#physiotherapy parramatta
ssw001 · 3 months
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Comprehensive Headache Physiotherapy Solutions in Parramatta
We understand the debilitating impact that persistent headaches can have on your daily life. Our dedicated team of experienced physiotherapists is committed to providing unparalleled headache physiotherapy services in Parramatta, designed to address the root causes and bring lasting relief.
Understanding the Complexities of Headaches
The Role of Physiotherapy in Headache Management
Physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in alleviating various types of headaches, including tension headaches and those stemming from musculoskeletal issues. Our expert physiotherapists employ a holistic approach, combining in-depth assessments with targeted interventions to identify and treat the underlying factors contributing to your headaches.
Tailored Treatment Plans for Lasting Relief
Personalized Assessment for Precise Diagnosis
Upon your initial consultation, our physiotherapists conduct a thorough examination to pinpoint the specific triggers and contributing factors to your headaches. This personalized assessment allows us to tailor a treatment plan that directly addresses your unique needs.
Targeted Exercises and Techniques
Our clinic utilizes a range of specialized exercises and techniques to enhance posture, improve muscle strength, and relieve tension. Headache Physiotherapy Parramatta By focusing on the areas contributing to your headaches, we empower you with tools to manage and prevent future episodes effectively.
The Parramatta Physiotherapy Difference
Cutting-Edge Technology and Techniques
Our commitment to excellence extends to the incorporation of cutting-edge technology and proven physiotherapeutic techniques. From advanced diagnostic tools to evidence-based interventions, we leverage the latest advancements to deliver unmatched results.
Experienced and Compassionate Team
At Parramatta Physiotherapy, our team consists of seasoned professionals dedicated to your well-being. With years of experience in headache physiotherapy, we bring a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach to every session.
Booking a Consultation
Taking the First Step Towards Relief
Ready to reclaim a life free from persistent headaches? Booking a consultation with Parramatta Physiotherapy is the first step towards unlocking relief and wellness. Our friendly staff is here to guide you through the process, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.
Conclusion: Your Path to Headache Relief Starts Here
In the realm of headache physiotherapy in Parramatta, our clinic stands out as a beacon of excellence. With a focus on personalized care, cutting-edge techniques, and a compassionate team, we are dedicated to helping you break free from the shackles of persistent headaches.
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alyssamonah · 7 months
Key Metrics for Evaluating iCare Attended Care Provider
In the fast-evolving landscape of healthcare, the role of attended care providers has become increasingly significant. These professionals, who often work under the iCare umbrella, play a crucial role in delivering high-quality, personalized care to patients. As the demand for attended care services continues to rise, it's essential to have a robust framework for evaluating the performance of these providers. This article delves into key metrics that can be instrumental in assessing the effectiveness of Physiotherapy Assistant Jobs Sydney, offering insights into their quality of service, patient satisfaction, and overall impact on healthcare delivery.
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Why Evaluate iCare Attended Care Providers?
Before delving into the specific metrics, it's essential to understand why evaluating attended care providers in the iCare ecosystem is vital. As the healthcare industry shifts towards a more patient-centric approach, the quality of care delivered by these providers becomes paramount. Evaluating their performance not only helps in maintaining high standards of care but also provides valuable insights for continuous improvement. Here are some compelling reasons to evaluate iCare attended care providers:
Quality Assurance: By regularly assessing the performance of attended care providers, iCare organizations can ensure that they maintain high standards of care, leading to better patient outcomes.
Patient Satisfaction: Evaluations can help identify areas where providers excel and areas that need improvement, leading to higher patient satisfaction levels.
Operational Efficiency: Metrics can reveal inefficiencies in care delivery processes, allowing organizations to streamline operations for better resource utilization.
Data-Driven Decision-Making: Evaluation metrics provide valuable data that can inform strategic decisions and resource allocation within iCare organizations.
Now, let's dive into the key metrics for evaluating iCare attended care providers:
1. Patient Satisfaction Metrics
Patient satisfaction is a crucial aspect of healthcare and attended care providers in the iCare system must aim to provide an exceptional experience for patients. To measure patient satisfaction, consider the following metrics:
Patient Surveys
Conduct regular surveys to gather feedback from patients regarding their experience with attended care providers. These surveys can include questions about communication, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction with the care received.
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
NPS is a metric that measures the likelihood of patients recommending iCare attended care providers to others. It provides valuable insights into the level of satisfaction and loyalty among patients.
