#pioneer plaque
30ahchaleh · 1 month
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چشم هایش را باز کرد و خودش را در جزیره تنها یافت
به افق چشم دوخت و تا چشم توان دیدن داشت آب بود و آب
نامه را در بطری ، نهان کرد و داد به موج دریا
چشم هایش را باز کرد و خودش را در گیتی تنها یافت
به آسمان نگاه کرد و تا علم توان دیدن داشت فضازمان بود و فضازمان
پیام را در لوح ، ذخیره کرد و راهی با یک فضا پیما
چشم هایش را باز کرد و خودش را در جمع تنها یافت
به درون نظاره کرد و تا ذات توان دیدن داشت هو بود و هو
طلب را در دل ، آه کرد و سپرد به دعا
چشم هایش را باز کرد و خودش را در اتاق تنها یافت
به مونیتور خیره شد و تا اینترنت توان دیدن داشت محتوا بود و محتوا
سوژه را در فایل ، جاساز کرد و در شبکه اجتماعی رها
چشم هایش را باز کرد و خودش را در … ـ
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پ،ن : در رابطه با عکس اول
قدیم ندیما یک دسته کارت فال حافظ داشتیم که روی آن نقاشی های استاد محمد تجویدی بود و پشت آن شعر های حافظ
هر سال به بهانه شب یلدا ، دور هم جمع میشدیم و پدر فال حافظ میگرفت
یادش و یادشون بخیر
کودک بودم و شیطون و بی‌عقل بیشتر از آنکه توجه‌ام به باطن شعر ها باشد به ظاهر کارت ها بود😅😈🤪ـ
در رابطه با عکس دوم
لوح طلایی ویجر ناسا که درون آن اطلاعاتی به صورت صدا و تصویر و متن از زمین و موجودات آن ذخیره شده است تا شاید به وسیله ی یک حیات فرا زمینی پیدا شود از ایران فقط پیام صوتی به زبان فارسی با عبارت «درود بر ساکنان ماورای آسمانها» موجود است البته لوحی که من گذاشتم حاوی صوتی متفاوت از ایران میباشد😝📀🎶ـ
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higherentity · 11 months
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Rock Music in the Empty Vacuum of Space
Among a representative collection of music from Earth, a rock song might seem like an odd ambassador
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Amongst recordings of classical composers Bach, Beethoven, and Stravinsky stood Chuck Berry's 'Johnny B. Goode'; which was deemed a controversial choice at the time since some claimed rock music was "adolescent". Sagan's simple reply?
"There are a lot of adolescents on the planet"
Sagan broke the news to Berry himself in a message penned on Berry's 60th birthday, now enshrined in the Library of Congress; letting him know that his music was now "two billion miles from Earth and bound for the stars".
"These records will last a billion years or more," he poignantly added; before expressing his admiration for the musical gift Berry gave the world.
Chuck Berry’s obituary
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afrikanessence · 2 years
Too sleepy to stay awake, too tired to go to sleep. I’m almost willing to let go, although… Shila Iris + Everywhere, the human mind races Everywhere the heart beats fast, even when it’s steady.You say you’re awake, but I know, you’re still sleeping. Rest well.
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mintytrifecta · 3 months
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 days
Resetting my "days since I've cried about space probes" tally back down to zero
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divinedeathbed · 1 year
i fucking love humanity and space. thinking abt.. thinking about the perseverence rover, lovingly nicknamed "percy" and the family portrait it has on it of the former rovers sent to mars 😭
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how we sent an ounce of clyde tombaugh's ashes aboard the new horizons space probe so he could visit the "planet" he discovered.
the pioneer plaques
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AND the golden record on the voyagers
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us screaming out to space hoping desperately to not be alone, that we are HERE HERE WE ARE THIS IS WHAT WE LOOK LIKE.
