#pigsy adopts everyone that looks sad around him
lmk-aus-galore · 1 year
Cinema Sins/Wins Rip off of Lego Monkie Kid
Bad Weather, Season 1 Episode 1
Finally doing this again bois!
Inspired by @satansaidmyturnintheh3llscape
-I won’t be counting Animation Mistakes, because Idk how to do that, and I myself am a beginner animator (more like incredibly amateur, to the point I’m asking my sister for help) Unless of course the Animation is obviously and clearly having a mistake for me to watch. (Or it is said in the wiki) The other reason is because I don’t want to keep repeating a scene just to check for an animation mistake.
-I also won’t be counting flashbacks as ‘mistakes’ because most of them are based on bias.
-I’ll be formatting it like this
-Most of this is Commentary, so there won’t be a last sentence nor win or sin counter.
-This is mostly for fun, no need to get offended.
Alright I’ll be placing the rules every single time, without further ado, let’s get into the episode
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-And we already start off with a summary of the pilot, kudos!
-Season 1 already establishes the feeling of bias, like look at MK, and that’s how the people see him, no wonder SWK’s flashbacks don’t treat him like the goofy ass jester he seems to be.
-MK reiterating this reminds us why they are called as kids when they are literally grown adults…
-Is Pigsy seriously understaffed? Like he says he pulls a ‘quadruple shift’ and refers to everyone slacking off, not just MK who we know, ACTUALLY works there, not only that but Mei helps him in the Season 2 special and he’s shown to have no other staff…no wonder he’s a little anxious of the shop going out of business, he literally only has one person working for him and it’s MK!
-Tang also calls Pigsy ‘Piggy’ actually Sandy does too- the only one who doesn’t is MK who calls him ‘Dadsy’
-This is why you don’t play around when someone is working with a giant crane.
-Main character death number 2
-Pigsy is either still traumatized of MK nearly dying in the pilots or this is the writer’s already establishing that MK was adopted by Pigsy.
-Also as much as I love Dad Wukong, Dadsy best dad for the win.
-Also Pigsy for the win for teaching him responsibility with using powers.
-Mei got too much free time in her hands…
-Looking at the team base, it looks like it’s either underwater or part of the ship.
-Pigsy and MK asking the real questions fr
-Sandy building a secret base is a win in my book. Appreciate Sandy and Mei more fandom! APPRECIATE.
-‘An Eon trapped under a mountain’ I hate to be too literal but an eon is 0.5 billion years
-On the other hand this is sad because he thought he was trapped for a billion years…imagine that, in total darkness without having to see your wife and son.
-Again what era is this in? Because that’s some high-tech shit to control the damn weather. And we know that China at least ATTEMPTED it…I think?
-I like that when the characters show you can hear their theme songs in the background.
-Red Son seems to be broadcasting this as he is video recording, but he also seems to be broadcasting this as if it’s a voice recording.
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-Just How strong is that rain?!
-‘When I’m finished my father will once more DOMINATE the world’ ok, so what I’m getting at is that he’ll flood the whole country so that MK can’t do shit. Which is fair since the rain seems THAT strong…
-Sandy scurrying away at the background lol XD
-‘Don’t just dive headfirst into danger!’ 3 seasons later and they all do it anyway…
-Also you all did that when MK freaking dies in the pilots and Tang was willing to even if he seems to have no battle experience…
-Man having MK as a son must be so stressful for Pigsy XD.
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-Soo how did the others get here?
-‘I thought I smelled garbage, turns out I was right!’ Red Son, bud, you can do better.
-Lol, Mei and Sandy in the background, ngl Sandy, Mei and MK’s trio is WIDELY underrated, like seriously, these three have been paired up FOUR TIMES, and are shown to hang out a lot, like, GIVE THIS TRIO SOME ATTENTION, they’re the ones with the most episodes than Traffic Light Trio. And TLT was only a trio for like, 2 Specials at LEAST, these guys had like FOUR EPISODES with just them together.
-Red Son sitting there unphased just shows that he knows for a fact MK was winning by pure luck alone.
-‘You dorks done beating each other up yet?’ Again he’s unphased, just showing how he KNOWS that MK is soo inexperienced.
-This Episode has the least sins in here, I’m finding it difficult to find a sin-
-‘I guess the GARBAGE takes itself out now!’ That’s better.
-Also, as much as I can understand that the animators were still working on the style for the show, I…still don’t like how it looks in Season 1 tbh-
-How strong is MK for him to create a giant crater when he falls?! Even if he isn’t invincible anymore, he still made a crater.
-Early showcase of MK being a people pleaser for his own good.
-You know with the context of Season 4 I’m wondering if MK allowed Wukong to search his hair but didn’t want to because Wukong is still a stranger to him or…it’s him generally being confused.
-*Aggressively smacks Wukong around as he worries what’s wrong with him.*
-‘In order to have full control of your powers you need self-confidence’ ‘I got self-confidence!’ ‘Nope, you’re just loud’ Way to call him out Wukong.
