#php api sms
bulksmsbymsgclub · 1 year
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Bulk SMS Service | Bul kSMS API in India - Msgclub 
We have now started providing Bulk SMS API in C# India that is very powerful and easy to integrate into your own software/application/website. As it saves you a lot of valuable time in logging into our SMS interface again and again. You can send SMS directly to your customers from an application or website in minutes. However, our ready-to-use sample code of SMS APIs in C# is a simple way to send text messages in a single click.
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fancyllamasublime · 5 months
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mysmsmantraindia · 1 year
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From: Worktank [email protected] Reply-To: [email protected] Subject: スキル条件を頂ければ即提案します。紹介手数料(年収の30%)は不要です。 いつもお世話になっております。 株式会社ワークタンクの関戸と申します。 mailto:[email protected] TEL : 03-5324-2815 ○電話 平日月~金8:30~18:00まで  それ以外の時間は、お手数ですがメールでご連絡下さい。 申し訳ございませませんが、 ZOOMやWeb会議は制限があるため行っておりません。 【今すぐ採用予定あり  】 【または近日中の予定あり】 の方はすぐ、ご対応いたします。 案件情報がありましたら、メールしてください。 すぐに候補者を返信いたします。 案件情報を頂く際は、 ★開発言語 ★ご連絡先携帯番号 ご提示頂きますようお願い致します。 【今週の登録者】 ☆35才 JAVA開発経験 ☆31才 C#開発経験 ☆30才 PHP開発経験 他にもJAVA .net C++ Linux Oracle サーバー構築 ネットワーク等のエンジニア が登録しておりますので、何なりとお申し付けください。 ①SESの場合  エンジニアの所属会社を直接ご紹介します。  単金に上乗せはいたしません。 ②エンジニアを採用する場合  年収30%の紹介手数料は不要です。 ID 018 性別 男性 出身地 福岡県 現住所 東京都 年齢 35 最終学歴 4年制理系大学卒 勤務先の業種 ソフトウェア・情報処理 現勤務先の従業員規模 100~299名 現在の年収 400 ~ 450 万円 現在の勤務状況 求職中 経験職種・経験年数 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連)  Java SE 4年  JavaScript 5年  C# 4年  Python 5年 データベース設計・構築  PostgreSQL 4年  MySQL 5年 語学関連のキャリア 検定資格  TOEFL 551~600点 会話能力 所有資格 希望雇用形態 正社員 契約社員 委託社員 希望職種 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連) 希望の勤務地 東京23区 横浜・川崎 福岡県 職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 ソフトウェア・情報系 アパレル(物流)の改良 業務系(オープン系) [ その他:物流系システム ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 プログラミング OS: Linux データベース: MySQL Java 最適化アルゴリズムの開発保守運用 1: 荷姿アルゴリ��ム ・Python、SQLコードを改修して需要データの収集汎用化 2: 引当アルゴリズムの運用保守 ・sqlldrコマンドを用いての連携停止フラグのON/OFF ※荷姿アルゴ、引当アルゴを同時進行。 ※荷姿アルゴリズムは、商品のアソート最適化を可能にするシステム。  一方、引当アルゴリズムは、商品の引当最適化を可能にするシステム。 【言語】 Python Next.js SQL Gitコマンド、 Linuxコマンド   【使用インフラ】 AWS Vscode Spyder Jupyter Notebook Sourcetree Teraterm PuTTY WinSCP リモートデスクトップ SQL Workbench/J Oracle SQL Developer CloudBerry Explorer Excel GitHub Jira プロジェクトでAngularを使用したWEBアプリケーションの開発に携わり チームメンバーから飲み込みが早いとの評価を頂くことが出来ました。 ID 115 性別 女性 出身地 福岡県 現住所 福岡県 年齢 31 最終学歴 専門学校卒 勤務先の業種 ソフトウェア・情報処理 現勤務先の従業員規模 100~299名 現在の年収 500 ~ 550 万円 現在の勤務状況 求職中 経験職種・経験年数 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連)  Java SE 5年  JavaScript 4年  C# 5年  VB.NET 4年  HTML 3年  CSS 3年 データベース設計・構築  PostgreSQL 4年  Microsoft SQLサーバー 3年 語学関連のキャリア 検定資格  TOEFL 650点以上 会話能力 所有資格 希望雇用形態 契約社員 委託社員 希望職種 システムエンジニア 希望の勤務地 東京23区 横浜・川崎 福岡県 職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 ソフトウェア・情報系 通話案内システムの新規開発 業務系(WEB系) [ EC:その他システム ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 プログラミング データベース設計 OS: Linux Visual C# Java 小規模人数での開発経験が多く、 iPhone・Swift Android・Unityのアプリケーションであれば単独で設計から開発まで可能です。 ■通話案内システムの新規開発(Unity/C#,HTML) 案件詳細 ・空港ラウンジ内のシャワールーム使用者と担当者のビデオ通話システム ・満席時は利用者にSMSを送信して空席の通知 担当 ・要件定義以下は一人で担当 ・画面設計・実装 ・担当者向けのSMS用入力ページ作成 ・非接触型画面のため、Neonodeを利用したタッチ範囲等の設定 ・画像作成 ・結合テスト ■社内レンタルシステム開発(Unity/C#) 案件詳細 ・自動車工場内の工具レンタルシステム ・付属のスキャナーで工具や社員証のバーコードを読み込み利用する ・ログインと工具検索は音声操作が可能 担当 ・画像作成 ・音声によるログイン・検索画面の実装 ・非接触型画面のため、Neonodeを利用したタッチ範囲等の設定 ・結合テスト ■集合住宅案内システム開発(Unity/C#,blender) 案件詳細 ・集合住宅の案内ボット兼対オペレーター通話システム ・基本は3Dモデル��AIチャットボットによる返答を行い、  要オペレーター質問の際にオペレーターと3Dモデルを連動させ会話できる 担当 ・3Dモデルの調整・作成・モーション作成 ・Live2Dモデルの作成・モーション作成 ・AIチャットボットの質疑応答作成 ・画面設計・実装 ・画像作成 ・外注発注システムのローコード開発環境への移行作業で、設計書作成~開発を行う ID 378 性別 男性 出身地 埼玉県 現住所 東京都 年齢 30 最終学歴 4年制理系大学卒 勤務先の業種 ソフトウェア・情報処理 現勤務先の従業員規模 100~299名 現在の年収 550 ~ 600 万円 現在の勤務状況 在職中 経験職種・経験年数 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連)  JavaScript 5年  PHP 4年 語学関連のキャリア 検定資格  英検 2級 会話能力 所有資格 希望雇用形態 契約社員 委託社員 希望職種 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連) 希望の勤務地 東京23区 東京都下 横浜・川崎 神奈川県下 職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 ソフトウェア・情報系 Webサービス サーバ移行 業務系(WEB系) [ その他:その他システム ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 JavaScript PHP 大学も情報系専門なので、Java, C言語, Python等に触れた経験があります。 そのため、新しく触る技術でもスムーズに身に着ける自信があり、それを活かして参画したプロジェクトに貢献したいと考えています。 主にPHPのバージョンアップを担当。Cakeを用いてバックエンド、フロントエンド、それぞれ開発しました。 DB設計、サーバーとのAPI連携等も行っており、これら一連の開発には自信があります。 言語:PHP, JavaScript, Java, Python, C, Swift FW:CakePHP DB:MySQL
2024.4.17 From: Worktank [email protected]
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Executive Summary
Not everybody finds shopping interesting. Besides, in a way too busy world, where there is a great paucity of time, shopping is often known to be quite a torture. A fraction of the public loves to pick up their goods/services on their own. Some people have to go shopping because they have to. There are some others who procrastinate till they have no other choice. Keeping in mind the busy (and sometimes lazy economy), a number of start-ups have ventured into the business of home delivery of goods. All it needs is to click on an app that guides the buyer through various options of having their purchase bought from one or many shops and delivered at their home.
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Mindfire got an opportunity to work on such a project when its Australian client, who is an Entrepreneur, requested us to work on an app that helps mitigate the woes of reluctant shoppers by delivering their goods right at their doorsteps. Our client wanted us to develop an Uber kind of service, for requesting the delivery of items from nearby stores. The user can request for items from multiple stores at a time to be delivered to his doorstep.
Mindfire Solutions developed a delivery platform that connects the Clients and the Service Providers who are two main users of the system. Thus there are two main sections of the app, the Client Section and the Service Provider Section. The delivery system was built on the Symfony2 framework implemented REST APIs for the communication between the app and the server. Websockets were used for the real time updates. PromisePay payment gateway is used for payment processing and storing the card/accounts details securely.
