#pipette tip box
nettlestingsoup · 2 years
today feels like the correct day to mention that i have a plant on my desk named julius caesar. he is named this because when i first got him, his vines had been wrapped around a plastic knife stabbed into the soil so that they'd grow in the desired direction.
this system is now defunct (vines will, in fact, often grow however the fuck they want) but the knife is still there and i do not intend to remove it.
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shroomsnail · 6 months
no matter where i am, if i have to do any type of writing under pressure from an upcoming deadline, i WILL preferentially clean or organise the space in which i am currently existing.
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i can be so normal about people sharing my workspace ❤️ it's totally fine if you move everything i had carefully organized and leave a mess ❤️ i will not get upset ❤️
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guanshentai · 2 years
Pipette Tip Automatic Plug Cartoning Machine-Pipette Tip From Purchase to Use
  GST pipette tip automatic cork boxing machine equipment, pipette tip is an indispensable and important experimental consumable in the laboratory. Most experiments will have a pipetting link, and in the pipetting process, whether using a manual pipette or an automated pipetting workstation, pipette tips are indispensable. However, as the most basic experimental consumables, pipette tips have many points that need attention in the process of purchasing and using. Let's see if you have paid attention to the following points?
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  1. Selection and selection of suction heads
  First of all, in terms of materials, the pipette tips currently on the market are basically made of polypropylene plastic, referred to as PP, which is a colorless and transparent plastic with high chemical inertness and a wide temperature range. However, the same polypropylene will have a big difference in quality: high-quality suction heads are generally made of natural polypropylene, while cheap suction heads are likely to use recycled polypropylene plastic, also known as recycled PP , in this case, we can only say that its main component is polypropylene.
  In terms of specifications, in order to ensure better accuracy and precision, it is recommended that the pipetting volume be within the range of 35%-100% of the tip's volume.
  Finally, pay attention to whether your experiment requires low adsorption, filter or conductive tips to determine the accuracy of the experiment.
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  2. Pay attention to the use of the suction head
  When the pipette tip is used, the immersion angle of the tip should be controlled within 20 degrees, and it is better to keep it vertical.
  For samples at room temperature, tip rinsing can help improve accuracy; but for high-temperature or low-temperature samples, tip rinsing will reduce operational accuracy, so users should pay special attention.
  The pipetting operation should maintain a smooth and appropriate aspiration speed; too fast aspiration speed will easily cause the sample to enter the sleeve handle, causing damage to the piston and sealing ring and cross-contamination of the sample.
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  3. Adaptability of pipette tips
  Why are there so many brands of pipette tips? Which one should I choose?
  The first thing to note is that certain series of pipettes of some brands can only use their own standard tips, and other tips cannot be used. For example, Rainin's multi-channel pipette must use its own LTS tips; however, it is common that a pipette can use a variety of tips, but the effect of pipetting is different after installing different tips. . Generally speaking, the standard suction head is still the best, but some brands of suction heads are still good.
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foxscarf · 11 months
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Weekend is here! 🍂✨
Had quite a relaxed work day, but I still made progress on my project, and on deciding about my next one. I'm feeling good that I now fully understand the lab work I'll be doing in the next few weeks. And I'm pleased that I'm starting to practice having a work life balance! 🍁📚🌳🎒
(featuring my tiny desk plant Renée who lives in a pipette tip box)
23/100 days of productivity
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
A Perfect μl (Kabuto x Reader)
Synopsis: Always pitted against each other, everything became a competition. Despite how seamlessly you worked together, you were always looking out for number one.
Word Count: 1.5k
Tags/Warnings: @kakashiswilloffire​ Canon Typical Violence, Original Animal Summon​, Language
Notes: μl means microliter which is 1 millionth of a liter!
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A single, defining moment of your childhood stood out to you vividly.
You stood with your back straight, a smug look on your face as you held your slide out in front of you. Kabuto rolled his eyes, hands behind his back as he waited patiently for Orochimaru to check his work. The snake Sannin tsked at you; the slow shake of his head made you retreat the slightest bit into yourself.
