#pink sand beautiful beaches bermuda
Discover Bermuda’s Enchanting Pink Sand Beaches
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Exclusive Transportation Services offers luxury transportation to Bermuda's pink sand beaches, from Horseshoe Bay to Warwick Long Bay, providing a seamless journey to these unique coastal wonders in comfort and style. For more information visit:- https://www.canva.com/design/DAGHusH_TBg/Nwc9cSbSzHiLawH8DxKdTQ/edit?utm_content=DAGHusH_TBg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
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Could pink be Earth’s oldest color? That’s the implication of a 2018 study that found bright-pink pigments in 1.1 billion-year-old rocks — thanks to the fossils of the billions of tiny cyanobacteria that once dominated oceans.
The natural world has long been painted with every permutation of pink — whether embedded deep in ancient rock, sported by shrimp-hungry flamingoes, or simply lining the shores of Bermuda’s pink-sand beaches.
And yet the color carries a lot of cultural baggage.
As pink made the jump from nature’s palette to human adornment, it gathered connotations of colonialism, beauty, power, and gender.
How did pink become such a cultural flashpoint? As the world takes a revitalized interest in the hot-pink planet inhabited by Barbie, here’s a short history of the compelling color.
Admiration for pink in the ancient world
Early humans quickly transitioned from admiring pink in the natural world to attempting to wear it.
For example, in the Andes Mountains about 9,000 years ago, fierce hunters in what is now Peru wore tailored leather clothing with a pink hue thanks to red ochre, an iron oxide pigment that is one of the oldest natural pigments used by humans.
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Humans weren’t content just to smear this pigment on cave walls or use it while tanning their leather garments.
As far back as ancient Egypt, humans used ochre to tint their lips and cheeks.
When applied to human skin, the red pigment created a blush-like pink that onlookers associated with love, sexuality, and beauty.
Lookalike concoctions prevailed around the world, employing everything from crushed strawberries to red amaranth.
The color of cosmetics—and colonialism
Though the word’s etymology is unknown, the word “pink” was used to describe the color in the 18th century.
By then, pink had become inextricably tied with colonialism — as demand for the pigment for cosmetics drove Europeans to harvest natural resources in other parts of the world.
For example, in a bid to make pinkish pigments from the bark and red sap of brazilwood trees, European traders forced enslaved workers to cut down so many of Brazil’s eponymous trees that the country was left deforested and the tree nearly driven extinct.
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During this Era of Exploration, consumers also got their pink cheeks and lips from other pigments like carmine, derived from cochineal insects harvested in Central and South America under similar conditions.
Meanwhile, the color also had a more literal association with colonialism:
During this time, the British Empire grew so massive that the color pink — which mapmakers used to mark its territories worldwide — dominated the world map.
Pink becomes a bona fide fashion craze
As red tints became more accessible and cheaper, 18th-century European aristocrats indulged a passion for pink.
Art historian Michel Pastoureau writes that “the most privileged classes of European society wanted pastels, halftones, and the newest innovations in color shades in order to distinguish themselves from the middle classes, who now had access to bright, strong, and reliable colors.”
Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV of France during the 1740s and 1750s, used the color as a signature.
The artists who painted her and created fine objects for her many homes used pink in all their designs, even her carriages, and she helped further popularize the hue throughout Europe.
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The emergence of synthetic dyes in the mid-19th century — which gave rise to the purple-pink color known as mauve — made pink more accessible than ever before.
By the 1930s, bright pink had become a bona fide fashion craze.
Avant-garde fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli made “shocking pink” her signature color, helping spread the vogue for women’s wear.
It worked: By 1935, even local newspapers like the News and Observer in Raleigh, North Carolina, were declaring that “PINK IS FAVORITE.”
And in 1939, a royal commentator wrote in London’s Daily Telegraph that pink was so popular, it was nearly ubiquitous for both bridesmaids and debutantes.
“So general is the pink craze,” the paper wrote, “that some women are rebelling against it.”
Pink is for…boys?
Around the same time, pink gained relevance in another realm: baby fashion.
Gender and baby fashion had intersected for years; around World War I, etiquette guides and fashion advice columns began advising that mothers dress their children in clothing with gender-specific hues.
But which colors? A 1927 retailer survey on infant clothing colors published in TIME shows a split nation, with retailers like Filene’s and Marshall Field’s recommending pink for boys, but Macy’s, Bullock’s, and others claiming pink was best for girls.
By the 1960s, however, mothers began buying pink clothing for their female babies, dressing their male children in pastel blues.
“None of this transition happened by childcare expert fiat or industry proclamation,” writes historian Jo B. Paoletti.
Instead, pink gained steam as a signifier of a baby’s female sex as part of a post-World War II push to reinforce traditional gender roles in American homes — and the realization by retailers that they could make more money that way.
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“The more baby clothing could be designed for an individual child — and sex was the easiest and most obvious way to distinguish babies — the harder it would be for parents to hand down clothing from one child to the next, and the more clothing they would have to buy as their family grew,” Paoletti writes.
Soon, retailers featured entire “pink aisles” packed with pink-colored clothing and toys for tiny consumers.
The dark side of pink
Pink was also rejected by some as a symbol of weakness or even sinister intent.
In Nazi Germany, for example, the color was used to brand gay men in concentration and death camps.
As the Cold War emerged, suspected Communist sympathizers were given the derogatory name of “pinkos” — a term that referred to a person with “red” tendencies toward radical politics.
Meanwhile, members of the women’s liberation movement attempted to distance themselves from a color that had become inextricably linked with femininity and sexuality — think: Marilyn Monroe slinking down a staircase in a shocking pink gown, surrounded by tuxedoed men.
Anti-feminists, meanwhile, embraced pink.
Author Helen B. Andelin, for example, made public appearances in all-pink ensembles in the 1960s and 1970s during lectures encouraging women to abandon feminism and embrace lives as housewives.
Reclaiming pink
Pink remains associated with femininity to this day — but in recent decades, groups once disdainfully branded with the color have made moves to reclaim it.
In the LGBTQ community, for example, people who were once forced to wear pink as outcasts have adopted the hue as a symbol of their movement for social justice.
In 1987, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) adopted a bubble-gum pink triangle in its “Silence = Death” campaign to increase awareness of HIV-AIDS and destigmatize the disease.
It was just one example of pink being used to represent gay pride.
Some feminists have also reclaimed the color, fighting gender stereotypes with a tongue-in-cheek adoption of all shades of rose, fuchsia, and bubble-gum pink.
At the 2017 Women’s March, for example, a sea of protesters wearing pink, cat-eared “pussy hats” protested the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump, whose lewd remarks about female genitalia during a leaked interview drew worldwide condemnation.
Today, pink is what you make of it — and it has grown in popularity once more.
In 2016, Pantone announced that a shade of dusty pink — dubbed Millennial Pink for the generation that had embraced it—was its Color of the Year.
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This year, Greta Gerwig’s upcoming Barbie movie helped fuel the rise of the pink-drenched “Barbiecore” aesthetic, inspiring admirers to saturate their homes and wardrobes with every shade of pink.
According to Axios, searches for the term “Barbiecore aesthetic room” rose over 1,000 percent between May 2022 and May 2023, reflecting consumers’ craving for as-pink-as-possible interiors.
There’s no telling which permutation of pink will captivate us next — but given the colorful history of the hues that fall somewhere between white and red, pink’s next heyday is probably right around the corner.
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Barbie would approve of the pink petals on this beach morning glory.