About our Client
Client Description: Entrepreneur
Client Location: Australia
Industry: Online Services, Delivery Platform
PHP, Symfony2, MySQL, Google Maps APIs, Ratchet (Websockets for PHP), ZeroMQ, Sentry (Exception reporting), Plivo (SMS), PromisePay (Payment gateway)
Download Full Case Study
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youraborkha · 7 months
Developing Custom PHP Laravel Websites with React.js or Vue.js: Expand Your Business Online
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive. Building a custom PHP Laravel website using React.js or Vue.js can empower businesses to reach a wider audience and tap into the potential of e-commerce. In this article, we introduce Hamza, a freelance developer specializing in developing custom websites, and explore the benefits of leveraging PHP Laravel with modern front-end frameworks.
Unlocking Business Potential:
Entrepreneurs and business owners should not confine themselves to a limited market. By investing in a custom PHP Laravel website, businesses can establish a powerful online presence and seize new opportunities. Going online opens doors to a global customer base and enables businesses to showcase their products or services effectively.
Our Expertise:
Hamza specializes in various aspects of website development, including web applications/CMS building, professional business website development, SAAS-based applications, email/SMS marketing applications, and website deployment/migrations. With a broad range of expertise, Hamza is well-equipped to cater to diverse business needs.
Modern Frontend Stack:
To create engaging and dynamic user interfaces, Hamza leverages the latest versions of front-end technologies. React.js, Angular, and Vue.js are among the preferred choices for building responsive and interactive websites. These frameworks enhance the user experience and provide a seamless browsing experience across different devices.
Laravel Packages and Integrations:
Hamza’s experience includes working with popular Laravel packages such as LaraAdmin, Voyager, and Crudbooster. These packages offer additional functionalities and streamline the development process. Moreover, integrating APIs into Laravel applications allows businesses to leverage third-party services and enhance the website’s capabilities.
Why Choose Us:
With a focus on delivering high-quality work, Hamza brings over seven years of experience to each project. Clients benefit from unlimited revisions and thoroughly tested, bug-free websites. Client satisfaction is the top priority, making Hamza the go-to choice for reliable Laravel PHP development and full-stack web development.
Take the Next Step:
Before making a purchase, it is essential to discuss your specific requirements with Hamza to ensure a seamless development process and avoid any potential cancellations. Feel free to reach out for a consultation and discuss how a custom PHP Laravel website can elevate your business.
Hamza Service {Link}
Building a custom PHP Laravel website using React.js or Vue.js offers businesses the opportunity to expand their reach and tap into the vast potential of e-commerce. With Hamza’s expertise and dedication to client satisfaction, businesses can unlock the benefits of a well-designed and robust website. Don’t hesitate to contact Hamza to embark on your journey towards a successful online presence.
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globaljobalert-blog · 11 months
Back-end developer (PHP 7, Symfony 4, PostgreSQL) - Remote
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Company:Text Magic TextMagic AS is a Nasdaq listed SaaS technology company. Our flagship product is the A2P SMS messaging platform used by over 25,000+ business customers worldwide. In 2021, the total number of SMS messages sent on the TextMagic platform reached 250 million. In 2023 we will launch a new customer engagement software called Touchpoint. At the end of 2021, our company held a successful IPO - an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Tallinn market, in which 15,410 investors subscribed to TextMagic shares for a total of 49.5 million euros. Hi, we are TextMagic’s development team. TextMagic is an international SaaS technology company. Our flagship product is an SMS messaging platform used worldwide (including the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia). Our platform enables customers to send notifications, reminders, confirmations, and marketing campaigns via SMS and we already have more than 50 000 active business users. Last year almost 250 million messages were sent through our platform and our aim is to grow that volume to 1 billion messages per year. Our team We are constantly growing and there are already more than 90 of us in Estonia, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Montenegro. As a developer at TextMagic, you can work in a comfortable office or remotely. Main technologies we use: - PHP 7, Symfony 4, Codeception, PHPUnit, OpenAPI - PostgreSQL 10, Memcached, MongoDB - Beanstalk - jQuery, Vue.js - socket.io - Node.js for the parallel processing - SIP/Asterisk - Docker What you will do - Develop new features and improve platform architecture. - Design and build REST API. - Integrate with third-party services using API. - Refactoring and code optimization. - Scale the project for increasing loads. - Participate in the team’s product