“C’mon now, that’s no way to handle a sample,” he chided, and you placed the slide on the lab bench in defeat. Orochimaru picked up the 1 microliter pipette and swiped up your water sample completely with a single motion of his hand. He held the pipette up, studying the tip and the amount of liquid gathered in it. “See this line? That is about where the liquid should be for there to be one microliter.”
Orochimaru frowned and pipetted the drop back onto the slide. Discarding the tip, Orochimaru approached Kabuto’s sample. Kabuto squared his shoulders back, the expression on his face painted in smug self-assuredness as Orochimaru checked his pipetting job. The Sannin hummed in approval.
“See?” he held the tip up for you to see. “That is a perfect microliter.” 
As he pipetted the droplet back, you and Kabuto locked gazes, doomed to a life of eternal competition. Looking back, it was what Orochimaru wanted. Whether he wanted for the both of you to have the incentive to improve or if it was just a sick game at vying for his attention, it worked, even well into your adulthood.
Sirens blared in the night sky as Kabuto heard boots on the ground. He pivoted, looking up at the large tower that now lit up red. He gritted his teeth as a window burst twenty stories up, summoning smoke bursting out along with the broken glass. Your large animal summon glided through the air on extended ribs, taking off like a dragon as it eclipsed the night sky. 
Kabuto slapped his hand over his face, tightening the package he had secured under his left arm before he continued to run. He maneuvered around rows of cargo boxes, hoping that by sheer speed, he could escape before the enemy even mobilized. 
His hopes had been too lofty as a whole squad of troops swung around the corner. Kabuto’s knuckles were packed to the brim with kunai, and with one motion of his wrist, he took them all out as he continued on his way. He didn’t get too far before he was met with a counterstrike. 
The whirring of shuriken flying through the air was all it took for instinct to take over. He tucked himself into a roll, just barely avoiding the flying weapons as he ducked around another shipping container. Kabuto glanced up, noting the shadows that ran above him. On the lower ground, he was at a steep disadvantage. 
He rounded the corner, sliding a bit too far at his own velocity. His right hand hit the ground in an attempt to steady himself as he continued to run down the aisle. Kabuto’s eyes darted to his right and then his left as he mentally tried to calculate the compound's border. 
The alarms continued to blare in the background. An incessant ringing sounded as more and more of the enemy joined in the hunt for the thief in the night. 
Kabuto continued to run, his chest heaving and his heart pounding as he scrambled toward the hole in the fence the two of you had cut earlier in the night. But as he rounded the next set of cargo boxes, he was met with a dead end. Kabuto checked over his shoulder from out of his peripheral as he cursed to himself. 
In that instant, the light from the moon disappeared. Kabuto’s eyes widened the second he saw the shadow, and immediately dove to the ground. A flash of light sparked across the atmosphere, a horrible screeching of lighting jutsu filling the air with a cloud of grey smoke. 
You performed a double-dismount off of your summon, and when Kabuto’s head rose again, half of the enemy troops had been incapacitated. Kabuto scrambled to his feet and stalked toward you. You walked toward him, seeming not to have a care in the world even as panicked shouts resounded behind you. Your animal summon disappeared with a poof. His eye twitched, a few choice words already at the tip of his tongue.
Kabuto readjusted his grip on the bound box in his hand. You slapped your hand to its opposite side as he held the package up. It was instantly sealed away into a tattoo on your arm. The image of the box appeared on the back of one of your inked geckos. The little ink lizard traveled up your arm and under your sleeve. 
A volley of kunai sailed straight toward your back, each one falling out of the air with a quick release of your lightning power. The electricity sent a small shock into Kabuto’s palm as you gave him a swift high-five. He recoiled, running past you to take on the enemies to his front. You kept an eye on the figures on top of the shipping containers that hadn’t gone down. 
You worked seamlessly, despite your vastly different fighting styles. With his hands free, Kabuto moved acrobatically throughout the organized squadrons, chakra scalpels making precise and deadly cuts. Meanwhile, you covered the battlefield in a smokescreen. Electricity burst from you in jagged lines, causing bright explosions to pop across the battlefield. You covered Kabuto as he made his way to soldier after soldier, plucking flying weaponry from the air as the continuous booming of your electricity didn’t allow for a single second of recovery. 