Complaints and Grievances
Track and analyze the number and nature of complaints and grievances received from patients. This data can help identify recurring issues and areas for improvement.
2. Clinical Quality Metrics
The quality of clinical care provided by attended care providers is of paramount importance. These metrics assess the effectiveness of treatment and care delivery:
Readmission Rates
High readmission rates can indicate issues with the quality of care provided. Monitor readmission rates within a specific timeframe after a patient's initial discharge.
Patient Outcomes
Evaluate patient outcomes, including measures such as mortality rates, complications, and the achievement of treatment goals. Positive outcomes reflect the provider's effectiveness.
Adherence to Clinical Guidelines
Assess the degree to which attended care providers adhere to established clinical guidelines and protocols. Adherence to best practices is essential for delivering high-quality care.
3. Operational Efficiency Metrics
Efficient operations are essential for delivering timely and cost-effective care. These metrics focus on the efficiency of care delivery processes:
Response Time
Measure the time it takes for attended care providers to respond to patient requests or emergencies. Faster response times can be critical in certain healthcare scenarios.
Resource Utilization
Assess the efficient use of resources, including staff, equipment, and facilities. Optimal resource utilization helps control costs and enhance the quality of care.
Appointment Scheduling
Evaluate the ease and efficiency of scheduling appointments with attended care providers. Smooth scheduling processes can improve patient access to care.
4. Financial Metrics
Financial metrics are essential for assessing the sustainability and profitability of iCare organizations. They can also provide insights into the cost-effectiveness of attended care providers:
Revenue Generation
Track the revenue generated by attended care providers and their impact on the organization's overall financial health.
Cost Per Patient
Calculate the average cost of care per patient for attended care providers. This metric can help identify areas where cost efficiency can be improved.
Return on Investment (ROI)
Determine the ROI associated with attended care providers. This metric assesses the financial benefit derived from the resources invested in these providers.
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5. Compliance and Regulatory Metrics
Compliance with healthcare regulations and industry standards is essential for the safety and legality of care delivery:
Regulatory Compliance
Ensure that attended care providers adhere to all relevant healthcare regulations, certifications, and licensing requirements.
Quality Audits
Conduct regular quality audits to assess the compliance of attended care providers with established standards and protocols.
Data Security and Privacy
Evaluate the security and privacy measures in place to protect patient data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
6. Training and Professional Development Metrics
Attended care providers need continuous training and professional development to stay updated with the latest healthcare practices:
Training Completion Rates
Monitor the percentage of attended care providers who complete required training programs and certifications.
Continuing Education
Assess the participation of attended care providers in continuing education programs and their commitment to ongoing learning.
Skill Competency
Evaluate the proficiency of attended care providers in essential clinical skills through assessments and evaluations.
7. Patient Engagement Metrics
Engaging patients in their care is crucial for improving health outcomes and satisfaction:
Health Literacy Improvement
Measure the success of attended care providers in improving patients' health literacy and their ability to make informed decisions about their care.
Patient Education
Assess the effectiveness of patient education programs and materials provided by attended care providers.
Shared Decision-Making
Evaluate the extent to which attended care providers involve patients in shared decision-making regarding their treatment plans.
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8. Technology Adoption Metrics
The integration of technology can significantly impact the quality and efficiency of care delivery:
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Usage
Track the utilization of EHR systems by attended care providers to ensure accurate and efficient documentation of patient information.
Telehealth Adoption
Assess the adoption of telehealth and remote monitoring technologies to expand access to care and improve patient engagement.
Patient Portal Engagement
Measure patient engagement with online portals for appointment scheduling, access to medical records, and secure communication with attended care providers.
9. Peer and Supervisor Evaluations
Incorporate evaluations from peers and supervisors to gain a well-rounded perspective on an attended care provider's performance:
360-Degree Feedback
Collect feedback from peers, supervisors, and colleagues to assess an attended care provider's interpersonal skills, teamwork, and communication.
Performance Reviews
Conduct regular performance reviews to provide constructive feedback and identify areas for improvement.
10. Patient and Caregiver Testimonials
Gathering testimonials from patients and their caregivers can provide valuable qualitative insights into the impact of attended care providers:
Success Stories
Share success stories and testimonials from patients who have had positive experiences with attended care providers.
Complaint Resolution
Highlight instances where attended care providers successfully resolved patient complaints and concerns.