logic development. - Undertake code reviews of other team members’ work. - Optimize database queries. What we expect from you: - Excellent knowledge of and experience with the technologies listed above. - A clear understanding of the architecture of a web application and its separate components. - An understanding of how the HTTP request lifecycle works. - Experience in building REST API. - An understanding of the principles of SOLID and OOP. - Experience in working with high-load systems. - An understanding of how to build efficient, scalable database architecture. Experience with PostgreSQL or MySQL (writing complex queries; understanding EXPLAIN; optimizing slow queries without changing the database structure; changing schemas of large tables without downtime, etc.) - Excellent knowledge of English or Russian is a must. Project documentation - in English. What we offer: - Flexible hours for an optimal work-life balance. - Any equipment you need for productive work. - The opportunity to bring your vision to the project. - Cozy office in the city center, or remote working. - Daily lunches at TextMagic’s expense (when working at the office). - A professional and friendly team, ready to help you. - Paid vacation (28 calendar days a year). Why you’ll love it here - We offer employees company share options to enjoy the fruits of their labor. - Your friendly and responsive teammates are always there to help you with anything you need. - We always provide room and opportunities to grow - on your own and with your teammates. - We provide equipment and resources to support your growth, productivity, and wellbeing. - You will always have the time to recharge and the flexibility to get your best work done. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 21st Jun 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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2FA for your Own Minecraft Server
VentureBeat's GamesBeat 2015 conference was held in October. It was a fantastic event which I was privileged to attend. VentureBeat is regarded as one of the top blogs on the internet according to The New York Times. VentureBeat is a leading source of technology innovation news, events , and research. Their GamesBeat conference, now in its seventh year is focused on the most recent developments in gaming.
So when Authy was invited to participate in GamesBeat 2015, we were pumped. It's not often that pleasure and business mix so seamlessly. At Authy, we help online companies secure their data and safeguard their customers by making it easy to integrate two-factor authentication into their service offering. However, we're gamers by nature, so when a gaming platform ramps the security of their platform, we're more apt to play. SOULDEVTEAM
Gamers Losing Trust?
Thanks to the rise of virtual economies on gaming sites hackers are a hot commodity for gamers and game developers. On the black market gaming profiles are available for thousands of dollars. However, it's multi-player games and the $11 billion annual revenue they generate which are the main targets of cyber criminals. In-game currencies in games for multiplayer like World of Warcraft Gold, can easily be stolen, exchanged, or exchanged for real cash, usually in other countries and without the developers' knowledge. This kind of breach can be difficult to overcome, even if a company is able to recover stolen assets and/or prosecute the perpetrators. The player loses faith in the game. Even if a fresh or more secure version is released, it is not easy to win back trust.
But it doesn't have to be this way
As people become increasingly frustrated by numerous data breaches, they're demanding more responsible management from the companies that store their data. We all know passwords aren't enough however we also are aware that a second authentication method can be used to verify an individual's identity. This can protect your service and your customers from data loss, fraud, or malicious attacks. Two-factor authentication is a great choice, particularly for multi-user online games that allow players to accumulate and trade.
Security with Just 10 Lines of Code
It's not that difficult to incorporate two-factor authentication. This is the basic gist of my presentation at GamesBeat 2015. Integrating Authy two-factor authentication is simple, powerful and reliable. And, with only 10 lines of code, you can begin using two-factor authentication to:
Verify that players are registered and logged in to secure high-value transactions and game advancements. You can also protect any in-game activity.
Yes. Authy for Minecraft.
To illustrate the point, I set up two-factor authentication on Minecraft to demonstrate:
- SMS or text-to voice at log-in with Authy OneCode - One Time Passcode generation for player validation with Authy SoftToken. For the most minimal, non-intrusive user experience, send notifications using Authy One Touch where all the user has to do is swipe their smartphone's screen to gain access to in-game purchases or any action that might require added security.
Hackers are no longer just after end-user data. They're after entire player communities and some are looking to take down out entire systems. Two-factor authentication makes gaming developers more secure. Developer account information will also be more secure. Brands will instill trust and loyalty in its player base.