As soon as the exit from the dead end was clear, you made for it, following hot on Kabuto’s heels. The two of you ran, the bursts of your jutsu keying the enemy into your location while simultaneously keeping you untouchable. 
With one turn, you could see the fence. 
A group of shinobi appeared in front of you. Kabuto charged in, swiping his chakra blade at the man in front of him. He didn’t see the man’s comrade behind him, the shinobi gearing up a kunai to strike while Kabuto was occupied. Kabuto’s eyes went wide instinctually as he willed himself to move quickly to protect himself. 
You were quicker, sending a bolt of electricity to strike the shinobi down. It cracked past Kabuto’s cheek, leaving a shallow, bloody line in its wake. He didn’t miss a beat, taking down the rest of the squad before the two of you made for the hole in the fence. 
You kept running, barely glancing at the chaos you left behind. Kabuto grumbled, wiping away the blood that trickled from his face. His only wound from the battle was from you.
“Watch where you’re aiming that next time.”
“Who said I was aiming?” you snapped back. “You should be thanking me for saving your life.” You lept into the trees, stomping on the thick branches below your boots. Leaves fell directly into Kabuto’s face.
“We wouldn’t have gotten into this mess if you hadn’t set off the alarm, you idiot.” A blue glow cast on the tree trunk next to you, and you narrowly avoided Kabuto’s chakra scalpel. Electricity sparked around you. The two of you continued moving forward to the rendezvous point. 
“Don’t ditch me next time, asshole.” The sparks cracked in the air. 
Kabuto charged at you. Lightning struck the tree behind him, causing a great creaking before the trunk completely tumbled over. You shot at him again and again as he approached, fending off your concentrated attacks with his signature jutsu. You sailed through the air backward, your stray bolts taking out all branches in your path. 
His foot caused your branch to bend forward, and you surrounded yourself completely with electricity in a single act of self-preservation. The large explosion leveled a few more trees, and in the smoke, you stopped on an adjacent branch. You spotted Kabuto opposite you, covered in soot and his tunic torn. 
“It saddens me to see the two of you fighting.” Orochimaru appeared next to you, arms crossed, as he shook his head in disappointment. “I came because I had a bad feeling, and look what I stumbled upon. You making such a ruckus—” He glanced over at Kabuto. “And you refusing to play well with others.”
The gecko tattoo crawled gingerly back toward your wrist. With a few signs and a swirl of your blood, you summoned the package back into reality. You held it up to Orochimaru with a certain amount of shame and sheepishness.
“We’ve secured the package.” Orochimaru gave it a once-over with a hum.
“Oh, I see.” His long tongue wrapped around the box, and as his jaw lowered, he swallowed the box whole. He glanced between you and Kabuto with a scowl. “You may have succeeded recklessly, but there’s still much to do.” Orochimaru took off into the night.
You and Kabuto made brief eye contact before you lept off after him.
Yeah, your next competition would be killing that son of a bitch.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: lmao the pipetting story is real, but I was Kabuto haha it was my last lab in undergrad and my partner was high-key salty about not having the “perfect microliter.” Also, writing the lightning nature is by far the most fun nature to write nothing can compare
Edit: OH YEAH the summon is a draco flying gecko
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antibio · 11 months
twick or tweat :)
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non sterile pipette tip box
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also being trained to take over this project is so interesting to me in so many ways. bc
i am quickly learning that i have to unlearn a lot of questionable habits from being accustomed to my last lab. apparently ‘pick up the micropipette tip from the recycled box of nitrile gloves and manually attach it to your pipette’ is not. how it’s supposed to be done
my supervisor and labmate are both so incredibly nice and helpful. i said ‘oh im sorry’ when i took an embarrassingly long time to open a microcentrifuge tube with my thumb (i’ve only used large centrifuges) and my supervisor said ‘no worries! you’re doing it for the first time!’
however sometimes when they start discussing their differences in certain lab processes i am literally just standing there like 💁🏼‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️
it’s a damn good thing i don’t have to worry about learning all of this in my first quarter of residency. if i had to learn all this And take my fundamentals course And have new repertoire in orchestra And potentially have to TA an upper division course. i would not have survived.