astronauts turning into artists after their time in space,,, ooughghg
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hyenaswine · 2 years
i need to try to sew the trans pioneer plaque again but i cant write it in my ideas notebook cuz it's way over there & im sleepy so im putting it in a post instead
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable was born in Saint-Domingue, Haiti (French colony) during the Haitian Revolution. At some point he settled in the part of North America that is now known as the city of Chicago and was described in historical documents as "a handsome negro" He married a Native American woman, Kitiwaha, and they had two children. In 1779, during the American Revolutionary War, he was arrested by the British on suspicion of being an American Patriot sympathizer. In the early 1780s he worked for the British lieutenant-governor of Michilimackinac on an estate at what is now the city of St. Clair, Michigan north of Detroit. In the late 1700's, Jean-Baptiste was the first person to establish an extensive and prosperous trading settlement in what would become the city of Chicago. Historic documents confirm that his property was right at the mouth of the Chicago River. Many people, however, believe that John Kinzie (a white trader) and his family were the first to settle in the area that is now known as Chicago, and it is true that the Kinzie family were Chicago's first "permanent" European settlers. But the truth is that the Kinzie family purchased their property from a French trader who had purchased it from Jean-Baptiste. He died in August 1818, and because he was a Black man, many people tried to white wash the story of Chicago's founding. But in 1912, after the Great Migration, a plaque commemorating Jean-Baptiste appeared in downtown Chicago on the site of his former home. Later in 1913, a white historian named Dr. Milo Milton Quaife also recognized Jean-Baptiste as the founder of Chicago. And as the years went by, more and more Black notables such as Carter G. Woodson and Langston Hughes began to include Jean-Baptiste in their writings as "the brownskin pioneer who founded the Windy City." In 2009, a bronze bust of Jean-Baptiste was designed and placed in Pioneer Square in Chicago along the Magnificent Mile. There is also a popular museum in Chicago named after him called the DuSable Museum of African American History.
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adaginy · 9 months
The Big Guide to Humans
Introduction: We cannot call this the "Complete Guide to Humans" because there are so many varieties and differences that it would be a lie. We are attempting, however, to make this as complete as we can, and that does make "Big" an accurate description.
Below is an image of humans that many species will be most familiar with. When the humans sent out a probe intended to leave their star system, they included it as part of an introduction to their species. Although humans reached occupied space well before their introduction did, this is inexplicably the most well-known image of them, despite being so simplified and culturally skewed as to be nearly inaccurate. That said, it provides a starting point. If your species does not use vision or cannot extrapolate a 2-dimensional drawing into 3 dimensions, please seek out a Pioneer Plaque Reconstruction attuned to your species' needs. Words presented in bold will have chapters with further detail.
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On <- this side of the image is a man, or male human. On -> this side is a woman, or female human. We are already deeply oversimplifying things and will explain human sex/gender better later. A man is on average approximately .7 LocalDistanceUnits high, and a woman approximately .6, but this varies widely. The humans rendered in the image are likely in the second quarter of their lifespan, and considered to be fully adult. Both are usually approximately symmetrical bilaterally, less so if your species can see internally. Their external surface is covered with skin that is mostly pliable (areas that experience impact or motion stress may turn harder) and sensitive to touch. We will start from the bottom due to image alignment reasons, but the most important parts of a human are near the top. At the bottom is their feet. Most humans have five "toes" at the ends of them. Though analogous to their more familiar hands and fingers, the toes are usually not particularly dexterous. Each foot is attached by a rotating hinged joint to a leg. The legs make up approximately half of the human's height, with a hinged joint in the middle, called a knee, and a rotating joint at the top that connects them to the torso. The legs are used for locomotion. The torso contains most of a human's internal organs, including the reproductive organs, which are attached to external organs between where the legs meet the torso. !! Humans almost never have these exposed as in the image. If their external reproductive organs are deliberately exposed to you, they are likely offering to mate with you, on the expectation that you want to mate with them. !! The small dot a little less than .1 LocalDistanceUnit above the reproductive organs is a "navel," an artifact of their birth process. It is unimportant except as a visual landmark. The area around it is often somewhat soft, and a human in distress may fold its legs upward to protect the area. The two dots further up the torso are "nipples." In women, they are the secretion point for glands that offer nourishment to humans in the earliest stages of human development. In men, they are an artifact of the development process. Women are less likely to have their nipples exposed casually when not nourishing young humans -- refer to the previous warning about external reproductive organs -- although some human cultures do not differentiate between male and female nipples, allowing both to be exposed. However, they are not to be deliberately touched outside of mating. Near the top of the torso are the rotating joints that attach the humans' arms. The arms are somewhat longer than the torso and end in hands, which themselves end in fingers: Four in alignment and one at an angle so it can be brought to meet the others. Humans use their hands and fingers to move, lift, or manipulate objects both light and heavy, to gesture in ways that add to language and communication, and as the focal point of their sense of touch. On a column above the torso is the human's head. It contains, from bottom to top, the organs for their sense of taste (the large single opening), their sense of smell (the small paired openings), their sense of vision (the two semi-contained moist balls), and their sense of hearing (a hole on each side of their head, surrounded by a flap of stiffened skin). Above the eyes, hidden in a productive shell, is the human brain. This is the organ that processes sensory information, thinks, and remembers. Humans would say this organ stores humanity, which we will adopt as a catchall term for the sort of thing you're likely reading this book for, if you aren't interested in their physical bodies. At the top of the head is a human's hair. Most of a human's skin has hair on it, and some humans having much more noticeable bodily hair, but the hair at the top of their heads is often thicker and longer than hair elsewhere. Many humans style this hair in cosmetic display.