Pink flowers like this one get their rosy tinge from a group of biological pigments called anthocyanins, which attract pollinators — and human admirers — to colors ranging from the palest carnation to the most ostentatious tropical fuchsia.
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vinodgumparlapati · 1 year
Best Time to Visit Bermuda: Enjoying the Paradise on Earth
Bermuda, a small island country in the North Atlantic Ocean, is a tropical paradise. From its pink sand beaches to crystal-clear waters, Bermuda is an ideal destination for travellers seeking a relaxing getaway. However, choosing the right time to visit can significantly impact your experience. In this article, we will guide you through the best time to visit Bermuda, considering weather conditions, peak season, and events.
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Bermuda is an archipelago with over 180 islands located 900 miles east of North Carolina. The climate is subtropical, with warm temperatures year-round, making it an excellent destination for those seeking a beach vacation. However, Bermuda also offers a range of activities for those interested in exploring its natural beauty, culture, and history. But what is the best time to visit Bermuda?
Bermuda Climate:
Bermuda's climate is subtropical, with temperatures ranging from 68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 30 degrees Celsius) throughout the year. However, the humidity and rain vary significantly by season. The rainy season starts in May and lasts until October, with the highest chance of hurricanes from August to October. The dry season runs from November to April, with lower humidity and fewer rain chances.
Peak Season:
The peak season in Bermuda runs from May to September, coinciding with the warmest and sunniest months. The island is bustling with tourists during this period, making it the busiest and most expensive time to visit. Hotel rates are at their highest, and finding available accommodation or flights may be challenging. However, the island offers numerous events and festivals during this period, such as the Bermuda Day Parade, America's Cup, and Bermuda Music Festival.
Shoulder Season:
The shoulder season in Bermuda runs from April to early May and October to November. It is an ideal time to visit for those looking for a balance between good weather and lower prices. During the shoulder season, hotel rates are lower than the peak season, with fewer crowds, making it easier to find accommodations and flights. However, the weather can be less predictable than in peak season, and some tourist attractions may be closed.
Low Season:
The low season in Bermuda runs from December to March, with cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall. The water may be too cold for swimming, but it's an excellent time for outdoor activities such as hiking, golfing, or exploring the island's history and culture. During this period, hotel rates are at their lowest, with fewer tourists, making it an ideal time for budget-conscious travellers.
Events and Festivals:
Bermuda offers a range of events and festivals throughout the year, making it a great time to plan your visit. Here are some of the most popular events include:
Bermuda Day Parade (May)
America's Cup (May-June)
Bermuda Heroes Weekend (June)
Bermuda Triple Crown Billfish Championship (July)
Bermuda Sand Sculpture Competition (September)
Bermuda Music Festival (October)
Best Time for Beaches:
Bermuda's beaches are stunning, with pink sand and crystal-clear waters. The best time to visit the beaches is from May to September, during the peak season. The water temperature is warm enough for swimming, and the sun shines.
During this period, the beaches can be crowded, but you'll find plenty of spots to relax and enjoy the island's beauty. If you're looking for a quieter time, consider visiting during the shoulder season from April to early May or October to November.
Best Time for Water Sports:
Bermuda is a water sports paradise, offering snorkelling, scuba diving, and paddleboarding activities. The best time for water sports is from May to September, during the peak season. The water temperature is warm, and the visibility is excellent, making it an ideal time for diving and snorkelling. If you're interested in surfing, the best waves are from November to April during the low season.
Best Time for Hiking and Exploring:
Bermuda's natural beauty is stunning, with lush vegetation, towering cliffs, and hidden coves. The best time for hiking and exploring is during the low season, from December to March. The temperatures are more relaxed, making hiking more comfortable, and the crowds are thinner, allowing you to explore the island's hidden gems without interruption.
Best Time for Romance:
Bermuda is a romantic destination, offering stunning views, secluded beaches, and intimate restaurants. The best time for a romantic getaway is during the shoulder season, from April to early May or October to November. The weather is pleasant, and the crowds are thinner, allowing you to enjoy the island's beauty and intimacy with your loved one.
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Packing for Bermuda:
When packing for Bermuda, consider the climate and your planned activities. Lightweight and comfortable clothing, swimsuits, and sunscreen are a must. Bring comfortable shoes and light layers to hike or explore the island. Don't forget to pack insect repellent and rain gear, especially when visiting during the rainy season.
Bermuda is a stunning destination, offering a range of activities and events year-round. The best time to visit Bermuda depends on your preferences, whether you're looking for warm weather, lower prices, or fewer crowds. Consider the climate, peak season, shoulder season, and low season when planning your trip, and pack accordingly for the activities you plan to do.
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minimegatours · 8 days
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Do you want to explore the heavenly paradise that Barmuda is? Famous for pink sand beaches, crystal-clear water, and rich culture, this place is not the one to miss. If you want to experience the best of Bermuda Island tour, there is no better agency than Mini Mega Tours. This tour guide will walk you through some of the must-see attractions on this amazing island excursion.
Before delving into this tropical paradise, let’s learn about the best service in Bermuda.
Mini Mega Tours is a transport service-based company started by Bermuda’s first female minibus operator, Grace Ann Fox. It started with an inspiration to address the gap in reliable transportation and strive to be the best in the field. They have grown into four fleet vehicles providing guided tours. The best part is that the guides treat all the travelers like family, which is their main motto, ensuring safe and stress-free arrival.
Let’s now move to the top attraction sites in Bermuda
The Crystal and Fantasy Cave is one of the largest caves in Bermuda. This natural wonder is full of azure blue pools and lush green sub-tropical sites with stalactites grown down the ceiling and stalagmites from the crystal clear bottom. This series of caves has two parts, the Crystal caves and the Fantasy caves. Make the most of your time by combining tours to both caves and listening to the historical references by the tour guide.
Elbow Beach is one of the most popular beaches in this area. It stretches for 11/2 miles with gorgeous pink sand accompanied by bright blue water and sky. Part of this beach is for private use by the hotel and the other part is for public access. This place is the perfect sport for outdoor sports like volleyball and Kiteboarding. If you are seeking a relaxing beach getaway, this beach is the perfect destination for you.
Gibb’s Lighthouse is an iconic landmark in Bermuda. Built-in 1846, this 117-foot-tall cast-iron lighthouse is a major tourist attraction in the area for offering breathtaking views of the surrounding ocean and the island. To enjoy the breathtaking panoramic view, you must first climb 185 steps to the top, but the experience is truly worth it. With its profound historical significance and charming, serene scenery, this destination is a must-visit.
      Previously known as the Maritime Museum of Bermuda, the National Museum of               Bermuda is located at the Royal Naval Dockyard, offering rich insights into Bermuda’s maritime history, cultural heritage, and archaeological finds. This place will provide you with an educational and visually stunning experience with interactive displays and engaging narratives.
If you want to tour around these most beautiful destinations in this island paradise, visit https://minimegatours.com/transportation/. Mini Mega Tours offers exceptional transportation services for a stress-free vacation. Be a part of their family now!
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insiderexpect · 6 months
Discovering Bermuda's Gem: Horseshoe Bay Beach
Nestled along the picturesque southern coast of Bermuda lies a true gem of the Atlantic: Horseshoe Bay Beach. Renowned for its stunning pink sands, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and dramatic rock formations, Horseshoe Bay stands as a testament to the island's natural beauty and charm. more like him Humfocus
A Slice of Paradise
Horseshoe Bay Beach captivates visitors with its idyllic scenery and inviting atmosphere. As you step onto the soft, powdery pink sands, the cares of the world seem to melt away. The gentle lapping of waves against the shore and the rustle of palm fronds in the breeze create a soothing soundtrack for relaxation.