As developers know, integrations between applications can often be a difficult development task. We worked hard to make Authy easy for developers. The Authy REST API handles all the details that are required, including key management and secure data structuring. There are two end-points and pre-built libraries that add security to your login process using the language you choose: PHP, Ruby Python, Java, NodeJS, and many more.
If You're a Developer:
Head to https://www.authy.com/developers/ to learn more. There you can download an API key for free and test it and let us know how you've integrated Authy #2FA.
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Building an OTP (One-Time Password) verified form to gather valid leads in PHP is a great way to ensure the authenticity of your leads and protect your website from bots and fake submissions. In this blog post, we will walk through the process of building an OTP verified form using PHP, including the necessary steps and code snippets.
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divinestory1 · 1 year
SMS API Integration In UAE | Best SMS API In UAE
SMS API Integration In UAE | Best SMS API In UAE
SMS API Integration In UAE Lets You Send OTPs, Notifications And More From Any Website Or Mobile App And Can Easily Use Integrated SMS APIs With Codes In PHP, .Net Etc
SMS API Integration in UAE: Everything You Need to Know About the Best SMS API Providers
With the advancement of technology, businesses are exploring innovative ways to connect with their customers, and SMS API integration is a popular choice for effective communication. In this article, we will discuss the basics of SMS API integration and list the Best SMS API providers in UAE.
Table of Contents
What is SMS API integration In UAE?
Benefits of SMS API integration
SMS API integration in UAE: An overview
Best SMS API providers in UAE
How to choose the best SMS API provider for your business?
SMS API integration process: Step by step guide
Common SMS API integration challenges and how to overcome them
Future of SMS API integration in UAE
1. What is SMS API integration?
SMS API integration is the process of connecting your business application or software with an SMS gateway through API (Application Programming Interface). It enables you to send and receive text messages automatically through your business application, providing an efficient and cost-effective way to communicate with customers.
2. Benefits of SMS API integration In UAE
SMS API integration offers several benefits, including:
Faster and more reliable communication with customers
Cost-effective marketing and communication tool
Personalized and targeted messaging
Increased customer engagement and retention
Enhanced customer experience
Automated and streamlined communication process
Real-time tracking and reporting
3. SMS API integration in UAE: An overview
The UAE has a high mobile phone penetration rate, making it a potential market for SMS API integration. The Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA) oversees all telecommunications services in UAE and has established rules and regulations to ensure the quality and security of SMS services.
4. Best SMS API providers in UAE
Here are the Best SMS API providers in UAE:
SMS Gateway ME
5. How to choose the Best SMS API provider for your business?
Choosing the right SMS API provider is crucial for the success of your SMS communication strategy. Consider the following factors before making a decision:
Reliability and uptime
Integration options
Features and functionality
Customer support
Security and compliance
Reputation and reviews
6. SMS API integration process: Step by step guide
Here's a step-by-step guide to integrating SMS API into your business application:
Choose your SMS API provider and sign up for an account.
Obtain your API credentials (API key, API secret, API endpoint).
Integrate the API with your application using the programming language of your choice.
Test the integration by sending a sample SMS message.
Configure the API settings (sender ID, message templates, delivery reports, etc.).
Start sending SMS messages automatically through your application.
7. Common SMS API integration challenges and how to overcome them
SMS API integration may face some common challenges, such as:
Compatibility issues with your application
Connectivity issues with the SMS gateway
Security and compliance concerns
Delays and delivery failures
Incorrect or incomplete data
To overcome these challenges, you should ensure that your API provider offers adequate support and documentation, and perform regular testing and monitoring to identify and fix any issues.
Future of SMS API integration in UAE (cont.)
businesses to reach and engage with customers. Additionally, the rise of mobile payments and digital wallets is expected to drive the adoption of SMS API integration for secure and convenient transactional messaging.
9. Conclusion
SMS API integration is a powerful communication tool that can help businesses in UAE connect with their customers in a cost-effective and personalized way. By choosing the right SMS API provider and following the integration process, businesses can enhance their communication strategy and improve customer engagement and retention.
10. FAQs
Is SMS API integration secure?
Yes, SMS API integration is secure as long as you choose a reliable and trustworthy API provider and implement the necessary security measures, such as encryption and authentication.
How much does SMS API integration cost?
The cost of SMS API integration depends on the provider and the volume of SMS messages you send. Most providers offer flexible pricing plans based on the number of SMS messages or API requests.
Can I send multimedia messages (MMS) through SMS API integration?