--- As I write things, I will try to edit the original with links. Maybe. Every time I edit, I have to fix the bold text.
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livingforstars · 3 months
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Greetings from the Pioneers - June 30th, 1996.
"Launched in the early 1970s, Pioneer 10 and 11 were appropriately named - becoming the first spacecraft to travel through the asteroid belt, first to fly by Jupiter and Saturn, and the first human artifacts to venture beyond the Solar System. Having coasted through interstellar space, they carried with them greetings in the form of a gold anodised plaque, with symbolic drawings as illustrated above. The male and female figures are drawn to the same scale as the Pioneer spacecraft shown behind them. Immediately to the left is a map of the position of the Sun with respect to nearby pulsars and the center of the galaxy, while below is a drawing of the Solar System, indicating the planet of origin. In the upper left is a schematic of two fundamental states of the hydrogen atom. These diagrams, along with other details of the plaque, were designed by Carl Sagan of Cornell University, and are intended to be decipherable by spacefaring extraterrestrial civilisations."
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
Prompt: just a highly tattooed Beatrice. Anything. Maybe she’s in a band, maybe it goes to her teenage rebellion, maybe it’s your dads au and Bea always wears sleeves and one day Ava finally sees her ink… idk. Anything with tattooed Bea.
thanks for the prompt!
Beatrice hasn't worn short sleeves in the time Ava has been back. 
True, it's closing in on winter, but Malaga in November is barely any cooler than Brienz had been in June, and back then Beatrice had taken every possible opportunity to go sun's out, guns out.
Ava watches, curious, for some sort of sign, some clue to what Beatrice is keeping under wraps. She's been back for a week, almost, and they've kissed in quiet corners and in the back of the chapel, and once, in a fit of daring, in the confessional, Ava in Beatrice's lap admitting to myriad sins ("the Bloody Marys sold well, I just hated making them" and "I bought us new towels because I used ours to try and smother a stovetop fire" and "I spent half our time in Switzerland trying not to touch myself to the thought of you"). 
But they haven't gone any further than furtive makeouts and some over-the-clothes heavy petting – which, she has to remind herself, would be a mind-blowing development for June Ava. And Beatrice hasn't even rolled up her sleeves, which… The thought of Beatrice's forearms had constituted, like, a solid 64% of Ava's will to live while on the other side, but it's fine. She's fine. She can be very cool, very normal and definitely would absolutely not suffer if she never got to see Beatrice's forearms again.
She'd be totally fine. 
It's on day seven post-return that Beatrice slips up. She's been waist-deep in a van's engine compartment in between shouting matches with Mary across the garage, and stray curls of hair are slicked to her forehead with sweat. She rubs at her face and then frowns, unbuttons the placket at her wrist and starts to roll up her right sleeve. Ava feels like a Victorian gentleman about to pass out over the mere sight of a sliver of skin. She doesn't mean to, but she takes a step forward over the threshold of the garage, drawn towards the revelation of Beatrice's bare skin like a moth towards a flame.
There's a faint blue glow that grows brighter as Ava approaches, and Beatrice's head snaps up. She fumbles with her sleeve for a moment, an adorable crease between her eyebrows, but the cuff is caught on the knob of her elbow. She settles for linking her hands behind her back instead.
"Ava!" She chirps far too brightly for someone Ava had heard calling Mary a 'piece of fucking work' not two minutes past.
Ava takes another step closer. "Beatrice," she replies, soft. She'd raise a hand, but this already feels far too much like approaching a wild animal. 
Apt enough, though, as Beatrice's eyes very noticeably flick towards the exit. "Show me," she says, just as gently.
Beatrice's shoulders droop. "You would have found out sooner or later," she concedes. "It was only a delay of the inevitable in the hopes I would be better prepared to discuss it by the time the conversation arose."
She swings her arms forward, left hand finding the pocket of her coveralls, right coming out in front of her until her forearm is on display for Ava. 
It's a starburst shining divinium blue, a double handful of lines broken by tick marks emanating from a central black point. Ava can't help herself, doesn't want to stop herself from reaching out and dragging a fingertip down one of the lines. Beatrice's skin is warm beneath Ava's touch and the divinium sparks bright in response to the Halo's nearness.
