kinda regret making Sheepsorrel a good brother to Nightfly because the angst potential of the Perfect sibling siding with the bullies and not wanting to be associated with his clumsy and awkward brother (because then surely the bullies would turn on him) and then Nightfly dies. And Sheep knows that he can never take back how he treated his brother, can never make up for what he’d said all those moons. But maybe he can try by helping care for Nightfly’s kits….something that he also fails in because Pipitfeather becomes a killer
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Myrtle and kits!
Just wanted to see them together~
Pipitfeather and Ashwing was born to Nightfly, Myrtle's ftm victim that he didn't realize had gotten pregnant. They have sister littermates as well. Both their designs are by @ambitiousauthor
Falleniris came next, with Tanglestar (ftm) being a surrogate to her and Waspbeak, Alder's bio son.
Lastly came Hemlockpine, the only kit that Myrtle's gay ass would ever have with a she-cat, only because he and Hoot were close enough to cover up a lot of the discomfort.
Base: CAT BASES 3 by ariamisu on DeviantArt
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Pipitfeather - a white tom with brown tabby patches
Family: Hailstar (father), Swanfall (mother), Wrenflight (brother), Finchsong (sister), Dovechest (sister), Stormwatcher (brother) Gender / Sexuality: tom / gay Personality: Focused | Driven | The underdog | The overlooked Backstory: Eldest son of the leader, no one really worried about him. The clan received a prophecy about his youngest littermate, Stormwatcher, days after his apprentice ceremony. Therefore all the rest of the littermates were overlooked. Pipit, Wren, Finch and Dove are resentful towards Storm, who fulfilled the prophecy by bringing a loner into the clan who was pregnant with kits. The kits are now apprentices, and Pipitfeather is mentor to the oldest; Cloudpaw. Stormwatcher is now the deputy, and Pipitfeather has always been actively supportive of his brother, but he’s the overlooked experienced warrior, much like Whitestorm in the canon series. He’s a gentleman, and most dont know hes gay, thanks to his focus on his clan work. Ideal Partner: Possibly someone also overlooked thanks to the prophetic cats, or possibly even a new prophetic cat, would also be cute with a medicine cat, he would also be right on for an interclan relationship Position | Clan: Warrior | Frostclan
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could you imagine if Ash ever went to the DF for whatever reason (maybe to tell Pipit that he forgives him)
only to learn that Wasp and Fallen were hurt because him, Wasp directly.
And Wasp sadly tells him that he thought he could trust him because he was family. Ash says that he thought the same thing.
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I wonder how Pipitfeather, the kit Myrtlewing never cared much about, feels about Falleniris, the kit Myrtlewing loves
..or about the fact that Myrtle manipulated and killed Pipit’s other father, but loves the family he raises Falleniris with.
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ooooooooooooooooooooooooo just had a thought
Brokenwhistle is the outcast of the family. Many crimes are accepted, but turning on the family--kit kin especially, is immediate cause to disown.
And another family member outcast? Pipitfeather.
Maybe Pipitfeather tried to get Broken to join his plans. Broken refused, and went to the Eye-Out family. That's why they were able to save Fallenkit and Waspkit when they did.
It may have been enough to give Broken another chance. He lives mostly on the outskirts of the Wooden Teeth. Redjay visits him almost daily (kinda funny, since Redjay caused him so much mental trauma)
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Dark Forest Resident: Pipitfeather
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Aliases / Nicknames: Pip, Pipit
Gender: tom
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: Myrtlewing, Nightfly (biological fathers), Hawksplash (grandmother + caretaker), Blacksong (grandmother), Buck, Nightdrift (grandfathers), Marblegaze (great-grandmother), Redjay (great-grandfather), Bella-May (great-great-grandmother), Houndtooth (great-great-grandfather), Stubs, Lamb, Whistler (great-uncles), Grebewing (grandaunt), Greydusk, Lightstream, Swanmist, Brokenwhistle (granduncles), Sheepsorrel (uncle), Tadpolekit, Songkit (cousins once removed), Poppystone, Frostwatcher, Rosepelt, Snailnose (sisters), Ashfoot (brother), Nightbloom, Swiftstrike,Thistlebriar, (nephews), Flamesoot, Redswoop, Frondfrost (nieces)
Other Relations: Pepperfoot (mentor)
Clan: Windclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: kills out of boredom, manipulative
Number of Victims: 30
Number of Murders: 30
Murder Method: talking into fighting, wounds (indirectly), snapping neck, bashing head with rock, drowning, poisoning, tearing
Known Victims: Flashpaw, Applepaw, Ashfoot, Whiskhill, mother of Applepaw, Flashpaw, and Whiskhill, unnamed Clanmates, Clan cats, loners, and kittypets
Victim Profile: cats he could manipulate, his brother
Cause of Death: blinded by pepper spray, hit by a monster (car)
Cautionary Tale: ??