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Evaluating iCare attended care provider is essential for maintaining high standards of care, improving patient satisfaction, and ensuring the overall effectiveness of healthcare delivery. By focusing on a combination of patient satisfaction, clinical quality, operational efficiency, financial performance, compliance, training, patient engagement, technology adoption, and peer and supervisor evaluations, iCare organizations can develop a comprehensive framework for assessing their attended care providers. This data-driven approach not only benefits the organization but, most importantly, enhances the quality of care delivered to patients, ultimately improving their health outcomes and overall healthcare experience.
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nballiedhealthau · 2 years
How Can a Ndis Registered Physio Help in Neurological Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy has a number of ways that provides complete relief to people suffering from various types of disabilities and physical issues. In this regard, hiring an NDIS registered physio in Sydney can be extremely beneficial. Here is a look at a few of the most important ways that help in the successful accomplishment of the task of providing top-notch physiotherapy in the best possible manner. Read this piece till the very end to know more in detail.
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Create new synaptic pathways
The very first way in which an NDIS-registered physio can help in performing neurological physiotherapy in the right manner is by rewiring the brain affected by injury. This helps in establishing a proper connection with the muscle in the best possible manner, which is extremely important in terms of creating new synaptic pathways for the movement of the limbs.
Improves the functionality of the patient
People who are affected by neurological problems tend to lose their ability to move their limbs due to physical impairments. An NDIS registered physiotherapist in Parramatta helps in making sure that the functionality of the limbs of the affected person is improved via regular surveillance and treatment.
Management of movement
It is another important way in which the NDIS physio can help in making the patient move his/her limbs in the best possible manner. He/she not only get assistance to move the various inactive parts of the body but also gets the opportunity to develop his/her life in a holistic way. 
From the above lines, we get a clear idea of the various ways in which an NDIS registered physiotherapist near your location can help in ensuring the best service for people who require neurological physiotherapy. Keep these points in mind to ensure that people suffering from neurological problems are able to get the best care
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physiotherapy Parramatta
Expert physiotherapists in Parramatta, providing a range of services to help alleviate pain and improve mobility, including sports therapy, massage, and rehabilitation. physiotherapy Parramatta
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rgcseo · 4 years
Our dynamic health care team consists of experienced and professional Chiropractors, Sports Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists as well as allied health professionals such as Massage Therapists, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers and Exercise Physiologists at Parramatta, Castle Hill & Wetherill Park Locations.
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advertisergc · 4 years
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Our dynamic health care team consists of experienced and professional Chiropractors, Sports Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists as well as allied health professionals such as Massage Therapists, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers and Exercise Physiologists at Parramatta, Castle Hill & Wetherill Park Locations.
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Injury Prevention and Treatment Services
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If you play sports at a competitive level and you need your body to compete on a regular basis at its optimal performance, then you will understand the importance of how to prevent injuries from occurring.
They say, “Prevention is the best cure” and sportspeople go to great measures to ensure they implement a range of injury prevent techniques into their training regime. However, this also applies to everyday people who go about their busy lives, and cannot afford to take time off work, should they injure themselves one way or another.
If we as individuals take care of our bodies, then we reduce the risk of injuries from occurring and are able-to, live a relatively healthy lifestyle.
How to prevent sporting injuries
Most athletes or sportspeople of any discipline or ability, use simple injury prevention techniques to ensure they stay healthy, some of which include:
Warm up and cool down before and after exercise
Don’t exercise or compete when they are suffering from an injury
Wear protective gear or strapping
Have a good understanding of their bodies limits
They listen to their bodies and ensure they get rest to recover
Seek treatment as soon as they get an injury
Have a balanced diet and eat healthy foods
Incorporate strength training exercises to their training regime
Visit a Physiotherapist or Chiropractor regularly
If you play sport and require a personalised Injury Prevention Plan, then the team at Spinal & Sports Care have Injury Prevention Physiotherapists and Chiropractors to help enhance your sporting training. To learn more about Injury Prevention Services in Castle Hill, Parramatta & Wetherill Park, please do not hesitate to call our team (02) 9683 1110. Alternatively, you can book an appointment to visit your local clinic by using the online booking form.
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sydneyphysioclinic · 3 years
NDIS Registered Physiotherapy Sydney Sessions
Looking for the best Icare Attended Care Provider in Sydney that will heal your pain? If yes, then you can continue with this article and find everything in detail. When you’re dealing with injury or discomfort, you might be estimating different options to improve your health. Physiotherapy is another hands-on way that can make a huge difference for those with pain, restrained mobility, and soft tissue damages.
