#pink gumi real tho
sporkkles-irl · 3 years
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hello can i interest you in an au that i cant figure out how to explain 
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sadboysimps · 2 years
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So these are pretty basic and nothing special. Lot of switching, except with Nanami. And once again, these are my thoughts and how I see the characters and decided to write them in this post. (Because honestly, they could always be the opposite too.)
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Genre- Fluff, Smut
CONTENT WARNINGS ! : one time ‘cross dressing’, slight angsty stuff cos Megumi is sad boi™, mentions of rough sex Can’t think of anything else, if there is something I should add please tell me!
All characters and reader are 18 or older!
Male!Reader, AMAB
Minors pretty fkn please Do Not Interact with posts or blog ok? :D
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Dream husband material ™
Romantic dinners so often. Yes, he is busy but the chances of him using his last energy after long hard day to cook you dinner and making it romantic.
Does often end up with takeout from fancy restaurants or your cooking.
Passionate kisses!!!
Showers together
Nanami will use any chance he can to do things together.
Man looks like he has never heard of humor 💀, but your anniversary gift is a soft pink apron and 50’s style costume dress (Gojo made him)
Because one wine filled night you both joked about how you are almost like a housewifehusband
That anniversary night was also wine filled, you ended up wearing it and he bend you over a kitchen counter and fucked you 😳
So yeah, he is a top, and a dom
You probably can convince him to bottom few times (after some wine, this man is so dense istg)
He enjoys it, I mean you’re hitting his prostate and pumping your hand around his cock for many orgasms to come, how could he not?
Also did enjoy all the pleasure without doing any work
Still prefers topping and having full control
His de-stressing is pounding your ass
Not too big on cock sucking but anything to draw pretty moans and grunts out of his lover
But will make you gag on his cock
Loves holding on to your hips when hitting it from behind and your sides when in missionary making love
If it’s very late or you two don’t have that much time to prep you he likes to give you hand job and/or have one finger delivering a prostate orgasm for you, while you are sucking his cock, during or after.
Loves having his hand on your cock more than he is willing to admit
It came to him as a big surprise when he fell for you, and was nervous about his sexuality
Man was scared of what if he isn’t into gay sex??? He wanted to date and be with you and of course have sex, but with another man was such a new concept for him
Quick learner tho, takes his time prepping you even if he is in hurry to stick it in
He wasn’t actually very worried about what other people would think about him dating a man, Nanami's worries only include not working overtime and your happiness
The boy was shook when he realized he liked you, more than as a friend
And he almost had a nose bleed when he saw you lift your top and swipe the sweat of your face after your work out 😌
Megumi’s eyes were glued to your sweaty abdomen and fantasies flooding his head
One night you two were hanging in his room, just chillin’
“So uh... You’re uh... Gay right?” Omg he felt so dumb, worst way to this convo
“Yeah haha. I guess it’s kind of obvious lol”
Mhhmm yea everyone knew that, why is he asking...
He proceeds to stumble his words as he asks how you realized you liked guys. You explained, chuckling every once in a while, when he went ‘aha’, ‘mhmm’, ‘ookay’...
Then you asked why is he asking you and he went red
“Do you like a guy?” You were being genuine, but in his mind, you were smirking in a teasing way
“Uhm... I-I'm not s-sure...” Boy he is  n e r v o u s.
“How does it feel to kiss a guy? Is it much different?” Cha cha real smooth ‘Gumi
“Well... *actual smirk* It’s different for everyone. So uh, haha if you wanna try... I’m up for it.” Cha cha real smooth Y/N
He nods, but is looking down on his lap, until you softly pull his face to yours by fingers on his jaw.
It was soft quick lips touching, and you pulled away a bit, not wanting to overwhelm him.
“That was a peck, not a kiss...” Megumi mumbled with eyes on his lap again and cheeks red
“Wellh...” You huffed and smiled and cupped his jaw, his lips conveniently slightly parted and properly kissed him
He responded to the kiss surprisingly fast
And you knew who his crush was at that moment
So you kissed that night few more times and kind of wordlessly decided to be together to see if it works
And it does
Asks to keep your relationship down low first and fears you think he is ashamed of being with you/guy
But you understand him cos you’ve probably been there
Switcherino, he isn’t sure what he prefers and is first awkward with penetration either way, so at the start it was lot of hand jobs, frotting and blow jobs (took him time to get used to having dick in his mouth)
Low sex drive, he just isn’t feeling it that often
You don’t really have dom/sub going on, even when the sex is on rougher side.
Shy Megumi™
Has hard time making eye contact until like half way when the pleasure is really taking over and it’s really just the two of you being one
Neck kisses, both ways
Omg he is so pretty being a bottom, would be sad to take him from behind since you couldn’t see his face
Tho he probs hides it anyway, but pepper kissed on whatever skin is available closest to his face and he is gonna come for those lips on his
When he gets more comfortable with the relationship he starts sitting and standing closer to you in public
Won’t get angry or super flustered of forehead or cheek kisses (both ways)
Mostly big spoon in any cuddle situation, unless he is very tired or has the sads (which is often tbh), will rest his head on your chest
