#though I also have a neso from a con (AB) and my santa neso is from amiami
saitou-shuka · 7 years
Hello shukamod! I just want to ask where do you order all your merchandise I'm totally lost on where I could order nesoberi :( I really would appreciate your help thanks
I gotchu anon 👌👌
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Earlier this year I wrote a post about nesoberi, as well as one about ways to order merchandise from overseas.
BUT… I think the general guide to buying Love Live! merchandise here is gonna be more helpful than either of those posts. It covers nesoberi pretty extensively, since they’re super popular as far as merchandise goes.
My short answer will be: Most of my nesos I bought off friends who went to Japan. If you have friends visiting Japan, it’s cheapest to have them catch one from a machine or buy one secondhand for you and then give it to you. Otherwise, you’ll have to find a way to buy them online (see merch guide). Cons will sometimes stock nesoberis as well, if you’re patient. In that case, popular characters like You and Yohane tend to be either rare or marked up a ton.
Let me know if you have any questions! ( ‾▿‾ )ゞBut read the merch guide first
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