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Physiotherapists have more of a complete overview of the body and its functioning beyond the tissues, joints, and bones. Physiotherapy sessions include different types of medical sessions or treatments depending on individual needs.
If you have any doubt regarding Physiotherapy and its treatments, then contact Fox Physiotherapy. As an NDIS Registered Physio in Sydney, they are committed to delivering expert and informative service through rehabilitation plans tailored for each of their patients. For further information, feel free to contact us.
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betterrehabnsw · 3 years
Business Name: Better Rehab Blacktown
Street Address: Unit 5/167 Prospect Hwy
City: Seven Hills
State: New South Wales (NSW)
Zip Code: 2147
Country: Australia
Business Phone: (02) 8607 7209
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://betterrehab.com.au/locations/nsw/blacktown/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/betterrehab/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/betterrehab1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/better-rehabilitation/?originalSubdomain=au
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betterrehab/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/BetterRehab/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzewz9oMOe4
Business Description: Better Rehab Blacktown NDIS occupational therapists can offer support if you are diagnosed with conditions such as mental illness or autism spectrum disorder to help you meaningfully engage with activities that matter to you the most. We provide tailored Occupational Therapy to support you at home, at work and out in the community. Our team of Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Blacktown Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists and Blacktown Positive Behaviour Support practitioners design and deliver the highest level of care to our participants. We are Blacktown NDIS therapy provider that you can trust. We offer a wide range of NDIS Disability services and Allied Health services. Visit Our Better Rehab Blacktown clinic near to Blacktown hospital and Westmead hospital.
We service in Blacktown, Lalor Park, Prospect, Parramatta, Westmead, Northmead, Baulkham Hills, Kings Park, Woodcroft, Greystanes, Merrylands, The Ponds, Schofields, Acacia gardens, Parklea, Glenwood, Pendle Hill, Quakers Hill, Doonside, Marayong, Rooty Hill, Mount Druit, Minchinbury, Seven Hills, Kellyville Ridge, Pemulwuy, Girraween, Wentworthville, Carlingford, Bella Vista, Baulkham Hills, Glenwood and wider Western Sydney region.
Google My Business CID URL : https://www.google.com/maps?cid=2807086026279911606
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:30am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:30am-5:00pm Wednesday 8:30am-5:00pm Thursday 8:30am-5:00pm Friday 8:30am-5:00pm Saturday Closed
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Amex NDIS Funding
Services: Occupational therapist, Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, Positive Behaviour Support
Keywords: NDIS occupational therapists, Occupational Therapy near me, Occupational Therapy , Speech Therapists,  Physiotherapists, Positive Behaviour Support practitioners
Business/Company Establishment Date: 16/03/2014
Business Slogan: Expert rehabilitation services helping you live better, your way.
Number of Employees: 400 -500
Yearly Revenue: 100,000-500,000 USD
Owner Email: [email protected]
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Service Areas:
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localizee · 3 years
We are Blacktown NDIS therapy provider that you can trust.
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sharonestone · 4 years
Top 15 Retirement Villages Sydney
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You can begin to believe that your family home no longer fits your lifestyle and needs. Maintaining your home and garden can be difficult or your health can deteriorate and you want to live in a supportive environment.
A retirement village can be exactly what you are looking for at this point in your life.
Although selling and moving may seem overwhelming, it helps you make the right decision to carefully consider your options.
Since pension villages are built especially for the elderly, they offer many lifestyles and practical benefits. The residents have a strong sense of community, feel safe and can spend more time with family and friends.
Across the country, almost 200,000 elderly people call a retirement home, a decision they have taken for various reasons, such as limited mobility, the desire for more social contact or the need for more support.
Here are the Top 15 Retirement Villages Sydney
1. The Cotswolds Village 
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Live and enjoy your independence in the pension village of Cotswolds. Your new, independent living and living units are unique and designed so that you can lead a self-sufficient, independent, active and relaxed lifestyle in a safe and trusted environment.
Moreover, you can be as independent as you want in our community. However, the Cotswolds employees and colleagues are always available if you need them.
With daily social events and trips and with residents like you, the Cotswolds is truly the ideal new life that combines independence with numerous social activities.
The facilities and services of Cotswolds include:
Quiet, serene, well-kept grounds with a village atmosphere.
Onsite registered nurse, providing emergency nursing assistance
Transport to local shopping centers.
Medical clinic attended by local doctors.
Regular attendance by allied practitioners, including
Lounge room and movie entertainment room.
Private dining room for entertaining.
Indoor heated swimming pool and spa.
Billiard and games room.
Library room.