Scared of losing you 102% of the time
You’re his anchor from anxiety and depression
Kind of dependent of you because of that
You’re the light of his life ♥
Dull moments? Never heard of them.
Adorable af
Cute dates so often, cozy coffee shops, small bakeries with your favorite sweets!
Playful clingy, to the point people think you’re just a couple of lifetime best friends
Until Yuji showers your face with kisses that is
“I loooveee youu, Y/N-chan~”
Sometimes accompanied by kisses between each word
Usually, his kisses are cute pecks on your lips or face in public
But when alone his kisses are more sort of ‘Lemme eat your face’ lmao
Will introduce you as his lovely best boyfriend anyone could ever have to everyone, to the point it gets embarrassing
Yikes Gojo picked up on that 🙄
He put a paper on your pack reading “Yuji’s lovely best boyfriend anyone could ever have L/N”
Eventually you got upset about it and Yuji confronted Gojo about it
So only your boyfriend can say that
Might not use nicknames that much in public (unless he is feeling sweeter than normal) and more often just says Y/N-chan in super cutesy way
Has creative nicknames when he uses them around others tho
Fff can't think of any, but you all know Yujis got some funny shit thought up
You know those cute simple bracelets with letter beads?
Matching ones with each other's names
Asking Nobara to take cute pics of you two
Gojo does that without asking already (rude but not complaining) 🤨🤔
So if you all have been somewhere together, except bunch of pictures of you and Yuji being sent at the end of the day
Will beg Gojo to let him take you everywhere
Except missions, he will keep you away from any dangers
But if you are a sorcerer, won’t let you go alone
Playfully bites your fingers and silence ensues
You’re just looking at him like 🤨 “Not sure if to laugh or what”
Thinks you’re offended until you crack and start laughing your ass off
Sukuna in him like 😐😑 “fuk u both”
Aaand to the part most of y’all been waiting for hahhaa
He seems kinda innocent, not in “oblivious to sex” kind of way but in general
Oh boyyyy....
He isn’t the kinkiest fucker around, but he’s got some drive in him
Often jerk off because doesn’t want to bother you
And you tell him that he is more than welcome to ask you for help
Embarrassed about his sex drive tbh
Switching a lot. Depending on how you like it
Yuji wants to try everything so
Just like with Megumi, there’s not that obvious dom/sub dynamic going on, but it’s more evident than with ‘gumi
Once again it depends on what you like
Loves pounding into you and also loves you abusing his prostate
Sucker for your fingers in his ass and mouth on his cock
Bit shy at first so he was selfless and focused on your pleasure (either way)
But eventually started taking hold of your hair and guiding your lips around his shaft
Throaty whines (???)
Loud af breathing with loud moans escaping
Morning sex
Before sleep sex
Most likely somewhere in middle of the day sex if both of you have time
Fucking a cocksleeve together
Hickeys all over the chest for both of you
Loves being praised and loves praising you
Hand holding during sexual activities
Relationship with him is just amazing and makes for the cutest Instagram stories and posts
He doesn’t give a fuck that you are a guy. If some hater comes running his mouth at you two he will just tilt his head to the side and look at the person as if they’re speaking foreigner language
Then kiss you and walk away with hand holding yours
Oh by the way, ruffle his hair, will lean on you and tell you he loves you (for the millionth time that day)
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Do not re-post, copy or translate on any site. Re-blogging (or sharing link to) this post is allowed and appreciated tho.
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Oh my this is just a huge mess, written on many different days.
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tomboyjessie13 · 5 years
Promise you won't be mad, but when making my OC Nemu, I didn't just use references to Somber VOCALOID songs, I also did a "Rei Ayanami Expy" trope on the child.
Characteristics of said trope include:
Dark and Troubled Past (This is the reason why they have mutism)
Age 10-20. (They're 12)
Short, usually bobbed hair. (Based on GUMI's hairstyle)
Unnatural hair color, often in cold tones like blue, silver, grey or white, also occasionally pink. (They're dark blue, tho in the world of KH unnatural hair colors is more of a norm than a rarity)
Appears emotionless, quiet, stoic, or otherwise odd. (Due to past life and being a Nobody)
Is not quite human, such as an Artificial Human, Transhuman, clone, alien or robot, explaining their odd behavior. (again, a Nobody)
Occasionally has a strong connection to a parental figure, boss and/or antagonist, and may even display Undying Loyalty to them. (Sees my other OC Neashi as a parental substitute, though she's more of a sister than a Mom and she's not really antagonistic)
Eventually becomes more emotional, such as by Becoming A Real Girl or turning out to have a Sugar-and-Ice Personality. (I haven't picked a gender for them but basically yes, especially after that twist in DDD).
Subverted tropes(aka tropes that are not included):
Love Interest, usually female. (I haven't picked a gender yet, plus they're too young)
Mysterious and/or otherworldly origins. (They live in Twilight Town, so it's not really other worldly)
Pale skin. (They're black)
Unnatural eye color, often red, blue, yellow, or even purple, usually in a Tsurime Eyes style. (Brown eyes are not unnatural)
A tendency towards talking in Spock Speak, Monotone, Robo Speak, or a combination thereof. (Again, Mutism)
Suffers a major injury or illness, or at least is frequently hospitalized. (They do get hurt, just not THAT frequent).
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antisocial-author · 7 years
 I was tagged by @paytatoe13 because she loves to see me suffer (jk ily bb)

