#pint of blood lmaoooo
I went to donate blood today because I can now, since T raised my RBC to normal levels, and whoof I could not get off that chair after the donation was over. Literally, every time I got up, thinking I was doing better, I would get all cold and woozy and lose my footing, and they'd lay me back down to rest for longer times.
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klimtandbencbatch · 6 years
A Rhodey POV where he sees his favorite white boy fall in love with a wizard???
i did 3rd person sort of Rhodey POV because uhhhh i don’t write anything that isn’t 3rd person lmaoooo
James liked to think that he knew Tony Stark pretty damn well at this point.
After all the shit that they’d been through together, he’d learned just about everything there was to learn. Tony was loud, brash, and obnoxious. He was caring, and kind, and breathtakingly smart. He was strong, and he was troubled, and he carried the weight of the world on shoulders clad in iron and steel. He liked late-night crime television and hated watching the news. He liked going for walks or flights late at night. He liked freshly-made sushi and Eye of Aga-Mocha ice cream.
Which should’ve been James’ first clue.
“Rhodey,” Tony called from the living room as James rose from the sofa during a commercial break, “can you bring me the Ben & Jerry’s in the fridge?”
“Sure, Tones,” James called back, opening the freezer.
And there was the face of one Stephen Strange, staring back at him.
Not that it was odd. Tony was a fan of Ben & Jerry’s, James knew that. But it was usually his own flavor that he stocked his freezer with. And yet, here stood a lone pint of Eye of Aga-Mocha.
“The Doctor Strange one?” James asked, picking it up out of the freezer.
A brief hesitation. Embarrassment, maybe? “Uh, yeah.”
The second clue was during a training exercise.
James and Tony were sparring, keeping themselves fit and exercising parts of the exoskeleton to ensure that it was working properly. Tony was wearing parts of the suit to match, kicking and catching punches as they worked together. It was going pretty damn well. They had a pretty good rhythm going.
Then Stephen Strange walked into the room.
He was dressed in the traditional training clothes of Kamar-Taj - tight, red, and revealing in all the right places. His arms were bare and flexing as he wrapped his hands, preparing for his own sparring session with one of the Stark tech fight dummies.
Speaking of dummies.
James didn’t notice that Tony wasn’t looking at him anymore. Which is what led to his fist colliding with Tony’s jaw.
The distracted mechanic went down in a heap, drawing Stephen’s gaze from across the room. The doctor looked concerned, striding over quickly to help Tony sit up. Then his eyes went to James.
“Why weren’t you watching?” He asked, his eyes intense.
“Woah, okay, I was doing fine until doe eyes over here - “
“Rhodey, it’s fine,” Tony said quickly, laughing around the quickly forming bruise on his face. “Just a little - slip up, that’s all. We’re fine, doc. Thanks.”
Stephen hesitated before nodding, checking Tony’s eyes briefly with his own before rising, giving both Tony and James an excellent view of his ass in his tight robes.
Tony didn’t stop looking, which meant that he missed James’ stern look.
Stephen Strange, huh?
It was a bit unlike Tony to not go full-out when he was interested in someone. Around Stephen, he seemed almost… shy. It was kinda cute. And also really annoying.
“Hey. Earth to Stark.”
“Yeah huh?”
“Pay attention next time,” James demanded, helping Tony to his feet. “Now, c’mon. It’s my turn for blocks.”
“Yo, Tones. Tony!”
Tony’s eyes finally made their way back to James, a dopey sort of grin planted firmly on the other man’s lips. He was still clutching his slowly-melting mozzarella stick, and the grease that James had been trying to keep off of Tony’s pants was sinking into the fabric.
Still he smiled like an idiot.
“Yeah, sugar bear?”
James rolled his eyes, taking the half-eaten monstrosity out of Tony’s hand and tossing it into the basket between them. “You asked me for a guy’s night out, and all you’ve been doing is staring out the window. I’m the guy, this is our night that you asked for. What’s up?”
Tony shook his head, reaching for his drink and having a sip. “Nothing. You’re right, it’s guy’s night, and I’m being - “
“Oh my God.”
Tony looked up at James, innocent confusion coloring his features. “What?”
James was looking less than amused. Much, much less than. About as far from amused as you could get. “We usually meet up at P.J. Clarke’s. The one on third. You like it because - “
“The grill’s hotter there, better burgers,” Tony interjected.
“Yeah,” James said flatly. “But all of a sudden, you wanna mix it up. I don’t say no, I tag along. I wanna see my friend, wanna spend some time with you. Catch up. But you invited me to a goddamn TGI-Friday’s, and it’s right around the corner from Doctor Weird’s magical tiki hut.”
“Sanctum Sanctorum,” Tony murmured into the edge of his glass.
“Don’t start,” James said, crossing his arms and sitting back. “Don’t even start. Tony, man, why don’t you just - ask him out?”
Tony grumbled something unintelligible, looking down into his ice water with something like contempt.