His caretaker was almost always busy. With five kits running between her paws, and a young queen that needed help with her kits, how could she not be? 
Hawksplash was a caring she-cat, and she loved her grandkits dearly, but she could only do so much. Giving all kits enough attention to keep them happy and alive was enough work on its own, but to keep them all happy, alive, and with a lot of personal attention? All while she was grieving for her son? It was simply impossible.
So Pipitkit found ways to entertain himself. More often than not, that ended up with something that got him into trouble. Leading a patrol of kits out of the camp, making a game of ‘who can hide in the warriors den the longest?,’ tricking the younger kits into eating ‘berries,’ which were rabbit droppings.
But there was an upside to all of them, and that was the more trouble he got in, the more attention he got. With a reputation as a troublemaker, Hawksplash had to keep an eye on him, more than the others.
However, he found out pretty soon that that wasn’t as great as he thought it would be. Initially, he created trouble for the attention, but he came to like it, and now that he had attention, it was harder pulling off those things he liked.
Stars, he was bored.
As an apprentice, he had some more freedom, but there were still rules, like how you couldn’t go out without a mentor, how you had to wake up early and go to sleep early.
He did it because he felt like it. It was easy enough to talk the other apprentices into sneaking out of the camp with him--and talking those that refused into keeping their mouths shut. 
They crossed the border and raided the Riverclan camp. Well, they did. As soon as no one could see him, Pipitpaw returned happily back to camp, feigning shock when the young cats were returned by a very angry Riverclan patrol.
Luckily, no one was willing to rat Pipitpaw out. They couldn’t without getting themselves in trouble. The apprentices who stayed knew and said nothing, the ones who left listened to a denmate and attacked another Clan on their own. So many of them were already hurt. It would just be mean to get another one in trouble, wouldn’t it? And it would be wrong to risk Pipitpaw’s training now that Riverclan was angry with Windclan.
These were the points he made to them. Even when Flashpaw succumbed to infection following her injuries, he made sure they kept quiet, that is while he wasn’t being nuzzled by Hawksplash for being ‘such a good Clanmate’ for staying behind.
But there was another, very critical point.
Flashpaw was dead because of him.
That was the most fascinating thing of them all. 
It also made him curious. Flashpaw was dead, yet he convinced her littermates and denmates not to detail to anyone why. They had to just live with the guilt of knowing, having that regret trapped inside with no way of relieving it. 
So, so fascinating indeed.
He found out soon enough how lies could slip from his tongue like honey. Two moons before he was due to become a warrior, with more freedom now, he convinced Applepaw, Flashpaw’s brother, to practise a secret move with him to impress their mentors.
Their movements became smooth as they did. Then one day, without warning, Pipitpaw switched his movements. Applepaw was caught off-guard, not expecting or prepared for Pipitpaw’s paws around his neck. 
Pipitpaw was oh so horrified when he found the body.
But it wasn’t the first time a cat has mysteriously died in the Clans. And why would anyone suspect Pipitpaw, who hadn’t caused trouble since he was a kit? Stars, he was one of the very few who stayed back when his denmates went and attacked another Clan!
He never thought of hurting his family before, but his littermates weren’t idiots. Ashfoot especially. 
The tom couldn’t talk to another cat without Pipitfeather there by his side, and he wanted to turn on his brother over something he couldn’t prove? 
Pipitfeather tried to talk him out of it, but Ashfoot wouldn’t listen. 
He chased him through the moors. Ashfoot’s higher speed almost allowed him to get away, but his paw slipped into a hole, breaking his leg. He had cried and begged for help. Pipitfeather made sure to make it quick, and smashed his head onto a rock.