Yes, some SMS API providers offer MMS capabilities, allowing you to send multimedia messages such as images, videos, and audio files.
Is SMS API integration easy to set up?
The ease of SMS API integration depends on your technical skills and the complexity of your application. However, most API providers offer documentation, support, and SDKs to simplify the integration process.
Can I track and analyze the performance of my SMS campaigns through SMS API integration?
Yes, most SMS API providers offer real-time tracking and reporting features, allowing you to monitor the delivery, open rates, and engagement of your SMS campaigns.
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myblogdiary312 · 1 year
SMS API Integration In KSA | Best SMS API In UAE
SMS API Integration Lets You Send OTPs, Notifications And More From Any Website Or Mobile App And Can Easily Use Integrated SMS APIs With Codes In PHP, .Net Etc
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bulksmsbymsgclub · 1 year
Bulk SMS API For PHP Is Very Simple To Integrate With Any Software
It is now possible to send a Bulk SMS directly from your own software, website, or application created using PHP code. Your search for a reliable and honest application to deliver data from is over because MsgClub is assisting 5000+ API users. Use our ready-made code to send and receive SMS from your website instead of developing additional applications. We provide pre-configured bulk SMS PHP API code that enables you to deliver different types of data to your users' mobile devices. Our PHP example code API scripts are quite dependable, strong, and simple to incorporate into the program. We also offer a thorough document that may be quickly integrated. To learn more, go to Msgclub.
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hexad-infosoft · 1 year
Does outsourcing software development work?
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Yes, outsourcing software development can work well for many companies, as long as it is done properly. Outsourcing software development work certainly provides a range of benefits, such as access to a wider pool of talent, reduced costs, increased flexibility, and faster time-to-market.
However, there are many potential risks and challenges associated with outsourcing, such as communication barriers, cultural differences, and quality control issues.
To ensure successful outsourcing, it is important to carefully select an outsourcing partner based on factors such as their expertise, experience, references, and communication skills. 
Hexad is a leading software development company with clear communication and collaboration that are essential, including establishing expectations, providing detailed requirements, and maintaining regular updates and feedback throughout the development process. Our expert quality assurance and risk management processes are also put in place to ensure that the final product meets the required standards.
Overall, outsourcing software development companies like Hexad Infosoft can be a viable option for different software projects, but it requires careful planning, communication, and management to ensure success.
Hexad Infosoft prefers to deliver the project on time and with reduced prices as well as the latest technology trends in the market. With 13+ years of service, we have created a strong technology portfolio. 
Please have a look  at them;
Cloud Infrastructure: Amazon AWS, EC2, RDS, S3, Rackspace, Digital Ocean.
Programming Languages: HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, Grails / Groovy, Java, J2EE, Hibernate, node.js, PHP, ASP.net.
Robotic Process Automation: Automation Anywhere, UiPath.
Blockchain Development Services, Artificial Intelligence
Native Mobile App Development: iOS (Objective C, Swift), Android SDK (Java)/Kotlin.
Cross-Platform Application Development: Ionic, React Native, React JS, Angular, Sencha, PhoneGap/Cordova, Flutter, etc.
Web Application Development: MEAN Stack, RoR, HTML5, SCSS, AngularJS, PHP, DotNet., WordPress CMS
Internet of Things (IoT): Bluetooth, BLE, RFID, NFC, WiFi, etc.
Trendy features and functionalities of our software:
Social Media Integration
Payment Gateway Integration
Geolocation / GPS Integration and Real-time Tracking
Audio/Video calling, Call-blocking
Barcode Scanning
SMS Integration
API Integration
Data and Analytics
HIPAA Compliance for Healthcare Products
Why outsource us?