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loop-deloo · 1 year
no idea what album thing that anon was referring to but BOY DO I HAVE RECS:
hopping off their billy joel talk, MY personal favorite bj album is glass houses. some of his best work, everyone’s a banger. i feel like i have some credibility here being from long island, so i have many opinions about our boy billy and their all right.
other albums hmmm. i LOVE the kink’s village green. mystery jet’s twenty one is one of the best early band albums out there, the shit that they pulled being so new is INSANE. also the doors’ soft parade.
one of my favorite albums of all time has to be the lemon twigs’ go to school. it’s an experimental musical about a chimp raised by humans who experiences culture shocks and it’s insane. those boys are my everything, THE THEORY. THE KEY CHANGES UGHHHH
what else what else uhhh talking heads’ more songs about buildings and food is up there for me. moondog’s h’art songs. PAUL MCCARTNEY’S RAM THAT’S THE ONE THAT’S IT.
kinda went off oops my bad. these are just some off the top of my head 🤪 anyways love you let me know if you take a listen i love music talk <333
ok claude you sent this like a month ago, i’m so sorry. it takes me SO long to listen to albums bc i have to listen at least 5 times to be confident that i’ve actually listened to most of it. i get distracted :/ i’m sorry. anyway. i am very much working my way through
here are my thoughts so far but i’ll keep going later.
you definitely have lots more authority than me i’m from philly. tell me more opinions on bj though i’d love to hear. i think i was like a solid 8/10 on glass houses. good story. fantastic work album listened to it for most of the day while i organised boxes of pipette tips and inputted hours of mind numbing data oh my god. also some bangers for cleaning the kitchen. i liked you may be right (kitchen dancing). honestly i liked all for leyna even though it was giving slightly musical theatre vibes. just. solid. and erm also v much enjoyed sleeping with the television on. c’etait toi was very sweet and the smooth voice mm, his accent threw me off a bit but that’s my problem. and close to the borderline was a good second-to-last always brought me back when i’d zoned out. did catch myself singin along when my coworker came in the back room where i was which was. er. we’ll oh well (i can’t fucking sing).
ok i have to go now but i’ve been alternating village green and twenty one in the shower (i lost the songs a lot in here so my thoughts are really jumbled and half done but i’ll write me down soon) and making my sister play doors n lemon twigs in the car. bops. i drive in a car like maybe once a week though so it’s slow going. i will sit perhaps soon and report back.
jesus that was a lot. oh welll. there’s more coming ;D
p.s. thank for this message it’s been making me happy when i come back to it.
GIVE ME MORE (not just putting this on claude. all of u come broaden my horizons pls)
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cherenkovs · 2 years
poll for biochem mutuals: how do you pick where to start in a fresh box of pipette tips?
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vully-andthegoose · 2 years
my favorite thing about tlou episode 7 is when they’re at the college and ellie is poking around and says “there were definitely doctors here” and she’s looking at…an open (miraculously unspilled, like all 96 are still in there, HOW) box of pipette tips under a weird magnifying glass thing
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hitechtraders · 22 days
Your Guide to Chemistry Lab Glassware
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When it comes to scientific research and experimentation, having the right tools is crucial. Among these tools, chemistry lab glassware holds a special place.
Reliable, durable, and versatile, glassware is fundamental to any well-equipped laboratory. The fate of your experiment hangs in the balance, and the right chemistry lab glassware can tip the scales. From beakers to flasks, every piece of equipment plays a vital role in the scientific pursuit.
The Importance of Chemistry Lab
Scientists can't get much done without reliable lab glassware - it's the foundation upon which experiments are built, observations are made, and breakthroughs are achieved. You can't help but feel the weight of scientific progress when you're surrounded by it - it embodies the dreams, triumphs, and setbacks of chemical pioneers.
One reason glassware dominates the market is its trifecta of benefits: exceptional chemical resistance, remarkable thermal strength, and an affordable price tag that doesn't break the bank. Transparent glassware takes center stage in the lab, allowing learners to track even the subtlest changes in reactions and crystallization processes - and actually see the science unfold.
