#phra pathom chedi
happypotato48 · 3 months
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Thailand, please come and give us your money.
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2t2r · 6 months
Ancien Siam, le gigantesque musée Muang Boran
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/ancien-siam-le-gigantesque-musee-muang-boran/
Ancien Siam, le gigantesque musée Muang Boran
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blscene · 20 days
These Only Boo scenes were filmed at Phra Pathom Chedi in Nakhon Pathom
#OnlyBooSeries #gmmtv #filminglocation #thaibl #thailand #SeaKeen #gmmtvbl #BookKasidet
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amazing-thailand · 9 months
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🙏 Phra PhathomChedi in Nakhon Pathom is one of the oldest and largest stupa chedis in Thailand. A reflection of the area's glorious past and the present's sacredness.
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sawasdeerpg · 29 days
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Nakhon Pathom
Conocida por el Phra Pathom Chedi, una antigua estupa budista y un importante lugar de peregrinación. Además, es hogar de la Universidad de Silpakorn y tiene una rica historia y patrimonio cultural, con numerosos templos y sitios históricos. La economía se basa en la agricultura, especialmente la producción de arroz, frutas y verduras, y también alberga industrias manufactureras, especialmente relacionadas con alimentos y bebidas.
Phra Pathom Chedi: Esta estupa imponente es una de las más grandes del mundo y uno de los sitios más sagrados de Tailandia. Su imponente presencia y su significado espiritual atraen a peregrinos budistas de todo el país.
Sampran Riverside: Antiguamente conocido como Rose Garden Riverside, es un complejo turístico que ofrece una combinación de actividades culturales, ecológicas y de bienestar. Puedes participar en talleres de artesanía tradicional, disfrutar de espectáculos culturales y relajarte en un entorno natural.
Samphran Elephant Ground and Zoo: Este es un parque donde puedes ver espectáculos de elefantes y cocodrilos, disfrutar de paseos en elefante y aprender sobre la vida silvestre en Tailandia. Es una atracción popular para familias y turistas.
Chompol Cave: Una cueva natural situada en la colina Khao Wang. Es un lugar popular para los excursionistas y amantes de la naturaleza debido a sus formaciones rocosas impresionantes y la vista panorámica desde la cima.
Universidad de Silpakorn: La Universidad de Silpakorn tiene varias sedes en diferentes partes de Tailandia, pero su campus principal está ubicado en la provincia de Nakhon Pathom.
Comodidades y Servicios: Ofrece una variedad de servicios y comodidades para sus residentes, incluidas escuelas, mercados locales, tiendas de conveniencia, restaurantes y servicios de salud. Además, la provincia tiene varios centros comerciales y supermercados para satisfacer las necesidades de compras de los residentes.
Vecindarios Residenciales: En Nakhon Pathom, encontrarás una variedad de opciones de vivienda que van desde casas tradicionales tailandesas hasta modernos condominios y apartamentos. Encontrarás vecindarios tradicionales que reflejan el estilo de vida tailandés tradicional. Estas áreas pueden tener casas unifamiliares y edificios de apartamentos más bajos, con calles arboladas y un ambiente comunitario. También hay desarrollos residenciales modernos en Nakhon Pathom que ofrecen una variedad de opciones de vivienda, como condominios, apartamentos y casas adosadas. Estos desarrollos suelen tener comodidades como piscinas, gimnasios y áreas verdes.
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jose-a-perez · 9 months
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Phra Pathom Chedi
The stupa is located in the Wat Phra Pathommachedi Ratcha Wora Maha Wihan, a temple in the town center of Nakhon Pathom, Nakhon Pathom Province.Phra Pathom Chedi is the tallest stupa in the world.The top of its spire reaches 120.45 meters, with the base circumference of 235.50 meters.
Phra Pathom Chedi La estupa se encuentra en el Wat Phra Pathommachedi Ratcha Wora Maha Wihan, un templo en el centro de la ciudad de Nakhon Pathom, provincia de Nakhón Pathom.Phra Pathom Chedi es la estupa más alta del mundo. La parte superior de su aguja alcanza los 120.45 metros, con la base de 235.50 metros.
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terrahilldevloper · 1 year
Reflections of Travel to Southeast Asia
As a four-decade Guaranteed Travel Planner, global carrier representative, scientist, essayist, educator, and picture taker, travel, whether for joy or business purposes, has forever been a huge and a basic piece of my life. About 400 outings to each part of the globe, through street, rail, ocean, and air, involved objections both everyday and outlandish. This article centers around those in Southeast Asia.