Pipitfeather, much as it saddened him to do so, buried him, then ran back to camp in a panic, saying how he couldn’t find Ashfoot, how he had told him that he wanted to become a kittypet, but he didn’t think he was serious. 
When asked why, Pipitfeather let it ‘spill’ that Ashfoot had admitted to accidently killing Applepaw, and couldn’t let himself live as a warrior when Applepaw could never receive his name.
That was the only thing in his life he ever felt bad for.
He couldn’t hurt anyone else for several moons. When that time passed, he killed Whiskhill, sister to Applepaw and Flashpaw. Then he moved onto their mother. 
After that, he told the apprentices that were talking about how the Clan should attack Thunderclan that they definitely should listen to their leader and definitely shouldn’t attack the Clan on their own, even if they were already so well trained, and there were a lot of them, and Thunderclan wouldn’t fight back too hard because they were all apprentices....
That attack proved more fatal than the last. Two apprentices died at the scene, another slipping from life as they dragged her back to the moors.
Pipitfeather found it amusing, but it wasn’t as entertaining as it used to be.
So he shook things up, trying new things. Killing Clanmates, cats from other Clans, loners, kittypets.
Kittypets were the easiest. They had no survival training, no knowledge of how it was like to fight for survival until it counted.
But he didn’t count on the fact that they knew things he didn’t. He didn’t see, for example, that strange Twoleg using a small, rounded object to spray something at an aggressive dog, making it back down.
Of course when this killer began to prey on them, they would fight back. 
Pipitfeather unknowingly chased a tom to where a group was hiding, ready to pounce. They held him still as they aimed the object, held the flap down with a tooth, and released.
It wasn’t enough to kill him, but it certainly was enough to blind him. He wobbled away, disoriented, unsure where he was going, and in too much pain to pay attention to any of his senses, even if his vision could work.
He wasn’t aware of the Thunderpath, or of the monster barreling towards him.
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Additional Information:
--Character designed and named by @ambitiousauthor​
--They ‘used’ a pepper spray, but couldn’t kill him with it and could only do so much with it as cats. Hence, the car.
--Also possible they stumbled with the pepper spray and he almost got away.
--He’s beefy in spite of being the runt, so his shy siblings look to him for comfort.
--I imagine Whisk, Apple, and Flash are the kits of the queen Hawksplash helped.
--Ref by Turukhan.
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working on My Idea for Blue's surviving kits
and I think a fun way for the Eye-Out fam's kits to find out what happened for Blue
is for Blue's kits to assist Pipitfeather in his attack on Waspbeak and Falleniris
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*crawls out of the 80k words I’ve written in less than three months* so what happened with Pipit?
lmaoo welcome back
I imagine he always thought that Myrtle just didn't care for his kits, which is why the older litters weren't bothered, but then he saw Myrtle being loving with Fallen and Wasp and thought oh what the fuck.
and Pipit begins earning the kits' trust without anyone else knowing and attacks them after luring them away.
Pretty much everything that was said in the posts before, Pipit attacks them, dares Myrtle to kill him like he killed his father, Myrtle (though he wouldn't mind killing him) decides to focus on the kits instead.
Pipit plans on jumping him, but is attacked by (Grouse?) who rips his throat out.
Seeing that will cause so much trauma for the kits
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Waspbeak’s scars!
I imagine that while Pipit’s claws are long, Plague’s are bulky. I also imagine that Black and/or Worm help him with the torn-lip thing, maybe with encouragement that it doesn’t matter how it looks, how to help the pain, etc.
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Editied to add scars to the other side
Pipit gave them to her too after biting into her leg as he grabbed her while facing against Myrtle right before Grouse tackled him from the side. 
Both sides are healed, they’re just a bit dented and definitely scarred.
Wasp’s scars suggested by @starfalcon555​ (lip tore was mind tho)
refs by turukhan
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Confusing Lack of Feelings (short story)
Fallenkit tried not to make her discomfort obvious, but her whole body was tense, ready to spring at a moment’s notice despite the fact that she knew–she knew–that she was safe in her dad’s embrace. She wasn’t discreet enough. 
