#pige plays Minecraft
wizardpigeon · 2 years
They should put The Ather in Minecraft and I will tell you exactly why
Now kids this is not only because it's super cool to have portals and I want as many as I can possibly get, but also because I happen to like the Game Theory version of the Minecraft lore
Which is that an ancient society that was v technologically advanced (evidenced by the deep dark cities with what seem to be redstone labs and desert/jungle temples with traps) had some kind of catastrophic event/disease that left them unable to inhabit the overworld (after first conquering the nether and bleeding it and it's inhabitants dry of resources) and sent them running for a new place to live
(it's thought that this was possibly The Wither created accidentally while attempting to raise the dead and with the addition of The Warden I think this holds a lot of weight, although with the ocean monuments it could have been an environmental threat)
Now as it stands it seems that first they retreated to The Stronghold before learning how to open a portal to The End, although how they would have known the end was there Ive no clue; moving there and then running out of food and having to rely on Chorus Fruit for survival, eventually becoming endermen whos dialogue is understandable as corrupted English if youre looking for it
But if Minecraft had (still had? Was it really in the game or did I hear wrong?) The Ather dimension then we could add another layer to that
We already have ruined ships around the overworld, why not ruined skyships? There are potions that make you float, enchantments that make you fall slower and take less damage, why couldn't they have been created by an ancient civilization trying to escape their doom by taking to the sky? (Since The Ather is generally thought to be above the overworld while the nether is below)
You could have the remains of bridges between islands, tall towers that stretch even further into the clouds, sky docks with ships that have long since forgotten how they got there,
Think Of The Potential!!
Of course certain elements may have to change to fit this story, for example, the stronghold and end portal being found in The Ather instead of the overworld, maybe you could find smaller strongholds in the overworld that have portals to the Ather, but the One Portal To The End would be in the last place the Elders (I'm calling them that now) tried to make a home
Now I've never tried it and ather portals need mods now so idk if it's possible to open a portal to the nether from the ather but let's assume thats possible
So I'd say that they try to live in the nether first but quickly realise that they're not suited to it and just because the Piglins can doesn't mean The Elders can, so they go up, but they still need Stuff and sometimes people can go right to The Ather from the overworld, since it's much easier to get Obsidian than glowstone, most people make nether portals as a stepping point between their old home and their new one
Possibly having to destroy the portals once they're through so that The Problem can't follow them through (we never see ruined portals in the nether so I'd say they destroy them that end N take all the materials with them)
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