#picup put so much work into it
saitou-shuka · 7 years
Hello shukamod! I just want to ask where do you order all your merchandise I'm totally lost on where I could order nesoberi :( I really would appreciate your help thanks
I gotchu anon 👌👌
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Earlier this year I wrote a post about nesoberi, as well as one about ways to order merchandise from overseas.
BUT… I think the general guide to buying Love Live! merchandise here is gonna be more helpful than either of those posts. It covers nesoberi pretty extensively, since they’re super popular as far as merchandise goes.
My short answer will be: Most of my nesos I bought off friends who went to Japan. If you have friends visiting Japan, it’s cheapest to have them catch one from a machine or buy one secondhand for you and then give it to you. Otherwise, you’ll have to find a way to buy them online (see merch guide). Cons will sometimes stock nesoberis as well, if you’re patient. In that case, popular characters like You and Yohane tend to be either rare or marked up a ton.
Let me know if you have any questions! ( ‾▿‾ )ゞBut read the merch guide first
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dyreatic · 6 years
B.L.T September 2018 ft. Aqours - Interview with Aida Rikako
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“Let’s do it!” was what we felt regarding Tokyo Dome.
Great work on the midsummer tour. “I was born in the summer, but I really can’t stand it. I want to just shut myself at home, cool off in front of the A/C, watch movies and take afternoon naps. But because I had stuff to do as Aqours, I couldn’t do any of that (laughs), and with how busy I was, before I knew it, I began to think, “Summer is never gonna end, is it” (laughs).
Is there anything that you feel can help you weather the summer heat? “I have a lot of watermelon at home, and I eat them right after I take a bath, so when I buy watermelon for my workplace, I feel like I can make it through too.”
By the way, do you add salt to your watermelon? “No, I don’t really understand the people who like doing that… They say it adds to the sweetness, but isn’t watermelon normally already sweet? If you want to make it sweeter, I think it would be better to add sugar instead (laughs).
Moving on, as of July, it’s been two years since the first season of Love Live! Sunshine!! aired on TV. “It really passed by in a flash. There’s been a lot of happy things, but there’s been a lot of frustrating things as well. We had taken over the name of Love Live! from our great predecessors Muse, so there were a lot of preparations for us since the beginning, which we heard a lot of voices about. However, the 9 of us were able to share in all our frustrations, and it really felt like we would be able to overcome whatever struggles we had. It would’ve been way worse if we were alone.”
In November, you will be performing in Tokyo Dome. What do you feel about that? “We were given the opportunity to perform on the large stage at Yokohama Arena for 1L (2017), but it didn't feel like something we could just be glad about, since it didn't feel like something we gained through our own hard work. That's why, despite our fear and uncertainty, the pressure to fulfill our task of putting on a good show kept on pressing down on us. But now, for the live at Tokyo Dome, our outlook on it has become much more positive, like "Let's do it!"”
And so because of all your hard work, you’re confident that you have finally reached Tokyo Dome? “That’s right. We don’t know if our current level is worthy for Tokyo Dome, but what we do know for certain is that we’ve tried our hardest until now, and that is why we’re confident. Of course, we’re nervous beyond the point of nervousness, but we’ve stood on so many stages up until now, so no matter what other stage is there for us, we’re going to take all the irreplaceable experiences that we’ve had so far, and we’ll definitely be able to do our best.”
Where do you think Aqours’ charm point lies, Aida-san? “We’ve had the chance to do a lot of things, such as gravure, but I still think that the best part of Aqours is our music. It’s an important factor that attracts both people who’ve watched the anime and those that don’t even know about it. If you’re reading this B.L.T. magazine and you have even the slightest interest in us, please check out our music. If you like what you hear, then do check out the TV anime, then after that, I hope that you’ll want to come to one of our lives as well. Please come to our live at Tokyo Dome!”
TLC: @frozenmikan Sanity check: Mega Scans: @picup
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