"What is it?"
Beatrice clears her throat. "Pulsars are spinning neutron stars that blink on and off like lighthouses. When the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft were launched, they were sent bearing a plaque with this map on it – a map of the position of known pulsars relative to our sun. A map of lighthouses, guiding the observer here." She taps the central dot. "That's here, that's home, that's us," she says, in that slightly removed tone Ava associates with the oh-so-common occurrence of a 'Quotes with Beatrice' event. "On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives." Beatrice inhales shakily. "It was stupid, really, but I thought maybe it would help guide you back to us. Back to me. Back home."   
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Alternians use 'trolling' to describe harassment, the same way we do - but they also use it to describe their species.
If your culture forces you to be constantly antagonistic, it makes sense that it would bleed into your language. Trolls, it says, are antagonistic - not by behavior, but by definition.
The first cultural artifact seen by a troll - our Pioneer plaque - is going to be Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
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Oh, it's a proto-SBaHJ!
The comic is clearly modelled after Hussie's early art style, but beyond that, there's not much to say about it. It's not particularly funny or memorable - but that's the point. Dave hasn't found his spark.
Well, you would.
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Your alt-self is already awake on Derse.
I think you just took a peek through his eyes - and that fucking puppet was waiting for you.
TG: wheres this drawing you promised me [...] GC: http://tinyurl.com/FORB3NST1LL3R
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Terezi is responsible for Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff?
Fuck learning about Earth's culture, she's out here contributing!
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germanpostwarmodern · 3 months
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It is almost inconceivable that of any periods in time it was during the years of the Third Reich that sculptor Karl Hartung (1908-67) developed his first abstract works: in 1935 the „Durchlöcherte Form“ marked the beginning of a consequential processing of nature and figure that only ended with his untimely death in 1967. Strangely there is few profound literature available about the artist whose work spearheaded German art in the postwar decades. A rare exception is Markus Krause’s pioneering monograph/work catalogue „Karl Hartung 1908-1967: Metamorphosen von Mensch und Natur“, published in 1998 by Prestel: not only does it contain more than 800 sculptural works but also early works, furniture designs and some commissional works from the 1930s but it also features a detailed account of Hartung’s life and artistic development. Returning from decisive stays in Paris and Florence between 1929 and 1932 that saw Hartung admire classics of sculpture like Maillol, Despiau and Donatello he increasingly dealt with the abstract forms of Arp, Brancusi and Moore. While these works certainly were incongruent with Nazi art politics Hartung kept himself afloat with innocuous plaques or head busts, works that for the first time are presented and analyzed in Krause’s book. With the beginning of WWII Hartung was drafted for the Wehrmacht, a hard time that was only relieved by two travels to Paris where he met Henri Laurens, Picasso and Brancusi. Released from war imprisonment in September 1945 Hartung finally was free to follow the path of abstraction towards his own formal language that conveniently concurred with the Zeitgeist.
Markus Krause’s meritorious monograph and work catalogue for sure is the reference work on Hartung that beyond all obvious diligence also is a well-written, knowledgeable and very convincing piece of modern German art history.
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petermorwood · 1 year
Hi! Hoping to appeal to your sword knowledge. The sword front and center looks too big for a people, was it really something someone used to hit people with? The little not very informative plaque called the basket hilts claymores and the little ones two handed swords. I think I remember from one of your sword posts that the claymore is like that, but are the little ones really called two handed swords? They look like I could carry one fairly easily and I'm fun sized! @sarafinadarkhart thinks the claymores were used in conjunction with the two handed, one per hand but then they wouldn't be two handed... would be delighted by any light you would be willing to shed, thanks
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The information plaque needs re-worded for clarity, because those little brass-hilted swords definitely aren't two-handers!
I don't recognise their design, but they're part of the19th century "Neo-Classical" fad for Roman-style short swords.
Some had eagle-head pommels or curved crossguards, however the most popular design was issued by many countries.to their artillery, pioneer and engineer regiments: these four are (top to bottom) French, Russian, American and Swiss.
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The big sword in the centre of your photo is definitely meant to hit people. It, and the basket-hilts on the rack, and the three in these photos, are all "claymores".
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The word derives from Gaelic "claidheamh mór" and just means "big sword", because the basket-hilt and the two-handers (older than the basket-hilt by at least a century) were larger than the other swords of their respective periods.