Pink Sands and Turquoise Waters
One of the most striking features of Horseshoe Bay is its pink sand, a result of the presence of crushed coral and foraminifera shells. This unique hue sets the beach apart from others around the world and adds to its allure. Combined with the dazzling turquoise waters, the contrast creates a mesmerizing visual spectacle that leaves visitors in awe.
Activities for Every Adventurer
Whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure, Horseshoe Bay Beach has something to offer for everyone. Sunbathers can bask in the warm Bermuda sunshine or take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters. Snorkelers can explore the vibrant marine life teeming beneath the surface, while thrill-seekers can try their hand at boogie boarding or paddleboarding.
Exploring the Surroundings
Beyond its stunning sands and waters, Horseshoe Bay offers opportunities for exploration and discovery. Take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline and admire the natural rock formations that frame the beach, including the iconic "horseshoe" that gives the bay its name. Venture further inland to discover hidden coves, lush vegetation, and breathtaking vistas overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.
Tips for Visitors
Arrive Early: Horseshoe Bay Beach is a popular destination, especially during peak tourist seasons. Arriving early in the day allows you to secure a prime spot on the beach and avoid the crowds.
Pack Essentials: Be sure to bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and plenty of water to stay hydrated under the Bermuda sun.
Respect the Environment: Help preserve the natural beauty of Horseshoe Bay by disposing of trash properly and avoiding damage to coral reefs and marine life.
Horseshoe Bay Beach embodies the essence of Bermuda's allure, offering visitors a slice of paradise to escape, unwind, and reconnect with nature. Whether you're lounging on its pink sands, snorkeling in its azure waters, or simply taking in the breathtaking scenery, a visit to Horseshoe Bay is an experience you won't soon forget.
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islandgirlhustle · 7 months
Embark on the Ultimate Island Wrap Around Tour of Bermuda: A Paradise Unveiled
Dreaming of turquoise waters, pink sand beaches, and unforgettable adventures? It's time to make those dreams a reality with this exclusive Bermuda Getaway!
Welcome, wanderlust souls! If you’re dreaming of turquoise waters, pink sand beaches, and the perfect blend of adventure and relaxation, Bermuda is calling your name. Prepare for an unforgettable journey as we explore the hidden gems of this enchanting island with our Island Wrap Around Tour. Grab your sunscreen, pack your sense of adventure, and get ready to dive into the beauty that Bermuda has…
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epicvoyageworld · 7 months
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Welcome to the stunning island of Bermuda, a true tropical paradise in the Atlantic Ocean. With its pink-sand beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant culture, Bermuda offers a unique and unforgettable experience for travelers of all kinds. But when is the best time to visit this slice of heaven? Let’s dive in and explore the optimal seasons to plan your Bermuda getaway.
If you’re looking for pleasant weather and fewer crowds, spring is an ideal time to visit Bermuda. The temperatures during this season range from the mid-60s to low 70s Fahrenheit (18-23 degrees Celsius), making it perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the island’s natural wonders.
During spring, Bermuda bursts into a riot of colors as flowers bloom across the island. The famous Bermuda Botanical Gardens are a must-visit, where you can witness the beauty of orchids, hibiscus, and other tropical flora in full bloom.
Additionally, spring is a great time for water sports enthusiasts. The ocean waters are comfortably warm, allowing for snorkeling, scuba diving, and even swimming with dolphins. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the vibrant coral reefs and encounter the diverse marine life that Bermuda is renowned for.
Summers in Bermuda are synonymous with sunshine, beach days, and a lively atmosphere. The temperatures during this season range from the high 70s to mid-80s Fahrenheit (25-30 degrees Celsius), creating the perfect conditions for soaking up the sun and enjoying the island’s stunning beaches.
The summer months in Bermuda also bring a calendar full of exciting events and festivals. From the Bermuda Day Parade to the Bermuda Jazz Festival, there’s always something happening on the island. Immerse yourself in the local culture, savor delicious seafood, and dance to the rhythm of island music.
While summers in Bermuda tend to be busier, you can still find pockets of tranquility by exploring lesser-known beaches and coves. Take a leisurely stroll along the famous Horseshoe Bay Beach or discover hidden gems like Tobacco Bay, known for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life.
Autumn in Bermuda offers a serene and relaxing atmosphere, as the summer crowds disperse and the island settles into a peaceful rhythm. The temperatures during this season range from the high 70s to mid-70s Fahrenheit (25-29 degrees Celsius), providing a comfortable climate for outdoor exploration.
One of the highlights of visiting Bermuda in the fall is witnessing the migration of humpback whales. These majestic creatures pass through the island’s waters on their journey south, offering a breathtaking spectacle for nature enthusiasts. Book a whale-watching excursion and marvel at these gentle giants as they breach and play in the ocean.
Autumn is also an excellent time to explore Bermuda’s rich history and cultural heritage. Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of St. George’s, the oldest continually inhabited English settlement in the New World. Wander through the narrow streets, admire the colonial architecture, and step back in time.
While Bermuda’s winters are milder compared to many other destinations, they still offer a delightful escape from colder climates. The temperatures during this season range from the mid-60s to low 70s Fahrenheit (18-23 degrees Celsius), making it a pleasant time to explore the island without the crowds.
Winter in Bermuda is perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking and golfing. Lace up your hiking boots and discover the island’s scenic trails, or tee off at one of Bermuda’s world-class golf courses with breathtaking ocean views.
During the winter months, Bermuda also hosts the Bermuda International Film Festival, showcasing a diverse range of films from around the world. Immerse yourself in the world of cinema and attend screenings, workshops, and discussions with filmmakers.
Regardless of the season you choose, Bermuda will captivate you with its natural beauty, warm hospitality, and endless opportunities for adventure. Whether you’re seeking relaxation on the beach, thrilling water sports, or immersing yourself in the island’s rich culture, Bermuda has it all.
Remember to plan your trip in advance and book accommodations and activities early, especially during the peak seasons. With its year-round charm, Bermuda is ready to welcome you at any time. So pack your bags, embrace the island life, and get ready for an unforgettable vacation in Bermuda!