Communal kitchen.
Various reading and sitting rooms and areas.
Large outdoor balcony viewing area.
Contact Details: 
28 Curagul Road, North Turramurra, NSW 2074
Phone: 0291447016 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.thecotswolds.com.au
2. Anglicare - Woodberry Village (Winston Hills)
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We serve the needy in our community, enrich the life and share the love of Jesus. We hold on to our Christian motivation while responding to the changing needs of our community.
We try to promote and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ while we love and serve those who are old, vulnerable, or marginalized. respect and appreciate each person how he was created in the image of the living God.
We offer everyone to care and compassion when we meet the material, physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.
In collaboration with the community and others, we offer a range of services that promote the dignity, safety, participation and well-being of people in their relationships, homes and communities.
Contact Details:
Level 2, 62 Norwest Blvd, Norwest, NSW 2153
Phone: 1300 111 278
Website: www.anglicare.org.au
3. Stockland Willows Retirement Village
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The Willows at Winston Hills is a vibrant, friendly community set in five beautifully landscaped gardens - a peaceful haven with caring staff where you can look forward to a wonderfully relaxed lifestyle in good company.
At Stockland Willows Retirement Village, we know it's important to retire. For this reason, we help you with our $ Move 'Easy Package' of $ 10,000 * to make the transition as easy as possible. You have $ 10,000 in your pocket to enjoy the things you appreciate the most. Simply arrange your accommodation by December 20, 2019, to receive a $ 10,000 voucher.
The spacious, modern community center with dining room, living room, dance floor, coffee bar, billiard room and an indoor pool is the social center of the village - ideal for meeting friends and participating in the many activities on offer.
All of our independent accommodations have a spacious open living/dining room, a spacious bedroom and a private terrace or balcony overlooking indigenous and exotic gardens or majestic willow stands. The ideal environment to escape everyday worries and start a new life with new friends.
Contact Details: 
226 Windsor Road Winston Hills, NSW, 2153
Phone: 1800727170
Website: www.stockland.com.au
4. Oatland Gardens Retirement Village
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For you, Oatland Gardens, this is a quiet city with everything in your way. Consisting of 34 independent apartments and 30 independent one-bedroom units designed and planned for comfortable living.
Oatland Gardens is located in the main residential area of Oatlands (North Parramatta) and just a few steps from the shopping and business district of the city of Parramatta. Weekly bus trips to North Rocks and Carlingford Court shopping centers.
Nestled between lush gardens and offers residents a quiet, peaceful lifestyle.
The title levels with one-bedroom apartments and services are currently also available in separate two-bedroom units (some with garages).
Contact Details:
15-17 Wyoming Ave, Oatlands NSW 2117
Phone: 02 9683 5544 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.oatlandgardens.com.au
5. BaptistCare Willandra Village
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At BaptistCare, we believe that true care is accompanied by love, and it is this belief that makes us who we are.
We create places of wellbeing and hope to make a positive difference in our community and for the people who invite us into their lives every day.
Our history is characterized by authentic, loving service and care, which enables the individual to live well because we believe that care is worth living under living conditions. Why Choose BaptistCare? The simple answer is because it is important for us.
Contact Details:
Level Two, 22 Brookhollow Avenue, PO Box 7626, 
Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153
Phone: 1300 275 227 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.baptistcare.org.au
6. Strathfield Gardens Retirement Village
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Contact Details:
26 Cotswold Rd, Strathfield NSW 2135, Australia
Phone: (02) 9742 6048 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.goldenlifestyles.com.au
7. Epping Manor (Vasey Community)
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Contact Details:
Suite 10G, Level 10, Rhodes Waterside Shopping Centre,1 Rider Boulevard, Rhodes NSW 2138
Phone: (02) 9299 3951 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vasey.com.au
8. Constitution Hill (Australian Unity)
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Contact Details:
Australian Unity,271 Spring Street,Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 03 8682 5555 
Website: www.australianunity.com.au
9. Shepherds Bay Meadowbank
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Contact Details:
Address: 4 Rothesay Avenue, Meadowbank
Website: www.shepherdsbay.com.au
10. Southern Cross Care Nordby Village
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Contact Details:
16-18 Bridge St, Epping NSW 2121
Phone: (02) 9790 9443 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sccliving.org.au
11. Uniting Wirreanda
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Contact Details:
33 Highs Road, WEST PENNANT HILLS NSW, 2125 
Phone: 1800 864 846 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.uniting.org
12. Southern Cross Care Marsfield Village
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Contact Details:
16-18 Bridge St, Epping NSW 2121
Phone: 1800 984 475 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sccliving.org.au
13. Kirk Apartments Retirement Living
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Contact Details:
77 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood NSW 2134.