Complete Transparency
Quick Response Times
Strict Adherence to Deadlines
Value for Money
30 Days Free Maintenance.
If you need any type of software development services, please visit our website- https://www.hexad.de/en/
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Subject: 年収30%の紹介手数料 不要。月々の単金への上乗せ なし! 人事採用ご責任者様 いつもお世話になっております。 株式会社ワークタンクの関戸と申します。 ①SESの場合  エンジニアの所属会社を直接ご紹介します。  単金に上乗せはいたしません。 ②エンジニアを採用する場合  年収30%の紹介手数料は不要です。 【今すぐ採用予定あり  】 【または近日中の予定あり】 の方はすぐ、ご対応いたします。 案件情報がありましたら、メールしてください。 すぐに候補者を返信いたします。 案件情報を頂く際は、 ★開発言語 ★ご連絡先携帯番号 ご提示頂きますようお願い致します。 申し訳ございませませんが、 ZOOMやWeb会議は制限があるため行っておりません。 ===================================== mailto:[email protected] まで 株式会社ワークタンク 担当:関戸 (せきど) TEL : 03-5324-2815 ○電話 平日月~金8:30~18:00まで  それ以外の時間は、お手数ですがメールでご連絡下さい。  ご返信いたします。 ・゜゜・:.。..。.:・゜・゜゜・:.。..。.:・゜・゜゜・:.。..。.:・ 【今週の登録者】 ☆33才 JAVA開発経験 ☆30才 Visual C#t開発経験 ☆29才 PHP開発経験 他にもJAVA .net C++ Linux Oracle サーバー構築 ネットワーク等のエンジニア が登録しておりますので、何なりとお申し付けください。 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID 016 性別 男性 出身地 愛知県 現住所 東京都 年齢 33 最終学歴 4年制理系大学卒 勤務先の業種 ソフトウェア・情報処理 現勤務先の従業員規模 100~299名 現在の年収 400 ~ 450 万円 現在の勤務状況 求職中 経験職種・経験年数 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連)  Java SE 4年  Struts 3年  JavaScript 5年  PHP 4年  HTML 4年  CSS 3年 語学関連のキャリア 検定資格 会話能力 所有資格 希望雇用形態 契約社員 委託社員 希望職種 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連) 希望の勤務地 東京23区 東京都下 横浜・川崎 神奈川県下 愛知県 職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 ソフトウェア・情報系 生命保険Web申込画面刷新対応 業務系(WEB系) [ 金融(保険):販売系システム ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 プログラミング OS: Linux Java JavaScript PHP 【担当】 ・Vue.jsを使用したフロントエンド開発 ・Jestを使用したフロントエンド自動テスト開発 ・PHPを使用した、バックエンド開発(主にAPI) ・phpUnitを使用した、単体テスト実装 ・LaravelDuskを使った画面自動テスト開発 ・要件定義、基本設計、詳細設計 ・Ita1,Ita2,シナリオテスト ・Android,iPhone,ipadの開発 ・テストスケジュール管理 ・インシデント対応 ・XDを使用した、画面デザイン設計 ・新規参加者教育 【業務内容】 2つの開発手法で業務を行った。 ■2週間スプリントのアジャイル開発手法を使ったシステム開発  ○業務フロー   設計フェーズ(要件定義および設計)   実装フェーズ(実装,自動テストの作成)   スプリント振り返り   ■ウォータフォール開発手法 設計(画面設計書、画面遷移図、CRUD図、メッセージ一覧、API仕様書、    モジュール一覧、システム辞書) 実装(フロントエンド、バックエンド) 試験(テスト仕様書、テスト実施) 【ポイント】 ・新たにLaravel,Vue.jsへ挑戦し、技術を取得 ・前職のスクレイピング技術を活かし、LaravelDuskで画面テスト効率化 ・テストスケジュール管理の担当時、新規参入者の適材適所を見極め、  1週間ほどテスト期間の実施期間を前倒しした。 【言語】 Swift PHP,Vue.js,JavaScript, CSS,SCSS,Jest,XD Docker,nginx, Kubernetes,Jenkins Laravel,LaravelDusk, Git,gitlab, HTML5,XML,API, JSON,AJAX,symfony Selenium,webdriver, Backlog,Taiga, phpmyAdmin, Firefox,Chrome, Safari,Edge,IE VisualStudioCode, PowerShell //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID 115 性別 男性 出身地 兵庫県 現住所 東京都 年齢 30 最終学歴 専門学校卒 勤務先の業種 ソフトウェア・情報処理 現勤務先の従業員規模 100~299名 現在の年収 500 ~ 550 万円 現在の勤務状況 求職中 経験職種・経験年数 プログラマー(PC系)  Visual C# 5年 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連)  J2EE/J2SE 4年  C# 4年 データベース設計・構築  MySQL 4年  Microsoft SQLサーバー 3年 語学関連のキャリア 検定資格  TOEFL 650点以上 会話能力 所有資格 希望雇用形態 契約社員 委託社員 希望職種 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連) 希望の勤務地 埼玉県 千葉県 東京23区 東京都下 横浜・川崎 神奈川県下 大阪府 職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 ソフトウェア・情報系 通話案内システムの新規開発 業務系(WEB系) [ EC:その他システム ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 プログラミング データベース設計 OS: Linux Visual C# Java 小規模人数での開発経験が多く、 iPhone・Swift Android・Unityのアプリケーションであれば単独で設計から開発まで可能です。 ■通話案内システムの新規開発(Unity/C#,HTML) 案件詳細 ・空港ラウンジ内のシャワールーム使用者と担当者のビデオ通話システム ・満席時は利用者にSMSを送信して空席の通知 担当 ・要件定義以下は一人で担当 ・画面設計・実装 ・担当者向けのSMS用入力ページ作成 ・非接触型画面のため、Neonodeを利用したタッチ範囲等の設定 ・画像作成 ・結合テスト ■社内レンタルシステム開発(Unity/C#) 案件詳細 ・自動車工場内の工具レンタルシステム ・付属のスキャナーで工具や社員証のバーコードを読み込み利用する ・ログインと工具検索は音声操作が可能 担当 ・画像作成 ・音声によるログイン・検索画面の実装 ・非接触型画面のため、Neonodeを利用したタッチ範囲等の設定 ・結合テスト ■集合住宅案内システム開発(Unity/C#,blender) 案件詳細 ・集合住宅の案内ボット兼対オペレーター通話システム ・基本は3DモデルがAIチャットボットによる返答を行い、  要オペレーター質問の際にオペレーターと3Dモデルを連動させ会話できる 担当 ・3Dモデルの調整・作成・モーション作成 ・Live2Dモデルの作成・モーション作成 ・AIチャットボットの質疑応答作成 ・画面設計・実装 ・画像作成 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID 394 性別 男性 出身地 千葉県 現住所 東京都 年齢 29 最終学歴 専門学校卒 勤務先の業種 ソフトウェア・情報処理 現勤務先の従業員規模 100~299名 現在の年収 450 ~ 500 万円 現在の勤務状況 求職中 経験職種・経験年数 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連)  JavaScript 6年  PHP 5年  HTML 5年  CSS 4年 語学関連のキャリア 検定資格  英検 3級 会話能力 所有資格 希望雇用形態 契約社員 委託社員 希望職種 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連) 希望の勤務地 北海道 東京23区 東京都下 横浜・川崎 神奈川県下 職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 ソフトウェア・情報系 人材募集会社 社内システム開発・運用業務 業務系(WEB系) [ その他:その他システム ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 プログラミング OS: Linux JavaScript PHP ■開発 ・社内システム機能追加 (要件定義、基本設計、詳細設計、開発、テスト仕様書作成、テスト、リリース対応) ■開発内容 ソリューションの検索機能作成(検索・検索結果表示・CSV出力) 社内の担当者にヒアリングをし、要件を決めるところから対応。 開発は、PHPのテンプレートエンジンsmartyを使用。 PHP、JavaScript、jQuery、HTML、CSS、データベースはOracleを使用し、 Ajaxの非同期通信処理を使った検索機能を実装しました。 ■運用・保守 ・社内システムバグ改修・仕様変更 ・データ修正(OracleSQL)
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bulksmsapi · 1 year
API promotes regular communication and acts as a medium for clients to send and receive messages. API integration essentially enables sending Bulk SMS from your custom software using straightforward coding. Multiple SMS are required to promote a brand or alert a client of a transaction; however, this cannot be done with simple texting and is also quite expensive. To combat the problem, API integration seeks to send Bulk SMS quickly and affordably. Automatically send and receive bulk SMS messages by integrating our secure and reliable API into your application, website, or software. Different sorts of codes, including Java, PHP, Java XML, Python, C#, Windows 8, Android, IOS, and VB6, are offered by bulksmsserviceproviders for bulk SMS. .
CONTACT DETAIL : 8982805000/8602200100 Email Address : [email protected] Website Address: https://bulksmsserviceproviders.com/apis
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johnsenarioa · 1 year
SMS API Integration | SMS API | Integrated SMS
SMS API Integration Lets You Send OTPs, Notifications And More From Any Website Or Mobile App And Can Easily Use Integrated SMS APIs With Codes In PHP, .Net Etc
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