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tripagotravel · 11 months
Bermuda : How To Plan A Perfect Trip in 2023
Planning a trip to Bermuda can be both thrilling and rewarding Bermuda, renowned for its beautiful pink sand beaches, crystal clear aquamarine waters
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topmost10 · 1 year
2023 Top 5 Billionaires in Bermuda and their Net Worth
Here are the 2023 Top 5 Billionaires in Bermuda and their Net Worth
2023 Top 5 Billionaires in Bermuda and their Net Worth — As the pristine paradise of Bermuda graces the Atlantic Ocean, its allure extends far beyond its turquoise waters and pink sand beaches. Amidst this natural beauty, the island is home to a select group of individuals who have scaled the heights of wealth and success. The 2023 top 5 Billionaires in Bermuda embody a captivating blend of…
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Beaches Around the World
Beaches Around the World https://ift.tt/W4bLUak It’s not easy to rank the world’s best beaches. Various factors can affect a traveler’s decision-making process when choosing a beach, such as the type of water sport they prefer, the safety of the environment, and the overall experience. However, we can still try!  These are some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and you will have to share them with other travelers. If you want to experience the tranquil environment of a private island resort, consider visiting one of these stunning beaches. Tulum, Riviera Maya, Mexico This beautiful beach’s location also sets it apart from other places in Mexico. It’s only a couple of miles from some of the most astounding Mayan ruins in the country. The ruins of this ancient city are located on a rocky cliff, and it overlooks a spectacular beach. The number of tourists who visit this area every day keeps it from feeling too private, but the magnificent turquoise waters and white sand make it an ideal beach. British Virgin Islands The British Virgin Islands were on the beach holiday map in 1964 when Laurance Rockefeller opened Little Dix Bay, a luxurious resort on Virgin Gorda’s serene crescent of sand.  You can explore White Bay Beach on Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands. You can also visit Sandy Spit, uninhabited and remote, or The Baths National Park, which features a series of massive boulders that set the boundaries of calm pools. Source d’Argent, Seychelles The pink-colored sand at Source d’Argent, located on La Digue, Seychelles’ third-largest island, is an ideal addition to the beach. It’s also surrounded by massive granite boulders that set the shore. Several restaurants serve Creole-inspired food nearby. Navagio Beach, Zakynthos, Greece Located on the Greek island of Zakynthos, the Navagio beach is a beautiful sandy strip surrounded by limestone cliffs. It’s also referred to as the Shipwreck Beach. This is due to the wreck of a ship believed to have been a smuggling vessel. The area is known for its white sand beaches, clear blue water, and massive limestone cliffs. Although it’s only accessible by boat, the beach can be seen above. Bermuda Although you might not think that Bermuda’s beaches are white and black sand, they are filled with pink sand. This British overseas territory’s beaches are made up of foraminifera, tiny red-shelled organisms living in the sand. While there are a few white sand beaches in the country, the best spot to visit is Jobson’s Cove, surrounded by jagged limestone outcroppings. If you’re looking for history, head to St. Catherine’s Beach, where the first settlers came upon the wreck of the Sea Venture, which inspired William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The post Beaches Around the World first appeared on Lacey Flanagan | Travel. via Lacey Flanagan | Travel https://ift.tt/6D1xsf9 May 02, 2023 at 11:30AM
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caribbeanemagazine · 2 years
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How To Plan A Trip To Pink Sand Beautiful Beaches Bermuda?
For many, Bermuda is the ideal getaway destination because of its lovely pink sand sea shores, warm water, and exuberant culture. Are you arranging a trip to see pink sand beautiful beaches Bermuda? Despite the fact that meeting this beautiful island might appear stressful there are easy steps you can take to ensure a problem free and charming excursion.
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8 Easy Steps To Make Your Trip Easier!
Explore this blog to learn essential strategies for planning a trip to Bermuda that will never be forgotten. It provides helpful advice to make your trip to the charming island even more enjoyable.
1) Choose The Correct Time To Visit
Bermuda's peak tourist season runs from May to September when the weather conditions are warm and the water is great for swimming. However, if you are looking to explore places with pink sand beaches Bermuda, and need to keep away from crowds and get more ideal arrangements on facilities, consider visiting during the shoulder times of spring or fall.
2) Book Flights And Convenience Early
Secure your flights and convenience well ahead of time to get the best costs. Search for complete bundles or limits, and consider remaining in guesthouses or get-away rentals to save money on housing costs.
3) Pack Brilliant
Bermuda has a casual environment, so pack lightweight dress, bathing suits, sunscreen, and agreeable shoes for investigating. Remember basics like travel connectors and any fundamental meds.
4) Figure out Neighborhood Transportation
Public transportation in Bermuda mostly comprises transports and ships, making it simple to investigate the island without a rental vehicle. Buy transportation passes for savvy and helpful travel.
5) Investigate Pink Sand Sea shores
Bermuda is eminent for its pink sand sea shores, including Horseshoe Inlet Ocean side and Elbow Ocean side. Plan to go through a day at these staggering areas, partaking in the perfectly clear waters and special pink-shaded sands.
6) Track down Friendly And Undeniable Regions
Soak yourself in Bermuda's rich history and culture by visiting places of interest like the Distinguished Oceanic Dockyard, St. George's, and the UNESCO-recorded town of St. George. Take a stroll through the overwhelming streets and learn about the island's captivating past.
7) Attempt Neighborhood Cooking
Bermuda offers a different culinary scene, with new fish and global impacts. Enjoy neighborhood fortes like fish chowder, Bermuda onion soup, and the popular rum swizzle. Remember to investigate the dynamic food markets for a sample of true Bermudian flavors.
8) Set A Budget
If you want a pink sand beach Bermuda wedding determine your budget for it, including accommodation, meals, activities, and transportation. Bermuda can be on the pricier side, so having an exact budget will assist you in making informed conclusions and prevent overspending.
Pink Sand Beaches Await- Your Essential Guide To Bermuda's Beauty!
Arranging an outing to pink sand beautiful beaches Bermuda is a superb experience that requires insightful planning. By setting a financial plan, booking early, and embracing the local culture, you can capitalize on your experience on this charming island. Gather your packs, and prepare to loosen up in the dazzling heaven of Bermuda with Exclusive Transportation Services. They will provide their best transportation services to make your trip easy.
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ameritonki · 2 years
Triangle half wing
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#Triangle half wing full#
An extra pat on the back for Demo's serving up two wings per sauce – guess that makes up for Clouds' now showing up when we were there.ĭeMo's won first place in the Judges Choice for its wings for the 2017 Wing Fling.Ģ. There is a picture to prove it! The teriyaki sauce was perfect and so was the Buffalo IPA wings. If I'm not eating a 'dry-rubbed' wing, the sauce needs to get all over your fingers and mouth.
#Triangle half wing full#
the only thing lacking), and the sauces were messy and full of flavor. The wings were cook almost to perfection (I like my wings extra crispy. These were the first wings we tried that afternoon, and in my opinion the best of the bunch. DeMo's Pizzeria | 222 Glenwood Ave., Suite 121 Now I'm taking in mind that these wings weren't cooked in each places respectful kitchens and taking that into consideration – but only judging on what I tasted at the event with the means necessary.ġ. Here's my take on the wings we were able to sample that afternoon. On the left is the ballot from 2016, and to the right is the 2017 ballot. and Clouds Brewing was nowhere to be found. Not to mention, we were there until 1:30 p.m. Only 8 participating restaurants brought its wings to the game in 2017. In 2016 we paid $10 to sample from 10 restaurants – this year we once again paid $10, but for two less restaurants. Little did I know this year ended up being that sequel that couldn't hold its own to the original. So I decided to go again this year and see what year two has to offer. I went last year and thought the $10 fee was a steal to sample 2 different wings from 10 different downtown restaurants. The Raleigh Beer Garden hosted for the second year in a row its Wing Fling Food/Music Festival on Saturday, April 29, in the back lot of its property. Twitter: TriangleAT | Facebook: Triangle Around Town | Instagram: trianglearoundtown Each room features a large balcony complete with a sitting area and lounge chair to enjoy the dramatic view of Hamilton Harbour.Demo's Pizzeria was serving up a teriyaki and buffalo IPA wings at the Wing Fling at Raleigh Beer Garden. Beautiful rooms are elegantly appointed with comfortable furnishings and a marble bathroom. SIGNATURE ROOMS - Newly renovated Signature Harbour View Rooms are located in the historic main building. What’s more, each room features a luxurious rainfall shower – perfect for washing away the sand and sun – and a cozy terrace for two to end the day in comfort. Each room boasts elegant wooden furniture, beautiful marble bathrooms, Keurig coffee makers, and business amenities including high speed internet access.įAIRMONT LUXURY ROOM - Found in the recently redeveloped Poinciana Wing, these contemporary rooms reflect the modern art sensibility of the hotel’s incredible art collection. ROOM DESCRIPTIONSįAIRMONT ROOMS - These comfortable, luxurious rooms are located in the historic main building and overlook the city of Hamilton. The recently renovated Poinciana Wing offers beautifully appointed, modern One-Bedroom Suites and Deluxe Rooms. Choose from harbour, garden, pool, or city views. Hamilton Princess & Beach Club offers a range of luxurious guest rooms and suites. Our Bermuda hotel is an urban oasis featuring beautifully appointed guest rooms a stunning infinity edge resort pool with uninterrupted views of Hamilton Harbour. Here at ‘The Pink Palace’, where history meets modern sensibility, experience Bermuda’s only luxury urban resort. With Panoramic views of the water, sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful yachts passing by at this Bermuda hotel. Overlooking the stunning blue waters of the Hamilton Harbour sits the Grand Dame of luxury Bermuda resorts, Hamilton Princess & Beach Club. Race check-in and all race related activities are centered at this deluxe property. A ferry ride is provided from the hotel to the marathon start. The 10K is a short taxi ride or warm-up run. Our package includes accommodations at the Race Headquarters perfectly located a walk from the start of the mile and half-marathon.