1. Drink: Milk
3. Text message: "15 miles”
4. Song you listened to: Echo by Gumi
5. Time you cried: Uhhhh fuck I think Thursday?? Friday?? Idk

6. Dated someone twice: Hahaha no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No
8. Been cheated on: Also no
9. Lost someone special: GOD TOO MANY
10. Been depressed: HAHAHAHAHA OF COURSE
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I can’t drink

12-14: Yellow, aqua, and pink


15. Made new friends: YES
16. Fallen out of love: That’d have to involve being in love
17. Laughed until you cried: I’ve never done that in my life oops
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Noooope
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes
20. Found out who your friends are: What does this mean?? Am confuse??
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Everyone I know on Facebook is related to me so that’d be a lil disturbing

22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:All of them
24. Do you want to change your name: Awhile ago I did but I’ve really grown to like it now
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I had a sleepover with my friends and then contemplated how the fuck I made it to 15
26. What time did you wake up: 12:00PM oops
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: wANTING TO SLEEP
28. Name something you can’t wait for: SPLATOON 2 FULL GAME BABY
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Me haha, just...all of me. I suck lmao
31. What are you listening right now: My dogs yelling at me, it’s around the time they get treats
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ...Yeah. Haha that one hit me right in the gut
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: That I might still have to go in for work even tho it’s storming(I work a very weather dependent job) and my mom
34. Most visited Website: Tumblr and YouTube

35. Mole/s: Nahhh

36. Mark/s: I’ve got sunspots and a lil scar on my chin from a surgery

37. Childhood dream: I really wanted to be a singer haha, or a tree translator. I was a weird kid
38. Haircolor: Dirty gold?? I think??
39. Long or short hair: SHORT
40. Do you have a crush on someone: I’m not sure tbh romance is hard to figure out for me, I don’t think so tho
41. What do you like about yourself?: HAHAHAHAHAHA
42. Piercings: Just my ears
43. Bloodtype: Dunno??

44. Nickname: Trin, tho I answer to insults as well lmao
45. Relationship status: single, never dated

46. Zodiac: Gemini bitches
47. Pronouns: She/her, though I don’t mind they/them

48. Favorite TV Show: Rick and Morty or Hunter X Hunter or Soul Eater or Madoka Magica?? Hard to pick haha
49. Tattoos: I don’t have any but I do want to get a semicolon on my wrist when I can

50. Right or left hand: Right

51. Surgery: When I was ten or something, there was this weird bump nobody could figure out what it was?? So they just chopped it off

52. Hair dyed in different color: I’ve never dyed my hair, too nervous, but maybe a nice purple or light pink someday

53. Sport: Karate I guess, otherwise fuck sports
55. Vacation: Home��
56. Pair of trainers: What??

57. Eating: Waffles
58. Drinking: Water

59. I’m about to: Sleep

61. Waiting for: DEATH

62. Want: Attention, especially from a few specific people

63. Get married: One day, maybe

64. Career: I wanna be an author, I doubt I’ll make it tho

65. Hugs or kisses: Both
66. Lips or eyes: BOTH 

67. Shorter or taller: I want to stand over my enemies at 6′4

68. Older or younger: Younger. Take me back to when I was 4 and singing on the bus to Disneyland
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Idc
71. Sensitive or loud: BOTH RIP
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship

73. Troublemaker or hesitant: HESITANT TROUBLEMAKER

74. Kissed a stranger: No

75. Drank hard liquor: Ha I’m underage

76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope
77. Turned someone down: Yeah unfortunately
78. Sex in the first date: I’ve never been on a date
79. Broken someone’s heart: ...Yeah

80. Had your heart broken: HAHAHAHAHAHA ALL THE FUCKING TIME 

81. Been arrested: No
82. Cried when someone died: ...Yeah
83. Fallen for a friend: Nopeee

85. Miracles: Yeah
86. Love at first sight: Not really
87. Santa Claus: I wish
88. Kiss in the first date: Maybe?? Idk
89. Angels: Yeah

90. Current best friends name: Winnie, Morgan, and maybe Max?? If he’s okay with me calling him a best friend?? 
91. Eye color: Hazel, sometimes more green sometimes more brown
92. Favorite movie: Wonder Woman
I tag @mae-snaw @uzforest and @asspurrly if you guys wanna do it, don’t sweat it tho
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