Phone: 1300 808 606
Website: www.kirkapartments.com.au
14. Fresh Hope Care - Pendle Hill Retirement Village
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Contact Details:
PO Box 3571, Rhodes  NSW  2138
Phone: 1800 005 484 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.freshhopecare.org.au
15. Highline Westmead’s
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Contact Details:
158 Hawkesbury Road Westmead
Phone: 1300 031 272
Website: www.highlinewestmead.com.au
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nballiedhealthau · 2 years
Most Critical Conditions That a Ndis Registered Physiotherapist Can Treat
There are a number of critical conditions that an NDIS registered physiotherapist is eligible to treat, providing the people suffering from these issues the best support in the most convenient manner. In this piece, we will have a look at a few of these conditions and how they can help in ensuring the best treatment for the people under the supervision of an NDIS registered physiotherapist in Parramatta in the best possible manner. 
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Limb Amputation
After the amputation of limbs, the affected person might find it extremely difficult to perform daily activities. In such a condition, it is extremely important for the person to hire a NDIS registered physiotherapist who will be able to provide him with the right support and help him to get back to normalcy in terms of using his limbs.
Recurrent falling
It is another issue that can be extremely difficult for any person to handle. Hiring an NDIS registered physio in Sydney can allow him/her to prevent this from happening over and over again, thus putting an end to the suffering of the person affected by this problem. 
Cognitive impairments
There are a number of issues that fall in the category of cognitive impairments, for example, Dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. To get rid of these problems, hiring a NDIS registered service provider can help in ensuring proper physiotherapy services in the best possible manner. 
From the above lines, we get a clear idea of the various critical conditions that need to be handled in the best possible manner by hiring a NDIS-registered physiotherapist near your location. Keep these points in mind to make sure that you hire the right professional to get the job of providing relief to the affected persons.
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naturopathsydney · 2 years
Liverpool Naturopath & Nutritionist Online | Sydney Naturopath
HEALTH & FOOD Parramatta Naturopathic Clinic provides the most effective Parramatta Naturopathy for all of your body's aches and problems. Osteopathy is used to treat both children and adults, as well as posture issues, sciatica, sports injuries, muscular spasms, and strains from work or leisure. Acupuncture, bioenergy massage, physiotherapy, reflexology, naturopathy, and other alternative therapies are available in addition to osteopathy. We promise a pleasant Naturopathy Parramatta session with the greatest massage therapists, osteopaths, and naturopaths on board, reducing your discomfort and improving your body's functionality. Make an appointment with us right now to receive the finest possible treatment for your body from our clinic.
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rgcseo · 4 years
n Exercise Physiologist analyse their patients’ fitness to effectively help them improve their health or maintain good health. They help patients who suffer from heart disease and other chronic conditions, like diabetes or pulmonary (lung) disease, to help them regain their health. Some Exercise Physiologists work closely with General Practitioners, who may prescribe exercise plans for their patients and refer them to exercise physiologists. The physiologists then work with patients to develop individualised treatment plans that will help the patients meet their health and fitness goals.
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advertisergc · 4 years
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Our dynamic health care team consists of experienced and professional Chiropractors, Sports Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists as well as allied health professionals such as Massage Therapists, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers and Exercise Physiologists at Parramatta, Castle Hill & Wetherill Park Locations.
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Glucosamine and Chondroitin – how does it work?
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Inside your joints, cartilage undergoes a constant process of breakdown and repair. However, to be properly repaired, the building blocks of cartilage, glucosamine and chondroitin must be present and available.
Osteoarthritis is a condition that is caused by wearing out of the normal smooth cartilage surfaces of the joints. Often called wear-and-tear arthritis, osteoarthritis causes joint pain, swelling, and deformity.
What is glucosamine?
Glucosamine is a sugar naturally produced by the body. It is one of the building blocks of cartilage. Cartilage covers and protects the ends of the bones, allowing bones to move smoothly against each other. Glucosamine comes in two forms – glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride. Glucosamine supplements are made from crab, lobster or shrimp shells. They are available as tablets or liquid and often in combination with chondroitin.
If you wish to discuss Naturopathic treatments for arthritic discomfort or any other health concerns contact me at Spinal and Sports Care for an appointment.
Yours in Good Health,
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