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kenobion · 2 years
What song makes you think about Andrew the most or makes you daydream about him?
What is your favorite animal besides cat?
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
Bless, thank you for sending one anon 🙏🏻
Ooh picking just one song is hard (I may have made an entire playlist inspired by him here) but something about Last Chance on the Stairway by Duran Duran captures some of how I feel about him and makes me think of him every time I listen to it. It's energetic, it's longing, it's expressive; it's just so good. As a close second I'd pick the currently last song on the playlist I linked - Beautiful by Claptone - cause yeah . . . I do think he's beautiful inside and out. 🥹
Tigers! I've loved them since I was a little kid (one of my favorite plushies was a tiger) which might coincide with the fact that orange was also my favorite color and tigers being orange, it makes sense. I try to give a little money to tiger conservation when I'm able to, because they're beautiful, important animals, and deserve to be here on this planet with us.
There are so many places that would be awesome to go to . . . I can easily think of five different ones that would be lovely off the top of my head, but for some reason I have a real desire to go to Bermuda. It sounds so romantic and there are supposed to be pink and white sand beaches there (and I think black sand beaches too), and it'd be so cool to see those. If they have horseback riding on the beach too I'd love to do that, because I love horses and how relaxing riding is, and it sounds like it'd be an unforgettable experience. Bermuda sounds like a place you could go to chill out too and that's just about what I need. ✌🏻
Anonymously message me (3) things you want to know about me.
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mrs-takami-keigo · 4 years
Summer Nights
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For my second piece of work for the BNHArem collaboration I give you Summer Nights. Honestly this was so much fun to write. The theme was Summer, and summer to me means vacation and romance! You can find all the summer goodness with BNHA by other amazing and talented Authors here! 
Pairing: Shouto x Fem!Reader
Description: You’ve always watched summer romances in movies and read them in books, but you never thought it in a million years it could happen to you. 
Word count:6.0K
“Look! It’s the beach!” Ochaco beamed as she pulled on Tsui’s arm dragging her across the white sand. Soon Mina, Hagakure and Jiro followed behind them, giggling once the cool clear waters of the sea touched their feet.
‘Even at twenty-one they can’t control themselves.’
Shouto stepped out of the van putting on his black Ray Bans sunglasses, the summer sun beat down on the exposed skin his white v-neck didn't cover. Even with his dark sunglasses on, he could tell the hawaiian sky was a picturesque light blue. Vast beaches full of travelers and locals alike. The air was fresh and crisp with the smell of local restaurants mixing it to it. Tall palm trees rustling in the breeze, Shouto was sure he had never felt so calm in his life.
“Hey we should stay as a group to check in!!” Iida started after the group when Momo stepped in, placing her small hand on his shoulder.
“Oh let them have their fun. We’ve all been so busy these past three years with hero work, we deserve this vacation.” With a defeated sigh and mumbles of how irresponsible people could be, their old class rep turned around making his way to the entrance of the hotel.
“Okay boys! Me and Iida are going to go check in. Can you help unload the van and meet us inside!” Momo waved her hand as she passed the group of hotel staff, their mouth’s were slightly hung open admiring her stunning beauty.
“Man, why do the girls get to have fun and we gotta do the work? I thought this was a vacation?” shaking his head at his lightning powered friend's whine, Shouto reached into the back of the van to pick up his hard black suitcase.
“Shut up and just grab a damn bag, dumbass!” Bakugou snatched up his own suitcases before shoving past everyone stomping his way into the hotel. Shouto and the rest of the group followed behind the hot tempered blonde. The sliding glass doors opened for the group  where they were greeted by hotel staff members who had genuine smiles gracing their features.
A woman walked up to Shouto,”Aloha, welcome to honolulu.” She reached up and placed a lei with beautiful purple and white orchids around his neck. Giving her a soft smile in return Shouto continued his journey into the massive hotel lobby.
Shouto had stopped in the middle of the semi-busy area, lifting his sunglasses to sit on top of his head pushing his hair back, so he could admire every detail of the building. The only word he could come up with was glamorous. The lobby had white and grey marble flooring, tall white pillars with intricate flower designs lined in gold wrapped around the cylinders holding up the extravagant ceiling. Gold moldings lined the high ceiling and a giant crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room. Seeing as how it was summer people were all over, be it at the check-in/out desks, the concierge or even sitting on the wine colored couches and chairs that were placed strategically in the lobby.
“Wait, watch where you’re go-” Before he could react, Shouto felt someone bump into his back, forcing him to rock forward, sunglasses clattering to the floor. Looking over his right shoulder he caught a glimpse of your soft hair on top of your head before he felt like he had the wind knocked out of him. Feeling like everything turned into slow motion, you lifted your head, Shouto’s eyes widened.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Your voice sounded like a sweet medley that calmed Shouto’s heart. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“No I’m fine, a-are you okay?” He turned his body so he could face you, now he was able to take in all of your beauty. What you wore was so simple but you made it look stunning. A white tank top with the word bridesmaid in black lettering, a pair of blue denim bermuda shorts and black platform sandals, that's all you had on but still managed to take his breath away. You went to pick up the sunglasses that fell when you bumped into him, that’s when he noticed one multi-colored and one pink and purple crystal bracelet on your wrist.
You reached out your hand offering his glasses back. “Yeah I’m fine!” Shouto slowly took his glasses back from you. “But um next time maybe don’t stop in the middle of the entrance, it’s a little dangerous.” Shouto swore he felt his heart stop when you smiled at him.
“Hey! Come on, everyone is waiting for you!” Both you and Shouto looked over at your group of friends, all of them wearing the same top as you except one, calling over to you.
“Looks like I gotta run, don't wanna upset the bride. Oh and sorry again.” You sent him one last smile before running towards your friends. Shouto watched as your friends kept making glances at him before you turned to look back at him. A smile graced your lips as you sent him a small wave of your hand. One of your friend’s, the bride he assumed because of her shirt, leaned over and whispered something in your ear. Her action caused you to have a shocked expression before turning away from him quickly. Shouto let out a small chuckle, wondering what your friends could have possibly said to have made you so flustered.