ALSO VISIT:-Allinclusive Blue Mountain Paradise
Albeit the place that is known for the Lord of Siam was stuffed and, to some degree in Bangkok, spread with traffic-made brown haze, whenever offered an adequate number of remnants to ship me back to its initial history.
Its amazing, remarkable Fantastic Castle, worked in 1782 and the home of the Thai Lord, the Regal Court, and the authoritative seat of government for a considerable length of time, filled in as the city's actual milestone.
Encircled by walls, whose length estimated 1,900 meters, it was worked to reestablish request after the fall of Ayudhya, whose ruler lived in Dhenburi, on the opposite side of the Chao Phya Stream. However, when Rama I rose to the high position, he moved its focal point of organization to the ongoing site, developing fortresses, cloisters, and a castle to act as his workplaces and home. That came to be known as the "Terrific Royal residence,"
Its upper patio brandished four critical landmarks: the Reliquary looking like a brilliant cedi; the Store of the Gun of Buddhism; the model of Angkor Wat; and the Illustrious Penthouse, wherein sculptures of past sovereigns of the decision line have been cherished.
Spread around these landmarks on the patio were whimsical creatures of folklore, which themselves started in craftsman creative mind in light of their stylish worth.
North of the Regal Home of the Mahamopnitien was an interfacing door that opened to the grounds of the Sanctuary Illustrious of the Emerald Buddha. Since priests didn't dwell there, it needed private quarters, however held each of the structural highlights of a cloister.
The Gathering Lobby filled in as the ruler's confidential house of prayer, however its "Emerald Buddha" was really a solitary piece jade figure which sat on a gold special raised area intended to address the customary flying chariot credited to Hindu divine beings. It was here that groups accumulated to offer appreciation to his memory and lessons.
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The Vimanmek, the world's biggest teak wood manor, was the six-year home of Chulalongkom, who was otherwise called Rama V and subsequently the fifth ruler of Siam to have governed under the Place of Chakri. It denoted the momentary period from the moderate "old" to the moderate "new" in Thailand's set of experiences.
A comfortable skim along the Chao Phrya Stream brought knowledge into Bangkok's trench life and the boat moored at Wat Arun. Privately known as Wat Chaeng, yet nicknamed "Sanctuary of Day break," it was brightly improved with towers.
I frequently cleared a path through the obstruction course contained roads in a three-wheel "Thai tuk" by day and consumed all assortments of Thai noodles around evening time rice, egg, bean, and glass- - in never-disheartening dishes.
Ascending from the skyline during a resulting day's drive to Nakhon Pathom a city in focal Thailand, was the 120-meter-high Phra Pathom Chedi, itself deciphering as the "Sacred Chedi of the start," whose roots were established in the third century BC when Buddhism was acquainted with Thailand. Demonstrated after the Incomparable Stupa of Sanchi in Focal India, which is an UNESCO World Legacy Site, it was the tallest such chedi in presence.
A visit to the Rose Nursery to encounter its Thai Town Social Show was one more inundation into the country's beautiful display. In the midst of far reaching gardens, elephants, suggestive of the days when lord and rulers took on conflicts on their backs, wandered the region. Yet, the real show remembered such viewpoints as the appointment for monkhood, the fingernail dance, Thai-style boxing, northeastern dance, blade battling, the full moon-related bamboo dance, and a Thai wedding function.
The vivid Damnoen Saduak Drifting Business sector, around 100 kilometers southwest of Bangkok, was one more submersion into neighborhood life. Its waterway swarmed, long-tail boats drifted nearly reachable for the bewildering cluster of shore-based slows down that offered everything from neighborhood produce to toy elephants and tiger medicine.
Like so many "country inclusion" trips, like those to Argentina, Chile, the UK, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and French Polynesia, the one to Malaysia required various modes, lodgings, flights, and airborne hours. I voyaged half of its west coast, alongside drives to a portion of its inside regions.
Sandwiched among Thailand and Singapore about seven degrees north of the equator in Southeast Asia, it comprises of Promontory Malaysia and the two provinces of Sabah and Sarawak on Borneo Island, the vast majority of which has a place with Indonesia. Due to its essential situation between the Indian Sea and the South China Ocean, it pulled in explorers and merchants the same, and was persistently affected by unfamiliar powers.
Having accomplished its freedom on August 31, 1957, it was at first known as the Organization of Malaysia, diminished, essentially, to "Malaysia," after six years in 1963. Today, it is partitioned into 13 states and two domains.
Its capital, Kuala Lumpur, is a combination of old and new. Glinting glass high rises ascend from wide, open, timberline streets, yet behind, got into its past, benevolent Pioneer period structures, copper domed rooftops, and pre-war shop houses are just gotten to by limit paths.
