io-rimango · 1 month
“Però sai, cara Isabella, a volte noi ci accorgiamo solo di quello che ci fa comodo. I segnali li vediamo ma diamo loro l'interpretazione meno dolorosa possibile, finché la percezione della realtà, seppure distorta, ce lo permette. Ci rifugiamo nell'idea che vada tutto bene, anche quando va in qualsiasi modo fuorché bene. È l'istinto di autoconservazione emotiva che ci porta a credere di essere analfabeti, come se non sapessimo più leggere tra le righe. Diventiamo ciechi dinanzi a una luce troppo forte.”
(Maria Grazia Pignata, Il progetto)
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"The Blessed Virgin's life was full of sorrow…Every time her tender glance fell upon her Divine Son, she suffered…" - #SaintJohnVianney #OurLadyofSorrows
📷 Nossa Senhora das Dores / © Mailson Pignata via #GettyImages. #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia
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narhinafan · 11 months
Bro stop apologizing over some random anon spreading false information. Even though you should've checked the post first about it's truth but the even oraganizers bullying you for your mistake is srsly wrong. If they are that much hurt than they should contact to pignata's twitter account who spread way worse information about hinata fanbase everyday but nobody nh stans cares defending her there.
You did a mistake but all others making it a scene bullying you all together for some random anon false post.🤦‍♀️
I did check and found that a NaruHina fan that posted and showed they were blocked from NaruHina month I checked their recent months post and replies and the only thing that stood out recently was an argument about Gaiden and Sakura. Other then that it is all NaruHina stuff with nothing standing out as a specific reason for why they were blocked at least not any public posts.
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destinationsomeplace · 6 months
Festivals in Puglia - Italy
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Puglia, the land of the marvellous Trulli (traditional, dry stone dwellings with conical roofs), like all of Italy, loves festivals, and in Puglia, there is a whole range of festivals taking place every single year.  This article gives you the specifics on some of the festivals in  Puglia by month and location.  Dates and locations are approximate, so always confirm dates and timings with the local tourist office before you make firm plans.Due to Puglia’s great climate, the majority of festivals are outdoor proceedings and take place in the warm Summer months, and often focus on the twin Italian passions of food and religion.This post may contain affiliate links to things like hotels, tours or products.  These help us earn a small commission at no additional charge to you and help keep the lights on at Destination Someplace.
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Festivals in Puglia
Lecce – Puccia dell’Ampa Festival:  In mid-January, the attractive town of Lecce takes an entire weekend to celebrate ‘Puccia dell’Ampa’, which is local wood baked bread, often stuffed with aged ricotta or pickles.  An excellent event for all the foodies out there. Putignano –Carnivale di Putignano: This is said to be one of the oldest carnivals in the world, this annual event is nothing short of spectacular, featuring processions of elaborate, allegorical floats featuring an array of over-the-top characters such as priests, nuns, widows, madmen and cuckolds. The festival officially starts on the 26th of December (but really gets into gear from January 17 th, with the feast of Sant'Antonio Abate, and finishes on Shove Tuesday.RESOURCES - PUGLIAAccommodation:  Booking.comActivities: ViatorFlights: SkyscannerTrains: Rail EuropeBus: FlixBusCar Hire: AutoEurope
Celenza Valfortore – Fest  della Pignata:  Puglia has a well-deserved reputation for being the best in seafood and this particular festival is dedicated to the eight-limbed mollusc - the octopus.
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Flag throwing, often a part of festivals in Italy
Easter is a massive celebration throughout the whole of the Italian peninsula, and this is equally true for the festivals in Puglia:San Marco - “Fracchie” Procession: Taking place on Good Friday, the town of San Marco in the north of Puglia plays host to the ‘Fracchie’ procession, where the townsfolk split cone-shaped tree trunks in two and stuff them with kindling, splinters and dry branches, and turn them into enormous, fiery torches for a spectacular procession through the town and to illuminate the path of the Madonna.There are too many festivals celebrating Easter in the Puglia region to mention here, so if you do find yourself in this part of the world over the Easter period, be sure to check in with the local tourist office to see what other festivals are happening locally.Alongside the religious Easter celebrations, there are many other festivals in the region over this period including the ones below:Vieste – Festival of San Giorgio:  This festival celebrates the humble ‘frittato’, which is an omelette a little similar to the Spanish tortilla.Alberobello – Sagra dei Tarallucci e Vino: This festival, which usually takes place in late April, celebrates the traditional ‘taralli’,  ring-shaped biscuits – in either sweet or savoury variants and taken with wine.