Types and Uses of Chemistry Lab Glassware
Chemistry lab glassware comes in many shapes and sizes, each designed for specific functions. Here's a look at some of the most commonly used glassware in laboratories:
Beakers: These are simple cylindrical containers used for mixing, stirring, and heating chemicals. Laboratory basics wouldn't be the same without them - they come in a range of sizes and are necessary for everyday lab tasks.
Flasks: Including Erlenmeyer and volumetric flasks, these are used for mixing chemicals and conducting reactions. Erlenmeyer's narrow neck safeguards your mixture, fending off evaporation, whereas volumetric flasks guarantee precision in every measurement.
Pipettes and Burettes: These are used for measuring and transferring precise volumes of liquids. When you're mixing chemicals, precision is everything, and burettes come in handy for accurate measurements during titrations.
Test Tubes: Commonly used for holding small samples, test tubes are essential for qualitative experiments and analysis.
Watch Glasses: These are used as lids for beakers, for evaporating liquids, and as containers for small amounts of solid substances.
Desiccators: These are used for drying substances or keeping them dry. They are essential for maintaining the integrity of hygroscopic chemicals.
Why Choose Chemglass?
Reliable lab glassware is a must-have for any chemist, and Chemglass reliably fills that need. Flawless quality is what you can expect from their products - no imperfections to worry about, just consistent results.
Chemglass glassware is designed to withstand rigorous laboratory conditions, including vacuum applications for multiple hours without leaks, thanks to its thick-walled construction. Whether you need beakers, flasks, pipettes, or desiccators, Chemglass products are crafted with precision to ensure accuracy and reliability in your work.
Their commitment to quality means you can trust Chemglass glassware to deliver consistent and dependable performance, allowing you to focus on your research without worrying about equipment failure.
Elevate Your Laboratory Experience
For scientists, technicians, and researchers, the right chemistry lab glassware is not just a tool but a critical component of their work. The clarity, durability, and versatility of glassware like that from Chemglass enable accurate observations and reliable results. Your research depends on the best tools, and high-quality glassware is no exception – with it, you'll see tangible progress and achievements.
If you're looking for cost-effective options that meet all your experimental needs, consider exploring their lab glassware collection at HiTechTrader. Their range of products ticks all the boxes for durability, precision, and affordability, ensuring you have the best tools at your disposal.
Don't compromise on quality—equip your laboratory with the best chemistry lab glassware and see the difference it makes in your scientific endeavors.
For more information about Gas Chromatography Machine and Analytical Chemistry Equipment please visit:- Hi Tech Trader
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susanlabnic · 29 days
Pipette Tip Box 121℃
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Labnic Pipette Tip Box, designed to hold 1000 µL tips with a 100-piece capacity, features a neutral-colored lid and box and autoclaves safely at 121 °C. Its portable and reusable design is equipped with a snap-lock clasp for security.
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Optimize Your Lab with Microlit's Precision Pipette and Filter Tip Box
Experience unparalleled precision with Microlit's Low Retention Pipette and Filter Pipettor Tip Box, designed for minimal sample loss and contamination prevention. This user-friendly, cost-effective solution is ideal for teaching labs, ensuring time and resource savings. Praised by experts like Elly York for its efficiency, Microlit enhances your lab's performance. Get yours today and transform your liquid handling tasks!
See more https://www.microlit.us/product-category/micropipette-tips/
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thebusinessmagnate · 2 months
Joerg Dreisewerd: Pioneering Operations and Expansions of World-Class Medical Equipment and Consumables at SARSTEDT in Brazil
The Business Magnate. Joerg Dreisewerd, Managing Director (Brazil) and Regional Manager (Latin America), SARSTEDT. A German-based medical equipment and consumables manufacturer and distributor, SARSTEDT manufactures cutting-edge and world-class equipment and consumables for the Medical or MedTech industries. Such manufacturing industries in the medical sector design different medical equipment and a diverse range of products for hospitals, research institutes, academic institutions, industrial facilities, and surgical environments. The manufactured products and equipment are used to diagnose, monitor, and treat diseases and other medical conditions. In this article, we will be shedding light on SARSTEDT’s first South American branch located in Brazil, and how its current Managing Director – Joerg Dreisewerd, initiated and is leading operations and expansions in Latin America. Through Joerg’s impactful strategies and implementations in achieving company goals and visions as well as pioneering operations in medical supplies in Brazil, the Managing Director has successfully positioned the firm as a global manufacturer and healthcare solutions supplier. 