-But yeah, judging by how Wukong just keeps GETTING NEW ABILITIES with his powers being connected to Self-Confidence, it’s probably a source.
-Notice how Wukong never says that MK’s powers were his, he never says ‘In order to have full control of MY powers.’ He says ‘In order to have full control of YOUR powers’
-Tbh, Wukong being a vague and horrible mentor might come from his time with Subodhi, he’s probably learning how to be a good mentor as he goes, but he probably only has experience from Subodhi and Tripitaka as well- like, Trip might have taught him many things, but it didn’t help that he was captured 24/7.
-And you know how to limit his power, how? For all I know, MK and you are the only ones with your powers.
-I do wonder if the whole ‘invincibility’ thing was probably the reason why Wukong has an everlasting scar on his eyes.
-Ok hold on, why is MK invincible? Why now at least? Like, if he had those powers at birth, why is he invincible? Wukong wasn’t invincible at all, he had to get that invincibility, heck, it was probably from Subodhi’s illegal immortality that Wukong gained…why was HE invincible?
-And they never touch up on this again.
-Man Pigsy cannot catch a BREAK with MK.
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-They also never do this again.
-Damn Red Son can punch!
-Nvm, he does sometimes use that Gold Vision like Marinette.
-Wait why is Tang the only one gagged?!
-I love how childish MK is…
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-Now Tang is no longer gagged.
-that gotta hurt…
-How does MK not have memory loss yet?
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-No but seriously, I’m glad they switched it up a bit in Season 4 because Seasons 1-3 all the villains seem like they ALL were living in Megapolis, like how, why, is it because Wukong lives nearby?
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
We finished season 4 and I immediately clocked Azure as Elfman from fairytail and then found out his va is also All Might
Gonna put all my thoughts about it in one post under the cut
I’m so happy MK’s past is being touched on as a main plot line and also- Pigsy literally being MK’s adoptive dad made us emotional ;w; HE CALLED HIM SON- MK CALLED HIM DAD I’m fucking sobbing ;;;A;;;
Also I’m about to throw down with this fucking bird- even in the brotherhood he wouldn’t shut the fuck up and kept giving Macaque shit FOR NO REASON- how tf can you call yourself someone’s friend and just keep calling them a coward when Controlling Shadows and Sneaking Around is LITERALLY THEIR STRONG SUIT. Imma make a fucking duck roast out of him
On the topic of Macaque homeboy made a fucking bootleg of wukong’s game XD with the ‘I just picked up a ‘how to draw anime’ book’ artstyle I love him so much and he’s so genuinely nice helping MK out with his issues I’m so happy. He came to cause havoc and slander Wukong and then the moment he saw Mk glitching out and struggling with his power he got serious. *Bangs my fist on the table* THIS MAN!!! *ahem* I am completely normal about this
On the flip side we are DISTRAUGHT over what happened with the demon bull family. I think my mom is gonna kill Azure for trapping Redson- we’ll tag team ‘em XD I love how much they genuinely adore each other. They fought against each other and fell in love enemies to lovers style I swear these are the best characters and they don’t even get touched on half the time It’s A Travesty
Also it annoyed me that Azure immediately blamed Mk for trying to get Wukong back and blamed him for the tablet breaking when HE WAS THE ONE TO SLICE IT- IT LITERALLY WOULDN’T HAVE BROKEN HAD THIS BITCH NOT WHIPPED OUT HIS SWORD. He’s so quick to judge others and is blind to his own hypocrisy, if he stopped for one moment to talk things out before hand things wouldn’t have gone bad but then he gets all sad that others didn’t act according to his plan. I can somewhat understand him but homeboy needs to take a step back and look inwards for a hot sec. I do appreciate that he was trying not to involve the group in the matter since they aren’t their ancestors, and let them choose to involve themselves though. So I kinda like him but his lackeys not so much, especially that fucking bird >:(
Also idk about anyone else but during S3 when Nezha (?)was teamed up with Mk -for like a single fight- my brain went ‘big bro vibes’. Cause I can’t not put everyone into the found family like a buncha dolls in my new lmk doll house XD but I’m excited to see how he’ll fit in the group dynamic and if he’s gonna be a bigger character next season. He seems really cool!
ALSO THE DRAGON- MEI’S DRAGON ANCESTOR- OMFG HE’S SO CUTE. Dude is adorable- they gave him oversized sleeves and he’s so chill XD 10/10 character design he was so nice homie was just chilling in the dungeon unbothered. ‘Just make a new sword? 🙂’ and he was so right- he’s so incredibly based I love his vibe and he was only here for like 5 minutes
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skellebonez · 3 years
I just finished reading the messages from Discord and I couldn't resist. Macaque and Pigsy with 8 and 26 (you know what this is about)
I had to write this ASAP so I wouldn't forget or be unable to find exactly what this was about again for reference because this is about something from 3 days ago (and if I hadn’t bumped this it wouldn’t have been written for like 4-5 more days because of my queue)! What's the context here? It's a surprise if you don't know, just read the fill and you will understand why it needed written. Shout out to @animemoonprincess because you know why (and also because a chunk of the dialogue came from you).
