#pierre apers
inneroptics · 2 years
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Pierre Apers, Sans Titre 1940
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nemosisworld · 9 months
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L'amour demande : sois vivant Car de mort rien ne peut sortir. Sais-tu qui est vivant ? Celui qui naît d'amour.
Cherche-nous dans l'amour Cherche l'amour en nous. Tantôt je le vénère, Tantôt il me vénère.
Djâlal-od-Dîn Rûmî
Ph. Pierre Apers
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toot-things · 8 months
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Pierre Apers,sans titre,1940
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ciberio13 · 1 year
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Pierre Apers, Sans Titre 1940
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thebigkelu · 2 years
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Pierre Apers
La danseuse Osorio. Revue de la danse, juin 1922
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legionofshitposting · 3 years
when defeating a LOS meber they drop a item relating to them, jean pierre has a ripped up child's drawing writen on the back its says J.P age 4, RB has a broken compact mirror, HP a little necklace in side is a picture of a woman and child, engraved on it say "my little dancer", tape a pack of cigerates with an old faded trans flag sticker on it, sccicors a rusty scaple with what apers to be crusty blood stains on it, stapler a service doogs harness
How sad, little mementoes commemorating their past lives
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aocfr · 6 years
Siège de Château - vue d'ensemble
Siège de Château – vue d’ensemble
Le 11 janvier 2019, vous avez peu avoir un aperçu de deux conceptions de cartes de siège bientôt présentées dans Ashes of Creation Apocalypse. Le Château Korgan, qui appartenait auparavant aux humains Aelan, et le château Milnar, construit par les grands nains Dünzenkell. Ces grands châteaux de Verra étaient la pierre angulaire de la défense des Empires qui les possédaient. Jadis le théâtre de…
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bandi42 · 7 years
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Champagne Pierre-Gimonnet
I like grower champagnes and Gimonnet is one of my favourite grower-producers. Every time I am in the Champagne region, I visit Didier Gimonnet in Cuis to taste and chat. Often, he gives me lunch as well.
Cuis, in the Cote de Blancs, is a Premier Cru Village. Champagne, unlike other wine regions of France, is a single AOC with 31,000 hectares planted with vines in 318 villages. Also in Champagne, not individual vineyards but entire wine villages are classified. There are 17 Grand Cru villages and 44 Premiers Crus.
The major vineyard holdings of Gimonnet are in Cuis but they have access to fruit from two Grand Cru villages – Oger and Cramant.
This time, Didier was away in the United states and his brother Oliver and assistant Nathalie received the group. These are the wines they tasted:
Brut Cuis 1er Cru
Brut Rosé de Blancs 1er cru
Brut Oger Grand Cru
Brut Fleuron 2010 
Brut Fleuron 2008
Club Grands Terroirs 2010
Club Cramant Grand Cru 2012
Millésime de Collection 2006 en magnum
A light lunch followed.
“Excellent tasting as ever and great hospitality. Lovely explanations from Nathalie and Olivier. We were joined by a jet lagged Didier just before we left – he had just returned from the USA. Lovely buffet and the arrival of sunshine completed a thoroughly enjoyable visit.
All wines represented excellent value for the quality that is their hallmark.
Cuis 1 er Cru: very fresh with apple and lemon notes. Very fine aperitif wine.
Rose 1 er Cru: redcurrant, raspberry and wild strawberry notes and flavours. Again lovely acidity – and for me the best rose tasted this week.
Fleuron 2010: very complex and intense nose. Brioche/ yeasty nose. Surprisingly evolved for such a young vintage. As ever, good apple fruit and acidity on the palate – but for me the fruit was tending towards the sweet cidery end of the apple spectrum. A wine for those who really like the highly evolved flavours of champagne.
Fleuron 2008: a lovely nose of fresh French bread and light apple aromas. The palate is a beautifully balanced combination of apple and lemon flavours. I can envisage enjoying this wine as an aperative or with food now – but feel this wine as a great balance that will enable it to evolve harmoniously for many years to come. Loved it.
Millisime de Collection 2006 Mag: a very fine wine of great balance and elegance. A purity and lemony poise that gives no hint of its relative age. Clearly justifies its price.
Club Cramant Grand Cru 2012: a wine produced in response to wine critics who have demanded that they produce a wine from a single Grand Cru site in order to demonstrate the individual terroir. I felt very sorry for Olivier who seemed almost embarrassed to present this new wine. The first word that I wrote was monodimensional. I then asked Carole Wood what she thought of it and she said ‘one dimensional’. Enough said.
 If looking for Chardonnay Champagne I feel that this remains the address of first reference in terms of quality / value as Drappier is in the pinot firmament.” – Robert Buckley
“The sun is shining as we wave goodbye at the end of yet another excellent morning tasting Pierre Gimmonet wines.
I find many Blanc de Blancs difficult to fully appreciate but not when it comes to PG wines. In particular it is their balance. Not too much acidity that might over power all other attributes but sufficient to ensure mouth watering freshness.
We sat in their tasting room with the views out over their 1er Cru Cuis vineyards now golden with autumnal colours and savoured the subtle complexity of their wines.
The warmness of their welcome and the excellent buffet lunch combined with their superb wines were a fitting climax to a thoroughly enjoyable week.” – Tony Lee
  As they were leaving, Didier Gimonnet arrived from the States.
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  (Champagne Pierre-Gimonnet et Fils, 1, rue de la république, 51530 CUIS, Tel : 00 33 / 03 26 59 78 70)
      Rhone, Champagne & Burgundy – Day 7 Champagne Pierre-Gimonnet I like grower champagnes and Gimonnet is one of my favourite grower-producers. Every time I am in the Champagne region, I visit Didier Gimonnet in Cuis to taste and chat.
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smartseo4you · 7 years
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Șeful statului major al armatei Franței demisionează din cauza tăierii bugetului
Pierre de Villiers, șeful statului major al Armatei franceze a demisionat miercuri ca o formă de protest pentru restricțiile bugetare impuse de Președintele Emmanuel Macron. Bugetul Apărării a fost redus cu 850 milioane euro pentru 2017. Macron a declarat că nu este misiunea sefului de stat major să apere bugetul ci a ministrului.
Presedintele Franței a adaugat ca decizia de a reduce cheltuielile militare în 2017 nu afectează angajamentul de a atinge 2 LA SUTĂ DIN PIB PENTRU APĂRARE ÎN ANUL 2025.
România s-a angajat să aloce 2 la sută din PIB ÎNCĂ DIN ACEST AN. Presedintele Iohannis a cerut guvernului să atingă acest nivel și a criticat faptul că nu s-au realizat cheltuielile de înzestrare a armatei în acest an.
Sursa articol jurnalul.ro
, sursa articol http://blogville.ro/seful-statului-major-al-armatei-frantei-demisioneaza-din-cauza-taierii-bugetului/
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petitsamis-blog · 7 years
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Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, Genève.
La cathédrale de Saint-Pierre est considerée comme l´une des plus belle églises, il a deux tours d´où l´on aperçoit la ville entière de Genève. Derrière la cathédrale se trouve le Jet d´Eau, un lac qui se trouve dans la ville.
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