Kuon personally beat up Carmine? 😭
"[Gordeau]'s combat prowess is said to be an even match for Paradox, considered the strongest of all"... hmm... I don't think I like that. In the first game Gordeau was always insistent that Hilda was stronger than him. He is a very modest person, to be fair, but he was VERY insistent about it, and Amnesia's entire battle strategy was predicated on the belief that Hilda was far stronger than any of them. Well, I'm assuming Hilda is weakened right now, so maybe it's about the current state of affairs. And in any case this sentence is worded in a silly way; it still asserts that Hilda is considered the strongest of all. Maybe it means that Gordeau is close, which is fair-- even Carmine was scared of him.
It's really really beautiful that Gordeau's motivation is that he wants to keep the world a nice place for Roger >,_,< It makes sense especially because Roger was an adventurer who valued the beauty of the world so much.
Hilda is jealous of Kuon. I'm rooting for her!!!
After so many of Chaos's character bios mentioning Hilda or Gordeau, this new one mentions neither 💙 I like it! He's 110% his own character who needs not to be defined by other characters. And he and Kuon had a super interesting relationship in the first game all on their own! I can't wait to see what specific things Chaos has to say about Kuon trying to destroy the world now 🤩
Nanase and Byakuya don't have any big changes mentioned in their bios. I'm scared.....
Phonon's quote is referring to someone as "partner"... is this... KUON!??! If Phonon really wants to destroy the world with Kuon, that would be hilarious.
Wagner and Londrekia's quotes are hilariously dramatic.
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dlamp-dictator · 4 years
Quick Ramblings (Video Game Edition)
Thank god tomorrow’s payday folks, because Allen X is more flat broke than the Great Plains of the Midwest. A man shouldn’t be sighing with relief when he still has quarters in his bank account... I hate to say it, but I gotta’ leave my current job for a better one. As much as I like my boss and coworkers I like having money a little bit more. 
But you didn’t come here to hear me complain about the woes of working the service industry. Like the title said, I don’t have much to talk about at length in the form of a proper Rambling this week, or at least nothing finished. I have a few smaller things to get off my chest though, as well as few small notes of what’s going on in the X Household. But before that, let’s talk about a happy topic, like video games. 
So... here’s a quick update/mini Rambling session of all the (relevant) video games I’ve been playing for most of last month.
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I’ve played about 15-ish hours of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] and once again Allen X realizes he sucks at video games... 
It seems when I said I maintained a 10% win-rate in most fighting games I forgot that meant I lose 9 out of 10 matches. And boy does it suck. I tried playing my old main, Byakuya, but... I just can’t make him work. I’ve seen some god-like plays from actual good Byakuya players, but I’m not copying that any time soon. This game doesn’t tell you a lot about Byakuya’s mechanics. I just learned he can feint his 623[X] by holding the button, and it took months to realize he could set a trap down on the flow after his 214[X] follow-up. Just... the more I learn about that character the angrier I get for not know about it sooner. So I went with Phonon for UNclr this time around. 
Honestly? I like her playstyle. 
She’s not so much a zoner as she is a ranger, someone that constantly keeps you at mid-screen and adds pressure to keep you from moving forward. Though unlike Hilda and Vatista, she can actually do a lot at close range if she’s caught. Only issue I have with her kit that there’s no real anti-air. Her DP is surprisingly slow and has a wonky hitbox. And the only anti-air I know she has is her force function, and while it’s not slow it’s definitely not fast either. I might switch over to Hyde later since he has everything you want in a character plus the most godly anti-air since Ragna’s 6A. 
I honestly got Londrekia for his theme music and nothing else. I really can’t be bothered to play him. He looks cool, his moveset and animations look great, but... nothing really attracts me to play him save for his music.
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Next up is Arknights, a tower defense phone game that I’m playing on my laptop and yet it still makes the damn thing shriek and howl. What’s with phone games needing my high-end PC to run properly? Anyway, I’ve been playing this for about a month, and while I do have something drafted on it, I’ll simply say it’s a very fun tower defense game with quite the steep learning curve. I like the characters, I like the story, and I’m a little too obsessed with grinding for my own good. 
The only critique I have is that it could be a little less stingy with originium drops. For a game like this, I think being able to reliably 10-pull twice a month as a free-to-play would be nice. Not needed, but nice.
And for those for those curious about my favorites:
Vanguard: Courier
Caster: Amiya
Medic: Shining
Guard: Beehunter
Defender: Curoa
Supporter: Deepcolor
Specialist: Rope
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And last, Black Survival got a new character, Nicky, AKA Tiny Punch Girl. Sadly, I don’t have the crystals or the gold to buy her yet, so... might start dipping into that wallet and get the monthly pass again for the next paycheck. Thankfully it’s only five bucks. I haven’t gotten into this game in awhile, and I might do another Rambling on it soon, but no promises. Honestly? A lot of what I said before still stands. This game is really RNG based. You can have routes, contingencies, strategies, but you’ll still find that one punk that got 4th-tier armor and weapons in the first minute of the game for some reason. I’ve gotten lucky and had 4th-tier healing items in the first 2 minutes, but that meant jack when an Aya one-shot me...
Anyway, second Rambling on Black Survival might come after I finish the draft of the Gacha Rambling first.
But anyway, that’s really it for now, at least in terms of video games. I might do an anime focused Quick Rambling tomorrow, but for now I’m gonna’ go back to grinding on Black Survival to get Tiny Punch Girl.
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biastechnologist · 1 year
if hirasawa ever gets tumblr it is fucking OVER for us
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biastechnologist · 1 year
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w3ll d4mn g1rl d0n7 l00k 47 m3
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biastechnologist · 1 year
h3 c4n c0mm17 4 l177l3 v3h1cul4r m4n5l4ugh73r. 45 4 7r347
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biastechnologist · 1 year
why do a lot of the lobotomy corporation and library of ruina characters I’ve seen look hot
projmoon makes you want to marry their characters so they can cause maximum pain when they inevitably get traumatized to hell and back and then literally back to hell
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biastechnologist · 1 year
r41lgunn3r 15 3451ly 7h3 m057 cr1ng3f41l 5urv1v0r
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5h3 w45 b03rn 1n 4 50pp1ng w37 c4rdb04rd b0x 4ll 4l0n3
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biastechnologist · 1 year
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50 d1d 1 3v3r 73ll y4ll 4b0u7 h0w 1 h4d 4 dr34m 0f g01ng 70 m4r5 0n 7h3 Horus 5-9 4nd r35cu1ng 0ppy. l1k3 p1ck1ng h1m up 4nd br1ng1ng h1m b4ck 70 NASA 50 h3 c4n b3 r3p41r3d
c4u53 1 7h1nk 7h3r35 g0nn4 b3 4 51m1l4r 0n3 500n
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biastechnologist · 1 year
why is grandpapa playing the electric surfboard
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biastechnologist · 1 year
0h y34h r3m1nd3r 7h15 3%1575 4nd 1 FUCKING L0V3 17 70 D347H
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biastechnologist · 1 year
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biastechnologist · 1 year
ur title is so real. fucming love robots and their grabable waists
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literally built for grabbing
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biastechnologist · 1 year
c4n w3 m4k3 s4f3 f0r w0rk scub454w4 4 7h1ng
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biastechnologist · 1 year
d0 y0u 533 17. 73ll m3 y0u 533 17.
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d0 y0u 533 my gl0r10u5 v1510n
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biastechnologist · 1 year
thinking so hard about the march 5th 2010 having two bites of a bagel incident
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