#photograpthers on tumblr
queenyouth · 1 month
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cirusthecitrus · 2 years
"Ah yes, white and silver - colors of Purity and Innocence"
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It's supposed to be one of the illustrations for the upcoming big Kur Twins AU post*, but I accidentally put too much effort into this, so now it deserves its own post lol. Take it as a tiny sneak peek
Soo imagine finding old photograpths of your family members and unlocking some forbidden lore of their past? Now imagine how Hordak would feel in this situation ._.
Spoiler: he's not going to take it very well
Some context:
In Horde Prime's homeworld white garments and silver jewellery were seen as distinctive attributes of the religious elite. But this um.. peculiar ensemble consists specifically of elements of the traditional costume worn by temple dancers for festive rituals and ceremonies
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Performing as temple dancers was supposed to be one of their many duties, but since Anillis and Hec-Tor left their community before they could even finish their training, the two never had a chance to perform in front of a large audience
Thus, to celebrate their first night in the "outside world", the brothers dressed up in their ceremonial clothes and danced... at a local strip club. People loved them ;}
The twins made sure that certain people saw them as well and (hopefully) finally understood what the Kur brothers truly think about the roles that were prepared for them
*I've decided to post the whole thing on ao3 once its finished, since it's too big for tumblr now ooOPS. Still debating on how I'm going to post it here - maybe I'll only pick the most interesting parts and make it a series of posts. We'll see
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queenyouth · 1 month
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