"The capital of Malaysia has developed colossally from a little settlement of tin mines to a cosmopolitan city of 1.3 million individuals," as per the KL City Experience visit portrayal. "Still quickly growing, current tall structures blend with old designs including a great many impacts: Moghul, Islamic, Tudor, and present day contemporary."
My most memorable lodging, the Kuala Lumpur Hilton Global. rose from a slope in the city's heart. Including 581 rooms and suites, it was placed through a marble hall embellished with ceiling fixtures and cut support points. Its little Bistro Connoisseur offered scones, tidbits, and lunch; its Grower Motel Café had a full-dinner menu; and its shopping arcade showed Imperial Selangor pewter, among different things.
The genuine KL City Experience visit drove past China Town, the Parliament House, the Public Landmark, and the Lake Nurseries, prior to halting at the Kanyaneka Workmanship Center; the Istana Negara Rulers' Place, which itself was encircled by tranquility as formal nurseries and lily lakes; and the Public Exhibition hall. A palatial construction including Old Malay-style design and flanked by wall paintings portraying the nation's set of experiences and culture, it was inside partitioned into customs, expressions and specialties, verdure, money, and weapons shows. Outside shows incorporated those of rare vehicles and steam trains and a recreated Malay royal residence.
Kula Lumpur's Public Mosque, another visit included fascination, brandished a various overlap, umbrella-looking like rooftop that represented the country's desires, and a smooth, 73-meter-high minaret.
Merdaka Square remembered the nation's autonomy and the Selangor Club's marble plaque denoted where the bringing down of the association jack and the raising of the Malaysian banner occurred in 1957.
A lift climb up the 421-meter Selemat Datong Pinnacle, the world's third such tallest pinnacle motivated by the Islamic minarets from which calls to petitioning heaven are made five times each day, offered new city points of view.
A Rural areas and Specialty Visit overshadowed the limits of Kuala Lumpur to the encompassing territory of Selangor. Situated on the west shore of Promontory Malaysia and considered the nation's generally evolved one, it grew normal vegetation that went from waterfront mangroves to rich inside tropical rainforests, and its shoreline was dabbed with fishing towns. However it barely needed foundation: it was the area of both the biggest seaport and air terminal, and housed the most noteworthy grouping of higher learning organizations.
The visit gave openness to Malaysia's native items in a batik production line, a pewter plant, an elastic nursery, complete with a tapping show, and a butterfly and scorpion ranch. Yet, its feature was a visit to the Batu Caverns.
Found 13 kilometers beyond Kuala Lumpur's focal business region, they were gotten to by a 272 stone step flight of stairs that prompted the 100-year-old limestone Hindu sanctuary inside, whose 100-meter-high roof included sculptures and icons that were consolidated inside the 400-million-year-old developments.
Beside the Craftsmanship Display and the Gallery Caverns, the Basilica Cavern, thought about the fundamental one, housed a few Hindu places of worship.
A rental vehicle get on the fourth day worked with self-drive inclusion past the clogged capital with an underlying, northern objective of the Malaysian territory of Perak. Its name, signifying "silver" in Malay, was gotten from its bountiful silver tin mineral normal asset.
"Perak has pretty much everything for everybody," as indicated by the Perak Guide (Perak Traveler Data Center, 1997); "places and graces that talk about authentic warmth and enchanting friendliness. It is wealthy ever, culture, legends, and legacy. It is the condition of ever-enduring structural brilliant qualities, island resorts that deal sun, ocean, and sand, virgin tropical wildernesses, wonderful occasion hideouts, regular entertainment parks, and a large group of specific exhibition halls."
My most memorable stop was the unpretentious fishing town of Lumut. In spite of the fact that it was known for its shell and corral crafted works, the fascination, perplexingly, was its tremendous parking area opposite the Dish Silver Ship takeoff point for the 40-minute water check to Pangkor Island situated off the West Shore of Landmass Malaysia.