“Hey, did you forget something Todoroki?” Deku’s voice brought him back to reality. “Why are you just standing here?”
“It was nothing Midoriya, just looking at the interior.” Looking at his close friend he let a small smile pass his lips. “Let’s go join the others shall we?”
Making his way back to his group, Shouto passed one more look over his shoulder only to see you were already gone.
‘Who is she?’
It wasn’t till that next night at the luau did Shouto see you again. You and your group walked past his table, his observant eyes catching every smile you passed to your friends as you found your seats. The way your royal blue floral sundress that came down right below your knees blew in the night breeze. You had your hair tied up in a ponytail, a beautiful Hawaiian hibiscus was placed on the base of the ponytail. Shouto tried to make it not apparent that he was watching you but couldn’t help himself, the more he looked at you the more he noticed. 
The tables for the luau were long wooden picnic tables enough for your group and his to fit together. Finally picking a spot on the bench, he had a perfect view of you, on the other side of the table slightly to the left closer to the stage.
“Those girls down there are beauties aren’t they?” Denki slung his arm over Shouto’s shoulders, taking a sip of his soda, Denki saw that Shouto had never stopped looking at you. Clearing his throat Denki decided to speak louder. 
“Isn't that the girl you were talking about last night? The one that bumped into you and you said smelled like a beautiful garden of roses, daffodil’s, peony and a hint of dahlia?” Shouto tore his eyes away from you to glare at his so called friend, ready to freeze or burn that big mouth of his off, just wasn’t sure which.
You heard the blonde as he spoke to the man you ran into the day before. Watching as the embarrassed male slammed a hand over his blonde friend's mouth and saying something through his teeth, making the others eyes widen. You couldn't help but chuckle at the dynamic of the two, the blonde looked like he was a puppy that had just gotten scolded.
The sound of your chuckle caught Shouto’s attention, he looked at you with a horrified expression. He realized that you heard what Denki said, meaning you know what he said about you. A light blush formed on his cheeks before he turned his gaze down to his drink, playing with the little umbrella it had in it.
“I think he likes you.” Your friend nudged you in the ribs with her elbow a smirk formed on her lips.
“I don’t know. I only bumped into him and said less than ten words to him.” You kept your gaze on him. He kept fidgeting with that paper umbrella trying to look at anything but you. “Maybe he’s just embarrassed cause I told him it wasn't smart to just stop like that.” Those pesky butterflies were still in your stomach from when you first made eye contact with him. His face looked like it was sculpted by angel’s themselves. Then his eyes, god those eyes, you felt like if you had looked at them any longer you’d turn into a blubbering mess.
“Well I found out from some of the staff here that he and his whole group are actually pro-Heroes from japan. It’s kind of like a summer vacation/reunion for them.”
“Even on vacation your journalistic self can’t help but find out the latest scoop huh?” You stuffed a freshly baked roll in her mouth, earning a light slap on your shoulder.
You heard the start of drums starting to pound in a rhythmic beat signaling that the show was starting. You paid attention to the performance of the hula dancers as they told stories with their fluid movements, it was beautiful. The night carried on with more performances, food and fun moments between the performers and the audience. The show soon came to a close, leaving you wanting more. But ever so often you felt the gaze of a certain hero, your heart racing every time you felt it.
“Wasn’t that awesome?” Your friend had her arm intertwined with yours as you walked the torch lit pathway back to the small villas. You could only hum in agreement, not really paying attention to what she had been talking about. For some reason your mind was still jumping back to the red and white haired man. There was about him, something that made you want to know more about him.
Not watching where you were going you bumped shoulders with a woman who was passing you causing the room key that was tucked into your pocket to fall out. With a quick apology to the women you resumed your walk down the path never realizing the key fell out of your pocket.
“Excuse me!” You heard a man shout from behind you, making you and your friend stop. “I think you dropped this.” Turning around you saw the man that haunted your thoughts jog up to you holding the room key that had fallen. Stuffing your hand in your pockets where that key should be you had finally realized it had fallen. He was soon in front of you the key was being held in between his thumb and pointer finger, holding it out for you.
“I’ll meet you back at the villa.” Your friend sent you a sly smile wiggling her eyebrows as she pushed you a little forward towards the awaiting man.
“Oh um thank you. I can be such a clutz sometimes.” Reaching out a hand, your fingertips brushed against his, gently taking the plastic object back. It may sound cliche but you were sure there was a small rush of electricity that ran through you with just that slight contact.
“It was no problem.” He rubbed the back of his neck once the key was back in your hand. Now it was your turn to look at him like he did you. He was a decently taller than you by a few inches, his red and white hair framed showing off the impeccable structure of his face. The scar on his left side didn’t hinder his beauty in any way. His sharp eyes were just as mesmerizing as they were the other day. The white and turquoise striped short sleeved button down outlined his broad shoulders, the first few buttons open showing off the silver necklaces he wore. Black khaki shorts that seemed to go perfectly on his long legs, and black leather boat shoes. All in all he looked like the perfect man to you.
“What’s your name?” You're not sure what came over you ask that. You could have just walked away after saying thank you but for some reason you couldn’t.
“Shouto Todoroki. And yours?” You told him, only to have him repeat it back. The sound of your name rolling off his lips set your heart racing. “It’s a beautiful name.” Silence fell between you two. “This may sound a little forward but would you like to take a walk on the beach with me?” You can tell he was hesitant to ask you, but that only made you smile.
“I would like that Shouto.” He smiled back at you as he moved to the side so you could start walking back towards the beach. The walk for the most part was in silence, just the gentle sound of the summer’s night breeze dancing through the palm trees.
“So, I hear you’re a pro-hero in japan.” You decided to break the ice, hoping to get to know him better. “What’s that like?” By the time you decide to speak you two had made it to the end of the concrete pathway where the sand from the  beach started. Stopping you bent down to take off your wedges, not wanting to walk in the sand with them. Looking next to you, you noticed Shouto doing the same. Once he got his own shoes off you both picked up the shoes and made your way down the beach.
“How did you find that out?”
“I have my sources.” You shrugged flashing a playful grin at the man accompanying you.
Shouto chuckled at your response. You could feel those butterflies fluttering again. “It’s hard work, but worth it. To be able to protect people is the main reason why I wanted to become a hero.” His voice was a little gruff at times but calming at the same time. “What do you do, are you a Pro as well?”
You had reached the shore, the sounds of crashing waves roared across the empty beach. The full moon high in the sky reflecting beautifully off the dark sea as if it were the moon's personal mirror. “No, unfortunately.” A wave crashed, making its way up the sand, the water tickling the tips of your toes. “I was born without a quirk.”
You turned your head to Shouto, his face showing expressions of being apologetic and of sheer panic, you were used to it by now. “But it doesn’t bother me. I may not have a quirk but I still have powers.” You wiggled your fingers like a witch would do in the cartoons you would watch on TV when you were younger.
Shouto tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“I have the power to let couples have their dream weddings.” You let out a laugh as the confusion became more apparent. “I’m a wedding planner. I may not be a well known one but one day I will be. That way I can do my part for people, it may not be as impactful as what you do but it’s still something.”
“I think that’s an amazing power you have. To be able to help people with their dreams isn’t a small feat. It's something very admirable actually.” The smile that graced his face was nothing short of breath taking. It was almost contagious how his smile made your own wider.