James sighed, patting his back consolingly. “Okay. We don’t have to talk about it anymore. Alright? Not right now. It’s guy’s night. But if you ever do this to me again, no more guy’s nights. Ever. Got me?”
Tony nodded, looking penitent. “Yes, Platypus. I promise.”
“Good. Now, you’ve got a massive spot of grease on your pants, and it’s driving me insane. Clean it up.”
Tony Stark was falling head over heels for one Master of the Mystic Arts, and James had a front-row seat. It was sort of adorable, at times. Tony would find out Stephen was coming to the compound, and he’d clean. He’d order the whole place to be cleaned top to bottom, and then he’d spend nearly an hour in his bathroom making sure he looked alright. He designed new bots for Stephen to fight, and looked for any excuse to talk to the sorcerer.
And it was working out in his favor.
Stephen was opening up. He would come around when Tony invited him, even just for chit-chat over coffee and tea. He thanked him for every improvement made to his sparring bots, and taught him a few meditation techniques in return. They talked shop and watched movies, shared ice cream and ordered takeout. Tony went to the sanctum a few times a week when Stephen was busy, and James assumed they kept up their innocent little flirting game that played out in front of his eyes.
Stephen was good for Tony. He made him happy, and helped him sleep, and made sure he put something in his body besides coffee and protein bars. He took care of him, and respected him, and saw him as someone to be valued. It warmed James’ heart.
And it was, for lack of a better word, adorable.
It was less adorable when James had a front row seat to the flirting and pining really paying off.
There had been a fight. A big one. A sort of rogue wizard’s gang had started up in Central Park, and it had ended up taking more muscle than everyone had thought to put them back down. Stephen had been the hammer, in a way - a massive forcefield spell followed by levitation, collecting them all at once for easier disposal.
But it had taken a lot out of him. He was currently slumped over on his knees, coughing hard as the magic convulsed through his body and made its way out.
Tony was roughed up, too. He’d taken quite a few blasts of energy directly to the chest, and his armor was broken and twitching as it tried to patch the holes back up. But he didn’t seem to care about that. He only had eyes for the doctor.
“Tony, you need to sit down,” James warned, coming over to try to stop his friend. “Your chest, Tones - “
“I’m fine,” Tony wheezed, pulling out of War Machine’s grip. “I’m fine. I gotta - I just - Steph - “
Stephen looked up as Tony came over, wiping a bit of blood away from his lips. Tony fell to his knees, his hands coming to cup Stephen’s cheeks. James couldn’t hear anything they were saying, but all of a sudden they were kissing, pressed desperately up against one another as the supers around them began to pick up the pieces.
James just watched for a bit before realizing what he was doing. He looked away, ignoring the desperate breathy sounds that Tony and Stephen were making as they pawed at one another. Finally, they pulled apart, their foreheads resting together as they breathed, in and out.
“You two done?” James called, turning to look at them again. “Jesus, Tony, you’ve done this to me twice, now, man.”
Tony chuckled weakly, resting against Stephen, their arms twined around one another. “Sorry, honey. Can’t help myself sometimes.”
“Well, I was getting sick of watching you two fawn over each other anyway,” James said, waving Tony off. “You guys need a ride?”
Stephen shook his head, his eyes glued to Tony’s face, his entire countenance light and airy as he held the man of his dreams in his arms. “I’ve got it. We just - need a few more minutes.”
“Yeah,” Tony laughed, kissing Stephen’s cheek. “We’re just gonna sit here and make out. You don’t need to hang around.”
“Alright. But I’m gonna give you the obligatory ‘fuck with Tony and you fuck with me’ speech later,” James warned the sorcerer.
He got a small smile back from the doctor, and a nod of the head. “Of course. I’d expect nothing less.”
James smiled, flipping his visor down and taking to the air.
He loved Tony. He was his best friend, and he wanted nothing but the best for him.
Stephen Strange was damn lucky he was the best.
So far.
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whereyoustand · 7 years
:. Better .:
“Can u do a one shot where Joe thinks all his friends like Zoe better?”
Joe laid in his bed. Unsure how to feel. First he feels sadness, then anger, then he feels pathetic.
He kicks himself for only just realizing over these couple of years. 
His friends only like him because of Zoe. They want to get close to her by getting close to him.
And so to escape the pain of realization, he goes to a club without his mates and drinks.
At first he takes 1 shot. That’s to forget the fact his fans noticed it before he did.
@/xoxosugg; lol I’m pretty sure your mates like Zoe more lmaoooo
@/randomJoeck: look at 4:55, I can’t believe Jack and Josh look at Zoe like that and they’ve just met 😂😂
Then he takes another two shots and drinks a pint. That’s to forget all the jokes about liking Zoe.
“You know, I’d bang your sister.” “That’s so gross, Con.”
Then Joe has three more shots and a pint. That’s to forget about how stupid he was for falling into their traps.