Myrtlewing paused his grooming. “What’s wrong?” he asked, because he always has to ask when he notices someone of the Eye-Out Thorns is unhappy. Why does someone like him care? 
Pipitfeather died just over two moons ago. Myrtlewing hadn’t so much as shed a tear.
“Nothing,” she mumbled back.
“You lie as well as your father,” Myrtlewing told her gently. Too gently. “Would you mind not making me pry like he does before he admits that something is bothering him?”
Fallenkit sighed. Sitting up, she turned to face him, his paws still stretched out on either side of her. Her voice was scratchy as she spoke. “Was he really your son?” They had looked similar enough.
Myrtlewing’s eyes remained blank. “In the blood sense, yes, he was. I didn’t know he even existed until he arrived here as an adult, however.”
“Does that make a difference?”
Myrtlewing shrugged. “It does for me.”
“Would you not care if you met me as an adult?”
Myrtlewing’s eyes widened only a fraction as he realized his mistake. “I don’t know,” he answered. “But I would like to get to know you. And I love you the way you are now, adult you would be the same, only with more great traits for me to love.”
Fallenkit wished that what he was saying was helpful. She knew that it was kind, endearing, but she also knew her dad was a wonderful liar, and that everything he was saying could be utter dung. “Do you not love blood?” She still didn’t understand why she was so different, why Myrtlewing was so furious about seeing her hurt at the same time he stared at Pipitfeather’s decaying, dying form without a twitching whisker.
“I don’t think blood is everything,” Myrtlewing answered. “I didn’t love Pipitfeather, he never bothered talking to me. I did respect him, because if he is my kin then he is good, until he attacked you. There was nothing for me to love or respect then.”
Fallenkit wished that she could shake her head and have all the jumbled thoughts she had spill out of her ears, so that her dad’s words could fill the space and make sense. She knew it should, she knew it sounded reasonable, and she knew that her mind was so overfilled with confusion that more words only added to the collection instead of dispersing it.
She wasn’t even sure if her dad’s lack of emotion was what bothered her the most. It was her own.
She had been comforting by many healers–Myrtlewing, Fleathistle, Shiverrose, even Pumpkinpatch who also hates her father, every one of her kin from great ancestors to siblings, and her aunt Ferndoe. They had all said the same thing, that they understood she was hurt and confused, that it was okay to cry.
The problem was that Fallenkit only felt the confusion in addition to anger. She was angry at Pipitfeather and all those cats, most dead again now, for tricking her, for earning her trust and shattering it so that she looked like a fool. She was angry because they had hurt her and Waspkit for revenge they had nothing to do with. She was confused because that is the only thing she felt, and she was confused because Myrtlewing seemed to feel nothing, besides his concern for her.
Waspkit was still having nightmares. He still didn’t like talking about what had happened.
Fallenkit only had bad dreams for a few nights before they went away, and her reaction when she woke up was no where near as intense as Waspkit’s wailing. He cried about being attacked and witnessing Pipitfeather’s horrible death. 
Fallenkit didn’t think seeing it had been a huge deal until others started to say that it was.
What was wrong with her?
Her dad was the same. She knew that much, they were open about it, how he had trouble feeling things unless it was for those he already cared deeply for–that itself also confused her. How could you care deeply for someone and care nothing for another? How do you begin to care deeply for someone if you feel nothing for them to begin with?
Was it really a blood issue? Did she get it from him, or because he raised her?
If she talked to someone else in her blood, someone not on his side and who felt things, who was normal, perhaps she could be normal then, too.
She had been silent for a while in her thoughts, so Myrtlewing had resumed his grooming. After a while longer, he began to doze off. His chin rested on her back. Carefully, she slipped out and began moving through the thorns to the outside. She was almost there when behind her, someone spoke.
“Where are you going?” Wolfpool asked. He and his siblings, as well as their parents–everyone in the family, in fact–had temporarily moved back to the main den after the kits had been attacked. Fallenkit should be grateful for it. Yet she felt nothing.
Of course she should have known that they would be extra ditiligent. There were multiple guards keeping watch on each side. Fallenkit wasn’t allowed to leave without an adult. 
Wolfpool was an adult.