There was a silence that fell between you two again, but you were comfortable around him. Just what was it about him that made you feel like this around a stranger? Was it because he was a hero or was there something else to him? Something deeper? You wanted to find out.
“Can I ask you a question? And I’m sorry if it’s out of line but how did you get that scar?” You had turned to face him, stepping closer you got a better look at the imperfection on his skin.
“Oh this,” he raised his palm to it gently grazing the scar with his finger tips. “My mother poured boiling water on my left side because it reminded her of my father.”
An audible gasp left your lips as you stepped closer to him. Not sure what came over you but you raised your hand to cover his. “I’m so sorry, Shouto. I shouldn’t have asked.”
His body froze. You were so close to him, your scent encased him, pulling him further into your mysterious spell. What have you done to him, he felt like his heart was about to explode whenever you simply looked at him. But to have you this close and touching his hand he was sure he had seen the heavens open, and you were the angel greeting him.
He leaned slightly into your hand. “It’s fine, it happened so long ago. It’s a part of how I became the man I am today.” Taking your hand in his, he walked you both over to a set of lounge chairs. 
He then explained his childhood to you. What his power is, who his father was, how Deku helped him make his fire his own, everything. As he told his story you felt water gather in your eyes. He had been through so much, and yet he was this kind, confident and all around beautiful man.
Shouto honestly couldn't explain why he opened up to you the way he did. It took his classmates, his closest friends, much longer to get this deep with him. You made him feel like he could open himself up, that he didn’t need to be ashamed of his past.
You two went well into the night, sharing stories of your past and dreams about your futures. It wasn’t until you saw the sky start to turn lighter did you realize that it was almost six in the morning. You’ve spent more than seven hours with a man you had just met. Shouto offered to walk you to your villa that you shared with your friends, in which you gladly accepted.
Shouto walked down the same path from before, glancing to his right to look at you. The blush of dawn illuminated your skin, shining brightly through your tresses. That serene smile on your lips made his heart do backflips. He was so caught up in watching you he didn’t realize that you were both standing in front of the villa.
“This is me.” You moved to stand on the stoop in front of the door, making you eye level with Shouto. “I really enjoyed tonight Shouto.”
“So did I.” His voice was soft like he didn't want to speak too loud in case it broke the spell you had on him.
“Well, I guess I’ll just see you around the hotel.” You gave him a short wave as you turned to open the door.
“Wait.” You were stopped by Shouto’s hand as he got a hold of yours. Looking down at your connected hands you felt like your body was on fire. “May I see you again?”
Raising your eyes from your hands, you met his gaze. He had a slight blush forming on his cheeks, his eyes searching yours for an answer. You couldn’t help it, no matter what he did you always felt a sense of happiness around him.
“I would really like that.” You watched as relief washed over him, his shoulders visibly relaxing, his brilliant smile came back.
“Tonight at nine, can you meet me at the beach again. If you’re not busy that is.”
“I think I can fit you in my schedule.” with hands still connected, Shouto raised your hand to his lips. Placing a gentle kiss in the back of it.
“Then I’ll see you tonight.” He released your hand, taking a few steps backwards, his eyes never leaving yours.
Turning around you unlocked the door, opening it. Stepping through the door you closed it and pressed your back against the wood. Taking the hand he held on to, you placed it above your racing heart.
“Shouto Todoroki , what have you done to me?” Still feeling like you were on cloud nine you made your way to your room, hoping to get some sleep before your friends decided to go sightseeing.
Over the next five days of your vacation, you met up with Shouto every night at nine on the beach. Tonight was no different. This was what you looked forward to each and every day, to see Shouto, to hear the stories of his days in highschool with his friends, to spend all hours of the night with him just talking.
Walking to the beach you noticed Shouto was already there. His dark jeans rolled up his calves as he stood in the water, face turned up to the sky. You could feel the air in your lungs be sucked out. The way the moonlight was reflecting off his porcelain skin, made him look like an unearthly being, highlighting the sharp features of his face. Silky strands of his two-toned hair flies in the wind, a smile plays on his lips. He was perfect.
Rolling up your jeans, you walked into the water to stand next to him. “It’s a beautiful night isn't it?” The cold water rolled over your feet coming up over your ankles. It was one of the chilliest nights you’ve had all summer. Thinking maybe you should have brought a light jacket with you, you rubbed your exposed arms trying to generate heat.
“It is, now that you’re here.” You could feel the heat in your cheeks start to rise. One thing you learned about Shouto over these nights was that he wasn’t one to beat around the bush. “Are you cold?” Shouto started to come closer to you, wrapping his left arm around your shoulders, his body touching yours. It was then you realized he was using his fire side to keep you warm.
“Thank you, Shouto.” His quirk had amazed you when he told you what it was. On the third night he had done a small demonstration, showing you how it works. You could still remember the excitement in his eyes when he made you a small ice figurine of the flower you had in your hair that first night.
Suddenly you thought back to what your friend asked ‘So what are you gonna do once we have to go back to reality?’. You only had two more nights to spend with Shouto, two more nights to live in this fantasy. What were you going to do, you didn’t live in japan and he did. You were just a wedding planner and he was a hero, you lived in two entirely different worlds.
“Hey Shouto, I wanted to give you something.” You broke apart from him, already missing the warmth he gave you, you faced him. “Remember when you asked me about my bracelets?” he nodded his head, watching as you reached in your back pocket. You pulled out a crystal bracelet much like your own, only this one had black and a light brown small round stones on it.
“I got you one, this is a protection bracelet.” You took hold of his wrist, sliding the elastic object over his large slightly calloused hand. “It’s made from black obsidian which is known as a grounding and protective stone and tiger eye; it's going to help bring you balance and help you release fear and anxiety, aiding you in making unclouded judgments and understanding. I thought that you could use this seeing as how you have a tough and dangerous job.” You played with the little polished stones now on his wrists. You wanted to give him something to remember these summer nights with you, because you knew this is all it would ever be, summer nights and a summer romance.
“I feel bad, I didn’t get you anything.” He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, letting his hand slide down to the ends playing with it between his fingers.
“You don’t have to, the memories of these past few nights are all I need.” his eyes stared into your own, like they were trying to say something to you but you couldn't figure it out.
You gasped as Shouto pulled you into a tight hug. His hand stroking the back of your head, long fingers running through your hair. “Sometimes memories aren't enough. Tomorrow night I promise, I’ll give you something you can always remember me by.”
That night you spent it like all the other nights, only difference was Shouto had held you for the better part of the whole night. Soon it was time to say goodnight, like every night. Once you closed your door Shouto headed back to the villa he shared with his friends, he looked at his wrist staring at the bracelet. He had to get you something just as meaningful in the morning. Letting out a sigh he looked back up at the star lit sky, tomorrow night he was going to ask you if you wanted to continue this romance once the vacation ended.
You had butterflies in your stomach all day long. Something about what Shouto said last night had you on your toes. Deciding you were going to dress up tonight you put on a black and daisy printed spaghetti strapped dress that came up to right above your knees. You made sure to spray your signature perfume, knowing that Shouto liked the smell of it just as much as you did. After talking with your friends about it, maybe it wasn't so bad to carry on with this romance after leaving Hawaii. So many people you know and even couples you planned weddings for had done the whole long distance thing. ‘This could work!’ You smiled as you picked up pace making your way to the beach.
Once you reached the beach you noticed Shouto wasn't there yet. It wasn’t like him to not be here before you. Shrugging it off you made your way to the lounge chairs you and Shouto declared as your spot. Pulling out your phone you decided to play a game or check your social media sites while you waited for him.