I know of your reputation all too well./You don’t hate me.
"You cannot be serious," Macaque muttered under his breath. "You truly cannot be serious. This cannot be a thing that is happening to me at this very moment... I am an immortal being, I almost defeated the Monkey King, I almost defeated your kid, I-!”
“I know of your reputation all too well,” Pigsy brushed off with a scowl as he looked at the two items in his hands to, once again, decide which one was of higher quality and therefore more worthy of a purchase. “Believe me, I didn’t jump into this without knowing what I was getting into, bub.”
Macaque, Six Eared Macaque, was standing in a department store of some kind with his arms bogged down with baskets of all the stuff he had mistakenly allowed himself to look at and react to.
He would ask how, exactly, he had allowed himself to get to this point... But quite frankly he had absolutely no idea. One day he had come back after his, admittedly, crushing defeat at the hands of the Monkie Kid himself and before he knew it he had somehow assimilated into their little group to the point that MK had used his True Sight on him by accident and discovered his little secret.
His Six Eared title was not just a title. It was literal. And his six ears changed colors depending on how he felt and Macaque had never learned how to control that.
It hadn't taken him long to figure out exactly what each of the colors meant. And eventually MK, much more conniving than Macaque had ever given him credit for before, had made a chart. It was basic, of course, red meant he was angry (or really passionate) and blue meant he was happy and grey meant he was sad and so on and so forth. Even figured out what the number of ears sharing the same color meant.
And despite Macaque's best efforts to hide how he was actually starting to feel about the group (more positive emotions than he would ever admit before the day he died again) MK would just look at him sometimes and announce it. Macaque would have been angry if he hadn't, you know... tried to kill the kid. He supposed that the occasional "oh yeah, he looks pissed but he's actually at 2 purple (relaxed) and 2 blue (happy) and 2 pink (love) so I think loved that soup Pigsy" was well deserved.
Eventually he just dropped the glamor hiding his ears (one of many, including the one hiding his damaged eye) and then things spiraled out of control because MK had, at least, never announced when he was feeling genuinely bad unless he had to.
Now everyone could see when his ears went black and grey (upset and sad in varying degrees) at the sight of Monkey King's visage on TV or the taste of something that he had memories of that he could no longer reach. They saw when some would turn yellow (fear) hearing MK yelp in pain (and the fact that happened now, fear for the kid's safety, boggled his mind). They saw the green of jealousy more than once when he watched MK and Monkey King interact. He made sure to leave before that happened again.
That very morning before he and Wukong had attempted to talk. It hadn't... gone well. He had attempted to hide his mood, put the glamor back up, but MK had done what he had only done a handful of times before. He'd gone to Pigsy and told him his (what they had deemed) color rating. 2 red, 3 black, 1 grey. And that sounded about right to him. He wasn't really angry, just... upset. He wanted to be left alone.
Pigsy had followed him to his dojo with hot soup and an air mattress and somehow... somehow that helped. He didn't know why it did, but it helped.
And then he was awoken this morning to Pigsy shaking him awake and dragging him to this store and he was buying literally everything Mac made the mistake of looking at and liking and it was actually kind of endearing but also worrying.
Speaking of which, Pigsy was holding up a little plush doll. Not all that dissimilar to the one MK had. "Do you want this?"
"What? No," Macaque snapped, raising his eyebrows at the suggestion. Yes it was cute, but-
"Hm, I see," Pigsy said vaguely, tossing it on the pile of random stuff in Macaque's arms.
"Wh- stop wasting your money!" Macaque tried to argue, pulling the plush doll out of the pile of useless trinkets he didn't need to toss it back to the pig demon.
Pigsy growled, shoving the plushie into Macaque's arms. "I'm not wasting it if its making you happy am I?"
"H-HAPPY?" Macaque asked, and if anyone said anything he would deny the squeak that came with his word. "I-You-I am starting to hate you!"
“You don’t hate me,” Pigsy retorted casually, as easily as if he had added a dash more spice to his soup broth after a quick taste.
And Macaque had to pause and admit to himself after a moment of self reflection, and looking at his literal reflection in a nearby window (2 purple, 2 blue, 2 pink)... no. He didn’t hate Pigsy.
"Kid help, your boss is crazy," Macaque attempted to announce when he "broke into" MK's apartment through the front door, arms still bogged down with all the stuff the chef had purchased for him. He needed somewhere to store his stuff while he fixed up his old dojo. "He-"
"I see Pigsy has adopted you too."
"He's wHAT?"
Macaque had tossed all the clothes and plush toys and trinkets at MK, who made no secret that he was very offended by this, before rushing down to the closed noodle shop where he had left him.
"Pigsy you can't adopt me, I'm older than you and I don't legally exist!" He yelled, grabbing the pig demon by the shoulders and looking at him very seriously.
Pigsy just smirked back at him. "Wanna bet I can't? I have Wukong's lawyer on speed dial."
Well shit.
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