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SARSTEDT – Company Overview:
SARSTEDT Group – the medical equipment and consumables manufacturer and distributor, is a German-based company with its head office established in Nümbrecht, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The company was founded in 1961 by Walter Sarstedt who laid the foundation for this now renowned and globally recognized family business. SARSTEDT Group has over 15 production sites all across the globe in Europe, North America, South America, and Australia. The company opened its first Latin American branch in 1998 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America, and this expansion to Brazil was yet another successful milestone completed by the company in that year following Europe in 1971, the US in 1973, and Australia in 1991. The SARSTEDT Group, a healthcare industry leader in Brazil commenced its sales operations in what is now the world’s largest health market in in the Latin American country. 
SARSTEDT Products Manufactured and Distributed: 
The worldwide partner in Medicine and Science – SARSTEDT innovates the type of medical and laboratory products and other equipment, establishing a goal to move people forward. The company is one of the leading suppliers in the industry and develops, produces, and sells equipment and consumables to markets all around the globe. The various equipment and consumables manufactured are all state-of-the-art, technology-integrated, safe, high-quality, and high-performance products. SARSTEDT’s medical equipment in Brazil are categorized from Diagnostics (pre-analytical processes), Laboratory (solutions for molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and more), and Clinic and Transfusion (clinical care), to Laboratory Automation (pre&post-analytical processes in clinical and microbiology areas). The various products developed and designed in each category will be mentioned below. 
Diagnostics – products for clinics, doctor’s offices, medical laboratories, and blood banks. Multi-safe Disposal Boxes and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Devices. Collecting, sampling, and storing material samples like saliva, blood, stool, and urine are also available in Sample Collection Systems/Products.
Laboratory – for applications in molecular biology, biochemistry, and cell biology. Following certified SARSTEDT quality standards like PCR Performance Tested, Biosphere ® plus, TC-Tested, and Cryo Performance Tested, the products manufactured and designed for clean room conditions and automated production processes are Reagent and Centrifuge Tubes, The Multiply ® PCR, Molecular Biology, Micro Screw Tubes and Reaction Vessels, Liquid Handling (transfer pipettes, serological pipettes, and pipette tips), Cell and Tissue Culture Products, General Laboratory Items, DNA-free Forensic Swabs, Stands, Storage Boxes, Air Samplers, Table Centrifuges with Swing-Out Motor, Mixing Systems/Devices. 
Clinic and Transfusion – for clinical care and transfusion product segments, the products designed in this category are Urine Drainage Measuring Systems/Products, Hygiene Utensils, Warming Devices of the SAHARA product group, Sterile Closing and Stripping Devices of Blood Bag Tubes. 
Laboratory Automation – for pre and post-analytical processes in clinical and microbiological laboratories in Sample Feeding, Sample Identification, Decapping of Samples, Aliquoting, Recapping, Sorting, Distributing, and Archiving. The products manufactured and designed are Tube Labelers, Tempus600 Sample Transport System, Compact Sorters, Modular Pre and Post-Analytical Systems/Products, and the S4DX System.
Joerg Dreisewerd – The Man Pioneering and Leading Brazil’s Operations:
Joerg Dreisewerd is the Managing Director at SARSTEDT Group’s Brazil operation branch and also Latin America’s Regional Manager. Joerg has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from the University of Applied Scinces for Business (FHDW) and was awarded best student in class during his MBA in Business Management from FGV – Fundação Getulio Vargas. The Managing Director started his career as Project Manager and later took on his current role at SARSTEDT Group Brazil in 2017. Joerg has worked in the healthcare industry for 15 years, and at SARSTEDT Group in Latin America oversaw a range of diverse responsibilities from company restructuring, turnarounds, and strategizing and implementing ESG actions in all three large, medium, and small businesses in the region. 
Initiating and leading SARSTEDT Group’s operations in Brazil, Joerg helped expand the the company’s position as a globally recognized manufacturer and distributor of hospital and laboratory equipment and consumables. By offering value-added products for customers, partners, and stakeholders of the management, Joerg envisions improving healthcare services and products regarding safety and quality. 