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Foodand wine = the pefect festivals
Where to stay in Puglia
Puglia (aka Apuglia) is a diverse and geographically long region, so there are many options for staying in the area.If you want to be near the beach, then the Hotel Sirena located near Peschici is a good option.Or if you head South, then the Signuria Dimora Esclusiva which is in the provincial capital of Lecce could be a great base.  If you are staying in Puglia for anything more than a few days, it may be worth considering booking two bases (North and South of the region) to minimise any long drives and make the most of Puglia.  As always we recommend Booking.com for maximum accommodation flexibility.
Summer: The Busiest Time For Festivals in Puglia
Bari – Festa di San Nicola:  This festival is in honour of Bari’s patron saint (who also happens to be the patron saint of sailors).  This very popular event is one of the key festivals in Puglia and draws visitors from around the world with flotillas of boats, parades and of course, the obligatory fireworks. Ortranto – Truffle Festival:  Yet another food festival, this time the focus is on that pungent, expensive and hard-to-find delicacy, the truffle.  No sniffer dogs (or pigs) are required for this festival, as the streets will have plenty of stalls dedicated to this delicacy.Leverano, Conversano, Turi and many other towns – Sagra della Ciliegia Ferrovia Festivals:  Taking place in many towns throughout Puglia in May and into June, the region celebrates the wonders of the unassuming cherry.  The town of Turi is the epicentre of this Cherry-Fest, as it is home to the most cultivated cherry in Italy, known as the ‘Railway Cherry’ due to it being originally found growing close to the railway tracks heading south-east towards Sammichele di Bari. 
Getting to Puglia 
Fly:  At the last look at flights started from £20 from destinations including the UK to the main airport in Puglia - Bari (also known as Karol Wojtyła Airport), although not all flights are direct.  We generally check with Skyscanner for flights and if you are flexible with your travel dates, use the 'search by month tool' to find the cheapest flights.Train: Train connections, like the rest of Italy, are generally good, especially between the major hubs. However getting to the smaller, out-of-the-way towns may not always be possible on trains. Use Rail Europe to search for trains in Puglia and Italy.Bus: The Flixbus service covers the main towns and also can get you from/return you to the main hubs of Bari and Brindisi.  Otherwise, the local bus services are also very good and inexpensive.  
How to get around Puglia
Puglia is a very long, thin region, so we often find the best way to travel is by car, especially if you want to catch some festivals in Puglia.  That way you have the option of travelling to the less well-known spots in Puglia such as appear in this guide.  If we hire a car we tend to use AutoEurope as our first choice as this website compares car rentals across Europe and further afield.If you planning to visit the main towns then local buses or trains as above will generally suffice.
Brindisi – Negroamaro Wine Festival:  Usually taking place in the first half of June (but it does vary, so check with the tourist board), this festival celebrates with streets lined with wine tasting stations (of course), street food and live music and dancing.Otranto - Festa San Pietro e Paolo: Featuring a series of events based around food (of course) and folklore, this festival combines fun and culture with great local food, and usually takes place towards the end of June.
Crispiano – Carnevale del Brigantino:  The Carnival of the Brigantino, takes place at the end of July (check locally for exact dates).  This festival features a masked procession that winds through the streets of the town, along with wine(of course), music art and local delicacies such as liver, sausage, snails and bread.
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Felline – Sagra della Polpetta: This festival focuses on one of my Italian food favourites – Polpette! (also known as meatballs).Sannicandro di Bari – Orecchiette:  This small town pays tribute to the local Orecchiette pasta (literally ‘little ears’ because, well, that’s what they look like).Melpignano – Taranta Festival: Involving around 15 towns of the Lecce province this month-long festival of dance culminates with a grand finale in the town of Melpignano.  Featuring late-night dancing in the streets and piazzas until into the early hours celebrating the region's unique folk music and dance known as the "tarantella" or "pizzica", whose origins are centuries old, and believed to date from pagan times. One of the best-known festivals in Puglia.