Debating on a lie, she decided to tell the truth. Wolfpool looked at her, then looked around them. “Okay,” he said more hushed, “duck under my belly so they won’t see you.”
Fallenkit did was told. It was difficult to manuver around the remaining branches that blocked their path, and to move as fast as her nephew while mud sucked all along her legs. She stayed hidden while Wolfpool asked anyone who passed them for directions, until at last they stopped at a large rock. It was tilted, leaning heavily against another, with vines draping down the entrance.
“Hello?” Wolfpool called.
A young, black tom with orange and bright flecks stepped out. He raised a brow. “Uh, yes?”
“Is Tanglestar here?” Fallenkit asked, stepping out.
The tom blinked at her. He turned to face the entrance. “Tanglestar! You have–uhm–visitors?”
There was shuffling, and a mumbling response, then a sleepy black tom with bigger orange and white splotches stepped out into the red light. When his eyes met Fallenkit’s, they stretched wide.
Fallenkit held his gaze firmly. “Are you my other dad?”
--Fallen calls Alder “father,” Myrtle “dad,” and Grouse “papa.”
--The Pipitfeather thing happened 2+1/2 moons ago. Fallen and Wasp are about 3+1/3 moons old, roughly.
Fallen is a ‘wise beyond her years’ kit while Wasp is a sweet baby.
--Remember how I said that Fallen feel nothing like Myrtle does, but questions it? Here we are!
--Taglist: @ambitiousauthor @wills-woodland-warriors @umbranoxs @starfalcon555 @liberhoe @elementaldeityoffood (if you weren’t tagged it’s most likely because Tumblr doesn’t tag some usernames for some reason, not because I forgot or don’t care!)
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Since Falleniris's scars are long, Waspbeak's should be wide
like three very large and wide scars covering his hip, flank and shoulder
maybe an extra over his eye
That works!
Maybe a top lip is torn too. The wound wasn't so bad, but more had to be removed cause infection spread.
And what if the gang that took them wasn't just Myrtle's enemies? Alderstar killed almost just as much, and Waspbeak is his son. So what if the one who attacked Wasp wanted revenge on Alder?
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just a thought
why does Pipitfeather only have to attack Falleniris?
Waspbeak should also be attacked by Pipit and get some trauma
sibling bonding through trauma
Fallen was targeted because she's Myrtle's bio kit while Wasp is Alder's but...you know he could want to attack the kit that's not even biologically Myrtle's when he is and he wasn't raised by him
Now I picture Pipit 'bonding' with them, gaining their trust without anyone else knowing and then luring them far, promising he's gonna show them something really cool. And then he attacks and they try to fight back as much as they can (which isn't much) and it's a ticking clock with the family arriving
Even if Myrtle doesn't win the poll, I still want Pipit to say the line of 'kill me like you killed my father' so maybe Myrtle almost does, but decides to make sure his kits are okay first.
and then maybe Pipit calls him an idiot for turning his back, and Myrtle makes some response that's basically some for of "no u" and the other cat that wins the poll jumps out and tears Pipit's throat out.
Thank you for the ask and for having me go off
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I kept picturing Pipit attacking Fallen as an adult, but if he did it while she was a kit / young apprentice? That would have done some real damage
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What if Pipitfeather gets really bitter
>Pipit attacks and scars Fallen badly, trying to kill her
>Pipit is then killed (possibly by Myrtle? And then Pipit would say something like “go on, kill me like you killed my father”) (or someone else in the family, like the protective brother, Perchclaw who never killed anyone before??)
>Really affects Fallen. Not so much that he tried to kill her, because she didn’t really know him and this is the DF, but because of why.
Pipit wanted her dead because he was jealous Myrtle loved her and not him. Does that make Myrtle, who she loves and always thought of as a good father, actually a bad father?
Why does he love her and not him? Does he really love her or just feels affection toward her because his mate does? Would he even care about her at all if he didn’t plan on having her?
(Tagging you again) @ambitiousauthor
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Because Bella-May loves her family, I bet she spends time with Pipitfeather, the kit Myrtlewing forgot he has
Myrtlewing, walking up and seeing Bella-May groom Pipitfeather: hey Bella-ma, who’s this?
Bella-May: your...son??
Myrtlewing: my what now
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