Joerg Dreisewerd’s Accolades from HarvardX:
Certification in “Improving Global health: Focusing on Quality and Safety”.
Certification in “LEAD1x: Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles”. 
SARSTEDT Group’s Achievements Under Joerg Dreisewerd’s Leadership:
Joerg helped facilitate an organizational and cultural transformational transition of the Brazil branch from a centralized management to a modern governance structure. This led the company to be awarded the “Selo Paulista de Diversidade” in 2022 “Great Place to Work” in 2023 and 2024. 
The Managing Director helped the company position itself as medical solutions supplier withing the country’s main healthcare groups and for this SARSTEDT was awarded the “Top 3 Laboratory Supplier Hospital Albert Einstein Group” in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023. 
The “Best Laboratory Supplier of Grupo Fleury” was also awarded from 2021 – 2023.
Awarded the “Premio ECO 2023” by the Amcham São Paulo – American chamber of commerce, for Joerg’s implementation of ESG strategies and actions that established SARSTEDT as a pioneer in a Circular economy Project for pre-analytical healthcare consumables called – Caixa Magica (Magic Box).
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/joerg-dreisewerd-pioneering-operations-and-expansions-of-world-class-medical-equipment-and-consumables-at-sarstedt-in-brazil/
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labequipmentindia1 · 4 months
Clinical Laboratory Lab Equipment Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters in India
The clinical laboratory is vital to a hospital's ability to treat patients. Bodily fluids from patients are analyzed for their chemical makeup and evidence of disease. The high level of complex equipment does require some hospitals to obtain service contracts for the support of clinical lab equipment manufacturers in India.
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A Complete Clinical Laboratory Lab Equipment List and Their Uses
Disposable Lancet:
Reliable Disposable Lancets for Accurate Blood Sampling
Convenient and Safe Disposable Lancets for Medical Procedures
High-Quality Disposable Lancets for Diabetic Testing
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Pipette Tip:
Precision Pipette Tip for Laboratory Accuracy
Durable Pipette Tips for Reliable Liquid Handling
Premium-quality Quality tips for Scientific Research
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Packing Envelope:
Secure Packing Envelope for Safe Shipping
Strong and Tear-Resistant Packing Envelopes for Mailing
Quality Packing Envelopes for Shipping Documents and Items
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Storage Box:
Versatile Storage Box for Organized Spaces
Durable Storage Boxes for Safekeeping Values
Space-Saving Storage Boxes for Home and Office Use
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Transfer Pipette:
Precise Transfer Pipette for Accurate Liquid Transfer
Easy-to-Use Transfer Pipettes for Laboratory Applications
Reliable Transfer Pipettes for Scientific Experimentation
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Digital Scale:
Accurate Digital Scale for Precise Measurements
High-Quality Digital Scales for Various Applications
Versatile Digital Scales for Home, Kitchen, and Laboratory Use
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How to use them and where:
Disposable Lancet:
Usage: Clean the finger with an alcohol swab. Twist off the cap of the lancet. Press the lancet firmly against the fingertip and activate it. Dispose of the lancet properly.
Where: healthcare facilities, diabetic patients at home.
Pipette Tip:
Usage: Attach the pipette tip to the pipette. Immerse the tip into the liquid to be transferred. Depress and release the plunger to draw or dispense the liquid.
Where: laboratories, medical facilities, research institutions.
Packing Envelope:
Usage: Insert items/documents into the envelope. Seal the envelope securely using the adhesive strip. Address and affix postage if needed.
Where: offices, shipping departments, postal services.
Storage Box:
Usage: Place items to be stored inside the box. Close the lid securely. Stack boxes for efficient storage.
Where: homes, offices, warehouses.
Transfer Pipette:
Usage: Squeeze the bulb of the pipette to draw liquid. Release the bulb to transfer the liquid into the desired container. Dispose of or clean the pipette after use.
Where: laboratories, medical facilities, scientific research centers.
Digital Scale:
Usage: Place the object to be weighed on the scale's platform. Read the weight displayed on the digital screen. Adjust the settings as needed.
Where: kitchens, laboratories, retail businesses.
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