Top Tips - Puglia 
Use Omio to compare buses versus trains, very useful.For Hotels including self-catering apartments we use Booking.com, where you can filter by review score and many properties have a pay later/late cancellation policy should your plans suddenly change.For travel insurance we use and recommend using  Staysure - specialists in over 50's travel insurance, as we have always found them fair and easy to deal with.   Check our resources page for more budget tips and discounts from our days in transit! 
Bari – Sammichele: The port town of Bari celebrates its local sausage speciality in this festival, culminating in a great feast with mozzarella and plenty of vino rosso.
Muro Leccese and Ortelle  - Maisle Celibrations:  Both these towns celebrate roast pork (maiale), a traditional dish for many generations, now used to create speciality dishes in many Puglian restaurants.Whenever and whichever festivals in Puglia take your fancy when you visit Puglia, always check dates and times with the local tourist boards when making your plans.  This is especially important due to the disruption over the last few years or so due to the Coronavirus pandemic. We endeavour to keep this list current and accurate, but it’s always best to check before dates and locations locally. Read the full article
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leparolecreanomondi · 7 months
Li quai di la pignata
Li sape sulu la cucchiara ca li ota.
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alonewolfr · 7 months
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Se mi mostro vulnerabile ai tuoi occhi sappi che ti sto consegnando nelle mani tutta la mia fiducia.
|| M. G. Pignata
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citylifeorg · 7 months
Love will Radiate from Times Square on Valentine’s Day
Photos by Liz Ligon for Times Square Alliance Two Weddings, Two Surprise Proposals, and a Vow Renewal on the Red Steps All In Front The Newly Announced Winner of the Third Annual Ice Sculpture Show with Governors Island: Artist Lovie Pignata’s ‘Smitten’ On Valentine’s Day, New Yorkers and visitors looking for romance in New York City will find it at the Crossroads of the World with Love in…
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primoanice · 10 months
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personal-reporter · 11 months
Ponte di Ognissanti: un'occasione perfetta per scoprire nuovi sapori e itinerari gastronomici
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Il ponte di Ognissanti è un'occasione perfetta per scoprire nuovi sapori e itinerari gastronomici. In questo articolo, esploreremo cinque itinerari gastronomici per il ponte di Ognissanti, che vi porteranno alla scoperta di alcune delle migliori specialità culinarie italiane. Itinerario gastronomico in Toscana: La Toscana è famosa per la sua cucina rustica e saporita, che utilizza ingredienti freschi e di alta qualità. Un itinerario gastronomico in Toscana potrebbe includere la visita a una fattoria dove si producono formaggi, come il pecorino toscano, e la degustazione di vini pregiati come il Chianti. Inoltre, si potrebbe visitare una cantina di olio d'oliva e assaggiare l'olio extravergine di oliva toscano, uno dei migliori al mondo. Itinerario gastronomico in Emilia-Romagna: L'Emilia-Romagna è la patria di alcune delle specialità culinarie più famose d'Italia, come il prosciutto di Parma, il parmigiano reggiano e la pasta fresca. Un itinerario gastronomico in Emilia-Romagna potrebbe includere la visita a una fabbrica di prosciutto di Parma, dove si potrebbe assistere alla lavorazione del prosciutto e alla sua stagionatura. Inoltre, si potrebbe visitare una fattoria dove si produce il parmigiano reggiano e assaggiare il formaggio fresco appena fatto. Infine, si potrebbe partecipare a una lezione di cucina per imparare a preparare la pasta fresca. Itinerario gastronomico in Sicilia: La Sicilia è famosa per la sua cucina mediterranea, che utilizza ingredienti freschi e aromatici come il pesce, le olive, i pomodori e le erbe aromatiche. Un itinerario gastronomico in Sicilia potrebbe includere la visita a un mercato locale, dove si potrebbe acquistare pesce fresco e verdure di stagione. Si potrebbe partecipare a una lezione di cucina per imparare a preparare alcuni piatti tipici siciliani, come la pasta alla norma o la caponata. Itinerario gastronomico in Puglia: La Puglia è famosa per la sua cucina semplice e genuina, che utilizza ingredienti locali come