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fireopal82sg · 1 year
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Day to night transformation of Phra Pathom Chedi, from peaceful serene temple grounds to a night market on the fringe of the temple perimeters and to a majestic view of the stupa against the night sky. Which is your favourite? (at วัดพระปฐมเจดีย์ราชวรมหาวิหาร | Wat Phra Pathom Chedi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1FqhvSEQx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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My Thailand Home
I’ve gathered some information about my wife’s beautiful birthplace of Nakhon Pathom Thailand , I hope you enjoy reading about it and will be inspired to visit my adopted hometown someday! Nakhon Pathom is a city in western Thailand, located about 60 kilometers west of Bangkok. It is the capital of Nakhon Pathom Province, and is known for being home to the Phra Pathom Chedi, a large Buddhist…
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hadeschan · 2 years
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item # K18F42
Pra Somdej Nua Gra-beuang-gae, Pim Yai, Roon Roi Ha Sip Ha Phee Phra Pathom Chedi. A Buddha amulet carved from yellow-gold color ceramic tile that was once patched on Phra Pathom Chedi Stupa of  Wat Phra Pathom Chedi, Nakhon Pathom Province. This Batch of amulets was made to commemorate 155th Anniversary of Wat Phra Pathom Chedi in BE 2552 (CE 2009), and for fundraiser of the restoration work of the Phra Pathom Chedi Stupa. The Consecration / Blessing Ceremony was held at the temple of Wat Phra Pathom Chedi, attended by Luang Phu Yam of Wat Sam-ngam, Luang Phu Jeua of Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Luang Phor It of Wat Chulamanee, Luang Phor Suk of Wat Khao Takrao, Luang Phor Auayphon of Wat Don Yai Hom, Luang Phor Utain of Wat Tha Mai, and Luang Phu Aupp of Wat Tong  Sai.
BEST FOR: as 155 years passed by Phra Pathom Chedi  Stupa accumulates good deeds, best wishes, and mind power of countless Buddhist masters which has a tendency to draw positive energy. It brings longevity with abundance of good health, wealth, and prosperity. It helps you achieve your goal and fulfillment in your work and career, avoid misfortune, and improve your luck, power, and prestige. Anything you wish for, and it could change your life for the better, Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
Phra Pathom Chedi Stupa
Phra Pathommachedi or Phra Pathom Chedi  is a Buddhist stupa in Thailand. The stupa is located in the Wat Phra Pathommachedi Ratcha Wora Maha Wihan, a temple in the town center of Nakhon Pathom, Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand. Phra Pathommachedi is the tallest stupa in the world.The top of its spire reaches 120.45 meters, with the base circumference of 235.50 meters.
The name Phra Pathommachedi means the first holy stupa, given by king Mongkut. Originally the stupa the royal stupa in Northern Thai language. One of the common misunderstandings about this stupa is that Phra Pathommachedi is the oldest and the first stupa in Suvarnabhumi, an ancient name of Southeast Asia. Modern Historians believe that the stupa was one of the principal stupas of ancient Nakhon Pathom, the largest settlement of Dvaravati culture in Nakhon Pathom area together with the nearby Phra Prathon Chedi  during the 6th to the 8th centuries.
DIMENSION: 3.50 cm high / 2.40 cm wide / 1.60 cm thick
item # K18F42
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travelbinge · 3 years
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By Kittikorn Nimitpara
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
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hungariansoul · 3 years
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พระปฐมเจดีย์ ( Phrá Páthom Dzsedí ) -  Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand
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amazing-thailand · 4 years
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Wat Phra Pathom Chedi – The main icon of Nakhon Pathom, this humongous and gleaming chedi rises high, with a history harking back since the Dvaravati period in the 6th Century. Inside is the enshrinement of Buddha's relics and on the north face of the chedi is the much-revered Phra Ruang Rojanarit, restored during the era of King Rama VI.
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sawasdeerpg · 1 month
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Bangkok Metropolitan Region
Bangkok, como epicentro, brilla con su bulliciosa vida callejera, rascacielos imponentes y templos antiguos, pero su influencia se extiende mucho más allá de sus límites administrativos. Las provincias circundantes, como Nonthaburi, Samut Prakan y Pathum Thani, son partes integrales de esta megaciudad en constante evolución.
Cada provincia aporta su propio carácter y contribución al panorama económico, social y cultural de la región. Nonthaburi, por ejemplo, es conocida por sus mercados flotantes y espacios naturales, mientras que Samut Prakan alberga el fascinante Ancient City, un parque temático que recrea la historia y la arquitectura de Tailandia.
La diversidad religiosa también es evidente en toda la región, con una variedad de templos y centros religiosos que honran a distintas deidades y prácticas espirituales. Desde el majestuoso Templo del Amanecer en Bangkok hasta el sagrado Wat Phra Pathom Chedi en Nakhon Pathom, la región está salpicada de lugares de adoración y reflexión.
En resumen, la Bangkok Metropolitan Region es mucho más que una simple extensión urbana; es un vasto mosaico de culturas, tradiciones y oportunidades que refleja la riqueza y la complejidad de Tailandia en su conjunto.
Bangkook, Nakhon Pathom, Pathum Thani, Nonthaburi, Samut Prakan, y Samut Sakhon.
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travelless · 6 years
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lastproject-photos · 7 years
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