Soon enough a girl is grinding on him and lazily kissing him. But Joe, even in his drunken state, doesn’t want to take her home because he would never take advantage of a woman. Whilst they dance, a hand forcefully grabs Joe and swings him around.
A fist meets with Joe’s face as he stumbles back, his drunken self not being able to himself up.
“That’s my girlfriend!” The big man yells. Joe being so small, looks around trying to find Jack or Caspar and then he remembers that he came alone. “Nothing to say?” The man shoves at Joe. 
“I- sorry.” Joe manages out because he can’t even process what’s going on.
“Sorry? I’ll show you sorry!” The man punches Joe in the stomach making him launch back and hold his stomach in pain. The man punches Joe in the face and the bartender quickly stepped in and the two got kicked out. 
Joe then got pressed against wall in the ally. More punches and kicks later, the man left Joe on the floor. Joe laid there for a couple of minuets. He eventually got up and pulled himself up.
He reached for his phone is his pocket and pulled it out seeing a crack at the top right corner. 
“Shit.” He muttered.He unlocked his phone and looked on through his contacts. 
Six texts from Zoe. Eight from Caspar. Four from Alfie. There were about twenty one missed called. He wiped his nose and got blood on his newly bought white long sleeved shirt. He had a gash on his face and was bleeding.  He didn’t know what to think or who to call. He was so out of it. He pulled out his phone and suddenly dialed for an Uber and was rushed to hospital.
He woke up in hospital and saw a blinding whit light. He instinctively reached for his head to wipe the sweat that rested on his head but flinched as his fingers came into contact with his skin.
He looked around and saw a sleeping Zoe and Alfie. Joe’s heart rate increased as he noticed none of his friends were there. He hated hospitals and he hated the anxiety that was caught in his chest. He reached for his throat and another hand into his hair. The heart monitor racing caused him to panic even more as the pain settled in and nurses ran in abruptly waking up Zoe and Alfie in the process. 
After Joe was calmed down and given some pain killers, Zoe spoke up.
“What happened Joe?” Zoe asked.
“What are you talking about?” Joe asked wiping his head.
“What am I talking about? Joe you were hurt, seriously hurt! You were drunk out of your mind and hurt? What am I talking about? I want to know what the fuck happened to my brother!” Zoe snapped, tears running down her face. She wasn’t one to get angry usually just upset and it’d come out like anger. That’s what this was.
Joe sunk into his pillow and let the tears escape. 
“I wanted to forget.” Joe asked. “Drinking felt like an eternal escape.”
“But why? Why did you need an escape?” Zoe cursed. “I’m your sister, shouldn’t you be able to talk to me?”
“Zoe calm down, Joe talk to us.” Alfie spoke up and grabbed his lover’s hand.
“They hate me.” Joe whispered.
“Who hates you, Joe?” Zoe walked and sat next to her brother.
“All my mates.” Joe admitted. “They’re using you to get close to me.”
“No.” Zoe said. “They are your friends.”  “No they are not! They hate me, they love you just like everyone else does. I’m just your brother! Your pathetic younger brother that makes a living of his friends and family!” Joe yelled. “I’m so pathetic!” “You’re not. They love you for you, Joe. Okay?” Suddenly, Caspar walked in.
“I like you for you, Joe, okay?” Caspar said. “I don’t like you because of Zoe. Yeah, she introduced us but you’re you! I wouldn’t be roommates with you if I didn’t like you.”
“But I-”
“Joe, we love you for you.” The doctor walked in as they all finished speaking. He informed Joe of his injuries which included a broken nose, a concussion and two broken ribs. He had stitches on his forehead and and had to rest for a couple of weeks before he could get back on track.
“Now Mr Sugg, the bar your driver picked you up at, you were kicked out for getting into a fight correct?” The doctor asked as he wrote things on his clipboard.  “I um think so. I don’t really remember I drunk a lot.” Joe rubbed his head. “I think I was dancing with his girlfriend or sister or something.”
“Okay, well, a shopkeeper across the road said he took you outside and beat you up. Is that true?” “Yes.” Joe whispered, looking down. Zoe pulled her hand to her mouth as Caspar sighed. 
After all was done, Joe got his belongings and took a photo of him at hospital and explained the whole story to his followers who sent him get well messages. He did leave out why he was in a bad place.
@/Joesugg- I want to explain why I am in hospital. Don’t worry, I’m okay and will be out in a few days. If you are at legal age and have drunk, you might know what it feels like to get really really drunk. That’s what I done when I was younger. And I revisited that because I was in a bad place but I am recovering now. I was hurt and felt like I had no one to turn to but now I realize I do. I got into a fight with someone at a bar for dancing with their girlfriend and now I am in hospital because I drunk away my problems. I do not recommend it. It sucks and I was stupid. If you ever need someone to talk to, talk to a therapist, a friend, a family member or someone online. Talk to a fan account because you’ll both have at least one thing in common and that’s your love for whatever fandoms you’re in. I will be back in a couple of weeks but I just need rest. Stay safe everyone... Joe x
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