Five minutes turned into thirty, thirty turned into an hour and before you knew it you wanted on that beach for almost an hour and a half. You felt silly for never getting Shouto’s number, what if something happened to him and his friends. You were about to get up and make your way to the front desk to ask them to call his villa for you when you saw a hotel staff member run towards you.
“Excuse me are you,” He said your name, before handing you a beautifully wrapped box and a letter. “Mr.Todoroki asked me to give that to you.” without another word the man turned around and left.
Sitting back down you placed the box on your lap as you opened the letter.
‘To my Flower,
 I’m so sorry to have left without a word but something came up back in japan and they needed all of us to come back immediately. These past few days seemed like a fantasy for me, YOU were like a fantasy for me. I was afraid that one day I would open my eyes and you would be gone, that you were only someone I imagined. You are a woman who must be too wonderful, too beautiful, too great to be true, it's odd to think that a man like me could catch your eye and possibly your heart.  
I was going to use tonight to ask you if this could turn into something more than just a past memory, if this can become our reality. If you want to become MY reality. Inside the box is something you could cherish forever and my contact information. Hope to hear from you soon, my flower.
Folding the letter back up and placing it against your stomach, you switched your attention to the small box. The wrapping paper was a beautiful lilac and gold metallic marble pattern, with a mesh white ribbon wrapped around it, a perfect bow on top. You almost didn't want to open it, it was so beautiful.
Pulling the ribbon you gently untied it from around the box before pulling at the paper. The gift had a little weight to it, your mind wandered trying to come up with what could possibly be in there. Once you got rid of the paper, you were left with a small dark blue velvet box. Slowly you opened the lid. You nearly dropped it as a gasp passed your lips, hands shaking, water gathering in the corner of your eyes.
Inside was a Hawaiian Hibiscus hair pin made out of red sapphires, he remembered your favorite flower. You had mentioned it to him the first night and it was never brought up again. You ran your fingertips over the stunning stones, taking it out of its case you clipped it to the side of your hair. With it securely in place you looked back at the box hopping to find a small card with his phone number.
Confusion struck as you noticed there wasn't a card in the box, tilting your head you turned the object over shaking it hoping something was going to magically fall out. But nothing, going back to the letter you re-read the last line over again just to make sure you did read it right. Grabbing the envelope you ripped it open but once again, nothing.
Shouto forgot to leave his number for you, you had no way of contacting him. Was this fate's way of telling you this wouldn't have worked?  Did fate save you from an impending heartbreak? You looked up to the stars as tears started to flow from your eyes. You and Shouto were never meant to walk down this path together, at least not in reality. Now you only had these summer nights to remember the man that set your heart on fire. With tears streaming down your face you held the letter to your heart.
“I’ll cherish these memories forever, Shouto.”
It’s been five years to the day and you haunted Shouto’s memories. Those nights were still fresh in his head, if he closed his eyes he could still feel that soft breeze on the beach, your scent wafting around him. The way your smile was somehow brighter than the sun, your laugh was like a lullaby in his head, he could remember it all. When he landed back home he had expected you to have sent him a text message but nothing, even days, weeks, months later there was nothing. He was devastated, he truly wanted to believe that you had felt for him the way he felt for you but he was mistaken.
“You're still thinking about that girl icy hot?” The sound of Bakugou’s rough voice brought him out of his reverie. He had been put on patrol with his old classmate, there was a big convention going on in town so they were put on duty to make sure nothing happens in the surrounding area.
“No I’m not.” Shouto continued to walk alongside his friend, as his hand played with the bracelet on his wrist.
“Tch don’t lie, every time the summer comes your head gets further in the clouds. It’s been five years man, let it go.”
He’s tried so many times but couldn’t, you were all he could think of. He tried looking for you but didn’t know where, he racked his brain thinking back to the conversations but you never said where you lived now. He was hoping that one day your paths would cross like they did in Hawaii on that beautiful summer day, and just hope he wasn't too late.
“Come in Ground Zero and Shouto!” The heroes could hear the dispatcher call for them in the hidden earpiece they had.
“Shouto and Ground Zero here, what’s going on?”
“Looks like some criminals decided to show up at the convention center. Other heroes are on their way but you two are the closest!” Looking at Bakugou, Shouto watched as he blasted himself in the air going towards the center.
“Time to get your head out of the past icy hot and focus on the present!!” Shouto was never one to take advice from the hot tempered hero, but maybe this time he would.
They arrived at the scene to see people running and screaming out of the convention center. police officers and EMT’s trying to get people to safety and taking those who were injured “Bakugou, you get the attention of the criminals, keep them busy until backup arrives, I’ll go in and try to evacuate as many people as I can.”
“Don’t tell me what to do!” He took off into the building, one thing over the years hasn't changed and that was Bakugou’s anger.
Running to the back of the building Shouto found an entrance that seemed to have not been noticed by the criminals, Shouto figured he'd start the evacuation from the back working his way to the front making sure everyone was safe. Running into rooms, and halls he got out as many as he could making sure the coast was clear for the civilians to run to the exit.
He had gotten everyone out and was about to go aid Bakugou when he heard a woman screaming as she was being held back by the police. “My friend is in there! She’s still in there!” There was sheer panic and desperation in her voice .
“Do you know where she is?” Shouto was slightly out of breath having ran through the entire building.
“She was in the dressing room of the main hall!” Shouto nodded his head at her before running off back into the building. ‘How could I have missed her!’ Gritting his teeth Shouto pushed himself faster, he had to get to her and then go help Bakugou.
“Oi Todoroki where are you?” He could hear Bakugou over the earpiece.
“There is one more civilian in the dressing room, once I get her to safety I’ll head over to help you.”
“Help me?” Shouto heard a loud explosion followed by Bakugou laughing. “Who said I needed your help, just figured you'd want in on the action!”
Shouto was about to respond back when he heard the sound of someone screaming. Using his ice as a booster he slid down the escalators leading him to the main hall where the woman’s friend said she was. Slowing down and stopping right outside the door, Shouto heard the criminal speaking to the woman.
“Just come out and nobody gets hurt!” Shouto used that as his moment to freeze the criminal, surrounding him in ice. “What the-” The criminal tried to break free but couldn’t.
“It’s useless, you can't break my ice.” His voice was low and deadly sending shivers down the criminal’s spine. Shouto walked into the room, tables were flipped glass was broken but the woman’s friend was nowhere to be seen. “Miss, you can come out, it's safe now.” He walked closer to the stand up closet, figuring that’s the first place a person would hide. Shouto put his hand on the small door knob ready to open it when he got a whiff of it.
‘Roses, daffodil’s, peony and a hint of dahlia? It couldn’t be, there's no way’.
Nearly ripping the door off it hinges, Shouto’s eyes widened as he saw you. A mix of black mascara and tears streaming down your face. Your body shaking from fear hands clenched into fists on your side. You opened your eyes, meeting Shouto’s shocked ones. That’s when he saw it, that hair pin he gave you all those years ago, placed on the side of your head.
“Shouto?” Was the last thing you heard yourself say before everything went black.
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epicvoyageworld · 7 months
Welcome to Bermuda, where turquoise waters, pink sand beaches, and swaying palm trees await. Nestled in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, Bermuda is renowned for its stunning coastline and pristine beaches that beckon travelers from around the world. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the island’s most captivating beaches and discover the beauty that awaits at every turn.
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