il pane di Altamura, le olive di Cerignola e il vino primitivo. Un itinerario gastronomico in Puglia potrebbe includere la visita a una panetteria dove si produce il pane di Altamura, uno dei migliori pani d'Italia. Inoltre, si potrebbe visitare una cantina di vino primitivo e assaggiare il vino locale. Infine, si potrebbe partecipare a una lezione di cucina per imparare a preparare alcuni piatti tipici pugliesi, come le orecchiette con le cime di rapa o il polpo alla pignata. Itinerario gastronomico in Lombardia: La Lombardia è famosa per la sua cucina ricca e sostanziosa, che utilizza ingredienti come il burro, la carne e i formaggi. Un itinerario gastronomico in Lombardia potrebbe includere la visita a una latteria dove si produce il gorgonzola, uno dei formaggi più famosi d'Italia. Si potrebbe visitare una macelleria dove si prepara la cotoletta alla milanese, uno dei piatti più famosi della cucina lombarda. Infine, si potrebbe partecipare a una lezione di cucina per imparare a preparare alcuni piatti tipici lombardi, come il risotto alla milanese o la polenta taragna. Itinerario gastronomico in Piemonte: Il Piemonte è una regione italiana famosa per la sua cucina e i suoi vini pregiati. Un itinerario gastronomico in Piemonte potrebbe includere la visita a una fattoria dove si producono formaggi, come il Castelmagno o il Bra, e la degustazione di vini pregiati come il Barolo o il Barbaresco. Inoltre, si potrebbe visitare una cantina di olio d'oliva e assaggiare l'olio extravergine di oliva piemontese, uno dei migliori al mondo. Read the full article
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lucianopagano · 1 year
«Quarantasei gradi. Pranzo: piselli alla pignata. Come guadagnare il paradiso praticando l’inferno» fr.
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catholicpriestmedia · 2 years
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"Mary was a martyr, not by the sword of the executioner, but by the bitter sorrow of heart." - #SaintBernardofClairvaux
📷 Mater Dolorosa / © Mailson Pignata / #GettyImages. #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia
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biblioquotables · 1 year
The Chief of Police, liberal-minded by nature, had long since learned a complete, detached tolerance, and the rather tiresome fanaticism and unbending austerity of Pignata wearied him; there was something unnatural in the bigotry of one so young
-- Marjorie Bowen, The Poisoners (1936)
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kritere · 1 year
Morte Dora Lagreca, no del gip di Potenza all’archiviazione: altri otto mesi per far luce sul giallo
DIRETTA TV News sulla morte di Dora Lagreca a Potenza 28 Giugno 2023 Il gip del tribunale di Potenza, Salvatore Pignata, ha accolto la richiesta alla non archiviazione delle indagini presentata dalla famiglia della ragazza precipitata nell’ottobre 2021 dall’appartamento al quarto piano dove viveva con il fidanzato. Disposte perizia balistica e medica. 2 CONDIVISIONI Foto: Facebook. Attiva…
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trekkersfrompadova · 1 year
Siamo in provincia di Pordenone, a Poffabro, frazione di Frisanco, un museo a cielo aperto nel cuore della Val Colvera.
Ci sono circa 200 abitanti, il resto sono ovviamente nel comune principale, ma non molti di più, a Frisanco ci saranno poco più di 500 abitanti.
Le case sono tutte in pietra tagliata a vivo con balconi in legno, in armonia con la natura circostante.
La Val Covera, dove sorge Poffabro, fu piuttosto frequentata sin dall’epoca romana quando era attraversata, proprio ai piedi del monte Ràut, dalla strada che dalla colonia militare di Julia Concordia apriva la via verso il nord, attraverso le Alpi.
DOVE MANGIARE: noi ci siamo fermati alla Trattoria alla Pignata, posto piccolo, molto accogliente e si mangia davvero bene! Adatto anche a vegetariani🌱
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maybe-inthefuture · 5 years
Oh dolce pignata,
pugnalata e picchiata.
Tutti gioiscono dell'ingiusto
dolore che ti hanno causato.
Rompono le tue barriere senza rimpianto
e anzi, ti guardano con vanto.
Le crepe si stanno aprendo
e loro ti stanno ancora colpendo.
Ormai è troppo tardi,
sono solo dei penosi codardi
che si approfittano di tutto il bene
che avevi dentro
e ora vogliono perfino un applauso perché hanno fatto centro.
- Paola Z.
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fleewortep · 6 years
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