I've seen occasional opinions that the basket-hilt should actually be called a "claybeg" (claidheamh-beag, small sword) because it wasn't as big as the two-hander. However, the Gaelic-speaking clansmen who carried basket-hilts at Culloden in 1746 called them claymores, and that's good enough for me.
If basket-hilted claymores were used in conjunction with something else, that would usually be a targe (small shield, sometimes with a spike in the centre)...
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...and perhaps also a dirk (dagger), held like this:
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The spike, if there was one, was often kept in a little sheath on the targe like the repro one shown here, and was screwed into place before battle.
Ridiculously oversized swords, though often claimed to belong to famous heroes or "giants", were in fact just for carrying in procession, hanging on the wall and generally Looking Impressive.
In this photo found on Reddit, the left sword is a Highland claymore (a weapon), the right sword is a Lowland claymore (a weapon) and the one in the middle is a parade / bearing sword (not a weapon).
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It weighs 10kg / 22 lbs (!)
For reference, even the heaviest swords-for-use weighed less than half that.
HTH! :->
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wisteriagoesvroom · 10 months
unnecessarily specific college!au f1 driver headcanons, part 3. professors edition!
(if you want to start from the beginning: part 1, the undergrads, here and part 2, more undergrad headcanons.)
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- major: archaeology (never graduated)
- left school in the final year to be a skydiving instructor and then went on a site dig in Central America in the early 2000s
- there’s a plaque with his name on campus because he’s climbed like 4 of the world’s highest mountains, gone in a submarine into the Mariana Trench, and discovered at least one new species along the way
- other claim to fame is being in the national newspaper’s crossword at the age of 23
- notorious for breaking the rules when on expeditions and skirting the line of safety but gets away with it because he’s a big name in the field and brings investment to his (sort of) alma mater
- appears once on campus to give an inspirational talk. doesn’t rehearse, switches it to a q&a format at the last minute, people enjoy it anyway (because it’s not rehearsed). George tries to strike up a conversation with him afterwards and Alonso just pawns him off to his PA
- wears a different coloured bandana to every dig/hike/expedition. hates closed toe shoes.
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- teaches: molecular structures in microbiology
- precise prof and a tough grader, but nice
- came over a competing college several years ago. people from that college say he was a demon and a notorious asshole when he taught there, but he doesn’t seem that way now.
- lando starts a betting pool about when Vettel will have a proper meltdown (it happens not when lando suspends the prof’s hole punch in a cube of jelly. it actually happens when charles and him cannot see eye-to-eye about the future of ocean conservation)
- wears ties with animals and insects on them. his favourite one is a gift from charles when charles graduates, it has bumblebees and his initials SV on it.
- alex digs up an article one day and everyone gawks at it because prof seb won some cross-continent European woodworking competition when he was 15
- nobody knows if he’s dating anyone, only to find out on the last week of second year that he’d eloped
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- teaches: philosophy of ethical economics
- has done several ted talks and is often invited to international forums with world leaders (like the WEF, Bloomberg Sustainable Investment Forum etc)
- there’s a student GC trying to predict what his hairstyles will be like every month, usually with 50% accuracy
- one of the first profs to pioneer public access to the private university via open university modules; definitely has a tie up going on with EdX or similar
- people think max will be the one to piss him off in seminars but it’s actually george who has deeply different opinions to prof hamilton on the issues of land tax
- famous for his induction / opening year classes which involve all students standing on their chairs in a circle and chanting an invocation until they can state the colours of their auras. it’s bizarre and somehow it works
- his TAs are the coolest people ever
- somehow fits a 36 hour day into 24 hours
- his spotify wrapped includes the hamilton soundtrack, britney, 90s rap, and Tibetan gong soundscapes on his 10 most listened of the year
- his favourite word is mobius. only him and nico know that this used to be their safeword.
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- taught: political economy
- former prof who went into industry and is now a venture capitalist
- used to be super close friends (“close” “friends”) with Hamilton. they went to the same prep school, rushed at the same finals club, were famous via the university debate team for their immaculate takedowns of other teams including a legendary debate final in their late 2000s student years
- had a massive falling out when rosberg decided to pursue a career instead of staying in academia
- feels a deep connection to andrew garfield’s portrayal of eduardo saverin
- similar to carla, dad’s name is also on a lecture hall, but nico had much more of an inferiority complex about it
- prof wolff once told him “i don’t see your future here ever surpassing prof hamilton’s”. Nico rage-quit once he had an offer from a VC firm and now Nico spends every other media interview subtly making digs about this
- somehow still lives in the same apartment complex as lewis though he drives a much better car now (a benz GTC roadster)
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